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Why don't we creare a thoughtform for every SS or do more group rituals?


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Now i know that our priority is the Final Rtr but i always wanted to ask why don't we do more things for us, what i mean is obviously the Final Rtr is awesome and help us in every way but we don't do more rituals like attracting wealth, increasing health and many more?

We just did the Wealth attracting one time for example and that is it. I get that there are priority and all but as a group taking some days when we concetrate a bit more on a different ritual should'nt be bad in my opinion without foregeting about the Final Rtr.

Another thing (wich i don't know if it's a stupid idead, if it is please just say it and asking thing mainly to the HP's wich should know more if it's a good idea or not) why don't we create a thoughtform like a Bank of energy that every SS can use it when they need it? For example let's say that you need to heal someone but don't have the time for a full 40 days spell you could use the energy of this thoughtform and so you would even have more time to do the Final Rtr and much more.

The jews have this too, obviously they have something like a parassite and they use energy mainly for bad things but we could use this for when we need to do a spell but don't have the time for a full 40 days spell. What do you think? It's stupid or not?
Or if a thoughtform is not a good thing then just more group rituals?
Do not get carried away by people and subgroups who do stupid shit like that. I had one guy tell me some old infiltrators made a thoughform and got 20 people charging it, and the thoughform was for evil intentions by the two jews running this thing.

This is stupid because people always misuse. If you want to make a thing and charge it with people misusing it, sure. Sacrifice yourself so that jews can watch anime porn or try to do all sorts of other drivel with your toil.

The enemy has based this off of siphoning the Gentiles. As such it had to be imposed through death and war etc. By using the same methods the results will be quite the same with people just doing dumb shit all over again. Having a thoughform just doing homework doesn't get anyone better grades. One eventually becomes a servant to his "servant".

We are going to do the Wealth Ritual tommorow anyway.

The RTRs by default do draw positive things on everyone, remove curses etc.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We are going to do the Wealth Ritual tommorow anyway.
The RTRs by default do draw positive things on everyone, remove curses etc.
Here is another organization of the instructions for the Wealth And Prosperity ritual, with the runes that were re drawn by Dafassss .
I think it looks neater this way and it might help people. :D The main problem was the old drawings of the runes that were all small and red on black backgrounds were hard to see clearly if you print it out, but these ones from Dafassss show up great on the paper. Same runes that are in my signature; he made them all individually then I stuck them together into one picture.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do not get carried away by people and subgroups who do stupid shit like that. I had one guy tell me some old infiltrators made a thoughform and got 20 people charging it, and the thoughform was for evil intentions by the two jews running this thing.

This is stupid because people always misuse. If you want to make a thing and charge it with people misusing it, sure. Sacrifice yourself so that jews can watch anime porn or try to do all sorts of other drivel with your toil.

The enemy has based this off of siphoning the Gentiles. As such it had to be imposed through death and war etc. By using the same methods the results will be quite the same with people just doing dumb shit all over again. Having a thoughform just doing homework doesn't get anyone better grades. One eventually becomes a servant to his "servant".

We are going to do the Wealth Ritual tommorow anyway.

The RTRs by default do draw positive things on everyone, remove curses etc.
Thank you, i posted this topic at the right time because we are doing the Wealth ritual again tomorrow, i guess my intuition helped me in this lol

About the Thoughtform i guess you are right and Group Rituals may be more powerful anyway.
I don't want to seem silly but exactly how would members benefit from this if not all members are advanced enough to even see such things.

For example thoughtforms are nice but what about the fact you need to clean them, empower them, and program them occasionally.

I mean it seems to me like it's a huge waste of time. If you wish to do one for yourself and your advance for that sure but for group assistance it seems strange almost like doing too much. Aren't thoughtforms based on how powerful you are and what you can deliver.
Not to belittle anyone I don't intend this that way but the idea of a thoughtform is dumb because there is no way to control who does the ritual or what is put into it. I don't think so it probably isn't a good idea. The idea would not be dumb though if a small group where only they know about it and are dedicated did it but it's not a good idea for on here I don't think. Some Jews would love this idea I am sure. Correct me if I am wrong on this as I never made a thoughtform I just read a lot on here and think this would backfire.

Anyways I have a suggestion myself. I remember I think it was back in around 2010 I believe it was HP Maxine had us do a ritual to incite public interest in Satanism. I honestly think this would be a really good idea maybe we should repeat the same one I am sure someone might know where this is I don't. I am not sure if that was on the old yahoo group that got taken down or even exactly what year it was.

I think group rituals are awesome this is just an idea for the future sometime since no one talked about that idea.

Thank you for posting the wealth ritual I am glad to help out.
Gear88 said:
I don't want to seem silly but exactly how would members benefit from this if not all members are advanced enough to even see such things.

For example thoughtforms are nice but what about the fact you need to clean them, empower them, and program them occasionally.

I mean it seems to me like it's a huge waste of time. If you wish to do one for yourself and your advance for that sure but for group assistance it seems strange almost like doing too much. Aren't thoughtforms based on how powerful you are and what you can deliver.
The Idea was that we created this thoughtform (for health or whatever) and we empowered It togheter, you don't need to see it to work with it. You just need it's name or/and sigil, you don't need to clean it but just to program It and empower it often.

When you do a working with more people the energy is stronger that the sum of the individual people's. There is a quote about this in the site Exposingchristianity. When you do a working it's not 2+2=4 but 2+2=6, the energy is stronger, don't know the reason but this is how it is.
With using a thoughtform, let's say that you need to heal someone you just use this already powerful thoughtform without doing a working. Now like HP said this system it's a bit parassite and it will probabily make everyone lazy, especially newbey. I thought about it and it will only bring laziness and many will not meditate because they have a more "easy" magick, probabily better to meditate and become powerful enough to make your spell manifest quicker. And we can always do group spells.
darkmonkey666 said:
Not to belittle anyone I don't intend this that way but the idea of a thoughtform is dumb because there is no way to control who does the ritual or what is put into it. I don't think so it probably isn't a good idea. The idea would not be dumb though if a small group where only they know about it and are dedicated did it but it's not a good idea for on here I don't think. Some Jews would love this idea I am sure. Correct me if I am wrong on this as I never made a thoughtform I just read a lot on here and think this would backfire.

Anyways I have a suggestion myself. I remember I think it was back in around 2010 I believe it was HP Maxine had us do a ritual to incite public interest in Satanism. I honestly think this would be a really good idea maybe we should repeat the same one I am sure someone might know where this is I don't. I am not sure if that was on the old yahoo group that got taken down or even exactly what year it was.

I think group rituals are awesome this is just an idea for the future sometime since no one talked about that idea.

Thank you for posting the wealth ritual I am glad to help out.

We have been doing these for years and we will do these in the future. This was also recently like last year and in 2017 etc.
luis said:
Gear88 said:
With using a thoughtform, let's say that you need to heal someone you just use this already powerful thoughtform without doing a working. Now like HP said this system it's a bit parassite and it will probabily make everyone lazy, especially newbey. I thought about it and it will only bring laziness and many will not meditate because they have a more "easy" magick, probabily better to meditate and become powerful enough to make your spell manifest quicker. And we can always do group spells.

