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Work and Stress


May 11, 2020
I've been having some issues lately trying to balance work and not feeling horribly stressed out. Last week I had a day where I basically worked 24 hours with only a small break in between 2 jobs. But I am thankful to Satan for providing me for the opportunity to make more money to pay off student loans. I got a promotion at my primary job but I'm worried it still won't be enough. I'm ok with working long hours as long as I have enough time for meditation and getting a little sleep but this is beyond anything I've done before. I'm just really struggling with what to do. Should I prioritize my health or income? I believe things will work out for the best but this has been really stressful for me and I feel like my life is getting worse. But I dont know if I'm just being weak? Sorry for rambling and thank you for your time and any advice.

Hail Father Satan Forever!
You're saying that this is having a terrible impact on you, and you feel like your life is getting worse. I don't know your financial situation nor your goals and personality, so I'll tell you what I would do, I would not work 24 hours a day, that is terrible. Health>finances.
Cynthia said:
I've been having some issues lately trying to balance work and not feeling horribly stressed out. Last week I had a day where I basically worked 24 hours with only a small break in between 2 jobs. But I am thankful to Satan for providing me for the opportunity to make more money to pay off student loans. I got a promotion at my primary job but I'm worried it still won't be enough. I'm ok with working long hours as long as I have enough time for meditation and getting a little sleep but this is beyond anything I've done before. I'm just really struggling with what to do. Should I prioritize my health or income? I believe things will work out for the best but this has been really stressful for me and I feel like my life is getting worse. But I dont know if I'm just being weak? Sorry for rambling and thank you for your time and any advice.

Hail Father Satan Forever!
Health first.
Cynthia said:

I completely understand what you're going through, sometimes we have to fight through really hard stages to get to the better and easier ones, it's not always a choice for us at the time given the system created by the enemy.

In times where I dealt with stress like this I would take time to myself to just lay down and meditate on Satan's energy. Just try to focus on him, his aura, try to 'be' with him and feel like you're by his side. It feels very comforting to be close to him like that and I've personally found it very reassuring much like a hug, sometimes it would even feel like he was telling me "Everything's going to be all right, stay strong."

Because of this corrupt system by the enemy, it's hard to find time to relax and survive all at once, we're pressed for time with everything and the stress can feel like it's too much. I've had my own fair share of breakdowns here and there but I've gotten through to better things in time by pushing through the (unfortunately necessary) difficult times.

What you can do, aside from a working to make both more and easy money and simultaneously have more free time, is you can work to raise your earth element for the time being to increase your grounding and endurance. Do this every day for at least a couple of weeks, it will help you to have the willpower, discipline and endurance to persevere and withstand through stressful things. This should be coupled with engulfing yourself in calming, harmonious, and shimmering blue energy, engulf yourself in it for as many minutes as you deem necessary to really focus and tune into it and absorb it into yourself to find inner peace.

Hopefully this helps you out a bit. I truly do understand your position and these were my methods to last through to better fields of green. Stay strong and always keep an eye out for better opportunities, things will get easier in time.
Well everyone is different. We all have different natures and can handle certain things better than others.

You need to assess yourself and your needs and make sure they’re met and you’re not burning yourself out. Some people need to be busy and productive. Others need more down time.
Cynthia said:
I strongly suggest you go to https://www.astro.com/cgi/genchart.cgi and generate your natal chart. Make sure to use your accurate time of birth, as this is especially important here. For "drawing style" choose "WWW", and if you scroll down slightly you can see "house system", for which you should choose "placidus". You can leave all the other options untouched.

With an accurate time of birth, you will be able to accurately inspect your houses in the chart that you have generated. The houses are the things divided up by black lines across your chart image. In each of these houses you can see a number that tells you which house it is.

Once you have generated your chart, there should be an option above the chart image saying "+ With Transits". Click that and you will see green planetary symbols appear on the outside of the chart wheel. Next, look for the symbol of Saturn. Check in which house the green Saturn symbol is right now, and you will know what area of your life is being strained the most at this time.

Considering what you wrote, I assume Saturn is either in your 5th or 6th house right now. If this is the case and Saturn is indeed the culprit, then there are a few things to keep in mind.
1) Saturn's influences will stay regardless, but through your actions and through workings you can change where and how they manifest.
2) Saturn went retrograde on the 11th this month, which amplifies its negative effects. It will be retrograde until September 29 this year.
3) Starting tomorrow, Jupiter will go retrograde too (until July I think). It's closely positioned to Saturn at the moment so it's likely in the same house of yours as Saturn. This may bring some positive things into that area also, and give you an opening to fix things through consistent effort.

The above was my advice coupled with trying to get you into astrology a bit. Knowing your way around the basics of this stuff is invaluable because you can understand what is happening in your life so much better (and sublimate certain influences). At the end of the day you should indeed probably just cut down on work a little bit and make more time for rest. But considering the astro situation right now I'd recommend waiting a few more days to see how Jupiter retrograde will affect things for you (it might already give you an opportunity).
Good morning,

Thank you all so much for your advice. I've been going through a rough time and this makes me feel less guilty for prioritizing my health (although I know health is important and father Satan values our health). Honestly a lot of my issue is just student debt because I was stupid and listened to people encouraging me to take out loans when I really couldn't afford college and I'd be even more in debt if I kept going. Your encouragement and support means a lot to me. I do want to have more time for exercise and power meditation as well. Also thank you for the advice on raising my earth element. I've been cleaning my aura and trying to use white gold light to heal myself regularly but the meditation you suggested seems a lot more specific to my issues.

