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Who would be harder to convert to SS?

Seeker in the Dark

Active member
Jul 8, 2024
I've been thinking about this, who would be harder to convert to SS, a lefty pagan witch or a natsoc xian? Does anyone have experience with this?

Since SS contains the two largest "heresies" on earth rn, Satanism and "Nazism", I'm not sure which one of the two above would be easier to convince.

On the one hand, the witch is a pagan and more than likely despises all Abrahamic religions, but since most "pagans" these days are lefties, they'll see the things the JOS says regarding race and the jews as "pure evil".

On the other hand, the natsoc xian is JQ-pilled and acknowledges race exists, but regularly calls jews "synagouge of satan" and likely hates us as much as they hate jews and see people who promot pagan or anti-xian ideas as "jewish".

Has anyone interacted with both types online to see who is actually more receptive to our message?
By the time I came to SS for example, I was strongly anti-xian or anything Abrahamic and I was JQ-pilled. I also hated the left and their gaslighting bs of race not existing or whites not having a culture or gender not being real.

I was also into the occult strongly, so becoming SS was quite easy for me as I was searching for the original hermetic order that wasn't polluted with jewish or xian bullshit like most "occult" organisations these days which follow "Western esotericism" and I wasn't attracted to the fat, man-hating wiccan degens either. I was looking for esoteric paganism in its purest form that was practised by the Greeks and Egyptians of old.

I was also looking for real contact with higher beings, and for obvious reasons, I didn't want to establish contact with "YHWH" or the "archangels". Honestly, I had nowhere else to go that was better than the JOS.
Both are hopeless, because both are crazy. The wokesters are crazy for obvious reasons (especially the leftist "witches", who think categorizing magick into white and black is "racist" :ROFLMAO:) but the xian NS's often believe Whites are the real Israelites from the bible (yes, all that kikery in the Old Testament like David giving 500 Philistine foreskins to King Saul in exchange for marrying his daughter was done by White people apparently:ROFLMAO:), which is equally crazy.

You can't convince people who are out of touch with reality.
As truth seeker I discovered esoteric knowledges - full of abrahamic bullshits in my country.

Then the path lead me here :
On the other hand, the natsoc xian is JQ-pilled and acknowledges race exists, but regularly calls jews "synagouge of satan" and likely hates us as much as they hate jews and see people who promot pagan or anti-xian ideas as "jewish".
But they stay brainwashed.

Then I dicovered Joy of Satanas via Gab, studied it and was really surprised by the content.

Gradually the puzzle took place.

I've never been xian - it smelts bad - and, in my NS stage, supposed that Satan handled jews to make humanity mature.
15 years of research to come here for me.
That's a good question. To be fair, both types of people are stubborn in their own ways. Lefties/SJWs have a savior complex and both extreme polarities of the political spectrum can be overly impulsive and explosive when something doesn't fit their ideology.

In general, commie witches wouldn't directly be aggressive but would probably spiritually retaliate if you push them too far.
Liberals generally act like spoiled children and would strongly disagree with anything regarding jews; "the government would never do that!".
Leftist extremist antifa types are honestly a nightmare to defuse, you're probably aware of the twitter leftist types who doxx people for fun; what would happen if they were witches too? Something very bad probably.

Speaking to natsoc xians is like speaking to ultraxian parents that beat their children because their children are "possessed by the devil" if they didn't do their sixth morning prayer.
It honestly depends on how xian they are though, if they're more nihilist/existentialist then they're more likely to question their religious beliefs.

The most receptive type of people are goth witches by faaaar, they still have many misconceptions about true Satanism but they're generally more understanding and less likely to call you crazy because they themselves have been treated like outcasts. So if you would like to talk with someone irl about JoS, a goth witch would probably be the most understanding.
I've been thinking about this, who would be harder to convert to SS, a lefty pagan witch or a natsoc xian? Does anyone have experience with this?

Since SS contains the two largest "heresies" on earth rn, Satanism and "Nazism", I'm not sure which one of the two above would be easier to convince.

On the one hand, the witch is a pagan and more than likely despises all Abrahamic religions, but since most "pagans" these days are lefties, they'll see the things the JOS says regarding race and the jews as "pure evil".

On the other hand, the natsoc xian is JQ-pilled and acknowledges race exists, but regularly calls jews "synagouge of satan" and likely hates us as much as they hate jews and see people who promot pagan or anti-xian ideas as "jewish".