You overestimate the assumption that such things do "succeed". Endless people do create these thoughforms including covens, Wiccans, and many others, who are clueless ,and they believe this is the solution to everything. The astral is filled with many of them that don't have any particular value. But they succeed with nothing at that. This is because they lack knowledge and these are in generally misused and they wither away, and numerous other factors involved.

Good luck sharing a thoughform with jews and Rabbis who are reading these forums and expecting it to go well. Sit there for years charging it etc, and see it getting scammed or just misused by 12 year olds who want to just get some free pussy, if even that, or people who use it to ascend in rank in League of Legends.

Jews will lose because of this. They created a parasitic egregore that they can no longer maintain and as such all their "empire" will just go down in a couple decades.

If you depend on a Walmart scooter to do your shopping then don't ask yourself why you're obese. Externalities like that may be good for a quick cure but they do not cure the basis of problems. People inherently will still be weak and just worshipping a random thing, with unpredictable results.

People who are advanced will always get what they want, even if 1 single person. This is because they know. People who pray to a spook to grant wishes do not know anything about this. This is just the reverse of where enlightenment is supposed to get someone.

Though-forms are good for some general uses, but they do not have the intelligence to act as mass mind works. Group rituals are superior to the creation of any thoughform. By the time they develop this intelligence they can also start getting free will, especially as influenced by "Everyone" who works with them. This can not only backfire, but comes at other issues.
luis said:
When you do a working it's not 2+2=4 but 2+2=6, the energy is stronger, don't know the reason but this is how it is.
You could think of that like this -

Consider vibration/back-and-forth/music or sound amplifiers where the sound is bounced back and forth amplifying it/the circulating of energy within our Souls.
There is Person A and Person B. A's power = 1 and B's power = 1. A's power then goes to B, which = another 1; B's power goes to A which = another 1. So A's 1 + B's 1 + A's power (1) which goes to B + B's power (1) which goes to A all add up; each time A's power goes to B and B's power goes to A the other person adds to it, plus adding their own which they generate repeatedly.

When we 'pass it back and forth', in this sense, we are amplifying it, giving it momentum, plus we are adding our own into it each time, as well. Like attracts like, so that increases it.

I hope that helps in a way to try and understand it in an allegory, if not an exact, direct understanding.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
Gear88 said:
With using a thoughtform, let's say that you need to heal someone you just use this already powerful thoughtform without doing a working. Now like HP said this system it's a bit parassite and it will probabily make everyone lazy, especially newbey. I thought about it and it will only bring laziness and many will not meditate because they have a more "easy" magick, probabily better to meditate and become powerful enough to make your spell manifest quicker. And we can always do group spells.

You overestimate the assumption that such things do "succeed". Endless people do create these thoughforms including covens, Wiccans, and many others, who are clueless ,and they believe this is the solution to everything. The astral is filled with many of them that don't have any particular value. But they succeed with nothing at that. This is because they lack knowledge and these are in generally misused and they wither away, and numerous other factors involved.

Good luck sharing a thoughform with jews and Rabbis who are reading these forums and expecting it to go well. Sit there for years charging it etc, and see it getting scammed or just misused by 12 year olds who want to just get some free pussy, if even that, or people who use it to ascend in rank in League of Legends.

Jews will lose because of this. They created a parasitic egregore that they can no longer maintain and as such all their "empire" will just go down in a couple decades.

If you depend on a Walmart scooter to do your shopping then don't ask yourself why you're obese. Externalities like that may be good for a quick cure but they do not cure the basis of problems. People inherently will still be weak and just worshipping a random thing, with unpredictable results.

People who are advanced will always get what they want, even if 1 single person. This is because they know. People who pray to a spook to grant wishes do not know anything about this. This is just the reverse of where enlightenment is supposed to get someone.

Though-forms are good for some general uses, but they do not have the intelligence to act as mass mind works. Group rituals are superior to the creation of any thoughform. By the time they develop this intelligence they can also start getting free will, especially as influenced by "Everyone" who works with them. This can not only backfire, but comes at other issues.
I agree 100% and this is why after explainin my initial idea to Gear88 i said this: "Now like HP said this system it's a bit parassite and it will probabily make everyone lazy, especially newbey. I thought about it and it will only bring laziness and many will not meditate because they have a more "easy" magick, probabily better to meditate and become powerful enough to make your spell manifest quicker. And we can always do group spells." After you replaid to me i came to this conclusion.

I really just wanted to get a 'professional' advice about it. Thank you.
FancyMancy said:
luis said:
When you do a working it's not 2+2=4 but 2+2=6, the energy is stronger, don't know the reason but this is how it is.
You could think of that like this -

Consider vibration/back-and-forth/music or sound amplifiers where the sound is bounced back and forth amplifying it/the circulating of energy within our Souls.
There is Person A and Person B. A's power = 1 and B's power = 1. A's power then goes to B, which = another 1; B's power goes to A which = another 1. So A's 1 + B's 1 + A's power (1) which goes to B + B's power (1) which goes to A all add up; each time A's power goes to B and B's power goes to A the other person adds to it, plus adding their own which they generate repeatedly.

When we 'pass it back and forth', in this sense, we are amplifying it, giving it momentum, plus we are adding our own into it each time, as well. Like attracts like, so that increases it.

I hope that helps in a way to try and understand it in an allegory, if not an exact, direct understanding.
Thank you, i had a general idea on how it worked and it's similar to yours.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
darkmonkey666 said:
Not to belittle anyone I don't intend this that way but the idea of a thoughtform is dumb because there is no way to control who does the ritual or what is put into it. I don't think so it probably isn't a good idea. The idea would not be dumb though if a small group where only they know about it and are dedicated did it but it's not a good idea for on here I don't think. Some Jews would love this idea I am sure. Correct me if I am wrong on this as I never made a thoughtform I just read a lot on here and think this would backfire.

Anyways I have a suggestion myself. I remember I think it was back in around 2010 I believe it was HP Maxine had us do a ritual to incite public interest in Satanism. I honestly think this would be a really good idea maybe we should repeat the same one I am sure someone might know where this is I don't. I am not sure if that was on the old yahoo group that got taken down or even exactly what year it was.

I think group rituals are awesome this is just an idea for the future sometime since no one talked about that idea.

Thank you for posting the wealth ritual I am glad to help out.

We have been doing these for years and we will do these in the future. This was also recently like last year and in 2017 etc.

Ok sorry about that I wasn't unfortunately on here in 2017 I think I told everyone here in the story but thanks for replying I will do it in the future when it comes out again.

Hail Satan
Just do money workings for yourself. No ones stopping you.
I have had some success using thoughtforms for healing, and in black magic, and had some ideas as to how they could be used, but there are a lot of problems to using a thoughtform with a large group of people.

Every person who knows the name of your thoughtform and uses it, will influence the thoughtform, and if the influence they have on it is not what was intended, then this polutes the thoughtform and corrupts it, effectively rendering it useless.

