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Why did the Vikings worship the Norse Gods (Odin/Satan) but raped women in every village they pillaged?

Because that's what wars do. Theoretically everyone was following the Gods, but timelines, wars, actions, and other things like this, are on people.

What makes them more or less evil in their historical context [which it happened anywhere during these conditions]. The Natives did it, the Africans did it, the Arabs did it, and the Romans too. Romans even instated a law that rape of foreign women in invaded would incur a penalty of death, and still some people did it and were executed as a result.

Today, people are faced with 20 years in prison, and they still can do all sorts of bad acts.

Not every culture that simply followed something means that every person in it actually followed whatever the culture was.

The average person even during these times was quite distant from the Gods. Don't imagine that every single person down the street was coming to you on levitation and was on a holy state all the time. These people were more back then, but not everyone.

Scarcity, war and other things bring out the worst in humans.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Because that's what wars do. Theoretically everyone was following the Gods, but timelines, wars, actions, and other things like this, are on people.

What makes them more or less evil in their historical context [which it happened anywhere during these conditions]. The Natives did it, the Africans did it, the Arabs did it, and the Romans too. Romans even instated a law that rape of foreign women in invaded would incur a penalty of death, and still some people did it and were executed as a result.

Today, people are faced with 20 years in prison, and they still can do all sorts of bad acts.

Not every culture that simply followed something means that every person in it actually followed whatever the culture was.

The average person even during these times was quite distant from the Gods. Don't imagine that every single person down the street was coming to you on levitation and was on a holy state all the time. These people were more back then, but not everyone.

Scarcity, war and other things bring out the worst in humans.

I really respect and appreciate your deep understanding of so many things, and that you smash any and all doubts of people with your explanations!

Vikings never raped anybody. During the time of the Vikings, there was never any story saying that any of them raped anybody. But there were many very detailed stories of the things that they did do, like murdering priests, stealing things, and taking slaves. The earliest recorded story that said that Vikings raped anyone was written more than a thousand years later and was written by a jew monk who was trying to convince everyone that vikings were some horrible evil thing and everyone needs to be christian instead.

At that time, the christians were absolute slaves. And they were physically disgusting because the jew church would not allow people to clean themselves for months at a time. Similar to how some specific types of jews and muslims still follow this and refuse to clean themselves. Christians were also mentally discusting, and worthless in every way. The christians all were living like farm animals. But Vikings were very clean, healthy, strong, smart, brave, and were successful people. Because of this, there are stories of people from the christian cities who willingly wanted to go live with the Vikings, including that many of the people wanting to join vikings were the women. Christian women were like slaves and were treated like farm animals, but Viking women were treated equally to men and had all of the same rights and abilities as a man. Even somebody who was considered as a slave in Viking society was treated much better than most of the christians who were called free.

And the contemporary sources that talk about people, and specifically a lot of women, wanting and choosing to go live with Vikings, these were written by the christians so they have no reason to write this if it wasn't true. If they were going to lie and make the vikings look worse, they would have said it was involuntary.

A good book to know what Vikings were actually like would be The Age of the Vikings by Anders Winroth.
Ol argedco luciftias said:

Vikings never raped anybody. During the time of the Vikings, there was never any story saying that any of them raped anybody. But there were many very detailed stories of the things that they did do, like murdering priests, stealing things, and taking slaves. The earliest recorded story that said that Vikings raped anyone was written more than a thousand years later and was written by a jew monk who was trying to convince everyone that vikings were some horrible evil thing and everyone needs to be christian instead.

At that time, the christians were absolute slaves. And they were physically disgusting because the jew church would not allow people to clean themselves for months at a time. Similar to how some specific types of jews and muslims still follow this and refuse to clean themselves. Christians were also mentally discusting, and worthless in every way. The christians all were living like farm animals. But Vikings were very clean, healthy, strong, smart, brave, and were successful people. Because of this, there are stories of people from the christian cities who willingly wanted to go live with the Vikings, including that many of the people wanting to join vikings were the women. Christian women were like slaves and were treated like farm animals, but Viking women were treated equally to men and had all of the same rights and abilities as a man. Even somebody who was considered as a slave in Viking society was treated much better than most of the christians who were called free.

And the contemporary sources that talk about people, and specifically a lot of women, wanting and choosing to go live with Vikings, these were written by the christians so they have no reason to write this if it wasn't true. If they were going to lie and make the vikings look worse, they would have said it was involuntary.

A good book to know what Vikings were actually like would be The Age of the Vikings by Anders Winroth.

It's nice to know they didn't do this stuff. I think people need to know also pagan times doesn't mean golden ages though. A lot of people were not very spiritually advanced. So there have probably been instances where people did do really bad things. Not saying this one way or another here as I didn't do much research into it but you seem confident. The jews always like making up stories like this.

The thing I find interesting is I believe viking is my distant ancestry and I am very much a warrior spirit who does stand up to as much as possible in the physical too if people don't treat me right.
I think the situation calls for modernization of history to be twisted up and present a false narrative.

For example I like to call statistics the math of the Communist: One guy dies it's the end of the World, 300 people die it's a statistic.

I think it's the same thing here. SURE there may have been some isolated incident/s whereby a/an person/group of Vikings did something reprehensible like the Romans and whatnot.

But from what I gathered because those things didn't happen all the time or en mass they added them in or aggrandized them extremely high to state "SEE ebil, debil Paganz 'n' sheit".

I assume at least once a Viking did a criminal act and was punished accordingly i.e. justicial effect.

But in these cases as the topic on hand they are exploded to such high levels that it's like I said logic is being used to create illogic. Rather than the opposite illogic creating logic.

The logic is SOME isolated incidents often times punishment occurred. But funny enough the Vikings raped and slaughtered and enslaved everything.

What it should say is while criminal acts occur in every location by every civilization and by every person at some point to varying degree kinda like the stupid statement everyone breaks a law or two every day doing stuff. But that's not a reason why this was commonplace/tactic nor attribute of said civilization.

Notice how in the second I state an illogical thing and turned it logical.

It's just like current coof-19 logic is being used to create illogic rather if it were the opposite covid-19 would have been considered a pest of a sham and people wouldn't piss away their rights.

Vikings like any people of that era did things. Those illogical things present facts or logic that at the very least turning the cheek to crime didn't happen and civilizations enacted what we modern times call war crimes punishment.

Again using illogic to create logic.

Is it logical to tell your soldiers to rape and destroy everything. No. But illogically you can state some among you are gonna get the better of your feelings don't let these fleeting but powerful feelings affect your judgement be professional do your duty correctly. Step back from the madness and bring logic to it to return you to your duty.

Remember YOU WILL be punished for illogical mal behavior. Try to understand the logic you will get punished it'll happen at some point so conduct yourself at your own peril.

Some soldiers might get pist off or annoyed fucker trying to tell me what I can and can't do but funny enough someone goes he's right. Leave the crazy at home or use it for your duty but don't commit any crimes.

