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why is hitler getting praised here?


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
I knew you were black from the moment you said Hitler killed blacks, like sure lets add some lies that literally have no sense just to keep up with the victim

This guy who fought for Hitler's foreign army does not approve:

Even Jesse Owens said he was treated better in Nazi Germany than in the USA.
If you are actually not a troll, then why don't you first read all of our websites, including articles in the library about this? Those will clarify everything. If even by then you have not recovered from mass brainwashing, come back here and we'll see if your level of awareness can be raised.
lain said:
im a new member and i was wondering why hitler is getting praised here. it really scared me off and made me kinda not feel well here.

99% of the time when this happens, people have the wrong idea about Hitler, because they have been listening to the enemy lies about him. This is the case with you here. You said:

lain said:
hitler did kill the jews he also killed black people and even disabled people

He killed none of them. The holohoax is a giant lie that has been debunked. Hitler had no intention to kill jews and there is no evidence of an order regarding such thing. As official SS documents mentioned, Hitler want to transport jews to the east and get them out of Europe. The jews also kept records of the worldwide jewish population which showed that during Hitler's time the jewish population increased instead of decreasing. None of these concentration camps like Auschwitz contained any "gas chambers" and the jews who died inside them (about 300,000 actually, no more than that) died because of a typhus epidemic. They were simply work/transportation camps and not "death camps".

You've got a lot to learn and deprogram from. Start with that and research the holohoax more and you will see that it's a giant hoax which the jews invented so they can pretend to be victims and leech billions of dollars every years as "reparations" from Germany and the US. It's a kike scam, like jewsual.

lain said:
there was no deeper reason why he killed the jews the only reason was because in that time the jews and still were ratty and „stole“ money when all they really did was be smart in the way how they earn money

Looks like you haven't really read Mein Kampf or listened to any of his speeches. If you did you would realize what you are saying is bullshit. In fact Hitler talked about both communism and capitalism come from the jews, as well as many other things that expose their nature.

lain said:
there is no „jews are not humans“ they definetly dont act like a good human but that just means they are not good humans.

Jews have different DNA (the jews themselves admit it, in their own sites like Mazornet) and their collective behavior comes from their DNA. Again, you've got a lot to learn. Kikes are not only a different race, but a whole different species. They were created by the enemy Reptilian aliens and not by Satan and the Gods like the Gentiles/non-jews are. That's why they also have different souls. Their souls are vampiric like Reptilian souls are, and being around many jews over a long period of time will cause you to feel drained. Search through this forum and you will see many people who have reported this thing.

lain said:
also the way how „satan“ is portrayed here is also far from reality and just nordic blasphemy and this just makes me believe this is not a true satanic forum but just a nordic forum that tries to take advantage over true ancient satanism.

Sorry but Satan being a Nordic Extraterrestrial has nothing to do with your wishes. It's a fact. Even black/non-white Satanists have confirmed by their own experiences that this is how he looks like. And I mean about the ones who are open minded about to see for themselves, not the ones who are stuck up on race. He looks like that because all Nordic ET's look like that, and here is not the only forum that talks about that extraterrestrial race. In fact Hitler's Thule society also communicated with them and that's basically where they got the idea of the "master race" from.

lain said:
black magic was already in ancient egypt and sumerian culture which were all in asia/africa

Egyptians weren't blacks. Actually, modern Egyptians have more black blood in them because the Egyptian empire conquered Nubia and mixed themselves with the black Nubians.

Just because a civilization was in Asia or Africa doesn't mean it wasn't founded by white people. This is a dumb argument, really. Whites as a matter of fact came from Asia. The indigenous European people in about 20k years ago weren't white, as archaeological evidence shows. In China there were a people called Tocharians, who were white Aryans. They existed since pre-historic times and were genocided by the Chinese government.

Same thing: Egyptians and Sumerians weren't white, but were Caucasoid, unlike the Negroid and Mongoloid types found in Africa and Asia. Ancient Egyptians were more like the modern-day Bedouins in Sahara. Sumerians were like Arabs/Turks. But even then, the higher ups were more light-skinned and white (See Queen Nefertiti and red-haired Pharaoh Ramses II, for example).

