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Who created bodybuilding?


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Academy of the Dragon, Dinas Ffaraon
Warning: this may hurt the feelings of some little snowflakes and I'm not even posting scientific, technical data against bodybuillding.

Bodybuilding as it is today was created by the kike Eugen Sandow, born from two kikes. (born Friedrich Wilhelm Müller)


No wonder those who are deep into it have dysmorphic, disproportionate, unbalanced body shapes and look like monsters.

Mr. Olympia 2019, Brandon Curry.

By the way the preposterously named competition (Mr. Olympia) was created by Joe Weider, another kike: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Weider


Phil Heath, 7 times (2011-2017) winner of Mr. Olympia and he looks like that.

Ronnie Coleman, 8 times (1998-2005) winner of Mr. Olympia.

Those pictures show what happens when you get too much into a jewish so-called "training" system. Need I show female bodybuilder pictures too? I can also provide unbiased nutrition facts and performance facts against bodybuilding.

Let's also gather more about Eugen Sandow and what else he did beside creating this abomination.

He was the pupil of Ludwig Durlacher, another notorious kike of the time. He visited India in 1905 and scholar John Alter, a medical anthropologist, claims Eugen was the person who the most influence on modern Westernised yoga. So he corrupted yoga too (not the one we SS use, but the one popular among NPCs). He died of brain hemorrhage.
the perfect and healthy body appearance should look like GREEK GODS




modern jewish training system lying on males that squat while holding barbell on your shoulders
is healthy and good for sex , men end up having Gorilla butt ,they are making men look like faggot and ready to get f****d.

they even lying on social media posting articles that girls like big chest on men so they can feel safe .
men end up by looking like this

they are just feminizing men
K, I'm into being fit... but that's it.... fit. There is legit a limit to how much muscle is healthy, you do not need to look like you're having a hard time breathing. I mean how do you even do yoga when it looks like your body is swollen like a tumour?

That has got to be doing something terrible to ligaments, tendons, soft-tissue and the circulatory system. I have very strong legs (probably a Sagittarius thing) and they no where near look like straight beef, but even just as they are, crouching and 'sitting' on my calves is still as uncomfortable as sitting on a protruding rock that feels like it's trying to burst out of my skin.

I can't imagine living with muscles the lot of these body builders(destroyers) have.
sonnenkraft said:
the perfect and healthy body appearance should look like GREEK GODS

Some are going to argue and tell you that those statues represent the bodybuilding physique, when all evidence points away from it, including the fact that bodybuilding didn't exist when Ancient Greek statues were molded.
Probably they are compensating for other inferiorities. I saw a programme where the presenter was doing a documentary about men, and it was about bodybuilding. One White man didn't care that his routine probably would kill him within 10 years. He wore clingfilm (plastic food wrap) around his waist and kept on pushing himself, from what I can remember. What is this mentality? Live fast, die young? In another programme, about fake products, a White teen or 20-something year old bought some fake tablets online and he died from them. Sheeple are so closed-minded and braindead.
sonnenkraft said:
No need to offend gays, having a good looking butt is something both for hetero and gays, a lot of girls like good looking butt. It's not femminine in any way.

I do agree that balance is needed in the body. If you look at the Greek Gods, they are balanced, if anything there is both something femminine and masculine in their body which I love, they are perfect and balanced, not too much nor too little.

Bodybuilders look disgusting and not balanced at all, both men's and woman's.
How can you think that a body like that is attractive, it's really disgusting and stupid.
Sandow, while jewish, wanted to shape his body in the shape of the Gods. He took inspiration from Roman and Greek God's statues for muscle's proportions.
Getting some muscular mass and being able to face a fight should be mandatory for everyone in my opinion.
Anyway, back to bodybuilding itself, even bodybuilders think modern bodybuilding is shit. Especially in America, it is all about taking drugs to get bigger. Not that "old school" bodybuilding was any better, since the discovery of testosterone.
The sport itself is full psychical autism, but sane muscle building and being fit should be promoted and (in my opinion) a minimum level should be mandatory for every self-respecting Satanist.
Having a lot of muscle isn’t really unhealthy if it’s built in a healthy way. Without drugs. It gets unhealthy when the body fat levels get too low.