Has anyone interacted with both types online to see who is actually more receptive to our message?

In recent years I have brought a lot of people to know JoS in a positive way. Even people who seriously needed to understand things as they really are and heal from enemy programs, they finally succeeded and I was very happy with their positive results, etc. Obviously these things must be done ANONYMOUSLY and never really showing yourself or anything like that!

"Do not mention my name nor my attributes, lest ye regret it; for ye do not know what those who are without may do" - Satan

My personal experience is that making an atheist, or a Wiccan, or a Christian or a Muslim understand things IS EQUALLY IMPOSSIBLE if there is no effort on the other side first.

If a person does not open (even just a little) his mind and closes himself completely to these things even in a dull way just because they are too far from his nose and therefore he does not want to "stick his head out a little" and see if there is something beyond his nose, then it is a failed attempt from the start.

Christians indoctrinate with proselytism with guilt or various deceptions, threats, etc. We Satanists only use the truth in accordance with ethical principles. So if a person does not even want to actively listen to this truth and limits himself to hearing it superficially waiting to spew offensive and blasphemous nonsense as soon as you finish speaking, it is really difficult to succeed in making them understand what you are saying.

Sometimes it may seem like they have a positive attitude to listen to you, but deep down for them it is simply a "favor they are doing you" and they have no desire to take into consideration what you have said to them.

Other times people who you would never say would listen to you because they seem overly indoctrinated by Jewsus, you discover that in reality they were only looking for the truth and that they believed in Christianity only because they were psychologically subjected to this crap. This is just my personal experience.

I would also suggest you not to waste too much time with people who only want to be deceived by enemy programs or Jews. A minute you give them to respond to their blasphemous and offensive insults is a minute you are wasting to actively improve the entire universe by working for JoS and contributing to the Satanism of the Gods. It is not worth getting offended so: these wretched people will not go anywhere non-negative.

(That is, it applies exclusively to the people who are there with you and listen to what you say only to offend and mock you).
but the xian NS's often believe Whites are the real Israelites from the bible (yes, all that kikery in the Old Testament like David giving 500 Philistine foreskins to King Saul in exchange for marrying his daughter was done by White people apparently:ROFLMAO:), which is equally crazy.

You can't convince people who are out of touch with reality.

This retarded belief actually really common among NS xian circles and forums. They actually believe they’re the true Israelites. It’s so pathetic. They’re the White equivalent of the Black hebrew israelites. They’d rather believe they’re the real jews than abandon their jewish bullshit and become pagans, and try to reason with them and you’ll get called a jew.

There is some element of truth though, that Whites were in the mid-east and built civilisations there prior to mixing. But that was large parts of the mid-east and it doesn’t follow that Whites were ever jews.

Asking these idiots why there are no records from European pagans about their old “homeland” of Israel or why there is absolutely no remanat of the jewish “tradition” in pre-christian europe that would have survived had Whites being the original jews might get them to reconsider. Most of them are too high on jewsus tho and will likely just call you a jew and continue being retarded.
This retarded belief actually really common among NS xian circles and forums. They actually believe they’re the true Israelites. It’s so pathetic. They’re the White equivalent of the Black hebrew israelites. They’d rather believe they’re the real jews than abandon their jewish bullshit and become pagans, and try to reason with them and you’ll get called a jew.

There is some element of truth though, that Whites were in the mid-east and built civilisations there prior to mixing. But that was large parts of the mid-east and it doesn’t follow that Whites were ever jews.

Asking these idiots why there are no records from European pagans about their old “homeland” of Israel or why there is absolutely no remanat of the jewish “tradition” in pre-christian europe that would have survived had Whites being the original jews might get them to reconsider. Most of them are too high on jewsus tho and will likely just call you a jew and continue being retarded.
Their mindset is that since jews strongly oppose xianity and insult jewsus on the daily(for example the whole last supper mockery at the olympics, whose architect was a jew) then xianity can’t be a jewish conspiracy and it must be “true”.

Never mind that jews insult litterally everything and it’s in their nature to be obnoxious. It doesn’t matter than none of the new testament authors ever referred to the greeks as “israelites” or that all the NT authors were torah-observing jews. It doesn’t matter that jews laugh at xians bowing to a jew and find it hilarious or that they also say that muhammad is boiling in shit alongside jesus and murder muslims by the dozens every day and have plans to destroy the mosque in jerusalem to build their temple.

