Nobody really wakes up one day and just says: "You know what, I am going to really dislike jews today". This never happens. People primarily start becoming disgusted when they see disgusting things. The more said things that are done on such basis, the more people hate.
The idea of random contempt coming up at someone for absolutely no reason is a fallacious idea, and cannot happen past a certain magnitude if someone isn't really doing at least something to agitate this hatred.
If you met someone who has broke up with over 100 women, and they came to one woman as the 101st one, and told her, that all the other 100 women were just stupid, crazy bitches, Satanic, or whatever other reasoning, and that "This is why they kicked them away", would you be inclined to believe them? Of course not.
But when jews come to state this on a national or worldwide standard, everyone seems to somehow buy this argument for whatever reason. This also harms jews first and foremost, which, as their own clever ones sometimes try to tell them (Most of the times they murder these of their own that talk some sense to them since they see them as 'obstacles' in the speed of their advancement towards Zion) should just try to escape from the ways of the past and start fixing things.
Any said "voices" within their midst such as 1 out of 10,000, are ousted as basically traitors and non jews and this is for very good reason. This is because yes, these people do betray the core of Jewish identity, which is decided by others, and not by the exception.
Jews perceive anyone of their own that tells them to slow down on harming goyim as some sort of crazy outsider of the Yetzer HaRa in Kabbalistic terms, the "Evil Side". After all to not kill Amalek and other Gentile people is a breaching of the Divine Commandments or Mitzvot. Any talks for peace or understanding from their own midst come from capital enemies of the jewish people, who may happen to be of "jewish descent" but are as harmful to them as any other Amalekite or Son of Esav.
Even in the animal kingdom, where many animals are quite devoid of any logical function, hatred arises out of two primary reasons: Living necessity (ie, for food or shelter) or because an animal is of harm or danger to another animal. So long these conditions are not met, then there is no 'hatred' or aggressive behavior.
The enemy due to the nature of their whole identity which revolves around hating, wanting to murder, and forcibly dominate as slaves other people, by the very furthering of this agenda, they just evoke hatred. This hatred then they try to misdirect as some sort of randomly generated hatred by their "nutcase" opposition.
If the whole world dislikes and/or hates them or at some point has hated them, the jews are too psychopathic to sit down and assess the situation and put any blame onto themselves for it. Reconsidering said stance against Gentiles is beyond the question too. This is at best done momentarily and only to distance Gentiles and make them "Forgive" them, that is until the next time they repeat the same things against them. A vicious circle that keeps repeating in the eyes of any historically aware person, and a cycle that of course people are going to hate.
If jews want to stop the world's hate then all they had to do would be very simple: Let their neolithic, hatred based beliefs on the side, and just try to mind their own business without attacking, defiling, and ruining all other people on earth. But here lies the oxymoron: The jews are the only religious racial group that has DEFINED itself by a separation and hatred against other people of earth.
To stop hating, in other words, for jews, and have for once some of their own "Anti-Hate" medication, is only going to spell the end of all jewish people, through assimilation. This is very well understood by the jews themselves, as such they keep their homeland and culture a strictly religious/race based homeland, same as their tenets and everything else.
In other words, you cannot be jewish and be a goy at the same time, and in order to be a "Jew" your "God Given Mission" is to hate, abuse, and enslave Gentiles, ie, the "Heathen Goyim", so that you prove yourself to be a good or pious jew. Your "God" is a neolithic thoughform that is supposed to hunt down the "Cattle Non Jews" and essentially your goal is to rule over the earth and put the "Goyim" in their place.
In other words to stop "hatred" in the jews, and to stop "racism", eventually one is left without any "Jewish" identity to support. This is because the whole identity is weaved around a persecution syndrome and also an ideology of boundless spiritual and physical hatred that drives the jews for centuries.
While other people try to find their way onto this planet and hate other people over personal or national reasons, more or less due to historical concepts, the jew hates people "as a principle", ie, to be a Jew, you have to at all costs not be a "Goyim". This was the first argument the jews posed on the "Goyim" as a valid reason for universally hating them, and from there on, began their neolithic paranoia and war of extermination and setting themselves apart from the "Goyim people".
It is part of natural principle to jews NOT to be wrong, but to hate others based on PRINCIPLE, ie, that you must hate the non-jews even if there are no viable reasons to do so over a mere complex that you personally harbor.
The reasons behind such the enemy tries to reason in many ways: Spiritual reasons as to why the Goyim are Goyim. The "beginning" of that hatred is arrayed in the Bible and in Talmudic lore where the sole reason the jew is to hate the Gentile is because of a natural predestination of the non-jew to be cattle, as created by the jewish tribal "God" Jehovah. Motivated by the belief that man is only a cattle in humanoid form, the jew tries to separate himself from cattle (Gentiles) as holy and pious.
