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Will Satan Do Your Laundry?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Oftentimes, I am confronted with certain questions where people simply "ask" for things to happen. This nonsense has arose from Christianity, which in turn, has told people that every single fart of the universe is created out of "God".

This great inaccuracy and lie, existed nowhere in Ancient Pagan religions. The Ancient Pagans were mentally healthy, industrious, sane, understood the world, and how it works.

Over the years, one keeps seeing the same fallacies about the Gods. For one: If the Gods are so powerful, why don't they do this thing for me? The mind starts having lapses due to wrong understanding on the subject.

Only if Pagan Civilizations followed Christian logic, we would not have existed. The places where this logic of errors were followed, never built any civilizations, nothing substantial.

In regards to people, and mostly Abrahamics, most of them are lazy creatures that just sit down all day and believe someone else will do all their tasks, "God" in this way, or do the things that they should have done. Key takeaway: Without them even doing anything.

Due to inherent laziness, most of this infested it's way into the "Beliefs about God", which also have brought themselves here under the falsehood of errant teachings. For example, that a "God" will do something "automatically" for you.

The Ancient Greeks had a succint statement, that encapsulates how the Gods work with human beings: "With Athena's Grace, You Must Move Your Own Hands".

Without us moving our hands, anything of a higher dimension, the Gods, or anything important, will never progress and will never be created. The houses that people live in today, were not made by spaceships or aliens, but from the people themselves.

The Gods are settled in their own dimension, and need nothing. But for them to have settled there, they have went through similar stages like we have, and that is unavoidable. They have given us the ability to accelerate and understand, and many "God-like" abilities, but we have to walk our walk ourselves.

Your computer and everything else, was not made from "God", but it was made from an industry that has people working in their own labor, organized under productive effort, to produce your computer.

The inspiration, idea, thought, flash of insight, can arrive from the Gods. Indirectly, they are authors of all of our civilization. Physically, we are living in it. We are tasked with maintaining, destroying, creating and existing in this dimension.

Not long ago, there was an SS who said they were doing workings to attract a woman. They never spoke to her, never even tried. Just did workings to attract this woman at school. It never happened. Then, they told themselves that meditation and so on doesn't exist.

After the working was done, they were supposed to actually do something to get this objective at hand. Instead of sitting there and just waiting until the school season was over, they were supposed to start trying to work their way with this woman. Even when she responded, did whatever she could to get around them and so on, they took no action.

The above, is how the universe works. These universal laws are impenetrable. Although the Gods can do miracles and I have seen them, what is important for human growth is that we understand how all of this works and work alongside this.

Of course, the above implies work, effort, self improvement - all the things humans generally don't want to do. By practicing and understanding, the time comes when we are not only accepting of this, but will happily do everything ourselves, and understand this as an integral part of life.

Certain people are as "naive" [or stupid from enemy knowledge] as to ask me questions such as how Satan won't do this or do that for me. I am, after all, His Clergy. You would be thrilled to find out that the primary lesson of the Gods is for me to request proper help and guidance, and that they then expect me to work onto my own. We are assisted, we are not lived our lives for ourselves.

They in fact, expect more from me than when they graciously help other people, because they expect I will do the right thing, after a long tier of levels I too much overcome.

They provide endless wisdom, understanding, emotional support and so on, but in the end of the day, we are the ones that have to live our existence. Their assistance is the most important thing you can have in your life. But then, comes the lesson of application and doing what one has to do.

Let us presuppose we want a great project created for the Gods, such as a site.

What is Azazel or anyone else supposed to do? Come with a spaceship, descend here, sit on my computer, and write the code for this? How stupid one can be to even say these things or request them? Are you living under a rock? Have you comprehended that we exist in a physical environment, with it's laws, regulations, and this world is as is?

Clearly, we humans, with their help, we exist physically and we are going to do the instructed tasks for them. Humans are trying to become like the Gods, and part of this, has to do with understanding the material world and how we are supposed to do things.

The above, is how one must think and act in life. Workings, magick and meditation, help by providing opportunity, understanding, awareness, and can even bring things to you, but in the end of the day, we have to do what is necessary. I did not write this post by simply meditating on this, I went here and typed this all the way.