(If what I said doesn't make sense I guess maybe it could be better said as feelings vs logic or unfeeling vs feeling or more specifically intuition vs feeling vs logic. Also to be on topic all civilizations have done shit it's like White guilt Oy vey slavery but everyone had slaves at some point. But it's whiteys fault I think that is the main narrative with the vikings. Vikings = White = Paganz 'n' shiet = Ebil and Debil = White Supremacy).

So maybe this anti-Ancient World situation is merely describing jews millenias long campaign to wage war on the Gods.
slyscorpion said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Vikings never raped anybody. During the time of the Vikings, there was never any story saying that any of them raped anybody. But there were many very detailed stories of the things that they did do, like murdering priests, stealing things, and taking slaves. The earliest recorded story that said that Vikings raped anyone was written more than a thousand years later and was written by a jew monk who was trying to convince everyone that vikings were some horrible evil thing and everyone needs to be christian instead.

At that time, the christians were absolute slaves. And they were physically disgusting because the jew church would not allow people to clean themselves for months at a time. Similar to how some specific types of jews and muslims still follow this and refuse to clean themselves. Christians were also mentally discusting, and worthless in every way. The christians all were living like farm animals. But Vikings were very clean, healthy, strong, smart, brave, and were successful people. Because of this, there are stories of people from the christian cities who willingly wanted to go live with the Vikings, including that many of the people wanting to join vikings were the women. Christian women were like slaves and were treated like farm animals, but Viking women were treated equally to men and had all of the same rights and abilities as a man. Even somebody who was considered as a slave in Viking society was treated much better than most of the christians who were called free.

And the contemporary sources that talk about people, and specifically a lot of women, wanting and choosing to go live with Vikings, these were written by the christians so they have no reason to write this if it wasn't true. If they were going to lie and make the vikings look worse, they would have said it was involuntary.

A good book to know what Vikings were actually like would be The Age of the Vikings by Anders Winroth.

It's nice to know they didn't do this stuff. I think people need to know also pagan times doesn't mean golden ages though. A lot of people were not very spiritually advanced. So there have probably been instances where people did do really bad things. Not saying this one way or another here as I didn't do much research into it but you seem confident. The jews always like making up stories like this.

The thing I find interesting is I believe viking is my distant ancestry and I am very much a warrior spirit who does stand up to as much as possible in the physical too if people don't treat me right.

I think the Golden Age was further back, mainly involving the oldest civilisations we know (Egypt, Mesopotamia, India). I think it was around the time when Egypt was pre-dynastic, then the Old Kingdom, and possible the Middle Kingdom's time too. Similar timelines can be observed in the other cradles too, I bet.

I would dare to say the Norse, the Romans, the Druids/Celts, and the Greek were all already after the Golden Age. The Ancient Egyptians did look at all of them are nothing more than children. Romans were even lower in understanding than Druids, which is why they sent their priests there to study.
I might have had the title as 'Why did the jew corrupt history about the Norse Gods (Odin/Satan) and added bullshit to every story and historical culture it could not delete from history?'.

There be two quotes for ye, me laddies and lassies - "History is written by the living" and "History is written by the winners". I alter it slightly to my own version - History is bullshitted, exaggerated and fabricated by the living and the winners. Then, later on, when they decide necessary, the new living and new winners re-alter it further...

Despite there maybe not being any evidence or hard proof that the Vikings did such things, it seems somewhat likely that these things still might have happened. HPHC mentioned the Romans, saying they weren't as close to the Gods and Goddesses as we might think - it was said before that the Romans were as advanced as we were back in our Atomic Age; if that was the case, then I think that's more Science, Medicine and Technology - even diplomacy, politics, Philosophy... etc. - not as much Spirituality as one might expect.

See today - Children are encouraged to fancy dress up as pirates - and see what pirates were known for, not just piracy and pillaging but... other... things, as well... History has become a blur... As for what may or may not, might or might not, possibly or impossibly have happened in history - one does not know what happens behind closed doors, military establishments, in the Captain's cabin on-board ship...
Ol argedco luciftias said:

Vikings never raped anybody. During the time of the Vikings, there was never any story saying that any of them raped anybody. But there were many very detailed stories of the things that they did do, like murdering priests, stealing things, and taking slaves. The earliest recorded story that said that Vikings raped anyone was written more than a thousand years later and was written by a jew monk who was trying to convince everyone that vikings were some horrible evil thing and everyone needs to be christian instead.

At that time, the christians were absolute slaves. And they were physically disgusting because the jew church would not allow people to clean themselves for months at a time. Similar to how some specific types of jews and muslims still follow this and refuse to clean themselves. Christians were also mentally discusting, and worthless in every way. The christians all were living like farm animals. But Vikings were very clean, healthy, strong, smart, brave, and were successful people. Because of this, there are stories of people from the christian cities who willingly wanted to go live with the Vikings, including that many of the people wanting to join vikings were the women. Christian women were like slaves and were treated like farm animals, but Viking women were treated equally to men and had all of the same rights and abilities as a man. Even somebody who was considered as a slave in Viking society was treated much better than most of the christians who were called free.

And the contemporary sources that talk about people, and specifically a lot of women, wanting and choosing to go live with Vikings, these were written by the christians so they have no reason to write this if it wasn't true. If they were going to lie and make the vikings look worse, they would have said it was involuntary.

A good book to know what Vikings were actually like would be The Age of the Vikings by Anders Winroth.
Thank you for the book recommendation! Like most of the Viking stories comes from christians that seen them as the ultimate evil.
Ol argedco luciftias said:

Vikings never raped anybody. During the time of the Vikings, there was never any story saying that any of them raped anybody. But there were many very detailed stories of the things that they did do, like murdering priests, stealing things, and taking slaves. The earliest recorded story that said that Vikings raped anyone was written more than a thousand years later and was written by a jew monk who was trying to convince everyone that vikings were some horrible evil thing and everyone needs to be christian instead.

At that time, the christians were absolute slaves. And they were physically disgusting because the jew church would not allow people to clean themselves for months at a time. Similar to how some specific types of jews and muslims still follow this and refuse to clean themselves. Christians were also mentally discusting, and worthless in every way. The christians all were living like farm animals. But Vikings were very clean, healthy, strong, smart, brave, and were successful people. Because of this, there are stories of people from the christian cities who willingly wanted to go live with the Vikings, including that many of the people wanting to join vikings were the women. Christian women were like slaves and were treated like farm animals, but Viking women were treated equally to men and had all of the same rights and abilities as a man. Even somebody who was considered as a slave in Viking society was treated much better than most of the christians who were called free.

And the contemporary sources that talk about people, and specifically a lot of women, wanting and choosing to go live with Vikings, these were written by the christians so they have no reason to write this if it wasn't true. If they were going to lie and make the vikings look worse, they would have said it was involuntary.

A good book to know what Vikings were actually like would be The Age of the Vikings by Anders Winroth.

"Vikings never raped anybody". Sorry to say but in times of war, and many other periods and circumstances, examples can be made of people doing depraved and atrocious acts.

Regardless of the vikings holding onto pagan culture, there is no rules in war, this can be observed in history, all ethics and morals past a point get thrown out the window in conflicts, certain periods of history, and very dark times even lead the best of decent people to commit horrific atrocities.

Rape, pillaging, everything just is let loose in a whirlwind of destruction.

