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Why did the Vikings worship the Norse Gods (Odin/Satan) but raped women in every village they pillaged?

VoE, Brother, your work is very appreciated.
The Outlaw Torn said:
Ignoring the part of your subversive jew behaviour where you attribute negative things to Cobra when he never said that,

The spoils they get is that they get to keep all the treasures they find. The chief shares the treasure with everybody who helped get it. And if they conquer any land, the soldiers get to live there with their families. Which was probably the most valuable thing because the new land is much better for farming. Some Viking tribes ended up as some of the richest and most free people in the world at that time.

Rape is not something that humans do, or at least not the white human subspecies. Rape is done almost entirely by jews, sand-jew muslims, and africans. If you are saying that rape should happen against my people, my white women and children, then you are the lowest and most worthless type of garbage soul. You have no positive value and your only influence is harmful you subversive rat. I want to describe what I think should happen to you but I am not going to break forum rules.
The Outlaw Torn said:
SHIT HAPPENS you snowflake. Rape is part of that. I don’t care if you have slave morality and think that lesser women shouldn’t be conquered even though that’s the way of the world. We don’t need lesser races around that’s why Hitler actually should have conquered the Slavs and had the Superior German army implant the slav women with the genetically superior seed. But behind all of your REEEEing you don’t understand that.

Rape is Sex+power and those are the 2 things that make the entire world function not your utopian horseshit theory about humans all being ONE United people. You call me subversive but you literally sound like a new ager.

No person should be raped period. All the talk about superiority goes out of the window if some race of beings goes around raping and impregnating woman to propagate what they believe is their superior seed.

Since the white race is a race with deep and superior racial origins, we are generally a race that doesn't do such ridiculous acts, since the superior person and race instinctively doesn't want to blemish their soul and being with such inferior and disgusting acts.

Rape happens during war time, and it is true even white people did it, even those of superior cultures, however it is not the norm and was shunned upon by most upstanding people of our race, soldiers and generals included.

Mass destruction, pillaging and rape of the conquered populace is the way of the enemy. Due to their inferiority, and the inferiority of their rulership, they seek to rule through tyranny and domination. Having soldiers pillage and rape the conquered population is one of the things they do to break the people and forcefully submit them.

This sort of brutal conquest is not the way for a superior race or ruler to allow. Adolf Hitler was adamant on disallowing this and treating the people they conquered same as his citizens, as in case they won the war, they would be future citizens under his rule.

The conquered people, especially those in Soviet Russia, actually had it better after the German army swept through the communist forces there, even though the German rule of those places didn't last very long due to the various factors that put Adolf Hitlers Germany at a disadvantage and eventually lost them this war.

Whereas the Red army was actively encouraged to rape, pillage and destroy the conquered people, especially the Germans.

They didn't just rape the woman they found, but they slaughtered the men before their families eyes, then raped his daughters before their mothers eyes, and raped and tortured to death the woman, while having a great time doing so, since they were taught that those are simply inferior things which deserve to be used and thrown away like a rag.

They were an army without morals, and behaved worse than beasts. An abomination in human form. This is what the enemy causes and does to people, transforming them into things less than beasts, causing mayhem and destruction anywhere.

The way of the superior race and being is to do the opposite.

No needless pillaging or destruction, no rape of the populace, but a quick return to order so life of the conquered citizens is as little disrupted as possible, and then to instate superior governing policy than what was there before the people were conquered, so the citizens immediately see the merit in being under the new leadership, therefore, turning the conquered citizens from being enemies and skeptical at best of the new rule, perhaps resentful for being conquered, into people who willingly submit to the new leadership because life is better under them.

That belief of yours, deserves a death penalty. As it is no different than aiding and abetting the genocidal ways of the jew and enemy.

If people are conquered like this, there is no merit in it and the conquerors deserve to get annihilated one way or another. Especially if it is committed against fellow gentiles by other gentiles. Even worse if by gentiles of the same race.

Brotherly wars and crimes are the worst tragedy and offense committed here on Earth against anyone.

Like it or not, but Slavs are white gentiles as well. Not much different even from Germans racially. There are plenty of Slav people born with completely Nordic phenotype's, because genetically they are still Whites.

To advocate the rape of an entire gentile population, you deserve to experience no less than that fate yourself.

Don't dare speak of this here again, and do not dare to associate with Satan if you hold these beliefs.

I will say. If I am in the army, especially if I am a general, and one of my soldiers commits rape, and I catch them, I'll personally execute them with my own hands, as an example to the other soldiers that some lines are never to be crossed, and to never entertain such thoughts again so long as I am around.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
Whereas the Red army was actively encouraged to rape, pillage and destroy the conquered people, especially the Germans.