Also, you seem to have the wrong idea about Satanism when referring to "black magick". Satanism isn't just about black magick. We practice all kinds of magick, because all of them are used for different purposes. Black magick is more accurately called justice magick, we use it to punish evil-doers. And it's not something "evil" or "bad". White magick is necessary for healing people and protection, as well as different types of magick for improving our lives. The modern distinction of "black magick" really came with Theosophy and other 18th century pseudo-occult organizations. It didn't exist before then. In ancient times, magick was magick and they didn't distinguish one form as "good" and another one as "evil".

lain said:
the ancient sumerians were kurdish there is actual research on this. even the language sounds similar if not alike to kurdish. so this makes no sense what so ever.

Kurds are caucasoid actually. They are more related to whites than blacks or east-asians.
Their language is Indo-European.

lain said:
race is just a facade which you need to overcome to see the world with the true vision. all these illusions need to be overcome to see the true world. to actually improve as a soul you need to get rid of the layers. how do you wanna improve if you have a primitive mentality where you base yourself on materialistic features such as your skincolor? this is only physical and everything physical is just based on the environment and how your ancestors lived. you are what you consume and think afterall. how do you wanna improve as a soul and rise if you hold on to the physical? if you hold on to things such as family or your job? those things are just layers. you dont have to let them go but you have to see through them and not be dependent on them or else you will just reincarnate over and over again. take this valuable information and evolve or do not it doesnt matter to me really.

Race is more than skin-color. It comes from your soul. Different races have different collective racial souls. People are individual but also part of the collective soul of their race. It's also a biological reality, as different races have different skull shapes and sizes, different average IQ and even muscle mass. Mixed people have difficulty finding transplants, which is one reason why race mixing is dangerous. Race mixing also dillutes your soul.

So, this new age idea you have is false. Everything physical comes from your soul. Yes, everything. The notion that the spirit is separate from the body and the physical world is a lie that comes from the enemy religions. The physical world is not "superficial" or "materialistic" because it's not separated from the spiritual world. Both worlds are one and the same and connected to eachother. Caring for your body also helps empower your soul and vice-versa.

The purpose in Satanism is not to stop reincarnating and get rid of our physical bodies. It's quite the opposite: to stop reincarnating by becoming physically immortal. Existence as a soul without a physical body is a very boring and stagnant state.

So these are really some dangerous enemy ideas you have. You think that to "see the truth" is to overcome the body. That's not only stupid, but very dangerous. Seeing the truth means seeing how the spiritual world is connected with the physical world and not separate from it.

Overall, your post gives me a xnder/sisasaah vibe and you're probably the same person, spouting the same nonsense.
Why not? He must be a good guy if the jew hates him.
Rational Satanist said:
Overall, your post gives me a xnder/sisasaah vibe and you're probably the same person, spouting the same nonsense.

Looks like my intuition is right. See, that person is so dumb that whenever he creates a new alias, he posts it right in the "About" page of his jewtube channel:



xnder x xxxnder x para666 x sony x moonprynce666 x genyemaya x sisasaah x selkadoom x lain x 666darkness x obelisk x 666hellfather x hellprynce666 x noktifer x lightbringer x yami x pharaoh ☥


lain said:
im a new member

Why do you lie, xnder? You are not a "new" member, you have been banned six gorillion times while asking the exact same bullshit which me and others have already debunked. You may have removed the jewtube channel from your contact as I advised you, but you are still dumb to use the same alias as in your jewtube page. And you still ask post the same things. Really, are you that dumb? Your IQ must be below freezing point.
I am actually somewhat surprised that this was posted but I would recommend (highly) that you read from the JOS site and really sit down and think about how this post has come across because a lot of what you have said is really just…not well informed to put it lightly. Others here have shared important info that will be also useful for you.
This is of course assuming that you are willing to learn and that you are not a troll.
The R1A gene .Not all are white ,but they are all Aryans. Same with Sumerians ,Egyptians ,Indians etc.

As the two Starcraft casters state. The 300IQ question:

lian(Xnder/etc.etc.) Why do you keep coming on these forums if every attempt at your actions are met with the feedback loop?

Every single time you come in we pop you by doing a little internet research. It reminds me of some gamers who are well known and in some cases troll or do stuff on other forums only for people to do deep penetration searches and discover XYZ gamer is in fact the troll XYZ.

What are you trying to get out of us? We have a website, forums, various international community. Our biomass is substantially bigger and more powerful than your trolling. If you feel like creating non-sense which retards will eat up as people eat up shit like there is no tomorrow make your own website.

Call it Joy of New Age and troll along with others and invent your stuff and whatnot.

So Xnder(Lian etc.etc.) What are you trying to get out of us?

