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Who is the demoted HP?

NakedPluto [JG]

Head of Activism
Aug 13, 2019
Who is the demoted HP? While it's typical of behavior and somewhat disrespectful not waiting for answers I cannot wait to know...I take personal attacks any animosities and directed attacks to the clergy. I'm very upset about this, really not a forgiving time aswell for this information.
I dont know what your talking about at all. Where did you read about this. I am on here every day and read most sermons too. Did you just make something up or rant.
slyscorpion said:
I dont know what your talking about at all. Where did you read about this. I am on here every day and read most sermons too. Did you just make something up or rant.

New announcement, clearly you missed it. Though considering the quotation makes around "clergies" I dont think they are actually a HP? We'll have to wait probably and see. Regardless, I don't think it matters all that much as long as we know who. Going out of ones way to harass some asshat isn't going to help anything. If they were not contributing, then, we won't see much of a change regardless.

" He became a Priest because of all the above and because he was a verified spiritual person. Others became HPS because they were simply "enough".

I also learned one of these "Clergies" that is now being removed, went as far as to claim enemy claims in regards to the Final RTR and so forth. They did this to get back to HPS Maxine [they were jealous of her for many years, HPS Maxine is of the most advanced people ever], and they divulted from a "studying the Kabbalah to subvert it" to acting like a literal jew towards everyone. This is why the dead end is now met."
slyscorpion said:
I dont know what your talking about at all. Where did you read about this. I am on here every day and read most sermons too. Did you just make something up or rant.

Cobra was talking about it in this thread: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=43356
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Sounds like Jake Carlson to me

That's who I was thinking of.
So does that mean that Jake Carlson's information is wrong or somehow contrary?

I noticed in his own websites certain information such as for example mentioning something about 735,000 years ago and something else as to 930,000 years ago.(I probably got the time messed up but it's like 700ish and 900ish). Or the Maria Orsic leaving the Earth in a special Vrill-Odin vimana at 3 times past the speed of light. Or the other thing that some people thought I was creating a new meme mentioning Astarte as a Star Lord. I don't recall the post on his website which mention it but I lead to the conclusion of it due to his website information.

I mean I've read his information and the few people who visited his website found it interesting. Even certain conclusive data on information relating to the enemy systems. Even just recently I read his about page explaining how christianity is nothing more than essenic hasidimism or more to the degree that when christianity was created it was a jewish type of cult found among the jews.

I know HP.Cobra mentioned the Spanish JoS HP being demoted, nothing wrong or anything. And now this with Jake does that mean they are wrong?

We've had quite a few HPs removed in the past dating back to people finding our site 2002-2003 and maybe even Black Rose group(pre-JoS circa Yahoo! Forums 1995/1996-2002). I recall the prior HP, HP.Mac Friday making his Thoth vibration on the Yahoo groups all the way back in 2003 or was it 2004.

Seems like we have quite a few HPs roll by and never sticking around seems like it's just HP.Cobra, HP.Shannon, HP.Mageson and HP.Maxine. Sounds like the JoS is just being propped by 4 people(well 4 HP.s that doesn't include the dozens of members who process data to keep it alive). I understand it's difficult to find people and do what they do but sounds like in all the years that have passed that others may have been given the torch and yet time passed and if anything people left.

Anyways so is former HP.Jake information good, bad, not worth it, what's the skinny on Jake's activities?

Hell even in my email I still at times receive information from Hammerofthegods666, I forgot whom that is or if that is Jake's email system. But as of recent times yes I've had that name sent to my email as website updates. Think Y! updates or something.
I think it is better that the people HP cobra talked about are clarified. Instead of just mindlessly guessing and blaming to prevent the situation from being a mess.
Cobra deliberately didn’t call anyone by name directly, even if people have deduced who it is directed towards.

It’s clear this is directed to more than one person, and in general a message to all clergy besides Maxine and Cobra himself.

He said enough to allow us to make our own conclusions, probably to let this cleaning house go as smoothly as possible, and not let lingering attachment people might have towards said individuals cause too much of a mess for us here.

You can conclude on your own as you keep following the JoS, who will be missing later.

They do not have to be deliberately named, as also, the less attention you give something, the easier it will be removed and forgotten. Naming them would only give undue credit to them and subconsciously aggravate any attachment people might have towards them, as they are given attention.

