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Why is Japan so resistant

The Phantom Stranger

Active member
Oct 21, 2021
[email protected]
Japan resisted Christianity, joined the Nazis in the World War, and they don't have race mixing issues. And they are a technological and financial powerhouse like HP Hooded Cobra said.

Why and how are they so capable?
They were not resistant to everything, as buddhism caused a lot of damage and even massive amounts of death via wars, but people were faithful to the Gods and Nature metaphysically in Japan to an extent not really exhibited in other countries. Japan is extremely resistant to egalitarianism and resentment of all kinds, until recently the Japanese exhibited a profound love of life. Hitler stated they constituted a master race for a reason.

As HP Cobra mentioned, there is a lot of collective effort put into being a country like Japan on a racial level where people clean up the damage from earthquakes in a matter of days.

They also had the benefit of leaders like Tokugawa Ieyasu who were antichrists with good instincts. As he said "they [xians] are enemies of the Gods..." Unfortunately in Rome, though the history is fabricated and the enemy's genocidal war against 'heathens' deleted, many still did not have these instincts.

The kiketholic church and Portuguese also made serious mistakes with Japan, deciding to sell massive amounts of them as slaves from the get-go. The Japanese despite their patchwork of daimyos and whatever were not weak enough internally nor easily bribed to accept this. The British also alienated Japan by collocating them as inferior.

The guilt shit and feeling bad over every 'bad' thing that occurs in their society due to human nature can't really occur with them either. The church made serious inroads into Korea and China by playing on their feelings of national inferiority and anger, Japan never had any of this to speak of. The same is true of Thailand as well.
Japan may be better than average in some ways, but they also have a lot of problems. They have a collapsing population where for several years in a row, there are extremely few people having any children. A very large percentage of their population is old people and with extremely few children. Their numbers are collapsing very fast.

There are many people who stay in their apartments and almost never go outside and almost never talk to anybody. They are extremely lonely, and some try to cover this with technology like videogames, AI chat to simulate talking to people, or virtual reality goggles. There is also suicide because of the loneliness. These are the same reasons why they are not having families and not having children.

It is very sad but situations like this are becoming very common in most parts of the world. Being locked down for covid just isolated people even more and made people even more shy and afraid to meet other people. I'm lucky my work is essential so my life did not change much at all other than just being asked to wear a mask in some locations. But most people were very much harmed and made even more lonely. So these are not just problems with Japan but also the same problems as many places.
On top of the others' points, I'll provide some insight as someone with personal experience, too.

The Phantom Stranger said:
...and they don't have race mixing issues...

Although mostly true, I personally think it's not looking good at the moment as a result of the influx of foreigners coming here after the country reopened for travel again.

The younger generation has a bunch of insecure girls who have an obsession over foreign (Western) men, especially French because of some weird fantasies depicting every single Western country as top class chique rich places and superior in every way to Japan. From the accounts of a friend of mine who knows plenty of these types of girls, she says many of her friends go and date them just because they're White, without even being able to interact with them. This happens in other Asian countries, too, especially Southeast Asia.

Conversely, there's a genre of guys that specifically go for White women because they're thought to be more attractive or open to sex than the sexually reserved/repressed Japanese. At least in Tokyo, not sure about other cities or prefectures. Korea seems to have this issue, too.

Karnonnos once talked about the subject of how K-pop has ruined people's image of what is considered "beautiful" looks for a woman, resulting in mass insecurity as per beauty standards. Yes, indeed. Japan copies Korea, so I see girls underweight to the point you could grab around the entire waist with one hand, all the time. They also all copy fashion trends, because they think they need to to feel pretty, so you see a bunch of girls wearing the same clothing, with the same hairstyle, etc.

Social media has absolutely destroyed people's minds. Go on a train at any time of the day, on any day of the week, and at least 60% of the people are on their phones. If they're a girl, they're on Instagram or TikTok. I'm not joking, I count all the time. It's about 7 out of 10 people who are on their phones, if they're not sleeping.

Then there's the work culture. Go to Ikebukuro or Shinjuku on a weekend night and enjoy side stepping literal vomit and people passed out on the ground from drinking alcohol as a form of escapism from overwork. Employees are forced to attend these company-hosted parties as a form of etiquette, and face punishment when they do not.

