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Why Jews [Pretend To] Hate Bernie Sanders

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
hailourtruegod said:
A big part of Bernie Sanders supporters are well off self hating white liberals. These people along with the non whites who are have parents who did well to put their child thru school are part of the stereotypical millenials. Obviously there are good people in this generation but it really is true many are lazy and incredibly self entitled man/woman children. They had snow plow parents, parents who just babied them all their lives , making sure they push away any obstacle for their child so now we have a bunch of people who just want everything with out working for it and these people are 100% socialists.

I think if the democrats and their media didn't lie so much many lower class and workimg class would understand that trumps tax cuts for the rich did benefit the people in lower status but unfortunately the lowest of the low did get a bit of an increase if I remember correctly. I think it was anyone who at the very least made 30k to 50k had a positive outcome from the taxes.

I can definetly see with there are jews who don't like Bernie since they'll be taxed out of their 1% status within a few years with socialism.

It is nice seeing more and more people out side of here seeing the relevance between jews and their messed up systems and ideas they push onto us.

In the case Bernie gets up, all US Citizens irrespective of background, can kiss the powerful United States goodbye, it will most likely go bankrupt.

Even Yang's plan appears to be equally a potential disaster but less dangerous than that of Bernie. It has at least some form of mathematical cohesion. Bernie will definitely go full "Socialist" and ruin everything. Full Socialist on the Goyim that is.

Jews, it has to be stated, remain Democrats, even after Trump proved to not holocaust them and provide great financial income to them with the tax policies [many jews are very rich] and even after many reaped financial benefits didn't give a fuck and remain Democrats up to 65%.

Jews in the Goyim Nation want "Socialism" and "Democrats", super taxation, and super acceleration of damnation, no matter what they are "Given" as a compensation, and no matter what they gain from the current state of affairs. The only disagreement is whether it will affect them and whether or not it's the time yet for the full forward button. In that they have deadly disagreements over.



Jews, the same tribe that won't take "No" for an answer in eating baby foreskin because it's their 2000 year old pelolithic tenet, and who still exclude jews for a little as a kiss with a foreign goyim race, will of course vote "Overwhelmingly democrat" when they are abroad. I mean it's not like the US is Israel. They gotta care about the ancestral homeland. And in regards to those of others, their totem god rewards them the more damage and destruction they heap upon them. So that makes perfect sense and nothing is secret here.

Of course that is really revealing to anyone who is Jew aware. The Jews want safety in Israel and they are Pro-Israel. Israel is their land, their honey, their safety. The US is more like a place where they exist to loot in order to bring the loot back home. But bringing the loot back home to take orders from Rabbis requires that the US exists in some way. So Jews have to pretend they hate Bernie as they hated Christos, a hate based on advertising the "hated", so that the Goyim as per usual go and support the "Jew against the system".

Who happens to be indeed, the last ace up the sleeve and the major card of the Jewish system. When and if the "Bernie" card is played, there is no going back. When they have fucked a capitalist economy to sufficiency, then they play the "Savior" card in order to screw the remaining people up.

Socialism has never bridged any inequalities or anything of that sort. The classes that also pay the hardest for it's emerging is not the super rich, it's the working classes, all the way from poor worker, to small business owners and so forth. All the Communist regimes were told they were on the path towards "Socialism", and even Communist China admits it runs itself as "Socialism", the usual prep-talk as to when people are about to get fucked, is "let's make Socialism". Nobody wants to call it Communism anymore.

Yet the manifestation always remains the same.

Jews and the so called "Rich" are already the new political class during "Socialism", or they have evacuated the so called "Applied Socialism" country that they have created. They aren't there to have their properties confiscated to be given to some random invader, nor are they there to pay 70% taxes to feed lazy people who have 15 children and can't care for none so they throw them for adoption. Jews aren't going to sit and get taxed 70% to pay the Goyim's needs with, especially so when one of their own is in power.

