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why all that hate for JoS?


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2022
I still can't understand that if I type "Joy of Satan" in youtube all I get is exposing Joy of Satan and they got arguments like
Oh they are nazi revers christians, even they put O9A nest to JoS. I even heard things like Maxine made a thoughtform that blinds JoS members to not to communicate with Enki. I agree with them that Satan doesn't really HATE jews or that they have a massive hate against jews but that doesn't mean we should let jews controll us as much as they can, and idk why they can't understand that.

I think that the gods beyond hating anyone, as they can't be opressed, but they probably let us know that we are under opression, and we should fight against it.

All of them has false or half information, like that we think that the gods came here to mine gold. Or they wear demon sigils with double circle and says that we replace the sigils so oh that shows how JoS want their members to not to connect with the gods.

I heard one of them even admits that she is a jew, and most of them probably is.

So yeah I agree that there is a lot of NS things here but that doesn't mean that it is a bad organization, or it is just a hate propaganda.

Individually nobody should let theirself being under controll, and opression by anyone, and because everyone is under supression by the jews, that's why JoS promotes anti-semitism.
Probably because beyond being the truth, the JOS also advocates nazi style moral virtues, like responsability for development. Many people are shit people and get triggered and enraged at such principles.
This is all crap promoted by the (((google algorithm )))
Because we are real, and our gods are with us. So all of the jews are terrified and they want to destroy us, because all that the jews have focused on for all of the time they have been on this planet is the goals of extincting all of us and seperating us away from the gods so the gods would not be able to save us from extinction. We are the opposite of thousands of years of their attempts.
The Gods do hate and detest them for the same reason any high level being hates low level scum mired in ugly, warped energy that has gone way past the point of no return. This is pure instinct.

Would you allow hundreds of flies to crawl all over you? Would you tolerate a parasite that saps your health?

Hatred is not a response to being oppressed. It's actually the opposite. Xianity the so-called religion of the oppressed teaches the masses to love everything except 'sin'.

Properly directed hatred comes from refinement. If the enemy had done nothing to humanity I would still hate them because I see what they are- a hazard. This goes for any being on this planet that stoops so low that it aligns with the same, or similar energy, some of which have never scaled the dizzying heights of jewry but are still scum.
Karnonnos said:
Would you allow hundreds of flies to crawl all over you? Would you tolerate a parasite that saps your health?

No, but for a while I would let they crawl over my children so he/she can try to defend him/herself.
Your example doesn't really covers the situation.

I meant hating like raging, and that's how they visulize, like we think that Satan raging over where humanity is right now.
We are Satan's children and he is testing us a lot of time, and testing humanity if we can destroy our enemy.

Hatred is not a response to being oppressed

So aren't we opressed? Hatred is not a response to being opressed in the situation of the gods, but we are currently being oppressed and mainly that's why we hate jews not because they are just death energy. If we are in the controll of the word we will hate jews as the gods, but that's another kind of hate.

Hating jews because they are death, is ok, but they are on the throne and that's the bigger issue.

This goes for any being on this planet that stoops so low that it aligns with the same, or similar energy, some of which have never scaled the dizzying heights of jewry but are still scum.

This is a bit far. Hating everyone because they are not advancing theirself or on the level of jews is just ridiculous.
Most of the gentiles that nearly on the level of the jews are because they was brought up like this and have been influenced by jewish agenda.

We shouldn't hate but influence these people to advance and they have the same opportunity.

If they had the opportunity and refuse to advance, we can just don't like them, but there is no meaning to hate them.

I don't fully disagree, and yes properly directed hatred is good, and needed, but we can't really define what is properly directed.
We promote the best version and perhaps the only effective self help on this planet. It’s plastered all over our sites that we seek to always improve yet somehow we are being blinded by Maxine? These people don’t even take two minutes to think logically of the false allegations on us. They see Satan’s name and immediately go off pure emotions. Grown men and women being like this.

The ones who arent just lying jews let them suffer in their own ignorance and laziness of thought.

Lastly, NS is just nature’s laws put into politics. There’s nothing wrong with what it teaches. It’s pure lies that it’s about hating non-Whites or any other Gentile race if you’re nonWhite. It’s about self respect and improvement of your own peoples. You should read more in the about it in the JoS Library.
There are very stupid and ignorant people in this world, and more than this, the stupid are also boastfully plaguing others with their foolishness. It is a natural occurrence for the weak to gather among themselves and also the strong. An alternating situation is on going with all things.

1. People who don't know how to judge, because they have the attention span of a fish, the actual ability of thought of a low IQ, no manners, no shame, no actual direction or reflection upon what needs to be actually seriously at least read.