Ol Argedco Luciftias already mentioned the declining birth population as well as suicide rates, so I don't need to, but I can definitely confirm I've been late several times because of somebody killing themselves on the train tracks. Usually happens in the morning when everyone is heading to work or elsewhere, causing major delays on every train line because they have to call in all relevant staff, clean up the mess, transport the body, etc. all within MINUTES. I've witnessed them carrying a body out of the station on a stretcher, before.

They work so much that they don't have time to tend to their family or wife (if they have one), resulting in the infamously high infidelity rates as well. They don't even have to be a company worker, could just be a young couple too, and the same issue applies. Cheating is considered normal here, and always the guy's fault. Loneliness and depression ensue, also because mental health care doesn't exist, especially not for men. I saw one, though, and that's good news, but...

Which leads to the surgically targeted attack on masculinity. There are many, MANY "women-only" establishments ranging from sports facilities, clinics, living environments, even a whole train carriage in the morning. Cause of men having been subliminally abused as a result of the insidious adult entertainment industry.

They're insecure to begin with, and then porn plays upon sexual repression even more, turning people into perverts, but ultimately society blames MEN and spread the idea that all men are like this by default.

There's gambling parlors, porn DVD shops, "Girls bars" everywhere you go, where men pay at least 30 - 50 dollars just to TALK to a woman, because of the level at which masculinity has been obliterated. Hell, when you walk into a convenience store you see erotic magazines of girls in HIGH SCHOOL uniforms. I know there's a concept cafe (place where girls serve you in outfits of a certain theme), where they dress up as KINDERGARTNERS. And it's considered normal.

Why do you think the #1 most popular genre in porn here, is literally fictional minors? And #2 or 3 is cuckoldry? Masculinity is GONE.

Also, the amount of misandry (sexism against men) I've witnessed is insane, the worst I've seen in comparison to every single country I've been to. Society purposely portrays women as untouchable queens, and it encourages such an ego, too. I've seen girls act completely disgusted at a man just standing, sitting, or walking near them, or when they try to ask them something. Meaning, men become even more hesitant and reserved, in fear of punishment.

I've even personally witnessed a case where a man was denied genital health inspection because the specialist for the day was a woman, and only female patients were being accepted as a result, for some reason. Guy had an STD and wasn't allowed to get it checked. Imagine.

Did you know that there are only 2 toilets in restaurants or other places, 1 of them for women, and the other for men AND women? No urinals except for at the station, for the most part. Also, if an event or such gets crowded, they start allowing women to use the men's room, but you can forget about the other way around in any scenario. I've been in restaurants where there were only men at the time, and they had to line up because they weren't allowed to enter the other remaining toilet when the 1 toilet was occupied. I also once saw a sign at an arcade where men couldn't enter the photo booth without the accompaniment of a woman.

There's a massive fissure between people when it comes to social interaction, as a result of everything I mentioned. You know it's bad when there are posters in subways literally TELLING you to fucking help somebody if they're looking sick or off in some way, have collapsed, or look like they're heavily troubled / contemplating things. Most people are too shy to reach out, or fear reprisal because of how emotionally pent-up people can be. I personally have had people lash out at me when I actually tried to help them, too.

Anyway, I could write a goddamn book, and I've spoken on some of these things before. So yeah, resistance, my ass, unfortunately. Maybe in the past, but to think we went through history quite powerfully, only to birth this pathetic and sorry of a society is relatively discouraging, to put it lightly.

Just cause we have "no" jews, and maybe cool high-tech toilets, doesn't make this place paradise. This country's society right now is fuuuuucked. Most people outside Japan forget about the reality of this place beyond just anime and sex with Asian girls.

Thanks for reading, hope this provided some insight.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Japan may be better than average in some ways, but they also have a lot of problems. They have a collapsing population where for several years in a row, there are extremely few people having any children. A very large percentage of their population is old people and with extremely few children. Their numbers are collapsing very fast.