Nope, yids obviously oppose xianity cause it’s “true”.
Based on my Outreach experience:

Most NS christians are heavily self absorbed, in a bad way. They think that, because they understood the JQ  materially, they are the best of the best and made the greatest discovery since fire, as if it's some huge achievement to know that and do nothing about it.
Spiritually, they are ignorant, because if they weren't, they wouldn't be christian.

If by "lefty pagan witch" you mean the lowest of the low, aka a Discord dweller who lights candles and makes jars all day and thinks Zeus and Thor can't possibly be the same person because "uhhh, different pantheons".

In that case, probably harder than the christian because I am describing a child. It is either a child or someone with the intellect of a child.

Ironically, I've had incredible success with far leftists who are pagan.
Besides the jewish infiltration and communist evil, Marx's "socialism" is truth in plain sight, with some things twisted.
Every single far left person I have encountered has 100% agreed with JoS until they saw the word jew.

Most contemporary socialists (just randos online, not people actually spreading communism) are aware that the masses are being oppressed by powerful elites who create a system of oppression and treat the masses as second class citizens.
They just don't think these are organized jews, but rather some nebulous, mysterious, "capitalist" class that spawned out of nowhere.
(or "inherently evil nature of humans", which is just the single most jewish thing Marx has ever said)
How many SS members come from christian or muslim backgrounds? I've met some pretty hardcore christians over the years and in more recent years a lot of muslims (thanks to a certain tribe mass importing them). Most christians and muslims aren't horrible people they ignorant and blinded their programing. If you treat them as the enemy you are going get a hostile response. The thing is radical christians and muslims want nothing more than to talk about their beliefs and its a opening to challenge their thinking. Rather than being "your god and prohet is evil" force them to go deep into their beliefs to answer your genuine questions. At some point they are going to hit bottleneck of spirituality that their false religions cannot answer and that becomes beginning of their awakening. All the things we are advised not to talk about on this website for satety reasons I'll openly talk about because of the appoarch I have to taboo topics.

For example when talking to christains hit them on the original meaning of words, try to dive into the eptimology of words and the context of their original meanings as a opening. Try to expose jesus's miracles as a symbolic "fuck you" to Satan rather than miracles that never happened because then they are going to have learn who Satan is in the "pagan" religions. Any hardcore chirstian is going to be doing bible studies, trying to decode bible prophecy and will go nuts researching the connection. Any christian who isn't genuine doesn't actually believe in their faith. As for dealing with muslims I really don't know much about their religion so I can't debate or question it with them, since I'm white they usually accept I'm not muslim so I can talk to them as human beings rather than some enemy. I'm super racist and offensive yet I can get along with every demographic because of my approach.

Its easy to be angry at the abrahamic religions, its easy to be angry at the blasphemy towards the Gods, its easy to get angry at the atroscities commited in yahweh's name. At the end of the day the christian and muslim goyim who are blindly following the enemy religions are also the children of the Gods. If your AOP is strong enough when interacting with christian and muslims they won't be under the influence of angels while you are talking with them giving you an opening to speak to them directly spirit to spirit.
I've been thinking about this, who would be harder to convert to SS, a lefty pagan witch or a natsoc xian? Does anyone have experience with this?

Since SS contains the two largest "heresies" on earth rn, Satanism and "Nazism", I'm not sure which one of the two above would be easier to convince.

On the one hand, the witch is a pagan and more than likely despises all Abrahamic religions, but since most "pagans" these days are lefties, they'll see the things the JOS says regarding race and the jews as "pure evil".

On the other hand, the natsoc xian is JQ-pilled and acknowledges race exists, but regularly calls jews "synagouge of satan" and likely hates us as much as they hate jews and see people who promot pagan or anti-xian ideas as "jewish".

Has anyone interacted with both types online to see who is actually more receptive to our message?
i have thought the same and how the truth is truly a mix of the left and the right tho if i would characterize TOZ into one it would be left as we are progressive and i think a better candidate would probably be the leftist wiccan as we also support GLBT people and women's rights something the right sees as "degenerate and demonic" the left are just emotional if they learn about why the jews are deserving of hate and how Hitler was the good guy in the story they would hop in especially since they already do this with ((("privileged capitalist Whites"))) and soon realize they aren't white but pretending to be

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
