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Why The Gods Don't "Manifest" Money For JoS

The Alchemist7 [JG]

Head of Translations
Nov 17, 2017
[email protected]
I don't post such topics very often but in the light of recent events I considered helpful to state and explain my views on donations and related.

The relationship between Spiritual Satanists and the Gods is much alike the one of a son/daughter and their parents. To put it into perspective, imagine this:

There is a billionaire couple that have a son and a daughter, which are both PhD's, very intelligent and capable people. The billionaire mother and father in this comparison represent the Gods, and the "billions" represent their immeasurable spiritual power. Their son and daughter represent us, the spiritual satanists. The PhD degrees represent the spiritual knowledge we have, because the reality is, Joy of Satan is the "PhD" of all spiritual knowledge that exist publicly on Earth. No other known or public organization provide any spiritual knowledge that is as comprehensive and accessible for all gentiles on all levels of spiritual experience, from total beginners to very advanced.

Basically, the parents who are billionaires, have enough money and power to provide their offsprings whatever they want, for their whole life. The parents can buy them houses, cars, businesses and everything they might ever desire.

But is that the correct way to grow a son/daughter? A parent that wants the best for their children, what they can wish for them? Any parent will want their children to become competent, educated, responsible, independent and intelligent people, so they can proudly carry on the existence of their family in the same natural values of human evolution.

Now, what if the son and the daughter start "demanding" money and assets from their parents? After all, they are billionaires, they can do this in a snap of a finger. How are the parents expected to react in such scenario? Simply serve their asses their whole life? Or teach them a lesson about how they must should work hard to have the life they want? After all they are PhD’s and very capable and intelligent people. They have the knowledge to live a better life on their own. The parents have done their parental duty of educating them until adulthood and providing them with the knowledge gained after finishing a PhD degree, and the parents will always be there to guide them and advice them based on their vast life experience.

What if the parents, after giving their offsprings whatever they wanted in life instead of teaching them to work for their own existence, suddenly get fed up and stop the "money fountain"? How will the life of their children be, after the parents "educated" them into being highly dependent, lazy and demanding people, instead of hard working and responsible? Does any sane parent want their children to become such a person? No, most likely not.

This is what many people need to understand. The Gods don't want us, their children, to become lazy and dependent on them. I try not to assign the Gods with "humanly" qualities because it wouldn't make much sense given their level of evolution compared to us but it goes beyond saying that the Gods represent the absolute perfection when it comes to models for humanity and what we should aim to in our lives.

We have a war to fight and the Gods are not responsible for us letting ourselves infiltrated, deceived and nearly conquered by an alien species of "humans" who came and our home and claimed that they own it and then attempt to murder us so they can forcefully take it. The Gods don't expect from us to be lazy and dependent on them, therefore, they are not going to physically or concretely fight this war for us. However, they never sat idle neither, they have always supported and guided humanity (or the best people of it) into finding solutions so we can continue fighting this disease until is eradicated, on our own, using our own people and our own power. This is the responsability that humanity must display in front of the Gods and in front of itself to survive.

People must accept that they have to take their life and fate in their own hands, with the spiritual knowledge the Gods have provided, people must use it so they can uplift themselves with their own efforts. This is what a responsible parent want from their children, to become as responsible for their own life and to reach bigger and bigger heights of evolution. No civilization can ever achieve this when their "parents" are behind them, serving them for their whole existence. This is a parasitic mindset that will lead a civilization to decay, once their Creators decide to not stand behind them anymore in all their moves. Surely we can never say the Gods will ever abandon us, simply because the Gods are never going to serve and manifest for us everything that we have the responsability to achieve on our own.

This is why the Gods aren't going to simply generate us endless money (since the discussion was all about this), even if it would be very easy for them to do. We the Spiritual Satanists, as the only carriers of the most authentic, ancient and advanced spiritual knowledge on Earth, we have the responsability to take the fate of humanity in our hands. We have to be not lazy and dependent on the Gods to save us, which is really a mindset that has strong ramifications in christianity, but we have to become extremely responsible and hard working people to do what no other people are capable to, which is saving humanity from being enslaved and "erased" from history as a self-standing civilization.

As far as I can personally tell, expanding Joy of Satan in other languages is probably one of our absolute priorities. This require websites exactly like the JoS site to exist in all other languages. All you have to do is to go into the translation thread at the bottom of the forum and to count all the languages you see there, and to realize that one day, JoS will have a site as big as the English one in all those languages, plus many others that aren't even mentioned there, that are going to come in the future. This is how JoS is going to reach billions of people on longterm, by working hard to bring knowledge to them, instead of idly sitting there waiting for billions of people to learn English and visit the English sites. That is not the best decision to apply when planning to reach as many people as possible. The need for donations are a unavoidable consequence of an expansion on such a massive scale. Each language require a website that cost money, and not few money. Add to this the need for extra security because of the alien enemy that wants to exterminate us in the same way they exterminated our religion centuries ago. Let's assume there would have been one person that supposedly was able to sustain this massive financial burden on their shoulders. Are you as Spiritual Satanists going to accept this? Are you going to accept that the existence of such an important hub of knowledge for humanity relies on the shoulders of just one person? Is this how responsible we are for our future as a civilization? What if this person suddenly disappears by unknown circumstances, what are we going to do? The possibilities of the future are still unknown to most of us.

Therefore no, if expanding JoS require financial capital, then beside other extremely important responsabilities of spiritual warfare, reaching people by activism, maintaining the existing sites, researching and gaining more knowledge, meditating and advancing our lives, we also have this very important responsability of contributing to the expansion of what can save humanity from literal extinction as a civilization. It goes beyond saying that we all have to carry this responsability together on our shoulders, everyone to the power of their abilities. Also as it has been mentioned, there are many SS or are living in tough conditions and perhaps close to absolute poverty, these people have a hard battle with their karma and their unfortunate life conditions, it will never be expected from these people to do the impossible and contribute financially to JoS, however they have to fight hard on other ends for themselves first and foremost, to uplift themselves, and for JoS by participating in spiritual warfare and basically other satanic responsabilities that they can partake on without prejudicing their financial situation even more.

Regarding how people are being "appreciated" by the Gods by their efforts, shouldn't this be the common sense and nature of things? People who are responsible enough and take on themselves as many responsabilities as they can carry, those who work the most should be privileged with more attention and care from the Gods, which might translate in more guidance in their lives, more protection and so on. Is there anything wrong in this mindset?

If donations represent one of these extremely important duties, it is what it is and have to fullfil it as we have to fullfil the other ones. But it doesn't mean that those who donate would be more privileged than those who don't only because they donate, is beyond my understanding on how the Gods see each person, but one thing is clear to me personally, the Gods appreciate each and every person individually depending on how much effort and struggle they put towards advancing JoS and fighting the enemy, there is certainly no "discrimination" based exclusively on donations or anything of the sort in my opinion, but every person is individually observed by the Gods and they certainly know the best how they should appreciate every Satanist.

Then those who are the most serious and responsible people and work the most for JoS with the Gods and humanity in mind, then unavoidably those are bound to receive more power and more abilities inside the organization, for they are enough trusted hy the Gods to use this power in a responsible way to further advance and expand JoS. This should be the nature of things. Imagine if JoS was in the hands of incompetent, superficial and spiritually immature people, where would we have been at this moment? Probably we wouldn't exist anymore as organization. This is where meditation and gaining spiritual experience plays a major role. Nothing in this world can grow a person more in physical and spiritual power and wisdom than real and uncorrupted spirituality, which JoS has provided for free for everybody brave enough to take on such a journey.

Then as mentioned, donations to expand JoS are part of the duties that we have to fulfill as Satanists, for who is able to take part into this. Nobody should ever feel guilty or ostracized for not being financially able to take on this duty, for they can just take on the other ones that have equally extremely significant importance. However due to chronic corruption and generalized thirst for money in our society, where many people are willing to do the worst to each other for some shekels, it is expected that when money are involved, people are suddenly getting triggered. Many people have to understand that when it comes to JoS, financial resources are being used for a noble cause to spread our ancient spiritual knowledge to billions of people, and there is no secret in this. The JoS websites projects are all public, and everybody is being updated on the status of each website in every language. The transparency of where are the donations going is really irreproachable. Doubts are completely valid, however when they are being addressed and clarified, it takes ill intentions for someone to wish JoS to never expand only because, due to modern circumstances, it needs money to do this. Even worse, there are people, jews or gentiles, who will probably do their best to stop others for contributing to this noble cause, in which case I wish them for justice to manifest in their lives and the consequences to be proportionate to their very evil intentions.

To conclude, I rhetorically ask myself, those of you who have vehemently opposed the idea of JoS receiving donations to provide uncorrupted spiritual knowledge in other languages (not even donations from you personally, but donations at all), how many of you have ever criticized the christian churches (officially among the richest organizations in the world), publicly or anonymously online, for literally ripping off even the poorest people in the poorest countries, only for the christian "priests" and "leaders" to curse their existence until the day they die? Let me guess, no one
Because we can do the same ourselves.

We arent babies we can at least do what they asked us to, the gods literally protect us in ways we dont even realize. As HP said if an undedicated person brings war to the enemy they'd be easily squashed. But we have the gods caring for us while simultaneously respecting our free will and how we use it in regards to ourselves.

Heres an idea: how about creating a special kind of schedule for people who want to support financially but cant due to many reasons such as being very poor currently or living in a terrible country etc, to follow this magick schedule, so that with the collective power of these folk, money would be made manifest quicker and easier for the JoS.

Of course this isnt to say that those certain members who HAVE PARTICIPATED WITH THEIR OWN FREE WILL should not donate when they have the perfect opportunity to do so because that scenario is one way the magick can be manifested.

This way also any and absolutely all excuses by some idiots who get triggered whenever donations are talked about here, would be gone cuz they dont even gotta pay for this they just use magick.

My reply here is not about money solely. It can be interpreted for the wider fight-or-die situation we have been faced with.

If Son/Daughter is in dire straights and is about to get beaten up - i.e. Planet Earth is about to be borgified - then Mum and Dad should say, "Learn how to defend yourself!" and not step-in to help? Well, of course, Mum and Dad (the Gods and Goddesses) have stepped-in to help; in fact, throughout history, the jew's plans have been thwarted again and again. It is annoying, though, that just in the nick of time, like in an action film, things are saved, like a self-destruct going down to 1 second and it being cancelled.

The Gods and Goddesses are not "all-powerful", as has been said before. I don't know how many Planets are undergoing similar things as to what is happening and has been happening on Earth; I also don't know how thinly the Gods and Goddesses' works are being stretched. The best I can compare it with - and forgive me for this - is from playing RTS games, where you have to go here and there and defend this and defend that, and splitting your squadrons and maybe allowing some things to be lost for a while so you can do something else before taking them back again... I can't make it make any real sense, but we surely have been helped a lot more than we can see currently.

What I don't get is why the jew didn't have secret bases back in the Middle Ages where microchips would have been created and it being added to the bibles that "'god' said, 'it is good'". Instead, the jew must get the Brain Energies and Emotion Energies and efforts from people for a very long time... That doesn't make sense. It's as if the jew gives us an ability to get out of it all but the jew keeps it just out of our reach, like dangling something above a little kitten and then snatching it away. Oh. Maybe that makes sense now.

With the Gods and Goddesses, though, we have been taught things. There still seems to be some missing pieces of the puzzle between Them being here, an attack happening, and Them leaving and us having to be under the jew and its shit for many centuries.