There are many people who stay in their apartments and almost never go outside and almost never talk to anybody. They are extremely lonely, and some try to cover this with technology like videogames, AI chat to simulate talking to people, or virtual reality goggles. There is also suicide because of the loneliness. These are the same reasons why they are not having families and not having children.

It is very sad but situations like this are becoming very common in most parts of the world. Being locked down for covid just isolated people even more and made people even more shy and afraid to meet other people. I'm lucky my work is essential so my life did not change much at all other than just being asked to wear a mask in some locations. But most people were very much harmed and made even more lonely. So these are not just problems with Japan but also the same problems as many places.
I think its just a common thing for all first world civilizations. As women gain independence and with larger connectivity through social media as well as an Inflationary Economy ,people are having less and less babies. However the total amount of people around the world is still a lot more than what was a hundred years ago. So there's different ways to look about this. If you'd somehow still managed to continue the race with a lesser population but with Automation and AI and keeping migrants of different races out, i think it still achieves the goal of continuing the Race and Civilization. I just do not see Whites and Japanese breeding the same way they did 70 years ago in the current state of the world.

Although the Japanese are a little different than Whites. The Whites have already been replaced ethnically in their own country (new Census shows Generation Alpha is already Majority Non- White in the US) which will start showing when 20 more years passes. If something drastic doesn't change soon,the Whites would become a permanent underclass in their own countries.
OhNoItsMook said:
Why do you think the #1 most popular genre in porn here, is literally fictional minors? And #2 or 3 is cuckoldry? Masculinity is GONE.

Today I learnt a fact that I don't even know how to respond to.

Good day everyone.
The Phantom Stranger said:
OhNoItsMook said:
Why do you think the #1 most popular genre in porn here, is literally fictional minors? And #2 or 3 is cuckoldry? Masculinity is GONE.

Today I learnt a fact that I don't even know how to respond to.

Good day everyone.
Having understood the psychology of porn, this did not shock me at all. Sexually and emotionally repressed people + porn + time= perversions of all kind.
I would like to add also that Japan has a Muslim population that has started to increase (a post on barenakedislam confirmed that). Among other issues are the fact that some companies are embracing ESG, which will turn them into Woke.

I've also read somewhere that the constitution of modern Japan was written by a Jewish Feminist, which would explain why, like Mook said, the country is full of misandry.

Off topic: Does anyone have an opinion on the recent news about Fukushima waters?
The degeneacy found in Japan is the same as with America, that it's only in concentrated areas and when compared to the general population it isn't prolific. This degenarcy in both places keeps being pushed as normal but in both places the average person silently disagrees with the status quo the jews push and keep on living their lives without much of verbal pushback.

If anything Japan overall is more resilient against jewish nonsense thanks to their homogeneous culture which gives them a slight advantage over America. Unfortunately, without full blown Satanic public knowledge and awareness then a nation and it's peoples can only do so much.
General Yeager said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Japan may be better than average in some ways, but they also have a lot of problems. They have a collapsing population where for several years in a row, there are extremely few people having any children. A very large percentage of their population is old people and with extremely few children. Their numbers are collapsing very fast.

There are many people who stay in their apartments and almost never go outside and almost never talk to anybody. They are extremely lonely, and some try to cover this with technology like videogames, AI chat to simulate talking to people, or virtual reality goggles. There is also suicide because of the loneliness. These are the same reasons why they are not having families and not having children.

It is very sad but situations like this are becoming very common in most parts of the world. Being locked down for covid just isolated people even more and made people even more shy and afraid to meet other people. I'm lucky my work is essential so my life did not change much at all other than just being asked to wear a mask in some locations. But most people were very much harmed and made even more lonely. So these are not just problems with Japan but also the same problems as many places.
I think its just a common thing for all first world civilizations. As women gain independence and with larger connectivity through social media as well as an Inflationary Economy ,people are having less and less babies. However the total amount of people around the world is still a lot more than what was a hundred years ago. So there's different ways to look about this. If you'd somehow still managed to continue the race with a lesser population but with Automation and AI and keeping migrants of different races out, i think it still achieves the goal of continuing the Race and Civilization. I just do not see Whites and Japanese breeding the same way they did 70 years ago in the current state of the world.