The only thing you get is counter-fired by not even deep penetration searches. We are so used to your trolling with just a few 10s of seconds of research we find you.

Do you want your identity to be discovered in real life? Do you want to piss off a hacker or some internet sleuth who is pissed off and wants to troll you. I don't think so, so why do you keep trolling us?

We counter-fired all your points. IF anything at this point your trolling is a magnificent display especially by Rational Satanist on the holohax and black people. Except forgetting to mention the other black people especially the black worker at an SS facility that was put to work there which surprised the SS who were not updated on the new employee and had to speak to higher up about his position before letting him in. He pretty much nailed you hard especially the whole 300,000 pretty much 160,000-240,000-300,000 jews died in the holohoax even after a 5 year investigation by the Red Cross any deaths or anything passed that happened under allied control. Even the dozens of death of allied and soviets feeding jews food only for them to die or suffer greatly from digesting food which they have no eaten in such time that it was an issue.

So lian lets use your new troll name.

Why do you incessantly insist on coming here? Are you a paid shill JIDF member? You know a sayanim buttmunch?

Is your trolling really worth it in the end when the community just counter-fires all your bullshit?

Funny I've been criticized at making my posts too long and pissing people off. But funny enough they read your post and counter-fired. And funny enough people will remember or at least this post is kept as a historical battlelog and anyone seeing this will realize it's the troll xnder(lian) and read your post then read the counter-fire and be like "Damn that is why I don't mess with JoS people they just counter-fire all the lies and bullshit".

Everything you post can and will be counter-fired especially the fact your blatantly countering our countering. You will be counter-fired.

Maybe if you trolled a good 15-20-30 years ago in the early days of the internet when we were less informed. Your trolling would have worked wonders. But funny enough in current times people can cover each other. If we have blindspots other members have firepower to cover such blindspots.

So xnder, what are you trying to get out of JoS? We aren't new agers, we aren't anti-race if anything we are so philo-racial it begs the question how are we stereotypical marxists racists.

Even though you may or may not be trolling these past few months it seems you went awol for a few good months. Another possibility is your shadowtrolling with another account.

There is other places on the internet for you to troll and funny enough people will eat the very shit you say by the spoonful. Hell if your such an expert troller try trolling at anonymous or 4chan or some other well-known hacker hold out.

So xnder Y U troll us?
lain said:
im a new member and i was wondering why hitler is getting praised here. it really scared me off and made me kinda not feel well here. so id like to have a debate on this topic or ask for clarification with realistic arguments and examples.

i think that this is a giant misunderstanding which is done here. an accident. yes jews are not good people. should we kill them? no. definetly not. there are always many different ways to achieve something. the problem is that this forum is mixing hitler with like a spiritual hero when in fact it is just a giant accident and you just thinking way too deep into it and adding thoughts which are delusional.

hitler did kill the jews he also killed black people and even disabled people. there was no deeper reason why he killed the jews the only reason was because in that time the jews and still were ratty and „stole“ money when all they really did was be smart in the way how they earn money. their culture is disgusting to me and even just their art is horrible. i really dont like them but you should definetly not kill someone for this. so all this annoyed hitler and he then decided to kill them but he also killed blacks and disabled people so this makes no sense. there is no deeper reason to it. there is no „jews are not humans“ they definetly dont act like a good human but that just means they are not good humans. for some reason many believe there is a deeper reason to it. lol

also the way how „satan“ is portrayed here is also far from reality and just nordic blasphemy and this just makes me believe this is not a true satanic forum but just a nordic forum that tries to take advantage over true ancient satanism. black magic was already in ancient egypt and sumerian culture which were all in asia/africa so if we have this little race mentality then only asians and africans should feel superior. the ancient sumerians were kurdish there is actual research on this. even the language sounds similar if not alike to kurdish. so this makes no sense what so ever.

race is just a facade which you need to overcome to see the world with the true vision. all these illusions need to be overcome to see the true world. to actually improve as a soul you need to get rid of the layers. how do you wanna improve if you have a primitive mentality where you base yourself on materialistic features such as your skincolor? this is only physical and everything physical is just based on the environment and how your ancestors lived. you are what you consume and think afterall. how do you wanna improve as a soul and rise if you hold on to the physical? if you hold on to things such as family or your job? those things are just layers. you dont have to let them go but you have to see through them and not be dependent on them or else you will just reincarnate over and over again. take this valuable information and evolve or do not it doesnt matter to me really.

so id like to hear some true honest responses on this.
Do yourself a favor and fuck off this website at once, xnder. never come back. You are not smart, no matter how much you want to believe you are.
Rational Satanist said:
Rational Satanist said:
Overall, your post gives me a xnder/sisasaah vibe and you're probably the same person, spouting the same nonsense.