The Alchemist7 said:
Now, what if the son and the daughter start "demanding" money and assets from their parents? After all, they are billionaires, they can do this in a snap of a finger.
This is why the Gods aren't going to simply generate us endless money (since the discussion was all about this), even if it would be very easy for them to do.
It seems that on our current level (the lowest level being Physicality), we literally have to build ourselves from the ground up. We build up the foundations and then on top of those foundations we can 'reach and climb into' higher dimensions.

I should hope that no-one thinks of themself as a pet, but maybe think of it like having a pet. Our dog gets into a fight with another dog - we can sort of wait until one wins, whichever that might be, and the other loses. We could get a long stick and poke the other dog who is not our pet and throw stones at it to give ours an advantage, but with our Planet's vibration being low (i.e. Gods and Goddesses not staying here, lest They decay, which I doubt because They would be powerful-enough to protect themselves...), we can't step-in and rip the dogs apart (They can't be here to defend us). Anyone might say, "Gods and Goddesses don't need to be here Physically, though; They can use Energy from afar". We also need pride and self-esteem and self-worth. We can't gain these things when others do all of the work for us instead.

Gods and Goddesses could kill every last jew easily, no doubt, but then what would happen? The sheep would be without a shepherd, and the change would be way too quick. We need time to adapt.

To conclude, I rhetorically ask myself, those of you who have vehemently opposed the idea of JoS receiving donations to provide uncorrupted spiritual knowledge in other languages (not even donations from you personally, but donations at all), how many of you have ever criticized the christian churches (officially among the richest organizations in the world), publicly or anonymously online, for literally ripping off even the poorest people in the poorest countries, only for the christian "priests" and "leaders" to curse their existence until the day they die? Let me guess, no one
I have mentioned the estimate of 1 trillion and 144 billion per year, multiple times; and I have also said that the church has lots of gold and buildings and paintings and clothes while African Children are starving to death, multiple times; and I have also said charities don't help despite there being so many of them, a few times, as well.
Also - If you want peace, prepare for war, yes?
Nothing gets done without action. Everything that you wear, eat, see, had to be created or grown up to that point.
From inspiration to thought to emotion to trial and error of action, by growth by time, everything.
Nothing just is "because".

You are here because two people decided to love each other. Bodies did unionize and you where nothing, yet an egg and a sperm met, and you grew in your mothers womb for a lot of months. Then you grew up to this point, years and years, everyday being fed.

Your whole body is a movement is an action NON STOP even after you die! Life is action, is movement, is decision and options.

Expecting the Gods to do your movement and give you things is EQUAL to DEATH. But if you even try to move, ie. to live, you will be helped! Enormously.

Let's not beat around the bush and be idiots in face of this. The Gods really do make it extraordinary for us. Those who know are those who acted. You did meditate, you did the ritual of commitment, you acted so you see. You got a response.

Others stopped being comfortable to only that, not even imagining more can be than this. As more as you act on this, as more as you see and are. Life is a volume. As it enlarges in volume, the duty and the movement of it is higher and higher.

The donation aspect of this ties directly in how you perceive life. You cannot be a separate being in life from others. Life is life. Life is humans. Your brotherhood is the most important. All we do here is about the people, is about you and them and us - every gentile.

We are connected, whether you like it or not. You were not asked to sacrifice anything. You were not asked to do anything that adds into your life any negative emotion or outcome.

You were asked to understand. It is TIME! For how long you have been wondering when we will really blow the jew apart. When will this resemble a material gathering of sorts. When do we win?

You have asked yourselves, where is the Hope in this world. That player of extreme power and good effect on all of this world.

It is here, It is JoS , and TIME has come to make it real in a material defining practical action. You are given the opportunity to donate. You are not taken from this beauty. It is open to everyone to have a say and a power in this!

We have to make it ourselves, we have to grow it and protect it. Just like you make a baby, just like the tree grows, just like you are feeding yourself everyday, just like every city and car has been created by great effort and action. No UFO appeared and made a building appear all of the sudden.

Our spiritual efforts will bless and guide this, and most importantly make it 100% a success. But we need the more simpler aspect of this. The EASIEST: Donations. Without playing the game you cannot win, even if you have spiritual God like energy behind this. The 3d dimension is this, material with very strict and fixed laws. Laws are the rules of the game. Haven't you read the instructions of life already?
FancyMancy said:

Fancy have you ever sat down to consider how this bullshit you say might reflect on a topic, or if it has any knowledge that it is founded upon on the topic, or if you have any experience with it?

Alchemist7 said:

Yes, and the situation is what I have explained in around 100 replies on the subject. If these do not suffice, I am not here to say anything further.

The fact that one has to explain that grown up people do not have to eat with a baby spoon, and all these millions of infinite misconceptions, is really robbing time from me and my personal advancement and the communal advancement, let alone the advancement of others who are losing braincells trying to articulate the stupidest shit they have to listen to here.

Therefore, none of this is to be tolerated anymore. If you think that I need to justify why a person at 40 years old is not entitled to baby diapers, you are either sick, or too immature to converse with me. If anyone is on this state, I am not obligated to do the work of the planets, which will likely sooner or later arrive, knocking sense into people.

Anyone against the JoS progress is my enemy, and anyone who is pro this, is my friend.

If you feel against this, we are enemies.

If you are neutral to this, then do not poison wells.

If you are pro this, we are brothers and sisters and that is all there is to it.

Nobody is obligated to spend 100 replies to explain why adults should not wear diapers, of all places, in a place where people claim you are advancing spiritually and you are clearly above the median level of intelligence.

I was obligated to explain to those who are on part with understanding, and those who might not be able to do what they should now, but might in the future. These people understood and listened. They are the strong to whom my words affirm, making them stronger.

In regards to those who just squirm and shit their pants, that is none of my business. I do not care a lot how you feel, you do not care how "we" feel, those of us who want to do something about these things instead of just looking at the wall.

If I was in the position of these people looking at myself, I would be angry at myself and try to improve my situation to engage in a great deed, not whine and act as a maniacal obstacle, no different than any kike or person sick in the head would in this situation.

Certain behaviors past a point imply one is either mentally ill, and their illness is trying to plague great works, or that one is simply a dick or a jew, or someone is a time waster or opposer of great deeds for no reason. In all cases, nobody has time for that shit.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FancyMancy said:

Fancy have you ever sat down to consider how this bullshit you say might reflect on a topic, or if it has any knowledge that it is founded upon on the topic, or if you have any experience with it?
You know what? I made a reply here to you, but in it I would have contradicted myself, from what I said, by actually posting my reply... I still would like to share what I replied to you, but this is not the thread to do it in... Instead, I will say -

yeah. My Mind needs some tweaks. That is painfully obvious. It is so important to me to add something. In my understanding, I might say a tiny thing which might be just enough for someone to realise something; whereas if I didn't post anything at all, then that might be lost or take a lot longer for them to realise. In other words, I might type bullshit, as you say, but in it there might be something decent which others can use to help with things. Sort of like a tiny gold nugget among it.

Anyway, yeah. I might post my reply in a separate thread, not to bitch or anything (despite the fact it actually is) but to show what I was going to reply initially. I don't know what's wrong, HP. I'm doing the working that I was helped with, so that's a start.

Thank you for being honest. I will say this again - I prefer the truth if it hurts than a comfortable lie which doesn't. Apparently, I forget that a lot...

Anyway. As you all were...
FancyMancy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FancyMancy said:

Fancy have you ever sat down to consider how this bullshit you say might reflect on a topic, or if it has any knowledge that it is founded upon on the topic, or if you have any experience with it?
You know what? I made a reply here to you, but in it I would have contradicted myself, from what I said, by actually posting my reply... I still would like to share what I replied to you, but this is not the thread to do it in... Instead, I will say -

yeah. My Mind needs some tweaks. That is painfully obvious. It is so important to me to add something. In my understanding, I might say a tiny thing which might be just enough for someone to realise something; whereas if I didn't post anything at all, then that might be lost or take a lot longer for them to realise. In other words, I might type bullshit, as you say, but in it there might be something decent which others can use to help with things. Sort of like a tiny gold nugget among it.

Anyway, yeah. I might post my reply in a separate thread, not to bitch or anything (despite the fact it actually is) but to show what I was going to reply initially. I don't know what's wrong, HP. I'm doing the working that I was helped with, so that's a start.

Thank you for being honest. I will say this again - I prefer the truth if it hurts than a comfortable lie which doesn't. Apparently, I forget that a lot...

Anyway. As you all were...

Fancy, may I ask you something?

Please understand when I do it's not to offend or to insult, but because it is a serious inquiry and based on a genuine curiosity about your own self-reflection.

Have you ever considered the possibility that you might be autistic? Serious question, no bullshit or trolling implied.
Shadowcat said:
FancyMancy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Fancy have you ever sat down to consider how this bullshit you say might reflect on a topic, or if it has any knowledge that it is founded upon on the topic, or if you have any experience with it?
You know what? I made a reply here to you, but in it I would have contradicted myself, from what I said, by actually posting my reply... I still would like to share what I replied to you, but this is not the thread to do it in... Instead, I will say -

yeah. My Mind needs some tweaks. That is painfully obvious. It is so important to me to add something. In my understanding, I might say a tiny thing which might be just enough for someone to realise something; whereas if I didn't post anything at all, then that might be lost or take a lot longer for them to realise. In other words, I might type bullshit, as you say, but in it there might be something decent which others can use to help with things. Sort of like a tiny gold nugget among it.

Anyway, yeah. I might post my reply in a separate thread, not to bitch or anything (despite the fact it actually is) but to show what I was going to reply initially. I don't know what's wrong, HP. I'm doing the working that I was helped with, so that's a start.

Thank you for being honest. I will say this again - I prefer the truth if it hurts than a comfortable lie which doesn't. Apparently, I forget that a lot...

Anyway. As you all were...

Fancy, may I ask you something?

Please understand when I do it's not to offend or to insult, but because it is a serious inquiry and based on a genuine curiosity about your own self-reflection.

Have you ever considered the possibility that you might be autistic? Serious question, no bullshit or trolling implied.

That would make a lot of sense. There are extremely high functioning Autistic people who display above average intelligence but have difficulty with social interaction and social understanding.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Heres an idea: how about creating a special kind of schedule for people who want to support financially but cant due to many reasons such as being very poor currently or living in a terrible country etc, to follow this magick schedule, so that with the collective power of these folk, money would be made manifest quicker and easier for the JoS.
Do you mean that those who aren't able to donate can do "money workings" for JoS? I would say this can only be effective if is done of a large scale, by all of us and on longterm. People must be spiritually powerful for their workings to have an impacting effect. If people aren't spiritually very powerful and advanced (and sadly the vast majority of us aren't) then this is countered by bigger and bigger numbers of participants in such a working. However the rituals for blessing and protecting JoS that we have been doing for years are clearly manifesting, JoS is bigger than it ever was before and more secure than ever. However yes you propose for a solely money working for JoS if I have understood correctly but as said this should be performed by all Satanists in order to have noticeable effects.

