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Why People Are Afraid Of Power?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
SETI said:
Why are people so negative? At least they should be positive and see the purpose in a bigger picture.
It's normal that when an organization is growing, responsibilities are passed down to lower subjects.

This "Guardian" initiative resembles the reason Adolf Hitler founded The "Nazi SS" which is to protect and uphold the Pagan and "National Socialist" philosophy.

I look forward for a Greater JoS.

Hail Satan!!

In modern society and since the enemy took over, the notion of power, political or societal position and standing, has been grossly misunderstood.

The misuse is so terrible that we are at a dangerous precedent where very few psychopaths now run everything to the point they plan to put people into pods, or enslave them, or other gross absurdities. In a state of feeling wronged, we inherently blame "power" for this situation, thinking it's power that got into their head.

Power however is something like being very beautiful, or having a lot of wealth, or a lot of spiritual power, or a lot of knowledge. It is neutral and it can be put on a path to work for good purposes, or to promote decay. The latter is almost always the choice, because humanity no longer practices the opening of the consciousness.

On very high levels of consciousness, the very need to abuse human needs or engage in many absurdities, starts vanishing, as the soul starts reaching out to the supernal light and the Gods. This is why the per-requisite for advancing in any higher ministerial position in Egypt, was bound by the necessity to have meditated for a very long time.

All leaders were absolutely pushed to engage in Spiritual ascent practices to see the universe for what it was, and learn to value existence. Now, all sorts of people who have the mind of a slug, are in positions power, tormenting humanity.

People who elevate themselves in these positions are overwhelmingly corrupted, frequently evil, and due to lack of ascent practices [Meditations that open up the mind] they can become falsely negative or even dangerous to society.

Judging from certain cases like Billy Gates or Presidents etc, we can see that power has often been used in a negative manner, or even a destructive manner. That is because the whole fabric of our society, and therefore of our understanding of power, is risen to based on the higher levels of deception, corruption, and destructive forces.

In world where most power is literally totally misused to absolutely no real purpose and consciousness, it is absolutely normal to fear it, or even want to reduce it [since we know almost for a fact it will be misused, thanks to our present day world of animal consciousness].

Who are now the leaders of most Nations? Oftentimes the most deceitful, the most lying, the least capable, and for all intents, we oftentime have to experience violence or negativity from them, not the other way around.

The above creates fear in people and they tend to misperceive power or assume that certain people having power will mean negative ends by default. Even worse, we have the situation where it is assumed by a default that power will be used falsely.

Many people also might misperceive my situation or that of others. The only thing I found after a decade of working very close to the Gods, is that if one plans to be vermin that gives nothing back and so on, that is not the place for them to be.

In particular, since after this time the Gods also have expectations out of me, I have to reduce my error margin as much as possible. Additionally, certain mistakes in my position are unacceptable, but they are perfectly acceptable even to be done everyday by other people.

In other words, how responsibility reflects and quality reflects as one goes upwards, is the reverse on the side of the Gods compared to the side of the enemy where the biggest vermin gets the biggest post. Additionally, because active overseeing by the Gods, this becomes even more difficult to achieve or be able to pull anything with. There is judgement.

In our modern world since the Gods are not "present" in large scale affairs, there is nothing that stands above the head of those in power, and in their lives they live in the delusion that their freedom of action means also freedom of ramification from these actions. That is the natural consequence of finding a civilization on total lies.

The JoS's plan is to have inside it an reverse morality and approach that is against of the world outside. If people outside abuse power to destroy, those who get in the JoS must use maximum power to be creative and positive, especially when the people are concerned.

As we can also see by reaching close to the Gods, the world the Gods recommend and help us build through consciousness is a dream-world compared to this dross that now we live in, barely above animal consciousness.

While mainstream sources tell you about lashed hebrews building pyramids, slavers that beat everyone, or whatever other nonsense [that is false and historically utterly false too], you should be able to still find the Truth if you are interested in it.

The Vizier was essentially a caretaker of the manual aspects of Egyptian civilization, and was under the Pharaoh or the right hand of the Pharaoh.

Below I will cite an example of what proper leadership looks like from the Egyptian tombs that describe the work of the Visier of the Pharaoh Tuthmose III, named Rekhira.

"I defended the husband-less widow. I established the son and heir on seat of his father. I gave bread to the hungry, water to the thirsty, meat and ointment and clothes to him that had nothing. I relieved the old man, giving him my staff, and causing the old woman to say "What a good action!", I hated inequity, and wrought it not, causing false men to be fastened head downwards". (Van de Mieroop 178 as seen in World History.org.)

As one can see, the role of power is to be mostly constructive, creative, and good. I therefore understand all concerns, challenges and want to hear all potential opinions, to address everything. We are all also judged by our works, be it from our fellow human beings, fellow SS and above all the Gods.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
To top it off, lots of fictional characters are seen "rejecting" Godhood because no one "deserves" such power because power "corrupts".

Like how Batman had to give up being the God of knowledge or Superman had to give up being the God of Strength in the comics and reside at a lower level of power simply because the power was "corrupting" them.

Its somehow seen as a virtue for rejecting literal Godhood and accepting weakness instead.

I think this article is very relevant to the current climate of the forums. Everyone should go and re-read it.

I'd also like to urge everyone to post their concerns and fears so they may be addressed. So this new feature for the community can come into effect without division, or petty hatreds forming in the background. We are all on the same team, and to all of you who want to voice your thoughts, never mistake me for a pawn in your personal grudges, or that I'm here to rally up Satanists against each other, or that I will be on your side if you attempt this.

I want to encourage communication, that is all.
The Phantom Stranger said:
To top it off, lots of fictional characters are seen "rejecting" Godhood because no one "deserves" such power because power "corrupts".

Like how Batman had to give up being the God of knowledge or Superman had to give up being the God of Strength in the comics and reside at a lower level of power simply because the power was "corrupting" them.

Its somehow seen as a virtue for rejecting literal Godhood and accepting weakness instead.