Although the Japanese are a little different than Whites. The Whites have already been replaced ethnically in their own country (new Census shows Generation Alpha is already Majority Non- White in the US) which will start showing when 20 more years passes. If something drastic doesn't change soon,the Whites would become a permanent underclass in their own countries.

I just wanted to pick at a detail that isn't the point of your post but I recently thought about it.

The problem with automation is that it takes away most menial jobs. Unlike some people think, menial jobs are needed, otherwise how are 2-digit IQ people going to contribute to society? We need menial jobs for them, so they don't steal important jobs from people with 3-digit IQs. In the enemy world, they can and will do that if the enemy has its way, because 2-digit IQ people are more like to accept a salary that is more outrageously out of line with the type of work they do, rather than try to negotiate the highest salary possibly. Enemy employers will take someone with lower salary expectations even if they are a terrible candidate, just so they can save money from the wrong business area: employees.

In our SS world, hopefully SS employer will pay employees for the value of their work, as it happened in Germany and in ancient civilisations, instead of underpaying them so they can directors more and waste money in other ways.
Stormblood said:
General Yeager said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Japan may be better than average in some ways, but they also have a lot of problems. They have a collapsing population where for several years in a row, there are extremely few people having any children. A very large percentage of their population is old people and with extremely few children. Their numbers are collapsing very fast.

There are many people who stay in their apartments and almost never go outside and almost never talk to anybody. They are extremely lonely, and some try to cover this with technology like videogames, AI chat to simulate talking to people, or virtual reality goggles. There is also suicide because of the loneliness. These are the same reasons why they are not having families and not having children.

It is very sad but situations like this are becoming very common in most parts of the world. Being locked down for covid just isolated people even more and made people even more shy and afraid to meet other people. I'm lucky my work is essential so my life did not change much at all other than just being asked to wear a mask in some locations. But most people were very much harmed and made even more lonely. So these are not just problems with Japan but also the same problems as many places.
I think its just a common thing for all first world civilizations. As women gain independence and with larger connectivity through social media as well as an Inflationary Economy ,people are having less and less babies. However the total amount of people around the world is still a lot more than what was a hundred years ago. So there's different ways to look about this. If you'd somehow still managed to continue the race with a lesser population but with Automation and AI and keeping migrants of different races out, i think it still achieves the goal of continuing the Race and Civilization. I just do not see Whites and Japanese breeding the same way they did 70 years ago in the current state of the world.

Although the Japanese are a little different than Whites. The Whites have already been replaced ethnically in their own country (new Census shows Generation Alpha is already Majority Non- White in the US) which will start showing when 20 more years passes. If something drastic doesn't change soon,the Whites would become a permanent underclass in their own countries.

I just wanted to pick at a detail that isn't the point of your post but I recently thought about it.

The problem with automation is that it takes away most menial jobs. Unlike some people think, menial jobs are needed, otherwise how are 2-digit IQ people going to contribute to society? We need menial jobs for them, so they don't steal important jobs from people with 3-digit IQs. In the enemy world, they can and will do that if the enemy has its way, because 2-digit IQ people are more like to accept a salary that is more outrageously out of line with the type of work they do, rather than try to negotiate the highest salary possibly. Enemy employers will take someone with lower salary expectations even if they are a terrible candidate, just so they can save money from the wrong business area: employees.

In our SS world, hopefully SS employer will pay employees for the value of their work, as it happened in Germany and in ancient civilisations, instead of underpaying them so they can directors more and waste money in other ways.
I don't think the Global Planners plan to have many people around so that they have to worry about what jobs they'll do in a couple of decades with full AI Automation.
Stormblood said:
General Yeager said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Japan may be better than average in some ways, but they also have a lot of problems. They have a collapsing population where for several years in a row, there are extremely few people having any children. A very large percentage of their population is old people and with extremely few children. Their numbers are collapsing very fast.

There are many people who stay in their apartments and almost never go outside and almost never talk to anybody. They are extremely lonely, and some try to cover this with technology like videogames, AI chat to simulate talking to people, or virtual reality goggles. There is also suicide because of the loneliness. These are the same reasons why they are not having families and not having children.

