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Why The Enemy Isn't Gone Yet?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Bright Truth said:
There is a question in my mind. Father Satan and the God/esses are so strong and intelligent. How Reptiles could stand against them? It was because they are so many in numbers? I don't understand. This war should have already been won in both astral and galaxy.

I know, what we now should focus on is their pawns aka "shekel masters" but I'm just curious.

Hail Satan! To a future with no Reptilians and their sons!

There are many worlds and different layers of the "universe" or "reality". These creatures inhabit lower levels, but yet way higher than these that we humans live in.

They have a lot of dominion over the lower levels, but not the higher ones. We humans due to spiritual fall, are residents of the lower levels where they can copiously affect us.

The descent of beings on lower levels also inherently limits them and makes them subject to other limitations. If the Gods went "down there", they wouldn't be "up there" and they would be forced to descent.

This has happened before when the Gods were on earth, with considerable risks involved. This can incur attack, failure, or even death, due to laws of the universe.

Likewise the enemy in understanding of what could happen to them, they don't interfere directly with the levels that the Gods exist. They rather avoid everything. Many battles are on proxy levels, not direct.

The Gods have no particular issue of getting harmed by these creatures nor they can negatively impact them. They are too evolved past this level. Only humans are affected [and possibly other progressing lifeforms] are affected. That's because we aren't yet as a whole advanced way past this. For example it's not like Thoth can be deceived or affected by these creatures. The Gods are well beyond what can "affect" them from any of this.

For the Gods, the enemy hardly "exists". They cannot be affected at all by that stuff, but they can cause damage to beings the Gods help, or even the higher beings that are trying to advance, or other beings in general. Therefore they need to be stopped.

For humans, the road is very long, but we aren't unsupported. Eventually, we will overcome the enemy too.

The enemy likewise doesn't "descend" into the levels of coming here physically directly, because they if they did this permanently, the incurring limitations might destroy them.

This is no different than how one can inspect a black hole when astrally projecting, but if you go there physically, you will probably be crushed in the gravitational pulling force.

You can be the strongest and smartest person on earth, but if you go down the jungle with multitudes of thieving tribes, chances are you might be robbed or killed regardless by the beings there. Even if you go with an army of security, the swarm of these levels might still overtake you. Numbers are also related to this, and the enemy is known to be "in the multitudes" too.

Therefore, you send well prepared forces in these jungles that are accustomed to this level or rather native inhabitants, and they wipe out easily what is not of your nature to do, with your guidance, support, knowledge and wisdom. Then they clarify everything and the king can again descend, after this level is sufficiently repaired.

I realize what is said here might be a bit confusing or cryptic but as people advance they will readily understand all of this. The enemy knows the very same likewise. This is the reason they put humanity on spiritual quarantine, because if humanity properly "ascends", they lose their influence over them.

But so long it stays lower and sinks low, they have control over it. Their hopes are to wipe it out, so that we no longer pose a problem to them, on top of everything else.

It's of vital importance to the enemy that we remain ignorant and spiritually oblivious. Or they will lose the potential of taking over "our world".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thanks for the information, HPHC! I wasn't know rules of universe is that strong and binder for every living being no matter what their level. I understood what you meant. It's all clear now.
This makes me wonder if there are certain crevices of existence from which the enemy cannot be (easily) purged, like the lowliest of places. I suppose it does not matter though if all the allies and creations of Satan are unaffected. Facing certain limitations such as this is strange because it sounds almost like you are losing something as you advance.

I know there are a million details surrounding this matter that would clarify it, but those are my thoughts anyway.
Thanks for the explanation.
Blitzkreig said:
This makes me wonder if there are certain crevices of existence from which the enemy cannot be (easily) purged, like the lowliest of places. I suppose it does not matter though if all the allies and creations of Satan are unaffected.
Thanks for the explanation.

I believe, personally (and this is just my own personal thoughts and opinion) that if Reptilians conquer or rule a world, they are going to want to build an empire. They are going to want to expand their reach and subjugate people like Earth's humans to them. Only through Satan do they not succeed on this happening on Earth, completely and absolutely.

Eventually somewhere in the Universe, one Reptilian ruler can cause a bit of trouble and concern. Lesser advanced (technologically and/or spiritually) beings can come under attack by Reptilians and Greys ETs and word spreads.

They are always a concern. As long as Reptilians and Grey ETs exist, they will always be a concern and it eventually, like ripples in a pond, WILL affect the allies and creations of Satan.