Perhaps it has to do more with the current world eating away at them, abusing these things for their own interest instead of others rising to that level also, and thus not be alone and thus no "corruption" would occur.
Those things you pointed out are relevant to the people who do not necessarily fear the concept of power, but the current power structure itself. By this I mean the ones that want to get inside or are already inside, but are afraid to change things because of repercussions. If more were spiritually open, they could see all the angles of danger more easily. It also takes a bit of guts and coordination.
The Phantom Stranger said:
Its somehow seen as a virtue for rejecting literal Godhood and accepting weakness instead.

I agree, and also believe this is very deeply rooted in xianity at the unconscious level. So many people refuses power without even knowing this, and choose to be dependent and lazy.

9.1 Three Bases of Authority

Popularity is always the first basis for the creation of authority. But an
authority resting on that basis alone is quite frail, uncertain, and shaky.
Hence everyone who finds himself vested with an authority based only on
popularity must improve and consolidate the foundation of that authority
by the creation of power. Accordingly we must look upon power-that is,
force-as the second basis of all authority. This is more stable and secure,
but not always stronger, than the first. If popularity and force are united
together and can endure for a certain time, then an authority may arise
that's based on a still stronger foundation, namely, the authority of
tradition. And finally, if popularity, force, and tradition are united together,
then the authority may be seen as invincible.

The Revolution totally abolished this last case. There was no longer
even an authority of tradition. With the collapse of the old Reich, the
elimination of the old State form, and the destruction of the old sovereign
emblems and Reich symbols, tradition was shattered. The result was the
harshest shaking of State authority.
The second pillar of State authority, force, also ceased to exist. In order
to carry out the Revolution, it was necessary to dissolve that which
embodied the organized force and power of the State, namely, the army;
indeed, some fragments of the army itself had to be used as revolutionary
fighting elements. The armies at the Front weren't subjected in the same
degree to this disintegration, but as they gradually receded from the fields
of glory on which they had heroically fought for four-and-half years, they
were attacked by the homeland's acid of disintegration. And when they
arrived at the demobilizing centers, they fell into that confusion of the socalled voluntary obedience, in the time of the Soldiers' Councils.
Of course, no authority could be based on this crowd of mutinous
soldiers, who looked upon military service as an eight-hour work day.
Therefore the second element-that which guarantees the stability of
authority-was also abolished and the Revolution had only the original
element, popularity, on which to build its authority. But this basis was
extraordinarily insecure. The Revolution shattered the old State structure
with a single blow, but only because the normal balance within the social
structure of the nation had already been eliminated by the war.

9.2 Three Classes of National Bodies

Every national body is made up of three main classes: At one extreme
we have the best of the people, meaning those who possess all virtues,
particularly courage and self-sacrifice. At the other extreme are the worst
dregs of humanity, in whom vice and selfishness prevail. Between these
two extremes stands the third class, made up of the broad middle stratum
who embody neither radiant heroism nor vulgar criminality.
The times of a nation's rise are marked exclusively, and only exist, by
the absolute leadership of the extreme best.

Times of normal and balanced development, or of stable conditions,
owe their existence to the dominating influence of the middle elements.
Here the two extreme classes are balanced against one another, cancelling
each other out.
Times of national collapse are determined by the dominant influence
of the worst elements.
It must be noted here, however, that the broad masses-that which I
have called the middle class-come forward and make their influence felt
only when the two extreme sections are engaged in mutual struggle.
In case of victory for one of the extremes, they readily submit to the
victor. If the best dominate, the broad masses will follow them; and if the
worst triumph, then they will at least offer no opposition; the middle
masses never fight their own battles.

I'm aware a member brought up the issue MK(Dr.Dalton '39) edition has quite a few xtian overtones. It's expect for the era but that doesn't derive the fact it has many good quotes and interesting properties.

EVEN IF I myself personally after reading this book. Still don't know WTF National Socialism. All these books '36 E.T.S. Dugdale and '39 Dr.Dalton fill in some blanks but leave so many questions and so much cross-referencing with other NS texts and people of those era. That NS has been destroyed to the point of utter lost knowledge much like our Occult hieratic texts, teachings, and people.

Anyways I hope this wets some people's whistle that power isn't inherently bad or good rather it's like magick a neutral force that can do good or bad depending on who wields it.

I think unchecked power in the wrong hands is one factor of why people are duped into believing power is wrong. When power is used properly it's a force.
Something that comes to my mind recently, related to this, is why some people decides to become Anarchists. While most do it because they feel edgy (anarcho-communism) or because of stupid reasons (anarcho-capitalism) I think that the most radical ones gets (((deceived))) into thinking that a world with no governments is better because they have seen all the Jewish garbage failing (be it Communism, Democracy or any enemy form of Government). However, they don't know what they would have unleashed if the entire world where to be composed of Anarchist societies: it would mean no rules at all, which also means no morals at all. I agree that people should not always rely on the Government, but this is far too extreme.
If you look at history, you can see when things started to happen where somebody was abusing their power and doing all sorts of evil primitive things to living things or whatever.

Since the Jewish race set foot on our planet!

They're the ones who made humans this way, and it culminated in the Middle Ages.
It's been over 2000 years and this shit is still active!

The Jew/Reptilian is nothing but a moving virus! Who are are migrating all over the universe!

Impose their psychology on the other the beginning!
They will do it indefinitely. Will only end when they are destroyed!

The enemy also preaches a lot of lies about power.

I can tell you this much about power, it does matter in whose hands it falls.

If it falls into the hands of evil, it is certain that he will abuse it and use it to do terrible things.

If it falls into the hands of the noble good: Then he will use it for honorable purposes.

The other is:

The Jew/Reptilian gang has no power actually! Soha nem is volt!

Rabszolga faj!
They always dared to be tough in the face of the defenceless!

Because they are cowards!

Power! Only we have that! And we strengthen it with spiritual and physical practices, and we expand our knowledge!

That is my view of power!
With power we can achieve our dreams, dreams that grow bigger and become better with evolution.

To help others here is in fact, helping yourself, because of how we are created to be, at higher levels where people feel happy to help others, and benefit from doing it.

More people become dedicated SS, faster we who are here already here will achieve our dreams, because of the help in the war that will come with new SS, because of unity that Satan will make on earth and the benefits of more people being aware and evolved then, and so on, and at the same time those people will improve their existence hundreds of times as we did.