Looks like my intuition is right. See, that person is so dumb that whenever he creates a new alias, he posts it right in the "About" page of his jewtube channel:



xnder x xxxnder x para666 x sony x moonprynce666 x genyemaya x sisasaah x selkadoom x lain x 666darkness x obelisk x 666hellfather x hellprynce666 x noktifer x lightbringer x yami x pharaoh ☥


lain said:
im a new member

Why do you lie, xnder? You are not a "new" member, you have been banned six gorillion times while asking the exact same bullshit which me and others have already debunked. You may have removed the jewtube channel from your contact as I advised you, but you are still dumb to use the same alias as in your jewtube page. And you still ask post the same things. Really, are you that dumb? Your IQ must be below freezing point.

Oh, Noktifer. The vampire guy who also fancies himself high priest...
Thank you for coming to tell us all what to believe. We are all corrected now and this forum will instead become about gardening or how to forgive and forget and how all people are kind deep down and of course they are all equal and you should let by gones be bygones. Because that's what we have all been waiting for: a nobody coming, reading for 20 min and then blessing us with their ''wisdom''.

People like you are scum in my eyes for their extreme arrogance. Who are you exactly? Why do you feel entitled to come to this forum and teach the members what they should believe with main argument that YOU believe it?

I am not even going to waste my time typing to analyze the nonsense you wrote and focus instead on explaining to the one brain cell that maybe is working in your brain washed brain.

''Their culture disgusts me but I don't believe we should kill them for that blah blah''.

Ok who are you exactly? Why should I follow something because a random online believes it? You are a nobody. So keep your beliefs to yourself and not try to educate others when you are not asked.

Scum like you are legit spiritual maggots, I have dealt with them over and over and over, always telling me what to think, what not to do, and omg never be violent, never retaliate, never be angry it's too much,whoever wants revenge better digs too graves.

Meanwhile while everyone advises you to not fight back, you are being cursed, your freedoms are taken away by the day and you are the frog in the boiling pot.

How about you take your demented ideas to share with your x-tian grandma and fuck off the forums?

And keep this lesson: a random nobody doesn't get to lecture anyone. Time to be reminded of your place at the bottom and not act like an unsolicited teacher. Bye for good.
Aquarius said:
I knew you were black from the moment you said Hitler killed blacks, like sure lets add some lies that literally have no sense just to keep up with the victim

This guy who fought for Hitler's foreign army does not approve:

Even Jesse Owens said he was treated better in Nazi Germany than in the USA.


lain said:

Rabbis have admitted within their own circles that their souls come from another dimension, and their desire to enslave us. Please watch: Rabbis Admit Spiritual Origin of Jews

Beyond that, Judaism created both Christianity and Islam, which directly oppose Satan and occult practices like meditation and yoga. Simply look at the Pagan world, with its many advanced civilizations of ALL races, compared to the shit-hole of today.

Remember that the victors of wars write history. Hitler did not attack the Jews simply because he was upset they had money. That is way too simple of a reason. He understood that they were undermining Germany and Gentiles across the world, and so he had to stop them.

You, too, have an innate disgust for them, because you see the same as well. That does not happen for any other people on Earth, so how could you feel something like that for Jews? It is because they are opposed to Gentiles on a soul level.


A basic occult principle is that the material and spiritual worlds are both important. This is because the world we live in IS spiritually active. As we advance our consciousness, we can start to sense the spiritual energy around us. We are actively bound to be spiritually blind by the Jews who call us "Goyim", literally ANIMAL for this reason.

We are never meant to blast off into space for spiritual enlightenment. Although our soul can travel, and our being does change as we advance, we are supposed to evolve on earth, in the physical realm.

This is the nature of the base chakra and the earth element, which keeps us grounded in reality and in tune with the material realm.

Speaking of black people, blacks have the highest innate earth characteristics within them. They are able to feel and sense the material better than anyone else. This ability is what was given to blacks by Satan, and this also answers your question as to why race matters: each race holds unique spiritual gifts.

The Gods want us to be united and allied. Each race brings gifts to the others.