Just my two cents.
Thanks for the explanation, Brother. I know it's not an easy subject to understand, and probably much harder to explain, but you made it pretty clear. The best answers will come to those who reach those levels and unlock that understanding. We should focus on what we have the ability to understand and use that step to reach higher, or at least that's what I'm trying to do given my current lack of abilities when I compare myself to most SS Brothers and Sisters.

Wow this is awesum information
Eagle Bearer 666 said:
Thanks for the explanation, Brother. I know it's not an easy subject to understand, and probably much harder to explain, but you made it pretty clear. The best answers will come to those who reach those levels and unlock that understanding. We should focus on what we have the ability to understand and use that step to reach higher, or at least that's what I'm trying to do given my current lack of abilities when I compare myself to most SS Brothers and Sisters.


This is exactly my own mindset too. I am really glad you found the explanation clear. I did my earnest to make it clear and understandable.

Will include more as time goes, but I believe this should be crystal clear for now.
Blitzkreig said:
This makes me wonder if there are certain crevices of existence from which the enemy cannot be (easily) purged, like the lowliest of places. I suppose it does not matter though if all the allies and creations of Satan are unaffected. Facing certain limitations such as this is strange because it sounds almost like you are losing something as you advance.

I know there are a million details surrounding this matter that would clarify it, but those are my thoughts anyway.
Thanks for the explanation.

This is what I am most afraid of being a hostage in their dimensions out of the reach of the Gods. Like cutting me off which feels like it's already happening but it will be final when I die . That's what I talked about in the other thread. It literally starting to feel their is no escape. Thank goodness I still have some time left to fix this and escape. I am going to buy everything I need today for a summoning ritual.
This probably explains why they win some places and lose others. Does lower or higher deal mostly refer to astral energy and vibration of energy or something else.

It's also in reverse too we go somewhere else of a much higher or lower vibration we might get destroyed or suffer symptoms from it. This is why most to all human souls can't come from or incarnate somewhere else no matter what people say I have even met in person people that claim to be from another planet. I say not really possible most the time unless some humans are from some place that got destroyed by the same enemy. I believe that might be possible if they are the same species cause the vibration would be similar.
So was I correct then when I said when a human soul goes into the enemy worlds it's very dangerous? And there is a possibility ones soul cannot return.I fear for the worst I landed myself right in the arms of a horrible creature.

That was what I was telling Aquarius about in my other thread..

Because if it counts for the Gods it must surely count for humans.

"The descent of beings on lower levels also inherently limits them and makes them subject to other limitations. If the Gods went "down there", they wouldn't be "up there" and they would be forced to descent."
Nice post and explanation Commander.
But in regards to Gravity, isn't it a masonic theory to replace the reality of Magnetism?
Man, wow. Like Blitzkreig said,

Blitzkreig said:
it sounds almost like you are losing something as you advance

trying to make sense of that... is -

if you're a CEO of a company, a business magnate, a titan of entrepreneurship, then you'd be 'up there' and living on foie gras and caviar, etc.; you wouldn't want to go to Fatdonald's all the time... Even "lord" sugar, bill gates, elon musk, etc., still have to bathe themselves - although, they probably are so arrogant with giant hubrises, that they probably employ others to do it for them; like in an episode of Family Fortunes, a contestant said she was an ablusions officer for "the queen", meaning that she had to sit on "the throne" keeping it warm for if "its royal highness" needed to go potty. "its majesty" still shits out of the same place as the local druggy talking to faeries in town does. I would say it also has to wipe its own arse, as well, but it probably has a bidet for that, or enjoys having faeces festivities, shit-digs.

At least our Gods and Goddesses are not disgusting like that, and while bathing themselves, the Physical equivalent that these capitalists on Earth do, the Spiritual equivalent is Satan, etc., cleaning Their own Souls and Auras when necessary, etc. People live to their means - and I bet Satan's Palace is so immaculate, spotlessly clean; He wouldn't be seen lowering Himself, visiting a dealer on 110th street.

A messy desk/room is a messy Mind. Satan and the Gods and Goddesses live a higher life, and wouldn't lower themselves to somewhere more than necessary - i.e. visiting Earth. Others have said that when they get visits from their Guardian Daemon/Daemoness, they can feel a buzz from Them; I think with the Gods and Goddesses residing in Orion area, there is like an 'aura' around that area, like if one were to go to a power station; over here, it is like a small cell battery or a candle flame in comparison.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Will include more as time goes
Oh, don't say that. You will make me impatient! :lol:
That made it clear again and my thought was similar.