Each person has a more or less a genetic limit to how much muscle they can put on. The body already has genetic code that understands the max a body can handle. The steroids can nullify that and put a person at dangerous levels. Then with body building the fat percentages must be so low, they’re destroying their bodies when they use drugs and have such low fat levels.

There are natural body building competitions, but again the body fat levels needed for them cause the same problems.
Stormblood said:
Warning: this may hurt the feelings of some little snowflakes and I'm not even posting scientific, technical data against bodybuillding.

Bodybuilding as it is today was created by the kike Eugen Sandow, born from two kikes. (born Friedrich Wilhelm Müller)


No wonder those who are deep into it have dysmorphic, disproportionate, unbalanced body shapes and look like monsters.

Mr. Olympia 2019, Brandon Curry.

By the way the preposterously named competition (Mr. Olympia) was created by Joe Weider, another kike: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Weider


Phil Heath, 7 times (2011-2017) winner of Mr. Olympia and he looks like that.

Ronnie Coleman, 8 times (1998-2005) winner of Mr. Olympia.

Those pictures show what happens when you get too much into a jewish so-called "training" system. Need I show female bodybuilder pictures too? I can also provide unbiased nutrition facts and performance facts against bodybuilding.

Let's also gather more about Eugen Sandow and what else he did beside creating this abomination.

He was the pupil of Ludwig Durlacher, another notorious kike of the time. He visited India in 1905 and scholar John Alter, a medical anthropologist, claims Eugen was the person who the most influence on modern Westernised yoga. So he corrupted yoga too (not the one we SS use, but the one popular among NPCs). He died of brain hemorrhage.

And that's why Calisthenics are safer folks.... Lol. I just joking. Although honestly calisthenics is pretty versatile compared to weights, so thank you very much Brother Stormy( hope you don't mind the nickname.)
Stormblood said:

These days bodybuilding is a term for taking insane amounts of hormones and abusing drugs as a result of mental and/or emotional illness. It's just ridiculous.
Physical culture is a great and important part of life because it's true purpose is empowerment and health. Like all good things, the poo people infiltrate and pervert it into something sick and retarded.
These people drug themselves into an early grave for the goal of looking like an inhuman monstrosity. Completely the opposite of what it should be.
sonnenkraft said:
modern jewish training system lying on males that squat while holding barbell on your shoulders
is healthy and good for sex , men end up having Gorilla butt ,they are making men look like faggot and ready to get f****d.

Squats are good for you and the strength and endurance definitely can help with sex, but you still need the skills to be good in bed.
And your anti-gay brainwashing belongs in christard churches and other jewish institutions, not here.
Way_Seeker666 said:
sonnenkraft said:
modern jewish training system lying on males that squat while holding barbell on your shoulders
is healthy and good for sex , men end up having Gorilla butt ,they are making men look like faggot and ready to get f****d.

Squats are good for you and the strength and endurance definitely can help with sex, but you still need the skills to be good in bed.
And your anti-gay brainwashing belongs in christard churches and other jewish institutions, not here.

Thick thighs bring the guys.
Way_Seeker666 said:
sonnenkraft said:
modern jewish training system lying on males that squat while holding barbell on your shoulders
is healthy and good for sex , men end up having Gorilla butt ,they are making men look like faggot and ready to get f****d.

Squats are good for you and the strength and endurance definitely can help with sex, but you still need the skills to be good in bed.
And your anti-gay brainwashing belongs in christard churches and other jewish institutions, not here.

I still don't understand why so many people use a barbell if they can't even squat properly without it. Talk about rushing. One can't even handle their bodyweight but "hey, I'm a kool kat so I'm going to add load a thousand years too early".