Please read:

Blacks for Satan Website

Black Clergy on Hitler
UnderSatansAuthority said:
* Infiltration alert *

infiltrators don't often announce themself with "New member here...who disagrees with your views", which defeats the tactic of infiltration.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=321718 time=1643846949 user_id=21286]
infiltrators don't often announce themself with "New member here...who disagrees with your views", which defeats the tactic of infiltration.

Often when people talk about infiltrators they mean a generic sort of troublemaker/troll and not in the strict way of someone who hangs in for a long time to infiltrate the clergy an/or meet with people offline in order to frame them with something illegal. The word infiltrator was used that way here since the Yahoo group era, and even by people like HP Maxine.

I understand that you want to give people a second chance and see the good in them in order not to turn away any newbies, but consider this: since the Yahoo group era, I've seen most trolls/infiltrators aren't as patient, calculating or sophisticated as you think. Many write one innocent seeming post and in the second one they immediately reveal themselves and say "fuck you I'm a christian". The majority of trolls/infiltrators expose themselves in the first post and aren't careful at all. Especially the xians. I can tell you, most troublemakers don't care to hang around for a long time, they are impatient and start "exposing" us and telling us we are "deluded" in the first post. I have only seen one or two people who hanged in for a long time in order to "blend in". It all makes sense considering the instant gratification culture we live in, so it isn't surprising at all that most trolls/infiltrators don't have patience.

In this case here, that person is one who has been banned under many different aliases before. See my post above.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=321718 time=1643846949 user_id=21286]
UnderSatansAuthority said:
* Infiltration alert *

infiltrators don't often announce themself with "New member here...who disagrees with your views", which defeats the tactic of infiltration.

They do sometimes, like this time.

Even if they may be infiltrators, we should assume a good faith for the sake of keeping our public image (just as we do with the deep fakes here) and answer their questions anyway and not just flame them like an arrogant prick. Especially ones that can easily be answered. We know that most of these questions have been debunked already.

Some of the times, people who come across the JoS website may not always interpret its national socialist understandings and views on jews quite clearly, and may jump to the forums too quickly so questions like this should be expected tbh. Especially as most people don't take the time the read the main site to that much depth.

This was the case for me when I first found the website and was only checking out the meditation section at first and then decided to take a peek at the yahoo groups only to be bewildered with some of the swastika images lol, then it took me a while to finally understand after reading further.
Rational Satanist said:
Stormblood said:
Oh, Noktifer. The vampire guy who also fancies himself high priest...

You mean the vampire-wannabe who was REEEEEEing about "Nazis" and "anti-vaxxers" here? That was "Lord_Nocturnus".


Is this kid for real?

Like this has to be a troll right?
Specter said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=321718 time=1643846949 user_id=21286]

infiltrators don't often announce themself with "New member here...who disagrees with your views", which defeats the tactic of infiltration.

They do sometimes, like this time.

Even if they may be infiltrators, we should assume a good faith for the sake of keeping our public image (just as we do with the deep fakes here) and answer their questions anyway and not just flame them like an arrogant prick. Especially ones that can easily be answered. We know that most of these questions have been debunked already.

Some of the times, people who come across the JoS website may not always interpret its national socialist understandings and views on jews quite clearly, and may jump to the forums too quickly so questions like this should be expected tbh. Especially as most people don't take the time the read the main site to that much depth.

This was the case for me when I first found the website and was only checking out the meditation section at first and then decided to take a peek at the yahoo groups only to be bewildered with some of the swastika images lol, then it took me a while to finally understand after reading further.

I think the problem is like a friend of mines I email from time to time. Is both S and NS is seen as utter garbage and scum shit.

I'm not sure how other people are I know many Euro people are quite shocked and bewildered, in the States there's a lot of jewish cucking and a fuck you attitude towards NS and S. NS is disliked not necessarily because of anti-sumetism or racial discord or anything you can make the argument many communist would like to see the rise of NS as compounding racial tensions and push the agenda of destabilization especially if ignorant jewish controlled NS is cemented unto the plain of existence. I think the main issue like it's been mentioned in Dr.Dalton's '39 MK is that Americans and many immigrants purposefully choose to hate socialism and NS assuming that NS is akin to the jewish socialism found in their countries or infecting the World stage. Which as Dalton puts it if people knew what real socialism and real nationalism was and it's combined into the system of NS they'd freak out and demand it.