Clearly the best man for the job is a fellow Jew to implement this, and Bernie appears to be prepared for this. In this crazy 80's, if the jew is successful, he will get up there and leave his legacy: the US collapsed or half destroyed, and him going to death calmly enough, knowing that he screwed the American Empire quite well, and beyond repair.

The whole plot is not to make some mega jew broke, it's to basically squeeze the last remaining rich people who are Gentiles dry, out of their wealth, all while bankrupting the United States and doing an apocalyptic force of acceleration for changes political, demographic, and forced wealth redistribution so that the "meek shall inherit the earth" in full in the United States and use their last money aid for more alcoholic bevereges. And so that the US stops being a world leading power because of this implosion.

Basically everyone who had a little something or a little more than nothing, is going to pay for the mentally disabled fake robin hoods and the professional parasites. So any form of structure is going to collapse.

Before any of this happens, Israel and the next choice of Jews for the "aftermath", ie, after the financial meltdown of the United States will see influx of billions and trillions of moves of wealth in it, sort of how like a tick so fat that has drained so much blood, drinks the last and most tasty drops from it's beloved animal upon which it were feasting. Then Jewish "Socialism" will take over as the form of the decomposition of the corpse, a policy will shrink the last squeezes out.

The super rich jews don't want to have to move businesses, but if they have to, they will evacuate the US in a matter of months, while their racial comrade will be in office preparing for the crackdown. Israel will clearly open it's gates for them. I doubt Bernie would ever touch his racial comrades, that is beyond question, but they don't want to get into the loop of having to move businesses and losing their privileges in the US.

Many jews are addicted to the US lifestyle and what it provides them, where they can find nowhere else in the world. Plus the US is the primary ally of Israel and they aren't done with using the United States for their nefarious purposes just yet. So if Bernie bankrupts, they lose their lifeline and what has kept them alive until today. This makes them angry and that's why they attack Bernie, because it's not his time yet, the US has to face front for more Israeli wars before some kike bankrupts it completely over the common song of "Socialism" and "For the People". Bernie is a dangerous acceleration button that may end up backfiring terribly on them.

The only "people" whom this hoax message concerns, ie, the Jews, haven't quite done all they wanted in the US before they try to pull the plug. So Bernie receives hate for what he does. Even if Bernie was to be elected, the big jews would have already been miles ahead from him and his "I will tax you to death". No Jew is going to sit down to be taxed to death by Bernie, that is for certain.

So all "Socialism" and "Get taxed out of your teeth" is going to apply to the few US businessmen and Gentiles who own anything other than nothing in the United States. Whom are going to pay infinite amounts of money for freeloaders and people who don't like to do anything, or basically razing hoards which by Bernie's election will have such an inflated ego that they will demand the moon lands in their backyard.

This won't last long cause the economy will collapse due to neglect and strange policies way before this, or the US will simply drift into a second or third rate country within very few years, unless someone takes Bernie down in some way. Cuz Bernie Bear Socialism.

So in the end the normal people will always pay the price for this. And it's absolutely normal those who have anything refuse emphatically to want to be razed to the ground so Bernie can play fake robin hood with goyim 70% taxes of stolen bag money which will flock anywhere but in people who can do something with it to invest it or do something meaningful with it, and who in turn create jobs etc, for everyone else.
Sanders is just a bishop on a bigger chess board. The DSA the Democratic Socialists of America are behind him and the gang of four in Congress. They are a Marxist Socialist organization with fifty thousand plus activists and almost two hundred chapters and major funding and agency. There open goal is to mobilize the working classes of America into a battering ram of Marxist agenda. This will have to include numerous Marxist groups and the media has purged Chris Matthews for opening condemning Sanders as a Marxist. CNN also praises Marxist groups like Anti-Fa and such. They have been soft balling Sanders. They are hoping Biden will lose to Sanders. But they are trapped in the game of using Liberals to piggy back Marxism off so they can't be too open.

Alphabet, Google and Utube all owned and run by Jews are behind pushing Sanders as the Young Turks who are Marxist woke propaganda is known to be astro turfed by these groups are pushing Sanders and the attempt to make a Congress run on the Sanders train by the host.