Beside that, I want to be positive and think that sonnenkraft just used "faggot" like a generic insult, rather than meaning homosexual people.
Well, four years ago I got motivated to become fit and change my appearance. I started sifting through this world of delusional broscience and all chemicals + snake oil supplements involved. In the end I realized that every body has its own genetical limits and it would be wise not to push them with roids, not to mention the havoc artificial hormones cause to your own natural systems. Look at all those retired builders, how abused and deflated they look. Some die even before getting old, check out Rich Piana and his story. Before his untimely passing he had some major plastic surgery done to his face. He looked grotesque and alien. I've seen dudes with fucked up knees, elbows, shoulders and other problems that are directly caused by lifting too much too often. Ones own bodyweight should be taken as a safety limit when lifting.
Finally, what's the point of living in a gym 6 days a week and feeling like shit because of muh diet? Reasonable strength and cardio stamina can be had without getting into masochism.
I've been thinking about this subject recently as I follow a few dudes on twitter who like to physique post. I've a bit of a muscle fetish. They haven't attained that sort of bodybuilder status where they start to resemble marshmellows filled with marbles, but I ignore most of what they actually say as I've noticed much of the culture they've created is flat-out retarded.

A good, solid majority of them start to treat mass-building and physical exercise as if it is, without a doubt, the most important thing anyone can do in their lives. Ultimately I agree with Pirate11's post that physical health and the building of a strong body should be a mandatory thing, but the level these guys take it to is both unhealthy and annoying. Imagine a person who obsesses over any one topic, to the point where you know you can't associate with them without hearing about that subject every time you talk. It's very much that case with them - and there's no point having a discussion about that, because they'll just insist you're envious of their gains and that you're a pussy nerd. That's the other element of this culture they've created; they strongly wish to maintain the false dichotomy of nerd vs. jock. You're either academically successful or you're physically successful, you cannot be both, and if you are both, then you're not as good as them because intelligence is bad and deserves to be shamed. You should be mocked for being intelligent. Could probably be even bigger if you spent more time at the gym than reading a book, nerd.

There are at least some who kind of break past that false dichotomy and value strength of the mind as well as the body, but even then they fall into such blatantly obvious mental traps. I've seen a solid number of them who have come to believe that agriculture is the worst thing to happen to Human civilization and that it is almost 100% responsible for our degeneration as a species. Had we not developed agriculture, we would all be swole and healthy and there wouldn't be the health issues and social ills that we have today. They genuinely idolize hunter-gatherer societies and feel we'd be better off if everyone just focused on physical activities relating to survival in the wilderness. To top it off, many of them have fallen into the no-fap mentality as well; masturbation depletes vital nutrients and makes you physically weak and a beta male, they argue. I've even seen them post completely fictitious quotes from Nietzsche, fucking Nietzsche, claiming that catholic priests and monks are undeniable proof of the high spiritual strength and morality one can obtain through strict sexual abstinence. They take this belief quite seriously, too; you must, MUST stop masturbating in order to qualify as an alpha male, otherwise you'll always have less testosterone and nutrients than other men who only ejaculate during sex. Sex with a woman, of course - forgot to mention that many of them are incredibly homophobic and will write paragraphs on twitter complaining about how another man was admiring his muscles from afar, or asked him if he'd like to get drinks some time or whatever the fuck.

They're also really pissed off right now and sharing a bunch of memes about gyms being closed because of the coronavirus. They're physically strong so obviously they won't get coronavirus since only pussy weaklings get it and they deserve to die anyway.

What all of this has taught me, ultimately, is that Jewish tentacles truly have extended their reach into everything that Spiritual Satanists don't have a foothold in - which is pretty much everything at this current point in time. Not just bodybuilding, but the whole culture of physical exercise and trying to attain a healthy physical form. If they reject some Jewish elements, like drug use and prioritizing muscle gains over actual health, then they accept other Jewish elements like fap = bad and fuck intelligence. This helps spur on the opposite reaction where sane people see this kind of horse shit and are reluctant to go to a gym because the gym is filled with these insufferable shitstains. I'm fortunate to have exercise equipment at home, but not everyone is.
luis said:
No need to offend gays, having a good looking butt is something both for hetero and gays, a lot of girls like good looking butt. It's not feminine in any way.
not against gay people in anyway, good looking butt well balanced mean healthy body,
but men go to the extreme especially squat while holding barbell makes butt bigger than average and also effect lower back it adds a lot of pressure becomes curved, a lot of body Builder guys don't know how to walk they Have the Doggy Style Walk,,,, Gay or straight should take Care of their Body
Anyone who is going to extreme it means TRANSFORMATION changing gender they should go to hospital and ask for help. Gay man does not mean Having Female boobs + butt + Lips this mean transformation `should seek for medical help
luis said:
I do agree that balance is needed in the body. If you look at the Greek Gods, they are balanced, if anything there is both something femminine and masculine in their body which I love, they are perfect and balanced, not too much nor too little.
Yup %100 correct :) .
luis said:
Bodybuilders look disgusting and not balanced at all, both men's and woman's.
How can you think that a body like that is attractive, it's really disgusting and stupid.
the extreme Body Builder not balanced are good for farming they can replace the Mule or water Buffalo Both can handle pressure .
Stormblood said:
Warning: this may hurt the feelings of some little snowflakes and I'm not even posting scientific, technical data against bodybuillding.