Satanic Power is the most beautiful thing that i know, from power we were created, by power we were protected,saved, with power we rise and evolve.

If Satan wasn't powerful, and became stronger we were all slaves now.

If Satan and the Gods weren't strong enough, they all could be already dead , because having imortality as they have is a VERY strong thing, which sure needed a lot of different types of powers to be achieved.

We as humans are extremly more powerful than most of us can understand now, and a big part of that strenght is the capacity of unity that we have, of connection,relationship, healthy team-work.

Something that enemyes can just dream of.

We define what is right or wrong by the orders of the stronger ones.

We define what we are and we do as the stronger ones let us to do.

Hitler said from what i know that :
A good person is that person who could do bad things but didn't.

What Satan and the Gods did and do for humanity is enormous, but if you add what they COULD do,and CAN do , and they didn't and don't(the bad things that they could do with all that power) you can double the gratitude.

The powerful destroy and create as he whish to.

The powerful take and give as he wish to.

Power is supreme , is above ethics, normality, bad or good, right or wrong, because by power were all of them created , and by power could all of them be destroyed.
Honestly I felt elevated reading both this and the Guardian Announcement as never before. This Yule was special — this new ritual + this new growth. I sincerely thank High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 and Gods for affording this! Energies of this achievement and ritual are both extremely elevating and high.

I was writing a lot about hierarchy in Russian forum of how I deeply desire it and how it is emerging from the astral and Ether, i.e. from our spiritual advancement, so all this title routine is just the top of the spiritual iceberg. Look, some are so far above and so far beyond than a lot of periphery, spiritually there is a pit of the abyss between a lot of people who have absolutely similar role in this earthling human internet. It feels so wrong to me. Satanic Empire that I so dream about and so starve for, should physically represent these abysses and pits between different creatures. We should have full blossom of ranks and statuses so that everyone could find comfortable status for his sphere and state of advancement.

The more standardization = the more suffering. Those different to «the mainstream» or the «tradition» will understand. There is nothing we suffer more from than from standardization. Those advanced can“t teach. Those advancing can“t follow (which they wished to!). Those gays can“t have relations. Those traditional can“t create family. Those genial and profession-orientated hermits get forced-married while willing parents forced parted with their kids. And the list goes. Somewhere it goes to the cruelest extent of wrong «equal to everyone» medical treatment! Different patients have opposite elemental spiritual issues in body, guess what? Kike «atheist» medicine treats them the same! So nothing would be more sad after such a high Yule than seeing Clergy listen to infiltrators and non-meditators tearing this sacred beginning down.

I strongly feel that this first move is exactly how Godly civilizations are being pre-designed and pre-built. It is the first stone there.

Meditating people deeply need this (both those who follow, and those who lead), and no healthy spiritual advancement should be refused to SS just because 2-3 infiltrators and lower idiots.
Awesome read!🙂🔥 Thank you!! for sharing that HP Hooded Cobra 666❤
The Phantom Stranger said:
To top it off, lots of fictional characters are seen "rejecting" Godhood because no one "deserves" such power because power "corrupts".

Like how Batman had to give up being the God of knowledge or Superman had to give up being the God of Strength in the comics and reside at a lower level of power simply because the power was "corrupting" them.

Its somehow seen as a virtue for rejecting literal Godhood and accepting weakness instead.

Just be a good goy and reject the power that you have achieved already :lol:

Weakness is power and power is weakness, my Rabi has personally told me this, so believe in those wise words goy.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
"I defended the husband-less widow. I established the son and heir on seat of his father. I gave bread to the hungry, water to the thirsty, meat and ointment and clothes to him that had nothing. I relieved the old man, giving him my staff, and causing the old woman to say "What a good action!", I hated inequity, and wrought it not, causing false men to be fastened head downwards". (Van de Mieroop 178 as seen in World History.org.)

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Sorry for the ignorance, but isn't this discourse communist or christian somehow? Aren't we supposed to be unequal according to Satan?
Like The Phantom Stranger mentions, I think a lot of it has to do with the phrase "power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" that gets thrown around. That has never made much sense to me, and seems like an attempt to scare good people away from accumulating power, in order to leave the corrupt people with less competition. I've always thought it would be more accurate to say, "power reveals who you really are."
Elas Qilar said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
"I defended the husband-less widow. I established the son and heir on seat of his father. I gave bread to the hungry, water to the thirsty, meat and ointment and clothes to him that had nothing. I relieved the old man, giving him my staff, and causing the old woman to say "What a good action!", I hated inequity, and wrought it not, causing false men to be fastened head downwards". (Van de Mieroop 178 as seen in World History.org.)

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Sorry for the ignorance, but isn't this discourse communist or christian somehow? Aren't we supposed to be unequal according to Satan?

Inequity means to be unfair or unjust, it has nothing to do with equality. Just because we all should be different, doesnt mean life should be shitty for anyone
Elas Qilar said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
"I defended the husband-less widow. I established the son and heir on seat of his father. I gave bread to the hungry, water to the thirsty, meat and ointment and clothes to him that had nothing. I relieved the old man, giving him my staff, and causing the old woman to say "What a good action!", I hated inequity, and wrought it not, causing false men to be fastened head downwards". (Van de Mieroop 178 as seen in World History.org.)

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Sorry for the ignorance, but isn't this discourse communist or christian somehow? Aren't we supposed to be unequal according to Satan?

The word inequity has to do with violation of laws, not kosher kike fake moral "equality".

Helping your own kind and evening out damages that have come to them, is not "Christian". How power is exacted within one's own community let alone in a community of the Gods, has to exist within the proper spectrum of respect.

How people understood "equity" back then was based on the law of Maat, which is effectively a law of universal harmony [of different aspects] and certainly opposed to modern day equality.

Christianity preaches equality for "all", indiscriminate help [the above is the opposite, it is exactly based on people's situation], and then it goes as far as to say that one will be harmed if they destroy the harmony of the civilization that is based on ascending rank.

Ancient Egypt was the most anti-communist civilization that has existed, as all modern analysts whine. It was a firm hierarchy.