Yes, the jews have certainly painted a picture of our ancestors as depraved savages through lies, slander, etc. But trying to just state that our ancestors, like the vikings and others, didn't participate in these things at certain periods of time. Is painting an incorrect picture, and isn't good.

It's better to see things as they are, without trying to a paint a more positive picture of the things that occur in history, because it's only right to just see things as they are, as uncomfortable as it may be.

Yes the jew twisted things, but no rules exist in war.
BlackOnyx8 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
(...) The Age of the Vikings by Anders Winroth.
Thanks, would you happen to have a pdf file? I can't find it anywhere.

Click on one of the "mirrors" links like libgen.lc or libgen.pw then click Get.
serpentwalker666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Vikings never raped anybody. During the time of the Vikings, there was never any story saying that any of them raped anybody. But there were many very detailed stories of the things that they did do, like murdering priests, stealing things, and taking slaves. The earliest recorded story that said that Vikings raped anyone was written more than a thousand years later and was written by a jew monk who was trying to convince everyone that vikings were some horrible evil thing and everyone needs to be christian instead.

At that time, the christians were absolute slaves. And they were physically disgusting because the jew church would not allow people to clean themselves for months at a time. Similar to how some specific types of jews and muslims still follow this and refuse to clean themselves. Christians were also mentally discusting, and worthless in every way. The christians all were living like farm animals. But Vikings were very clean, healthy, strong, smart, brave, and were successful people. Because of this, there are stories of people from the christian cities who willingly wanted to go live with the Vikings, including that many of the people wanting to join vikings were the women. Christian women were like slaves and were treated like farm animals, but Viking women were treated equally to men and had all of the same rights and abilities as a man. Even somebody who was considered as a slave in Viking society was treated much better than most of the christians who were called free.

And the contemporary sources that talk about people, and specifically a lot of women, wanting and choosing to go live with Vikings, these were written by the christians so they have no reason to write this if it wasn't true. If they were going to lie and make the vikings look worse, they would have said it was involuntary.

A good book to know what Vikings were actually like would be The Age of the Vikings by Anders Winroth.

"Vikings never raped anybody". Sorry to say but in times of war, and many other periods and circumstances, examples can be made of people doing depraved and atrocious acts.

Regardless of the vikings holding onto pagan culture, there is no rules in war, this can be observed in history, all ethics and morals past a point get thrown out the window in conflicts, certain periods of history, and very dark times even lead the best of decent people to commit horrific atrocities.

Rape, pillaging, everything just is let loose in a whirlwind of destruction.

Yes, the jews have certainly painted a picture of our ancestors as depraved savages through lies, slander, etc. But trying to just state that our ancestors, like the vikings and others, didn't participate in these things at certain periods of time. Is painting an incorrect picture, and isn't good.

It's better to see things as they are, without trying to a paint a more positive picture of the things that occur in history, because it's only right to just see things as they are, as uncomfortable as it may be.

Yes the jew twisted things, but no rules exist in war.

That is plainly incorrect. What you state was certainly done but only by very few, fringe people, which were punished upon discovery. That was in no way the norm and it is in no way widespread among Gentile warriors.

Trying to push a corrupted view of Gentile warfare and warriors will not work here in any way, shape or form.

Rules exist in war and have always been upheld. Maat and other figures who laid the laws of a just society oversee it all. Example of this was how, even despite the xtard menace wasn't fully annihilated, NS Germany never stoop to the level of bombing schools, hospitals and demilitarised cities. That is how Gentile warfare works.

Who sunk that low? Only enemy-controlled countries such as Britain, Russia, USA, and so on. People fully affected and led by the enemy cancer.

Another example is how Herr Hitler could have nuclear weapons much earlier than enemy-controlled countries but told his scientists not to go in that direction. Why? Because he understood the implications of it far better than those losers and whiners who defend and exalt Truman, and similar deranged sociopaths who belong in a mental asylum.

These two examples are from modern history. One can only imagine how values were still uphold in older times when the enemy didn't have that much grasp on people's mind. And what I imagine (and also know) is that less and less people were guilty of war crimes, and sentenced to death as deserved.

Another thing to take into account is that it's very likely the Vikings were not raiders at all. Why would a civilisation of Gentiles go against other Gentiles in a completely destructive way? It's very unlikely. There have been more since the enemy corrupted Rome than in the tens of millennia preceding that.

Try to do some regressions and asking the Gods to show you past events, instead of feeding into the distorted picture created by the enemy through media and fake history. What you think war is in pre-enemy times and what it actually is, are two very different things.

An even more recent example is how we are at spiritual war with the enemy. Does anyone project astrally and go rape the enemy? No, we would never because we know rape is a crime and the enemy is extremely filthy. The Gods would surely turn their back on everyone who does it. Even worse will be when the war will reach the physical level. Only deranged psychopaths and sociopaths will do it, and they will be treated as filthy and as criminals, as they deserve to.

One should also note that the lowest, grossest elements of Mars (the planet) never manifest in the majority of people, including warriors). Only very few are slave to those, and these are criminals, not sane people. Considering the people were on a higher level of general awareness in Pagan times, it is safe to say there were much less people behaving as degenerates. The bar was simply held higher.

What you observe in the fabricated history of the enemy doesn't matter. It's not real history in the first place.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Because that's what wars do. Theoretically everyone was following the Gods, but timelines, wars, actions, and other things like this, are on people.

What makes them more or less evil in their historical context [which it happened anywhere during these conditions]. The Natives did it, the Africans did it, the Arabs did it, and the Romans too. Romans even instated a law that rape of foreign women in invaded would incur a penalty of death, and still some people did it and were executed as a result.

Today, people are faced with 20 years in prison, and they still can do all sorts of bad acts.

Not every culture that simply followed something means that every person in it actually followed whatever the culture was.

The average person even during these times was quite distant from the Gods. Don't imagine that every single person down the street was coming to you on levitation and was on a holy state all the time. These people were more back then, but not everyone.

Scarcity, war and other things bring out the worst in humans.

That's exactly it, not everyone was a spiritual person, some soldiers were mercenaries who only saw wars as a way to earn gold and get rich.
Stormblood said:
serpentwalker666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Vikings never raped anybody. During the time of the Vikings, there was never any story saying that any of them raped anybody. But there were many very detailed stories of the things that they did do, like murdering priests, stealing things, and taking slaves. The earliest recorded story that said that Vikings raped anyone was written more than a thousand years later and was written by a jew monk who was trying to convince everyone that vikings were some horrible evil thing and everyone needs to be christian instead.

At that time, the christians were absolute slaves. And they were physically disgusting because the jew church would not allow people to clean themselves for months at a time. Similar to how some specific types of jews and muslims still follow this and refuse to clean themselves. Christians were also mentally discusting, and worthless in every way. The christians all were living like farm animals. But Vikings were very clean, healthy, strong, smart, brave, and were successful people. Because of this, there are stories of people from the christian cities who willingly wanted to go live with the Vikings, including that many of the people wanting to join vikings were the women. Christian women were like slaves and were treated like farm animals, but Viking women were treated equally to men and had all of the same rights and abilities as a man. Even somebody who was considered as a slave in Viking society was treated much better than most of the christians who were called free.