Bodybuilding as it is today was created by the kike Eugen Sandow, born from two kikes. (born Friedrich Wilhelm Müller)

He was the pupil of Ludwig Durlacher, another notorious kike of the time. He visited India in 1905 and scholar John Alter, a medical anthropologist, claims Eugen was the person who the most influence on modern Westernised yoga. So he corrupted yoga too (not the one we SS use, but the one popular among NPCs). He died of brain hemorrhage.

Makes sense. Scientifically speaking body building is a disaster. Machine exercises work certain muscles for certain positions. That's why a lot of body builders tear something or balloon tf up and look fat. Also the bigger you are the less range of motion you have. An effective body needs balance of both none machine workouts and some with weights and resistance. Work out the entire body, not just bits and pieces of it. I always saw that type of physique as for decoration rather than effectiveness. Another thing is the diet requires to have that type of body. Too much protein, a bunch of supplements, eat more than usual to sustain all those muscles, etc.
Stormblood said:
sonnenkraft said:
the perfect and healthy body appearance should look like GREEK GODS
Some are going to argue and tell you that those statues represent the bodybuilding physique, when all evidence points away from it, including the fact that bodybuilding didn't exist when Ancient Greek statues were molded.

there is no need for Bodybuilding term it's fake and kike as u mentioned in the topic.
There is something Called Developing Healthy Strong Body for Healthy soul and mind.
if u looked at the images of Greek god Statues that i posted u can now Compare them with
Germans images During the Third Reich , you will understand that germans achieved the healthy body which looks similar to greek god statues (perfect healthy body Appearance)






just keep it simple, no need for stupid practices in gym
Way_Seeker666 said:
sonnenkraft said:
modern jewish training system lying on males that squat while holding barbell on your shoulders
is healthy and good for sex , men end up having Gorilla butt ,they are making men look like faggot and ready to get f****d.

Squats are good for you and the strength and endurance definitely can help with sex, but you still need the skills to be good in bed.
And your anti-gay brainwashing belongs in christard churches and other jewish institutions, not here.

well sorry for faggot word if u r offended, but u know that males should have balanced body
Straight and third sex people should take care of their body no need for stupid gym exercises, changing your body shape to the extreme, it's a psychological symptoms it's a preparation to change gender, since you are not comfortable with your body it's a mental illness,there was no gender transformation in ancient times .
I discuss bodybuilding here:


An indictment of the (ill) health and (un)fitness industry

audio: https://www.bitchute.com/video/NSMTNO4hSo4J/

purchase: http://www.lulu.com/shop/paperback/product-24465878.html
sonnenkraft said:
luis said:
No need to offend gays, having a good looking butt is something both for hetero and gays, a lot of girls like good looking butt. It's not feminine in any way.
not against gay people in anyway, good looking butt well balanced mean healthy body,
but men go to the extreme especially squat while holding barbell makes butt bigger than average and also effect lower back it adds a lot of pressure becomes curved, a lot of body Builder guys don't know how to walk they Have the Doggy Style Walk,,,, Gay or straight should take Care of their Body
Anyone who is going to extreme it means TRANSFORMATION changing gender they should go to hospital and ask for help. Gay man does not mean Having Female boobs + butt + Lips this mean transformation `should seek for medical help
luis said:
I do agree that balance is needed in the body. If you look at the Greek Gods, they are balanced, if anything there is both something femminine and masculine in their body which I love, they are perfect and balanced, not too much nor too little.
Yup %100 correct :) .
luis said:
Bodybuilders look disgusting and not balanced at all, both men's and woman's.
How can you think that a body like that is attractive, it's really disgusting and stupid.
the extreme Body Builder not balanced are good for farming they can replace the Mule or water Buffalo Both can handle pressure .
Ok now I understand what you were trying to say, I agree balance is needed.
sonnenkraft said:
Stormblood said:
sonnenkraft said:
the perfect and healthy body appearance should look like GREEK GODS
Some are going to argue and tell you that those statues represent the bodybuilding physique, when all evidence points away from it, including the fact that bodybuilding didn't exist when Ancient Greek statues were molded.

