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You are Satan, or better yet, an extension of Him


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2017
It's a very common mentality to seek for a savior, someone who will get us out of this mess, this is basically the core message of Xianity, waiting that someone from the sky will solve literally every problem of this planet. It's a weak mentality though and not a realistic one. It comes from a position of lack of power and lack of responsability.

It's very easy for us to look at the jews and blame them for everything bad that has ever happened to this planet, while we have no fault at all. Saying to yourself that we have no responsability and no fault, will make you feel better in a way, but at the same time it takes away power from you. There is this correlation between responsability and power that is an interesting one. While it's not easy to take responsability for something, it empowers you, you allow yourself to see that you have the power to change that situation and figure it out. While if you say to yourself you have zero responsbility for a bad situation, you may feel better in the moment, but you take away all your power to get out of it, because you yourself won't admit that you can.

I really don't think that it was 100% inevitable and already written that the enemy would be able to obtain the influence that they did during history and getting away with all the countless crimes they got away with. We allowed them to do it to an extent, as humans of this planet. The fact of how things work in nature is that no matter how "good", "nice" and "moral" you are, if you don't identify, fight and stop a parasitc enemy who is relentlessly trying to kill you, then the parasite will eventually kill you, even if it wouldn't be "fair" in your opinion.

Let's look at ourselves. We failed so many times in history. Sure many things were out of our control, but we could've done a much better job at preserving our civilizations. We were distracted with nonsense, while we should've been focused, we were too stupid and too lazy to identify the enemy's conspiracies, when it came to defend our land and what was important to us we were too weak and distracted to do it. It's easy to think that it was all inevitable and there was absolutely nothing we could do about it, and in fact some things were certainly out of our control, but I think we as humans collectively could've done a MUCH better job overall. This is just my opinion on this, I'm not an HP, so take everything I say as just my view of things and feel free to disagree.

One thing I'm starting to get convinced about more and more is that things are much more uncertain, subject to change and influence than what one might think. Things are not already written, what we do as individuals and collectively has a massive influence on our reality.

This is our planet to claim. Stop asking when will Satan do this or that. You are Satan in this dimension, not literally of course, I'm saying you represent Him and his cause, and this is YOUR planet to defend.

Imagine a world with no jews. Zero jews. You think the Grays and the Reptilians would be able to exercise this level of influence on this world? You think that from another dimension they would be able to cause wars, control the economy and commit genocides? Obviously not, they act through the jews. Say what you want about the kikes, they are people of action, or rats of action I should say. They have been doing spells and magick for centuries and centuries, but did they stop and wait that it would all manifest out of nowhere? No, they went to action, they infiltrated, they enriched themselves, they got into politics and established themselves in every sector. They have been extremely active on the material plane. I hate to use them as an example, but it's something to think about.

Refer to HP HoodedCobra's recent sermon on this. Material and Spiritual should go together. You have to have courage, get yourself out there in the world and only then you can expect things to happen. Another example can be Hitler and his party. They surely did relentless spiritual work, but they coupled it with relentless work on the physical plane and they achieved incredible success in a very short time.

Xianity really weakened people's mind. Opinions like "if it's meant for you, it will find you", "trust Jesus, he will save us all", "stay away from power, it corrupts your soul" etc are very common. Non-action and powerlessness are seen as a virtue and encouraged.

Power doesn't corrupt, it only shows how corruptible you are. It gives you a chance to show your true character. Many people go through life without ever being really tested, and they think they are good people, but you can only really know when you are really tested.

Thanks to this brainwashing and programming of "stay away from power at all costs since it will corrupt you", good, moral and intelligent men never seek it, because they are afraid. While literally the worst people on the planet hold almost all of it and keep getting more and more of it.

Power is necessary, very. In every form. Material and Spiritual. As a Satanist you are encouraged to pursue it, while at the same time being guided by the Gods and their wisdom, this goes without saying. Money is nothing but the power to manifest your desires on this physical realm.