And the contemporary sources that talk about people, and specifically a lot of women, wanting and choosing to go live with Vikings, these were written by the christians so they have no reason to write this if it wasn't true. If they were going to lie and make the vikings look worse, they would have said it was involuntary.

A good book to know what Vikings were actually like would be The Age of the Vikings by Anders Winroth.

"Vikings never raped anybody". Sorry to say but in times of war, and many other periods and circumstances, examples can be made of people doing depraved and atrocious acts.

Regardless of the vikings holding onto pagan culture, there is no rules in war, this can be observed in history, all ethics and morals past a point get thrown out the window in conflicts, certain periods of history, and very dark times even lead the best of decent people to commit horrific atrocities.

Rape, pillaging, everything just is let loose in a whirlwind of destruction.

Yes, the jews have certainly painted a picture of our ancestors as depraved savages through lies, slander, etc. But trying to just state that our ancestors, like the vikings and others, didn't participate in these things at certain periods of time. Is painting an incorrect picture, and isn't good.

It's better to see things as they are, without trying to a paint a more positive picture of the things that occur in history, because it's only right to just see things as they are, as uncomfortable as it may be.

Yes the jew twisted things, but no rules exist in war.

That is plainly incorrect. What you state was certainly done but only by very few, fringe people, which were punished upon discovery. That was in no way the norm and it is in no way widespread among Gentile warriors.

Trying to push a corrupted view of Gentile warfare and warriors will not work here in any way, shape or form.

Rules exist in war and have always been upheld. Maat and other figures who laid the laws of a just society oversee it all. Example of this was how, even despite the xtard menace wasn't fully annihilated, NS Germany never stoop to the level of bombing schools, hospitals and demilitarised cities. That is how Gentile warfare works.

Who sunk that low? Only enemy-controlled countries such as Britain, Russia, USA, and so on. People fully affected and led by the enemy cancer.

Another example is how Herr Hitler could have nuclear weapons much earlier than enemy-controlled countries but told his scientists not to go in that direction. Why? Because he understood the implications of it far better than those losers and whiners who defend and exalt Truman, and similar deranged sociopaths who belong in a mental asylum.

These two examples are from modern history. One can only imagine how values were still uphold in older times when the enemy didn't have that much grasp on people's mind. And what I imagine (and also know) is that less and less people were guilty of war crimes, and sentenced to death as deserved.

Another thing to take into account is that it's very likely the Vikings were not raiders at all. Why would a civilisation of Gentiles go against other Gentiles in a completely destructive way? It's very unlikely. There have been more since the enemy corrupted Rome than in the tens of millennia preceding that.

Try to do some regressions and asking the Gods to show you past events, instead of feeding into the distorted picture created by the enemy through media and fake history. What you think war is in pre-enemy times and what it actually is, are two very different things.

An even more recent example is how we are at spiritual war with the enemy. Does anyone project astrally and go rape the enemy? No, we would never because we know rape is a crime and the enemy is extremely filthy. The Gods would surely turn their back on everyone who does it. Even worse will be when the war will reach the physical level. Only deranged psychopaths and sociopaths will do it, and they will be treated as filthy and as criminals, as they deserve to.

One should also note that the lowest, grossest elements of Mars (the planet) never manifest in the majority of people, including warriors). Only very few are slave to those, and these are criminals, not sane people. Considering the people were on a higher level of general awareness in Pagan times, it is safe to say there were much less people behaving as degenerates. The bar was simply held higher.

What you observe in the fabricated history of the enemy doesn't matter. It's not real history in the first place.

Not trying to push any type of corrupted view of Gentile warfare. Just was saying that there was indeed degenerates still, albeit fewer, who still participated in these atrocious acts in times of war.

The poster I responded to seemed to view that nearly all the vikings were completely noble in war.

Contrary points can be made that nearly every pagan people and culture after the fall of our serpents, our elevated spiritual state, and past the golden age, had people who commited atrocities at a certain point.

I was just trying to make the point these things still occured in conflicts, regardless of most, not participating in it because yes, they were elevated, and more ethical.

The question I have now is why am so wrong for bringing these points up?

Sorry but I'm trying to be realistic here, instead of just thinking every one of my pagan ancestors who walked on the battlefield had ethics.

Reality begs to differ. That atrocities occur in war and not everyone holds chivalry, and ethics on the battlefield.
Stormblood said:
serpentwalker666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Vikings never raped anybody. During the time of the Vikings, there was never any story saying that any of them raped anybody. But there were many very detailed stories of the things that they did do, like murdering priests, stealing things, and taking slaves. The earliest recorded story that said that Vikings raped anyone was written more than a thousand years later and was written by a jew monk who was trying to convince everyone that vikings were some horrible evil thing and everyone needs to be christian instead.

At that time, the christians were absolute slaves. And they were physically disgusting because the jew church would not allow people to clean themselves for months at a time. Similar to how some specific types of jews and muslims still follow this and refuse to clean themselves. Christians were also mentally discusting, and worthless in every way. The christians all were living like farm animals. But Vikings were very clean, healthy, strong, smart, brave, and were successful people. Because of this, there are stories of people from the christian cities who willingly wanted to go live with the Vikings, including that many of the people wanting to join vikings were the women. Christian women were like slaves and were treated like farm animals, but Viking women were treated equally to men and had all of the same rights and abilities as a man. Even somebody who was considered as a slave in Viking society was treated much better than most of the christians who were called free.

And the contemporary sources that talk about people, and specifically a lot of women, wanting and choosing to go live with Vikings, these were written by the christians so they have no reason to write this if it wasn't true. If they were going to lie and make the vikings look worse, they would have said it was involuntary.

A good book to know what Vikings were actually like would be The Age of the Vikings by Anders Winroth.

"Vikings never raped anybody". Sorry to say but in times of war, and many other periods and circumstances, examples can be made of people doing depraved and atrocious acts.

Regardless of the vikings holding onto pagan culture, there is no rules in war, this can be observed in history, all ethics and morals past a point get thrown out the window in conflicts, certain periods of history, and very dark times even lead the best of decent people to commit horrific atrocities.

Rape, pillaging, everything just is let loose in a whirlwind of destruction.

Yes, the jews have certainly painted a picture of our ancestors as depraved savages through lies, slander, etc. But trying to just state that our ancestors, like the vikings and others, didn't participate in these things at certain periods of time. Is painting an incorrect picture, and isn't good.

It's better to see things as they are, without trying to a paint a more positive picture of the things that occur in history, because it's only right to just see things as they are, as uncomfortable as it may be.

Yes the jew twisted things, but no rules exist in war.

That is plainly incorrect. What you state was certainly done but only by very few, fringe people, which were punished upon discovery. That was in no way the norm and it is in no way widespread among Gentile warriors.

Trying to push a corrupted view of Gentile warfare and warriors will not work here in any way, shape or form.

Rules exist in war and have always been upheld. Maat and other figures who laid the laws of a just society oversee it all. Example of this was how, even despite the xtard menace wasn't fully annihilated, NS Germany never stoop to the level of bombing schools, hospitals and demilitarised cities. That is how Gentile warfare works.