there is no need for Bodybuilding term it's fake and kike as u mentioned in the topic.
There is something Called Developing Healthy Strong Body for Healthy soul and mind.
if u looked at the images of Greek god Statues that i posted u can now Compare them with
Germans images During the Third Reich , you will understand that germans achieved the healthy body which looks similar to greek god statues (perfect healthy body Appearance)

just keep it simple, no need for stupid practices in gym

No doubts about that and I agree what many stated that taking care of your physical fitness and health should be mandatory and is advisable. Now, regarding using equipment or not, I believe that some things are useful even if entirely optional, depending on your background and your goals (health, empowerment, survival, job, etc).

Personally, that's how I like a gym to be: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7EvkjbUZ5M and some of the stuff in there helps with developing skills I need and skills I like. The stall bars (for very many stretching and mobility exercises), the soft pullup bars, the straddles, elevated surfaces, parallel bars, and so on.

Surely the fourth reich will look very similar to the third in this guise.

This thread seems to be going well enough and I haven't even had to post any scientific and medical papers. Very nice.
I find this to be a really interesting topic since I actually weight train myself.

In a positive manner, I have never had the kinds of ideals that these 'modern' bodybuilders have. The unnecessary amount of muscle just looked so unhealthy in my mind. I knew that these men and women took steroids and drastically changed their diets in order to make significant changes to their body. These 'athletes' die young and wreak havoc on their bones. It's like those people on My 600-lb Life, except they have muscle, and muscle is more compact than fat which means it can be packed a lot. Either way, too much fat/muscle is both physically gross to look at and unhealthy.

I don't 'train' to look like these gigolos. Since I'm female, our bodies naturally have more body-fat than the average male because of child rearing. It's a healthy for me to keep a good amount, especially since I want kids. If anything, I combine weight training with other cardio-workouts and self-utilizing exercises for me to keep a healthy figure. I use weight training to make my figure more lean and not constantly packing more muscle onto me. I look at it as more of a balancing exercise if my figure gets out of hand. Extreme bodybuilders are practically throwing their bodies out of a homeostasis. The more muscle they pack, the more stiff and less flexible they become.

Eric13 said:
Having a lot of muscle isn’t really unhealthy if it’s built in a healthy way. Without drugs. It gets unhealthy when the body fat levels get too low.

I agree with this. I personally am more attracted to guys who do have some muscle, but not looking like veiny vomit. I wouldn't like it if they practically lived at the gym, either. They have to rest for a bit after each session. Even then, it's good to take a break from strenuous workout.
sonnenkraft said:
Stormblood said:
sonnenkraft said:
the perfect and healthy body appearance should look like GREEK GODS
Some are going to argue and tell you that those statues represent the bodybuilding physique, when all evidence points away from it, including the fact that bodybuilding didn't exist when Ancient Greek statues were molded.

there is no need for Bodybuilding term it's fake and kike as u mentioned in the topic.
There is something Called Developing Healthy Strong Body for Healthy soul and mind.
if u looked at the images of Greek god Statues that i posted u can now Compare them with
Germans images During the Third Reich , you will understand that germans achieved the healthy body which looks similar to greek god statues (perfect healthy body Appearance)






just keep it simple, no need for stupid practices in gym
I second these pictures .
Stormblood said:
Way_Seeker666 said:
sonnenkraft said:
modern jewish training system lying on males that squat while holding barbell on your shoulders
is healthy and good for sex , men end up having Gorilla butt ,they are making men look like faggot and ready to get f****d.

Squats are good for you and the strength and endurance definitely can help with sex, but you still need the skills to be good in bed.
And your anti-gay brainwashing belongs in christard churches and other jewish institutions, not here.