They didn't just rape the woman they found, but they slaughtered the men before their families eyes, then raped his daughters before their mothers eyes, and raped and tortured to death the woman, while having a great time doing so, since they were taught that those are simply inferior things which deserve to be used and thrown away like a rag.

There are more jews in Russia than every other country in the world and nearly all bolsheviks were jews. The only reason the Russian army were doing that is because the ones doing it were pure genetic kikes. Like I said, this is not an action that is done by humans except in extremely rare cases. Nearly all rape in the world is done by jews, mixed populations that have been mixed with jew DNA, and Africans. This is not something that the White Human subspecies does, and the entire White Human subspecies has a deep and absolute disgust and hatred against this kind of actions.

This kike is talking about "lesser races" while wanting to follow the exact same subhuman animal actions that are only done by the absolute lowest. White people don't rape, almost all Asians don't rape, and the good Black people don't rape. It is only done by the lowest animals. And especially wanting to do this against our white women and children, this is the lowest and most worthless thing.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Whereas the Red army was actively encouraged to rape, pillage and destroy the conquered people, especially the Germans.

They didn't just rape the woman they found, but they slaughtered the men before their families eyes, then raped his daughters before their mothers eyes, and raped and tortured to death the woman, while having a great time doing so, since they were taught that those are simply inferior things which deserve to be used and thrown away like a rag.

There are more jews in Russia than every other country in the world and nearly all bolsheviks were jews. The only reason the Russian army were doing that is because the ones doing it were pure genetic kikes. Like I said, this is not an action that is done by humans except in extremely rare cases. Nearly all rape in the world is done by jews, mixed populations that have been mixed with jew DNA, and Africans. This is not something that the White Human subspecies does, and the entire White Human subspecies has a deep and absolute disgust and hatred against this kind of actions.

This kike is talking about "lesser races" while wanting to follow the exact same subhuman animal actions that are only done by the absolute lowest. White people don't rape, almost all Asians don't rape, and the good Black people don't rape. It is only done by the lowest animals. And especially wanting to do this against our white women and children, this is the lowest and most worthless thing.

I am sorry, but you aren't correct on this.

The red army was mostly composed of Russian gentiles, and many thousands among them practiced the most brutal rape and destruction of the native people they conquered.

This is because the enemy programs corrode the gentile soul and completely destroy the morality within the soul, so they no longer possess any of the superior qualities that a White gentile outside of the enemy influence would have.

The inquisition is another example. Many of the xian zealots who went around murdering pagans were actually gentiles. Their souls were just completely ruined by xianity and the influence of the jew thoughtform, where they relished in those acts.

The gentile that serves the enemy becomes the most vile monster void of any humanity.

There is no magical inner quality that prevents whites from stooping that low. Many whites and other gentiles have done so.

Chinese history is another grave example of this. The amount of brotherly rape, murder, mass destruction, genocide and other filth that took place there is unthinkable.

The red army is an example of what happens when the white gentile becomes part of the enemy borg, and serves them with full obedience after being completely broken down in both mind and spirit by the enemy influence and brutal rulership.

It is the same reason why gentile muslims act like this.

Since gentiles are inherently more advanced and powerful than the jew, if the gentile becomes corrupted through and through by the enemy programs, they become far worse then even them in what abhorrent acts they are capable of.

The gentile who serves the enemy becomes a true abomination. I know it, because I have seen it. More than I want to remember.
VoiceofEnki said:

I think you're part right but not completely. I think you are underestimating the number of jews and overestimating the number of gentiles.

The inquisition in Spain was entirely run and controlled by racial jews who pretended to convert to christianity to try to blend in with gentiles. Spain was ruled by jews for hundreds of years, and there are many people from Spain who look mostly gentile but some amount of jewish DNA can still be seen in their features. I don't think there were any humans involved, it was all the racial jews of the catholic church. Like Selena Gomez and comedian Tom Segura, they look like they are white gentiles but if you look very closely at them they are really jews.

Most of the muslim countries now are entirely led and controlled by racial jews who have mixed with Arab DNA. The Arab DNA is so mixed already that it is difficult to see the jewish features in some of them, but it is there. And many of the muslims now in the middle east are a genetic mix of Arab and jew DNA. And this is what drives them so strongly to support the jewish system of islam.

And Russia is famous for it's Russian jews and having the highest jewish population on earth. There are still a lot of white people in Russia, but there is also an extremely high number of people of mixed white and jewish DNA who look like they are white. Some of them can be very difficult to see the jewish DNA but it is there, like the guy in this picture.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
VoiceofEnki said:

I think you're part right but not completely. I think you are underestimating the number of jews and overestimating the number of gentiles.

