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WTF?! - Australia

Aug 22, 2018
Australia bushfires: Almost 500 million animals killed in NSW alone:


The kikes appear to be just preparing territory in case they are chased out of the US to move into Australia and buy property? Just an initial thought.

That is terrible. I have been reading the news.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The kikes appear to be just preparing territory in case they are chased out of the US to move into Australia and buy property? Just an initial thought.

That is terrible. I have been reading the news.

Speculating that they are trying to move people that are rural (and harder to keep tabs on), closer to the Big Cities and on the Smart Grid.
I don't think I've seen any Australians posting other than myself. I'd be happy to write a longer thread here about what's happening if it's desired, there's a lot going on that foreigners are probably not aware of.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The kikes appear to be just preparing territory in case they are chased out of the US to move into Australia and buy property? Just an initial thought.

That is terrible. I have been reading the news.
Alil far fetched dude ????
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Australia bushfires: Almost 500 million animals killed in NSW alone:


you have a jew in the photo
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The kikes appear to be just preparing territory in case they are chased out of the US to move into Australia and buy property? Just an initial thought.

That is terrible. I have been reading the news.

Dare I say it seems far fetched? But nothing would surprise me.
I feel very bad and saddened for the animals losing their lives and their homes. This reminds me also of the Amazon wildfires as well, similar pattern.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The kikes appear to be just preparing territory in case they are chased out of the US to move into Australia and buy property? Just an initial thought.

That is terrible. I have been reading the news.

Was territory ever a real concern for them, though? Thought thye could just blend in anywhere, plus they still have China, Israel, any of the cucked Euro countries...

I think most of these wildfires are either purposely created, if not purposely stoked or aggravated. In this case, couldn't it serve as some means to raise energy through animal sacrifice?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The kikes appear to be just preparing territory in case they are chased out of the US to move into Australia and buy property? Just an initial thought.

That is terrible. I have been reading the news.
The news says that at least 480 million animals have been killed, 4+8=12 which is a kabbalistic number...are they trying to raise energy?
I wouldn't be surprised that's what they are doing either.
Christians have been burning aboriginal totems and monuments. That's probably what started the wildfires
Reading this news and the Hp Maxine post too about Mercury movement so on I was wondering if they are trying to collect energy from animal soul to provoce some big disgrace or whatever evil... What do you think about HP? I am going to recite the fourth rtr to nullify the power coming from animal and human soul(mahd ah hah-Sheff en teh...) is it good idea? Hope so!

Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Australia bushfires: Almost 500 million animals killed in NSW alone:


Really super fucking sad
Yeah it's really bad here. The fires dwarf those of the Amazon and the air quality here, mainly Canberra is the wrost in the world at the moment I believe. Definitely suspicious the way these fires are going and the affects they're having, and going to have.
Typically Australia has been exposed to severe bushfires every 15-20 years at a catastrophic level.

The last fires this bad were in 1983, Ash Wednesday.

Prior to that there are three other recorded similar events, in 1967, 1936 and 1926.

The difference being this time that we now have a higher populace and more homes were destroyed which makes it worse.

Of course the media is blaming the current jewish appointed figurehead for the disaster but this is just a distraction from the real issues at hand, a lack of land management, and the total absence of building regulations which force fire suppression systems to be installed in new houses built in bushfire prone areas.

Most of the fires are on the Eastern seaboard which is a long way from where I am but we smell the smoke here on a daily basis.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The kikes appear to be just preparing territory in case they are chased out of the US to move into Australia and buy property? Just an initial thought.

That is terrible. I have been reading the news.

This stuff is so crazy and surreal it almost seems like a Joke but sadly you may not even be wrong. We need to keep up the rtrs. I am really worried about the enviornment. Not to mention where I live is supposed to be cold in the winter but it's not just me that's been noticing it has been much warmer recently in the last few years than usual. I thought we were making this up but then I remembered back to my childhood. Not that this is a bad thing for a person like me but I am really worried about the enviornment I feel we are almost to the point of no return with the world.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The kikes appear to be just preparing territory in case they are chased out of the US to move into Australia and buy property? Just an initial thought.

That is terrible. I have been reading the news.
The unbearable thing about it is when they say it's the climate, natural fires and such nonsense. Then I thought of these five hundred million dead animals and then I thought of millions of animals for slaughter. The Jews say that animals are soulless. Animals have souls but are inferior. According to my logic, animals do not reincarnate but dissolve as in the material even in the astral. They are neither spiritually nor scientifically advanced and therefore they are unconscious and defenseless. This is the truth. What sense is there in reincarnating souls destined for slaughter and unconsciousness, considering the creation of new souls through physical creation.
These events most of the time have many reasons behind them. Australia may be planning strange expansion, may be preparing itself to take in more rapefugees for the next decade or more, and there could be many other factors.