Making a good thoughtform takes effort, and a fair bit of knowledge. A lot can be done with thoughtforms, when used on an individual basis, but they take maintenance and only work when used to enhance your magic.

They are NOT a replacement for any workings or magic you do, they can work that way, but mostly they are useful for focusing energies, like a conduit for your focus and will and to gather and send a lot of energy somewhere at once, more than you would be able to raise in a single working.

For healing, a thoughtform that is properly programmed can be helpful, as you can raise a lot of energy into it over time and also program it to have them gather energy on their own, to be able to draw on them when you need it.

Long distance healing can be more difficult due to having to focus your mind very clearly on the person, this is easier to do when you are physically present with the person you are healing. In this case a thoughtform can be useful for healing as you can use it to deliver the energy to the person in case you might struggle focusing and delivering your energy properly, but after you reach a certain level this isn't necessary anymore, but it can still enhance your magic until a certain point.

Speaking from a few years of experience using thoughtforms here.

I find there are good and bad ways to use thoughtforms, and I think there is merit to using them, as the way the enemy uses them is far from the only way to use them. There is a lot that can be done with them, but it isn't easy to make proper use of them and even then at most they can enhance your abilities, they don't ever replace them and they take a lot of maintenance if you want to keep them as strong and capable as they can be.

However I also believe it's not useful to create a large thoughtform to be used by a large group of people, such as our whole SS family, that just has so many loop holes and the energy can be abused so easily, it simply will never work.

The only time I could see a thoughtform be useful is if a close group of SS, like a real coven of real SS all at the same level and with the same intentions as to the use and creation of the thoughtform create one together and use it to more easily channel their energies when they do group rituals together.

If even one person there has different intentions they can ruin the thoughtform almost instantly and completely waste all the time and effort, and even damage the other people who have worked with this thoughtform. Therefore the situation where people can use a thoughtform in a group are very small and perhaps even none existent.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
Gear88 said:
With using a thoughtform, let's say that you need to heal someone you just use this already powerful thoughtform without doing a working. Now like HP said this system it's a bit parassite and it will probabily make everyone lazy, especially newbey. I thought about it and it will only bring laziness and many will not meditate because they have a more "easy" magick, probabily better to meditate and become powerful enough to make your spell manifest quicker. And we can always do group spells.

You overestimate the assumption that such things do "succeed". Endless people do create these thoughforms including covens, Wiccans, and many others, who are clueless ,and they believe this is the solution to everything. The astral is filled with many of them that don't have any particular value. But they succeed with nothing at that. This is because they lack knowledge and these are in generally misused and they wither away, and numerous other factors involved.

Good luck sharing a thoughform with jews and Rabbis who are reading these forums and expecting it to go well. Sit there for years charging it etc, and see it getting scammed or just misused by 12 year olds who want to just get some free pussy, if even that, or people who use it to ascend in rank in League of Legends.

Jews will lose because of this. They created a parasitic egregore that they can no longer maintain and as such all their "empire" will just go down in a couple decades.

If you depend on a Walmart scooter to do your shopping then don't ask yourself why you're obese. Externalities like that may be good for a quick cure but they do not cure the basis of problems. People inherently will still be weak and just worshipping a random thing, with unpredictable results.

People who are advanced will always get what they want, even if 1 single person. This is because they know. People who pray to a spook to grant wishes do not know anything about this. This is just the reverse of where enlightenment is supposed to get someone.

Though-forms are good for some general uses, but they do not have the intelligence to act as mass mind works. Group rituals are superior to the creation of any thoughform. By the time they develop this intelligence they can also start getting free will, especially as influenced by "Everyone" who works with them. This can not only backfire, but comes at other issues.
I agree with you Commander. Better group rituals. I have an idea ... A group ritual to bless our spiritual development.
VoiceofEnki said:
I have had some success using thoughtforms for healing, and in black magic, and had some ideas as to how they could be used, but there are a lot of problems to using a thoughtform with a large group of people.

Every person who knows the name of your thoughtform and uses it, will influence the thoughtform, and if the influence they have on it is not what was intended, then this polutes the thoughtform and corrupts it, effectively rendering it useless.

Making a good thoughtform takes effort, and a fair bit of knowledge. A lot can be done with thoughtforms, when used on an individual basis, but they take maintenance and only work when used to enhance your magic.

They are NOT a replacement for any workings or magic you do, they can work that way, but mostly they are useful for focusing energies, like a conduit for your focus and will and to gather and send a lot of energy somewhere at once, more than you would be able to raise in a single working.

For healing, a thoughtform that is properly programmed can be helpful, as you can raise a lot of energy into it over time and also program it to have them gather energy on their own, to be able to draw on them when you need it.

Long distance healing can be more difficult due to having to focus your mind very clearly on the person, this is easier to do when you are physically present with the person you are healing. In this case a thoughtform can be useful for healing as you can use it to deliver the energy to the person in case you might struggle focusing and delivering your energy properly, but after you reach a certain level this isn't necessary anymore, but it can still enhance your magic until a certain point.

Speaking from a few years of experience using thoughtforms here.

I find there are good and bad ways to use thoughtforms, and I think there is merit to using them, as the way the enemy uses them is far from the only way to use them. There is a lot that can be done with them, but it isn't easy to make proper use of them and even then at most they can enhance your abilities, they don't ever replace them and they take a lot of maintenance if you want to keep them as strong and capable as they can be.

However I also believe it's not useful to create a large thoughtform to be used by a large group of people, such as our whole SS family, that just has so many loop holes and the energy can be abused so easily, it simply will never work.

The only time I could see a thoughtform be useful is if a close group of SS, like a real coven of real SS all at the same level and with the same intentions as to the use and creation of the thoughtform create one together and use it to more easily channel their energies when they do group rituals together.

If even one person there has different intentions they can ruin the thoughtform almost instantly and completely waste all the time and effort, and even damage the other people who have worked with this thoughtform. Therefore the situation where people can use a thoughtform in a group are very small and perhaps even none existent.
Hey thank you for the tips! Very intestings. I guess there are pro and cons to thoughtforms. As much as i like the pro i still don't work with them that much because of some cons. Like keeping them programmed or that they could get a mind of their own wich honestly scares me a little.
Thoughtforms can indeed get autonomy and a mind of their own, but even if they do they can still be loyal and helpful.

A thoughtform which is properly programmed can benifit from having their own mind, as they can act on their programming without you needing to tell them everything.

You just need to make sure you are always in control and that your thoughtform doesn’t get polluted by any other influences.

When you don’t need to use them you can tell them to hibernate in your astral temple, there nobody will bother them and since thoughtforms exist on the astral only, they are not bound by time and space.

I had kept a thoughtform there for more than a year and the moment I called on it, it appeared and was still exactly as I left it. I just had to clean them a little.

They had gathered energy all that time and the ritual I used them for was greatly enhanced by being able to draw out their energy. After the ritual it was pretty drained so I send it back to my astral temple.

Having a thoughtform is kind of like having a pet, though they can be left alone for a long time like I did. To have them as useful and powerful as they can be, they require maintenance somewhere between a small pet like a bunny or a bird, and a dog.