The inquisition in Spain was entirely run and controlled by racial jews who pretended to convert to christianity to try to blend in with gentiles. Spain was ruled by jews for hundreds of years, and there are many people from Spain who look mostly gentile but some amount of jewish DNA can still be seen in their features. I don't think there were any humans involved, it was all the racial jews of the catholic church. Like Selena Gomez and comedian Tom Segura, they look like they are white gentiles but if you look very closely at them they are really jews.

Most of the muslim countries now are entirely led and controlled by racial jews who have mixed with Arab DNA. The Arab DNA is so mixed already that it is difficult to see the jewish features in some of them, but it is there. And many of the muslims now in the middle east are a genetic mix of Arab and jew DNA. And this is what drives them so strongly to support the jewish system of islam.

And Russia is famous for it's Russian jews and having the highest jewish population on earth. There are still a lot of white people in Russia, but there is also an extremely high number of people of mixed white and jewish DNA who look like they are white. Some of them can be very difficult to see the jewish DNA but it is there, like the guy in this picture.


Jews cannot conquer gentiles by the sword.

Perhaps if it is an army of 10.000 against a small village, they can manage, for a while, but there is no way some army of jews succeeds in painting much of Europe red with blood unopposed for as long as the inquisition did.

The inquisition was lead by jews, who commanded the gentiles enthralled by xianity to do all the dirty work and heavy lifting. They themselves didn't pick up the sword to fight, only the tools to torture after the fighting was done.

Fact is, most xians are gentiles, and most muslims are gentiles, and they are capable of the worst evil, more brutal than most jews even.

What actually happened is, through their curses and infiltration tactics, the jew slipped into positions of power, brainwashed and enthralled the populace through their instilled belief systems which corrodes the gentile soul, cutting them of from wisdom, rationality and logic, and then proceeded to sick them onto all the people that didn't willingly submit to their rule like a pack of savage dogs.

Meanwhile the jew stayed behind in their temples and courts, gloating about it, while the gentiles did all the dirty work for them, as they tortured some captured civilian to entertain themselves and let the ignorant, brainwashed populace suffer while they fought to the death against their own racial brothers.
I understand that actions of mass organized violence is sometimes necessary but rape is just disgusting ,utterly vile and despicable.
Jack said:
I understand that actions of mass organized violence is sometimes necessary but rape is just disgusting ,utterly vile and despicable.

The punishment of those who were rapists even in WW2 and the Roman Empire or the Greek Empire, was basically all the way from being killed to removal of office.

Any Roman general or soldier that was proven to do this, the cases of which were marginal and few, was stripped of all commands and in some cases imprisoned or killed. The reason for this is that politically speaking, invading armies, have to show a specific set of behavioral traits so that the people accept them. Unless that is done, eternal civil warfare takes place, and it is a fully time waste counterproductive thing.

Still, the bestial situation of wars causes these things, and it has been unavoidable. The strong morals on the time of war were thought to be a display of justified rule over ruled territories.

I think in the case of Vikings, probably rather inflated. For one, the Vikings practiced strict eugenic laws. It's also known the Vikings carried their own women whenever they went, exactly to avoid rape or similar things and keep themselves occupied with their own women.

I think there was also a punishment of amputation if anyone raped in a foreign land during an invasion. Other armies like the Mongolian or whatever, they took these measures far less lightly. This was because this is an animal act that evoked enmity of the local people, while even "War" in the past had specific sets of "morals". Not to call them morals, because the word is bad, but let's say "Rules".

For all we know, maybe the claims of "raping vikings" were a fad. Maybe some people did this here and there, we don't know. This has been the case in all armies worldwide. Some incur imprison, punishment, and death over this. That's because also this is seen as disobedience to command.

On the other hand, love or similar things can be possible to happen. When the US troops were in Italy after the end of the war, many women started marrying US personnel, but this has nothing got to do with this example.

Destruction, bloodshed, rape and whatever other atrocity is unavoidable in wars. But the idea of moral warfare is an Aryan thing that extends a lot in the past. The reasons for this are both political, cultural and of a spiritual notion. That is why also strangely in history many Aryans, even when they theoretically "Invaded" places in war like in India, they were not hated, but rather developed a form of peace with the local population.

The "Invasion" theory in India went even further to the point that they also gave them religious tenets, knowledge etc. This went both ways. Then the Aryans for whatever reason left, but they left leaving the locals in a better state than even their invasion.