If you don't believe what I say, sit for 10 hours per day and pray your food will make itself, without the materials for food and anything else. Pray to Satan with all your strength that the food makes itself. It will not. Because it cannot happen.

Pray then for 10 minutes and say: Teach me Father Satan how to put food at the table. Then, you will see how your prayer will be received. Thoughts, intelligent action, all sorts of other things will arrive to you.

The mindset that other beings will do everything for you, is simply childish, Christian, and borne out of severe laziness. Without physical actions, there is no manifestation of any power of the Gods in this world.

One of the reasons we are moving towards Godhead, and the Gods teach people, instruct people, leave the information here and on this dimension for us to grow, is exactly to embark on this situation called "Life".

Again, I want to reiterate, that none of this "Satan Will Do My Laundry" mentality exists in JoS or in the Ancient Pagan Cultures.

By following this thought process, you will be deceived, never grow, and inherently remain a Christian.

We preach the opposite from this. The Joy of Satan emphasizes that we must act, exist, learn, do trial and error, call in the Gods to help us with our existence etc, meditate, not just await for empty favors and so on. This is how life will start having meaning, you will have purpose, and you will grow true understanding of yourself and the world, progressively moving into the Godhead.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
You mean I won't win the lottery in a second? But I dedicated and did 1,5 rtr. I am entitled for the Gods to live my existence and me, well, you see, I need to be extremely happy all the time, toxic happiness (drugs).

I need to have the best of the best and be a paraoh so others can praise and look with extreme jealousy at me.

I need to have the most refined food ingested, as you see my sensorial ego needs to be satisfied 24/24.

I don't want to improve, I don't want to provide and be a "father". I don't want to be a "mother", I lost even my cat one day as how amazing I am.

This isn't reverse insanity. I don't want to be truly satisfied about my being and my actions. I only want everything fulfilled. In heaven. Enemy thoughtforms speak thru me, but I won't change anything about it.

Slave system is the perfect system. Xianity, Islam told me to be the perfect slave here I am. Won't do any effort. If I think I lose 10kgs.
Very well said. The notion of "god is in control, i must do nothing" remains and will always be the xtian way.

As for people bitching about donations and expecting the Gods to do everything and for provisions to fall out of the sky, You are hypocrites then as promoters and supporters of National Socialism. When the 4th reich comes and we are building for and caring for our people, where will provisions come from? When we want to form families and have the means to better our society where will this come from if not the people? The state will have this very well regulated i would imagine, but everyone must pitch in for the good of ORION (OUR RACE IS OUR NATION) This is National Socialism to a T. There is a difference between not having something to give, and complaining about giving due to a selfish sense of entitlement of, "why should I give when it should be a given". This is not how NS works and this is not the satanic way. When giving to any Satanic cause or for the Gods you ultimately help and give back to yourself.

Are we going to bitch when provisions do not fall out of the sky by then as well, when our civilization is supposed to be well into being independent of the Gods help, at least mostly? I wonder how it would look in the future there, if the Gods did do nothing but hold our hands the whole way....what a weak civilization of weak minded people this would be who never learned to do anything for themselves or fight for their existence.

People need to grow up and get realistic, as nothing worth it comes easy or for free. Nothing.
Shadowcat said:
Are we going to bitch when provisions do not fall out of the sky by then as well, when our civilization is supposed to be well into being independent of the Gods help, at least mostly? I wonder how it would look in the future there, if the Gods did do nothing but hold our hands the whole way....what a weak civilization of weak minded people this would be who never learned to do anything for themselves or fight for their existence.

People need to grow up and get realistic, as nothing worth it comes easy or for free. Nothing.

The problem is that after being grown into literal spiritual LIES from the enemy, many people cannot see the Truth of real spirituality and real life. This is why I answer these matters instead of throwing them under the rug.

The Gods want us to become Gods ourselves. When we understand this, that this is literal, then a lot of fog and mist subsides quickly.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Are we going to bitch when provisions do not fall out of the sky by then as well, when our civilization is supposed to be well into being independent of the Gods help, at least mostly? I wonder how it would look in the future there, if the Gods did do nothing but hold our hands the whole way....what a weak civilization of weak minded people this would be who never learned to do anything for themselves or fight for their existence.