Before Egyptians were able to create stuff out of Thin air using Vibrations, I think they should've been able to create most of the elements and were not limited by the chemistry, Biology we study today, and using that they were able to defy the laws of Physics, Not defy the laws completely but with knowledge find how to make stuff happen in the physical.

So when they descent into lower Realities/Dimensions then they're at the mercy of Lifeforms in that reality unless they know it well to deal with.

But when it comes to our Gods (I'm sure they're working their best to help Lifeforms like Humans) ||Earth isn't the only planet and they've to help other Planets like Earth also.

So it's the job of Awakened people here on Earth to make it Safe for them and There's also luck is involved whether they'll come based on if they find it the best time.

There are many Portal-like Temples here in India that were partially Destryped by the Enemy Alien through the Attack of Similar to Nuclear Weapons but still I didn't destroy everything. By this, you can analyze our Gods were Very intelligent and were prepared for this to happen.

There will always be wars no matter what.

I was watching a video regarding Egyptian underground Passage through Spnix (Secret), Enemy cannot destroy that even with today's knowledge Similar to Emerald Tablet of Thoth (That defies nature's law of Decomposition)
And just by having the Glimpse of that Tablet, your inner light will respond.. People were slaughtered if they were found looking for this tablet of Thoth in past.

Do the best you can everyone... There's a physical war awaiting us in the future and don't worry this isn't the only Life we've in this world if you're worried about losing it for the purpose of making this Earth Safe for our Gods.
This is proof that Gods are trying to reach humans but not allowed to.

There's a satellite Weapon project since 1970 that attacked every UFO that appeared Above Iraq.
And the USA developed it and we all know in whose control the US is and those who control the USA are the enemy of Jews.

I think there is a lot of wisdom in Iraq if someone can physically go there and learn about it.
They have caused entire species and civilizations gone extinct, planets have been completely wiped out...

There will be no mercy from those of us who vow revenge.

Maybe a Bear cannot destroy the fleas and ticks, but we are not Bears. Our objectives are clearly stated within our RTRs. We will unravel the soul of the enemy and they will be torn apart. The enemy will be fully exposed and The Serpent will be FREE!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bright Truth said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

There are many accounts of people, humans who while still here and "descended" are invulnerable to poison or weapons or by virtue of their energy can walk through the forest with robbers and wild animals not even taking heed of them. So why would the Gods if they descended into human form be more vulnerable than these mere humans who have evolved?
It just doesn't make sense.

Please publish and answer this
I try to summarize, what I think I did understand:

There are different levels of existence higher and lower ones, the universe has regions who are higher and lower(Layers).
Earth is in a lower level. Beings of higher level have here a dissadvantage up to mortality if they would be attacked.

Likewise inversely beings of lower level of existance (like Reptilians) have a dissadvantage in regions of higher levels there weapons etc isn´t as much efficient.

The Reptilians at the moment are higher then humans, but way less then the Gods, but have much numbers.

A being is strongest, when it lives on the level of the universe that best suits it.

Earth wasn´t always so low in level it was the enemy who did crush it to this level.

The overal inhibitants, if enouth numbers, can elevate/meditate up a planet/space region level, so it is safe for the gods to visit/live without limitations.

-> The goal of the gods/ours:

"Therefore, you send well prepared forces (SS) in these jungles that are accustomed to this level or rather native inhabitants, and they wipe out easily (enemy) what is not of your nature to do, with your guidance, support, knowledge and wisdom. Then they clarify everything and the king can again descend, after this level is sufficiently repaired."

-> The goal of the enemys:

"Likewise the enemy in understanding of what could happen to them, they don't interfere directly with the levels that the Gods exist. They rather avoid everything. Many battles are on proxy levels, not direct."

They try to downlift planets of the gods so they can influence control them live on them, the gods try to uplift thear planets vice versa.

Now I can grasp, how all this started, thank you HPHC.
magus.immortalis said:
Blitzkreig said:
This makes me wonder if there are certain crevices of existence from which the enemy cannot be (easily) purged, like the lowliest of places. I suppose it does not matter though if all the allies and creations of Satan are unaffected.
Thanks for the explanation.

I believe, personally (and this is just my own personal thoughts and opinion) that if Reptilians conquer or rule a world, they are going to want to build an empire. They are going to want to expand their reach and subjugate people like Earth's humans to them. Only through Satan do they not succeed on this happening on Earth, completely and absolutely.

Eventually somewhere in the Universe, one Reptilian ruler can cause a bit of trouble and concern. Lesser advanced (technologically and/or spiritually) beings can come under attack by Reptilians and Greys ETs and word spreads.

They are always a concern. As long as Reptilians and Grey ETs exist, they will always be a concern and it eventually, like ripples in a pond, WILL affect the allies and creations of Satan.