FancyMancy said:
If Son/Daughter is in dire straights and is about to get beaten up - i.e. Planet Earth is about to be borgified -
Is it about.... or is it not? Humanity stands the biggest chance probably since the Roman Empire to defeat the jews. The jews are clearly scared of humanity at this point, which is why they have experts in mass psychology and mass manipulation and related, in order to push their agenda slowly and "gently" enough to not cause mass riots that would end their dominance. Hypothetically speaking, humanity could finish off the jews completely in a few days, easily, if most people were aware of their position in the world and their intentions. For example, if all people with bank accounts will go in the same time to withdraw all their money, all banks will collapse instantly. By the next day all banks will be insolvent and unable to perform. Yes this will lead to a period of economical crash and chaos, but after this, humanity will unavoidably build a new financial system that doesn't rely on banks, because people aren't going to trust them anymore. This is one example of what could hypothetically happen if all people were aware of the jewish plans.

Another example, if CIA and FBI were ruled by noble gentiles with noble intentions and not jewish puppets who work directly for the jews, in the snap of a finger they would have been able to identify the exact members of the richest jewish families in the world, seize and block the access to their bank accounts and wherever they keep their fortunes, and judge them for crimes against humanity. Also to take away all their fortune and use these to fix major economical issues that the world is facing.

FancyMancy said:
then Mum and Dad should say, "Learn how to defend yourself!" and not step-in to help? Well, of course, Mum and Dad (the Gods and Goddesses) have stepped-in to help; in fact, throughout history, the jew's plans have been thwarted again and again. It is annoying, though, that just in the nick of time, like in an action film, things are saved, like a self-destruct going down to 1 second and it being cancelled.
It seems after years of being in JoS forums (I don't know how many, you was here before me), you are still waiting for a savior to come and save humanity from the jewish alien. I already explained in the post above the reasons why the Gods are not jesus christ whom the christians believe that is going to come physically on Earth and "save the sinful humanity". I explained that any civilization has to fight their own wars in order to keep existing and evolve. This require very powerful and responsible people to take charge of these actions. With people like you in the ruling positions, humanity would indeed need to beg the Gods to be saved, sorry to say this but this is the only conclusion I can draw from your messages. You have been here for years, as far as I read you don't do RTRs, you don't do power meditation to seriously advance, you literally spent hours upon hours on the forums every single day for years, only to find yourself buried in the same mentality preached by the "religion" that was created by the jewish race to take away the power from us. To me this sounds more like a dabbler than a dedicated serious satanist.

FancyMancy said:
Also - If you want peace, prepare for war, yes?
I guess you was referring to the Gods with this? We are already prepared for war for years, in fact, we are right in the middle of it, spiritual war, informational war, we are living it now as of writing this. Is not us the ones who have to prepare for war because we are already right in the middle of it. I guess you aren't going to start preparing for a war and mobilize troops only after you have already been invaded and the enemy troops are near your capital city. If you referred to the Gods with this rhetorical question then it speaks volumes about your understanding of our situation, and further confirms what I've said in this reply. However I hope I am wrong. Anyway if you referred to humanity in general then this is definitely wrong at this moment of time. It might have been true some 2000 years ago or something when the jews weren’t a big threat, but still a steadily growing threat. In that case then yes humanity needed to prepare for war with the jews in order to ever have peace again, not now when the enemy is already in our lands and nearly conquered us.

FancyMancy said:
You know what? I made a reply here to you, but in it I would have contradicted myself, from what I said, by actually posting my reply... I still would like to share what I replied to you, but this is not the thread to do it in... Instead, I will say -

yeah. My Mind needs some tweaks. That is painfully obvious. It is so important to me to add something. In my understanding, I might say a tiny thing which might be just enough for someone to realise something; whereas if I didn't post anything at all, then that might be lost or take a lot longer for them to realise. In other words, I might type bullshit, as you say, but in it there might be something decent which others can use to help with things. Sort of like a tiny gold nugget among it.
Have you always been so deluded and confused about yourself? You literally suggested this above. You know something is definitely wrong with you, yet you never attempted to do something to fix this defect you have. What are you waiting for?

First you trashed HP Cobra for some bollocks minor writing mistakes that he might have been doing occasionally, then you insulted other members in your attempts of being "sarcastic" and now you wonder why the Gods are not getting a lot more involved into our situation, like this is their main existential concern now. HP Cobra has mentioned that for the Gods this situation isn't even very serious anymore because from their position and level of spiritual advancement, they can see that humanity is going to prevail over the jews, granted that we do what we have been instructed to do, without them having to come into spaceships and bomb the Rothschild mansions or I don't know how are you imagining this.

Perhaps you might be thinking that this is all "propaganda" and "baseless claims" however you most likely never attempted to advance enough so you can be able to speak to the Gods directly. From such a position then definitely you cannot have a genuine opinion about how the Gods observe humanity, because you haven't seen both sides of the coin. You only saw the obvious side, that of merely reading writings from others who have spoken to the Gods or have advanced enough to understand their position, which you may or may not choose to believe, depending on your understanding. You haven't experienced the "difficult side" of the coin, therefore automatically and objectively speaking your doubts cannot be fully justified.

The lack of organized and coordinated meditation in your life screams loud through your posts. I hope you don't also expect for someone or something to magically fix this understanding issue that you yourself acknowledge to have. If you aren't going to fix this then I can only expect that is going to get worse for yourself as time goes on the forums. I am not even sure how much you care about your position on the forums and as a Satanist anymore. If you cared more then perhaps you would have done something about your understanding issues.
I mean, still, the power of multiple people is stronger usually than the power of one of them. So either way its going to have a more successful effect. And even if 10 percent of us join in, it would still be a great help imo.

I do believe that if multiple of us start doing a money working for JoS, that the money will be brought about sooner because there will likely be a lot more ppl doing this, opposed to just one person.
FancyMancy said:
You know what? I made a reply here to you, but in it I would have contradicted myself, from what I said, by actually posting my reply... I still would like to share what I replied to you, but this is not the thread to do it in... Instead, I will say -

yeah. My Mind needs some tweaks. That is painfully obvious. It is so important to me to add something. In my understanding, I might say a tiny thing which might be just enough for someone to realise something; whereas if I didn't post anything at all, then that might be lost or take a lot longer for them to realise. In other words, I might type bullshit, as you say, but in it there might be something decent which others can use to help with things. Sort of like a tiny gold nugget among it.

Anyway, yeah. I might post my reply in a separate thread, not to bitch or anything (despite the fact it actually is) but to show what I was going to reply initially. I don't know what's wrong, HP. I'm doing the working that I was helped with, so that's a start.

Thank you for being honest. I will say this again - I prefer the truth if it hurts than a comfortable lie which doesn't. Apparently, I forget that a lot...

Anyway. As you all were...

Fancy Mancy, when you end a sentence with a suspension point, it is supposed to be four period dots (.), not just three.

If you're going to be so hard on others for their grammar, you should learn the basics yourself.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Shadowcat said:
FancyMancy said:
You know what? I made a reply here to you, but in it I would have contradicted myself, from what I said, by actually posting my reply... I still would like to share what I replied to you, but this is not the thread to do it in... Instead, I will say -

yeah. My Mind needs some tweaks. That is painfully obvious. It is so important to me to add something. In my understanding, I might say a tiny thing which might be just enough for someone to realise something; whereas if I didn't post anything at all, then that might be lost or take a lot longer for them to realise. In other words, I might type bullshit, as you say, but in it there might be something decent which others can use to help with things. Sort of like a tiny gold nugget among it.

Anyway, yeah. I might post my reply in a separate thread, not to bitch or anything (despite the fact it actually is) but to show what I was going to reply initially. I don't know what's wrong, HP. I'm doing the working that I was helped with, so that's a start.

Thank you for being honest. I will say this again - I prefer the truth if it hurts than a comfortable lie which doesn't. Apparently, I forget that a lot...

Anyway. As you all were...

Fancy, may I ask you something?

Please understand when I do it's not to offend or to insult, but because it is a serious inquiry and based on a genuine curiosity about your own self-reflection.

Have you ever considered the possibility that you might be autistic? Serious question, no bullshit or trolling implied.

That would make a lot of sense. There are extremely high functioning Autistic people who display above average intelligence but have difficulty with social interaction and social understanding.

Yes, there are many intelligent people on the spectrum that just perceive their sensory world a bit differently. There are a lot of neurotypical people that have some of these traits that are not on the spectrum also, but with people on the spectrum, these things are more pronounced usually and can interfere with social interaction, communication, and parts of one's life. Feeling misunderstood or as if one has always been different from others is a classic of high-functioning autism.
Shadowcat said:
FancyMancy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Fancy have you ever sat down to consider how this bullshit you say might reflect on a topic, or if it has any knowledge that it is founded upon on the topic, or if you have any experience with it?
You know what? I made a reply here to you, but in it I would have contradicted myself, from what I said, by actually posting my reply... I still would like to share what I replied to you, but this is not the thread to do it in... Instead, I will say -

yeah. My Mind needs some tweaks. That is painfully obvious. It is so important to me to add something. In my understanding, I might say a tiny thing which might be just enough for someone to realise something; whereas if I didn't post anything at all, then that might be lost or take a lot longer for them to realise. In other words, I might type bullshit, as you say, but in it there might be something decent which others can use to help with things. Sort of like a tiny gold nugget among it.

Anyway, yeah. I might post my reply in a separate thread, not to bitch or anything (despite the fact it actually is) but to show what I was going to reply initially. I don't know what's wrong, HP. I'm doing the working that I was helped with, so that's a start.

Thank you for being honest. I will say this again - I prefer the truth if it hurts than a comfortable lie which doesn't. Apparently, I forget that a lot...

Anyway. As you all were...

Fancy, may I ask you something?

Please understand when I do it's not to offend or to insult, but because it is a serious inquiry and based on a genuine curiosity about your own self-reflection.

Have you ever considered the possibility that you might be autistic? Serious question, no bullshit or trolling implied.
Yes. In my Physical life, as opposed to online, (and I realise self-diagnoses are not recommended because "we always suspect the worst" or "over-diagnose"), people I knew in the Physical World thought there might be something wrong with me. (Not in a mean way, just honestly.) I saw some programmes on TV regarding autism, and I noticed some things on there in myself. I did some research - trying to be factual, rather than OMG! THIS IS ME!!! - and some of it was the same. A jew in a position of authourity (at least in its job, rather than being an authourity on a subject :roll:) once told me we all are autistic; it's just a matter of to what degree; we need 'one point' on the scale to be registered as autistic (remember - the jew causes shit to happen*). I had seen a doctor unofficially who indicated about obsessions and fixations. On here, Lydia mentioned similarly about autism within me, not saying that I am autistic, but mentioning it regarding me. A thread of mine quite recently revealed similar things.

*it is morning now, and while awaking from my comfortable slumber I was literally just awake-dreaming about something science-fictiony (I had just previously enjoyed some) and a word I heard in my head was something like Automated Security Mechanism or Automated Sensory Mechanism or something. It was like a dream and when waking up I forget them quickly, and I hardly remember dreams anyway, and I noticed the initials - ASM, and remembered ASMR and realised that this "fad" is for autistic people; or to turn people autistic; I don't care about ASMR; I used to be more into that type of thing when I was younger, like listening to the sound effects of computer games and what have you... (Sometimes, I get random words or thoughts in my head seemingly out of nowhere, and they seem to be related to something else so coincidentally. These being coincidences can count to my other coincidences I have mentioned before.)

I think that just about sums it all up. I don't think there is anything else.