That is the opposite of Christianity which is nothing but a foul program of lawlessness and promoting garbage, furthering injustice through false pretext of "equality", where no laws exist whatsoever, and where no punishments take place, but also where those in the lower end of the ladder get massacred on a constant basis and it's seen as moral "virtue" of necessary "suffering" that gets one to "heaven".
I think you may have been right in a reading you did, where you stated I may be afraid of my own power and using the spiritual side of the soul to the full extent I can master at my current level. I have become gradually and painfully aware of this, and how I get really uneasy when I am not in control of something. I think this has been holding me back a lot because the spiritual is literally based on surrendering in the SS sense: letting go and falling into the deepest level of relaxation and openness.

I remember my English teacher when I was 14 mocked me about this. She walked behind me where I was sitting, while the rest of the class was silent and paying attention to her, and she pinpointed exactly how I was getting nervous about not being able to see her and what she was doing, about not being in control. She was very intuitive.

I will need to work on that, no matter how difficult it is. Do you or anyone else have any suggestions about this, even if it has little to do with what you wrote about power?
Stormblood said:
I think you may have been right in a reading you did, where you stated I may be afraid of my own power and using the spiritual side of the soul to the full extent I can master at my current level. I have become gradually and painfully aware of this, and how I get really uneasy when I am not in control of something. I think this has been holding me back a lot because the spiritual is literally based on surrendering in the SS sense: letting go and falling into the deepest level of relaxation and openness.

I remember my English teacher when I was 14 mocked me about this. She walked behind me where I was sitting, while the rest of the class was silent and paying attention to her, and she pinpointed exactly how I was getting nervous about not being able to see her and what she was doing, about not being in control. She was very intuitive.

I will need to work on that, no matter how difficult it is. Do you or anyone else have any suggestions about this, even if it has little to do with what you wrote about power?

I guess it depends on what sort of "energy" or structure(s) this is manifesting through. It can be related to air, where there is a lack of earth to ground and calm the body. Air, in general, can be very anxious, but Virgo placements, in particular, can pertain to control or a sort of perfectionist desire.

This may also come as a result of your Chiron, your soul "wound", where perhaps something went drastically wrong in a past life, resulting in this sort of fear being generated in you. Similarly, plutonian concepts also have themes of extreme fears.

Fire placements, such as Leo, can give confidence that everything will be fine. Therefore, inhibited or deficient fire can create something similar to this.


Regardless of the above, if you are already aware of the issue in your head, you don't necessarily need to find it within your chart, either. It may also be the result of multiple negative aspects, as well.

With this in mind, you can create a working to resolve this. Given that this problem involves some sort of fear response, it is probably better to do a removal style working, although "additive" workings that increase overall calmness or confidence would still be fine.

Since you may want to destroy karma, but also do something to target a lack of calmness or courage, then perhaps Uruz would work well for you. I say this because it is capable of doing all these things since it can be destructive towards karma, but also has aspects of fire and earth, particularly Taurus-like earth.

Not that you cannot use other runes or energies, and maybe you should ponder this more to find a better solution, but I think it would be definitely possible to use Uruz in a sort of dual-function manner. This is somewhat evident on the JOS rune page, but perhaps more so when described here: https://runesecrets.com/rune-meanings/uruz

I saw your email by the way, and will respond to that as well when I can. Good luck to you.
Nimrod33 said:
Something that comes to my mind recently, related to this, is why some people decides to become Anarchists. While most do it because they feel edgy (anarcho-communism) or because of stupid reasons (anarcho-capitalism) I think that the most radical ones gets (((deceived))) into thinking that a world with no governments is better because they have seen all the Jewish garbage failing (be it Communism, Democracy or any enemy form of Government). However, they don't know what they would have unleashed if the entire world where to be composed of Anarchist societies: it would mean no rules at all, which also means no morals at all. I agree that people should not always rely on the Government, but this is far too extreme.

Anarchism is basically the religion of utter self worship, where you don't even take in consideration your own level of self compared to others. This level of affairs only works in the mental realm or within the confines of already established order which keeps life going and one merely wants to edgelord against.

The argument they have is that all rules/leadership/forms of "Control" are evil and bad and damning [just because of their inherent character] with no judgement of quality or purpose into this at all. In other words it's a deceitful approach that has to do merely on emotions as you said.

In the university all the anarchist chicks I knew enjoyed enslaving the anarchist "men" [since all we know it's all about evil control except of in the bedroom] who don't "obey to anyone!! no authority!!" but were so fond of listening to big speeches that have the most pointless things to say in the anarchist union simply because of the hottie making it.

These people who are anarchists they like to make too much lying to themselves because of emotional comfort. After having conversed with many I think they think that if these morals were to be applied everywhere, we wouldn't return to jungle mode and therefore "might is right", to which most of these wouldn't survive for more than a week.

They also have too many assumptions that have nothing to do with reality, such as that for example a state of nothing at all wouldn't have violence in it. That is fully inconsistent of developing anything in life.

Certain processes such as even birth and other very natural biological processes do on their own illustrate anarchy is just bullshit.

Also every Anarchist is gangsta until all their "Control and Authority structures!" collapse and they have to face about a thousand baboons that want to steal their little hut that they made, to which they will reply by falling on their knees and saying "I wish we had ownership rights and police!".

The moment anything breaks out of the primary Aether and life starts advancing, all "Anarchist" arguments are put to the grave. Only Justice is the important quality past this point, empathy, understanding, law, perception etc. The empty claims of "anarchism" don't amount to any of this.

If there is no justice system or power in said systems, then anything devolves into a jungle, and the weaker people are the first to suffer, but eventually everyone dies and nothing progresses in this cycle of perpetual destruction.
Stormblood said:
I think you may have been right in a reading you did, where you stated I may be afraid of my own power and using the spiritual side of the soul to the full extent I can master at my current level. I have become gradually and painfully aware of this, and how I get really uneasy when I am not in control of something. I think this has been holding me back a lot because the spiritual is literally based on surrendering in the SS sense: letting go and falling into the deepest level of relaxation and openness.

I remember my English teacher when I was 14 mocked me about this. She walked behind me where I was sitting, while the rest of the class was silent and paying attention to her, and she pinpointed exactly how I was getting nervous about not being able to see her and what she was doing, about not being in control. She was very intuitive.