Just my two cents.

I don't think they think in the same way we do. They seem like a barley conscious being but ruled by an AI intelligence. They may have at one time been different and maybe not inherently evil like they are now but maybe not really great either. I would doubt anything that looks like a reptilian can be great. I don't think this kind of stuff happens by nature. This is a fluke. Nature would not go against itself.

I think their goal is assimilate as much of the universe as possible and make everything the same and worshipping and directing energy into the same power.

They do not have the forethought to run any empire or planet. Most every where they "win" on and any planets they colonized are destroyed completely and made unlivable but they do try to expand.

They think in more of a computerized Binary way of thinking. They only do what they are told.

I guess it depends on the kind of beings and energies that exist in a place as to if they can be purged from it or not. Some are really unlucky sadly and will not be able to escape. I don't think the Gods can rescue every single civilization right now if they could they would. They focus on the ones that are most important to them or most strategic in this war I would think.
more people are waking up. thats the only thing that matters and if enough people wake up someday the enemy will automatically lose because nobody will support their hungry mouths. hope you are not negatively affected by it cobra. its good to give them attention but never attention of pain thats what they feed from. that is what usually a bad human feeds from. so you always gotta look the evil deep in the eye. that will be the moment where they get weak. much love.
SyrArisMarsMartin said:
Nice post and explanation Commander.
But in regards to Gravity, isn't it a masonic theory to replace the reality of Magnetism?

I don't think gravity is Masonic, it's from Newton isn't it? Plus we know all planets do indeed have gravity. But of course, the universe has magnetic and electric forces, that is understood by physics entirely.

Could you elaborate? Why is the theory of gravity masonic or bad?
Fanboy said:
"The Gods have no particular issue with these creatures nor they can negatively impact them."

Cobra, you cant say this ridiculous statement...

I can say what I want given it's correct, which is what it was. You can understand what you want, in this case, you can misunderstand what I wrote because you isolated a quote. You cannot understand what someone says by isolating quotes.

That is true in both written and spoken word.

Because you will misunderstand. But it was supposed to be read within the context and as a whole. Anyway, I have clarified this just in case [Mercury retrograde].

The Gods have rose higher and further above them. Don't try to make up nonsense. There is a war going on and all this, as it's known.

Yes, these creatures cannot really negatively impact the Gods at the point where they are at. The Gods are far higher to be affected by these directly. They do however harass other species copiously. The Gods are more powerful than them.
Fanboy said:
It's definitely dangerous to slow the speed of your vibration down to the level of an enemy that outnumbers you.

I think the reptilians are between 350 and 530 X speed of light. And Satan is above 6000

I understand why they cannot descend to interact but i don't understand how simply being on the earth would sap their immortal strength.

Please explain this cobra, what is so shit about our planet that our gods cannot stay at full power here.

I know why I can't do it, but it's because the worthless "people" keep corrupting me.

What would stop the gods from staying at full strength?

You vibrate at 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000x the speed of light. I vibrate at 0.0000000000001 speed. Goku went over x9000 too. I am dumb, you are smart, enlightened etc.
Fanboy said:
You're strong but you say some terribly unenlightened things sometimes cobra, I'm sorry. I don't think you have a good understanding of levels of vibration, which is silly because you're at least 3x bigger and higher than me. I haven't got the hang of it yet, but I understand that the enemy raises and lowers their speed in order to appear or dissapear and tune I and out of sight. You can still interact with creatures lower than you, you just have more power over them. Not less.

Before this I advise you learn basically how you read people's writing. That is fundamental to understand something. If I take your text above and botch it, and I quote "I understand how the enemy raises", then I can blame you that you kiss enemy ass and raise them or whatever my silly cuck brain would want to claim you said.

But you never said it and I don't have a silly cuck brain. So I wouldn't do that. Likewise, it's a good idea to not do this to me to other people. Thanks.
AntonellaIT said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bright Truth said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

There are many accounts of people, humans who while still here and "descended" are invulnerable to poison or weapons or by virtue of their energy can walk through the forest with robbers and wild animals not even taking heed of them.

Throw them a nuke, or shoot them with an RPG, and you might see differently how this goes.

There are laws in this universe, and the physical universe here on earth has laws. If a being comes here, they will be subject to these laws at least to an extent. Even if these laws can be bent a lot, they cannot be bent completely.

Invulnerability to poison is one thing, but complete and total physical invulnerability, or let's say surviving a nuclear blast by facing it, that's something else entirely, and the physical body in the case of living entities, at least of the nature of humans now, is subject to these limitations by virtue of nature.
Fanboy said:
Cobra, you cant say this ridiculous statement...