GoldenxChild1 said:
That would make a lot of sense. There are extremely high functioning Autistic people who display above average intelligence but have difficulty with social interaction and social understanding.
I don't believe I am high-functioning. If one were to meet me, unless they were very well-versed and intuitive, I don't think they would notice or even suspect a thing. I have not been good socially for as long as I can remember, withdrawing to technology and entertainment (which is not necessarily entertaining). I don't go on about sci fi for this reason, but when someone mentions something in a post, I may remember it being done in jewish-scripted stories, and my point is that the jew uses media to influence people, and also to say, "We admit these things right in front of your face! You're just too stupid to realise and accept it as truth!" i.e. The truth is stranger than fiction, so they say.)

The Alchemist7 said:
Have you always been so deluded and confused about yourself? You literally suggested this above. You know something is definitely wrong with you, yet you never attempted to do something to fix this defect you have. What are you waiting for?
I wouldn't know. If that was the case, I don't think I'd be able to notice it. "Never" is not quite accurate. With the help from Blitzkreig, I have been doing a working - and at the risk of jinxing myself, it seems to have been working.

First you trashed HP Cobra for some bollocks minor writing mistakes that he might have been doing occasionally, then you insulted other members in your attempts of being "sarcastic" and now you wonder why the Gods are not getting a lot more involved into our situation, like this is their main existential concern now. HP Cobra has mentioned that for the Gods this situation isn't even very serious anymore because from their position and level of spiritual advancement, they can see that humanity is going to prevail over the jews, granted that we do what we have been instructed to do, without them having to come into spaceships and bomb the Rothschild mansions or I don't know how are you imagining this.
As I thought I explained, but apparently it is ignored, if we are to be professional and the elite on this Planet, then words and text need to also be professional and elite. Maybe this place needs a Grammar Nazi. Maybe "it was meant to be", being in the right place at the right time... just to get 'trashed' myself for trying to explain about improving text/posts in an honest way. Anyone reading what I say can choose to be offended.

Notice this bit which you quoted - at first, I was going to reply in-kind, but I decided to give HC the benefit of the doubt after I realised what I had said before, about preferring a painful truth which hurts instead of a pleasurable lie which doesn't hurt. I chose to not reply in-kind ("you type bullshit"); instead I was like "OK. Thanks. I'll look into that." I can do it. Why can't others? Also - HPHC said that we teach others simply by our actions, how we do things. I chose not to reply in-kind; I chose to be "the bigger person", as it were, and try and keep it calm.

Let me guess. Everything I am saying here is going to be ignored, and I will be "corrected". Have a go. I don't give a shit anymore. If that is the case - then whomever does that can go fuck themselves. Don't tell me I am wrong or this or that; I am being honest. Accept it, or cry over it. That's a decision.

Regarding us having won already - yes, this is why (and maybe I am wrong in doing this) I am more calm about things on this large scale of events. There is a load of bullshit in the news about juclear war again/still. I could post it here, but then if I did, that would be putting it into many readers' minds, conjuring up Energies regarding juclear war - and I don't want to do that. While I might play resident news presenter here, I have to realise that what I share produces Energies in those who read it - and for all I know, any of these users might copy links and posts and share them with countless other people, conjuring up more Energies form their thinking about things. I realise we have won, so it's all cool, sort of thing.

No, lol. I didn't imagine any God or Goddess bombing a rottschild mansion from space. That would be good to see, though - and not just because I may or may not be autistic and not just because I enjoy sci-fi. It would be good to see anyway.

Perhaps you might be thinking that this is all "propaganda" and "baseless claims" however you most likely never attempted to advance enough so you can be able to speak to the Gods directly. From such a position then definitely you cannot have a genuine opinion about how the Gods observe humanity, because you haven't seen both sides of the coin. You only saw the obvious side, that of merely reading writings from others who have spoken to the Gods or have advanced enough to understand their position, which you may or may not choose to believe, depending on your understanding. You haven't experienced the "difficult side" of the coin, therefore automatically and objectively speaking your doubts cannot be fully justified.
No, no. I don't think it is merely propaganda or baseless claims, but thinking on 'my level' of things - others who are not Spiritually-inclined would definitely ask, "If your Satan is so powerful, then why doesn't He just click His fingers and drop each and every jew like flies?". Those types of questions are or at leat would be asked by others. Some might be christians and being sarcastic, because they think "absolute power" is real, but they also are ignorant. That's partly why I say things - I remember other people can read my replies, keeping what some wonder in my Mind. Others would think some or all of these things.

The lack of organized and coordinated meditation in your life screams loud through your posts. I hope you don't also expect for someone or something to magically fix this understanding issue that you yourself acknowledge to have. If you aren't going to fix this then I can only expect that is going to get worse for yourself as time goes on the forums. I am not even sure how much you care about your position on the forums and as a Satanist anymore. If you cared more then perhaps you would have done something about your understanding issues.
No, I don't expect others will fix these things for me. Not at all. I have been taking it too carefully. It is OK to play things safely for a bit, but I didn't realise or notice that I had taken that way too far, playing things way too safely for a long time. I need to step into the water instead of just dipping my toe in and instead of watching others swim and do somersaults with great agility.

Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=386037 time=1662188529 user_id=57]Fancy Mancy, when you end a sentence with a suspension point, it is supposed to be four period dots (.), not just three.
No. It's supposed to be 3.



I realise that you are testing me, but for the sake of clarity and being correct - I am English. English is English. Just like Satanism is older and correct and jew shit is newer and incorrect, English is older and correct and American is younger and is not English, but of course that will be glossed-over and whatever... Everything I had learnt, it is 3 dots, but then the internetz come along and suddenly all that which was established already is wrong!

If you're going to be so hard on others for their grammar, you should learn the basics yourself.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I want to retort to that, but I am in everyone's bad books already, plus I don't want to be a dick to you, Lydia, because you're actually a decent user on here. It says "spaced"; I CBA to type dot-space-dot-space-dot-space, plus one character in the computer database is similar to "..." but they are not 3 separate dots; they are all one character and smaller. I CBA to go to the map and find that one character, copy it and paste it, so I just type dot-dot-dot. Also, sometimes I use them with emotion, not necessarily for excluding words. Also in "Hmmm...", I think it is obvious - the one hmmm-ing doesn't need to say anything after, necessarily.


I wonder if being autistic or grammar-Nazi-pedantic is actually better than being an airhead... Well, maybe not - people try to say that the correct things are wrong. Wait - did I drink of the water of the poisoned well, or am I one of the few remaining who did not? Only time will tell... for in my clarity, my mind is bungled with confusion and shit that others stuff into it. (That was poetic; don't take it literally! - Necessarily!)

Look. I try and lighten the mood, in the midst of all of these silly, emotional, argumentative things. Be offended or be happy!

Anyway - please don't make this thread be about me... This is about why Gods and Goddesses don't magic money into Physicality for the JoS to move quicker... Thanks in advance.
FancyMancy said:
Autistic or not, if your intentions are truly pure and if you genuinely care about this cause, the gods will be willing to guide you to solve your problems. Reach out to the gods. Ask for their assistance.
FancyMancy said:
Shadowcat said:
FancyMancy said:
You know what? I made a reply here to you, but in it I would have contradicted myself, from what I said, by actually posting my reply... I still would like to share what I replied to you, but this is not the thread to do it in... Instead, I will say -

yeah. My Mind needs some tweaks. That is painfully obvious. It is so important to me to add something. In my understanding, I might say a tiny thing which might be just enough for someone to realise something; whereas if I didn't post anything at all, then that might be lost or take a lot longer for them to realise. In other words, I might type bullshit, as you say, but in it there might be something decent which others can use to help with things. Sort of like a tiny gold nugget among it.

Anyway, yeah. I might post my reply in a separate thread, not to bitch or anything (despite the fact it actually is) but to show what I was going to reply initially. I don't know what's wrong, HP. I'm doing the working that I was helped with, so that's a start.

Thank you for being honest. I will say this again - I prefer the truth if it hurts than a comfortable lie which doesn't. Apparently, I forget that a lot...

Anyway. As you all were...

Fancy, may I ask you something?

Please understand when I do it's not to offend or to insult, but because it is a serious inquiry and based on a genuine curiosity about your own self-reflection.

Have you ever considered the possibility that you might be autistic? Serious question, no bullshit or trolling implied.
Yes. In my Physical life, as opposed to online, (and I realise self-diagnoses are not recommended because "we always suspect the worst" or "over-diagnose"), people I knew in the Physical World thought there might be something wrong with me. (Not in a mean way, just honestly.) I saw some programmes on TV regarding autism, and I noticed some things on there in myself. I did some research - trying to be factual, rather than OMG! THIS IS ME!!! - and some of it was the same. A jew in a position of authourity (at least in its job, rather than being an authourity on a subject :roll:) once told me we all are autistic; it's just a matter of to what degree; we need 'one point' on the scale to be registered as autistic (remember - the jew causes shit to happen*). I had seen a doctor unofficially who indicated about obsessions and fixations. On here, Lydia mentioned similarly about autism within me, not saying that I am autistic, but mentioning it regarding me. A thread of mine quite recently revealed similar things.

*it is morning now, and while awaking from my comfortable slumber I was literally just awake-dreaming about something science-fictiony (I had just previously enjoyed some) and a word I heard in my head was something like Automated Security Mechanism or Automated Sensory Mechanism or something. It was like a dream and when waking up I forget them quickly, and I hardly remember dreams anyway, and I noticed the initials - ASM, and remembered ASMR and realised that this "fad" is for autistic people; or to turn people autistic; I don't care about ASMR; I used to be more into that type of thing when I was younger, like listening to the sound effects of computer games and what have you... (Sometimes, I get random words or thoughts in my head seemingly out of nowhere, and they seem to be related to something else so coincidentally. These being coincidences can count to my other coincidences I have mentioned before.)

I think that just about sums it all up. I don't think there is anything else.

GoldenxChild1 said:
That would make a lot of sense. There are extremely high functioning Autistic people who display above average intelligence but have difficulty with social interaction and social understanding.
I don't believe I am high-functioning. If one were to meet me, unless they were very well-versed and intuitive, I don't think they would notice or even suspect a thing. I have not been good socially for as long as I can remember, withdrawing to technology and entertainment (which is not necessarily entertaining). I don't go on about sci fi for this reason, but when someone mentions something in a post, I may remember it being done in jewish-scripted stories, and my point is that the jew uses media to influence people, and also to say, "We admit these things right in front of your face! You're just too stupid to realise and accept it as truth!" i.e. The truth is stranger than fiction, so they say.)

The Alchemist7 said:
Have you always been so deluded and confused about yourself? You literally suggested this above. You know something is definitely wrong with you, yet you never attempted to do something to fix this defect you have. What are you waiting for?
I wouldn't know. If that was the case, I don't think I'd be able to notice it. "Never" is not quite accurate. With the help from Blitzkreig, I have been doing a working - and at the risk of jinxing myself, it seems to have been working.

First you trashed HP Cobra for some bollocks minor writing mistakes that he might have been doing occasionally, then you insulted other members in your attempts of being "sarcastic" and now you wonder why the Gods are not getting a lot more involved into our situation, like this is their main existential concern now. HP Cobra has mentioned that for the Gods this situation isn't even very serious anymore because from their position and level of spiritual advancement, they can see that humanity is going to prevail over the jews, granted that we do what we have been instructed to do, without them having to come into spaceships and bomb the Rothschild mansions or I don't know how are you imagining this.
As I thought I explained, but apparently it is ignored, if we are to be professional and the elite on this Planet, then words and text need to also be professional and elite. Maybe this place needs a Grammar Nazi. Maybe "it was meant to be", being in the right place at the right time... just to get 'trashed' myself for trying to explain about improving text/posts in an honest way. Anyone reading what I say can choose to be offended.