Upon this moral justification we have all the divine justification for abuse, constant ransacking, and of course, since the Goyim Animals ie Gentiles are by definition incapable of Logic (They are animals in jewish lore) they cannot reason out what are their own reasons for such hatred - therefore, there are no reasons of said hatred is what the jews claim. Reasoning is considered a human ability which the Ze Goyim are incapable of even having.
Jews do not recognize the "hate" or dislike they evoke into their enemies as something natural, or normal, but rather the result of mental illness, since, according to them, Goyim cannot reason. Therefore if a dog is angry at them, a jew would claim, it's not because a dog is being beat up, but rather, because the dog is out of his mind for wanting revenge for getting beaten up.
The jew is also the only lifeform on earth that couples the reaction of his victims, as many psychopaths do, with fiddling with their brains and telling them that the very same reasons that motivate the jew to do his actions, such as having their own values of assessment of danger (ie, that all non-jews have to become slaves or die simply just because of their non-jewishness) cannot be used against THEM.
In other words, the jews only accuse and cry loud where their opponents do formulate something akin to what they have been using for centuries, or even worse, they accuse their opponents of major senseless evil when they react to defend themselves from this paranoid mess. This is because it's beyond the mind of the jew that anyone, even people they have victimized for centuries, have any right of disagreeing with this etc.
If they didn't have racist beliefs and a core ideology of hatred themselves, they wouldn't whine about hatred, they would try to work around solutions with other people on earth to alleviate and fix it. But this is not in their plans and it hasn't been for around 2500 years now, and despite all the events that happened as a result of this hatred they harbor.
This is always the case as never have the Gentiles hated the jews over "no reason whatsoever" nor have they hated them just one beautiful morning. However, the jews, starting from Abraham, wasted a war of universal conquest against all non-jews, one "Morning" as part of their "Revealed Truth".
Jews on the other hand in the question on "Why Do You Hate Goyim", they make a logical loop and only reply: "Because they are Goyim". The birth of their 'religion' from Abraham was just that "We wuz jewish kangz and goyim be made for slavery and slaughter yo, gibs me dat gold egyptian goyim, cuz g-d said so". This became the banner of jewish people in what has formed today into a full blown mafia conglomerate that runs the planet based on the above reasoning.
Any resistence to jewish We Wuz Kangism is seen as a "Threat" and as an opposition from universal evil, the "HaSatan" and the "HaRa" or the "Evil Side". When the goyim refuse jewish commands it boils down to these forces as manifestation of how devastating they are to jews when they randomly demand to ransack a productive people or a nation.
The national Gods, the blood of a nation, and any form of mindset or reasoning that opposes or resists this advance and ransacking is made into "Moral Evil", ie, Evil Goyim, and whatever such tendency to defend themselves is called "Satanism", as such is the case how all Pagan Gods did just end up in the "Satanic" side, and any adversary of the jews or any form of thorn into their path is a "Satan" by definition, an enemy.
As reason calls any faith that obstructs their advancement by empowering their prey to resist them is by definition a Satanic, and immoral faith, while all faiths such as Christianity that open up people to be slaved and ransacked are great and "Holy faiths".
When these people say no, then they are Evil, "Yetzer HaRa", or of the "Satan", and they need to be burned or killed, because the jew randomly decided their purpose is to only slave for jewish benefit.
We might as well say that Judaism is the original we wuz kangizm when an unproductive faction of alien inbreeds decided that it has to exist simply because it said so and not because it did anything productive for itself and for the world, like all other people gained their right to exist. At this moment their lazy brain conceived Judaism and we have been having all these problems with jewish hatred to all directions ever since.
Why do Jews hate us? Any reasonable person would want for a more reasonable explanation, but so far with the jews, the answer boils down to that: "Just because of who we [Gentiles] are".
Jews are also the only race on the planet which also runs on the belief that a nation is to be punished for the sins of it's own fathers, ie, if someone punched a jew a thousand years ago because he stole from him, it's sensible and moral to avenge by genocide on some random other person of said tribe as a form of retribution, despite of the time spectrum of the crime or anything like that.
The jews are motivated by this as a definite reality, which is showing itself in how Israel is treating all it's neighbors. It doesn't matter if present day "Arabs" have mostly done no wrong to them, they are all to be toasted equally because of what happened (Or maybe didn't even happen) one or two thousands of years ago.
Makes you wonder when a species is going around with these beliefs, is it normal for others to at the very least dislike it or not?
If anything can be said, jews are very good teachers of hatred, and htey have "Blessed" this world with endless neolithic consciousness, that only backfires back at them every so often, because this generates the same or worse neolithic consciousness in their opponents as the last straw of their ability to defend and break free from this.
When this happens, they call this a mental illness, and "Anti-semitism". When jews practice this for thousands of years, this is called "Jewish Identity" and any jew who does this is a honorable "Builder of Zion".