Imagine as a man your children are sick, but you can't do anyhing about it because you were too scared to enrich yourself, because "money corrupts you". Or being too weak to defend your family and your land because "power" is dangerous in your opinion and you prefered remaining a cowardly powerless weakling. It's unacceptable.

Read, understand and meditate on the 10 Year Plan posted by HP HoodedCobra. If you can enrich yourself, do it. If you can acquire an important position, go for it. We have to reclaim this world and we won't do it from a couch.

This doesn't mean doing something stupid, reckless and putting yourself in danger. Our moves must be like those of a chess master. Calculated, pragmatic, intelligent. We must be silent and keep secrets when necessary. Have common sense basically.

This is the message of Satanism, becoming strong and self-reliant. Why would the Gods even help us if we show no interest at walking the journey towards this? It doesn't make any sense, we have to show them that we are worthy of their help.

Humanity has so much potential for greatness. We have so many geniuses, so many talented people, so many driven people, so many hard working and capable people. One advantage that the enemy always had over us is that they are organized and they have a direction. We lack these. We need leaders to enlighten, inspire and unite the masses towards the right direction. You can very well be one of them. Don't be scared to think big. Imagine if Hitler was scared of thinking big and being ambitious, or Alexander the Great, Napoleone Bonaparte and so on. Don't be afraid of being labeled as "delusional", you have all the means to do something great under the guidance of the Gods. Firstly, you must believe you can though.
We need to take organizing our knowledge to another level.
Create beginner friendly guides, articles that wouldn't distant even the most brainwashed people. Show as much proof, data, etc, as possible.
Expanding the Exposing the "exposing Joy of Satan".
Propagate JoS on every existing platform, with short but very informative posts. Or just the truth, it doesn't even have to be the JoS directly.
And in the meanwhile, perfecting our existing sites, looking out for our community, etc.
I love your post! I tend to portray myself as an anarchist inside and out and I try to plant seeds in people's mind on how to find their own power, truth and thus become free and independent in a every way. This I feel is the best way to wake people up to how backwards the world is. What you mentioned about being wise and not revealing your true intention behind all things speaks volumes to me.

I do wonder about things like karaoke. I like to sing 'War Pigs' sometimes as this relates to my feelings about politicians and the world in many ways; however, it does have many parts that support a xianist point of view. A similar thing could be said about 'Imagine' by John Lennon (a known kike). I've learned to put myself in void meditation and not let it affect me, focusing only on the positive aspects of it. That's a notable challenge in our world; lying to others in some small way about certain things in order to protect our identity.

Do you suppose this could be seen as a bad thing as a Satanist? Am I doing something that goes against our Gods? I don't like it but I tend to see there being more overall good than bad because seriously... one look at the average NPC should give one pause as to the state of societal consciousness. It's something I'm so diametrically opposed to that I cannot sit idly by, even during my leisure time.

I also agree about not giving power to the enemy. I sometimes hyper-analyze their system and basically how the microcosm/macrocosm and the beginning of most all things within the framework of 'the system' comes from the enemy. My very black-and-white thinking used to be a problem for me, yet as of late I feel it as a mode to become more cognizant and proactive, hence why I'll often end messages with positive things, such as "I'll continue my RTRs and have faith in them", or "They cannot and will not get away with their transgressions".

Am I perhaps a little too cynical doing this? Again, I do believe in everything you wrote here. My true nature is a bit like that of a warrior; albeit at the same time I do look to the positive in all things as much as I possibly can.

This world becomes challenging given that we have to put a lot of thought into all of our actions as a Satanist; not for just ourselves but for others around us. I appreciate all that you wrote here because these are very important things to always keep in mind.
These are simple truths. I don't believe there is any SS here who is really doing nothing and waiting for the Gods to help him. I also don't believe that anyone is really ignorant enough to think that he is not at fault at all and that it is all the enemy's fault. However, I know that there will always be people who exceed my expectations and do stupid things that I do not understand. So, maybe the kind of people you describe do exist.