This has been on the back burner for some time, it’s just finally a good time to put a lid on this once and for all as Cobra explained.
There are some HPs that we hardly hear from. They appear every one in a while. Names that are so rare that some don't even know. So in my opinion it is impossible that any of the main HPs have problems. Cobra, Maxine, Shannon and Mageson have been way too involved in this movement and have helped a lot regardless of any slight misunderstandings.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Mageson hasn’t been around either, I don’t think he was the topic of the sermon, but there are obviously some internal issues going on.

I can't remember the exact quote, but it was something among the lines of "If you don't love homosexuality then you're a jew" and I'm like "Hmm, which HP is known for being gay? Jake Carlson."
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Sounds like Jake Carlson to me

That's who I was thinking of.

Mageson hasn’t been around either, I don’t think he was the topic of the sermon, but there are obviously some internal issues going on.
Probabily both. Look at the replays in the topic and HP HoodedCobra answer a question if what Mageson wrote these years was valid. He said yes because basically he "stole" many things from private concersations between HP's, he went as far as to publish knowladge that the Gods said to not post at that moment and of course posting things like he found them but it was never the case.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Sounds like Jake Carlson to me

That's who I was thinking of.

Mageson hasn’t been around either, I don’t think he was the topic of the sermon, but there are obviously some internal issues going on.

I'm not really sure. I'm confused because HP Magesons sermons aren't in the sermons tab on JOS but they're still in the Satan's library page. HP Jake Carlson's sermons are still in the sermons page. At first I thought it was HP Mageson because I didn't see his sermons in the sermons tab but I would think if either of them were gone all of their stuff would be deleted? I've seen some people that just decide to add HP to their username and you can tell they're not because they have like 3 posts but that seems pretty easy to tell. Kind of sad about it if it is one of the 2 though because I liked their sermons and they seemed to have good information
NakedPluto said:
Who is the demoted HP? While it's typical of behavior and somewhat disrespectful not waiting for answers I cannot wait to know...I take personal attacks any animosities and directed attacks to the clergy. I'm very upset about this, really not a forgiving time aswell for this information.
slyscorpion said:
I dont know what your talking about at all. Where did you read about this. I am on here every day and read most sermons too. Did you just make something up or rant.
Arin said:
New announcement, clearly you missed it. Though considering the quotation makes around "clergies" I dont think they are actually a HP? We'll have to wait probably and see.
ShadowTheRaven said:
That's who I was thinking of.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Mageson hasn’t been around either, I don’t think he was the topic of the sermon, but there are obviously some internal issues going on.
Mageson/Dan Danko and Jake Carlson are the demoted High Priests, they’re not JoS clergy anymore. HP HoodedCobra confirmed this a couple hours ago...

Source: https://archive.is/6TiVo
slyscorpion said:
I dont know what your talking about at all. Where did you read about this. I am on here every day and read most sermons too. Did you just make something up or rant.

Sorry I didn't see the message at the top when I wrote this about this.

Sometimes people just say stuff on here I thought that's what this was sorry about that.

I think it is Hp Carlson and Magesun666
EasternFireLion666 said:
There are some HPs that we hardly hear from. They appear every one in a while. Names that are so rare that some don't even know. So in my opinion it is impossible that any of the main HPs have problems. Cobra, Maxine, Shannon and Mageson have been way too involved in this movement and have helped a lot regardless of any slight misunderstandings.

We filtered 95% of the damage from reaching in the public, and therefore, yes, observed from a third party, it was "mostly fine". Most of the information was "Clear" and needed no cleaning, because we cleaned all of it. It was typical of us to point mistakes in topics and these were later corrected so they looked "correct" to the public.

If a dog is sedated when he is to attack all the time, or is restrained, it looks like a calm sleeping dog to someone else who doesn't know. The vets however know better on what is the real situation.

The main and actual High Priests, we never really even have an argument in over 10 years. Like, never ever, not even once. Disagreements were never in the case of serious people even remotely to be taken as arguments.

The things like promoting Anarchism, Socialism, dissuading people from wealth and branding money as "evil", promoting Lucifer Christos, and writing things like gay adoption, to observant people, promoting Satanism as "Universalism", things like UBI and how the "US ought go into socialism" under jews [both meant to enslave us and give us the last push into destruction], should in themselves be more than enough.