Thank you all for your help and for your time!

Hail Father Satan Forever!
I didnt see the last two posts until this evening. Thank you also for your advice and insight into astrology, I appreciate it.

Hail Satan!
Hatha yoga and void meditation helps alot to reduce stress. Also you should be thankful that youre employed.

Many have lost their jobs due to economy shutdown including myself. Im recently trying to find another job hopefully i find one soon.
We are definitely goin through tough times but we gotta keep pushing regardless the situation. This shut down is survival of the fittest!

Meditating on satans energy helps alot just talk to him. Tell him whats on your mind he listens and he will guide you, unlike the dead jew on a stick who does nothing when sheeps pray to him.
Hard to focus on your health when your starving, because you don't earn enough money to bay bills and feed yourself adequately.
Cynthia said:

What is the time-frame as far as paying off your debt? Is it something that would require a long time of these working conditions, because if so, that is not sustainable for your health. Even if you are a strong person, that will wear you down eventually.

Make sure you are taking advantage of every financial aid program possible, as well, regardless of what your pride may want. It won't be permanent.

Also, this goes without saying, but try and reduce your expenses as much as possible. If you have a large expense that can be cut, dealing with the loss of that may be easier than dealing with the stress required to generate the income to offset maintaining that expense. Good luck.
Thank you for your most recent replies. I realize I am lucky to have a job and I am grateful. Things have been tight financially but I have been blessed with new opportunities for freelance work that fits better with my schedule. I'm sorry to those of you who have lost your jobs and hope you can find employment quickly and easily. As far as the second job it didn't work out because it was already conflicting with my first job's schedule even though I had not been there for very long. I take this as a sign from Satan that I really needed to prioritize my health. And he has provided me with new sources of income with app jobs and clients (hair and makeup). They aren't as predictable but they still help me a lot. Also I'm realizing that as much as I want to get out of student debt, maybe this isnt the best time to worry about it as there are much more serious things going on. Anyway, thank you all again, I really appreciate it. I'm going to take advantage of the student loan relief if I can get it, that would really help me as much as I hate depending on the government. Ericbluefire, I dont know if this would help but I've started doing grocery delivery orders on the side and there are a lot of orders to do as a lot of people dont want to go out shopping. It's not a lot of money but it would be something. Where I live we have shipt and instacart, although I know postmates or doordash is in some areas. I wish you the best of luck. Also thank you ghost in the machine for your advice on invoking the earth element, this really helped me and I feel a lot less moody and more stable as well as everything being more positive in my life. I also feel more relaxed and I could feel it working because I felt my body getting more dense when I inhaled :)

Thank you all again and I hope things and I wish you the best of luck and happiness!

Hail Father Satan Forever!
Cynthia said:
Thank you for your most recent replies. I realize I am lucky to have a job and I am grateful. Things have been tight financially but I have been blessed with new opportunities for freelance work that fits better with my schedule. I'm sorry to those of you who have lost your jobs and hope you can find employment quickly and easily. As far as the second job it didn't work out because it was already conflicting with my first job's schedule even though I had not been there for very long. I take this as a sign from Satan that I really needed to prioritize my health. And he has provided me with new sources of income with app jobs and clients (hair and makeup). They aren't as predictable but they still help me a lot. Also I'm realizing that as much as I want to get out of student debt, maybe this isnt the best time to worry about it as there are much more serious things going on. Anyway, thank you all again, I really appreciate it. I'm going to take advantage of the student loan relief if I can get it, that would really help me as much as I hate depending on the government. Ericbluefire, I dont know if this would help but I've started doing grocery delivery orders on the side and there are a lot of orders to do as a lot of people dont want to go out shopping. It's not a lot of money but it would be something. Where I live we have shipt and instacart, although I know postmates or doordash is in some areas. I wish you the best of luck. Also thank you ghost in the machine for your advice on invoking the earth element, this really helped me and I feel a lot less moody and more stable as well as everything being more positive in my life. I also feel more relaxed and I could feel it working because I felt my body getting more dense when I inhaled :)

Thank you all again and I hope things and I wish you the best of luck and happiness!

Hail Father Satan Forever!
Cool i look into that i wouldnt hurt to make a couple bucks. Luckily i managed to save enough money while i still had my job so i would be good for the remaining of this year.
I will find me another job i know i will. Positive mindset is always good to have in bad situations.:)
Good luck to you too! work hard, before you know it you will be where u want to be in life without stress and having to worry about finances and such. You will be more focused advancing your soul. Remember balance is necessary spiritual and material.
Cynthia said:
I've been having some issues lately trying to balance work and not feeling horribly stressed out. Last week I had a day where I basically worked 24 hours with only a small break in between 2 jobs. But I am thankful to Satan for providing me for the opportunity to make more money to pay off student loans. I got a promotion at my primary job but I'm worried it still won't be enough. I'm ok with working long hours as long as I have enough time for meditation and getting a little sleep but this is beyond anything I've done before. I'm just really struggling with what to do. Should I prioritize my health or income? I believe things will work out for the best but this has been really stressful for me and I feel like my life is getting worse. But I dont know if I'm just being weak? Sorry for rambling and thank you for your time and any advice.

Hail Father Satan Forever!

meditate and relax. Use ear plugs if necessary. Also a highly alkalizing lacto-vegetarian diet (no cheese; buttermilk and yoghurt)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