People constantly whine about hate, maybe it's time then to start addressing it at the source.
The idea of random contempt coming up at someone for absolutely no reason is a fallacious idea, and cannot happen past a certain magnitude if someone isn't really doing at least something to agitate this hatred.
If you met someone who has broke up with over 100 women, and they came to one woman as the 101st one, and told her, that all the other 100 women were just stupid, crazy bitches, Satanic, or whatever other reasoning, and that "This is why they kicked them away", would you be inclined to believe them? Of course not.
But when jews come to state this on a national or worldwide standard, everyone seems to somehow buy this argument for whatever reason. This also harms jews first and foremost, which, as their own clever ones sometimes try to tell them (Most of the times they murder these of their own that talk some sense to them since they see them as 'obstacles' in the speed of their advancement towards Zion) should just try to escape from the ways of the past and start fixing things.
Any said "voices" within their midst such as 1 out of 10,000, are ousted as basically traitors and non jews and this is for very good reason. This is because yes, these people do betray the core of Jewish identity, which is decided by others, and not by the exception.
Jews perceive anyone of their own that tells them to slow down on harming goyim as some sort of crazy outsider of the Yetzer HaRa in Kabbalistic terms, the "Evil Side". After all to not kill Amalek and other Gentile people is a breaching of the Divine Commandments or Mitzvot. Any talks for peace or understanding from their own midst come from capital enemies of the jewish people, who may happen to be of "jewish descent" but are as harmful to them as any other Amalekite or Son of Esav.
Even in the animal kingdom, where many animals are quite devoid of any logical function, hatred arises out of two primary reasons: Living necessity (ie, for food or shelter) or because an animal is of harm or danger to another animal. So long these conditions are not met, then there is no 'hatred' or aggressive behavior.
The enemy due to the nature of their whole identity which revolves around hating, wanting to murder, and forcibly dominate as slaves other people, by the very furthering of this agenda, they just evoke hatred. This hatred then they try to misdirect as some sort of randomly generated hatred by their "nutcase" opposition.
If the whole world dislikes and/or hates them or at some point has hated them, the jews are too psychopathic to sit down and assess the situation and put any blame onto themselves for it. Reconsidering said stance against Gentiles is beyond the question too. This is at best done momentarily and only to distance Gentiles and make them "Forgive" them, that is until the next time they repeat the same things against them. A vicious circle that keeps repeating in the eyes of any historically aware person, and a cycle that of course people are going to hate.
If jews want to stop the world's hate then all they had to do would be very simple: Let their neolithic, hatred based beliefs on the side, and just try to mind their own business without attacking, defiling, and ruining all other people on earth. But here lies the oxymoron: The jews are the only religious racial group that has DEFINED itself by a separation and hatred against other people of earth.
To stop hating, in other words, for jews, and have for once some of their own "Anti-Hate" medication, is only going to spell the end of all jewish people, through assimilation. This is very well understood by the jews themselves, as such they keep their homeland and culture a strictly religious/race based homeland, same as their tenets and everything else.
In other words, you cannot be jewish and be a goy at the same time, and in order to be a "Jew" your "God Given Mission" is to hate, abuse, and enslave Gentiles, ie, the "Heathen Goyim", so that you prove yourself to be a good or pious jew. Your "God" is a neolithic thoughform that is supposed to hunt down the "Cattle Non Jews" and essentially your goal is to rule over the earth and put the "Goyim" in their place.
In other words to stop "hatred" in the jews, and to stop "racism", eventually one is left without any "Jewish" identity to support. This is because the whole identity is weaved around a persecution syndrome and also an ideology of boundless spiritual and physical hatred that drives the jews for centuries.
While other people try to find their way onto this planet and hate other people over personal or national reasons, more or less due to historical concepts, the jew hates people "as a principle", ie, to be a Jew, you have to at all costs not be a "Goyim". This was the first argument the jews posed on the "Goyim" as a valid reason for universally hating them, and from there on, began their neolithic paranoia and war of extermination and setting themselves apart from the "Goyim people".
It is part of natural principle to jews NOT to be wrong, but to hate others based on PRINCIPLE, ie, that you must hate the non-jews even if there are no viable reasons to do so over a mere complex that you personally harbor.
The reasons behind such the enemy tries to reason in many ways: Spiritual reasons as to why the Goyim are Goyim. The "beginning" of that hatred is arrayed in the Bible and in Talmudic lore where the sole reason the jew is to hate the Gentile is because of a natural predestination of the non-jew to be cattle, as created by the jewish tribal "God" Jehovah. Motivated by the belief that man is only a cattle in humanoid form, the jew tries to separate himself from cattle (Gentiles) as holy and pious.