Notice this bit which you quoted - at first, I was going to reply in-kind, but I decided to give HC the benefit of the doubt after I realised what I had said before, about preferring a painful truth which hurts instead of a pleasurable lie which doesn't hurt. I chose to not reply in-kind ("you type bullshit"); instead I was like "OK. Thanks. I'll look into that." I can do it. Why can't others? Also - HPHC said that we teach others simply by our actions, how we do things. I chose not to reply in-kind; I chose to be "the bigger person", as it were, and try and keep it calm.

Let me guess. Everything I am saying here is going to be ignored, and I will be "corrected". Have a go. I don't give a shit anymore. If that is the case - then whomever does that can go fuck themselves. Don't tell me I am wrong or this or that; I am being honest. Accept it, or cry over it. That's a decision.

Regarding us having won already - yes, this is why (and maybe I am wrong in doing this) I am more calm about things on this large scale of events. There is a load of bullshit in the news about juclear war again/still. I could post it here, but then if I did, that would be putting it into many readers' minds, conjuring up Energies regarding juclear war - and I don't want to do that. While I might play resident news presenter here, I have to realise that what I share produces Energies in those who read it - and for all I know, any of these users might copy links and posts and share them with countless other people, conjuring up more Energies form their thinking about things. I realise we have won, so it's all cool, sort of thing.

No, lol. I didn't imagine any God or Goddess bombing a rottschild mansion from space. That would be good to see, though - and not just because I may or may not be autistic and not just because I enjoy sci-fi. It would be good to see anyway.

Perhaps you might be thinking that this is all "propaganda" and "baseless claims" however you most likely never attempted to advance enough so you can be able to speak to the Gods directly. From such a position then definitely you cannot have a genuine opinion about how the Gods observe humanity, because you haven't seen both sides of the coin. You only saw the obvious side, that of merely reading writings from others who have spoken to the Gods or have advanced enough to understand their position, which you may or may not choose to believe, depending on your understanding. You haven't experienced the "difficult side" of the coin, therefore automatically and objectively speaking your doubts cannot be fully justified.
No, no. I don't think it is merely propaganda or baseless claims, but thinking on 'my level' of things - others who are not Spiritually-inclined would definitely ask, "If your Satan is so powerful, then why doesn't He just click His fingers and drop each and every jew like flies?". Those types of questions are or at leat would be asked by others. Some might be christians and being sarcastic, because they think "absolute power" is real, but they also are ignorant. That's partly why I say things - I remember other people can read my replies, keeping what some wonder in my Mind. Others would think some or all of these things.

The lack of organized and coordinated meditation in your life screams loud through your posts. I hope you don't also expect for someone or something to magically fix this understanding issue that you yourself acknowledge to have. If you aren't going to fix this then I can only expect that is going to get worse for yourself as time goes on the forums. I am not even sure how much you care about your position on the forums and as a Satanist anymore. If you cared more then perhaps you would have done something about your understanding issues.
No, I don't expect others will fix these things for me. Not at all. I have been taking it too carefully. It is OK to play things safely for a bit, but I didn't realise or notice that I had taken that way too far, playing things way too safely for a long time. I need to step into the water instead of just dipping my toe in and instead of watching others swim and do somersaults with great agility.

Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=386037 time=1662188529 user_id=57]Fancy Mancy, when you end a sentence with a suspension point, it is supposed to be four period dots (.), not just three.
No. It's supposed to be 3.



I realise that you are testing me, but for the sake of clarity and being correct - I am English. English is English. Just like Satanism is older and correct and jew shit is newer and incorrect, English is older and correct and American is younger and is not English, but of course that will be glossed-over and whatever... Everything I had learnt, it is 3 dots, but then the internetz come along and suddenly all that which was established already is wrong!

If you're going to be so hard on others for their grammar, you should learn the basics yourself.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I want to retort to that, but I am in everyone's bad books already, plus I don't want to be a dick to you, Lydia, because you're actually a decent user on here. It says "spaced"; I CBA to type dot-space-dot-space-dot-space, plus one character in the computer database is similar to "..." but they are not 3 separate dots; they are all one character and smaller. I CBA to go to the map and find that one character, copy it and paste it, so I just type dot-dot-dot. Also, sometimes I use them with emotion, not necessarily for excluding words. Also in "Hmmm...", I think it is obvious - the one hmmm-ing doesn't need to say anything after, necessarily.


I wonder if being autistic or grammar-Nazi-pedantic is actually better than being an airhead... Well, maybe not - people try to say that the correct things are wrong. Wait - did I drink of the water of the poisoned well, or am I one of the few remaining who did not? Only time will tell... for in my clarity, my mind is bungled with confusion and shit that others stuff into it. (That was poetic; don't take it literally! - Necessarily!)

Look. I try and lighten the mood, in the midst of all of these silly, emotional, argumentative things. Be offended or be happy!

Anyway - please don't make this thread be about me... This is about why Gods and Goddesses don't magic money into Physicality for the JoS to move quicker... Thanks in advance.

You know it's really coincidental that you mentioned ASMR. I actually quite like ASMR vids, especially of crinklies and cats purring. Studies have been done that the frequency of cat purrs helps heal, and has even healed broken bones. I was actually considering making a post about it yesterday and asking everyone about what they thought of ASMR with some explanations about it and some videos. I think will.

I am certain with someone that has your neurological makeup that you would benefit from ASMR considerably when it comes to managing stress and anxiety and OCD-like symptoms. It clicks with some people and for others it does not.

If you ARE autistic consider it in your favor to be partial to routines and certain obsessions because this is something that needs to be channeled in your own quest for personal awareness and advancement.

On the downside, it can make you waste time and energy stressing and obsessing over certain things that do not matter much, like the grammar thing for example. But because you feel you know so much about it, you consider it a part of your identity, so when someone displays something contrary to it you will feel compelled to do what you think is correcting them.

I think when you realize that this is not needed and that you will still be you, you won't always get so worked up about that stuff or other things like it that you feel well versed in. I do know that you often feel misunderstood and unrecognized when you feel like you are trying to contribute, I have noticed this at least in the past.

You have a sensitivity and neuroticism about you that can make you react a bit more heftier than what you should in a given moment, and one that can compel you to put so many details about a thought or piece of information you think is relevant that it actually deviates from what you are trying to contribute or reply to in any given relevance of a topic, which results in many people not being able to comprehend your writing or thinking it does not make sense.

I think if these things are contemplated on it might help you in your social interaction. Try to focus on how you are feeling and what you are thinking when you reply to someone or when you have any sort of social interaction and try ask what is making you operate this way in any given social moment. Ask if the things you want to communicate are relevant to the topic or if the people you are communicating with will understand the way you are trying to communicate something.

You are not any less of a person also if you genuinely have nothing to contribute to a subject, and should not feel compelled to just "cough something up" in hopes someone will understand and be helped, because although well meant, it can just ensue either confusion or false information, or what to others looks like rambling on a tangent which I think is part of the problem here, as you mentioned to HP you have to type absolutely SOMETHING. I assure you, you don't. You strain yourself also trying to give what you do not have.

Do something for us. Start it during a Wednesday and in the hour of mercury. Tune into any ASMR vid just for a bit if you are to anticipate any social interaction on or offline everyday. It doesn't have to be long, even like 5 or 10 mins. Try to empty your mind, (use it as a void meditation aid) and let it desress you mentally. Close your eyes and focus on the crinklies :p.

The Alchemist7 said:
Is it about.... or is it not?
Sorry. I don't follow.

Humanity stands the biggest chance probably since the Roman Empire to defeat the jews. The jews are clearly scared of humanity at this point, which is why they have experts in mass psychology and mass manipulation and related, in order to push their agenda slowly and "gently" enough to not cause mass riots that would end their dominance.
As it has been said, the jew has always known its reign of terror would not last forever. In the Dark Ages, where maybe zero Scientific progress was made, the jew knew it had to do that, and make everyone believe in faeries and be emotional with little Brain power. If I am not mistaken, that was the lowest point in many ways, for Humanity. We still climbed out of it, and we have been progressing ever since, in one way or another. Way back then, the jew knew its time would end, but not in its lifetime, so it had a very tiny niggle of fear of defeat if it were to reincarnate into e.g. today's time, but at least at that time back then, it was comfortable and hubristic and conceited for a while, reckoning it was the power.

I have seen how the gypsy goes on. How it works. It is fucking retarded. So fucking stupid. I can't share a good example as to quite how the gypsy is. It is so inept. So incompetent. Not to mention fucking disgusting and dirty - not metaphorically, not symbolically. If anyone has enough experience with how the gypsy is, then you can expand that to a larger scale with its brethren jew of how retarded the jew as a whole is, in terms of Society and Civilisation and Spirituality, how it farts around thinking it is adequate while it is worse than a bad smell. A decent caricature of sarcasm and satire - and not necessarily exaggeration - might be a nearly-good example, on the way to explaining how it truly is.

The jew might be afraid of Humanity, but it was never capable, really, to begin with. The gypsy was a failed attempt by the reptillians, and then attempt number 2 (no faeces pun intended), the jew came along and is hardly better. We, on the other hand, are actually Natural beings, not created in a lab with incorrect tools and gross misunderstandings of Soul structure and Spirituality. The jew has always had to wait for us to calm down, after we fight back, and then redirect things back to its own 'way'. As I have said before, with e.g. the christian revivals repeatedly; at at least one point in history some forms of debauchery and rudeness in society, then today we are all prudes and afraid of naked Bodies and sexual interaction, etc., etc., etc. The jew is afraid and inadequate; it cannot push things constantly; we fight back, but the jew realises that we have been short-sighted whereas the jew has an agenda and a perceived long-sight. We calm down and are distracted with work and play and problems, whereas the jew is single-minded and attempts to continue. We're not single-minded - while our attentions have been divided, we have still fought back over the centuries. The jew was always afraid, and our overcoming from being the underdog (forced into being the underdog) was inevitable. There was a saying, something like if a jew does not find itself being slandered in the morning paper, then it has not done its job properly, or something. Also another thing was said that the jew is always paranoid all the time.

Hypothetically speaking, humanity could finish off the jews completely in a few days, easily, if most people were aware of their position in the world and their intentions. For example, if all people with bank accounts will go in the same time to withdraw all their money, all banks will collapse instantly.
I doubt that. They would have unannounced protocols to prevent such a thing from happening. Once they realise their money is going too low, they'd close either the account or the bank doors. Then, of course, nonsense and fakery would be on the news...

By the next day all banks will be insolvent and unable to perform. Yes this will lead to a period of economical crash and chaos, but after this, humanity will unavoidably build a new financial system that doesn't rely on banks, because people aren't going to trust them anymore. This is one example of what could hypothetically happen if all people were aware of the jewish plans.
Very hypothetically. Many people are too comfortable and unable. Many people don't want to work on feeding themselves; instead, they rely on maybe up to 100 different individuals all along the processing and transporting and shelf-stacking lines to feed them - including at home. Food might taste a hell of a lot better once you've grown/reared/picked and cooked it yourself, but people have been brainwashed slowly over time to be reliant on many other people who are complete strangers. While this 'system' might be constructive for society literally, it also literally has a major underbelly of destructive forces; relying on others and being incapable of relying on oneself.