It may come as shock, but even the "Art of War" was seen as a necessary evil, but the important idea was to do this properly and without destroying other Gentiles. There were certain morals of war, such as not touching civilians, leaving property intact, not instating heavy taxation [or even less taxation than the previous leaders], teaching people new morals, allowing people to have their own Pagan cultural heritage intact, never assaulting holy places, and many other rules around wars.

There were also absolute limits to how many people you would kill, and in even more noble times of warfare, sometimes wars were decided by the commanders going 1 vs 1 like you might have seen in the movie "Troy", to avoid mutual bloodshed of the rest of the army. The armies, being obedient, would then comply and go under the new rule, which for all intents, was just a new political government.

Alexander the Great instated many of these, and that's why even though he conquered all the known war at the time, he ended up being loved by most people who greatly lamented after his loss. The Roman Empire tried to emulate the same situation. Many of these events took place in the otherwise "Bloody" times of Era of Aries, and Era of Taurus.

The difference is, that even back then, many people were better off mentally, spiritually and closer to the Gods, so the amount of dirty warfare that took place, was far less than usual. WW1 was one of the dirtiest wars there has ever been.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
VoiceofEnki said:

I think you're part right but not completely. I think you are underestimating the number of jews and overestimating the number of gentiles.

Very interesting exchange. If I am to interject, be aware that the Russian Army/Heads of State at the head was like 95% Jewish, and then 5% of Shabbos Goyim that were no different than jews in anyway. Jews told the Red Army what to do.

The Jewish General whose name escapes me now, was the one that told them to go all out and exterminate even peasantry or civilians and regular people out of sheer bloodlust, and just also rape people in the process, steal everything they could steal etc.

The reason they were called the "Rapist Army" is because they purposefully wanted to exterminate people mentally, not just rule over them and change the Government, but just destroy the local people with a form of mental warfare that is of the lowest caliber.

That is a method that some troops and armies have followed in the past, but it breeds the worst detestable and gruesome circumstances in local populations. Since the Communists however wanted merely to destroy anyone [even Russians] they always brought the worse out of anyone.

As many of the soldiers on the home front were also terribly abused in Russia [this can make a person borderline insane] the jews told them to open up all their utter hatred on random people and civilians, to avoid having to deal with the aftermath of this rage within Russia.

Generally, this wasn't even normal wartime behavior, it was just Jews commanding and bringing the worst out of people. I don't think anywhere else the atrocity has happened in any war like the Jews commanded at this time.
The Outlaw Torn said:
The problem here is that you and everyone else have been afflicted with the xtain slave morality mindset.

// You are supposed to genocide your enemies and rape their women and pillage everything they have. Otherwise what is the point of war for the average soldier if you don’t get any spoils?

But modern “morality” has told everyone that this is bad and that war must have rules and a Geneva convention. That’s absurd. It’s war for a reason. Everything is allowed.

It depends on what enemy you fight. In particular, no limits wars are also disorganized and wars without a point. These generally bred nothing good in the end of them. Armies that followed this sense of behaving were hated by locals and their own people.

Unless we are talking about going against kikes, or the Red Army [which people knew was commanded like beasts of burden] then even war has to have specific parameters. That is because if this is not the case, the whole world will go on fallout, there might be internal rebellion etc.

Wars without any "Limits", even if a side wins these wars, the people that will be under it will hate it. The reasons here are more on the functional side, not a moral side. It's important to notice also, that from history, armies that did full "Immoral" warfare, were generally just hated and nothing has remained of them in any region.

Genghis Khan did conquer parts of Europe, but there is no trace of the culture or anything of the locals. It was just bloodshed and stealing, that's all about it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:
I understand that actions of mass organized violence is sometimes necessary but rape is just disgusting ,utterly vile and despicable.

The punishment of those who were rapists even in WW2 and the Roman Empire or the Greek Empire, was basically all the way from being killed to removal of office.

Any Roman general or soldier that was proven to do this, the cases of which were marginal and few, was stripped of all commands and in some cases imprisoned or killed. The reason for this is that politically speaking, invading armies, have to show a specific set of behavioral traits so that the people accept them. Unless that is done, eternal civil warfare takes place, and it is a fully time waste counterproductive thing.

Still, the bestial situation of wars causes these things, and it has been unavoidable. The strong morals on the time of war were thought to be a display of justified rule over ruled territories.

I think in the case of Vikings, probably rather inflated. For one, the Vikings practiced strict eugenic laws. It's also known the Vikings carried their own women whenever they went, exactly to avoid rape or similar things and keep themselves occupied with their own women.