Obviously, as extensions of Satan, we cannot be useless. The Gods didn't come to this planet to nurture a bunch of losers who can't stand on their own two feet. We were born on this land to make ourselves stronger and more useful as an extension of Satan. If one does nothing, he does not deserve to breathe the air on this planet.

The enemy has been successful in the last few thousand years because the enemy's slaves are so useful. And we're useless. Arrogance is more dangerous than ignorance. If a person thinks that he has done nothing wrong, then he cannot improve his shortcomings, and worse, he cannot even find his shortcomings.

From a long time ago, until now, I have had this view: I am an extension of Satan on this planet. So I'm going to feel what Satan feels, think what Satan thinks, and actually take action to change the world. Only when I am in perfect harmony with Satan can I be a person of value.
This is a good article thank you for sharing this. I really believe that we are an extended version of Satan too. And yes in many ways we do represent him, when it comes to taking action to what we feel is right? Taking the time to learn things and to educate yourself/ ourselves, and learning the acquired skills such as yoga and Kundalini, meditation ect.etc. and doing everything we can! To take care of ourselves along with it. And using these abilities to improve our minds and our spirituality, plus being able to understand our own powers. Facing our enemies head off knowing what to do on the astral planes, when you open up your mind and take your time to listen and do things right. We take action and we take responsibility for who we are. And take care of her family and those that we care about plus taking the time to teach those who are interested. And taking the time to help others find their strength on their path and what they need to do to improve themselves. And taking responsibility for our own mistakes and our own actions as a human as well as taking the responsibility and the time to learn to do the right things when it comes down to studying and reading the proper materials. Being independent and self-reliant dealing with the world and its problems and taking care of what's expected, and knowing what's unexpected and being prepared ahead of time. It's all in Who We Are and finding the balance Within.
It's a very common mentality to seek for a savior, someone who will get us out of this mess, this is basically the core message of Xianity, waiting that someone from the sky will solve literally every problem of this planet. It's a weak mentality though and not a realistic one. It comes from a position of lack of power and lack of responsability.

It's very easy for us to look at the jews and blame them for everything bad that has ever happened to this planet, while we have no fault at all. Saying to yourself that we have no responsability and no fault, will make you feel better in a way, but at the same time it takes away power from you. There is this correlation between responsability and power that is an interesting one. While it's not easy to take responsability for something, it empowers you, you allow yourself to see that you have the power to change that situation and figure it out. While if you say to yourself you have zero responsbility for a bad situation, you may feel better in the moment, but you take away all your power to get out of it, because you yourself won't admit that you can.

I really don't think that it was 100% inevitable and already written that the enemy would be able to obtain the influence that they did during history and getting away with all the countless crimes they got away with. We allowed them to do it to an extent, as humans of this planet. The fact of how things work in nature is that no matter how "good", "nice" and "moral" you are, if you don't identify, fight and stop a parasitc enemy who is relentlessly trying to kill you, then the parasite will eventually kill you, even if it wouldn't be "fair" in your opinion.

Let's look at ourselves. We failed so many times in history. Sure many things were out of our control, but we could've done a much better job at preserving our civilizations. We were distracted with nonsense, while we should've been focused, we were too stupid and too lazy to identify the enemy's conspiracies, when it came to defend our land and what was important to us we were too weak and distracted to do it. It's easy to think that it was all inevitable and there was absolutely nothing we could do about it, and in fact some things were certainly out of our control, but I think we as humans collectively could've done a MUCH better job overall. This is just my opinion on this, I'm not an HP, so take everything I say as just my view of things and feel free to disagree.

One thing I'm starting to get convinced about more and more is that things are much more uncertain, subject to change and influence than what one might think. Things are not already written, what we do as individuals and collectively has a massive influence on our reality.

This is our planet to claim. Stop asking when will Satan do this or that. You are Satan in this dimension, not literally of course, I'm saying you represent Him and his cause, and this is YOUR planet to defend.