Again, this is nothing compared to what we know and have seen. Much of it however is bad conduct with other Clergy and just outright attacks. His recent icing on the cake was when he went to pretend he was someone else in a website to slander the RTR, which he was foolish enough to reveal to another Clergy that he did, and we have the proof of this and way more. The situation goes even deeper than many things stated here. What they hoped by going to our Sister in the Clergy was hopes that they would get them to join forces with him for some sort of kike coup.

And all of this, is the tip of the whole iceberg. None of this is a "misunderstanding" simply because it cannot be properly fathomed. There is way more in the situation but we have chosen to not give this additional attention.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
There are some HPs that we hardly hear from. They appear every one in a while. Names that are so rare that some don't even know. So in my opinion it is impossible that any of the main HPs have problems. Cobra, Maxine, Shannon and Mageson have been way too involved in this movement and have helped a lot regardless of any slight misunderstandings.

We filtered 95% of the damage from reaching in the public, and therefore, yes, observed from a third party, it was "mostly fine". Most of the information was "Clear" and needed no cleaning, because we cleaned all of it. It was typical of us to point mistakes in topics and these were later corrected so they looked "correct" to the public.

If a dog is sedated when he is to attack all the time, or is restrained, it looks like a calm sleeping dog to someone else who doesn't know. The vets however know better on what is the real situation.

The main and actual High Priests, we never really even have an argument in over 10 years. Like, never ever, not even once. Disagreements were never in the case of serious people even remotely to be taken as arguments.

The things like promoting Anarchism, Socialism, dissuading people from wealth and branding money as "evil", promoting Lucifer Christos, and writing things like gay adoption, to observant people, promoting Satanism as "Universalism", things like UBI and how the "US ought go into socialism" under jews [both meant to enslave us and give us the last push into destruction], should in themselves be more than enough.

Again, this is nothing compared to what we know and have seen. Much of it however is bad conduct with other Clergy and just outright attacks. His recent icing on the cake was when he went to pretend he was someone else in a website to slander the RTR, which he was foolish enough to reveal to another Clergy that he did, and we have the proof of this and way more. The situation goes even deeper than many things stated here. What they hoped by going to our Sister in the Clergy was hopes that they would get them to join forces with him for some sort of kike coup.

And all of this, is the tip of the whole iceberg. None of this is a "misunderstanding" simply because it cannot be properly fathomed. There is way more in the situation but we have chosen to not give this additional attention.

Do we have waiting Hps to be announced and initiated?
Fucking weird. It’s hard to imagine that a clergy member could be against the RTR. If he was not a kike and had done the RTR (he was likely at least open enough to feel the effects) he would’ve known its power and how amazing it feels in the least. The RTR’s are a pure gift and the key to freedom from the nightmare our world is in. I feel kind of angry/betrayed. Thanks for the in depth explanations.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
His recent icing on the cake was when he went to pretend he was someone else in a website to slander the RTR, which he was foolish enough to reveal to another Clergy that he did, and we have the proof of this and way more.

So that was him all along? Those comments were very fishy and were obviously directed to the JoS members instead of to the general public, it was an obvious attempt to make SS doubt the RtRs, hence why I thought it was a rabbi. Turned out it was much worse.

I mean it was to be expected, he kinda always stalked that guy and kept consuming his content after all.
...but does that mean that their information is incorrect or irrelevant as of knowing about this?

I mean I've used Mageson's information such as Lucifer Lord of the World as a piece of information explaining it to someone. But again to return to the question.

Does the fact they have been removed as acting agents of the forums. Does it invalidate all their previous information?

I mean Mageson was active since Yahoo days and Prophp days and up to current A-F. When in recent times certain information was removed such as the SVRT Sorat/Saurasthra information or the breath holds that were removed.

I mean Cobra do we draw a line and start over again? Was the years of information gathering a worthless endevour?

I don't mean to disrespect the JoS but anti-JoS people love this stuff as it conforms and confirms to their agenda. That JoS is nothing but an e-cult and the people behind it are not really in the best of interest. Then again Maxine and you HP.Cobra have mentioned nothing but goodness even contrary information to be realistic such as stock market information be safe and play it safe but don't think it's going away magickally rather use it to your advantage.