You think the gods have no issue with these worthless evil enslaving enemies that work day and night to destroy us?

bro learn l2p and read please. for fuck sake these ppl lol...

post is clear, u just in mood to blame big daddy or some shit? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Fanboy said:
I think the reptilians are between 350 and 530 X speed of light. And Satan is above 6000

You vibrate at 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000x the speed of light. I vibrate at 0.0000000000001 speed. Goku went over x9000 too. I am dumb, you are smart, enlightened etc.

the bad moment when he mock with bs and he gets trolled, lol
Fanboy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Fanboy said:


Lol looks like we both used cuck brain here.

Don't be a jerk, I know you put numbers on it too. It helps with affirmation. I can't can't judge my power by how far down I can go or how bright I am.
It helps if I use a number both to set a floor and a ceiling and I know you do the same thing xD.

I'm not making fun of you dude, you're like my mentor basically, everything I know is from you. So I'm humbly asking please explain what is so detrimental about our planet?

You always talk about the gods decending or coming down and that kind if thing, but why can't they just be at full power? What is the risk I don't understand.

Also thank you for the attention, whenever I get a message from cobra I get a big evil smile. Probably my 1# favorite person on earth <3

Feel free to ask for any clarification, correction or whatever you want, just don't troll me over it. It's Mercury Retrograde and already everytime I write a post it feels like diffusing, metaphorically, a very big bomb for me.

What I wrote about taking specific texts out, is for real. This also what CNN is literally doing to people, lol.

However, from my non serious reply to you I wanted to allude to the fact that numbers aren't all that there is to this meditation or how "Raised" a vibration is. Numbers can work to make it easier for you to affirm, but in the end, all of this has to do with light and sheer force of bio-electricity.

Well, if it works with numbers for you, that is a great way to put it. It's good to focus on the visualization however.

I will answer in another topic about Our Planet, as this has to do with the old teachings of Thoth. HPS Maxine has also wrote about this, in regards to the distance of our planet from the center of the Galaxy, and there are a few factors more.

It's not that bad or anything, but there is a bit more of strife focused energy on the planet as a result.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
AntonellaIT said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

There are many accounts of people, humans who while still here and "descended" are invulnerable to poison or weapons or by virtue of their energy can walk through the forest with robbers and wild animals not even taking heed of them.

Throw them a nuke, or shoot them with an RPG, and you might see differently how this goes.

There are laws in this universe, and the physical universe here on earth has laws. If a being comes here, they will be subject to these laws at least to an extent. Even if these laws can be bent a lot, they cannot be bent completely.

Invulnerability to poison is one thing, but complete and total physical invulnerability, or let's say surviving a nuclear blast by facing it, that's something else entirely, and the physical body in the case of living entities, at least of the nature of humans now, is subject to these limitations by virtue of nature.

Does this mean the Gods could survive a nuclear blast, but only on their own worlds? Or is it just that nuclear blasts won't ever reach their worlds in the first place? Is it something to do with planetary aura of protection? And if so, will we be placing an aura of protection around this planet in the future?

This clarification would help my understanding.

Ohhh... wait. I think the penny just dropped. That must be why they take humans off world when they complete the Magnum Opus. It's so they can survive with their newly immortal bodies, and not be accessed by the enemies, drained and destroyed. They're then safe to advance in Orion away from this world. I always wondered why they got taken to Orion after completing the MO, and I can't believe I didn't even consider this. Our world is literally occupied by the enemies right now. So those who go too far up can't stay here for their own safety and so as not to get captured by the enemies (which would then be detrimental to all of us), and those who are already so far up can't afford to come back down for basically the same reasons. I think I get it now. You don't parachute straight into the enemy war camp, to put it one way.

Hopefully my partial stream of consciousness here is helpful to others. I'm posting this as is for that reason.
Fanboy said:

The word that was misunderstood in this context is "issue." What he meant here was "issue" in the sense that the enemies are not something the Gods struggle with facing, as in not a challenge for them personally. Like a bodybuilder will have no issue lifting a heavy weight, for example. This doesn't mean the Gods aren't engaged in spiritual war against these unnatural freaks, nor that they don't hate the enemy for what they have done to their children, and also seizing territory of their Empire. Of course the Gods have "issue" with the enemy in that sense.

I think it was an easy mistake to make, and even I could have made it. I just wouldn't have impulsively lashed out and insulted our High Priest in the process, nor tried to undermine him.