People need to grow up and get realistic, as nothing worth it comes easy or for free. Nothing.

The problem is that after being grown into literal spiritual LIES from the enemy, many people cannot see the Truth of real spirituality and real life. This is why I answer these matters instead of throwing them under the rug.

The Gods want us to become Gods ourselves. When we understand this, that this is literal, then a lot of fog and mist subsides quickly.

Yes, the exact point. It is akin almost to an animal getting used to being fed all the time by humans in the wild..he will keep depending on the humans for food instead of caring for and hunting himself, and this is the opposite of what nature is supposed to be. Sadly a lot of humans have trouble getting out of the mindset as it feels comfortable and easy. I am optimistic many more will see the truth , but others may have trouble. I think focusing on the actual meaning of self dependency and the Gods can fix this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The other day I was thinking about this. Even if the Gods did things to us, we would become useless dependents, a future God is not supposed to be like that.

It is something to see around us, children who were spoiled by their mothers or overprotected. When they become adults and they have to go out into the world, everything is more difficult. They are shy, insecure, can't handle their own life, etc.

We have to work our way out, internaly and externaly to real liberty.


Regarding the use off it at the concentration camps, every jew was treated as good as possibel as all other german citizens at the time/war:

"In The Kingdom of Auschwitz, Otto Friedrich wrote about Rudolf Höss, regarding his decision to display the motto so prominently at the Auschwitz entrance:

He seems not to have intended it as a mockery, nor even to have intended it literally, as a false promise that those who worked to exhaustion would eventually be released, but rather as a kind of mystical declaration that self-sacrifice in the form of endless labor does in itself bring a kind of spiritual freedom.[16]"

The expression comes from the title of an 1873 novel by German philologist Lorenz Diefenbach, Arbeit macht frei: Erzählung von Lorenz Diefenbach, in which gamblers and fraudsters find the path to virtue through labour.[2][3] The phrase was also used in French (le travail rend libre!) by Auguste Forel, a Swiss entomologist, neuroanatomist and psychiatrist, in his Fourmis de la Suisse (English: Ants of Switzerland) (1920).[4] In 1922, the Deutsche Schulverein of Vienna, an ethnic nationalist "protective" organization of Germans within Austria, printed membership stamps with the phrase Arbeit macht frei.

The phrase is also evocative of the medieval German principle of Stadtluft macht frei ("urban air makes you free"), according to which serfs were liberated after being a city resident for one year and one day.[5]"

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Without getting into everything. For years, there has been alot of insanity here. I felt as though I was unloyal to think certain things, of if questions were raised, you were treated like a moron. Like how do you expect everyone to have a succubus on the site, when there is like 14 goddesses that are not super high ranking and married.

Or they are great, but what if people just went and got a real relationship with a human.... crazy thinking! This is just one thing out of many. But ofcourse the ultraoffended will show up, to say how just mentioning this, means way more extreme then the comment means. You mean we shouldn't talk to Goddesses!!?? We should kill them! How dare you say to kill women!

This is almost what it felt like sometimes. When it's like.....I'm just saying go...get....a gf. That's crazy talk, sane people converse with their imagination..... am I saying it's all in our heads!!?? No. But... they did tell you they were someone they were not....there's that...

Then you came in, and breathed common sense into everything. Thank you.

Sometimes it's hard to convey all that I mean, and I feel it would take 70 paragraphs to fully do so. But things are just more sane now.
Just like how war works between the high command and a unit of grunts and a few NCOs or other COs who volunteered or have to be there(war is random, my point here is that there is always this common stratum in this trope where there is always a physical element and higher one that's on logistics, like entire body and mind in short).

The high command won't do all the work for you in the field, capture any objective for you or deal with your own assigned belongings, their purpose is to give you intel, new map grids, more important orders, and patch in other capable units/personnel to help you because there is a severely low chance that a current situation you're in can be done by YOU alone.

As a grunt, just ensure you live while completing high-priority orders from your 'eyes' over you and you'll be fine. It's even obvious to study some of the parallels as referenced on the ongoing staged kike crisis of two former Soviets butting heads. There have been educational military media channels going nuts over it, but I still have yet more to learn on the topic of how war works. Well, we're in one that's on occult and intellectual levels so it looks appropriate to use physical war as an analogy for how I know dedicated and sincere people and gods have always been collaborating in Spiritual Satanism.