Another example, if CIA and FBI were ruled by noble gentiles with noble intentions and not jewish puppets who work directly for the jews, in the snap of a finger they would have been able to identify the exact members of the richest jewish families in the world, seize and block the access to their bank accounts and wherever they keep their fortunes, and judge them for crimes against humanity.
Morally and ethically, this is sound - but what about both internal protocols, and (federal?) laws and legality? The jew has no place for morals and ethics (sorry for this but) in Star Trek, the Ferengi (a snivelling jew-like species of economic society) declares in one of their many Rules of Acquisition "A contract is a contract is a contract - but only between Ferengi hehe, snivel-snivel". For non-jews, we get con-tracted, as opposed to an agreement; the jew updates its terms and conditions, we have no say in what is in con-tracts which we agree to (but not necessarily agree with), the jew/Ferengi knows its economic society system intricately; all others are ignorant and tricked and cheated... - and distracted and worried, and... and... and... (Again - not fanboy - just how the jew admits these things openly but in 'entertaining' ways.)

Also to take away all their fortune and use these to fix major economical issues that the world is facing.
No offence, but at the moment it is a nice fantasy. I also can remember something else being said, and along that line I have been realising that things, in some ways, are not as bad as they might be. The dead don't pay taxes.* The jew puts pressure on, but not too much. It knows that it needs slaves to "offer" it tax money and labour, services, products, etc.

*either I quoted this incorrectly, or the Internet, as crawled by a search engine, doesn't contain the quote... I don't know where I got it from, unless I made it up myself...

FancyMancy said:
then Mum and Dad should say, "Learn how to defend yourself!" and not step-in to help? Well, of course, Mum and Dad (the Gods and Goddesses) have stepped-in to help; in fact, throughout history, the jew's plans have been thwarted again and again. It is annoying, though, that just in the nick of time, like in an action film, things are saved, like a self-destruct going down to 1 second and it being cancelled.
It seems after years of being in JoS forums (I don't know how many, you was here before me), you are still waiting for a savior to come and save humanity from the jewish alien. I already explained in the post above the reasons why the Gods are not jesus christ whom the christians believe that is going to come physically on Earth and "save the sinful humanity". I explained that any civilization has to fight their own wars in order to keep existing and evolve. This require very powerful and responsible people to take charge of these actions. With people like you in the ruling positions, humanity would indeed need to beg the Gods to be saved, sorry to say this but this is the only conclusion I can draw from your messages. You have been here for years, as far as I read you don't do RTRs, you don't do power meditation to seriously advance, you literally spent hours upon hours on the forums every single day for years, only to find yourself buried in the same mentality preached by the "religion" that was created by the jewish race to take away the power from us. To me this sounds more like a dabbler than a dedicated serious satanist.
I'll try again - "It's our Planet; we should save it ourselves", "OK, but why did They leave in the first place?" "They were outnumbered." One could surmise that it's like a Mum and Dad who have a Baby, raise the Baby for a few years, but then leave when the Baby is 5 or 6 years old; someone else comes along and abuses that Child in many ways and lives with the abuser or abusers, and the Child grows up and remembers these things and exacts revenge - if 1) s/he knows how to, and 2) s/he doesn't commit suicide. Mum and Dad left clues for Baby, which s/he found and understood, then punished those abusers. Mum and Dad had to go away, but then when Baby is older, Mum and Dad return.

Can anyone see problems in this? Of course, it's an analogy, no analogy works perfectly. There are always holes and mistakes. While I am presenting these arguments and questions, and I sort of understand why they are asked, I realise that others would ask such things, as well. People seek answers, and answers - even in repeated discussions about the same thing again and again, which might have a bit of a different way of presenting those answers each time, in each thread - take time to sink-in, and the individuals reading them process it all, over time, and come to conclusions eventually. It is sort of like shaking up their Brain and Mind, to re-cajigger them. In a sense, like when vibrating Words of Power, these repeated discussions with the same, similar and different answers is sort of like a vibrationary effect. The repeated information and the new information is taken in, and this has effects.

FancyMancy said:
Also - If you want peace, prepare for war, yes?
I guess you was referring to the Gods with this? We are already prepared for war for years, in fact, we are right in the middle of it, spiritual war, informational war, we are living it now as of writing this. Is not us the ones who have to prepare for war because we are already right in the middle of it. I guess you aren't going to start preparing for a war and mobilize troops only after you have already been invaded and the enemy troops are near your capital city. If you referred to the Gods with this rhetorical question then it speaks volumes about your understanding of our situation, and further confirms what I've said in this reply. However I hope I am wrong. Anyway if you referred to humanity in general then this is definitely wrong at this moment of time. It might have been true some 2000 years ago or something when the jews weren’t a big threat, but still a steadily growing threat. In that case then yes humanity needed to prepare for war with the jews in order to ever have peace again, not now when the enemy is already in our lands and nearly conquered us.
Well, anyone who is capable. There are yobs around outside, and we're trying to be peaceful - we have to go out and tell those yobs to piss off. Maybe removing them forcefully. (Realise that if we did that with Physical yobs, we would be in trouble - because we have to rely on the police/council to move them, instead of being able to defend our own way of life, and the police and council have rules which they have to follow - so while we have to rely on them, they still have limited powers which are also inadequate). Maybe try this one - Always be prepared. In other words, if we want to have our own way of life, we have to defend it. This takes active action. If one wants peace, then they have to make peace happen. Speaking for myself, it takes some rather a bit longer than others to move. The Gods and Goddesses have set the ball rolling...
CaspianTheDreamer said:
FancyMancy said:
Autistic or not, if your intentions are truly pure and if you genuinely care about this cause, the gods will be willing to guide you to solve your problems. Reach out to the gods. Ask for their assistance.

Goddamit why cant i learn how to fucking use this thing XD
FancyMancy said:
As I thought I explained, but apparently it is ignored, if we are to be professional and the elite on this Planet, then words and text need to also be professional and elite. Maybe this place needs a Grammar Nazi. Maybe "it was meant to be", being in the right place at the right time... just to get 'trashed' myself for trying to explain about improving text/posts in an honest way. Anyone reading what I say can choose to be offended
You got trashed because your reaction was totally disproportionate with the real severity of the issue you raised there. HP Cobra's writing style is philosophical in nature, also sometimes sarcastic. His writing is "elite" and "professional" for JoS. I can't tell of anybody here who can write like him. Your main concern was some minor spelling errors he might have been doing here and there like a misspelled word or such mostly insignificant things which naturally happen to most people, let alone for those who aren't even natives in English. Perhaps things could be done about it, but you for once refused to help with this.

FancyMancy said:
Let me guess. Everything I am saying here is going to be ignored, and I will be "corrected". Have a go. I don't give a shit anymore. If that is the case - then whomever does that can go fuck themselves. Don't tell me I am wrong or this or that; I am being honest. Accept it, or cry over it. That's a decision.
Yea this is also why you rightfully got trashed. Telling others to go fuck themselves because they tell you that you over-dramatize a not very serious issue. Is not about someone being right or wrong here. If you believe that the critics you had in that thread were undeserved then maybe you should also stop telling people to go fuck themselves and things like this. If you are not being more balanced in the way you convey your messages then it is a bit delusional to expect the opposite from others when talking to them in this way. Also I am suspecting that you was to an extent influenced by zola's forum full of clowns without life perspectives, because that thread you made came around the time you joined them.

FancyMancy said:
I'll try again - "It's our Planet; we should save it ourselves", "OK, but why did They leave in the first place?" "They were outnumbered." One could surmise that it's like a Mum and Dad who have a Baby, raise the Baby for a few years, but then leave when the Baby is 5 or 6 years old; someone else comes along and abuses that Child in many ways and lives with the abuser or abusers, and the Child grows up and remembers these things and exacts revenge - if 1) s/he knows how to, and 2) s/he doesn't commit suicide. Mum and Dad left clues for Baby, which s/he found and understood, then punished those abusers. Mum and Dad had to go away, but then when Baby is older, Mum and Dad return.
I don't know to tell accurately what happened when the Gods were "outnumbered" and left the Earth (that is a question I will probably ask a God about when I will have the chance), but no they didn't leave here a "baby" humanity. They left here a mature humanity with all the knowledge it needed to thrive and advance, also the numbers between the jews and gentiles in percentages were then as they are today probably, some 1-2% jews and the rest gentiles. Also the jews didn't have the immense power they have today, it is mostly by christianity that they managed to conquer the Roman Empire and from that point they started to expand their influence in other civilizations.

If the Gods aren't intervening now when the jews have all the power, from the reasons that I already explained above, would they have intervened when the jews were just a small group in the Roman Empire? You find it annoying because you subconsciously cannot fathom why humanity has to deal with the jews on itself, while the Gods had to do deal with the reptilians. If the reptilians invaded Earth and the Gods wouldn't intervene then yes your concerns would be totally justified, but this is why the jewish race has been infiltrated on Earth. I guess is a lot easier to conquer a civilization backed by another way more advanced civilization by infiltration and brainwashing than by direct invasion, if your goal is to turn it into biological borgs. It's been said that the greys were alone and the reptilians invaded them because there was no one more advanced to support them. So I don't know how things work between civilizations in the space but they surely don't work like on Earth where the bigger civilization US has to kiss Israeli ass all day and protect them at any cost from other "civilizations" and things like this.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Autistic or not, if your intentions are truly pure and if you genuinely care about this cause, the gods will be willing to guide you to solve your problems. Reach out to the gods. Ask for their assistance.
My attitude, as similar to others when they say/ask, "You've been here for X years and not done much", is that exactly, sometimes. Should the Gods and Goddesses keep wasting Their time on me, until I show that I have been working properly for long-enough first? I often imagine a God or Goddess seeing me and watching me, trying to see from Their perspective regarding myself, if They lost patience with me and whatever...

Shadowcat said:
Trying to reply briefly, (because I don't want this thread to be about not-the-OP) I always groan at ASMR/binaural beats, for these types of reasons. I will try to be open-minded and give some ASMR an honest go, but then I don't want to have to rely on sound effects to guide me through life, like being influenced by music and not being able to function without a crutch.

As for the coincidence - then this is not merely an irrelevant, trivial one. Some coincidences I have had were direct, big and oh, so relevant; others are meh and trivial (since whenever ago, I have considered seeing e.g. 666 more trivial than I used to). This ASMR one is up there with the big ones.

While unemployed, I don't really have a proper routine. My sleep goes erratic. While employed, routine is better, at least partly. (Sleep still might be a problem, despite being busy working either Physically or Mentally or both, depending on the job.)

Yes, wasting time and energy on... I wouldn't say irrelevant things, but maybe unimportant things. Like, watching a video on 720p, 1080p or that higher p I forgot, 4K, 6K, whatever... is soooo important, when watching it at 480p is fine. It's not irrelevant, but it is hardly important. In other words - the fine-tuning of things.

I do know that you often feel misunderstood and unrecognized when you feel like you are trying to contribute, I have noticed this at least in the past.
Well, thank you. Everything is a choice; therefore, it is my own fault for being so annoyed or whatever about these silly, little things - but then either I "have to" (I hAvE tO) correct others (hoping they appreciate it) so that I can have my own happy hormones released, which others don't appreciate and then I feel attacked if they retort; or if I try to ignore this OCD shite, then it flares-up...then I have to do things to have my own happy hormones released... Not forever, but much more recently than that, like... months or maybe less-than a handful of years, more and more I have been more and more annoyed and frustrated with the stubbornness of OCDs and fixations.