It is very sad but situations like this are becoming very common in most parts of the world. Being locked down for covid just isolated people even more and made people even more shy and afraid to meet other people. I'm lucky my work is essential so my life did not change much at all other than just being asked to wear a mask in some locations. But most people were very much harmed and made even more lonely. So these are not just problems with Japan but also the same problems as many places.
I think its just a common thing for all first world civilizations. As women gain independence and with larger connectivity through social media as well as an Inflationary Economy ,people are having less and less babies. However the total amount of people around the world is still a lot more than what was a hundred years ago. So there's different ways to look about this. If you'd somehow still managed to continue the race with a lesser population but with Automation and AI and keeping migrants of different races out, i think it still achieves the goal of continuing the Race and Civilization. I just do not see Whites and Japanese breeding the same way they did 70 years ago in the current state of the world.

Although the Japanese are a little different than Whites. The Whites have already been replaced ethnically in their own country (new Census shows Generation Alpha is already Majority Non- White in the US) which will start showing when 20 more years passes. If something drastic doesn't change soon,the Whites would become a permanent underclass in their own countries.

I just wanted to pick at a detail that isn't the point of your post but I recently thought about it.

The problem with automation is that it takes away most menial jobs. Unlike some people think, menial jobs are needed, otherwise how are 2-digit IQ people going to contribute to society? We need menial jobs for them, so they don't steal important jobs from people with 3-digit IQs. In the enemy world, they can and will do that if the enemy has its way, because 2-digit IQ people are more like to accept a salary that is more outrageously out of line with the type of work they do, rather than try to negotiate the highest salary possibly. Enemy employers will take someone with lower salary expectations even if they are a terrible candidate, just so they can save money from the wrong business area: employees.

In our SS world, hopefully SS employer will pay employees for the value of their work, as it happened in Germany and in ancient civilisations, instead of underpaying them so they can directors more and waste money in other ways.

I don't meant be out of line here, but your views about 2 digit and 3 digit IQ people is very erroneous and a bit extreme.

Viewing it in this manner, that people with 2 digit IQs are on this low of a level is not realistic, as IQ is just one aspect of intelligence.

You will meet many people in life with a double digit IQ that are even above many people in capacities and accomplishments to those with a three digit IQ, and vice versa.

IQ is not that big of a deal as some people make it out to be.

People with a double digit IQ in general are not to be underestimated and lumped in some menial category like you describe.

This is rather weird to even come to this conclusion in my experience with knowing many people.

It's kind of insane to see an SS here even going to this extreme of a viewpoint on this.

You've be here for quite some time, you should already know and be well aware IQ is not that great of a measure of a person unless we are talking it being very low or low in general. That's different.

I'm not trying to be too harsh here. But I can't help but feel like you aren't looking at this correctly.

Double digit IQ people can manage "important" jobs just fine. This is apparent in how many people are in high positions in life who aren't even SS or have an IQ of 120 or something.

Please meditate on this or contemplate this a bit more.
General Yeager said:
I don't think the Global Planners plan to have many people around so that they have to worry about what jobs they'll do in a couple of decades with full AI Automation.

They don't plan but it doesn't mean they will succeed in their plans. In the last decade or so, their plans have mostly backfired and their manifestations have been delayed, incomplete and different to their original plans.

serpentwalker666 said:

I'll give you some food for thought.

What you need to reconsider is your definition of IQ, which is not the current one that enemy made. IQ is your general intelligence made into a number. Different testing methods are needed, sure, but it doesn't make what I said wrong.

Intelligence is something that can be cultivated, like I said in the past, but most people decide not to. Intelligence is the ability to understand things, like the etymology of the word suggest.

Statistics of where people are now and what their "intelligence" is, are completely off-base. First, because we live in a world dominated by the enemy where one doesn't advance in the career world based on their merits but based on other - most of the time irrelevant - things. The JoS is currently one of very few places on Earth where advancement in the hierarchy of things is ethical and merit-based, aligned with nature.