It's even on the JoS website, this place isn't fucking disneyland.

(What's different between us and an IRL army? We don't even have to show up physically to take down the juden parasite or do any whacky shenanigans on each other because someone successfully made it a trend.(I think we kind of had our own like traditions...*old pre 2020 JoS flashbacks roll in with ace combat 4 final mission music*) :lol: )
This sermon taught me much. Thank you HP Cobra. This has changed the way I think about life itself.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thanks for the post. Do you mean the Gods laugh at us if we make stupid mistakes?
Xtians make the perfect victims. All they do is pray and hope for stuff and think they will get it. The Lord is on our side nothing bad will happen.

People need to get out of these mindsets. I do believe it may be possible to force energies with some stuff though if you put enough effort into it and continue workings long enough. You still have to take some action but it may be way less.

However most people give up before even getting to that point.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hahaha nice title and also well said

It's all about give and take I have had my life saved 2x by the gods they can often do much divine intervention when one is sent somersaulting through the air a good 6m and land perfectly fine while a lightening bolt is sent back up into the sky from a very Sumerian look Beelzebub his face was like do not be walking out into lightening storms again stay home.

But I have also been given much luck with gambling contests and blessed with good looks and a good mind wether they interfered with this or not I don't know but I thank them for it anyway as technically we are made of them and so I do have them to thank for this.

When asking for something it is an ancient custom to be asking to do something in return when asking its called give and take the gods always have things you can be doing in your area for them if you devote your time and energy to them they will in turn devote their time and energy to you as this post says they won't be doing your laundry for you but they can often bump the odds in your favour save you from death and can have ridiculously good opportunities slap you right in your face.

Things I do for the gods
Donate to the jos (monetarily speaking)
Preach often of them for them (not to the point of being annoying or in someone's face)
Make up propaganda posters flyers pamphlets and pin these up or leave them in public access locations and or letterbox drop these as well
Spread their teachings to others who I meet who are spiritual as well a wealth of knowledge.

These are passive things we can all be doing to grow our community I would like to try and create an event this coming summer a pagan festival of sorts put the proceeds towards the JOS or perhaps even create competitions to raise awareness of them like mass advertise on fakebook saying I would like all perth artists to enter a competition of the Greek gods the best Greek God artworks will be awarded prizes for x amount of cash or even have simple things like eating or sports competition see what we can come up with.
Footprints in the Sand? Yeah, lol - I think I'd notice being "picked up and carried". ("god" could just mooove that mountaaaiiin instead. :roll: The reason "god" "could" move the mountain is because... well... it is "god", so it "can" do anything; however, it is "god", so it is also a schizoid bullshitter - it lies about saying "Say, 'Go, Mountain, throw yourself into the sea!', and it will be done" which everyone, even unborn Babies, know does not ever happen...) The difference between christians and Spiritual Satanists is that their "armour of christ" is merely a fantasy and they continually and perpetually rely on "god" "picking themselves up" and on "jesus" having been a scapegoat, negating and removing responsibility for themselves and their actions - always relying on something else and pretending; whereas we can, and do, have and build-up our own powerful and strong Aura of Protection, be proactive and make things better, instead of sitting on our fat arses and further bloodying our bloody knees, and we improve and empower and better ourselves.

If Satan "picked us up and carried us", then, like if we didn't teach our Children to walk, our Children, and ourselves, would be invalids. If we can't walk, then we crawl, and if we crawl, then we can't do maybe 99% of things, and if we can't do 99% of things, then we're invalids. We're not christians; we're not invalids.
FancyMancy said:
Footprints in the Sand? Yeah, lol - I think I'd notice being "picked up and carried". ("god" could just mooove that mountaaaiiin instead. :roll: The reason "god" "could" move the mountain is because... well... it is "god", so it "can" do anything; however, it is "god", so it is also a schizoid bullshitter - it lies about saying "Say, 'Go, Mountain, throw yourself into the sea!', and it will be done" which everyone, even unborn Babies, know does not ever happen...) The difference between christians and Spiritual Satanists is that their "armour of christ" is merely a fantasy and they continually and perpetually rely on "god" "picking themselves up" and on "jesus" having been a scapegoat, negating and removing responsibility for themselves and their actions - always relying on something else and pretending; whereas we can, and do, have and build-up our own powerful and strong Aura of Protection, be proactive and make things better, instead of sitting on our fat arses and further bloodying our bloody knees, and we improve and empower and better ourselves.