I think the main reason we attract so many trolls and so many people who are in the occult but never delved into our sphere of influence or viewed things from a scientific perspective. For example the picture of Lord Noctunus is funny he is a Theistic(like us) and yet uses vamprysm and tries for apotheosis. So in essence in his first sentence he is being correct but afterwards falls by the wayside.

I think in my opinion the biggest problem is there is no baseline occult. Humanities baseline is so just dropped that for example a being of higher power shows a spiritual power. And yet people will be like that is fake or scientifically probe it. Or like the militaries of the World they abduct spiritually gifted people and end up using them till they kill them or maybe even experiment on them to figure out how this occurs.

I think Humans have been so conditioned to the physical World. That the physical World overrides any spirituality in fact they are so physical the physical World overly dominates any affairs of the people. And yet that very override of physicality isn't appropriate you'd think people would mellow out and chill out and be more grounded.

For example how is pyrokinesis done very simply the most simplistic explanation is on a basis level the entity is merely increasing the speed of movement and vibration of atoms and molecules by compressing them down to a singularity and generating heat/fire. Stupidly simple basic scientific fact found in the entire cosmos.

Unfortunately it seems like the levels of delusion aggrandize and explode rather than calm the fuck down. In essence what I'm trying to state is maybe civilization less engaging in the spiritual makes it more down to Earth. Instead of Pray and pump to make they make it with their hands. Unfortunately it never worked that way if Humanity was built from day one to harness nature through the process of spirituality. Then unfortunately taking away our spirituality is tantamount to the elimination of grounding.

Funny reminds me of a theory I came up with on void and trance and certain meditations. IF you aggrandize the spiritual tools of basis level, mental and physicality. It generates more grounding and centering. In other words despite the World of dreams and the dead like the story of Adonis going to the underworld or many of these World or underworld Gods projecting different properties. The very act of getting into meditation or into some scientific practice that works in harmony and only works with spirituality and when both are understood generate more. That the very act of performing these baseline meditations aggrandizes delusion in the beginning an inflation process and then pop the bubble bursts and you begin from a grounded/centered position.

In other words the very act of climbing the stairway to heaven causes some delusion some issues not gonna lie. But eventually everything mellows out. You'd think Humanity would mellow out by forgoing Spirituality but we were built to be Spiritual from day one. And I think this is the reason. For example xtians state as mentioned above we are delusional. How?

They don't explain they just go Fuck you I'm a fundie chrisitan. Funny that's exactly what I want to know if WE are delusional and everything must cuck to rabba krast and shehameforash. Why are you LARPing like a jew and using polytheistic elements to maintain your cult and live in a shitty bubble of delusions. In other words THEY are delusional because they aren't willing to take insert colored pill.

In essence at our current point people have to sit down and study to believe. Like one member replied to me, She mentioned the entire point of studying WW2 documentaries and whatnot from the axis perspective is just to redpill. Once your redpilled and know the truth especially the so-called most horrible of crimes the holyhoax. Funny she goes once you studied some things and taken it in and rationalized you pretty much can be in JoS and NS/SS because your in the understanding. Simply the act of studying is to understand a new property. I mention this as there is so much axis information that it begs the question how any one person can consume it all.

Unfortunately as unscientific couths the xtians are. If they say technology is of the devil or science is evil you believe it's a belief. Yeah it's a belief not gonna lie even our own system is a belief system. But science can help explain stuff rather than be learned helpless.

In the end we attract trolls because they don't study and maybe don't want to study. Or they study and get the federalis mentality let me learn this stuff and troll them. Funny your just aggrandizing our knowledge, pushing us to be a more cohesive force, and generally aggrandizing our collective resolve. IF anything the very troll has become a useful idiot for our cause. Studying MK except democratic/parliamentarian hatred Hitler had issues with the Government you can make the assumption Communists are the best useful idiots for generating National Socialism. If Communism is the politics of the enemy, the enemy of the enemy wants to know what it's option are. And when they realize the main diametric counter-fanatical force is National Socialism a revolutionary system that opposes the bloody revolution of the communist people will come in.

So in essence if this troll, trolls, or organization of trolls. Once they study our material and study our stuff and try and infiltrate or troll around or whatever. We basically force them to water the seeds of Amalek and they eventually might have mental thoughts of maybe you should study WW2 more from an Axis perspective. Or did 6 million really die? Or maybe the JoS is correct.