I will need to work on that, no matter how difficult it is. Do you or anyone else have any suggestions about this, even if it has little to do with what you wrote about power?

If it's related to past life karma then surely a working would be the best route. If not, then it might be conditioning, trauma, or anything pertaining to your current life. Exposing yourself to triggers might help.

Identifying the nature of your need for control could also be necessary. I think there's sometimes different reasons behind it for different people. Some are afraid of being dominated. Some just want to do everything themselves (which could also be for different reasons like not feeling they can rely on anyone, or simply just because). Exploring and meditating on the root of it will be useful.

Do you think walking around blindfolded for conditioning might work? That's the only idea that came to my mind so far. Other than that, I guess uh... does your need for control have anything to do with an urge to protect yourself?

I'm comfortable with chaos because I've been exposed to it often enough, and I have seldom been able to exercise as much control and direction for my life as I want. Having my plans altered or even discarded every time to the point it stops making sense to form plans. Many times I have had to be like "fuck it, I'm done. Whatever happens, happens." Adapting to situations where I don't know how it will turn out really sucks, but I'm used to it. Going with the flow is easier now. There's still things I refuse to take risks with which might be holding me back, but those things involve Tabby. Until we have a bigger safety net I can't bring myself to take certain actions even if there is a high probability of success, or even if I felt reasonably assured that it would work out somehow. It's paralyzing. If it were only me then perhaps I would be starting The Fool's journey right now, and walking off a cliff to see what happens and how I would adapt. I can't live without Tabby in my life though so that doesn't matter.
Two popular "wise sayings" that are endlessly repeated ad nauseam is what gets people to fear power.

"Power Corrupts" and "You wish to know what a man is really like? Give him power"

These two sayings made me genuinely afraid of myself as a younger kid. I was afraid to know who I really was as I fantasied often of violence against those that wronged me or that I saw as evil. There was a part of that while I fantasied what being the hero was like, I feared it just as much, that I would be something else. It took me a couple years of meditation to realize this lie.

I'm certainly not afraid of myself I know who I am now. My only fear now is not having enough power.
Blitzkreig said:
I saw your email by the way, and will respond to that as well when I can. Good luck to you.

Thank you for your reply to this topic. I will think about what you said, and maybe add some details.

jrvan said:
Do you think walking around blindfolded for conditioning might work? That's the only idea that came to my mind so far. Other than that, I guess uh... does your need for control have anything to do with an urge to protect yourself?
I could never do that. I would likely have a panic/anxiety attack. I can (and do) of course close my eyes when I'm meditating and doing workings, and obviously to sleep, but that is different because the brain slows down and gradually goes in trance. Walking blindfolded would mean I am still in a beta brainwave state.

This is difference for example from emergencies where I can keep my cool as I know physical things. Anyway, I don't really know how to explain it without getting too personal. So, I'll leave it at that.
Stormblood said:
I think you may have been right in a reading you did, where you stated I may be afraid of my own power and using the spiritual side of the soul to the full extent I can master at my current level. I have become gradually and painfully aware of this, and how I get really uneasy when I am not in control of something. I think this has been holding me back a lot because the spiritual is literally based on surrendering in the SS sense: letting go and falling into the deepest level of relaxation and openness.

I remember my English teacher when I was 14 mocked me about this. She walked behind me where I was sitting, while the rest of the class was silent and paying attention to her, and she pinpointed exactly how I was getting nervous about not being able to see her and what she was doing, about not being in control. She was very intuitive.

I will need to work on that, no matter how difficult it is. Do you or anyone else have any suggestions about this, even if it has little to do with what you wrote about power?

I think this has indeed to do with power, as trying to control everything is an effort to exert a form on power on your environment. It may be connected to Pluto issues, but also Mars/2nd chakra.

I have been through this issue too (and I still am somehow), in different form; low self-esteem is a trigger to this, as controlling everything may be a form of shield against possible personal (unconsciously feared) failure.
I also noticed people practicing martial arts tend to develop the ability to control everything in their opponents, every single move and action, but they seem generally less worried about that in daily life. Basically channeling this ability into something higher (martial art) rather than actual society can help to sublimate one's characteristics, and also boosts self-esteem.
I am planning to channel this into a similar activity (this is personal) - cannot relate results, but only the idea.
I hope my consideration will help,
Al Jilwah
The Doctrines of Satan
I allow each one to follow the
the dictates of his own nature, but
he who opposes me from this shall
will bitterly regret it.
No god has the right to interfere
interfere in my domain, and I have made it a supreme
made it a supreme law for the world
to refrain from worshipping any gods.
All other people's books are altered
by them, and the people disown them, even though
written by the prophets and
apostles. That there is alteration there is seen
in the fact that each sect devotes itself to
prove the others wrong and destroy their books.
destroy their books.
Truth and slander are my
known to me. When temptation
temptation draws near, I offer my
covenant to him who believes in me.
More than this, I counsel the
the rulers, for I have so appointed them
for times that are known to me.
I appoint necessary tasks and perform them at the right time.
and I carry them out at the right time. I teach and
guide those who follow my...

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Al Jilwah
The Doctrines of Satan
I allow each one to follow the
the dictates of his own nature, but
he who opposes me from this shall
will bitterly regret it.
No god has the right to interfere
interfere in my domain, and I have made it a supreme
made it a supreme law for the world
to refrain from worshipping any gods.
All other people's books are altered
by them, and the people disown them, even though
written by the prophets and
apostles. That there is alteration there is seen
in the fact that each sect devotes itself to
prove the others wrong and destroy their books.
destroy their books.
Truth and slander are my
known to me. When temptation
temptation draws near, I offer my
covenant to him who believes in me.
More than this, I counsel the
the rulers, for I have so appointed them
for times that are known to me.
I appoint necessary tasks and perform them at the right time.
and I carry them out at the right time. I teach and
guide those who follow my...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nimrod33 said:
Something that comes to my mind recently, related to this, is why some people decides to become Anarchists. While most do it because they feel edgy (anarcho-communism) or because of stupid reasons (anarcho-capitalism) I think that the most radical ones gets (((deceived))) into thinking that a world with no governments is better because they have seen all the Jewish garbage failing (be it Communism, Democracy or any enemy form of Government). However, they don't know what they would have unleashed if the entire world where to be composed of Anarchist societies: it would mean no rules at all, which also means no morals at all. I agree that people should not always rely on the Government, but this is far too extreme.