They do require an investment of energy, but you get get much more out of them than what you put in if you use them well.

Also if a thoughtform ever goes rogue you can easily destroy it by vibrating their name backwards and affirming “You are no more”. It is written on the JoS page.

There are more ways you can destroy them too and in many cases you can “salvage” them and bring them back under your control, so the effort you put into creating them doesn’t go to waste.

There are more advanced thoughtform creation techniques I learned from my GD that aren’t written on the JoS or in any literature I know of, these take a bit of effort and it’s a real waste if you loose a thoughtform like that.

The techniques are very different from the methods of the enemy and create a very different kind of thoughtform.
luis said:
wich honestly scares me a little.
:twisted: :lol: :twisted: :lol: :twisted:
:p :p
VoiceofEnki said:
Thoughtforms can indeed get autonomy and a mind of their own, but even if they do they can still be loyal and helpful.

A thoughtform which is properly programmed can benifit from having their own mind, as they can act on their programming without you needing to tell them everything.

You just need to make sure you are always in control and that your thoughtform doesn’t get polluted by any other influences.

When you don’t need to use them you can tell them to hibernate in your astral temple, there nobody will bother them and since thoughtforms exist on the astral only, they are not bound by time and space.

I had kept a thoughtform there for more than a year and the moment I called on it, it appeared and was still exactly as I left it. I just had to clean them a little.

They had gathered energy all that time and the ritual I used them for was greatly enhanced by being able to draw out their energy. After the ritual it was pretty drained so I send it back to my astral temple.

Having a thoughtform is kind of like having a pet, though they can be left alone for a long time like I did. To have them as useful and powerful as they can be, they require maintenance somewhere between a small pet like a bunny or a bird, and a dog.

They do require an investment of energy, but you get get much more out of them than what you put in if you use them well.

Also if a thoughtform ever goes rogue you can easily destroy it by vibrating their name backwards and affirming “You are no more”. It is written on the JoS page.

There are more ways you can destroy them too and in many cases you can “salvage” them and bring them back under your control, so the effort you put into creating them doesn’t go to waste.

There are more advanced thoughtform creation techniques I learned from my GD that aren’t written on the JoS or in any literature I know of, these take a bit of effort and it’s a real waste if you loose a thoughtform like that.

The techniques are very different from the methods of the enemy and create a very different kind of thoughtform.
Thank you so much for the ammount of informations! I always thought that if you programm a thoughtform to take energy from the sun (or whatever) and you hibern it then you can have a huge ammount of energy that you can use for a working. It's like when you put money into a Bank and then you have some interest. I think it's useful and something to work on.

If you have time and can share more informations it will be really helpful and interesting to read :) thank you anyway!
luis said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Thoughtforms can indeed get autonomy and a mind of their own, but even if they do they can still be loyal and helpful.

A thoughtform which is properly programmed can benifit from having their own mind, as they can act on their programming without you needing to tell them everything.

You just need to make sure you are always in control and that your thoughtform doesn’t get polluted by any other influences.

When you don’t need to use them you can tell them to hibernate in your astral temple, there nobody will bother them and since thoughtforms exist on the astral only, they are not bound by time and space.

I had kept a thoughtform there for more than a year and the moment I called on it, it appeared and was still exactly as I left it. I just had to clean them a little.

They had gathered energy all that time and the ritual I used them for was greatly enhanced by being able to draw out their energy. After the ritual it was pretty drained so I send it back to my astral temple.

Having a thoughtform is kind of like having a pet, though they can be left alone for a long time like I did. To have them as useful and powerful as they can be, they require maintenance somewhere between a small pet like a bunny or a bird, and a dog.

They do require an investment of energy, but you get get much more out of them than what you put in if you use them well.

Also if a thoughtform ever goes rogue you can easily destroy it by vibrating their name backwards and affirming “You are no more”. It is written on the JoS page.

There are more ways you can destroy them too and in many cases you can “salvage” them and bring them back under your control, so the effort you put into creating them doesn’t go to waste.

There are more advanced thoughtform creation techniques I learned from my GD that aren’t written on the JoS or in any literature I know of, these take a bit of effort and it’s a real waste if you loose a thoughtform like that.

The techniques are very different from the methods of the enemy and create a very different kind of thoughtform.
Thank you so much for the ammount of informations! I always thought that if you programm a thoughtform to take energy from the sun (or whatever) and you hibern it then you can have a huge ammount of energy that you can use for a working. It's like when you put money into a Bank and then you have some interest. I think it's useful and something to work on.

If you have time and can share more informations it will be really helpful and interesting to read :) thank you anyway!
Hey bro (VoiceofEnki) I’ve got the stuff u written on the yahoo groups about thoughtforms, since people are interested I guess you don’t mind I post it since you can just add to that info after that if you want. Here it is:

Voiceofenki thoughforms

About servitors/thoughtforms, I made mine tap into the energy of the Black sun. They are constantly absorbing power from the Black sun whenever they don't have anything to do, it's exremely powerful.

Making them absorb energy from the sun and black sun is way more efficient than having them absorb your own excess energy, since the sun and black sun have billions and billions of times more power in them than your potential excess energy, so your thoughtforms can take a lot more power from those sources than they can take from you.

You can also change thoughtforms over time, make them do different things, make them more advanced or less advanced.

I made a thoughtform that is capable of understanding speech and forming it's own words and to a degree even it's own oppinions. It can think to a degree. Not on the same level as a human being, since it has no physical body with a brain, but it is quite advanced in what it is capable of.

Even another Satanist was able to speak to it, although just very basic words, however still they were able to have a conversation with it and it spoke back to them.

I'm still experimenting with this and figuring out the limits and the possibilities, but they can do a lot and become very advanced elemental beings.

The way I make mine is combining two or more elemental energies together and giving the thoughtform a basic internal structure composed of a basic chakra system simmilar to our own chakra system. I took inspiration from Satans creation (our own soul) to try and make the most advanced thoughtform I am capable of creating at my current level and I'm still working on it to improve her and make her more advanced, more simmilar to our design on the soul level.

It is a long process, but it is very worth it and it is very rewarding. She is a healing thoughtform and she is capable of seeking out negative energy in the person I send her to herself and can identify the cause of the health problem from a spiritual perspective herself and then apply healing energy, by taking it from the sun and placing it in the persons soul where it is needed. She can also protect others and myself and identify threaths around me. She helps empower my AoP and my soul by filling it with energy from the Sun and Black sun at all times, which is a significant help and she has more than given me back the energy I had to put into her to create her. Which in my opinion means she is a good and effective creation.

I refer to this thoughtform as female, even though they technically do not have a gender, I found that giving them a form as specific as possible makes them more real and gives them more pressence, in my opinion humanoid thoughtforms are the most interesting and pleasant for me to work with.

I combined the Water element, Fire element and Ether element as well as the energy of Venus and the Sun into her being and balanced all these energies out, I gave her an astral body of my own creation with a basic chakra system where I filled each chakra with energy and programmed them to spin in order to empower her, then I gave her a more complete form, an astral body that resembles a 3 foot fairy with little wings, long hair and a slender female body. I gave her a name and then affirmed her purpose into her.