The problem the Jews have is most of the population they need don't want the "woke" agenda of Cultural Marxism they do however want higher wages and healthcare and with almost fifty million people burdened with Jewish usury student loan debts they would like that forgiven as well.

Sanders has made a large movement that has a lot of support for practical reasons this has gone beyond the "woke" bridge and into the traditional working class. The working class vote is what allowed Trump to win. This is the major vote for a Presidential running. American history shows when things go under economically more Marxist Socialist movements become powerful.
Bernie Sanders had a heart attack. Takes medication for his heart,, cholesterol, etc. Physical "Weakness".
Links, connections,, magic can work wonders in this, for those with the motivation, courage, and need to do anything.
That's all that needs said.
The Gods bless everyone
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Socialism has never bridged any inequalities or anything of that sort. The classes that also pay the hardest for it's emerging is not the super rich, it's the working classes, all the way from poor worker, to small business owners and so forth. All the Communist regimes were told they were on the path towards "Socialism", and even Communist China admits it runs itself as "Socialism", the usual prep-talk as to when people are about to get fucked, is "let's make Socialism". Nobody wants to call it Communism anymore.
Of course not. What Socialism/Communism has done in Romania, was not to take from the rich and give to the poor so that everyone is on an equal middle level. Instead they took from everyone, and made everyone equally poor. My family from my mother’s side had it very well before Communism. They owned lots of agricultural land, forests, a lake, many animals and so on. That's what it meant to be rich back then. For generations they were hard working, so they had it all. When communism arrived, they took the land and everything they had, including the animals, and made them the “property of the state”. To this day, my close to 90 years old grandma did not get everything back (except for a little part of the agricultural land). The hard work of generations was lost forever just like that.

In some areas they took from people even the tools they had for working the land, and any food reserves they might have had. They even dug around their property if they suspected them of hiding grains and such in the ground.

So today when I hear some idiot parroting that "Communism isn't such a bad idea" I wanna punch them in their whole face. They have no fucking clue..
So say if Bernie gets elected what exactly should the SS living in America do? Stay and continue spiritual warfare or do what we can to get out? Of course everyone isn't in a position to move out the country immediately (if moving is the recommended option). I'm only asking because if this country goes under and becomes full blown Communist wouldn't they be coming after every person that faithfully walks in Satan's image? Would even showing a small piece of being interested in the occult be dangerous at that point?

I'm just a bit curious as to what steps the SS here in the United States must take to survive (if Bernie is elected) and keep fighting to free this planet from this dreadful Jewish parasite.
NightKiss666 said:
So say if Bernie gets elected what exactly should the SS living in America do? Stay and continue spiritual warfare or do what we can to get out? Of course everyone isn't in a position to move out the country immediately (if moving is the recommended option). I'm only asking because if this country goes under and becomes full blown Communist wouldn't they be coming after every person that faithfully walks in Satan's image? Would even showing a small piece of being interested in the occult be dangerous at that point?

I'm just a bit curious as to what steps the SS here in the United States must take to survive (if Bernie is elected) and keep fighting to free this planet from this dreadful Jewish parasite.

I agree with him, I image we will do both since even it will take Bernie time to convince the USA to communist/Marxist. But as it approaches we will need to leave or Final RTR being successful at convincing USA to impeach and remove Jewish influence from the USA. But even if we leave, where do we go? I believe that other good countries will close their borders and anywhere that has an open border will be just as dangerous for us as the USA are?
Those are really good articles to keep in handy to show the pro israel maga types online. Thank you.

You're right they won't come for their own tribe. If a person reads reads between the lines while reading the Gulag Archipelago and understand the threat of the jew they'll see that they didn't come for them but did come for their lackeys. These lackeys today include traitor Gentiles and Gentile celebrities who are fools. The jews use the latter because of their huge follower base and know they'll listen to Brad Pitt if he says open borders or orange man bad but once socialism is implemented and then communism then they're one of the first to be taken away because of their influences.