I think there was also a punishment of amputation if anyone raped in a foreign land during an invasion. Other armies like the Mongolian or whatever, they took these measures far less lightly. This was because this is an animal act that evoked enmity of the local people, while even "War" in the past had specific sets of morals.

For all we know, maybe the claims of "raping vikings" were a fad. Maybe some people did this here and there, we don't know.

On the other hand, love or similar things can be possible to happen. When the US troops were in Italy after the end of the war, many women started marrying US personnel, but this has nothing got to do with this example.

Destruction, bloodshed, rape and whatever other atrocity is unavoidable in wars. But the idea of moral warfare is an Aryan thing that extends a lot in the past. The reasons for this are both political, cultural and of a spiritual notion. That is why also strangely in history many Aryans, even when they theoretically "Invaded" places in war like in India, they were not hated, but rather developed a form of peace with the local population.

The "Invasion" theory in India went even further to the point that they also gave them religious tenets, knowledge etc. This went both ways. Then the Aryans for whatever reason left, but they left leaving the locals in a better state than even their invasion.

It may come as shock, but even the "Art of War" was seen as a necessary evil, but the important idea was to do this properly and without destroying other Gentiles. There were certain morals of war, such as not touching civilians, leaving property intact, not instating heavy taxation [or even less taxation than the previous leaders], teaching people new morals, allowing people to have their own Pagan cultural heritage intact, never assaulting holy places, and many other rules around wars.

There were also absolute limits to how many people you would kill, and in even more noble times of warfare, sometimes wars were decided by the commanders going 1 vs 1 like you might have seen in the movie "Troy", to avoid mutual bloodshed of the rest of the army. The armies, being obedient, would then comply and go under the new rule, which for all intents, was just a new political government.

Alexander the Great instated many of these, and that's why even though he conquered all the known war at the time, he ended up being loved by most people who greatly lamented after his loss. The Roman Empire tried to emulate the same situation. Many of these events took place in the otherwise "Bloody" times of Era of Aries, and Era of Taurus.

The difference is, that even back then, many people were better off mentally, spiritually and closer to the Gods, so the amount of dirty warfare that took place, was far less than usual. WW1 was one of the dirtiest wars there has ever been.
According to the Genetic research, the Aryan Invasion is more like Pure White Aryans moving into regions where Aryans already lives for thousands of years but those Aryans who were living there weren't completely white and were of Pre Iranian (Steppe Pastoralist) descendants. That caused more mixing and the issue of various races melting together has persisted ever since.
It's better to call it Aryan Migration because it's been seen the multiple Migrations to and from has happened within the last 10000 years. There wasn't any bloodshed or Genocide as its made out to be. The Ancient Aryans who were performing the Lingam worship combined their religious beliefs with the White Aryans who brought Fire Worship rituals and the civilization got even more prosperous.
I believe (((Ilya Ehrenburg) was one of the Jews who explicitly advocated for mass rape as a war tactic, although there were probably others.

There was a Russian aristocrat who later went on to work for Hilton Hotels and as a paratrooper in America, Serge Obolensky, I read that (according to him) the Reds found almost no support among the peasantry in Crimea. So, they went and released the local criminal scum in the jails and enlisted them as "revolutionaries" to do their dirty work. Many Russian peasants were loyal to the Czar and hated the Reds. Jews do a lot of heinous shit themselves, but they also know where to fund worthless degenerates to carry out their dirty work. Just look at how Soros and others are trying to free violent criminals from prison and selling it as "bail reform". The anti-White lunatic who drove his car into a parade in Wisconsin had been recently released on very low bail after a violent crime thanks to these "reforms".
The Outlaw Torn said:
Ol aredco lucitfas the biggest crybaby of this forum. Voice of enki tries to educate with their responses while you just write everything in shiny bold colors to make your text look important to stupid people. It’s a joke.

You want for violence to be done against my people. I am very protective of my people. You are a worthless jew. The situation is that simple. If you weren't promoting for violent acts to be done against my people in every one of your comments, then I wouldn't have any reason to call you a kike. But it is what it is.

Because I have not done any educating with all of the history I have written on this topic about what Viking society was like. If you want to ignore that, I don't care. But it did happen.
VoiceofEnki said:
Often times, since I do not have the time to read every single topic, I ask myself in meditation if there are any topics that require my attention, then intuitively find them and write what needs to be said. I ask my GD as well sometimes, if there are topics that require my attention where my knowledge or wisdom can be of help, and let myself be directed where necessary.

It is quite different from many people who come here. I take it very seriously, and treat the Joy of Satan as my home, and the membership as my family, just like how Satan treats his followers no different than a father looking after his progeny.