Basically English sucks, and we should all convert to a Germanic language or even Latin.
Fuchs said:
I try to summarize, what I think I did understand:

There are different levels of existence higher and lower ones, the universe has regions who are higher and lower(Layers).
Earth is in a lower level. Beings of higher level have here a dissadvantage up to mortality if they would be attacked.

Likewise inversely beings of lower level of existance (like Reptilians) have a dissadvantage in regions of higher levels there weapons etc isn´t as much efficient.

The Reptilians at the moment are higher then humans, but way less then the Gods, but have much numbers.

A being is strongest, when it lives on the level of the universe that best suits it.

Earth wasn´t always so low in level it was the enemy who did crush it to this level.

The overal inhibitants, if enouth numbers, can elevate/meditate up a planet/space region level, so it is safe for the gods to visit/live without limitations.

-> The goal of the gods/ours:

"Therefore, you send well prepared forces (SS) in these jungles that are accustomed to this level or rather native inhabitants, and they wipe out easily (enemy) what is not of your nature to do, with your guidance, support, knowledge and wisdom. Then they clarify everything and the king can again descend, after this level is sufficiently repaired."

-> The goal of the enemys:

"Likewise the enemy in understanding of what could happen to them, they don't interfere directly with the levels that the Gods exist. They rather avoid everything. Many battles are on proxy levels, not direct."

They try to downlift planets of the gods so they can influence control them live on them, the gods try to uplift thear planets vice versa.

Now I can grasp, how all this started, thank you HPHC.

That's why evolving spiritually and at the same time staying with the same people who are ignorant of when I wasn't so evolved is so horrible. it's... evolution comes at a price, but it's definitely worth it. but it's dangerous to evolve spiritually over the years and be forced to interact with beings of much lower level that is, a lot! I still don't really know how to deal with this situation... other than getting away from my old colleagues/friends/relatives little by little... many blocked me and walked away from me without leaving any traces, as if they had fought with me...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I will answer in another topic about Our Planet, as this has to do with the old teachings of Thoth. HPS Maxine has also wrote about this, in regards to the distance of our planet from the center of the Galaxy, and there are a few factors more.

It's not that bad or anything, but there is a bit more of strife focused energy on the planet as a result.

For those that don't get it, or at least don't get part of what's being said here, which I'm sure there's more, this has to do very literally with vibration speed, I'm guessing. Closer to the center of the Galaxy is literally faster, the closer you are there the faster they spin, and this makes them have higher levels of energy in that area of the Galaxy.

So think about what the consequences of this are for beings like us. Their stars are revolving around the center of the galaxy much faster than we are out in the arm of the Milky Way, which means they have a lot more rotational energy, which I'm assuming translates to higher "frequency" or "dimension" that's been said before. This probably also means that there's a lot more energy in general to work with near the center of the galaxy. For example breathing exercises would probably be x amount times more effective the closer to the center you are, simply because there's more energy in the environment.

If I'm off base here, I'm sorry, but this is my understanding, I'm sure there's a bit more to it.
We have the advantage of not being dead, vulnerable to or being tied to a lower plane. Use every moment you have wisely. We’re untouchable despite mortality.
jrvan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
AntonellaIT said:
There are many accounts of people, humans who while still here and "descended" are invulnerable to poison or weapons or by virtue of their energy can walk through the forest with robbers and wild animals not even taking heed of them.

Throw them a nuke, or shoot them with an RPG, and you might see differently how this goes.

There are laws in this universe, and the physical universe here on earth has laws. If a being comes here, they will be subject to these laws at least to an extent. Even if these laws can be bent a lot, they cannot be bent completely.

Invulnerability to poison is one thing, but complete and total physical invulnerability, or let's say surviving a nuclear blast by facing it, that's something else entirely, and the physical body in the case of living entities, at least of the nature of humans now, is subject to these limitations by virtue of nature.

Does this mean the Gods could survive a nuclear blast, but only on their own worlds? Or is it just that nuclear blasts won't ever reach their worlds in the first place? Is it something to do with planetary aura of protection? And if so, will we be placing an aura of protection around this planet in the future?

This clarification would help my understanding.

Ohhh... wait. I think the penny just dropped. That must be why they take humans off world when they complete the Magnum Opus. It's so they can survive with their newly immortal bodies, and not be accessed by the enemies, drained and destroyed. They're then safe to advance in Orion away from this world. I always wondered why they got taken to Orion after completing the MO, and I can't believe I didn't even consider this. Our world is literally occupied by the enemies right now. So those who go too far up can't stay here for their own safety and so as not to get captured by the enemies (which would then be detrimental to all of us), and those who are already so far up can't afford to come back down for basically the same reasons. I think I get it now. You don't parachute straight into the enemy war camp, to put it one way.