A huge give away that they aren't coming for the richest of the rich ( the jews) is the that many of these far left "woke" people don't go after the big tech companies that HP Mageson mentioned. In the state of Washington the small companies have to put the Marxist fist on there windows if not the antifa types come bashing their windows even if the people who own these places don't agree with these crazy lefties. They just have to stay quiet. Then antifa turn around and says that the big tech are allowed to do as they please "cuz muh private company". They are owned by the jews and it's of no wonder why they cater to the far left activists. These companies are pushing censorship for any one who is to the right of far left so moderates are feeling the impact too. Which is why Warren did mention doing something about these companies but she's no good since she'll turn around and push for anti constitutional policies as well. People are saying she was another establishment Democrat pretending to be a far left type but a jew is a jew is a jew. The establishment dems still push for crazy policies. The far left is accelerating all this.

Also note how Bernie used to say the millionaires AND the billionaires are the problem but since becoming a millionaire has all together stop mentioning millionaires. I mention this to show his hypocrisy. Now there's a story on Carlos maza exposing that he lives in a mansion in Florida and how his parents are pretty rich while maza makes videos that are pro communism. We keep up the Final RTR and we keep proving to the world the true ugly face of socialism and how their main pushers of it are hypocrites trying to trick everyone.


A thread on Twitter that exposes Carlos wealthy living
NightKiss666 said:
So say if Bernie gets elected what exactly should the SS living in America do? Stay and continue spiritual warfare or do what we can to get out? Of course everyone isn't in a position to move out the country immediately (if moving is the recommended option). I'm only asking because if this country goes under and becomes full blown Communist wouldn't they be coming after every person that faithfully walks in Satan's image? Would even showing a small piece of being interested in the occult be dangerous at that point?

I'm just a bit curious as to what steps the SS here in the United States must take to survive (if Bernie is elected) and keep fighting to free this planet from this dreadful Jewish parasite.

The short answer is he won't be elected. His own party doesn't even want him, the DNC has done everything they can to prevent it, because they know socialism won't hold in America. America is more than awake on the threat of socialism/communism, the only worry is the youth being indoctrinated, but as we can see from the polls, even for bernie, we only see 14% turnout. Youth don't vote. Bern won't even make it past the primaries, because if he did, the country would swing wildly against the DNC. I suspect the DNC will collapse under the weight of our RTRs, and the Republican party is slowly being reformed. Do not worry much of him. America will not fall.
NightKiss666 said:
So say if Bernie gets elected what exactly should the SS living in America do? Stay and continue spiritual warfare or do what we can to get out? Of course everyone isn't in a position to move out the country immediately (if moving is the recommended option). I'm only asking because if this country goes under and becomes full blown Communist wouldn't they be coming after every person that faithfully walks in Satan's image? Would even showing a small piece of being interested in the occult be dangerous at that point?

I'm just a bit curious as to what steps the SS here in the United States must take to survive (if Bernie is elected) and keep fighting to free this planet from this dreadful Jewish parasite.

To be completely honest, Democrats are a minority in America. They have illegal immigrants, and those they've brainwashed. A communist take over would have to be either super slow or mind bogglingly fast to work (think assassinating tens of thousands of political opponents people within a day). Otherwise severe opposition would tear America apart, not to mention the Military.

I strongly believe we will be okay here in the U.S., but this is assuming gun laws start getting repealed and things take a course for the better.

As for us SS. Satan protects, but things may very well change, and if circumstances change enough we very well may have to vacate portions of the U.S. But that said, the U.S.A. is MASSIVE and the chance of states breaking off (balkanizing) is much higher than the whole U.S. becoming a communist shit hole.