You truly do that? I had known that you put extensive effort into helping people by expressing the knowledge you possess regarding a particular topic, but to specifically question as to how you may be able to offer your knowledge to people in your spare time, truly displays the extent of seriousness at which you take the advancement of our family.

You may not know of me, but you've helped me for years, too, and a lot of other people who might not yet have told you how strongly you have contributed to one's growth.
At times you actually also show some forms of knowledge and information that aren't normally just found or written. I'm referring to knowledge you've gained from experience and direct contact with the Gods. That's always inspired me, you know.

Anyway, to contribute to the topic of this thread, I find it strongly difficult to believe that a civilisation like the Vikings would commit something like rape. Anyone knit closely enough to the Gods and laws of nature would acknowledge sex as a sacred process of connecting the energies of the soul, utilising the spiritual and natural forces to grant life to a living, sentient being. Rape tarnishes this in the most wicked, corrupt forms, exploiting the concept of sex to rip out only a one-sided, sick form of pleasure. A people consisting of strong, White warriors who also respected women and children, resorting to such profane, deprived acts? No way on Earth.

Even in war, there is no way that this form of behavior would contribute to the objective of defeating the enemy. Bloodshed and losses in wars occur, yes, destruction to varying degrees is inevitable, yes. Where does rape benefit either side in this? Those that did commit this only do so to deliberately, unnecessarily cause further destruction to a victim on a personal level, and derive horrid satiety for their own depravation. It is simply twisted, and inhumane.
Stormblood said:
slyscorpion said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Vikings never raped anybody. During the time of the Vikings, there was never any story saying that any of them raped anybody. But there were many very detailed stories of the things that they did do, like murdering priests, stealing things, and taking slaves. The earliest recorded story that said that Vikings raped anyone was written more than a thousand years later and was written by a jew monk who was trying to convince everyone that vikings were some horrible evil thing and everyone needs to be christian instead.

At that time, the christians were absolute slaves. And they were physically disgusting because the jew church would not allow people to clean themselves for months at a time. Similar to how some specific types of jews and muslims still follow this and refuse to clean themselves. Christians were also mentally discusting, and worthless in every way. The christians all were living like farm animals. But Vikings were very clean, healthy, strong, smart, brave, and were successful people. Because of this, there are stories of people from the christian cities who willingly wanted to go live with the Vikings, including that many of the people wanting to join vikings were the women. Christian women were like slaves and were treated like farm animals, but Viking women were treated equally to men and had all of the same rights and abilities as a man. Even somebody who was considered as a slave in Viking society was treated much better than most of the christians who were called free.

And the contemporary sources that talk about people, and specifically a lot of women, wanting and choosing to go live with Vikings, these were written by the christians so they have no reason to write this if it wasn't true. If they were going to lie and make the vikings look worse, they would have said it was involuntary.

A good book to know what Vikings were actually like would be The Age of the Vikings by Anders Winroth.

It's nice to know they didn't do this stuff. I think people need to know also pagan times doesn't mean golden ages though. A lot of people were not very spiritually advanced. So there have probably been instances where people did do really bad things. Not saying this one way or another here as I didn't do much research into it but you seem confident. The jews always like making up stories like this.

The thing I find interesting is I believe viking is my distant ancestry and I am very much a warrior spirit who does stand up to as much as possible in the physical too if people don't treat me right.

I think the Golden Age was further back, mainly involving the oldest civilisations we know (Egypt, Mesopotamia, India). I think it was around the time when Egypt was pre-dynastic, then the Old Kingdom, and possible the Middle Kingdom's time too. Similar timelines can be observed in the other cradles too, I bet.

I would dare to say the Norse, the Romans, the Druids/Celts, and the Greek were all already after the Golden Age. The Ancient Egyptians did look at all of them are nothing more than children. Romans were even lower in understanding than Druids, which is why they sent their priests there to study.
Yeah i'm of strong opinion that the golden age was around 10-15k years ago
Inflorescentia said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:

Vikings never raped anybody.

LOL. :D Cool it with the absolute statements. They make me lose interest in reading what else you'd want to say.

If you care nothing about history and do not want to learn anything, then do not read what I have wrote about history. In a topic of a culture that I have been actively researching for almost all of my life because the Vikings are my people and my heritage. Keep listening to worthless lies that were written by jews a thousand years after Viking society ended. I'm sure the jew really tries to only tell the truth when it is slandering people. Even though all records contemporary with Viking society said exactly the opposite.