Over a couple months I have been working on her and empowering her, making her more capable and letting her learn things by looking into my soul and taking information from my soul, such as the ability to communicate and speak.

When I first created her she could not speak to me, she was unable to say or do anything, but a few days later after I ordered to attach to my soul and learn from me proper etiquette, proper speech and astral communication and as much spiritual knowledge regarding the Gods and spiritual truth she could learn from my soul she was able to speak with me and communicate almost as if talking to a human soul on the aether.

A while back my Guardian came to me and blessed her, she told me that this thoughtform was a splendid creation and I should be proud of her and I should keep working on her as she will be a valuable spiritual companion for my entire lifetime.

My two thoughtforms also engage in conversation together sometimes, which is very wonderful and amusing to see.

They are both very capable, one being more advanced than the other but both are capable of basic speech and conversation. They communicate together and have their own personalities, which have evolved overtime and can change depending on how clean they are astrally.

It is important when you have a thoughtform to keep it clean as best as you can, by cleaing it's aura and soul periodically. Even when you program it to take in energy of the sun, if you give it a mission where it is away from you for a long time it's best to clean it well afterwards if you want to keep working with this same thoughtform and keep building it up and making it stronger.

Long lasting thoughtforms that are build to be future proof can stay wity you for a lifetime, and even multiple lifetimes in case you won't reach the magnum opus this lifetime. It can protect you in the afterlife and it can serve you there by giving your soul energy so you can better sustain yourself and it can do so much more.

Thoughtforms have huge potential when used correctly and are far more and far better than just one time use spiritual bombs to destroy a target or something.

Sheal, I found that any thoughtform, even ones made purely for destruction benifit greatly by taking in energy from the sun as a core, or base.

Think of it like this: The greatest power comes from the light. Light is power.

My second thoughtform is made for destruction and he does a great job at it. Destruction I found is also very versatile, for example as an experiment, when I was having a mild food poisoning a few weeks back from eating some old meat on accident, I ordered my second thoughtform, made for destruction to destroy any negative energy or weakness that was in my being.

Which he did, instead of healing the illness, he destroyed the illness and it effectively healed me as well.

Normally I would have used my first thoughtform for this, since she is made for healing, but I had her doing something else at the time that was more important for her to do.

Now when I first created that second thoughtform based on destruction, I gave him a simpler form, he was made from black energy and red energy, which I combined with the energies of Saturn and Mars. Those energies I combined with the elements of fire and earth and Ether. I gave him that basic chakra structure and then programmed him.

He was already powerful this way, but I found that he was lacking something, so a few months later I decided to redo his creation, I gave him a core filled with energy of the sun and black sun this time and then bound the energy of saturn, mars and the 3 elements I used to this solid white gold core.

The increase in power was significant, he felt so much stronger.

I have him absorb energy from the sun as well, and bind this energy to the fire element, which can make it very destructive. He still has black energy in his aura too, so he can absorb energy from people I send him after and drain him, this black energy I bound to the earth element and the saturnian energies.

Because he has multiple different energies that are a part of him and that are balanced in a way they do not conflict with each other (by binding them to specific chakra's in his structure, giving the energy a place to settle instead of swirling wildly through his aura or energy body) he is capable of doing different things if I need him to do so and can take energy from multiple sources.

Black energy is basically light in reverse, it is darkness. There is a lot of power one can take from that, but light is where power comes from. Having a strong core of bright light seems to be good for any thoughtform.

If you look at our souls, we have 7 main chakra's and a very complicated system of minor chakra's, connected by meridians, which then are connected to the light body, the soul, the astral body, the physical body and everything is interfaced and balanced perfectly. It's so complicated it's actually difficult to get a full picture of our multidimensional methaphysical being.

The chakra's consist of all the planets energies, and the 4 corners of our soul are bound to the 4 elements, with the center consisting of the Ether. We have many different energies flowing though our beings, which is what makes us so advanced and gives us so much potential power. Of course most of our potential comes from the Kundalini and pur advanced ability to learn to tap into the infinite universal Ether and make use of it, just like the Gods.

I applied a simmilar approach to the creation of my thoughtforms, but of course I am no god and can not recreate the human soul. I did the best I could in making a basic structure reminicent of the human soul, giving my thoughtform a seperate light body (their aura), an astral body and a chakra structure where I could seperate the energies from each other by giving each chakra a specific property of their being.

Fire and water for example, don't mix well. So I bound one chakra to the fire energy I used and one chakra to the water energy I used, this way the thoughtform could make use of both those elemental properties without having these elements clash.

I used Ether to balance out the two elements I used in the creation, since it is neutral and doesn't clash with other energies.

In the case of your thoughtform sheal, you could give it a basic inner structure and let it take energy from Saturn and the sun/black sun. The power it takes from the sun it can use to increase it's overal power, while the power taken from Saturn it can use to destroy targets or things you want it to destroy.

You could even attempt to program it to take the negative saturnian energies from your soul, and fill your soul with powerful energy from the sun and black sun at the same time, instead of trying to have it destroy saturns influence over you.

Saturn is important for us, but perhaps by programming a thoughtform to absorb all the negative saturnian energies from you, leaving the positive influence it has on you alone and then fill itself with energy of the sun to balance out this negative energy so the thoughtform doesn't get damaged or destroyed over time, which it can also fill your soul with at the same time could be very benificial.

I also think it's important when making thoughtforms, that you try to get more energy out of them than you put in them. If you need to let it absorb your excess energy all the time then it won't give you back any energy, you won't get a good return out of the initial energy invested into the creation of the thoughtform.

Energy is wealth in the more advanced societies and in the societies of the Gods. They don't sue corrency, but they use energy. Ones energy equals ones power and ones wealth and status. Here on earth not so much yet, since money is pretty much what dictates how much power someone has, but it is good to start building up your total energy "bank" so you can have more power when the world starts changing and adapting this satanic "economy" where energy is the currency instead of any artificial thing.

You could for example program your excess energy to always keep you in good health, or to make sure you keep advancing steadily in a healthy and positive way for you, or perhaps you can program your excess energy to attract more money to you, since money is important at this time here on the physical earth. Then have your thoughtform absorb energy from a natural source like the Sun and basically give you more power and energy for free.

You can only absorb a certain amount of energy from the sun at any one time, but having a thoughtform can effectively increase the amount of energy you can take in at any time by quite a lot, since you and that thoughtform can both take in energy from the sun or some other source at the same time, increasing the amount of energy you can take and increasing the amount of power you can have.

Thoughtforms are extensions of yourself. They are what ever you want them to be, but first and foremost they ar ean extension of your will, that can act seperately from you.

For example, you could do a working yourself to increase your heatlth and a working to attract money and also a curse working on someone that wronged you, but doing so many things at once by yourself will diminish the power of each working.

Instead you could focus on one working with your full attention and have two thoughtforms focus all their attention on those two other workings. Those thoughtforms can take in energy passively and as a result you can spread your attention much wider while not loosing any focus on each individual working.