It's not affected by whether you want to toil at a job for demented people for years of your life. It's based on whether you're willing to accept a salary that's 2x-10x lower than the contribution you bring with that job, or something along those lines, depending on the country. It's not rooted on nepotism and being in licking your bosses' shoes. It's also not rooted on being part of a "diverse" category.

The JoS is meritocratic and human.

People with higher intelligence have always brought more value and contribution in Ancient civilisations. I hardly doubt there was ever a stupid pharaoh, a stupid high priest, a stupid general, a stupid architect, a stupid healer, a stupid musician and so on. If you're stupid and you don't want to improve, natural laws will always keep you at the lower end of life, in world where people work alongside natural law (i.e. and SS world). In a world ruled by the enemy, you'll find stupid people at all career levels and in all social classes, because the enemy built an unnatural society built to deny natural law and create all kind of degenerate manifestations.

Yes, dumb people are to be underestimated because they bring little to no value. In life it's not important who you are but what you do with the cards you've been dealt.

Also, if people think are smart but then they sit on the laurels and do nothing with themselves, then their thinking they're smart is just their own self-delusion. Nothing more than arrogance in their perception of themselves.
Stormblood said:
General Yeager said:
I don't think the Global Planners plan to have many people around so that they have to worry about what jobs they'll do in a couple of decades with full AI Automation.

They don't plan but it doesn't mean they will succeed in their plans. In the last decade or so, their plans have mostly backfired and their manifestations have been delayed, incomplete and different to their original plans.

serpentwalker666 said:

I'll give you some food for thought.

What you need to reconsider is your definition of IQ, which is not the current one that enemy made. IQ is your general intelligence made into a number. Different testing methods are needed, sure, but it doesn't make what I said wrong.

Intelligence is something that can be cultivated, like I said in the past, but most people decide not to. Intelligence is the ability to understand things, like the etymology of the word suggest.

Statistics of where people are now and what their "intelligence" is, are completely off-base. First, because we live in a world dominated by the enemy where one doesn't advance in the career world based on their merits but based on other - most of the time irrelevant - things. The JoS is currently one of very few places on Earth where advancement in the hierarchy of things is ethical and merit-based, aligned with nature.

It's not affected by whether you want to toil at a job for demented people for years of your life. It's based on whether you're willing to accept a salary that's 2x-10x lower than the contribution you bring with that job, or something along those lines, depending on the country. It's not rooted on nepotism and being in licking your bosses' shoes. It's also not rooted on being part of a "diverse" category.

The JoS is meritocratic and human.

People with higher intelligence have always brought more value and contribution in Ancient civilisations. I hardly doubt there was ever a stupid pharaoh, a stupid high priest, a stupid general, a stupid architect, a stupid healer, a stupid musician and so on. If you're stupid and you don't want to improve, natural laws will always keep you at the lower end of life, in world where people work alongside natural law (i.e. and SS world). In a world ruled by the enemy, you'll find stupid people at all career levels and in all social classes, because the enemy built an unnatural society built to deny natural law and create all kind of degenerate manifestations.

Yes, dumb people are to be underestimated because they bring little to no value. In life it's not important who you are but what you do with the cards you've been dealt.

Also, if people think are smart but then they sit on the laurels and do nothing with themselves, then their thinking they're smart is just their own self-delusion. Nothing more than arrogance in their perception of themselves.

I get your point and agree to an extent. Just the way you went about It seems like you are vastly underestimating people.

I have seen alot so far in my short life, and met many people of a rather average level of intelligence, with capabilities that are a bit on the higher end.

Why I say not to underestimate. Is this is far more common then most people realise. I've seen and experienced this first hand with people. Much too often this has left me a bit off guard, in seeing just much of this is there in people.

You'll meet people that could fit in this category of "dumb" or to be underestimated, but on a second look are far more capable then at first glance, or a few discussions reveals more then what is initially expected.

That's the point I'm making here.

While there's much of the world that has fallen into degeneracy and people who are very low on the scale, it is not as exactly as you describe and there's more capable people out there then it appears at first sight.

They simply need time to wake up from their coma.

This is the point I'm making here. It is not so simple as to underestimate and see this in the manner you describe. It's a bit more complicated.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