I still don't understand why so many people use a barbell if they can't even squat properly without it. Talk about rushing. One can't even handle their bodyweight but "hey, I'm a kool kat so I'm going to add load a thousand years too early".

Beside that, I want to be positive and think that sonnenkraft just used "faggot" like a generic insult, rather than meaning homosexual people.

Few people have the wisdom or patience to do things the right way. They want to be masters from the start, like those who come here expecting to start their spiritual journey by raising the serpent when in reality it's further down the road then they thought the whole road went. Where I live steroids are so normal there's a supplement shop that sells them, and guys as young as in their teens start using them at the same time they start training. It's retarded.
His wording seemed to be specific rather than generic to me but it's cool to see he said that he didn't mean it that way.
sonnenkraft said:
Way_Seeker666 said:
sonnenkraft said:
modern jewish training system lying on males that squat while holding barbell on your shoulders
is healthy and good for sex , men end up having Gorilla butt ,they are making men look like faggot and ready to get f****d.

Squats are good for you and the strength and endurance definitely can help with sex, but you still need the skills to be good in bed.
And your anti-gay brainwashing belongs in christard churches and other jewish institutions, not here.

well sorry for faggot word if u r offended, but u know that males should have balanced body
Straight and third sex people should take care of their body no need for stupid gym exercises, changing your body shape to the extreme, it's a psychological symptoms it's a preparation to change gender, since you are not comfortable with your body it's a mental illness,there was no gender transformation in ancient times .

I'm not offended, it's just that being against gay people is retarded jewish shit amd we are better than that.
I see what you meant to say though and I agree, the extremes of using drugs to get unnaturally big, never being ok with ones body, etc are illness.
I feel that guys should lift weights, do calisthenics, do yoga, and build a super strong body that looks good to them personally so they are healthy, strong and happy with their physical selves. Modern bodybuilding is the complete opposite of what physical culture should be.
On a related note, it would be interesting to give out some statistical information about attractiveness and body fat percentage.

A few years ago, we ran a survey where we asked women to rate the attractiveness of various male bodies. We presented them with photos of male torsos, heads cropped off, and they told us which of the bodies they found the most attractive. We also asked them why they found some male bodies more attractive than others.

Some of those photo arrays were designed to see whether women preferred men with healthy body-fat percentages, and they did:

In this photo array, 58% of women chose a man with a body fat-percentage of around 14%.

This was as expected. Women were picking the men with lower body-fat percentages because those lower body-fat percentages were healthier. But what happens when we drop the body-fat even lower?

Other photo arrays were designed to see whether women preferred men with abs. They didn’t:

Here, 63% of women found a body-fat percentage of around 13% the most attractive, preferring it it to the physiques of guys with more chiseled abs.

In this photo array, 82% of women chose the guy with a body-fat percentage of around 14%, greatly preferring it to the more muscular, shredded physiques.

The next thing we did was ask women why they found some physiques more attractive than others. Here are some direct quotes from their survey responses:

It looks the most natural/normal.

It looks healthy and not overdone!

Fit but not overdone.

I don’t find particularly defined abdominal muscles nice looking.

I don’t like overly defined abs. It’s less natural looking.

He isn’t disgustingly ripped.

Not excessively ripped!

Not too overboard in fitness

Healthy, toned, but not too much. The others are a little too intense.

Looks healthy, young, and not overly defined

The abs don’t pop out as much, it looks more like a body of someone who is fit because of a sport as opposed to someone who does it for looks.

What’s the most attractive male body-fat percentage?

Overall, it seems like all of the research lines up quite neatly. Women prefer men who look healthy and strong, which means a body-fat percentage of 8–20%, with the majority of women preferring men with a body-fat percentage somewhere in the middle.
(Which would mean 16-18%)


Everyone should read this study. I only copied the attractiveness part to catch your attention. The real important thing is not doing it for external validation but for yourself. The article discusses studies in the earlier Portion which proves a lower Body fat makes you healthier produces more testosterone, less anxiety, less chances of disease and a plethora of other things.