Anarchism is basically the religion of utter self worship, where you don't even take in consideration your own level of self compared to others. This level of affairs only works in the mental realm or within the confines of already established order which keeps life going and one merely wants to edgelord against.

The argument they have is that all rules/leadership/forms of "Control" are evil and bad and damning [just because of their inherent character] with no judgement of quality or purpose into this at all. In other words it's a deceitful approach that has to do merely on emotions as you said.

In the university all the anarchist chicks I knew enjoyed enslaving the anarchist "men" [since all we know it's all about evil control except of in the bedroom] who don't "obey to anyone!! no authority!!" but were so fond of listening to big speeches that have the most pointless things to say in the anarchist union simply because of the hottie making it.

These people who are anarchists they like to make too much lying to themselves because of emotional comfort. After having conversed with many I think they think that if these morals were to be applied everywhere, we wouldn't return to jungle mode and therefore "might is right", to which most of these wouldn't survive for more than a week.

They also have too many assumptions that have nothing to do with reality, such as that for example a state of nothing at all wouldn't have violence in it. That is fully inconsistent of developing anything in life.

Certain processes such as even birth and other very natural biological processes do on their own illustrate anarchy is just bullshit.

Also every Anarchist is gangsta until all their "Control and Authority structures!" collapse and they have to face about a thousand baboons that want to steal their little hut that they made, to which they will reply by falling on their knees and saying "I wish we had ownership rights and police!".

The moment anything breaks out of the primary Aether and life starts advancing, all "Anarchist" arguments are put to the grave. Only Justice is the important quality past this point, empathy, understanding, law, perception etc. The empty claims of "anarchism" don't amount to any of this.

If there is no justice system or power in said systems, then anything devolves into a jungle, and the weaker people are the first to suffer, but eventually everyone dies and nothing progresses in this cycle of perpetual destruction.

It's exactly as you say.

There's the Norse concept of the inner enclosure and the outside, Innangard/Midgard and Utangard/Jotunheim. The inside of the circled enclosure represents civilization, order, structure, law. Outside the circled enclosure is the wilderness where things are more chaotic. The circled enclosure of Midgard in the myths is modeled after the higher Divine circled enclosure of Asgard. These concepts must have been well elaborated on and understood plainly by the ancients with little or no room for the modern confusion and ignorance that we see to fester and breed. An anarchist back then probably would have been laughed at because the ancients would have seen the obvious conclusion of such things - the destruction and erasure of everything they had built. A return to Utangard. The end of the world.

Also without a leader, nobody can ever agree on anything. Someone has to be in charge of steering the destiny of a group, or else there is no group. Even wild animals understand this basic concept. If anarchists want to break off from society then they should do it themselves instead of trying to take society down with them. They instinctively (but not consciously) know they are too weak and unskilled to survive without society so they just whine. If they actually got their way then they wouldn't like it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nimrod33 said:

Anarchism is basically the religion of utter self worship, where you don't even take in consideration your own level of self compared to others. This level of affairs only works in the mental realm or within the confines of already established order which keeps life going and one merely wants to edgelord against.

The argument they have is that all rules/leadership/forms of "Control" are evil and bad and damning [just because of their inherent character] with no judgement of quality or purpose into this at all. In other words it's a deceitful approach that has to do merely on emotions as you said.

In the university all the anarchist chicks I knew enjoyed enslaving the anarchist "men" [since all we know it's all about evil control except of in the bedroom] who don't "obey to anyone!! no authority!!" but were so fond of listening to big speeches that have the most pointless things to say in the anarchist union simply because of the hottie making it.

These people who are anarchists they like to make too much lying to themselves because of emotional comfort. After having conversed with many I think they think that if these morals were to be applied everywhere, we wouldn't return to jungle mode and therefore "might is right", to which most of these wouldn't survive for more than a week.

They also have too many assumptions that have nothing to do with reality, such as that for example a state of nothing at all wouldn't have violence in it. That is fully inconsistent of developing anything in life.

Certain processes such as even birth and other very natural biological processes do on their own illustrate anarchy is just bullshit.

Also every Anarchist is gangsta until all their "Control and Authority structures!" collapse and they have to face about a thousand baboons that want to steal their little hut that they made, to which they will reply by falling on their knees and saying "I wish we had ownership rights and police!".

The moment anything breaks out of the primary Aether and life starts advancing, all "Anarchist" arguments are put to the grave. Only Justice is the important quality past this point, empathy, understanding, law, perception etc. The empty claims of "anarchism" don't amount to any of this.

If there is no justice system or power in said systems, then anything devolves into a jungle, and the weaker people are the first to suffer, but eventually everyone dies and nothing progresses in this cycle of perpetual destruction.

Anarchy is centered around the principle of non-initiation of violence on another.
In my view, anarchy doesn't mean that there aren't hierarchies or that there aren't leaders and rules. To me anarchy means that nobody should be violently forced to follow said rules, follow certain leaders or join certain hierarchies.
If someone decides of their own will, without coercion nor duress, to join a certain group with certain rules, then it's fine if violence is done to them for breaking the rules, as long as they were made aware of the possibility beforehand.

Once the majority becomes Satanist, and in a democracy the majority can exert tyrannical powers over the minority, what are we going to do with xians and atheists? In my opinion we should not force anyone to do anything against their will. How would you feel if everyone was forced to be xian?
Lets take property taxes for example.
Should people be forced to pay for property taxes?
Lets say that property taxes are an absolute necessity in our city. What do we do with those that don't want to pay?
Well we obviously have to evict them from their property and even go as far as to kill them if they resist (cause that's what happens now, the police will escalate violence until you comply or you die).
So how do we resolve this?
The moral thing to do is to teach kids the (currently implicit) social contracts in place from an early age.
"If you are going to live in this city, you are going to pay property taxes. If you do not wish to do so, tell us now while you are still a kid, we will provide you with the knowledge, tools and resources to go live somewhere else. Should you make kids in our city, you will be responsible to offer the same opportunity to your kids should they chose to refuse to live in our city."
Just dropping an 18 year old, nude, on top of an icy mountain and telling him "here you go, you are free" would be the equivalent of murder.
"In our modern world since the Gods are not "present" in large scale affairs, there is nothing that stands above the head of those in power, and in their lives they live in the delusion that their freedom of action means also freedom of ramification from these actions. That is the natural consequence of finding a civilization on total lies."