So in essence it's much like the story that was on White Death of Islam the kid that acts like a marxist and is eventually taken by the Ghost shown different realities and shown various things. Till he realizes he needs to be NatSoc and Satanic to defend the Human race and realizes he is wrong.

So in essence what I'm trying to state is we should act professional and counter-fire the troll with information. Because even they can change their mind and realize we are correct. It's like hacking maybe in the 1980s early 90s people believed hacking is wrong but when you realize hacking has been done since times immemorial(really it's a meme of epic proportions) and it's the action of procuring better technology or improving technology i.e. it's not malicious hacking, rather evolutionary hacking. When people en mass understand even they wish to hack something or do hacking even if it's already been done to appreciate the technological improvements.

Like it was said be professional you never know. Maybe it hacks their mind and they are willing to be either insert pill color or redpilled.
Specter said:
(just as we do with the deep fakes here)
I don't think we have deepfakes here. Anyone who shows pictures or videos of themselves here is very foolish indeed.
We are only talking about the truth here!

There are a lot of lies about Hitler, and the whole SS, being made up by the Jews.

The Jews are doing everything they can to make sure that humanity never knows the truth.

There were blacks in Hitler's community! He was not a racist.

We praise Hitler because he was a great man!

If he had not been, everything would have been destroyed!

If you take into account the books of the Jews, such as the Talmud, or the book of Zion, you can learn who and what the Jews really are.

Take note of the following website!


And if you are an infiltrator, then get out of here!
lain said:

They will always lie about that stuff. Heck, I would lie if I was trapped on an enemy planet as well. A better question is, why would your friend say anything different? How could they?

Everything Jews do is opposed to Gentiles, whether it is in their technology, such as Opiods, Nuclear bombs, or trying to Borg people, or with their spirituality, where if you are not a slave to their god, then it tries to hurt you in all sorts of ways. It is no wonder they have gotten kicked out of 100+ countries in history, but it must be someone else's fault, right?

People go crazy doing Angel magic, and Christianity and Islam have pulverized the planet, compared to how it existed under the Gods. However, Judaism is somehow not the cause?


As far as Rabbi Laitman, yes he is a real Rabbi, and recognized as such as well. When he is not teaching, he is busy trying to borg you...go figure.

"Michael Laitman, Professor of Ontology and the Theory of Knowledge, Ph.D. in Philosophy and Kabbalah, and M.Sc in Medical Bio-Cybernetics, is founder and director of Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute"

"Bnei Baruch (also known as Kabbalah Laam, Hebrew: קבלה לעם) is a universalist kabbalah association founded by Michael Laitman in the early 1990s.[1] It is estimated to have around 50,000 students in Israel, and some 150,000 around the world.[2] "

These are not stupid people, and they certainly would not have translated their entire speech so badly that they mistakenly say their soul is alien lol.


Blacks For Satan Website

What Jews think of Blacks: ""Many people will laugh at the very idea that a Jew would consider any black to be an equal as a rule, Jews loathe blacks more than they do whites, but they find that exploiting blacks is advantageous to the advancement of their agenda, and it is for this reason, and no other, that they associate with blacks.

Those who are incapable of attaining to supreme religious values include the black coloured people and those who resemble them in their climates. Their nature is like the mute animals. Their level among existing things is below that of a man and above that of a monkey." (Maimonides, Guide To The Perplexed, Hebrew Version)"


Here are more graphics:



FancyMancy said:
Specter said:
(just as we do with the deep fakes here)
I don't think we have deepfakes here. Anyone who shows pictures or videos of themselves here is very foolish indeed.

Well, when mageson and the other few were around everyone still remained relevant in question until they had to leave.
Specter said:
FancyMancy said:
Specter said:
(just as we do with the deep fakes here)
I don't think we have deepfakes here. Anyone who shows pictures or videos of themselves here is very foolish indeed.

Well, when mageson and the other few were around everyone still remained relevant in question until they had to leave.
I think you might be misusing the term "deepfake", but I think I realise what you mean now - trolls, posers, infiltrators, agents... That was bound to happen. The jew visits the sites frequently to keep tabs (lol) on us. Try as it might, it can't win.
FancyMancy said:
to keep tabs (lol) on us. Try as it might, it can't win.
By "tabs" I don't mean tabs in one's web browser. I meant the jew wants to keep tabs on us - and this is where I was lolling; it wants to keep tabs on us but JoSM is marching forward, regardless; the jew can want all it likes, but it won't be able to do much, or anything, with those tabs.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