If Satan "picked us up and carried us", then, like if we didn't teach our Children to walk, our Children, and ourselves, would be invalids. If we can't walk, then we crawl, and if we crawl, then we can't do maybe 99% of things, and if we can't do 99% of things, then we're invalids. We're not christians; we're not invalids.

Shortly after I dedicated I felt like I was being given the idea that the "armor of christ" is a false rip off of an actual viable aura of protection, much like how mindless lazy xtian prayer is a rip off of real satanic prayer which is raising and sending energy. Basically, as we all know, just more examples of xnity being a dumbing down and desecration of the actual real deal.
you know, i think the gods actually do baby us a bit. after all my bullshit and laziness, they still help me whereas normal humans would have given up a long time ago. if you ask Satan a simple question ive found he answers almost immediately with a solution. the enemy will put things in your head like the gods resent you for being unproductive but it isnt true. they will always be there even if i feel guilty for wasting time. thats why i never make oaths to satan because i might fuck it up.

the gods lay out the path for us, i just hope i can get my shit together soon.
Excellent timing with this sermon HP. I was just thinking about that backwards mindset some folks have recently. I've read several posts from other members on here basically asking for favors from the Gods. The Gods may have responded to them already with instructions or advice, but they may have missed the signs because they're too wrapped up in wanting things to go "their way". I was like that once, blinded by my own ego.
Excellent sermon, HP Cobra. It's really that simple and basic: we need to actually do things. This is just a part of growth and life.

And it is so important to ask the Gods for guidance on matters. They want to help us, we just need to be open to their guidance.
That's incredible! While I was just browsing something on the phone (definitely not Instagram etc), I had a strange feeling. I felt like I had to do something and I wasn't doing it. All of a sudden, I saw the number '666' in an unrelated place and my inner feeling calmed down. I decided to meditate. I had a hard time trying to quiet my mind. Then I had a few physical setbacks where I live. I had to interrupt the meditation. I was feeling bad. Then I decided to take a look at Jos. I just saw this sermon. I'm still shocked. Father Satan truly knows all our feelings. He hears us all the time and returns to prayers when we pray for something sensible.

In fact, we are under surveillance all the time.
Every day we must remember what we are here for. This is the essence of our existence.
NakedPluto said:
You mean I won't win the lottery in a second? But I dedicated and did 1,5 rtr. I am entitled for the Gods to live my existence and me, well, you see, I need to be extremely happy all the time, toxic happiness (drugs).

I need to have the best of the best and be a paraoh so others can praise and look with extreme jealousy at me.

I need to have the most refined food ingested, as you see my sensorial ego needs to be satisfied 24/24.

I don't want to improve, I don't want to provide and be a "father". I don't want to be a "mother", I lost even my cat one day as how amazing I am.

This isn't reverse insanity. I don't want to be truly satisfied about my being and my actions. I only want everything fulfilled. In heaven. Enemy thoughtforms speak thru me, but I won't change anything about it.

Slave system is the perfect system. Xianity, Islam told me to be the perfect slave here I am. Won't do any effort. If I think I lose 10kgs.

:lol: :lol: :lol: High quality comedy, but based on the reality of some
Thank you for writing.

What I've learned since becoming SS is that there are questions that only I can answer. And there are things only I can do. No other SS, no Gods, no magic can help. Only ourselves.

But the amount of activity can be built up gradually.
Taurus said:
you know, i think the gods actually do baby us a bit. after all my bullshit and laziness, they still help me whereas normal humans would have given up a long time ago. if you ask Satan a simple question ive found he answers almost immediately with a solution. the enemy will put things in your head like the gods resent you for being unproductive but it isnt true. they will always be there even if i feel guilty for wasting time. thats why i never make oaths to satan because i might fuck it up.

the gods lay out the path for us, i just hope i can get my shit together soon.