That is why I feel it can be very valuable to have a couple advanced and well made thoughtforms, which are long lasting and future proof, as they will advance with you and grow as you grow and once they are created they require little maintenance. They are basically an extension of your being in a way, they are your creation and can increase your capabilities a lot.

Thoughtforms also arent bound by time or space, so they have little to no restictions in terms of what they can do for you.

There is so much I am still learning about when thoughtforms are concerned, but I found that their potential is enormous and I have a lot of ideas and hypothesis that I am working to test and figure out. So far one of the most bimportant things I found from personal experience is that a solid structure seems very benificial in increasing a thoughtforms power and intelligence, and the more intelligent the thoughtform is the more capable it becomes as it can seek out things to do on it's own (within it's field of expertiese). That in turn means they require even less maintenance.

Currently I am trying to make one of my thoughtforms as autonomous as possible to see how well they can function on their own, while still having her be loyal to me so that she will listen when I need her or ask her something.
VoiceofEnki said:
I have had some success using thoughtforms for healing, and in black magic, and had some ideas as to how they could be used, but there are a lot of problems to using a thoughtform with a large group of people.

Every person who knows the name of your thoughtform and uses it, will influence the thoughtform, and if the influence they have on it is not what was intended, then this polutes the thoughtform and corrupts it, effectively rendering it useless.

Making a good thoughtform takes effort, and a fair bit of knowledge. A lot can be done with thoughtforms, when used on an individual basis, but they take maintenance and only work when used to enhance your magic.

They are NOT a replacement for any workings or magic you do, they can work that way, but mostly they are useful for focusing energies, like a conduit for your focus and will and to gather and send a lot of energy somewhere at once, more than you would be able to raise in a single working.

For healing, a thoughtform that is properly programmed can be helpful, as you can raise a lot of energy into it over time and also program it to have them gather energy on their own, to be able to draw on them when you need it.

Long distance healing can be more difficult due to having to focus your mind very clearly on the person, this is easier to do when you are physically present with the person you are healing. In this case a thoughtform can be useful for healing as you can use it to deliver the energy to the person in case you might struggle focusing and delivering your energy properly, but after you reach a certain level this isn't necessary anymore, but it can still enhance your magic until a certain point.

Speaking from a few years of experience using thoughtforms here.

I find there are good and bad ways to use thoughtforms, and I think there is merit to using them, as the way the enemy uses them is far from the only way to use them. There is a lot that can be done with them, but it isn't easy to make proper use of them and even then at most they can enhance your abilities, they don't ever replace them and they take a lot of maintenance if you want to keep them as strong and capable as they can be.

However I also believe it's not useful to create a large thoughtform to be used by a large group of people, such as our whole SS family, that just has so many loop holes and the energy can be abused so easily, it simply will never work.

The only time I could see a thoughtform be useful is if a close group of SS, like a real coven of real SS all at the same level and with the same intentions as to the use and creation of the thoughtform create one together and use it to more easily channel their energies when they do group rituals together.

If even one person there has different intentions they can ruin the thoughtform almost instantly and completely waste all the time and effort, and even damage the other people who have worked with this thoughtform. Therefore the situation where people can use a thoughtform in a group are very small and perhaps even none existent.

I thought maybe you could improve your thoughtforms with a Falun (Falun Gong) :

If you are able to, please write here a good affirmation/way to create one in one self.Thx for your providet information.

Thanks for finding that, it's been a while since I posted that, there's a bunch of things I'd written in there I'd like to take the opportunity to correct.

A lot of my earlier experiences regarding thoughtforms were influenced by my own imaginative mind, not all experiences were strictly real, I'd like to put that in perspective and correct that, though the general part on how I created them and how they work is still true.

First on maintenance, like I said in my other reply, they do require maintenance to function optimally, and if you want to create a permanent thoughform that will stick with you and grow with you, as an extension of yourself like I described, you need to work with it regularly, other wise they slowly dissipate over time, even if you let them stay in your astral temple.

A thoughtform is exactly that, just an astral manifestation of your thought and will, and is only as powerful as you can make them, even if you let them absorb energy from the sun, they won't magically become massively powerful over time, they are limited by the energy the people who are working with them can handle.

This more so allows them to maintain themselves, rather than charge up indefinitely. Same as you are only able to raise a limited amount of energy at once, based on your current level of spiritual advancement, and not an indefinite amount. Thoughtforms are the same, they can help you gather more energy than you would on your own, but they also have a limit on how much energy they can take in, based on the level of the creator and people working with them.

When I called mine back after leaving it alone for a long time, while it was the same as I left it, it's presence had weakened, and it's shape was less defined, the traits I had given it had watered down, but I was able to fix that by cleaning it and reprogramming it quickly, the energy it had gathered over that time was clean and good to use, but it hadn't gathered as much energy as I thought it would, I'd say about as much as I could raise in 3 workings, which I believe is due to the fact it has a limit to how much energy it can hold and had already long reached that limit.

With more people working with a thoughform it becomes bigger, like what the enemy does, it simply becomes a chaotic mass of energy that takes the shape it has been programmed to have by the majority of people feeding it.

A thoughtform made for personal use is different in that it's power is limited by the creator and it can grow with you.

The whole part I wrote about their communication was definitely influenced by my own perception of things, and not necessarily all real, I can say that now after a few more years of Spiritual Satanism and becoming more grounded in my thoughts and understanding.

I can say she has a personality, which is according to what I allocated to her, and other SS were able to see her form as I allocated it to her, and were able to share a few words together, but it is only as talkative as the person working with it wants it to be, which is due to the nature of thoughtforms, they are at first simply imaginative things, given shape and an astral presence by the energy and will the creator put's in them.

When you have a vivid imagination and want your thoughtform to talk, it will talk as much as you can imagine it would, it doesn't truly have a brain and cannot truly gain real intelligence because of that. The only intelligence and personality it can have is the intelligence and personality it gains through interaction with you and other people.

It is simply programmed into it, which can give an illusion to actual intelligence and cognitive ability.

They can have autonomy, but unlike what I said in my old reply, you don't want your thoughtform to be autonomous, you want them to be programmed as such that they "know" what to do when you call upon them, and have a set amount of actions they can take to fulfill it's role, but not go off on their own or become autonomous in the sense they rebel against you, as that is totally useless.

The more you work with it and the more clear your image of your thoughtform is, the more solid it's presence becomes and the easier it is for others to notice it's presence as well. This is were longevity comes from, if a thoughtform has a very defined shape, character, and role, then it will dissipate slower than if you simply made it into a blob or cloud of energy without any definable traits, the traits given will slowly dissipate over time if they are left alone.

Now also a warning, be careful what you create and what you try to work with. If you create a destructive thoughtform like I described I did, and it is in your presence, this destructive energy will also affect you and your environment.

Saturn deals with entropy. Making a thoughtform out of Saturnian energy, for the purpose of destruction, will cause it to dissipate much faster, as this entropy permeates through the thoughtform itself as well, meaning it will rampantly suck in energy from around itself to feed itself and keep itself going, as you had programmed to do. This includes you, thus if you make such a thoughtform, send it away and let it do it's thing.