Actually, the entire idea of Vikings raping anybody can be traced back to one single person in one single christian monastery who wrote in a manuscript that this is something that happened. He wrote this about a thousand years after the Vikings lived. And every other person who has claimed that Vikings raped people trace back to this one single person as their entire "evidence." I wish I remembered the exact name of this person and the exact name of his monastery, but it was a couple years ago when I learned about him.

Just look how horribly the jews have slandered the Germans, and that was only a moment ago in history. There are still people living who experienced it and know the truth, and you still see how horrible the jew slander is. But you can't imagine that a jew who lived a thousand years after the Vikings would slander and lie about them?

I have to correct a number that I remembered wrong. The jewish christian monk that was the first and only source to say that Vikings raped people was not about a thousand years after the Vikings. It was about 200 years after the Viking age ended.

Think about it this way, ask yourself would you do it? I can answer I would never do this under no circumstances. Never.

So, I believe if some Vikings did commit that they were not my blood. Certainly not. My blood is not Viking. It is Nordic but not Viking, just the people there which the Vikings attacked sometimes but not much, north of England.

There were many people, Vikings, Celts, Scots, Irish, Danes, English. The English are the people formed by the defeat of the Celts, in France, then they lost in England against the English which is a mix of old northern romans.

This is all explained in racial books. The Vikings just took the Gods from the people of the land. The true Odin/Satan are my people, as I am a witness and heir. My lineage was never mixed.

As things are already bad enough for the immigration, I find it totally self-destructive the behavior of having incendiary titles such as this tread. It is exactly a kite mentality to find the needle or the match to light up the whole castle and destroy from within. We must focus on now and on ourselves.

You could say a lot worst things about Nazi Germany, as there was imo very bad things but the main objective was clearly good, it just resulted in the NWO, the Bretton Wood, the Marshall plan, all this which is now going full blast on our destruction exactly as Hitler predicted would happen when the war is lost. Like whatever Germany did, it received 10 times more problems after up to now, we really were placed white men against white men in the hands of the kike puppeteer. So please stop trying to find guilt, there is none to have, when one is pure. Assume the truth of existence and do like your ancestors to survive and have a family that is all.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
VoiceofEnki said:

I think you're part right but not completely. I think you are underestimating the number of jews and overestimating the number of gentiles.

The inquisition in Spain was entirely run and controlled by racial jews who pretended to convert to christianity to try to blend in with gentiles. Spain was ruled by jews for hundreds of years, and there are many people from Spain who look mostly gentile but some amount of jewish DNA can still be seen in their features. I don't think there were any humans involved, it was all the racial jews of the catholic church. Like Selena Gomez and comedian Tom Segura, they look like they are white gentiles but if you look very closely at them they are really jews.

Most of the muslim countries now are entirely led and controlled by racial jews who have mixed with Arab DNA. The Arab DNA is so mixed already that it is difficult to see the jewish features in some of them, but it is there. And many of the muslims now in the middle east are a genetic mix of Arab and jew DNA. And this is what drives them so strongly to support the jewish system of islam.

And Russia is famous for it's Russian jews and having the highest jewish population on earth. There are still a lot of white people in Russia, but there is also an extremely high number of people of mixed white and jewish DNA who look like they are white. Some of them can be very difficult to see the jewish DNA but it is there, like the guy in this picture.


so are you saying Spain and muslim countries and Russia is mostly mixed with jew DNA and i'm half Arab so are you saying i'm most likely jewish....and are you saying most of the people of those populations are jews?
DontTellMeWhatToDo said:
Any answers please? Thank you.

That is False History. That never happened.. The enemy has many reliable ""Historians"". Who recieve their titles from these corrupted elder "Lodges". One is initiated by them, then they climb 33 steps. Once the 33 steps are achieved they are given the power and title to re-write their heavily distorted history as they please, for the unborn generations that follow.

I cannot believe it when I see such videos on Internet

All on the video at first glance was making my blood boil when I read about the history of England and the texts written by the hero who died defending our rights.

