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who is going to die?


New member
Jun 23, 2010
I have Christian friends and family members and they they themselves have Christian friends and family members. Are Christians and Muslims going to die when the GODS return?

My personal belief is that these people will want to join spiritual Satanism the moment they find out that Jewsus Christ and Jehova, along with the bible, are all false, lies, and a plague upon humanity and the Earth.
Yes, the gods are coming back. Yes, people are waking up and realizing xianity, Islam and other RHP religions are a joke and offer nothing of value. People are dedicating their souls to Satan, and the JoS groups and forums have new members. All of this is great.
However, I really don't know what will become of the xians and moslems when the gods come back. 
I also do not know if their dedicating their soul to Satan will be accepted when the gods DO return. 
To be reasonable, people had all this time, all these YEARS, to come to Satan and seek him out. The Joy of Satan website has been up since 2001? 2002? Satanism has become super popular these past decades, even more than before. People have heard of Satan. They know about Satanism, and could have sought Satan-Lucifer out and researched him. 
Good question though. Perhaps others can answer you better and in more detail.
Hail Satan.

On Monday, April 2, 2018, 4:04:15 a.m. EDT, dumuzi.abzu@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:

  I have Christian friends and family members and they they themselves have Christian friends and family members. Are Christians and Muslims going to die when the GODS return?

I personally don't believe that when the Gods return it will be whole sale slaughter - that's not the way our God Satan operates. The truth will be obvious by then that all who do not believe (or too brainwashed to change) will be given the choice, and their own demise will be of their own doing. You cut the tree off at the roots and it dies.
There will be those who will try to fight and resist the new golden age, and unfortunately have to be dealt with.

Hail Satan!
If any of my loved ones or my people are going to "die" I will die first. It is my firm will and choice. I am part of them and belong to them entirely. Be my soul destroyed first, their - after. And I consider none of us is Pavlik Morozov to betray their families and loved, peoples and countries for any ideology, any political party or whatever other thing.

Nor do I think Gods would accept such (I mean traitors of the own - even if traitors for Satan, still traitors). I strongly doubt Satan needs those who instead of dying for the motherland (like White Rusisans did in war against Nazi Germans) would just cowardly come to him asking to accept them or such. Even mortal earthling kings and leaders had a tradition to not accept those who betray the own.

Would you yourself accept smb who comes to you and you know he sold his parents and children to death to be with you? Wouldn't you think: "well... he betrayed even the most dear that one can have in eternity - his family. What would he then do with me, I am alien to him. I am no one to him. If even family means nothing to him, why should I mean anything? Wouldn't he betray me even faster?".

I think even if we do not appreciate such individuals, Gods also will not. Nor will Gods be happy at the idea of forcing anyone into an alleagence by power, violence and other monstrousity like that. Enfocement will only give backlash and havoc in the first place. People will be pushed back, appalled.The more force you use - the more you are rejected. Even ordinary mortal people understand this simply policy.

Note. Kikes went so far because they were working spiritually, they were doing invisible part first and violent part - second. They are weak, they would not go too far if they used brutal force at once. Not to mention they would have been hated so much that this hate alone would destroy them.

Best way to advance any creed is patience, mercy and love, understanding, all for humanity nothing for yourself. We are not egoistic. We are doing this for humanity. Satan has won already. If we do it for the humanity, why to genocide humans? isn't it against our ending goals? Well, everyone has their own goals. I can only say it is definitelly against my goals. I live FOR White humanity, not AGAINST it. And humanity INCLUDES those who mistakes, communists, xians etc.
good words Hail Satan. but if xians attack to my satanist family or not satanist attack to my satanist family than how we do? if this happen i will crash them. enemy is not just xians. enemy is impeder to Satan. i.m not white men i.m asia person but i like this group. because i know this group loves Satan and i love Satan. i just live for me and Satan and my family.
"Nor do I think Gods would accept such (I mean traitors of the own - even if traitors for Satan, still traitors). I strongly doubt Satan needs those who instead of dying for the motherland (like White Rusisans did in war against Nazi Germans) would just cowardly come to him asking to accept them or such. Even mortal earthling kings and leaders had a tradition to not accept those who betray the own."

This is just blaming the victim I think. The USSR was completely owned by jews and everything was under control. Anyone who got out of the place without help from the jews was pretty heroic by my standards, especially if they went somewhere to fight against communism. What you're saying is that Russians were heroic for dying and for obeying orders from an arbitrary army which they knew was literally using rape as a war tactic. On the contrary, it it actually pretty difficult to escape from the enemy in general, so how exactly is it "cowardly"?
Satan said: "In the end the truth will come out and many will want to join
on at the last minute, but it will be too late."

What will Gods do on the earth when they return?

Hail Satan/Lucifer!
Hail Leraje!
Hail Andras!
Im predicting when jesus comes back and it should be soon because trump gave jeruselum to isreal. So now jesus has a place to rule from when he comes back. Hes gonna rally all the abrahamic religon guys and theres gonna be war with satan. But satan aint gonna be red with horns and a tail.
thisisafalsealias. I meant those who sincerely thought that they are dying for Motherland. A lot were sincere. Not those who raped any German women but those who died at front as idealists and dreamers.