Don't count on it coming back to you either, such thoughtforms aren't suited for longevity and aren't healthy to keep around. A positive thoughform is worth keeping around as it's presence is beneficial instead and has a positive influence on your environment and yourself.

Infusing elements and planetary, or maybe even stellar energies into them can let you effectively program the traits of these that you want it to have into your thoughtform. This makes them very versatile, but trying to have too many of such things around is simply too draining on the mind, unless there are better ways to let them hibernate without dissipating and without requiring maintenance that I don't know of yet. Therefore, making a single beneficial thoughtform is better than making many.

Always remain grounded and don't let your imagination run out of control, as this can lead to useless things and fluff that simply wastes time. Even if you can give a thoughtform a semblance of intelligence and a sense of autonomy, you always need to make sure it is beneficial and suits the purpose for which you created it.

When I do a working with it, such as long distance healing, I find my workings are about twice as effective as they would be without having the thoughtform, since it allows me to focus and deliver the energy I raise better. Combined with the extra energy they can deliver which they can gather on their own over time there is definite benefit to having one, but I do think that once someone reaches a higher level of advancement the usefulness diminishes and might perhaps even become a liability, as ultimately magic is the manifestation of your own will, when you are suitably advanced you don't need any mediums in any form to perform magic adequately, you simply manifest what you will.

Ultimately a thoughtform is a medium which I think becomes obsolete at some point, or perhaps your thoughts gain such strength that you don't require to create a specific thoughtform, and simply your thoughts alone have the same results, manifesting exactly what you want without any need to invest in it further.
VoiceofEnki said:
I think your thoughtform didn't take a lot of energy because you hibarnate it and so the command to assorb energy slowly weakened. Instead if you programm it everyday to take energy in from any other source it's a bit time consuming for you but it will take much more energy in with time.
Sorry if the thread is old, but I have some questions
@VoiceOfEnki did you create your thoughtforms using the method explained on the joy of Satan, with the energy coming out from the chakras ? Is this the best way?
And is it needed to be astrally open, and have open astral senses, in order to create a thoughtform? Or it's not needed to properly see them.
And how much should last the process of creating a thoughtform?
VoiceofEnki said:

Thanks for finding that, it's been a while since I posted that, there's a bunch of things I'd written in there I'd like to take the opportunity to correct.

A lot of my earlier experiences regarding thoughtforms were influenced by my own imaginative mind, not all experiences were strictly real, I'd like to put that in perspective and correct that, though the general part on how I created them and how they work is still true.

First on maintenance, like I said in my other reply, they do require maintenance to function optimally, and if you want to create a permanent thoughform that will stick with you and grow with you, as an extension of yourself like I described, you need to work with it regularly, other wise they slowly dissipate over time, even if you let them stay in your astral temple.

A thoughtform is exactly that, just an astral manifestation of your thought and will, and is only as powerful as you can make them, even if you let them absorb energy from the sun, they won't magically become massively powerful over time, they are limited by the energy the people who are working with them can handle.

This more so allows them to maintain themselves, rather than charge up indefinitely. Same as you are only able to raise a limited amount of energy at once, based on your current level of spiritual advancement, and not an indefinite amount. Thoughtforms are the same, they can help you gather more energy than you would on your own, but they also have a limit on how much energy they can take in, based on the level of the creator and people working with them.

When I called mine back after leaving it alone for a long time, while it was the same as I left it, it's presence had weakened, and it's shape was less defined, the traits I had given it had watered down, but I was able to fix that by cleaning it and reprogramming it quickly, the energy it had gathered over that time was clean and good to use, but it hadn't gathered as much energy as I thought it would, I'd say about as much as I could raise in 3 workings, which I believe is due to the fact it has a limit to how much energy it can hold and had already long reached that limit.

With more people working with a thoughform it becomes bigger, like what the enemy does, it simply becomes a chaotic mass of energy that takes the shape it has been programmed to have by the majority of people feeding it.

A thoughtform made for personal use is different in that it's power is limited by the creator and it can grow with you.

The whole part I wrote about their communication was definitely influenced by my own perception of things, and not necessarily all real, I can say that now after a few more years of Spiritual Satanism and becoming more grounded in my thoughts and understanding.

I can say she has a personality, which is according to what I allocated to her, and other SS were able to see her form as I allocated it to her, and were able to share a few words together, but it is only as talkative as the person working with it wants it to be, which is due to the nature of thoughtforms, they are at first simply imaginative things, given shape and an astral presence by the energy and will the creator put's in them.

When you have a vivid imagination and want your thoughtform to talk, it will talk as much as you can imagine it would, it doesn't truly have a brain and cannot truly gain real intelligence because of that. The only intelligence and personality it can have is the intelligence and personality it gains through interaction with you and other people.

It is simply programmed into it, which can give an illusion to actual intelligence and cognitive ability.

They can have autonomy, but unlike what I said in my old reply, you don't want your thoughtform to be autonomous, you want them to be programmed as such that they "know" what to do when you call upon them, and have a set amount of actions they can take to fulfill it's role, but not go off on their own or become autonomous in the sense they rebel against you, as that is totally useless.

The more you work with it and the more clear your image of your thoughtform is, the more solid it's presence becomes and the easier it is for others to notice it's presence as well. This is were longevity comes from, if a thoughtform has a very defined shape, character, and role, then it will dissipate slower than if you simply made it into a blob or cloud of energy without any definable traits, the traits given will slowly dissipate over time if they are left alone.

Now also a warning, be careful what you create and what you try to work with. If you create a destructive thoughtform like I described I did, and it is in your presence, this destructive energy will also affect you and your environment.

Saturn deals with entropy. Making a thoughtform out of Saturnian energy, for the purpose of destruction, will cause it to dissipate much faster, as this entropy permeates through the thoughtform itself as well, meaning it will rampantly suck in energy from around itself to feed itself and keep itself going, as you had programmed to do. This includes you, thus if you make such a thoughtform, send it away and let it do it's thing.

Don't count on it coming back to you either, such thoughtforms aren't suited for longevity and aren't healthy to keep around. A positive thoughform is worth keeping around as it's presence is beneficial instead and has a positive influence on your environment and yourself.

Infusing elements and planetary, or maybe even stellar energies into them can let you effectively program the traits of these that you want it to have into your thoughtform. This makes them very versatile, but trying to have too many of such things around is simply too draining on the mind, unless there are better ways to let them hibernate without dissipating and without requiring maintenance that I don't know of yet. Therefore, making a single beneficial thoughtform is better than making many.

Always remain grounded and don't let your imagination run out of control, as this can lead to useless things and fluff that simply wastes time. Even if you can give a thoughtform a semblance of intelligence and a sense of autonomy, you always need to make sure it is beneficial and suits the purpose for which you created it.