Imagine a world with no jews. Zero jews. You think the Grays and the Reptilians would be able to exercise this level of influence on this world? You think that from another dimension they would be able to cause wars, control the economy and commit genocides? Obviously not, they act through the jews. Say what you want about the kikes, they are people of action, or rats of action I should say. They have been doing spells and magick for centuries and centuries, but did they stop and wait that it would all manifest out of nowhere? No, they went to action, they infiltrated, they enriched themselves, they got into politics and established themselves in every sector. They have been extremely active on the material plane. I hate to use them as an example, but it's something to think about.

Refer to HP HoodedCobra's recent sermon on this. Material and Spiritual should go together. You have to have courage, get yourself out there in the world and only then you can expect things to happen. Another example can be Hitler and his party. They surely did relentless spiritual work, but they coupled it with relentless work on the physical plane and they achieved incredible success in a very short time.

Xianity really weakened people's mind. Opinions like "if it's meant for you, it will find you", "trust Jesus, he will save us all", "stay away from power, it corrupts your soul" etc are very common. Non-action and powerlessness are seen as a virtue and encouraged.

Power doesn't corrupt, it only shows how corruptible you are. It gives you a chance to show your true character. Many people go through life without ever being really tested, and they think they are good people, but you can only really know when you are really tested.

Thanks to this brainwashing and programming of "stay away from power at all costs since it will corrupt you", good, moral and intelligent men never seek it, because they are afraid. While literally the worst people on the planet hold almost all of it and keep getting more and more of it.

Power is necessary, very. In every form. Material and Spiritual. As a Satanist you are encouraged to pursue it, while at the same time being guided by the Gods and their wisdom, this goes without saying. Money is nothing but the power to manifest your desires on this physical realm.

Imagine as a man your children are sick, but you can't do anyhing about it because you were too scared to enrich yourself, because "money corrupts you". Or being too weak to defend your family and your land because "power" is dangerous in your opinion and you prefered remaining a cowardly powerless weakling. It's unacceptable.

Read, understand and meditate on the 10 Year Plan posted by HP HoodedCobra. If you can enrich yourself, do it. If you can acquire an important position, go for it. We have to reclaim this world and we won't do it from a couch.

This doesn't mean doing something stupid, reckless and putting yourself in danger. Our moves must be like those of a chess master. Calculated, pragmatic, intelligent. We must be silent and keep secrets when necessary. Have common sense basically.

This is the message of Satanism, becoming strong and self-reliant. Why would the Gods even help us if we show no interest at walking the journey towards this? It doesn't make any sense, we have to show them that we are worthy of their help.

Humanity has so much potential for greatness. We have so many geniuses, so many talented people, so many driven people, so many hard working and capable people. One advantage that the enemy always had over us is that they are organized and they have a direction. We lack these. We need leaders to enlighten, inspire and unite the masses towards the right direction. You can very well be one of them. Don't be scared to think big. Imagine if Hitler was scared of thinking big and being ambitious, or Alexander the Great, Napoleone Bonaparte and so on. Don't be afraid of being labeled as "delusional", you have all the means to do something great under the guidance of the Gods. Firstly, you must believe you can though.
Thank you so much for writing this so well, And I agree with you 100%, we are little Satan’s, we are Father Satan’s children and this planet belongs to us. the peoples gentiles have been too passive and too naive and didn’t notice or was aware of the enemy planning and strategically organising how to take over our planet, dumb us down with false teachings, lies, infiltrating in every sector in every land everywhere, and the gentiles have been in a war with these parasite Jews unaware, thank our Father Satan who never abandoned us and our Gods, and are here to help us fight this war, now we have to be prepared and do things secretly and strategically and get back what rightfully belongs to us planet earth 🌍
We as SSatanists know our enemies not like the ones without, and we are the ones who will fight against these parasite Jews!
So mote it be!
Thank you ❤️

Hail Father Satan❤️
Hail to the Gods and Goddesses ❤️

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