This is anything but an accident. And yes, the Jews have property in Australia, and New Zealand, and many other places like Latin America, like the did in Cuba in the 1980's. This is so that they have an escape planned if shit hits the fan.

Animal sacrifice + Accelerating the climatic destruction + deforestation + destroying aboriginals and other species, all of these are sadistic and very valid reasons the enemy is doing that shit.

The enemy really hates nature to their bones. Forests and nature awaken the instincts and are important for the Gentile soul and Paganism was founded upon them. Wildlife and the wild is sort of like a temple and a church for us.

Blitzkreig said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The kikes appear to be just preparing territory in case they are chased out of the US to move into Australia and buy property? Just an initial thought.

That is terrible. I have been reading the news.

Was territory ever a real concern for them, though? Thought thye could just blend in anywhere, plus they still have China, Israel, any of the cucked Euro countries...

I think most of these wildfires are either purposely created, if not purposely stoked or aggravated. In this case, couldn't it serve as some means to raise energy through animal sacrifice?
I am really worried too, but the Gods insist we stay on the RTR, as it's the enemy who pulls this damnation on and nobody else. The environmental issues will never be solved while the enemy is on this earth. You stop one thing and they already have started 10 more.

Nobody else would want to burn the Amazon and kill all the species in it, or the poor animals in Australia, and all this diversity.

The enemy declared war on Nature and Naturalism a long time ago. Our Gods are called the "Gods of the field", the "Natural Gods" and other such names.

slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The kikes appear to be just preparing territory in case they are chased out of the US to move into Australia and buy property? Just an initial thought.

That is terrible. I have been reading the news.

This stuff is so crazy and surreal it almost seems like a Joke but sadly you may not even be wrong. We need to keep up the rtrs. I am really worried about the enviornment. Not to mention where I live is supposed to be cold in the winter but it's not just me that's been noticing it has been much warmer recently in the last few years than usual. I thought we were making this up but then I remembered back to my childhood. Not that this is a bad thing for a person like me but I am really worried about the enviornment I feel we are almost to the point of no return with the world.
Donasdogamatastos666 said:
Reading this news and the Hp Maxine post too about Mercury movement so on I was wondering if they are trying to collect energy from animal soul to provoce some big disgrace or whatever evil... What do you think about HP? I am going to recite the fourth rtr to nullify the power coming from animal and human soul(mahd ah hah-Sheff en teh...) is it good idea? Hope so!


I think this shit was lit so that all this suffering and death energy would be put into the Iran/US situation, so that they mobilize us slowly into some deadly and brutal war. The death energy raised was going to help them in that regard. Plus, the sadness and misery energy.
Unlimited Grand Architect said:
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Australia bushfires: Almost 500 million animals killed in NSW alone:


you have a jew in the photo

You should get your brain checked asap if you think Anita Ekberg was a jew.
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Unlimited Grand Architect said:
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Australia bushfires: Almost 500 million animals killed in NSW alone:


you have a jew in the photo

You should get your brain checked asap if you think Anita Ekberg was a jew.

Don't bother, that is a new breed of "20 posts Super NANZEE keel all Tzew, d3ath HeadZZ, 14/88 we wuz haters n shiet. must be as EvUl as Hitler wuz, or u aint a jewish nazi ok goy? " trolls that is around. They know about the Evil Nazis and they are racial experts.

They are here to judge/defame/straw man every legitimate person and member in the forum.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Unlimited Grand Architect said:
you have a jew in the photo

You should get your brain checked asap if you think Anita Ekberg was a jew.

Don't bother, that is a new breed of "20 posts Super NANZEE keel all Tzew, d3ath HeadZZ, 14/88 we wuz haters n shiet. must be as EvUl as Hitler wuz, or u aint a jewish nazi ok goy? " trolls that is around. They know about the Evil Nazis and they are racial experts.

They are here to judge/defame/straw man every legitimate person and member in the forum.

:D Lol! Okay!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
These events most of the time have many reasons behind them. Australia may be planning strange expansion, may be preparing itself to take in more rapefugees for the next decade or more, and there could be many other factors.

This is anything but an accident. And yes, the Jews have property in Australia, and New Zealand, and many other places like Latin America, like the did in Cuba in the 1980's. This is so that they have an escape planned if shit hits the fan.

Animal sacrifice + Accelerating the climatic destruction + deforestation + destroying aboriginals and other species, all of these are sadistic and very valid reasons the enemy is doing that shit.

The enemy really hates nature to their bones. Forests and nature awaken the instincts and are important for the Gentile soul and Paganism was founded upon them. Wildlife and the wild is sort of like a temple and a church for us.

Blitzkreig said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The kikes appear to be just preparing territory in case they are chased out of the US to move into Australia and buy property? Just an initial thought.

That is terrible. I have been reading the news.

Was territory ever a real concern for them, though? Thought thye could just blend in anywhere, plus they still have China, Israel, any of the cucked Euro countries...