When I do a working with it, such as long distance healing, I find my workings are about twice as effective as they would be without having the thoughtform, since it allows me to focus and deliver the energy I raise better. Combined with the extra energy they can deliver which they can gather on their own over time there is definite benefit to having one, but I do think that once someone reaches a higher level of advancement the usefulness diminishes and might perhaps even become a liability, as ultimately magic is the manifestation of your own will, when you are suitably advanced you don't need any mediums in any form to perform magic adequately, you simply manifest what you will.

Ultimately a thoughtform is a medium which I think becomes obsolete at some point, or perhaps your thoughts gain such strength that you don't require to create a specific thoughtform, and simply your thoughts alone have the same results, manifesting exactly what you want without any need to invest in it further.

Hello voiceofenki
I would like to know your meditation schedule
What you follow in a day
Hail goddess diana said:
Hello voiceofenki
I would like to know your meditation schedule
What you follow in a day
There is no point copying what others to dot to dot. Generally we should focus on same things, but the approaches can vary a lot. Creating your own schedules is not a big deal. Sit down, and think for a moment.
Henu the Great said:
Hail goddess diana said:
Hello voiceofenki
I would like to know your meditation schedule
What you follow in a day
There is no point copying what others to dot to dot. Generally we should focus on same things, but the approaches can vary a lot. Creating your own schedules is not a big deal. Sit down, and think for a moment.

But could be nice to see some examples from advanced members. Not necesary the exact schedule, but what you focus most (aura, chakras, yoga etc). Or what you do you do when you have a bad day, what you to not forget to do every few days, some advices :)
Dark Blue Eye said:
Henu the Great said:
Hail goddess diana said:
Hello voiceofenki
I would like to know your meditation schedule
What you follow in a day
There is no point copying what others to dot to dot. Generally we should focus on same things, but the approaches can vary a lot. Creating your own schedules is not a big deal. Sit down, and think for a moment.

But could be nice to see some examples from advanced members. Not necesary the exact schedule, but what you focus most (aura, chakras, yoga etc). Or what you do you do when you have a bad day, what you to not forget to do every few days, some advices :)
Good point. I just got the feeling that someone wants to copy someone else, and that should not be encouraged. Inspiration and advice, that's another story.
Henu the Great said:
Dark Blue Eye said:
Henu the Great said:
There is no point copying what others to dot to dot. Generally we should focus on same things, but the approaches can vary a lot. Creating your own schedules is not a big deal. Sit down, and think for a moment.

But could be nice to see some examples from advanced members. Not necesary the exact schedule, but what you focus most (aura, chakras, yoga etc). Or what you do you do when you have a bad day, what you to not forget to do every few days, some advices :)
Good point. I just got the feeling that someone wants to copy someone else, and that should not be encouraged. Inspiration and advice, that's another story.
And I think we all do similar things. Even the HP's, Hatha and Kundalini Yoga, cleaning and chakras empowering. Then one can add some other meditations from Jos and/or get specific meditations from the Gods if their astral senses are open but really we have everything on the Jos to advance, we have members that did advance by following what is on Jos, I'm sure when the Jos is updated there are going to be more specific and powerful meditations but if one has their astral senses open can still get from the Gods and we can open our astral senses with the meditations that are on Jos now.
luis said:
Henu the Great said:
Dark Blue Eye said:
But could be nice to see some examples from advanced members. Not necesary the exact schedule, but what you focus most (aura, chakras, yoga etc). Or what you do you do when you have a bad day, what you to not forget to do every few days, some advices :)
Good point. I just got the feeling that someone wants to copy someone else, and that should not be encouraged. Inspiration and advice, that's another story.
And I think we all do similar things. Even the HP's, Hatha and Kundalini Yoga, cleaning and chakras empowering. Then one can add some other meditations from Jos and/or get specific meditations from the Gods if their astral senses are open but really we have everything on the Jos to advance, we have members that did advance by following what is on Jos, I'm sure when the Jos is updated there are going to be more specific and powerful meditations but if one has their astral senses open can still get from the Gods and we can open our astral senses with the meditations that are on Jos now.
Similiar yes, but not same. Of course we all do those, but new people have to focus on getting their game on before actually doing higher reps, empowerment, longer or multiple yoga sessions, complex meditations and so on.
Henu the Great said:
luis said:
Henu the Great said:
Good point. I just got the feeling that someone wants to copy someone else, and that should not be encouraged. Inspiration and advice, that's another story.
And I think we all do similar things. Even the HP's, Hatha and Kundalini Yoga, cleaning and chakras empowering. Then one can add some other meditations from Jos and/or get specific meditations from the Gods if their astral senses are open but really we have everything on the Jos to advance, we have members that did advance by following what is on Jos, I'm sure when the Jos is updated there are going to be more specific and powerful meditations but if one has their astral senses open can still get from the Gods and we can open our astral senses with the meditations that are on Jos now.
Similiar yes, but not same. Of course we all do those, but new people have to focus on getting their game on before actually doing higher reps, empowerment, longer or multiple yoga sessions, complex meditations and so on.
Of course, everyone is different. I always been able to do higher reps without " "burning" myself but I know some people need to do way less. What I'm trying to say here is that until you open your astral senses the meditations that you'll need are all on Jos, I was strugling some times ago where I thought maybe I was missing something but I just understood that everything is on Jos i just have to master it. Especially the basic like void, trance and being able to visualize. Nobody should skip it.
luis said:
Henu the Great said:
Dark Blue Eye said:
But could be nice to see some examples from advanced members. Not necesary the exact schedule, but what you focus most (aura, chakras, yoga etc). Or what you do you do when you have a bad day, what you to not forget to do every few days, some advices :)
Good point. I just got the feeling that someone wants to copy someone else, and that should not be encouraged. Inspiration and advice, that's another story.
And I think we all do similar things. Even the HP's, Hatha and Kundalini Yoga, cleaning and chakras empowering. Then one can add some other meditations from Jos and/or get specific meditations from the Gods if their astral senses are open but really we have everything on the Jos to advance, we have members that did advance by following what is on Jos, I'm sure when the Jos is updated there are going to be more specific and powerful meditations but if one has their astral senses open can still get from the Gods and we can open our astral senses with the meditations that are on Jos now.

You don’t necessarily need to have your astral senses fully open to receive guidance from our Goddesses and Gods.
Just be open.
NinRick said:
luis said:
Henu the Great said:
Good point. I just got the feeling that someone wants to copy someone else, and that should not be encouraged. Inspiration and advice, that's another story.
And I think we all do similar things. Even the HP's, Hatha and Kundalini Yoga, cleaning and chakras empowering. Then one can add some other meditations from Jos and/or get specific meditations from the Gods if their astral senses are open but really we have everything on the Jos to advance, we have members that did advance by following what is on Jos, I'm sure when the Jos is updated there are going to be more specific and powerful meditations but if one has their astral senses open can still get from the Gods and we can open our astral senses with the meditations that are on Jos now.

You don’t necessarily need to have your astral senses fully open to receive guidance from our Goddesses and Gods.
Just be open.
True but for specific meditations you may need to. Unless they can direct you to the information through books and so on but if they have to tell you something you cannot find anywhere then you need to have them open.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