So genuinely speaking is JoS some e-cult? I mean this event is making me question 17 years of information that I've taken in and digested. Even others are just as surprised.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
His recent icing on the cake was when he went to pretend he was someone else in a website to slander the RTR, which he was foolish enough to reveal to another Clergy that he did, and we have the proof of this and way more.

I recall not too long ago that someone brought up a comment from another website talking about how the Final RTR is ineffective because of the linguistic evolution of hebrew over time or some such shit, and you took time to address the claims.

Would that comment be the one in question? It's almost surreal reflecting on how I just instinctively dismissed that entire comment, and that it was in potential actuality the verbal manifestation of Mageson rubbing his hands.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
There are some HPs that we hardly hear from. They appear every one in a while. Names that are so rare that some don't even know. So in my opinion it is impossible that any of the main HPs have problems. Cobra, Maxine, Shannon and Mageson have been way too involved in this movement and have helped a lot regardless of any slight misunderstandings.

We filtered 95% of the damage from reaching in the public, and therefore, yes, observed from a third party, it was "mostly fine". Most of the information was "Clear" and needed no cleaning, because we cleaned all of it. It was typical of us to point mistakes in topics and these were later corrected so they looked "correct" to the public.

If a dog is sedated when he is to attack all the time, or is restrained, it looks like a calm sleeping dog to someone else who doesn't know. The vets however know better on what is the real situation.

The main and actual High Priests, we never really even have an argument in over 10 years. Like, never ever, not even once. Disagreements were never in the case of serious people even remotely to be taken as arguments.

The things like promoting Anarchism, Socialism, dissuading people from wealth and branding money as "evil", promoting Lucifer Christos, and writing things like gay adoption, to observant people, promoting Satanism as "Universalism", things like UBI and how the "US ought go into socialism" under jews [both meant to enslave us and give us the last push into destruction], should in themselves be more than enough.

Again, this is nothing compared to what we know and have seen. Much of it however is bad conduct with other Clergy and just outright attacks. His recent icing on the cake was when he went to pretend he was someone else in a website to slander the RTR, which he was foolish enough to reveal to another Clergy that he did, and we have the proof of this and way more. The situation goes even deeper than many things stated here. What they hoped by going to our Sister in the Clergy was hopes that they would get them to join forces with him for some sort of kike coup.

And all of this, is the tip of the whole iceberg. None of this is a "misunderstanding" simply because it cannot be properly fathomed. There is way more in the situation but we have chosen to not give this additional attention.

What the actual hell.

I am speechless. What a Clown!

That being said, we’re so lucky to have you, and the other devout HP. Thank you for all your hard work. :D

Have a amazing day HPHC.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
His recent icing on the cake was when he went to pretend he was someone else in a website to slander the RTR, which he was foolish enough to reveal to another Clergy that he did, and we have the proof of this and way more.

That is unbelievable. I called it on the very RTR thread that those comments left on Loki’s video read exactly like one of his posts. He didn’t even try to pretend like he was someone else. Thank Satan for pattern recognition, I might as well have been reading one of his poorly written sermons it was so blatant.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
There are some HPs that we hardly hear from. They appear every one in a while. Names that are so rare that some don't even know. So in my opinion it is impossible that any of the main HPs have problems. Cobra, Maxine, Shannon and Mageson have been way too involved in this movement and have helped a lot regardless of any slight misunderstandings.

We filtered 95% of the damage from reaching in the public, and therefore, yes, observed from a third party, it was "mostly fine". Most of the information was "Clear" and needed no cleaning, because we cleaned all of it. It was typical of us to point mistakes in topics and these were later corrected so they looked "correct" to the public.

If a dog is sedated when he is to attack all the time, or is restrained, it looks like a calm sleeping dog to someone else who doesn't know. The vets however know better on what is the real situation.

The main and actual High Priests, we never really even have an argument in over 10 years. Like, never ever, not even once. Disagreements were never in the case of serious people even remotely to be taken as arguments.

The things like promoting Anarchism, Socialism, dissuading people from wealth and branding money as "evil", promoting Lucifer Christos, and writing things like gay adoption, to observant people, promoting Satanism as "Universalism", things like UBI and how the "US ought go into socialism" under jews [both meant to enslave us and give us the last push into destruction], should in themselves be more than enough.