Who sunk that low? Only enemy-controlled countries such as Britain, Russia, USA, and so on. People fully affected and led by the enemy cancer.

Another example is how Herr Hitler could have nuclear weapons much earlier than enemy-controlled countries but told his scientists not to go in that direction. Why? Because he understood the implications of it far better than those losers and whiners who defend and exalt Truman, and similar deranged sociopaths who belong in a mental asylum.

These two examples are from modern history. One can only imagine how values were still uphold in older times when the enemy didn't have that much grasp on people's mind. And what I imagine (and also know) is that less and less people were guilty of war crimes, and sentenced to death as deserved.

Another thing to take into account is that it's very likely the Vikings were not raiders at all. Why would a civilisation of Gentiles go against other Gentiles in a completely destructive way? It's very unlikely. There have been more since the enemy corrupted Rome than in the tens of millennia preceding that.

Try to do some regressions and asking the Gods to show you past events, instead of feeding into the distorted picture created by the enemy through media and fake history. What you think war is in pre-enemy times and what it actually is, are two very different things.

An even more recent example is how we are at spiritual war with the enemy. Does anyone project astrally and go rape the enemy? No, we would never because we know rape is a crime and the enemy is extremely filthy. The Gods would surely turn their back on everyone who does it. Even worse will be when the war will reach the physical level. Only deranged psychopaths and sociopaths will do it, and they will be treated as filthy and as criminals, as they deserve to.

One should also note that the lowest, grossest elements of Mars (the planet) never manifest in the majority of people, including warriors). Only very few are slave to those, and these are criminals, not sane people. Considering the people were on a higher level of general awareness in Pagan times, it is safe to say there were much less people behaving as degenerates. The bar was simply held higher.

What you observe in the fabricated history of the enemy doesn't matter. It's not real history in the first place.

Alright, I re read this about 4, 5 times, and I respect your points, please ignore any lingering harshness in my first reply, I apologize in advance.
Also killing somebody was allowed in Viking society if there was a reason for it. It was only considered murder if the person who does it lies about it or tries to hide it. The rule in many places was 3 houses, after killing they have to confess to somebody within walking past the first 3 houses walking away. And if they go further than that without telling anyone then they are trying to hide it and they are guilty of an unjustified murder. In some places instead of this rule about 3 houses the rule was they had to tell the first person they see. But if they do tell someone, and they explain that they had a good reason for it, then it is allowed and justified.

They did have the death penalty for serious crimes where the whole village would enforce it if the person did something really bad. Like unjustified murder would be one of these crimes. But even for a small crime that we would not consider being worth a death penalty now, the victim of the crime could kill them for it and say that this was the reason for it, and it would be likely to be allowed. The chief would judge and decide if the reason was large and valid enough.

My point is that if any woman was ever raped, the woman's family and probably everybody else in the village too would kill the person who did it. They would do it proudly and celebrate that they have gotten revenge on the person who has done such a horrible crime. Vikings cared very much about what they think are honorable actions, and it would be one of the highest honorable actions to punish a rapist by killing him.

Women had all of the same rights as men, and were treated with an equal amount of respect. Actually women were loved and were protected by the whole village. Any crime against a woman or child was usually considered to be much worse than the same crime against a man, so the punishment for it was also worse. Any rapist, pedophile, or unjustified murderer, they would get the death penalty. Actually they would get worse than that, they would usually be tortured in some horrible way if they were guilty of really bad crimes. The story of the "blood eagle" is fictional and based on a misunderstanding and incorrect translation, but there were other torture that were done as punishment for crimes.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Also killing somebody was allowed in Viking society if there was a reason for it. It was only considered murder if the person who does it lies about it or tries to hide it. The rule in many places was 3 houses, after killing they have to confess to somebody within walking past the first 3 houses walking away. And if they go further than that without telling anyone then they are trying to hide it and they are guilty of an unjustified murder. In some places instead of this rule about 3 houses the rule was they had to tell the first person they see. But if they do tell someone, and they explain that they had a good reason for it, then it is allowed and justified.

They did have the death penalty for serious crimes where the whole village would enforce it if the person did something really bad. Like unjustified murder would be one of these crimes. But even for a small crime that we would not consider being worth a death penalty now, the victim of the crime could kill them for it and say that this was the reason for it, and it would be likely to be allowed. The chief would judge and decide if the reason was large and valid enough.

My point is that if any woman was ever raped, the woman's family and probably everybody else in the village too would kill the person who did it. They would do it proudly and celebrate that they have gotten revenge on the person who has done such a horrible crime. Vikings cared very much about what they think are honorable actions, and it would be one of the highest honorable actions to punish a rapist by killing him.

Women had all of the same rights as men, and were treated with an equal amount of respect. Actually women were loved and were protected by the whole village. Any crime against a woman or child was usually considered to be much worse than the same crime against a man, so the punishment for it was also worse. Any rapist, pedophile, or unjustified murderer, they would get the death penalty. Actually they would get worse than that, they would usually be tortured in some horrible way if they were guilty of really bad crimes. The story of the "blood eagle" is fictional and based on a misunderstanding and incorrect translation, but there were other torture that were done as punishment for crimes.

Appreciate the information. I apologize for being harsh towards your post.
They barely raided villages at all, if any. They raided xtian monasteries to pillage - ie. get back what the Bank of Jesustein, I mean Church, pillaged from poor Gentile Bretons to begin with - and collect enough riches to wage war against the race traitor kings of England who were killing pagans left and right and making the rest of xtians miserable, which is why the Viking Age started at all, so what happened to the poor Saxons don't repeat in Scandinavia.

They woudn't get anything by raiding random Saxons who already had nothing. The exceptions like HP HC told is because many "Vikings" like many Romans weren't even following the Gods anymore, many had forsaken their culture and were already converted to christardanity (actual christian vikings were a thing) and were doing the same in their homelands. They barely attacked those monks if they didn't fight back, even though these chirstfags deserved it due all pillaging, torture and pedophillia they inflicted on poor White Bretons. So stop reading Vincuck Soyga and read what our brothers recommended instead, also this video is a good introduction: https://youtu.be/AmjEVDa6aOY
Woden said:
Storm, you've posted this before - go away!

If you don't have anything fruitful or valuable to add, or any words to refute the arguments/points of others, why waste words like this?

This is not how one reaches beneficial and truthful conclusions on any subject.

It is disappointing to see that the moment you encounter a wall where your words are challenged by someone, you immediately resort to this kind of ego driven dismissal.

If you want to advance as a person, do evaluate how you respond when others challenge your words in a reasonable way, as this kind of reply doesn't get you or the discussion anywhere.
Egon said:
They barely raided villages at all, if any. They raided xtian monasteries to pillage - ie. get back what the Bank of Jesustein, I mean Church, pillaged from poor Gentile Bretons to begin with - and collect enough riches to wage war against the race traitor kings of England who were killing pagans left and right and making the rest of xtians miserable, which is why the Viking Age started at all, so what happened to the poor Saxons don't repeat in Scandinavia.