The working Blitzkreig helped me with has helped, but so far (it's been 3 weeks), it has calmed it down. I have been doing 40 vibrations per day. I intend to do 120 days and increase to 80 then 90 vibrations, either spread out over the day or all at once, or perhaps then increase it to twice per day at full strength - but I should build myself up to that over time, of course. I have yet to incorporate Void Meditation into it (I don't know why I stopped doing Void before); so while this so far has calmed it down generally, that I don't care or seem as interested as much as I used to, (though at times is wants to spike again) there are still the thoughts and controlling them has still been challenging to say the least. Regarding not seeming to care or being interested as previously, I am wondering if this is merely the novelty of people reacting and reaching out to me and the novelty of me doing a different thing, and that it will fade away soon, or if it is actually the Magick working genuinely. Previous things I have done, I have had results in, and other people on here have also said very similar, or the exact same, things as my results when they did it themselves, so it can't just be a novelty change. Invoking the Earth Element I expect would need a lot of practice to get into a trance. I need to figure that one out, and practice the best times to do it. Perhaps having a recording speaking positively to me while I sleep? I don't know if that is genuine or just pop-psychology, pseudopsychological therapy nonsense.

You have a sensitivity and neuroticism about you that can make you react a bit more heftier than what you should in a given moment, and one that can compel you to put so many details about a thought or piece of information you think is relevant that it actually deviates from what you are trying to contribute or reply to in any given relevance of a topic, which results in many people not being able to comprehend your writing or thinking it does not make sense.
This has been mentioned before. Lydia said similarly, and Luis said on more than one occasion that he thinks I get obsessed with things... You may recall that I have mentioned peer-reviewing, testing, the Scientific Method before - this, in the list I said above ("In my Physical life ... I don't think there is anything else"), and here I can't deny this seems to be exactly that - peer-reviewed help, Scientific Method, even if not done deliberately, other people having very similar results as myself, and also multiple persons, both in the Physical World and online and Spiritual World, saying very similar things. I thought I was open-minded, but it seems that opening the doors and windows is something I do too cautiously, so maybe it's that I have been more like ajar-minded, if you will.

I think if these things are contemplated on it might help you in your social interaction. Try to focus on how you are feeling and what you are thinking when you reply to someone or when you have any sort of social interaction and try ask what is making you operate this way in any given social moment. Ask if the things you want to communicate are relevant to the topic or if the people you are communicating with will understand the way you are trying to communicate something.
Damn it. A challenge... Oy... I'll have to try that.

You are not any less of a person also if you genuinely have nothing to contribute to a subject, and should not feel compelled to just "cough something up" in hopes someone will understand and be helped, because although well meant, it can just ensue either confusion or false information, or what to others looks like rambling on a tangent which I think is part of the problem here, as you mentioned to HP you have to type absolutely SOMETHING. I assure you, you don't. You strain yourself also trying to give what you do not have.
I don't know why, but that made me smile. In my mind, and also somewhat really, I have a reputation, and I need to try and be on my game with how I hope to help others. I think previously, before... weeks or months ago, most might not have noticed or realised, but in the last few weeks and months (as is shown in my posts) I was unable to balance this and that, and something toppled over and now I am trying to scramble to pick it all back up before anyone notices - and there we are-- here we are. At this point, I can do nothing but hold my hands up to all of this. Heh, you could say I am exposed now! Some reading should remember that I used to not reveal things about myself, my Astrology (based on the program Zet9 and what I interpret from Azazel's Astrology for Satanists), but now...! Y'all* are getting to know me a bit (too much!) and it's... I want to say uncomfortable, but that's not the right word. It's... vulnerable, but in a sort of good way.

Do something for us. Start it during a Wednesday and in the hour of mercury. Tune into any ASMR vid just for a bit if you are to anticipate any social interaction on or offline everyday. It doesn't have to be long, even like 5 or 10 mins. Try to empty your mind, (use it as a void meditation aid) and let it desress you mentally. Close your eyes and focus on the crinklies :p.

How can I say "Damn you!" and "Curse you!" but in a playful way? There are some SFX which I find annoying! I think crinkliness might be one of them, but if I don't forget (no, you're not allowed to tell me to set a reminder...!), then I might listen to that one.

Thanks Woman/Man (whichever you are).

*Grammar Nazi FancyMancy can have a day off!
The Alchemist7 said:
FancyMancy said:
As I thought I explained, but apparently it is ignored, if we are to be professional and the elite on this Planet, then words and text need to also be professional and elite. Maybe this place needs a Grammar Nazi. Maybe "it was meant to be", being in the right place at the right time... just to get 'trashed' myself for trying to explain about improving text/posts in an honest way. Anyone reading what I say can choose to be offended
You got trashed because your reaction was totally disproportionate with the real severity of the issue you raised there. HP Cobra's writing style is philosophical in nature, also sometimes sarcastic. His writing is "elite" and "professional" for JoS. I can't tell of anybody here who can write like him. Your main concern was some minor spelling errors he might have been doing here and there like a misspelled word or such mostly insignificant things which naturally happen to most people, let alone for those who aren't even natives in English. Perhaps things could be done about it, but you for once refused to help with this.

FancyMancy said:
Let me guess. Everything I am saying here is going to be ignored, and I will be "corrected". Have a go. I don't give a shit anymore. If that is the case - then whomever does that can go fuck themselves. Don't tell me I am wrong or this or that; I am being honest. Accept it, or cry over it. That's a decision.
Yea this is also why you rightfully got trashed. Telling others to go fuck themselves because they tell you that you over-dramatize a not very serious issue. Is not about someone being right or wrong here. If you believe that the critics you had in that thread were undeserved then maybe you should also stop telling people to go fuck themselves and things like this. If you are not being more balanced in the way you convey your messages then it is a bit delusional to expect the opposite from others when talking to them in this way. Also I am suspecting that you was to an extent influenced by zola's forum full of clowns without life perspectives, because that thread you made came around the time you joined them.
I won't reply to these points defending myself and trying to explain things (can you adam-and-eve it), because it will explode again, and I don't want that. Thanks for your input, though.

FancyMancy said:
I'll try again - "It's our Planet; we should save it ourselves", "OK, but why did They leave in the first place?" "They were outnumbered." One could surmise that it's like a Mum and Dad who have a Baby, raise the Baby for a few years, but then leave when the Baby is 5 or 6 years old; someone else comes along and abuses that Child in many ways and lives with the abuser or abusers, and the Child grows up and remembers these things and exacts revenge - if 1) s/he knows how to, and 2) s/he doesn't commit suicide. Mum and Dad left clues for Baby, which s/he found and understood, then punished those abusers. Mum and Dad had to go away, but then when Baby is older, Mum and Dad return.
I don't know to tell accurately what happened when the Gods were "outnumbered" and left the Earth (that is a question I will probably ask a God about when I will have the chance), but no they didn't leave here a "baby" humanity. They left here a mature humanity with all the knowledge it needed to thrive and advance, also the numbers between the jews and gentiles in percentages were then as they are today probably, some 1-2% jews and the rest gentiles. Also the jews didn't have the immense power they have today, it is mostly by christianity that they managed to conquer the Roman Empire and from that point they started to expand their influence in other civilizations.
We were strong and powerful and had everything we needed to thrive, there was a small number of dickheads here about 10 thousand yeas ago who managed to bring down aaaall of this. We had Rome, Greece, Egypt, Mayans/Aztecs... and all were defeated by fantastical faerie tale stories written and told by those who were not very powerful like they are today... If we were not youngsters back then, then how did we manage to be fooled by such infestations? If the jew was so weak back then, and we were mature and had everything we needed to be able to thrive, then...

Think of it like a young Boy going up to a body-builder and somehow the Boy winning... Maybe the story of "Satan" going to "jesus" and saying, "Worship me and I'll give you all of the nations of the Earth" is the reptillians creating the jew and telling the jew to do just that, trading Human Souls for shekels, [information lost as to how it happened], and the jew saying to Mature us (who had everything we needed) a bunch of things which we were so stupid and not-mature about that we accepted and were defeated with. We had everything or enough, we were mature, surely some of us were telepathic... yet... here we are. Bodybuilder Humanity defeated by a cocky little Boy who somehow managed to overcome us 10 thousand years ago... Maybe the Gods and Goddesses could have disrupted this 'severed phone line' from afar, so that billions would not have been raped and tortured, etc. for many centuries, and Souls having second death by the reptillians' consumption and perversion.

If the Gods aren't intervening now when the jews have all the power, from the reasons that I already explained above, would they have intervened when the jews were just a small group in the Roman Empire? You find it annoying because you subconsciously cannot fathom why humanity has to deal with the jews on itself, while the Gods had to do deal with the reptilians. If the reptilians invaded Earth and the Gods wouldn't intervene then yes your concerns would be totally justified, but this is why the jewish race has been infiltrated on Earth. I guess is a lot easier to conquer a civilization backed by another way more advanced civilization by infiltration and brainwashing than by direct invasion, if your goal is to turn it into biological borgs. It's been said that the greys were alone and the reptilians invaded them because there was no one more advanced to support them. So I don't know how things work between civilizations in the space but they surely don't work like on Earth where the bigger civilization US has to kiss Israeli ass all day and protect them at any cost from other "civilizations" and things like this.
It is trying to piece it together. If we were mature and had things we needed to thrive, and there were a small number of infestive pests, then... did we just bend over or lay down faced down? You/others may not have the answer, but my question here is the point I'm trying to make. If you/anyone does have an answer, then great, of course.

It's been said that the greys were alone and the reptilians invaded them because there was no one more advanced to support them.
Intriguing. I have not seen this. I presume this is in a sermon somewhere?

So I don't know how things work between civilizations in the space but they surely don't work like on Earth where the bigger civilization US has to kiss Israeli ass all day and protect them at any cost from other "civilizations" and things like this.
USA is only a few hundred years old, and before "israel", the jew existed in England and elsewhere, and if I am not mistaken, then I gather that the jew infiltrated USA from the very beginning, if not very soon after, so it grew alongside USA... many years later, "israel" was stolen from Palestine. So while USA has to bend over for "israel" today, it was still "israel", the people, that USA was being prepared for and unknowingly working with.* We, apparently, were Mature already, before the infestation arrived. A cocky young Boy cannot possibly hope to defeat a body-builder...but somehow the jew managed to defeat us, if we were not Babies/young Children.

*I also wonder if "Our.Race.is.Our.Nation" and "those who bless 'israel' will be cursed; and those who curse 'israel' will be blessed" could not work against "israel" and would not make sense until after "israel" was established...

Sorry for these questions and statements, but remember - a lot of the many other people (at least 1 billion of them in the near future) coming to the Joy of Satan definitely will wonder these things, as many have already. These questions and statements might as well be answered now, if possible. I also can say with 100% certainty that after many people read such answers, there will still be many more questions, regardless - some of those questions which have answers already would need to be re-answered in different ways. I don't want to be arrogant myself, but I promise that this will happen. We'd might as well get the answers now.
FancyMancy said:
Sorry for these questions and statements, but remember - a lot of the many other people (at least 1 billion of them in the near future) coming to the Joy of Satan definitely will wonder these things, as many have already. These questions and statements might as well be answered now, if possible. I also can say with 100% certainty that after many people read such answers, there will still be many more questions, regardless - some of those questions which have answers already would need to be re-answered in different ways. I don't want to be arrogant myself, but I promise that this will happen. We'd might as well get the answers now.
I could write my opinions on this, but the billion people that might come across JoS in the future are definitely not going to read this thread to find these answers, this thread which will probably to be on the 100th page by then or something, also everything went severely off-topic. There is most likely plenty information about everything mentionned in the JoS, either in the library, either on the main sites but if anything, everything should be adressed in a separate topic and in a lot broader and comprehensive manner, eventually maybe after gaining more knowledge on the said events, from the Gods or maybe ancient sources, which we will gain as time goes.