Again, this is nothing compared to what we know and have seen. Much of it however is bad conduct with other Clergy and just outright attacks. His recent icing on the cake was when he went to pretend he was someone else in a website to slander the RTR, which he was foolish enough to reveal to another Clergy that he did, and we have the proof of this and way more. The situation goes even deeper than many things stated here. What they hoped by going to our Sister in the Clergy was hopes that they would get them to join forces with him for some sort of kike coup.

And all of this, is the tip of the whole iceberg. None of this is a "misunderstanding" simply because it cannot be properly fathomed. There is way more in the situation but we have chosen to not give this additional attention.
Let's not forget the "muh transgenderism was high priestz in the past"
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
There are some HPs that we hardly hear from. They appear every one in a while. Names that are so rare that some don't even know. So in my opinion it is impossible that any of the main HPs have problems. Cobra, Maxine, Shannon and Mageson have been way too involved in this movement and have helped a lot regardless of any slight misunderstandings.

We filtered 95% of the damage from reaching in the public, and therefore, yes, observed from a third party, it was "mostly fine". Most of the information was "Clear" and needed no cleaning, because we cleaned all of it. It was typical of us to point mistakes in topics and these were later corrected so they looked "correct" to the public.

If a dog is sedated when he is to attack all the time, or is restrained, it looks like a calm sleeping dog to someone else who doesn't know. The vets however know better on what is the real situation.

The main and actual High Priests, we never really even have an argument in over 10 years. Like, never ever, not even once. Disagreements were never in the case of serious people even remotely to be taken as arguments.

The things like promoting Anarchism, Socialism, dissuading people from wealth and branding money as "evil", promoting Lucifer Christos, and writing things like gay adoption, to observant people, promoting Satanism as "Universalism", things like UBI and how the "US ought go into socialism" under jews [both meant to enslave us and give us the last push into destruction], should in themselves be more than enough.

Again, this is nothing compared to what we know and have seen. Much of it however is bad conduct with other Clergy and just outright attacks. His recent icing on the cake was when he went to pretend he was someone else in a website to slander the RTR, which he was foolish enough to reveal to another Clergy that he did, and we have the proof of this and way more. The situation goes even deeper than many things stated here. What they hoped by going to our Sister in the Clergy was hopes that they would get them to join forces with him for some sort of kike coup.

And all of this, is the tip of the whole iceberg. None of this is a "misunderstanding" simply because it cannot be properly fathomed. There is way more in the situation but we have chosen to not give this additional attention.

Ok I read and understood most of the information you provided on this subject. I understood what you meant when you brought up issues like: UBI, Socialism, Illiteracy in a context of a British man and so on. At the moment I read his sermons about those subjects, though I found it a bit strange at the beginning I imagined he was talking about those concepts in a Satanic world free of jewish influnece and I somehow accepted this as a possibility. Besides they were allowed at that moment with only a few debates on the matter exactly as you said. Filtering plus correction. I admit my own fault here of not reading more about the concept of "socialism" and where it originated from. I thought socialism in a non jewish context means providing certain services for people regardless of their financial capacity and might have confused it with NS. The only thing I did not accept was embracing things like this "socialism", UBI and some other concepts about bisexuality in our present time as we simply do not have any control over them.

As for the attitude towards certain members, I prefered to grow up and not seem like some weak whiny guy who takes offense. This person was a long time with us and accepted by the Clergy so I guessed that he was on the right path and I sould do more thinking on those subjects. So I trusted without fully understanding everything. It is normal when you learn sometimes.

Some few members went as far as to call him a jew infiltrator and we jumped to defend him.

And now this happened. I admit I am confused and have some trust issues. I had some doubts in the past that I simply did not want to state them here, because if I was wrong I did not want to make anyone doubt, but instead continue developing.
Took a while too to expose him... why now?
I mean so many years being in contact with our Gods and nothing until now...

I had doubts about my own soul for not understanding certain things. I just kept saying to myself: if i am a true gentile then understanding will come with time.

I think I have to take a pause and re read all that has been said on this subject. Maybe we all should.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
There are some HPs that we hardly hear from. They appear every one in a while. Names that are so rare that some don't even know. So in my opinion it is impossible that any of the main HPs have problems. Cobra, Maxine, Shannon and Mageson have been way too involved in this movement and have helped a lot regardless of any slight misunderstandings.