Upon this moral justification we have all the divine justification for abuse, constant ransacking, and of course, since the Goyim Animals ie Gentiles are by definition incapable of Logic (They are animals in jewish lore) they cannot reason out what are their own reasons for such hatred - therefore, there are no reasons of said hatred is what the jews claim. Reasoning is considered a human ability which the Ze Goyim are incapable of even having.
Jews do not recognize the "hate" or dislike they evoke into their enemies as something natural, or normal, but rather the result of mental illness, since, according to them, Goyim cannot reason. Therefore if a dog is angry at them, a jew would claim, it's not because a dog is being beat up, but rather, because the dog is out of his mind for wanting revenge for getting beaten up.
The jew is also the only lifeform on earth that couples the reaction of his victims, as many psychopaths do, with fiddling with their brains and telling them that the very same reasons that motivate the jew to do his actions, such as having their own values of assessment of danger (ie, that all non-jews have to become slaves or die simply just because of their non-jewishness) cannot be used against THEM.
In other words, the jews only accuse and cry loud where their opponents do formulate something akin to what they have been using for centuries, or even worse, they accuse their opponents of major senseless evil when they react to defend themselves from this paranoid mess. This is because it's beyond the mind of the jew that anyone, even people they have victimized for centuries, have any right of disagreeing with this etc.
If they didn't have racist beliefs and a core ideology of hatred themselves, they wouldn't whine about hatred, they would try to work around solutions with other people on earth to alleviate and fix it. But this is not in their plans and it hasn't been for around 2500 years now, and despite all the events that happened as a result of this hatred they harbor.
This is always the case as never have the Gentiles hated the jews over "no reason whatsoever" nor have they hated them just one beautiful morning. However, the jews, starting from Abraham, wasted a war of universal conquest against all non-jews, one "Morning" as part of their "Revealed Truth".
Jews on the other hand in the question on "Why Do You Hate Goyim", they make a logical loop and only reply: "Because they are Goyim". The birth of their 'religion' from Abraham was just that "We wuz jewish kangz and goyim be made for slavery and slaughter yo, gibs me dat gold egyptian goyim, cuz g-d said so". This became the banner of jewish people in what has formed today into a full blown mafia conglomerate that runs the planet based on the above reasoning.
Any resistence to jewish We Wuz Kangism is seen as a "Threat" and as an opposition from universal evil, the "HaSatan" and the "HaRa" or the "Evil Side". When the goyim refuse jewish commands it boils down to these forces as manifestation of how devastating they are to jews when they randomly demand to ransack a productive people or a nation.
The national Gods, the blood of a nation, and any form of mindset or reasoning that opposes or resists this advance and ransacking is made into "Moral Evil", ie, Evil Goyim, and whatever such tendency to defend themselves is called "Satanism", as such is the case how all Pagan Gods did just end up in the "Satanic" side, and any adversary of the jews or any form of thorn into their path is a "Satan" by definition, an enemy.
As reason calls any faith that obstructs their advancement by empowering their prey to resist them is by definition a Satanic, and immoral faith, while all faiths such as Christianity that open up people to be slaved and ransacked are great and "Holy faiths".
When these people say no, then they are Evil, "Yetzer HaRa", or of the "Satan", and they need to be burned or killed, because the jew randomly decided their purpose is to only slave for jewish benefit.
We might as well say that Judaism is the original we wuz kangizm when an unproductive faction of alien inbreeds decided that it has to exist simply because it said so and not because it did anything productive for itself and for the world, like all other people gained their right to exist. At this moment their lazy brain conceived Judaism and we have been having all these problems with jewish hatred to all directions ever since.
Why do Jews hate us? Any reasonable person would want for a more reasonable explanation, but so far with the jews, the answer boils down to that: "Just because of who we [Gentiles] are".
Jews are also the only race on the planet which also runs on the belief that a nation is to be punished for the sins of it's own fathers, ie, if someone punched a jew a thousand years ago because he stole from him, it's sensible and moral to avenge by genocide on some random other person of said tribe as a form of retribution, despite of the time spectrum of the crime or anything like that.
The jews are motivated by this as a definite reality, which is showing itself in how Israel is treating all it's neighbors. It doesn't matter if present day "Arabs" have mostly done no wrong to them, they are all to be toasted equally because of what happened (Or maybe didn't even happen) one or two thousands of years ago.
Makes you wonder when a species is going around with these beliefs, is it normal for others to at the very least dislike it or not?
If anything can be said, jews are very good teachers of hatred, and htey have "Blessed" this world with endless neolithic consciousness, that only backfires back at them every so often, because this generates the same or worse neolithic consciousness in their opponents as the last straw of their ability to defend and break free from this.
When this happens, they call this a mental illness, and "Anti-semitism". When jews practice this for thousands of years, this is called "Jewish Identity" and any jew who does this is a honorable "Builder of Zion".
People constantly whine about hate, maybe it's time then to start addressing it at the source.