This video is critical and one should vibrate with the truths made explicit there, in such a short video, condensing torture of the multitude of people inhabiting Britain by various despicable white people and the horrible kikes.
it was no worse than what the jews did their is passages, in their books that out right say they hunted peaceful tribes into extinction, cause hwhy said to,not to mention they would out right rape children in some of their rituals so yah,
(viking be bads but dont look at jews no they are bes peaceful peoples)not to mention the human/animal sacrifices to hwhy
which they would say oh its to moloc, but in reality the jews were really doing sacrifices to the jewish reptilian thoughtform,you can look that up to most scientists say they were sacrificeing their own an gentiles to their jewish god or thoughtform then they would blame their sacrifices on pagan gods,but the reptilian jews know im sure,

(oy vey wes bes offered our own to hwhy but goyims wills nots likes ours gods if wes tells truth so what cans wes do oh i know wes blames pagan gods an smear goyims gods that will nots comes back an bites us in a** later)

then the average gentile did his research an found out the lies he was taught about the pagan gods, an the reptilian oy veyyyyyyyying was heard all through out the world.
There were 2 instances of human sacrifice and 2 or 3 random rapes or simply tormenting villagers while insinuating Bjorn or Harald took part in it.
People said here that The Last Kingdom was much better https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=195263#p195263
I'd like to know if anyone read the novels can tell they end on a positive note for the main character or Paganism in general.

Now one I know of is Assassin's Creed Valhalla is better than both in many aspects in depicting the Nordics and Pagan themes - in the background you have literal space travelling Alien Gods who appear in the Myths as their respective allegories, and you raid xtian monasteries to make a better Britain - the only problem is that the gameplay is extremely boring, I'd skip most of it if I could to get just the main story bits:
I typically despise Ubisoft, but if you truly think that Assassins' Creed Valhalla portrayed Norse Mythology in a good way, I might try it. I typically trust your opinion on media, Egon. We've talked about media several times.
I typically despise Ubisoft, but if you truly think that Assassins' Creed Valhalla portrayed Norse Mythology in a good way, I might try it. I typically trust your opinion on media, Egon. We've talked about media several times.

AC Valhalla is extremely boring don't waste your time with it or any Ubisoft game for that matter, watch some yt movie compilation if you want the part about the story. Still, the story isn't that good only the lore, xtianity being evil and such, but whatever there are better things about this out there or better media.
I typically despise Ubisoft, but if you truly think that Assassins' Creed Valhalla portrayed Norse Mythology in a good way, I might try it. I typically trust your opinion on media, Egon. We've talked about media several times.
Assassins Creed Odyssey had some fairly interesting plot choices and design decisions. Pythagoras with the staff of Hermes, immortality, the city of Atlantis and some other seeming subliminal nods made me feel someone who had a part in making those design choices was trying to leave a trail of truth here and there in the corrupted narrative of ancient history ubisoft often tries to employ.

Another thing, towards the end of the game and the ending, your character is seen holding the staff of hermes and has literal immortality.

I don't often pay to much attention to mainstream games, but when I played through Odyssey I definitely was surprised to find all of that.

Last thing I want to mention, I hold a major grudge towards ubisoft over what they did to Rayman. The creator seemed to get so depressed and fed up he left the game industry all together, they butchered his character.
Watch the show Vikings. Very good.
Thanks, will do, the only reason I never did was that I automatically assumed the worst about it, seeing it being praised by this community props my hopes and expectations high.
Watch the show Vikings. Very good.
Honestly after the first season I was less interested, but this show surprised me deeply. I thought the tone would be the whole "oh vikings were soooo violent and gory and killed soooo many xians". But in reality it was quite reverent to nature, their religion/magic, culture, knowledge, and for the most part presented them in quite a reasonable light. Any barbarity displayed would be equaled if not outdone by xians. In reality, the bigger picture here was that the strongest survives. And of course the culture with Satan will be leagues stronger :^)

I actually wondered if the show was accurate because it does have animal/human sacrifice and recreational drug use in it.
But this show was one of the first to make me realise how fucked the Russian jews (vikings) are. And how vikings bending over for xianity ("peace") instead of the gods were... alive... but completely absorbed culturally.
Because the Gods are not feminists nor do they require you to treat enemies like your own kin, that is a Christian concept.

This sort of behavior would result in death if they tried to rape another man’s wife or daughter I’m not suggesting rape was legal in Pagan societies. On the contrary it was taken vary seriously much more then it is now for all the blubbering people do.

War brides were considered part of a solders pay for time immemorial the first line of the Iliad reads (They ran into the fields and shouted. “To war to war to every man a virgin wife.”)
It should be stated that the Gods do not control the behavior of the people. Just because someone "worships" one or more of our Gods doesn't guarantee that their behavior will be flawless.

There's responsibility to the responsible in Satanism. The Gods aren't responsible for what people who "worship" them do. Worshiping a being doesn't change your behavior, transforming your soul does. The average viking didn't have access to the spiritual knowledge that we have now. The only people at that time who had access to it were the priests and priestesses.

Questions like "why do the x people who worship the y god did z?" or "why does this person who worships (insert any Pagan God or Demon here) do that?" are so tiresome. People who ask them don't understand the basics of Satanism and expect it to be just like Christianity.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