The idea of masculinity does not mean dominating others. At the very base of the idea of manhood is control over your actions. And the first thing you can control is what you put in your mouth (pun not intended) and how you workout to be healthy in this dystopian world where everyone else is eating cancerous processed foods and junk food. I advice taking up strength training. But before that people should train in bodyweight mastery as Brother Stormblood explained people can't do squats and go on to lift barbells.
(I have this and I can post for free of anyone is interested. )

(Related to women.)
Stormblood said:
Personally, that's how I like a gym to be: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7EvkjbUZ5M and some of the stuff in there helps with developing skills I need and skills I like. The stall bars (for very many stretching and mobility exercises), the soft pullup bars, the straddles, elevated surfaces, parallel bars, and so on.

that's interesting these type of skills will make your Body Healthy & youthful once you develop these skills it will remain forever even when you get Aged it will remain
During The Third Reich the Promoter of the (Training in nature while naked ) and perfect Aryan appearance Hans Suren was in charge of the physical education in the Wehrmacht Infantry schools He Published a series of Books About Body Exercises in details with pictures ,mostly of the exercises is the same things you preferred "stretching and mobility exercises".

some if his books name :-
Mensch und Sonne Arisch-Olympischer Geist
sonnenkraft said:
Stormblood said:
Personally, that's how I like a gym to be: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7EvkjbUZ5M and some of the stuff in there helps with developing skills I need and skills I like. The stall bars (for very many stretching and mobility exercises), the soft pullup bars, the straddles, elevated surfaces, parallel bars, and so on.

that's interesting these type of skills will make your Body Healthy & youthful once you develop these skills it will remain forever even when you get Aged it will remain
During The Third Reich the Promoter of the (Training in nature while naked ) and perfect Aryan appearance Hans Suren was in charge of the physical education in the Wehrmacht Infantry schools He Published a series of Books About Body Exercises in details with pictures ,mostly of the exercises is the same things you preferred "stretching and mobility exercises".

some if his books name :-
Mensch und Sonne Arisch-Olympischer Geist

Thank you. I didn't know about that as my research and experience in this area doesn't extend to the Third Reich, which is a grievous gap (in my opinion.)

Of course, I'm not promoting here any training discipline. All I can say is that one should discard everything that is:

• jewish
• unnatural
• has a moderate to high risk of injury
• hampers spiritual advancement (stiffening of joints, inflexibility and so on)
• is excessive or deficient
• is one-size-fits-all, instead of being tailored to the individual in an extremely customised way
• is not aligned with occupational needs, other needs, interests and/or aptitude.

Regarding stretching and mobility (as well as many strength exercises), I found most of them to be a westernised variation of hatha yoga.
Jack said:
Overall, it seems like all of the research lines up quite neatly. Women prefer men who look healthy and strong, which means a body-fat percentage of 8–20%, with the majority of women preferring men with a body-fat percentage somewhere in the middle.
(Which would mean 16-18%)
This is just the average .The preferable body fat percentage is 14%.
The original gyms in the images of them only had gymnastic equipment and some kettle bells. Gymnastics' such as training on rings is some of the hardest exercises and they build strength and physique.
Funny thing is, i got to know the JoS thanks to a bodybuilding forum. Someone might know the infamous “misc” from a popular bodybuilding website.

Truth to be told, there was a guy talking about summoning demons on a BODYBUILDING forum, you can imagine what a shitstorm that was, in a good way though. Good moments.

The advice he gave was legit though, and he also posted many meditations from the jos Page, so many people were interested too

The mods didn’t let it live for long though. I would post that guy username cause I still have immense curiosity to see if he’s still hanging around. Won’t post it for privacy reasons ofc but if he’s here he’ll probably remember hehe
Stormblood said:
Thank you. I didn't know about that as my research and experience in this area doesn't extend to the Third Reich, which is a grievous gap (in my opinion.)

anytime :cool: . well, you can consider it as a grievous gap,and that is true because third Reich researches are treasures we need it now in the present day, they did their best they went to far east(Tibet,Mesopotamia,India,etc) looking for answer or secret powers for both physically and spiritually advancement .

Stormblood said:
Of course, I'm not promoting here any training discipline. All I can say is that one should discard everything that is:
• jewish
• unnatural
• has a moderate to high risk of injury
• hampers spiritual advancement (stiffening of joints, inflexibility and so on)
• is excessive or deficient
• is one-size-fits-all, instead of being tailored to the individual in an extremely customised way
• is not aligned with occupational needs, other needs, interests and/or aptitude.