I will just post the reference on the greys since you wanted to know more about

The Greys now are only a slave race, but an amount of extremely many years hundreds or more thousands of years back (This is of no concern us, just for general history) they were a humanoid, medium advanced race, who had basic 'evolution' into space. Think in our terms a Mars Colonization level of technological advancement. They embarked in a war, and lost it this war with the reptilians. Whether they were attacked by other "Greys" who already were with the reptilians, seems plausible.

By the way it doesn't say there that the greys were invaded because they had no advanced civilization to back them up, this was my opinion. If they had, they wouldn't have been invaded most likely.
The Alchemist7 said:
I don't post such topics very often but in the light of recent events I considered helpful to state and explain my views on donations and related.

The relationship between Spiritual Satanists and the Gods is much alike the one of a son/daughter and their parents. To put it into perspective, imagine this:

There is a billionaire couple that have a son and a daughter, which are both PhD's, very intelligent and capable people. The billionaire mother and father in this comparison represent the Gods, and the "billions" represent their immeasurable spiritual power. Their son and daughter represent us, the spiritual satanists. The PhD degrees represent the spiritual knowledge we have, because the reality is, Joy of Satan is the "PhD" of all spiritual knowledge that exist publicly on Earth. No other known or public organization provide any spiritual knowledge that is as comprehensive and accessible for all gentiles on all levels of spiritual experience, from total beginners to very advanced.

Basically, the parents who are billionaires, have enough money and power to provide their offsprings whatever they want, for their whole life. The parents can buy them houses, cars, businesses and everything they might ever desire.

But is that the correct way to grow a son/daughter? A parent that wants the best for their children, what they can wish for them? Any parent will want their children to become competent, educated, responsible, independent and intelligent people, so they can proudly carry on the existence of their family in the same natural values of human evolution.

Now, what if the son and the daughter start "demanding" money and assets from their parents? After all, they are billionaires, they can do this in a snap of a finger. How are the parents expected to react in such scenario? Simply serve their asses their whole life? Or teach them a lesson about how they must should work hard to have the life they want? After all they are PhD’s and very capable and intelligent people. They have the knowledge to live a better life on their own. The parents have done their parental duty of educating them until adulthood and providing them with the knowledge gained after finishing a PhD degree, and the parents will always be there to guide them and advice them based on their vast life experience.

What if the parents, after giving their offsprings whatever they wanted in life instead of teaching them to work for their own existence, suddenly get fed up and stop the "money fountain"? How will the life of their children be, after the parents "educated" them into being highly dependent, lazy and demanding people, instead of hard working and responsible? Does any sane parent want their children to become such a person? No, most likely not.

This is what many people need to understand. The Gods don't want us, their children, to become lazy and dependent on them. I try not to assign the Gods with "humanly" qualities because it wouldn't make much sense given their level of evolution compared to us but it goes beyond saying that the Gods represent the absolute perfection when it comes to models for humanity and what we should aim to in our lives.

We have a war to fight and the Gods are not responsible for us letting ourselves infiltrated, deceived and nearly conquered by an alien species of "humans" who came and our home and claimed that they own it and then attempt to murder us so they can forcefully take it. The Gods don't expect from us to be lazy and dependent on them, therefore, they are not going to physically or concretely fight this war for us. However, they never sat idle neither, they have always supported and guided humanity (or the best people of it) into finding solutions so we can continue fighting this disease until is eradicated, on our own, using our own people and our own power. This is the responsability that humanity must display in front of the Gods and in front of itself to survive.

People must accept that they have to take their life and fate in their own hands, with the spiritual knowledge the Gods have provided, people must use it so they can uplift themselves with their own efforts. This is what a responsible parent want from their children, to become as responsible for their own life and to reach bigger and bigger heights of evolution. No civilization can ever achieve this when their "parents" are behind them, serving them for their whole existence. This is a parasitic mindset that will lead a civilization to decay, once their Creators decide to not stand behind them anymore in all their moves. Surely we can never say the Gods will ever abandon us, simply because the Gods are never going to serve and manifest for us everything that we have the responsability to achieve on our own.

This is why the Gods aren't going to simply generate us endless money (since the discussion was all about this), even if it would be very easy for them to do. We the Spiritual Satanists, as the only carriers of the most authentic, ancient and advanced spiritual knowledge on Earth, we have the responsability to take the fate of humanity in our hands. We have to be not lazy and dependent on the Gods to save us, which is really a mindset that has strong ramifications in christianity, but we have to become extremely responsible and hard working people to do what no other people are capable to, which is saving humanity from being enslaved and "erased" from history as a self-standing civilization.

As far as I can personally tell, expanding Joy of Satan in other languages is probably one of our absolute priorities. This require websites exactly like the JoS site to exist in all other languages. All you have to do is to go into the translation thread at the bottom of the forum and to count all the languages you see there, and to realize that one day, JoS will have a site as big as the English one in all those languages, plus many others that aren't even mentioned there, that are going to come in the future. This is how JoS is going to reach billions of people on longterm, by working hard to bring knowledge to them, instead of idly sitting there waiting for billions of people to learn English and visit the English sites. That is not the best decision to apply when planning to reach as many people as possible. The need for donations are a unavoidable consequence of an expansion on such a massive scale. Each language require a website that cost money, and not few money. Add to this the need for extra security because of the alien enemy that wants to exterminate us in the same way they exterminated our religion centuries ago. Let's assume there would have been one person that supposedly was able to sustain this massive financial burden on their shoulders. Are you as Spiritual Satanists going to accept this? Are you going to accept that the existence of such an important hub of knowledge for humanity relies on the shoulders of just one person? Is this how responsible we are for our future as a civilization? What if this person suddenly disappears by unknown circumstances, what are we going to do? The possibilities of the future are still unknown to most of us.

Therefore no, if expanding JoS require financial capital, then beside other extremely important responsabilities of spiritual warfare, reaching people by activism, maintaining the existing sites, researching and gaining more knowledge, meditating and advancing our lives, we also have this very important responsability of contributing to the expansion of what can save humanity from literal extinction as a civilization. It goes beyond saying that we all have to carry this responsability together on our shoulders, everyone to the power of their abilities. Also as it has been mentioned, there are many SS or are living in tough conditions and perhaps close to absolute poverty, these people have a hard battle with their karma and their unfortunate life conditions, it will never be expected from these people to do the impossible and contribute financially to JoS, however they have to fight hard on other ends for themselves first and foremost, to uplift themselves, and for JoS by participating in spiritual warfare and basically other satanic responsabilities that they can partake on without prejudicing their financial situation even more.

Regarding how people are being "appreciated" by the Gods by their efforts, shouldn't this be the common sense and nature of things? People who are responsible enough and take on themselves as many responsabilities as they can carry, those who work the most should be privileged with more attention and care from the Gods, which might translate in more guidance in their lives, more protection and so on. Is there anything wrong in this mindset?

If donations represent one of these extremely important duties, it is what it is and have to fullfil it as we have to fullfil the other ones. But it doesn't mean that those who donate would be more privileged than those who don't only because they donate, is beyond my understanding on how the Gods see each person, but one thing is clear to me personally, the Gods appreciate each and every person individually depending on how much effort and struggle they put towards advancing JoS and fighting the enemy, there is certainly no "discrimination" based exclusively on donations or anything of the sort in my opinion, but every person is individually observed by the Gods and they certainly know the best how they should appreciate every Satanist.

Then those who are the most serious and responsible people and work the most for JoS with the Gods and humanity in mind, then unavoidably those are bound to receive more power and more abilities inside the organization, for they are enough trusted hy the Gods to use this power in a responsible way to further advance and expand JoS. This should be the nature of things. Imagine if JoS was in the hands of incompetent, superficial and spiritually immature people, where would we have been at this moment? Probably we wouldn't exist anymore as organization. This is where meditation and gaining spiritual experience plays a major role. Nothing in this world can grow a person more in physical and spiritual power and wisdom than real and uncorrupted spirituality, which JoS has provided for free for everybody brave enough to take on such a journey.

Then as mentioned, donations to expand JoS are part of the duties that we have to fulfill as Satanists, for who is able to take part into this. Nobody should ever feel guilty or ostracized for not being financially able to take on this duty, for they can just take on the other ones that have equally extremely significant importance. However due to chronic corruption and generalized thirst for money in our society, where many people are willing to do the worst to each other for some shekels, it is expected that when money are involved, people are suddenly getting triggered. Many people have to understand that when it comes to JoS, financial resources are being used for a noble cause to spread our ancient spiritual knowledge to billions of people, and there is no secret in this. The JoS websites projects are all public, and everybody is being updated on the status of each website in every language. The transparency of where are the donations going is really irreproachable. Doubts are completely valid, however when they are being addressed and clarified, it takes ill intentions for someone to wish JoS to never expand only because, due to modern circumstances, it needs money to do this. Even worse, there are people, jews or gentiles, who will probably do their best to stop others for contributing to this noble cause, in which case I wish them for justice to manifest in their lives and the consequences to be proportionate to their very evil intentions.

To conclude, I rhetorically ask myself, those of you who have vehemently opposed the idea of JoS receiving donations to provide uncorrupted spiritual knowledge in other languages (not even donations from you personally, but donations at all), how many of you have ever criticized the christian churches (officially among the richest organizations in the world), publicly or anonymously online, for literally ripping off even the poorest people in the poorest countries, only for the christian "priests" and "leaders" to curse their existence until the day they die? Let me guess, no one

Good points. Thanks for sharing your opinion.
The Alchemist7 said:
FancyMancy said:
Sorry for these questions and statements, but remember - a lot of the many other people (at least 1 billion of them in the near future) coming to the Joy of Satan definitely will wonder these things, as many have already. These questions and statements might as well be answered now, if possible. I also can say with 100% certainty that after many people read such answers, there will still be many more questions, regardless - some of those questions which have answers already would need to be re-answered in different ways. I don't want to be arrogant myself, but I promise that this will happen. We'd might as well get the answers now.
I could write my opinions on this, but the billion people that might come across JoS in the future are definitely not going to read this thread to find these answers, this thread which will probably to be on the 100th page by then or something, also everything went severely off-topic. There is most likely plenty information about everything mentionned in the JoS, either in the library, either on the main sites but if anything, everything should be adressed in a separate topic and in a lot broader and comprehensive manner, eventually maybe after gaining more knowledge on the said events, from the Gods or maybe ancient sources, which we will gain as time goes.

I will just post the reference on the greys since you wanted to know more about

The Greys now are only a slave race, but an amount of extremely many years hundreds or more thousands of years back (This is of no concern us, just for general history) they were a humanoid, medium advanced race, who had basic 'evolution' into space. Think in our terms a Mars Colonization level of technological advancement. They embarked in a war, and lost it this war with the reptilians. Whether they were attacked by other "Greys" who already were with the reptilians, seems plausible.

By the way it doesn't say there that the greys were invaded because they had no advanced civilization to back them up, this was my opinion. If they had, they wouldn't have been invaded most likely.
Cool. Thanks.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