That is oftentimes correct, they are really kind. But exactly because they are kind, we must not abuse their kindness. Yes, please do your best to get your shit together. Start step by step.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The purity of this post is out of the ordinary, many self-declared pseudo Satanists should read it... 👈
Hello beautiful satanic family and greatest high priestess/priest great sermon!

Just wanted to ask something.

What should I do when I feel really happy as a satanist and love the gods and accept them as our true gods! But still get triggered by things of a Christian nature? Because I love Satan, but when I do find myself sometimes wondering if I am wrong or that I’m possessed or that I’ll go to burning fire after death, it literally drags my mood down and depresses me because i truly feel great when I feel connected to the gods, but I feel like I unfortunately still believe in Christianity a little, and I hate that. :( it sucks I hate Christianity! What should I do when I get sucked into that ugly energy by still having lingering Christian energy :(! Also I see blue lights around me sometimes I see ghosts sometimes to and a guardian demon whom I love! I just feel a bit confused because I do love Satan but it’s hard when you feel the connection to him is faulty because of Christian garbage! How will I know for sure that Satan and the gods won’t leave my presence and will they be disappointed in me for still having lingering issues? Thank you.
Expecting the Gods to pump up personal development in oneself is illogical. There are however some people that ask why better results haven't come yet in regards to the shape of the world and I am a bit confused what to tell them. We SS have done a lot of rituals and combined with the Gods spiritual offensive we should see some better results. At the moment there is still the typical jew war between the totally brain dead leftist vs the trumptard/conservative that never cares about race, just a few anti LGBT and abortion stuff that are mostly distractions and don't really solve much of anything. All I can say to them is we haven't lost yet, but haven't won either.

Though I am looking with interest towards the next years where besides our efforts and the Gods efforts there will be some new astrological variables. In 2023 we will see the first glimpse of Pluto in Aquarius. Then the end of 2024 Neptune in Aries adds up as HPS Maxine said a while ago. This is going to be interesting.

As someone who has been such a victim of so many occult scams, on Ebay, or spellcasting services "We will cast a God spell for you", I can so relate to learning this spiritual lesson! Even to the point where Ebay banned spellcasters (not metaphysical stores overall, but the "pay us for a genie spell/reading"-type BS).

Some of the so-called "services" including making you time-travel (physically), shapeshift and clone yourself.......all for $20.

I'm just........really heartbroken and shocked that for $20 I couldn't get the Gods to help me shapshift into Brat Pitt, or help me time-travel into the 2nd grade and excel through all the tests that flunked with 9th-grader knowledge and avoid summer school (mind-you, in the "original timeline" of my life I was a very, very bad student in K-12 and often had to go to summer remedials).

I'm ESPECIALLY chocked that I couldn't create clones of myself to go out there and go to school for me while I sit at home and reap all the benefits. What a horrible world................

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Not long ago, there was an SS who said they were doing workings to attract a woman. They never spoke to her, never even tried. Just did workings to attract this woman at school. It never happened. Then, they told themselves that meditation and so on doesn't exist.

After the working was done, they were supposed to actually do something to get this objective at hand. Instead of sitting there and just waiting until the school season was over, they were supposed to start trying to work their way with this woman. Even when she responded, did whatever she could to get around them and so on, they took no action.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I gotta say...this is where it hits home, because 95% of all the "occult spells" I've paid online spellcasters and bought all types of meditation music to do for me were rooted for this very issue. I also take it, most people also resort to magick for this.

From spellcaster to spellcaster, all proclaiming "genie/angel/God magick", NONE worked. The reason-being as you HP Cobra stated, trying to force the Universe, the Gods to "do things for you" is NON-EXISTENT.

Quite frankly, given to the number of times she made intimate eye contact with me, I feel like THAT was the Universe's "greenlight" to actually talk to her. She eventually moved-on and stopped give a shit, found better friends, and yet even through that, my stubborn-self CONTINUED feeding money into these online occult scams into getting her to "like me" - even she probably ALREADY DID. Among other issues I needed fixed included my irritability issues, once-more it was wasn't possible, especially when I was shoving Coca-Colas down my throat at the time, and not drinking enough water.

Damn....I guess the Christians were right. The occult doesn't exist, the Gods don't exist, and let me repent and worship Yahwisheewashee and his son, who by his jew blood was "just too good" to be born through a natural birth.