Stormblood said:
Regarding stretching and mobility (as well as many strength exercises), I found most of them to be a westernised variation of hatha yoga.

i think it is Definitely .
HP Mageson666 said:
The original gyms in the images of them only had gymnastic equipment and some kettle bells. Gymnastics' such as training on rings is some of the hardest exercises and they build strength and physique.
Original gyms?
It seems in ancient times, like in Greece, along with body weight and similar movements, they used a variety of resistance methods as well. Like use of stones, logs and other accessible items.

I think, when maximizing strength and conditioning, you’ll need a variety of resistance training exercises at some point. To an extent.
V12-POWER said:
Funny thing is, i got to know the JoS thanks to a bodybuilding forum. Someone might know the infamous “misc” from a popular bodybuilding website.

Truth to be told, there was a guy talking about summoning demons on a BODYBUILDING forum, you can imagine what a shitstorm that was, in a good way though. Good moments.

The advice he gave was legit though, and he also posted many meditations from the jos Page, so many people were interested too

The mods didn’t let it live for long though. I would post that guy username cause I still have immense curiosity to see if he’s still hanging around. Won’t post it for privacy reasons ofc but if he’s here he’ll probably remember hehe

Lol smallworld I used to lurk that site back in the day and remember the thread. There were multiple guys making meditation/demon threads in that era. I know just one of TB's threads alone reached over 90+ pages. Even though he never explicitly mentioned or linked the JOS website he was basically copy+pasting meditations and info from it so anyone that actually did further research would find it.

as someone who was already redpilled about Hitler+the jews finding out the info came from somewhere that was jewwise it made me that much more certain the info was legit(on top of actually applying it and getting results).
sonnenkraft said:

What's your take on his alleged Freikörperkultur involvement and the fact he was exiled from the party due to public masturbation? I'm not too fond of the former honestly. I like shirtless but I think that full naked is going overboard. The latter I think it's most likely enemy propaganda.
Stormblood said:
What's your take on his alleged Freikörperkultur involvement and the fact he was exiled from the party due to public masturbation? I'm not too fond of the former honestly

The Funny thing about Freikörperkultur that there was no starting date or year neither it was movement , jewoogle will give events and that is wrong ,It was something normal among certain tribes certain people in Germany & across Europe , it was corrupted & Attacked by (Juden Press) Jewish newspaper, they made it as a scandal or against god(sin), the jew took the Advantage of the invention of photographic camera they intensified their propaganda.

The Third Reich were smart wanted to understand the enemy by applying first the Racial Hygiene it was Hard Kick in Jewish Face, 3rd Reich Probably Temporarily stopped the nudity but they didn’t banned it its fake in” jewoogle” Because Hans Suren was in charge of the physical education and published sport and nudity in nature after the Nazi came to power 1933 , his books:-
Mensch und Sonne in 1936 full nudity under the sun and sport in nature
Kraftgymnastik mit natürlichen 1935 (contains full nudity in nature)

Hitler did not mind at all & never Banned anyone, all his party movement was against the Abrahamic sickness.
Stormblood said:
I like shirtless but I think that full naked is going overboard. The latter I think it's most likely enemy propaganda.

the enemy Propaganda be like :-
against Gay ,, jew in 21century we support gay people
against Female ,, jew in 21century we support feminism
against Nudity ,, jew support nudity (in a rubbish way) to apply race mixing

in general free body culture is for the people of the folk ,for Aryans in general u can be shirtless or fully naked at the end we don't have the Rape culture, no need to feel ashamed ,Praise of the body , body ist not a sin .
Satan created us free to act in a proper way

and conclusion of nudity in nature is for getting benefit from sun and light for morality and education
Acceptance and embodiment of Aryan Breeding.

* note when French and British colonist arrived in Afrika took photo for some afrikan tribes were Naked because it ist something normal https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1021/8371/products/XGDC6_007.jpg?v=1571708886

after abrahamic relegion installed in afrikans brains ,the afrikans became ashamed of their body and the sin kulture started ;)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