I think most of these wildfires are either purposely created, if not purposely stoked or aggravated. In this case, couldn't it serve as some means to raise energy through animal sacrifice?

I agree in that I feel nature itself is sacred and I love going to parks and places I can walk in the woods and being out in nature. Continue doing the RTR. I can't believe they actually attack this cause it's like one of the greatest things about being on this Earth I have gone to visit a few really cool places too. When you are out in the middle of nowhere in the mountains it felt beautiful. We need to keep this alive.
Master said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The kikes appear to be just preparing territory in case they are chased out of the US to move into Australia and buy property? Just an initial thought.

That is terrible. I have been reading the news.
The unbearable thing about it is when they say it's the climate, natural fires and such nonsense. Then I thought of these five hundred million dead animals and then I thought of millions of animals for slaughter. The Jews say that animals are soulless. Animals have souls but are inferior. According to my logic, animals do not reincarnate but dissolve as in the material even in the astral. They are neither spiritually nor scientifically advanced and therefore they are unconscious and defenseless. This is the truth. What sense is there in reincarnating souls destined for slaughter and unconsciousness, considering the creation of new souls through physical creation.

Animals do have souls and they do get reincarnated. Animals have their own purpose.

Jews also say that gentiles are the same and pretty much soul-less... and we know that to be bullshit so no need to bring up what a jew has to say about animals since Jews are shit and have a twisted perception on almosy everything.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The enemy declared war on Nature and Naturalism a long time ago. Our Gods are called the "Gods of the field", the "Natural Gods" and other such names.
Another one is "Nature's God" in the Declaration of Independence!
HPS Shannon said:
Master said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The kikes appear to be just preparing territory in case they are chased out of the US to move into Australia and buy property? Just an initial thought.

That is terrible. I have been reading the news.
The unbearable thing about it is when they say it's the climate, natural fires and such nonsense. Then I thought of these five hundred million dead animals and then I thought of millions of animals for slaughter. The Jews say that animals are soulless. Animals have souls but are inferior. According to my logic, animals do not reincarnate but dissolve as in the material even in the astral. They are neither spiritually nor scientifically advanced and therefore they are unconscious and defenseless. This is the truth. What sense is there in reincarnating souls destined for slaughter and unconsciousness, considering the creation of new souls through physical creation.

Animals do have souls and they do get reincarnated. Animals have their own purpose.

Jews also say that gentiles are the same and pretty much soul-less... and we know that to be bullshit so no need to bring up what a jew has to say about animals since Jews are shit and have a twisted perception on almosy everything.
The Jews have reduced the Gentiles to animal level and then mock them and treat them as such if not worse. Of course I was not referring to the letter of the lies that Jews say, Jews say that animals have no soul, they say that non-Jews are animals in human form and have no soul, they say that this planet is flat and is the center of the universe and we know that none of this is true. Every object has an electromagnetic field because it is made by atoms and atoms contain energy charge... as for life forms, both lower and higher, they have a complex structure but it makes no sense to think that they have no soul or energy field. Animals have their purpose but I cannot ignore the fact that they are inferior, unconscious and defenseless.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Unlimited Grand Architect said:
you have a jew in the photo

You should get your brain checked asap if you think Anita Ekberg was a jew.

Don't bother, that is a new breed of "20 posts Super NANZEE keel all Tzew, d3ath HeadZZ, 14/88 we wuz haters n shiet. must be as EvUl as Hitler wuz, or u aint a jewish nazi ok goy? " trolls that is around. They know about the Evil Nazis and they are racial experts.

They are here to judge/defame/straw man every legitimate person and member in the forum.
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
You should get your brain checked asap if you think Anita Ekberg was a jew.

Don't bother, that is a new breed of "20 posts Super NANZEE keel all Tzew, d3ath HeadZZ, 14/88 we wuz haters n shiet. must be as EvUl as Hitler wuz, or u aint a jewish nazi ok goy? " trolls that is around. They know about the Evil Nazis and they are racial experts.

They are here to judge/defame/straw man every legitimate person and member in the forum.

:D Lol! Okay!

look at the earlobe. you don’t even feel me by the energy signature, but say that I am Troll
FYI I've discovered this morning that a lot of the fire maps of Australia are exaggerated massively.

There's a particular one claiming to be from NASA that shows a 3D modelled Australia with fire all over it...

Much of the area shown there is NOT on fire and wasn't at any stage, particularly the top of Cape York and almost everything in the middle to the West and the western seaboard.

Some overly imaginative visual artists have gotten carried away so don't believe every image you see.

Yes it is bad but we aren't all being burnt alive across the entire country which is what some of these photos and media story's make it out to be.

I think some people are wishing for us to burn like that but it's not as catastrophic as all that with the exception of the state of NSW who have lost around 1500 homes - the fires in that state are very large and very bad but the rest of Australia is having what we'd call a relatively normal albeit particularly severe bushfire season.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
