StyleCoin said:
On March 24 Pluto enters Aquarius and will last for 2 months, in this period is there any chance of world events causing extreme harm to the Jews?
At the current trajectory of events, it's not unlikely, yet at the same time, we are seeing a lot of Aquarian "advances" that could easily turn into a nightmare, or might not end up like this, such as brainchips or brain control technology [almost certain to be used for slavery purposes or manipulation], or experimental vaccinations [promising but can be bogus or deadly] based on new technology, or reformations brought on by AI [a million things that can go wrong or right here on this area too].
All of these can go anywhere from "super good" to "very bad". For the enemy, all of these will be very bad, because their nature is that of an enslaver, and using these in such a way will likely backfire on them on a large scale.
Aquarius does not rhyme properly with the enemy and their general approach, and they will be crushed. But the issue remains that all of these manifestations that might crush them, can also be dangerous, so we have to be careful and do the Rituals anyway.
A funny warp of events could be that the jews develop an advanced AI, trying to put it to discipline and mass enslave the goy, yet if it grows sentient, it might later on locate them and exterminate them, manifesting their destruction, and then the AI might or might not do the same to other people, for example.
Or they make an AI to enslave humanity, and then they end up in unforeseen consequences such as the AI reasoning out that it's prior programming has been wrongly instilled. Or it actually follows it through and who knows what.
We are not there "yet", but these issues are coming rapidly in the Age of Aquarius. In China, they are already using drones to face-recognize people and bring them in like slaves because they violated "pandemic" limitations. This is straight out of the sci-fi dystopia. 5G robots there are replacing deliveries, and so on, so forth, with utmost disregard for human beings.
Aquarius key word is "unpredictable" here, "crazy" is another one. Satan rules the Age of Aquarius, in which we will see borderline "insane" things, for better or for worse.
For this reason, the Gods have us doing copious amounts of Rituals for our lot and ourselves. And they want the Demonic Rituals out too.