Hopefully my partial stream of consciousness here is helpful to others. I'm posting this as is for that reason.
It's not just this.

It's more of a multi-layered psychological warfare. If the gods arrived, given the situation of this world, it would be a catch 22 for the same reason as to ancient civilizations as advanced as they were, still fell to the enemy and became corrupt and we're suffering the consequences of it, and even when we reverse the damage as much as we as a species can without the gods physical involvement, but with astral and telepathic guidance, it would be easier not just for us, since Earth is our birthright, but for the gods as well, so they can deal with what we could not at the moment, or even better, live without having to worry about the pressure of having to deal with every single issue humans may throw at them that are is an excuse for humans to stop taking accountability and be lazy, and this can spark a seed that could corrupt their mind. Remember, even in Satan's realm some enemy Nordics rebelled against him and are fighting against him and us. So it would be even more volatile of a situation given the state Earth is in right now, and even in optimal conditions, history wouldn't be wanted to be repeated again because how many years it took to get back on track, and to make up for the time lost is one hell of a challenge.

Advancing and achieving the Magnum Opus is already a piece of the battle. Defeating the enemy and the Jews are another piece of the battle, but the most difficult part is healing after thousands if not millions of years of trauma, from multiple realms and levels and all of the beings and races involved (especially considering how much genocide, destruction of information and trauma has occurred) in the battle for not just mankind, but for the gods to able to be in even more better conditions to directly interact with mankind without the worry of history repeating itself with humans being corrupted.

So it's really a battle of attrition now, and one that really isn't having to do with the Jews anymore, because the issue now is the cycles of reincarnation of human victims to be able to get back on the right track without Jewish interference, and this will take time before we can fully be restored to prime conditions to prevent corruption the way it happened to end up where we ended up.
I think I get it, but that means it's possible to evolve past the point of these (((things))) affecting us. but, aren't we here to wipe them out completely, or just our planet? I may have misunderstood what our purpose is, that is, our purpose besides just evolving and becoming spiritually immortal.
This kinda reminds me of of how a lotus starts as a seed in the mud at the bottom of the pool and grows to rise out of the mud and water and eventually blooms into a beautiful flower untouched by the mud. Right now, we're in the mud as a collective with this world, but the Gods are at the lotus level. Being a lotus and returning back down to the mud level would ruin its petals and subject it to whatever lays down there, and might even lose its petals all together. We raise our level out of the mud and at least into clearer waters, there's less risk for the lotus coming down here. Am I understanding this correctly?
One Wire Phenomenon said:
So was I correct then when I said when a human soul goes into the enemy worlds it's very dangerous? And there is a possibility ones soul cannot return.I fear for the worst I landed myself right in the arms of a horrible creature.

That was what I was telling Aquarius about in my other thread..

Because if it counts for the Gods it must surely count for humans.

"The descent of beings on lower levels also inherently limits them and makes them subject to other limitations. If the Gods went "down there", they wouldn't be "up there" and they would be forced to descent."

1. This probably isn't even possible for the same reason you just posted thinking that it is a cause for concern for the most part beings don't and can't incarnate in places very different from where they are for the same reasons Cobra is talking about in this sermon and also genetics and all sorts of other stuff. It's not even really a concern. Put this out of your mind.

2. We are protected by the Gods and can grow and advance. You can work to become powerful enough so that they cannot touch you and the Gods Escort souls of Satan to a safe place in the afterlife. The enemy won't get you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Fanboy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Lol looks like we both used cuck brain here.

Don't be a jerk, I know you put numbers on it too. It helps with affirmation. I can't can't judge my power by how far down I can go or how bright I am.
It helps if I use a number both to set a floor and a ceiling and I know you do the same thing xD.

I'm not making fun of you dude, you're like my mentor basically, everything I know is from you. So I'm humbly asking please explain what is so detrimental about our planet?

You always talk about the gods decending or coming down and that kind if thing, but why can't they just be at full power? What is the risk I don't understand.

Also thank you for the attention, whenever I get a message from cobra I get a big evil smile. Probably my 1# favorite person on earth <3

Feel free to ask for any clarification, correction or whatever you want, just don't troll me over it. It's Mercury Retrograde and already everytime I write a post it feels like diffusing, metaphorically, a very big bomb for me.

What I wrote about taking specific texts out, is for real. This also what CNN is literally doing to people, lol.