We filtered 95% of the damage from reaching in the public, and therefore, yes, observed from a third party, it was "mostly fine". Most of the information was "Clear" and needed no cleaning, because we cleaned all of it. It was typical of us to point mistakes in topics and these were later corrected so they looked "correct" to the public.

If a dog is sedated when he is to attack all the time, or is restrained, it looks like a calm sleeping dog to someone else who doesn't know. The vets however know better on what is the real situation.

The main and actual High Priests, we never really even have an argument in over 10 years. Like, never ever, not even once. Disagreements were never in the case of serious people even remotely to be taken as arguments.

The things like promoting Anarchism, Socialism, dissuading people from wealth and branding money as "evil", promoting Lucifer Christos, and writing things like gay adoption, to observant people, promoting Satanism as "Universalism", things like UBI and how the "US ought go into socialism" under jews [both meant to enslave us and give us the last push into destruction], should in themselves be more than enough.

Again, this is nothing compared to what we know and have seen. Much of it however is bad conduct with other Clergy and just outright attacks. His recent icing on the cake was when he went to pretend he was someone else in a website to slander the RTR, which he was foolish enough to reveal to another Clergy that he did, and we have the proof of this and way more. The situation goes even deeper than many things stated here. What they hoped by going to our Sister in the Clergy was hopes that they would get them to join forces with him for some sort of kike coup.

And all of this, is the tip of the whole iceberg. None of this is a "misunderstanding" simply because it cannot be properly fathomed. There is way more in the situation but we have chosen to not give this additional attention.
HP Cobra ma a chi ti stai rivolgendo. Parla chiaro e fai dei nomi per favore! Io sono un fedele servitore di Satana e voglio sapere la veritá. Io ho diritto a sapere.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
There are some HPs that we hardly hear from. They appear every one in a while. Names that are so rare that some don't even know. So in my opinion it is impossible that any of the main HPs have problems. Cobra, Maxine, Shannon and Mageson have been way too involved in this movement and have helped a lot regardless of any slight misunderstandings.

We filtered 95% of the damage from reaching in the public, and therefore, yes, observed from a third party, it was "mostly fine". Most of the information was "Clear" and needed no cleaning, because we cleaned all of it. It was typical of us to point mistakes in topics and these were later corrected so they looked "correct" to the public.

If a dog is sedated when he is to attack all the time, or is restrained, it looks like a calm sleeping dog to someone else who doesn't know. The vets however know better on what is the real situation.

The main and actual High Priests, we never really even have an argument in over 10 years. Like, never ever, not even once. Disagreements were never in the case of serious people even remotely to be taken as arguments.

The things like promoting Anarchism, Socialism, dissuading people from wealth and branding money as "evil", promoting Lucifer Christos, and writing things like gay adoption, to observant people, promoting Satanism as "Universalism", things like UBI and how the "US ought go into socialism" under jews [both meant to enslave us and give us the last push into destruction], should in themselves be more than enough.

Again, this is nothing compared to what we know and have seen. Much of it however is bad conduct with other Clergy and just outright attacks. His recent icing on the cake was when he went to pretend he was someone else in a website to slander the RTR, which he was foolish enough to reveal to another Clergy that he did, and we have the proof of this and way more. The situation goes even deeper than many things stated here. What they hoped by going to our Sister in the Clergy was hopes that they would get them to join forces with him for some sort of kike coup.

And all of this, is the tip of the whole iceberg. None of this is a "misunderstanding" simply because it cannot be properly fathomed. There is way more in the situation but we have chosen to not give this additional attention.
I am now thinking that those troll posts recently, stating that they will be the leader of things, might be because of that.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
There are some HPs that we hardly hear from. They appear every one in a while. Names that are so rare that some don't even know. So in my opinion it is impossible that any of the main HPs have problems. Cobra, Maxine, Shannon and Mageson have been way too involved in this movement and have helped a lot regardless of any slight misunderstandings.

We filtered 95% of the damage from reaching in the public, and therefore, yes, observed from a third party, it was "mostly fine". Most of the information was "Clear" and needed no cleaning, because we cleaned all of it. It was typical of us to point mistakes in topics and these were later corrected so they looked "correct" to the public.

If a dog is sedated when he is to attack all the time, or is restrained, it looks like a calm sleeping dog to someone else who doesn't know. The vets however know better on what is the real situation.