2. Extremely brainwashed people, who will defend their own brainwashing, out of their comfort to maintain the evil within. These people are simple programs and represent no actual reflection of the gentile soul or potentiality, just a vessel of the enemies imprints.

3. Assumed and direct enemies, and their own nature tell them to try to corrupt, destroy and denigrate everything good in this world.

4. Immature people, in the sense that they are not ready for such undergoing of truth, and then they resume to just somewhat agree or disagree but at least maintain some level of rationale.

Most of the people also try to battle their own war in the public, and doing so they seek confirmation for their own delusions. It is a matter of survival of the weak mind, and it is one instinctive and animalistic.

Knowing the surface level of our enemies and stupid people does not represent justly the reality. As much as there are stupid people, there are also smart people, who love and agree fully with JoS and are Spiritual Satanists and others are just simply respecting JoS and see it as it is, true.
hailourtruegod said:
You should read more in the about it in the JoS Library.

I know all that.
AFODO said:
hailourtruegod said:
You should read more in the about it in the JoS Library.

I know all that.

My mistake I assumed you haven’t by the way you worded yourself. I should of asked first about that part instead of assuming.
AFODO said:
I still can't understand that if I type "Joy of Satan" in youtube all I get is exposing Joy of Satan and they got arguments like
Oh they are nazi revers christians, even they put O9A nest to JoS. I even heard things like Maxine made a thoughtform that blinds JoS members to not to communicate with Enki.

Because of many reasons:

  • They are stuck in the fake rebellious mindset where building and creating anything or caring for your in-group is bad.
  • They are stuck in the xian mindset where Satan is an evil being who rebels against the xian god.
  • They haven't bothered to research National Socialism and go beyond the lies of the jews.
  • They are politically correct drones.

And many others.

I find it particularly amusing that they call JoS reverse xians when they don't even know what reverse xian means, and they are really the reverse xian ones.

You see, a reverse xian is someone who follows xianity upside down: they believe both in the fake xian god and Satan (in the way that the bible and xianity portrays him, a fallen angel) and they choose to believe in the xian version of Satan while still accepting the xian mythology as true. Which is what most of them believe, therefore they are reverse xians.

Whereas JoS as it says has nothing to do with xianity, but recognizes Satan as a Pagan God.

I have talked to some of them and they seem to believe that reverse xian means "behaving like xians do but calling yourself a Satanist". They think that because we hate our enemies or we call Satanism the truth we behave like xians. They don't understand that way most xians behave goes against their religion, as it's about turning the other cheek and being a slave and loving everyone. Hate and fighting against your enemies actually goes against xianity, xianity says to pray for them. Also almost every religion says it's the truth, this isn't an exclusively xian thing.

The thoughtform thing is so ridiculous I won't even comment on it.

AFODO said:
I think that the gods beyond hating anyone, as they can't be opressed

One doesn't need to be oppressed to hate someone. The reason the Gods hate the jews is simple: They love us so much that they hate our enemies who try to enslave us. As a mother loves her children, she will also hate those who will try to harm them with her entire soul.
I wish my videos showed up instead of those retarded ones. But it's simply because of the algorithms making sure of this.
It's so deeply gone that even videos simply containing certain words and sentences become invisible in search results.

Besides this, since Joy of Satan is both Satanic and Nazi (known for being the two most EVIL things in the world) it would be strange not to see some critical voices speaking out against it here and there. The problem is that almost no other voices gets heard on Jewtube.
Like the host at Nordic Frontier said: there is no Youtube anymore.

This quote by Hitler is the best way to sum this situation up.

If a comrade of ours opens a Jewish newspaper in the morning and does not find himself vilified there, then he has spent yesterday to no account. For if he had achieved something he would be persecuted, slandered, derided and abused. Those who effectively combat this mortal enemy of our people, who is at the same time the enemy of all Aryan peoples and all culture, can only expect to arouse opposition on the part of this race and become the object of its slanderous attacks. - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, pg. 200

If we weren't being hated and slandered we wouldn't be doing our job. We will always be hated and vilified, as will our Gods by the Jews and their cohorts.

They hate us because we share the truth and we live by the ways of our Gods who are their enemies.

As long as we are at war with the reptilians and their jew puppets we will always have to face slander until the masses wake up and see the truth. Even then the enemy will still attempt to spread lies and hate. It is their nature. There's no need to worry, the truth will be seen by all and It is happening slowly and surely. All they can do is slander and cry and whine. And soon they will have nowhere to hide and it will all come crashing down on them.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