They woudn't get anything by raiding random Saxons who already had nothing. The exceptions like HP HC told is because many "Vikings" like many Romans weren't even following the Gods anymore, many had forsaken their culture and were already converted to christardanity (actual christian vikings were a thing) and were doing the same in their homelands. They barely attacked those monks if they didn't fight back, even though these chirstfags deserved it due all pillaging, torture and pedophillia they inflicted on poor White Bretons. So stop reading Vincuck Soyga and read what our brothers recommended instead, also this video is a good introduction: https://youtu.be/AmjEVDa6aOY
Yes this is true and is very important. Very close to 100% of all of the wealth and treasures that was had by all of the Vikings was gotten peacefully by trading and selling what they had, trading for more exotic things from far away. Many trade routes with Russia, and Middle East. Most of the coins that the Vikings were buried with were actually Persian and Arab silver coins that they got from trading.

Most of the villages were based on what they can get by trading, what valuable, interesting, and exotic things they could get from far away places. The Chief would organize and plan trading routes, then when the treasure comes back to him he would share it and give presents to his men. Giving the best weapons to the strongest soldiers, giving jeweled silver and gold arm rings, giving fancy clothing. Everybody would get great presents and gifts, and they would continue to support the chief and allow him to continue being chief because his planning and instructions is what leads them to continue getting these treasures.

What I just described is basically the most important thing that controlled the entire structure of the Viking villages.

There were some raids on monasteries and churches, and all of the gold and silver and jewels were taken. Christian monks who hid, got out of the way, or helped give treasure to the Vikings, they were usually left completely unharmed. Ones who fought back and tried fight the Vikings, they learned that the vikings were stronger. Actually there was an important reason why it is not true to say that they were always killing all of the christian monks and priests, and this is that they were worth a lot of money as slaves. Some would be left alone and left at the monastery, and the stronger younger men would often be taken to be slaves.

The Viking slaves were usually not treated badly either. They would have to work, usually with farming or fishing or just generally helping with the work that all the women and children in the village were doing. So in this way they were not treated worse than the regular Viking people. The main difference was the slaves had no right to vote, and was not allowed to run away. But most of the time they were basically treated like they were part of the family. Helping the women with farming and fishing, and helping to take care of the children, these are the jobs that most of the slaves were doing most of the time. And if the Vikings wanted to, they could give a slave his freedom and then he would be no different from any other man, and he would have full rights and abilities that every other citizen has. And this is usually what happened after the slave was with them for a long time and got to be loved like a member of the family.

The show Vikings actually did a very great job at showing what Viking society was like. I can't remember seeing anything that was wrong or incorrect in any of it. Some historical events or historical characters did some things that didn't really happen that way, but the general way people lived was accurate.
Why do you assume that they did? Have you ever considered the opposite? You're speaking about an entire group of people from the past. Not one individual or a few individuals, but the whole group. Do you know for a certain fact that they raped? Were you there? Did you see it? If not then shut up about my ancestors. They weren't animals. They were spiritual people. The Dragon was everywhere in their culture, and was even on their longboats. You have proof of Serpent worship and Serpent schools, and yet you assume they were animals.

The Runes were almost lost and corrupted with the younger Futhark, but the original Elder Futhark was preserved by these people. We have them to thank for our knowledge of the Runes. Yet you say they were just rapey animals with no control over their sex drives even though they were obviously spiritual.
Ol argedco luciftias said:

Click on one of the "mirrors" links like libgen.lc or libgen.pw then click Get.
Great! Thank you very much. I love the Viking Culture, but I always have to read between the lines, I always had a hard time believing the Vikings were all barbarians. The Celts are also sometimes depicted in a similar fashion, which I also believe to be wrong.
By the way, awesome song in your signature!

Egon said:
(...) also this video is a good introduction: https://youtu.be/AmjEVDa6aOY
Thank you, very informative video. Wish I could find that book "The Outbreak of the Viking Age" by Torgrim Titlestad. I couldn't find it anywhere either. If anyone has it and could share, would be appreciated!
Ol argedco luciftias said:

The show Vikings actually did a very great job at showing what Viking society was like. I can't remember seeing anything that was wrong or incorrect in any of it. Some historical events or historical characters did some things that didn't really happen that way, but the general way people lived was accurate.
Like sharing their wife with xian monks and having loud sex a couple of meters by their children? :lol:
Isn't the rational just to state. There were a few isolated incident/incidents based on a/an Viking person/persons. And thus everything went smoothly but to the enemy they want to isolate and create huge spectacles on situations that were no biggie.

If the Vikings had a War Consciousness in other words Gentile approach. And they dealt with negative scum who were not following the conduct of war. Then doesn't that mean barring isolated incident/incidents the Vikings were pretty straightforward in conducting war like the other civilizations in an Gentleman's way.

It seems to me like the enemy wishes to aggrandize the whole Ancients are dumb 'n' shiet. When as time has come by it seems the Ancients had a wonderful expression of life that in some case rivals so-called Modern society. HP.Cobra and his statement of Egypt for Dummies paints a good picture on Egyptians and like he mentioned "It seems Egyptian middle class was on a higher level than even modern day middle class in our current times".

Seems like the enemy is rocking the longboat just for the hell of it. I'm glad this thread popped up funny this past week and half I ran into some Viking music on youtube. I listened a bit to one album and it's like is this Tibetan chanting or Hindu Mantra. I'm guessing this the synchronicity some of our members get.

Stormblood said:
serpentwalker666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Vikings never raped anybody. During the time of the Vikings, there was never any story saying that any of them raped anybody. But there were many very detailed stories of the things that they did do, like murdering priests, stealing things, and taking slaves. The earliest recorded story that said that Vikings raped anyone was written more than a thousand years later and was written by a jew monk who was trying to convince everyone that vikings were some horrible evil thing and everyone needs to be christian instead.

At that time, the christians were absolute slaves. And they were physically disgusting because the jew church would not allow people to clean themselves for months at a time. Similar to how some specific types of jews and muslims still follow this and refuse to clean themselves. Christians were also mentally discusting, and worthless in every way. The christians all were living like farm animals. But Vikings were very clean, healthy, strong, smart, brave, and were successful people. Because of this, there are stories of people from the christian cities who willingly wanted to go live with the Vikings, including that many of the people wanting to join vikings were the women. Christian women were like slaves and were treated like farm animals, but Viking women were treated equally to men and had all of the same rights and abilities as a man. Even somebody who was considered as a slave in Viking society was treated much better than most of the christians who were called free.

And the contemporary sources that talk about people, and specifically a lot of women, wanting and choosing to go live with Vikings, these were written by the christians so they have no reason to write this if it wasn't true. If they were going to lie and make the vikings look worse, they would have said it was involuntary.

A good book to know what Vikings were actually like would be The Age of the Vikings by Anders Winroth.

"Vikings never raped anybody". Sorry to say but in times of war, and many other periods and circumstances, examples can be made of people doing depraved and atrocious acts.

Regardless of the vikings holding onto pagan culture, there is no rules in war, this can be observed in history, all ethics and morals past a point get thrown out the window in conflicts, certain periods of history, and very dark times even lead the best of decent people to commit horrific atrocities.