However, from my non serious reply to you I wanted to allude to the fact that numbers aren't all that there is to this meditation or how "Raised" a vibration is. Numbers can work to make it easier for you to affirm, but in the end, all of this has to do with light and sheer force of bio-electricity.

Well, if it works with numbers for you, that is a great way to put it. It's good to focus on the visualization however.

I will answer in another topic about Our Planet, as this has to do with the old teachings of Thoth. HPS Maxine has also wrote about this, in regards to the distance of our planet from the center of the Galaxy, and there are a few factors more.

It's not that bad or anything, but there is a bit more of strife focused energy on the planet as a result.

I think this stuff can be fixed though right?

Do we need to all move to a different planet eventually if we want to advance and be on an actual higher level or wait for the alignment or age that is bad to be over or whatever.

Not understanding.
Thanks for the information, before that I don't much about the universe rules. now it's more clear for me.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bright Truth said:
There is a question in my mind. Father Satan and the God/esses are so strong and intelligent. How Reptiles could stand against them? It was because they are so many in numbers? I don't understand. This war should have already been won in both astral and galaxy.

I know, what we now should focus on is their pawns aka "shekel masters" but I'm just curious.

Hail Satan! To a future with no Reptilians and their sons!

There are many worlds and different layers of the "universe" or "reality". These creatures inhabit lower levels, but yet way higher than these that we humans live in.

They have a lot of dominion over the lower levels, but not the higher ones. We humans due to spiritual fall, are residents of the lower levels where they can copiously affect us.

The descent of beings on lower levels also inherently limits them and makes them subject to other limitations. If the Gods went "down there", they wouldn't be "up there" and they would be forced to descent.

This has happened before when the Gods were on earth, with considerable risks involved. This can incur attack, failure, or even death, due to laws of the universe.

Likewise the enemy in understanding of what could happen to them, they don't interfere directly with the levels that the Gods exist. They rather avoid everything. Many battles are on proxy levels, not direct.

The Gods have no particular issue of getting harmed by these creatures nor they can negatively impact them. They are too evolved past this level. Only humans are affected [and possibly other progressing lifeforms] are affected. That's because we aren't yet as a whole advanced way past this. For example it's not like Thoth can be deceived or affected by these creatures. The Gods are well beyond what can "affect" them from any of this.

For the Gods, the enemy hardly "exists". They cannot be affected at all by that stuff, but they can cause damage to beings the Gods help, or even the higher beings that are trying to advance, or other beings in general. Therefore they need to be stopped.

For humans, the road is very long, but we aren't unsupported. Eventually, we will overcome the enemy too.

The enemy likewise doesn't "descend" into the levels of coming here physically directly, because they if they did this permanently, the incurring limitations might destroy them.

This is no different than how one can inspect a black hole when astrally projecting, but if you go there physically, you will probably be crushed in the gravitational pulling force.

You can be the strongest and smartest person on earth, but if you go down the jungle with multitudes of thieving tribes, chances are you might be robbed or killed regardless by the beings there. Even if you go with an army of security, the swarm of these levels might still overtake you. Numbers are also related to this, and the enemy is known to be "in the multitudes" too.

Therefore, you send well prepared forces in these jungles that are accustomed to this level or rather native inhabitants, and they wipe out easily what is not of your nature to do, with your guidance, support, knowledge and wisdom. Then they clarify everything and the king can again descend, after this level is sufficiently repaired.

I realize what is said here might be a bit confusing or cryptic but as people advance they will readily understand all of this. The enemy knows the very same likewise. This is the reason they put humanity on spiritual quarantine, because if humanity properly "ascends", they lose their influence over them.

But so long it stays lower and sinks low, they have control over it. Their hopes are to wipe it out, so that we no longer pose a problem to them, on top of everything else.

It's of vital importance to the enemy that we remain ignorant and spiritually oblivious. Or they will lose the potential of taking over "our world".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Now that I've read the other comments, I think I've realised a few things, and the importance of Rituals.

I could roughly say that our planet's vibration is damaging to the vibration of those beings that are higher up, this is true for the Orion Gods as well as the fucking shitty fucking reptilian enemy.

So they wouldn't be able to physically exist on this planet for long because of this vibration level, but the same is true for us, that on those planets, we wouldn't be able to exist for long, or more precisely we would die almost instantly because our bodies would have to withstand a higher vibration.

And that's where the importance of Rituals comes in, that we do them so that our planet is similar to the planet of the Gods.
I don't know how much I'm in the right place, but I think the picture is starting to come together somewhat.

HP Cobra, what do you say to that, I'd like to know what you think?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