I answer because I want everyone know, not only in JoS groups, in all English and non-Russian internet. Please hear me. The power of propaganda in our land is HORRIFIC, UNBELIEVABLE. 99,9% of our people are being brainwahshed 24/7 that Putin/Stalin is "our only hope" to save us from bad Western Nazi who "rape Russian women", "torture Russian elderly" "attack Russian country from all sides" and are all gays. I consider more than a half of my people either can't afford internet at all or don't know how to use it.

They are denied absolutelly all and any historicall truth. And even those who Tatar-Mongol Yoke now is being wiped out so that Russians think "they are Yellow from the very beginning".

White Race is aging. Old people who have much problem with using computer or see computer first time in their life at all, are a majority of our White population. Young generations are debilized, brain washed in schools where xianity has become mandatory dicipline already. Our people simply have no even one single opportunity to learn the truth in most cases, despite of all my efforts. Simply because they are denied internet access in this or that way. And even less opportunity they had under Stalin, when they were total slaves.

All this does not make these great nation unworthy (nor do any kike-forced Left makes great European nations unworthy). They naturally try to find smth great to live and die for. They try to find great things to serve and sacrifice for. And kikes give them it: they say: "bad Nazi will hurt your loved, bad Nazi will destroy your motherland and take it from you" etc. People associate not with any internet group, political ideology or religion, but with their family and people. Kikes use it by subconsciously connecting feelings for motherland to their political party. And people fall into it, all over the world.

I agree with Satan, when he says that their only sin is ignorance. For me there is nothing more perfect, more worthy of love than White humanity. My plans are to work for them as long as they become Gods. This is the only reason for me to desire everlasting life. To serve their best interests forever.
even come gray ailen to earth, Satan(Enki) is will win. and i will fight with Satan. 

On ‎Thursday‎, ‎April‎ ‎5‎, ‎2018‎ ‎11‎:‎25‎:‎01‎ ‎PM, theserpent108@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:

  Im predicting when jesus comes back and it should be soon because trump gave jeruselum to isreal. So now jesus has a place to rule from when he comes back. Hes gonna rally all the abrahamic religon guys and theres gonna be war with satan. But satan aint gonna be red with horns and a tail.
*and as theserpent108 said the jews then have a place to rule and this would all go down for real. The more we fight now the more peaceful the future will be
The thing is all of us are brainwashed to believe we are some kind of race traitors for following Satan in the first place. The xians tell us our whole lives never to follow Satan or else the whole world will go to shit.

Just because some didn't want to go along with the communism,, the christianity or the red army doesn't mean they're race traitors or cowards. That's what people would say about anyone back in the Crusades who wanted to stay back and protect their family. The jews lead white men to their deaths leaving their women and children unprotected by none but the walls. Many of them just died by disease or shitting their pants from disease. And its true, they arent bad people just for being brainwashed, but they aren't any better than those they would have been tortured or shot on sight for trying to defect like the first people to report the death camps in the USSR. Preserving history is also very heroic.
If we're really dedicated and fight everyday maybe none of them will die. The last time we tried to reveal Satan to the world, World War 2 was already on its way. It was both too late, and too early for us to stop it. But Satanic souls made a big impact and left a legacy.

The weird thing is that jesus is already here. Jesus is here all the time in the bible. Any jew can pose as jesus in the end, because they are trying to brainwash people into a second coming because jesus is just allegory for jewish world domination. On the other side, we have Hitler and Himmler and Goebbels and many others who are real oracles of Satan just a hundred years ago and not just hypocritical false prophets like Stalin and all the jewish neo-marxist writers out there. Not to mention the prophets who are completely false such as Jesus. Our prophets like the Pharoahs and Gods actually exist physically so "Jesus" won't be coming back as something has to exist to come back.

 I think if the jews tried to drop the curtain on their agenda now, our people would rise up to counter-attack them until the Antichrist could make his way in. And then the Gods would make their appearance then light theserpent108 said,The more we fight now the more peaceful it will be.
It's very impressive how you literally got everything wrong.

1. jewsus never existed in the first place to even "come back", the jews invented this fictional charcter hoping they can incarnate their jewish thoughtform in him (they call him messiah) but that was supposed to happen hundreds of years ago, which they obviously failed to achieve. Now it's too late for them, as their thoughtform is literally getting obliterated thanks to the Gods and the RTR's. TL;DR jewsus/messiah NEVER war and will NEVER be, not even if the jews cry a 6 gazillion tears.

2.Trump didn't give jerusalem to israel. He only recognized it as its capital city.

3. Even if jewsus """comes back""", it doesn't mean "all the abrahamic religion guys" are going to follow him. Life is much more complicated than that, it's not a sci-fi movie.

4. The jews' war with Satan has started thousands of years ago.

5. Satan might not necessarily come to earth if/when a huge war is started, as far as I know, it's yet unknown when will the Gods come back. Some say it'll be long after we establish a 4th Reich. I can't really say much, because I honestly have no idea.

You should do more readying.

Hail Satan!!!!
I would ask you why you have a purpose or reason for your existence?
You don't exist here with real people - you sadly have never been that!
You are a worm - trying to justify a life that never really didn't get started in the first place - hahaha!

You will be eventually banned!
Yes, it provides evidence of jewsus' existence and where it's been from age 12 to 33.
Oh, and as usual, it is as real as the bible itself. As it is JEWISH TRASH.

---In [email protected], <testedwaters@... wrote :

Have you heard of the urantia book?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