Rape, pillaging, everything just is let loose in a whirlwind of destruction.

Yes, the jews have certainly painted a picture of our ancestors as depraved savages through lies, slander, etc. But trying to just state that our ancestors, like the vikings and others, didn't participate in these things at certain periods of time. Is painting an incorrect picture, and isn't good.

It's better to see things as they are, without trying to a paint a more positive picture of the things that occur in history, because it's only right to just see things as they are, as uncomfortable as it may be.

Yes the jew twisted things, but no rules exist in war.

That is plainly incorrect. What you state was certainly done but only by very few, fringe people, which were punished upon discovery. That was in no way the norm and it is in no way widespread among Gentile warriors.

Trying to push a corrupted view of Gentile warfare and warriors will not work here in any way, shape or form.

Rules exist in war and have always been upheld. Maat and other figures who laid the laws of a just society oversee it all. Example of this was how, even despite the xtard menace wasn't fully annihilated, NS Germany never stoop to the level of bombing schools, hospitals and demilitarised cities. That is how Gentile warfare works.

Who sunk that low? Only enemy-controlled countries such as Britain, Russia, USA, and so on. People fully affected and led by the enemy cancer.

Another example is how Herr Hitler could have nuclear weapons much earlier than enemy-controlled countries but told his scientists not to go in that direction. Why? Because he understood the implications of it far better than those losers and whiners who defend and exalt Truman, and similar deranged sociopaths who belong in a mental asylum.

These two examples are from modern history. One can only imagine how values were still uphold in older times when the enemy didn't have that much grasp on people's mind. And what I imagine (and also know) is that less and less people were guilty of war crimes, and sentenced to death as deserved.

Another thing to take into account is that it's very likely the Vikings were not raiders at all. Why would a civilisation of Gentiles go against other Gentiles in a completely destructive way? It's very unlikely. There have been more since the enemy corrupted Rome than in the tens of millennia preceding that.

Try to do some regressions and asking the Gods to show you past events, instead of feeding into the distorted picture created by the enemy through media and fake history. What you think war is in pre-enemy times and what it actually is, are two very different things.

An even more recent example is how we are at spiritual war with the enemy. Does anyone project astrally and go rape the enemy? No, we would never because we know rape is a crime and the enemy is extremely filthy. The Gods would surely turn their back on everyone who does it. Even worse will be when the war will reach the physical level. Only deranged psychopaths and sociopaths will do it, and they will be treated as filthy and as criminals, as they deserve to.

One should also note that the lowest, grossest elements of Mars (the planet) never manifest in the majority of people, including warriors). Only very few are slave to those, and these are criminals, not sane people. Considering the people were on a higher level of general awareness in Pagan times, it is safe to say there were much less people behaving as degenerates. The bar was simply held higher.

What you observe in the fabricated history of the enemy doesn't matter. It's not real history in the first place.

The soviets clearly did these things massively as well as the allies. The enemy is the one who doesn't have any ethics in warfare.

My opinion in warfare Stealing or looting stuff is on the fence btw with the enemy if someone is taking back stuff that is rightfully theirs its obviously not bad and killing obviously is what is done in a war. But things like rape and torture savagery against people etc that is the enemy I do not think our ancestors did these things very much if at all. Even the ones on a lower spiritual level gentiles generally are ethical when not corrupted by the enemy.
Woden said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Woden said:
Storm, you've posted this before - go away!

If you don't have anything fruitful or valuable to add, or any words to refute the arguments/points of others, why waste words like this?

This is not how one reaches beneficial and truthful conclusions on any subject.

It is disappointing to see that the moment you encounter a wall where your words are challenged by someone, you immediately resort to this kind of ego driven dismissal.

If you want to advance as a person, do evaluate how you respond when others challenge your words in a reasonable way, as this kind of reply doesn't get you or the discussion anywhere.

Ohhh...."waffle, waffle, waffle". Who are you referring to? Me or Storm? He is an anvanced member and quite capable of looking after himself. I'm also aware of a rivalry here between you two for some time. But, that doesn't change the fact that you have the unsightly habit of offering your opinion (and we all know how unfathomable and wise that is) when it is neither asked for or wanted. It is very tiring for everyone here! If you want the job of moderator then I suggest you apply for it. Either way, I strongly suggest you stay out of things that don't concern you.

I am not sure of what rivalry you are referring to. I love VoE's writing style and I respect his experience, even if disagree on some things that we discussed in the past. Never, however, have we had a heated argument or anything like that. I also do not recall either of us trying to appear wiser or more advanced than the other just for the sake of showing off or establishing dominance.
The problem here is that you and everyone else have been afflicted with the xtain slave morality mindset.

// You are supposed to genocide your enemies and rape their women and pillage everything they have. Otherwise what is the point of war for the average soldier if you don’t get any spoils?

But modern “morality” has told everyone that this is bad and that war must have rules and a Geneva convention. That’s absurd. It’s war for a reason. Everything is allowed.
Woden said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Woden said:
Storm, you've posted this before - go away!

If you don't have anything fruitful or valuable to add, or any words to refute the arguments/points of others, why waste words like this?

This is not how one reaches beneficial and truthful conclusions on any subject.

It is disappointing to see that the moment you encounter a wall where your words are challenged by someone, you immediately resort to this kind of ego driven dismissal.

If you want to advance as a person, do evaluate how you respond when others challenge your words in a reasonable way, as this kind of reply doesn't get you or the discussion anywhere.

Ohhh...."waffle, waffle, waffle". Who are you referring to? Me or Storm? He is an anvanced member and quite capable of looking after himself. I'm also aware of a rivalry here between you two for some time. But, that doesn't change the fact that you have the unsightly habit of offering your opinion (and we all know how unfathomable and wise that is) when it is neither asked for or wanted. It is very tiring for everyone here! If you want the job of moderator then I suggest you apply for it. Either way, I strongly suggest you stay out of things that don't concern you.
Perhaps your need to pick a bone with both advanced members for absolutely no reason stems from an inferiority complex? You might want to look into that.
It's all kike slander. Mad because all the women wanted us! https://skjalden.com/vikings-seduced-women-across-europe/
In the chronicle written by John of Wallingford (Chronica Joannis Wallingford), he wrote as follows:

”The Danes, thanks to their habit to comb their hair every day, to bathe every Saturday, to change their garments often, and set off their persons by many such frivolous devices. In this manner, they laid siege to the virtue of the married women, and persuaded the daughters even of the nobles to be their concubines.”
John of Wallingford who by the way was a monk was not the only one who was so upset that the heathens did such an unchristian act, as taking a bath every Saturday and regularly washing their clothes.
Icelandic:“Kemðr ok þveginn skal kœnna hverr ok at morni mettr;
þvíat ósýnt er, hvarat apni kømr;
illt er fyr heill at hrapa.”

Translated into English: ”Combed and washed every thoughtful man should be and fed in the morning;
for one cannot foresee where one will be by evening;
it is bad to rush headlong before one’s fate.”
Reginsmál – 25
Hail Satan for allowing me to continue this tradition today!
There were 2 instances of human sacrifice and 2 or 3 random rapes or simply tormenting villagers while insinuating Bjorn or Harald took part in it.
People said here that The Last Kingdom was much better https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=195263#p195263
I'd like to know if anyone read the novels can tell they end on a positive note for the main character or Paganism in general.