Really it depends. But that said, we will be given instructions beforehand if something bad is coming, as we were 2 before pe
NightKiss666 said:
So say if Bernie gets elected what exactly should the SS living in America do? Stay and continue spiritual warfare or do what we can to get out? Of course everyone isn't in a position to move out the country immediately (if moving is the recommended option). I'm only asking because if this country goes under and becomes full blown Communist wouldn't they be coming after every person that faithfully walks in Satan's image? Would even showing a small piece of being interested in the occult be dangerous at that point?

I'm just a bit curious as to what steps the SS here in the United States must take to survive (if Bernie is elected) and keep fighting to free this planet from this dreadful Jewish parasite.

To be completely honest, Democrats are a minority in America. They have illegal immigrants, and those they've brainwashed. A communist take over would have to be either super slow or mind bogglingly fast to work (think assassinating tens of thousands of political opponents people within a day). Otherwise severe opposition would tear America apart, not to mention the Military.

I strongly believe we will be okay here in the U.S., but this is assuming gun laws start getting repealed and things take a course for the better.

As for us SS. Satan protects, but things may very well change, and if circumstances change enough we very well may have to vacate portions of the U.S. But that said, the U.S.A. is MASSIVE and the chance of states breaking off (balkanizing) is much higher than the whole U.S. becoming a communist shit hole.

Really it depends. But that said, we will be given instructions beforehand if something bad is coming, as we were 2 before people started prepping for corona virus.
https://markets.businessinsider.com/commodities/oil-price?type=wti .. Not to get off topic, but did not no where to post this. Oil down 30 percent,, in a hurry. Stocks falling as well.
NightKiss666 said:
So say if Bernie gets elected what exactly should the SS living in America do? Stay and continue spiritual warfare or do what we can to get out? Of course everyone isn't in a position to move out the country immediately (if moving is the recommended option). I'm only asking because if this country goes under and becomes full blown Communist wouldn't they be coming after every person that faithfully walks in Satan's image? Would even showing a small piece of being interested in the occult be dangerous at that point?

I'm just a bit curious as to what steps the SS here in the United States must take to survive (if Bernie is elected) and keep fighting to free this planet from this dreadful Jewish parasite.

And go where exactly? Things are not better in Europe you know.
*in relevance to my last reply*

Like clockwork the jewish owned companies starts censoring again for exposing their lackeys, or their own if maza is jewish which I wouldn't be surprised if he was by the way he acts.

NightKiss666 said:
So say if Bernie gets elected what exactly should the SS living in America do? Stay and continue spiritual warfare or do what we can to get out? Of course everyone isn't in a position to move out the country immediately (if moving is the recommended option). I'm only asking because if this country goes under and becomes full blown Communist wouldn't they be coming after every person that faithfully walks in Satan's image? Would even showing a small piece of being interested in the occult be dangerous at that point?

I'm just a bit curious as to what steps the SS here in the United States must take to survive (if Bernie is elected) and keep fighting to free this planet from this dreadful Jewish parasite.

If this happens and things reach this point, I doubt there will ever be actual Communism, the people will have long before violently reacted, and worse.

The striking majority of people will not be on board with his plans, that is for certain. So one shouldn't worry. That is just what some of the enemy have in mind, not what they can or will achieve.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
NightKiss666 said:
So say if Bernie gets elected what exactly should the SS living in America do? Stay and continue spiritual warfare or do what we can to get out? Of course everyone isn't in a position to move out the country immediately (if moving is the recommended option). I'm only asking because if this country goes under and becomes full blown Communist wouldn't they be coming after every person that faithfully walks in Satan's image? Would even showing a small piece of being interested in the occult be dangerous at that point?

I'm just a bit curious as to what steps the SS here in the United States must take to survive (if Bernie is elected) and keep fighting to free this planet from this dreadful Jewish parasite.

If this happens and things reach this point, I doubt there will ever be actual Communism, the people will have long before violently reacted, and worse.

The striking majority of people will not be on board with his plans, that is for certain. So one shouldn't worry. That is just what some of the enemy have in mind, not what they can or will achieve.

Thanks for the answer. I was beginning to worry a little and started thinking about all the "what ifs" in this situation.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