So the Gods aren't able to influence the outcome of these affairs due to the fact that modern man has not them in his consciousness? Well the JOS is the ship in the storm and we plan to dock soon enough.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nimrod33 said:
Something that comes to my mind recently, related to this, is why some people decides to become Anarchists. While most do it because they feel edgy (anarcho-communism) or because of stupid reasons (anarcho-capitalism) I think that the most radical ones gets (((deceived))) into thinking that a world with no governments is better because they have seen all the Jewish garbage failing (be it Communism, Democracy or any enemy form of Government). However, they don't know what they would have unleashed if the entire world where to be composed of Anarchist societies: it would mean no rules at all, which also means no morals at all. I agree that people should not always rely on the Government, but this is far too extreme.

Anarchism is basically the religion of utter self worship, where you don't even take in consideration your own level of self compared to others. This level of affairs only works in the mental realm or within the confines of already established order which keeps life going and one merely wants to edgelord against.

The argument they have is that all rules/leadership/forms of "Control" are evil and bad and damning [just because of their inherent character] with no judgement of quality or purpose into this at all. In other words it's a deceitful approach that has to do merely on emotions as you said.

In the university all the anarchist chicks I knew enjoyed enslaving the anarchist "men" [since all we know it's all about evil control except of in the bedroom] who don't "obey to anyone!! no authority!!" but were so fond of listening to big speeches that have the most pointless things to say in the anarchist union simply because of the hottie making it.

These people who are anarchists they like to make too much lying to themselves because of emotional comfort. After having conversed with many I think they think that if these morals were to be applied everywhere, we wouldn't return to jungle mode and therefore "might is right", to which most of these wouldn't survive for more than a week.

They also have too many assumptions that have nothing to do with reality, such as that for example a state of nothing at all wouldn't have violence in it. That is fully inconsistent of developing anything in life.

Certain processes such as even birth and other very natural biological processes do on their own illustrate anarchy is just bullshit.

Also every Anarchist is gangsta until all their "Control and Authority structures!" collapse and they have to face about a thousand baboons that want to steal their little hut that they made, to which they will reply by falling on their knees and saying "I wish we had ownership rights and police!".

The moment anything breaks out of the primary Aether and life starts advancing, all "Anarchist" arguments are put to the grave. Only Justice is the important quality past this point, empathy, understanding, law, perception etc. The empty claims of "anarchism" don't amount to any of this.

If there is no justice system or power in said systems, then anything devolves into a jungle, and the weaker people are the first to suffer, but eventually everyone dies and nothing progresses in this cycle of perpetual destruction.

Pretty much this applies to both Anarcho-Communists and Anarcho-Capitalists, who both claim that they don't need the support of the government only to benefit from it when it suits them. Both categories are also oximores just in names, as AnComs are basically Antifascists of every group that acts like "no rules" only to want to set an "Hate Speech" series of rules against you. The AnCap cucks on the other hand, keep promoting a system that gives absolutely no independence against anything. Also, imagine calling yourself a person with "no rules" while taking your ideas from Jews such as Marx or Rand.

The last part of what you wrote is also the wet dream of Anarcho-Primitivists, who are so stupid to think that civilization in general is evil and we must "Return to Monke" in order to survive. They are possibly even more stupider than both of the other two types of Anarchists that I've mentioned. I mean, they are basically believing that Gentiles are "too stupid to use technology and civilization in the right way". Yeah, sure, only Jews can do that, right? This is basically Traditionalism but worse.
“In world where most power is literally totally misused to absolutely no real purpose and consciousness, it is absolutely normal to fear it…”

This sentence absolutely makes everything sense, I suggest to everyone who is new here to apply this for all situations where you face fear.
And I know 100% that if I would taken other path than this one, I would never understood this in satanic sense…
The Phantom Stranger said:
To top it off, lots of fictional characters are seen "rejecting" Godhood because no one "deserves" such power because power "corrupts".

Like how Batman had to give up being the God of knowledge or Superman had to give up being the God of Strength in the comics and reside at a lower level of power simply because the power was "corrupting" them.

Its somehow seen as a virtue for rejecting literal Godhood and accepting weakness instead.

Exactly. Weakness breeds instability, instability breeds insecurity, and insecurity breeds heinous acts. When one is TRULY advancing towards power, they will be changed from the inside as well and form a new character that is fitting to that power and the responsibility of having it.
GoldenxChild1 said:
"In our modern world since the Gods are not "present" in large scale affairs, there is nothing that stands above the head of those in power, and in their lives they live in the delusion that their freedom of action means also freedom of ramification from these actions. That is the natural consequence of finding a civilization on total lies."

So the Gods aren't able to influence the outcome of these affairs due to the fact that modern man has not them in his consciousness? Well the JOS is the ship in the storm and we plan to dock soon enough.

This is why I put "present" within the "." symbols. Because the Gods are in reality present. But our society and culture pretends nothing does exist or ever existed, and therefore there is "Godlessness".

Christianity is nothing but the ego cult of a jewish fool, for example, and clearly not "God". We, in a sense, live in "Godless" societies for a very long time, since "God" in the modern definition is just a jewish hoax and a jewish empty husk.

Socially and culturally, the Gods re-conquering affairs and creating ascended individuals through meditation, will eventually result in a better order of things. That is also why the enemy is frantic to step this process.
AgainstAllAuthority said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nimrod33 said:

Anarchism is basically the religion of utter self worship, where you don't even take in consideration your own level of self compared to others. This level of affairs only works in the mental realm or within the confines of already established order which keeps life going and one merely wants to edgelord against.