Now one I know of is Assassin's Creed Valhalla is better than both in many aspects in depicting the Nordics and Pagan themes - in the background you have literal space travelling Alien Gods who appear in the Myths as their respective allegories, and you raid xtian monasteries to make a better Britain - the only problem is that the gameplay is extremely boring, I'd skip most of it if I could to get just the main story bits: https://youtu.be/0HPNCA_XoBg

Ol argedco luciftias said:

The show Vikings actually did a very great job at showing what Viking society was like. I can't remember seeing anything that was wrong or incorrect in any of it. Some historical events or historical characters did some things that didn't really happen that way, but the general way people lived was accurate.
The Outlaw Torn said:
The problem here is that you and everyone else have been afflicted with the xtain slave morality mindset.

What HP said is completely true. You are supposed to genocide your enemies and rape their women and pillage everything they have. Otherwise what is the point of war for the average soldier if you don’t get any spoils?

But modern “morality” has told everyone that this is bad and that war must have rules and a Geneva convention. That’s absurd. It’s war for a reason. Everything is allowed.

HP Hooded Cobra never said that. Those are your words and your words alone.
Stormblood said:
The Outlaw Torn said:
The problem here is that you and everyone else have been afflicted with the xtain slave morality mindset.

What HP said is completely true. You are supposed to genocide your enemies and rape their women and pillage everything they have. Otherwise what is the point of war for the average soldier if you don’t get any spoils?

But modern “morality” has told everyone that this is bad and that war must have rules and a Geneva convention. That’s absurd. It’s war for a reason. Everything is allowed.

HP Hooded Cobra never said that. Those are your words and your words alone.

Yeah I'm gonna have to agree with you Stormblood. He took it to a level it didn't need to go. That's not what we were all saying, discussing.

"What HP said is completely true. You are supposed to genocide your enemies and rape their women and pillage everything they have. Otherwise what is the point of war for the average soldier if you don’t get any spoils?"

No Outlaw Torn. Bad. *beats with newspaper*
Stormblood said:
HP Hooded Cobra never said that. Those are your words and your words alone.
Sorry you interpreted it that way. I meant that HP basically said that WAR IS WAR and whatever happens happens especially in those days.
Egon said:
There were 2 instances of human sacrifice and 2 or 3 random rapes

I remember one guy that raped a woman then tried to rape another one, and the people did kill him for it. So he got what he deserved.

I don't know if human sacrifice ever happened in real life, probably not or at least was very rare. But when an important person in the show died and one of her servants volunteered to die and be buried with her so she can continue serving her as ghosts, this is something that actually happened in some pagan cultures. It was very rare and was only done for people considered to be extremely important, but it did happen some times.
Woden said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Woden said:
Storm, you've posted this before - go away!

If you don't have anything fruitful or valuable to add, or any words to refute the arguments/points of others, why waste words like this?

This is not how one reaches beneficial and truthful conclusions on any subject.

It is disappointing to see that the moment you encounter a wall where your words are challenged by someone, you immediately resort to this kind of ego driven dismissal.

If you want to advance as a person, do evaluate how you respond when others challenge your words in a reasonable way, as this kind of reply doesn't get you or the discussion anywhere.

Ohhh...."waffle, waffle, waffle". Who are you referring to? Me or Storm? He is an anvanced member and quite capable of looking after himself. I'm also aware of a rivalry here between you two for some time. But, that doesn't change the fact that you have the unsightly habit of offering your opinion (and we all know how unfathomable and wise that is) when it is neither asked for or wanted. It is very tiring for everyone here! If you want the job of moderator then I suggest you apply for it. Either way, I strongly suggest you stay out of things that don't concern you.

For one, I have no rivalry with anyone on the forum. I write to others sometimes to correct things which I believe they weren't completely right about, in order to do what I can to ensure everyone has as much truthful understanding about all topics discussed here, that I am able to pitch in and have the appropriate knowledge for.

Do not place your own meaningless projections onto myself. You may have small emotional qualms and feelings towards certain people here, but I do not. I appreciate all the brothers and sisters here to post, discuss subjects openly together and grow together, advance in name of Satan, etc. I respect all those who uphold the Satanic spirit and do good in his name, especially all those here who do their best to advance every day on this path.

For others that write misinformation, or go into needless arguments for egoistical reasons, or who lower themselves unnecessarily in the public here, I call them out and do my part setting it straight, and reflect it back to them since their self reflection is lacking.

I do so with intent to help them gain understanding and help them to see their inadequacy, so they may move past it and grow beyond it.

When I see you make this sort of meaningless reply, I am disappointed, because you had been doing a lot of good here, posting helpful information, and being active in a beneficial way on topics. Yet, you then suddenly crumble and get into an ego spiel like this, which saddens me, since your previous presence on the forum gave me great expectations of you.

You may not understand this feeling, but I am very personally invested in the Joy of Satan, and also all the membership we have. To see growth among our membership, is the most pleasant and joyful thing to me. On the opposite, to see regressive behavior, especially from members who haven't really shown such tendency before, is disappointing to me, and I aim to create awareness within people on their self expression, so they may better themselves after becoming aware of their inadequacy.

Since it is a public forum, and everyone posts openly, I watch along the sidelines as everyone discusses, and give my input when I feel it required.

This is very much outside of any ego driven desire, but only out of necessity as someone with greater understanding than most on many topics.

To some it may feel disrespectful when I say this, but sometimes it is little different than being a big brother watching his little siblings and their friends play around and learn together. When things derail too far, or someone invades this place we have here and begins pushing some undesired narrative, I step in and do what I should as the big brother to maintain the peace and solve any misunderstanding.

Often times, since I do not have the time to read every single topic, I ask myself in meditation if there are any topics that require my attention, then intuitively find them and write what needs to be said. I ask my GD as well sometimes, if there are topics that require my attention where my knowledge or wisdom can be of help, and let myself be directed where necessary.

It is quite different from many people who come here. I take it very seriously, and treat the Joy of Satan as my home, and the membership as my family, just like how Satan treats his followers no different than a father looking after his progeny.

I want my family to be as high as they can be, as great as they can be, and as wise as they can be. I use my wisdom and understanding for this purpose. At the same time, seeing everyone grow is one of my biggest motivations in life, as being the big brother I must be able to lead the way and stand in front, therefore I can never lag behind and let myself be overtaken by others.

One of my ultimate goals is to be able to give valuable input and advice on virtually every subject, just like Satan is able to do, so I am able to guide everyone to greater understanding, no matter what walk of life or what level they are at.

HP HoodedCobra is one of my biggest inspirations in this, as he can answer almost anything with something of value, even subjects he has never looked into or studied. Which is the mark of someone with true wisdom, as wisdom pervades all understanding and leads ultimately to all knowledge.

Perhaps you may also see what I see and how I see my position as a member of the JoS at some point. The more people like that, the better for the JoS as a whole, especially when we reach the great expansion and touch the lives of a billion humans within the next decade.

Hail Satan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