The main and actual High Priests, we never really even have an argument in over 10 years. Like, never ever, not even once. Disagreements were never in the case of serious people even remotely to be taken as arguments.

The things like promoting Anarchism, Socialism, dissuading people from wealth and branding money as "evil", promoting Lucifer Christos, and writing things like gay adoption, to observant people, promoting Satanism as "Universalism", things like UBI and how the "US ought go into socialism" under jews [both meant to enslave us and give us the last push into destruction], should in themselves be more than enough.

Again, this is nothing compared to what we know and have seen. Much of it however is bad conduct with other Clergy and just outright attacks. His recent icing on the cake was when he went to pretend he was someone else in a website to slander the RTR, which he was foolish enough to reveal to another Clergy that he did, and we have the proof of this and way more. The situation goes even deeper than many things stated here. What they hoped by going to our Sister in the Clergy was hopes that they would get them to join forces with him for some sort of kike coup.

And all of this, is the tip of the whole iceberg. None of this is a "misunderstanding" simply because it cannot be properly fathomed. There is way more in the situation but we have chosen to not give this additional attention.
Ho capito! Ma come puó un HP nella sua conoscenza mettersi contro Satana se conosce L' Ira di !Satana

can we please make it clear who's Also no more longer (( trusted )) and Banned

High Priest Jake Carlson Banned
High Priest Don Danko (Mageson666) Banned
High Priest Micama Gmicalzoma ?
High Priestess Zildar Raasi ?
High Priestess Myla Limlal ?
High Priestess Shannon ?
NakedPluto said:
Who is the demoted HP? While it's typical of behavior and somewhat disrespectful not waiting for answers I cannot wait to know...I take personal attacks any animosities and directed attacks to the clergy. I'm very upset about this, really not a forgiving time aswell for this information.
What what’s happening hey did you guys know that it was traditional for men and woman to wear makeup from 4000 Bce to 1800s the exact time of our mortal enemies full attack on our people THE INQUISITION the Jews fucked us man they fucked us All them and there alien friends””” business partners I should say.MAn THeY FUCKED US the hatred of Jews needs to be magnified
sonnenkraft said:

can we please make it clear who's Also no more longer (( trusted )) and Banned

High Priest Jake Carlson Banned
High Priest Don Danko (Mageson666) Banned
High Priest Micama Gmicalzoma ?
High Priestess Zildar Raasi ?
High Priestess Myla Limlal ?
High Priestess Shannon ?

As far as I see it

Mageson= BANNED

Carlson = demoted/ banned (for Being lazy and causing problems)

Micama = he chose to leave because the work was too much/ personal problems.

Zildar = 90 percent sure this was the infiltrator Jew, Cobra was taking about.

Myla = still High Priestess.

Shannon = still High Priestess.
Sledgehammer666 said:
NakedPluto said:
Who is the demoted HP? While it's typical of behavior and somewhat disrespectful not waiting for answers I cannot wait to know...I take personal attacks any animosities and directed attacks to the clergy. I'm very upset about this, really not a forgiving time aswell for this information.
What what’s happening hey did you guys know that it was traditional for men and woman to wear makeup from 4000 Bce to 1800s the exact time of our mortal enemies full attack on our people THE INQUISITION the Jews fucked us man they fucked us All them and there alien friends””” business partners I should say.MAn THeY FUCKED US the hatred of Jews needs to be magnified
That's irrelevant. Why not go to a beauty salon and talk about NASA?
sonnenkraft said:

can we please make it clear who's Also no more longer (( trusted )) and Banned

High Priest Jake Carlson Banned
High Priest Don Danko (Mageson666) Banned
High Priest Micama Gmicalzoma ?
High Priestess Zildar Raasi ?
High Priestess Myla Limlal ?
High Priestess Shannon ?

I chatted with Hp Shannon a long time ago once in the old messanger for maybe 20 minutes that was before she became hp. She seemed like a good person and stuck up for me in something on the old forums I remember i am very sure she's legit and trusted and I think she did a good job helping a lot of black members, but I do question the stuff about viruses not existing such as HIV and even cornavirus and some other stuff she said on health but people are entitled to their opinions. I believe she is a trusted HP and does a good Job.

Myla Limlal she does not speak English i dont believe and not sure what group she is from but I believe also she is legit.

Magesun666 and Jake Carlson were demoted.