The argument they have is that all rules/leadership/forms of "Control" are evil and bad and damning [just because of their inherent character] with no judgement of quality or purpose into this at all. In other words it's a deceitful approach that has to do merely on emotions as you said.

In the university all the anarchist chicks I knew enjoyed enslaving the anarchist "men" [since all we know it's all about evil control except of in the bedroom] who don't "obey to anyone!! no authority!!" but were so fond of listening to big speeches that have the most pointless things to say in the anarchist union simply because of the hottie making it.

These people who are anarchists they like to make too much lying to themselves because of emotional comfort. After having conversed with many I think they think that if these morals were to be applied everywhere, we wouldn't return to jungle mode and therefore "might is right", to which most of these wouldn't survive for more than a week.

They also have too many assumptions that have nothing to do with reality, such as that for example a state of nothing at all wouldn't have violence in it. That is fully inconsistent of developing anything in life.

Certain processes such as even birth and other very natural biological processes do on their own illustrate anarchy is just bullshit.

Also every Anarchist is gangsta until all their "Control and Authority structures!" collapse and they have to face about a thousand baboons that want to steal their little hut that they made, to which they will reply by falling on their knees and saying "I wish we had ownership rights and police!".

The moment anything breaks out of the primary Aether and life starts advancing, all "Anarchist" arguments are put to the grave. Only Justice is the important quality past this point, empathy, understanding, law, perception etc. The empty claims of "anarchism" don't amount to any of this.

If there is no justice system or power in said systems, then anything devolves into a jungle, and the weaker people are the first to suffer, but eventually everyone dies and nothing progresses in this cycle of perpetual destruction.

Anarchy is centered around the principle of non-initiation of violence on another.
In my view, anarchy doesn't mean that there aren't hierarchies or that there aren't leaders and rules. To me anarchy means that nobody should be violently forced to follow said rules, follow certain leaders or join certain hierarchies.
If someone decides of their own will, without coercion nor duress, to join a certain group with certain rules, then it's fine if violence is done to them for breaking the rules, as long as they were made aware of the possibility beforehand.

Once the majority becomes Satanist, and in a democracy the majority can exert tyrannical powers over the minority, what are we going to do with xians and atheists? In my opinion we should not force anyone to do anything against their will. How would you feel if everyone was forced to be xian?
Lets take property taxes for example.
Should people be forced to pay for property taxes?
Lets say that property taxes are an absolute necessity in our city. What do we do with those that don't want to pay?
Well we obviously have to evict them from their property and even go as far as to kill them if they resist (cause that's what happens now, the police will escalate violence until you comply or you die).
So how do we resolve this?
The moral thing to do is to teach kids the (currently implicit) social contracts in place from an early age.
"If you are going to live in this city, you are going to pay property taxes. If you do not wish to do so, tell us now while you are still a kid, we will provide you with the knowledge, tools and resources to go live somewhere else. Should you make kids in our city, you will be responsible to offer the same opportunity to your kids should they chose to refuse to live in our city."
Just dropping an 18 year old, nude, on top of an icy mountain and telling him "here you go, you are free" would be the equivalent of murder.

If you're living in a territory like a nation then you have to follow its laws, and naturally force becomes necessary to ensure those rules are followed - hence law enforcers. Satanism and Paganism don't need to be forced on anyone because people will choose on their own eventually to follow something that is good for them, and even if they don't want to then it's fine as long as they get along with the masses who follow Paganism and don't cause problems for them over their difference of beliefs. Nobody can invade your mind and force you to stop being atheistic (normally). In fact, the mind is able to become the one place where people are usually safe and free no matter what happens physically which is why I try to keep my mind as clean and strong as I can. As for xianity, all judaic programs will one day be banned for sure. They have no place in this universe, and that won't be up for debate once we take back society.

There are other forms of taxation besides property tax, and I personally don't think property tax is necessary. It seems absurd to me. Why not just tax other things? I would rather them, even if it was only on paper as a formality, take the property tax with the same exact amount and literally just change the name of it and put the tax onto something else. So they're taking the exact same amount for taxation, but on paper it's not your property that is getting taxed. Even only that much would appease me.
1. It is misunderstood. Because of the way the enemy has used it throughout the centuries. Number 2. A lot of people don't even know what to do with it?. If they have it? And how to use it properly?. Number 3. And with this world the way it is? People lacking in knowledge. And that sense of knowing? Don't have any idea what it means?. Better than to corrupt the world and to act obnoxious and conceited. Instead of using it for the good works and the capabilities of a person? Depending on who this person is? Male or female gay or straight? And it doesn't matter where this person comes from or where this person lives? And their motives behind it. 🔥 Truth is people are capable of power? But they have their own way of using it and they have their own way of looking at it and often at times is used to corrupt and for the bad purposes? Basically just show off and to get attention or to get back at somebody as an act of revenge? And then they would have their excuse behind it and then the act of power is mistaken as a threat instead of something that should be used intelligently and for the better purposes. ❤️
1. It is misunderstood. Because of the way the enemy has used it throughout the centuries. Number 2. A lot of people don't even know what to do with it?. If they have it? And how to use it properly?. Number 3. And with this world the way it is? People lacking in knowledge. And that sense of knowing? Don't have any idea what it means?. Better than to corrupt the world and to act obnoxious and conceited. Instead of using it for the good works and the capabilities of a person? Depending on who this person is? Male or female gay or straight? And it doesn't matter where this person comes from or where this person lives? And their motives behind it. 🔥 Truth is people are capable of power? But they have their own way of using it and they have their own way of looking at it and often at times is used to corrupt and for the bad purposes? Basically just show off and to get attention or to get back at somebody as an act of revenge? And then they would have their excuse behind it and then the act of power is mistaken as a threat instead of something that should be used intelligently and for the better purposes. ❤️
Another reason one might fear power, especially other's power, is because it makes them feel inferior, weak, or even helpless. Many don't like facing their own level of ability to be, do or have certain things at a given time, so it can make one hate or resent those who are above them that are not restricted in the same manner. It's easy to focus on the negative side of where one is in life or advancement compared to someone else instead of anything positive, it's easier to hate people that have what we desire instead of making the effort to obtain what we want ourselves.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