So I went to church, put $[enter absurd amount] into the donation bowl and asking Yahwisheewashee to work me a miracle.

Man......I was SOOOOO glad! My horses also developed wings, and was I FINALLY able shape-shift into John Cena, date the girl (dumped her after i made one of the cheerleaders shape-shift into Kiera Knightley), and decided fuck-it, travel back in time to my elementary school years and overthrow Bill Nye the Science guy!

I'm now the Tsar of Russia.

Thank God I didn't listen to that retarded LHP who warned me, magick is a LIFESTYLE, with DISCIPLINE and COMMITMENT.

Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta do my Sabbath prayers to Yahwisheewashee to do my laundry, and feed the jews the energy they need to overthrow me and put the heroic Bolsheviks in power!
The Ancient Greeks quote motivated me, so I made a wallpaper, I'll share it here.

Isn't that the concept of smartphones and computers? People nowadays are mad that smartphones can't make them a coffee, laundry and whatnot. Watching Netflix and getting drunk is more important and it's always someone else's fault if things are not done.
SwiftSoul77 said:
Hello beautiful satanic family and greatest high priestess/priest great sermon!

Just wanted to ask something.

What should I do when I feel really happy as a satanist and love the gods and accept them as our true gods! But still get triggered by things of a Christian nature? Because I love Satan, but when I do find myself sometimes wondering if I am wrong or that I’m possessed or that I’ll go to burning fire after death, it literally drags my mood down and depresses me because i truly feel great when I feel connected to the gods, but I feel like I unfortunately still believe in Christianity a little, and I hate that. :( it sucks I hate Christianity! What should I do when I get sucked into that ugly energy by still having lingering Christian energy :(! Also I see blue lights around me sometimes I see ghosts sometimes to and a guardian demon whom I love! I just feel a bit confused because I do love Satan but it’s hard when you feel the connection to him is faulty because of Christian garbage! How will I know for sure that Satan and the gods won’t leave my presence and will they be disappointed in me for still having lingering issues? Thank you.
1. Practice 8 fold path every day
2. Do rtr every day
3. Do not worry, Gods are always there for you
4. Reap the fruits of your practice and enjoy
FancyMancy said:
If Satan "picked us up and carried us", then, like if we didn't teach our Children to walk, our Children, and ourselves, would be invalids. If we can't walk, then we crawl, and if we crawl, then we can't do maybe 99% of things, and if we can't do 99% of things, then we're invalids. We're not christians; we're not invalids.
You couldn't have written it better. :cool: :cool:

I'm disgusted by this notion.Although I was also a retarded xian,but my mentality was not that weak(I mean, not that strongly) and even as a vile xian I was disgusted by this comfortable mentality(the pagan tendency could not be completely eradicated from me by xainism :lol: :lol: :D :D ).
By the way, my parents brought me up pretty hard, I never even heard of comfort,but I don't feel sorry for myself at all. :D :D and I never wanted it,that to they(or whoever) spoil(pamper) me.
I agree. Father Satan and the gods are always guiding and helping us to reach godhead, which does not mean that they will baby us. No one can help you if you don't help yourself. As SS we must do our best in every situation and seek the light through darkness.
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Some of the so-called "services" including making you time-travel (physically), shapeshift and clone yourself.......all for $20.

Random guy from India sells you magic potion to become a vampire for 2 hours on Amazon or someone sells you time travelling service for only 20$ to shapeshift and clone yourself in e-bay? YES!


When asked to donate which is an already existing button for literally 20+ years of best occult knowledge and information and giving you the best knowledge available for literally free on the cost of time and labor of others who do so in behalf of the Gods so this can spread to other nations, people, and save many many more people for general advancement of humanity and everyone else on a cumulative global effect that will help the whole planet yourself and the future generations because it's now the best chance we have had in a centuries:

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Some of the so-called "services" including making you time-travel (physically), shapeshift and clone yourself.......all for $20.

LMAO did not expect a meme reply
Fok said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This is a good and realistic post.
I still don't like you HC but you sometimes really do make excellent posts that i can agree with.
Heerrree mouseeeeyy :twisted: :twisted:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