High Priest Micama Gmicalzoma
High Priestess Zildar Raasi

Those two have not been around in such a long time that I can't say for sure i dont fully remember but I do remember something coming out that they were demoted and most their stuff was deleted from the website.

For me its just hard to believe that anyone can mess up on this if chosen by the Gods. That doesnt make sense. Why wouldn't the Gods see this. I am confused on this.
Zildarr was legitimate and she helped a lot. However, she had some personal problems that caused her to be unable to continue.

ChaosBringer666 said:
sonnenkraft said:

can we please make it clear who's Also no more longer (( trusted )) and Banned

High Priest Jake Carlson Banned
High Priest Don Danko (Mageson666) Banned
High Priest Micama Gmicalzoma ?
High Priestess Zildar Raasi ?
High Priestess Myla Limlal ?
High Priestess Shannon ?

As far as I see it

Mageson= BANNED

Carlson = demoted/ banned (for Being lazy and causing problems)

Micama = he chose to leave because the work was too much/ personal problems.

Zildar = 90 percent sure this was the infiltrator Jew, Cobra was taking about.

Myla = still High Priestess.

Shannon = still High Priestess.
I am glad other people are also observant as this makes everything just easier. But yes, we have all the proof and way more.

Apparently these idiots think that everyone here must be entirely retarded or something.

We also have other resounding proof that this goes way deeper.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
His recent icing on the cake was when he went to pretend he was someone else in a website to slander the RTR, which he was foolish enough to reveal to another Clergy that he did, and we have the proof of this and way more.

That is unbelievable. I called it on the very RTR thread that those comments left on Loki’s video read exactly like one of his posts. He didn’t even try to pretend like he was someone else. Thank Satan for pattern recognition, I might as well have been reading one of his poorly written sermons it was so blatant.

Coraxo said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
His recent icing on the cake was when he went to pretend he was someone else in a website to slander the RTR, which he was foolish enough to reveal to another Clergy that he did, and we have the proof of this and way more.

So that was him all along? Those comments were very fishy and were obviously directed to the JoS members instead of to the general public, it was an obvious attempt to make SS doubt the RtRs, hence why I thought it was a rabbi. Turned out it was much worse.

I mean it was to be expected, he kinda always stalked that guy and kept consuming his content after all.

You're getting there, I think you have a full idea of what was going on. And yes, this petty creature was actually him, and there is more into this, and we know everything as well.

You should see the other comments where he pretended he was a random comment person named "Dionysus" that has "Never read the JoS" and it was literally him again.

These people must think we are all severely retarded, but this is what jews think of the Goyim. Jews also hate being destroyed in such a way.
Sundara said:
Fucking weird. It’s hard to imagine that a clergy member could be against the RTR. If he was not a kike and had done the RTR (he was likely at least open enough to feel the effects) he would’ve known its power and how amazing it feels in the least. The RTR’s are a pure gift and the key to freedom from the nightmare our world is in. I feel kind of angry/betrayed. Thanks for the in depth explanations.

Yes but what about a jew that has started to feel the heat that this whole "RTR thing" is actually collapsing his chosen people, do you think such person would flip out or not?

Whomever has been doing the RTR knows that this destroys the enemy and is their end in literal form.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I am glad other people are also observant as this makes everything just easier. But yes, we have all the proof and way more.

Apparently these idiots think that everyone here must be entirely retarded or something.

We also have other resounding proof that this goes way deeper.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
His recent icing on the cake was when he went to pretend he was someone else in a website to slander the RTR, which he was foolish enough to reveal to another Clergy that he did, and we have the proof of this and way more.

That is unbelievable. I called it on the very RTR thread that those comments left on Loki’s video read exactly like one of his posts. He didn’t even try to pretend like he was someone else. Thank Satan for pattern recognition, I might as well have been reading one of his poorly written sermons it was so blatant.


Yeah, it’s not really hard to tell when you go back to it either. Don would mention the ‘jewish god form’ term a lot, more than anyone else. I’ve personally never seen a rabbi call it that either.

Cobra, my brother. It’s been a while. I hope you’re doing well. I tip my hat, you’ve stood strong all this time. I know it’s not easy.

Let me know if we have any projects that need an update, my schedule is a lot fuller than what it used to be but I can still do these if you’d like.

Feel free to email me or contact me on here, whichever one.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
