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Who are 'nature spirits'?

Dec 17, 2007
I hope this isn't a stupid question and if it has been discussed before I apologise I like to know who/what I am dealing with.
When I say 'nature spirits' I mean, the little people that are called various names around the world are they a race of ET? More than one race? friends of Ours? From what I have read into they seem to have a history of being friends to witches but also I have heard they don't like everyone... I have felt a positive energy from them.

I am asking this seriously I know they are not Demons and they seem to be attached to natural undisturbed places, old buildings animals etc. I always was aware of their existance and have had a few encounters. I have on occasion felt I had company when out in the bush. I have taken a few photos where coloured orbs showed up and seemed to move between one picture and the next.

I had a little dog I rescued a few years ago who got out on the road and was hit by a car. I took a photo of him not long before he died and there was this strange orb in the picture and he was staring right at it. I always wondered about that I can only hope it was something friendly.
I was one of those kids who used to spend a lot of time in the garden 'looking for fairies' I didn't have any friends growing up and I believed my nans garden had magic in it maybe it was just because I was lonely and different, I used to crawl around deep in the bushes with spiders and lizards and imagine there were little people in there. So I got sent to a psychiatrist, and for tests with electrodes attatched to my head, and a catscan. They found nothing wrong with me the psych creeped me out though. I am mildly autistic but animals were always drawn to me and I knew there was more to the world than others could see.

When I was a teenager I was living in youth homes and one big house they moved me into it was a really old building with this big beautifull tree out the back. A lot of troubled kids had lived there and thats where I actually saw a couple of times very small beings one was almost solid looking under a foot tall and another was like a tiny ball of light buzzing around behind a friend one night. I never felt anything negative like you would from an enemy spirit, I felt comefortable there.

I also realise a lot of crap from the new age movement has stigmatised the subject a lot and I only have my own experiences and stories from other people to go by. I had a friend in high school who's family grew up in a little village in Greece and they had a healthy respect for these beings. Her mother and grandmother used to tell me about their childhood there after school and it was interesting to say the least. As times moved on and the area became more developed and populated they saw less of these beings.

I know now in my own area Ive noticed after living here several years it has become more populated and developed, big areas of bushland are being cut down and animals loosing their homes and I have noticed a lot of these developments have been running into 'unexpected trouble' what some would call 'bad luck' failed housing estates, major problems with a shopping mall development I can feel the energy of the place changing. I can feel something else too something between a sadness and anger.
There are still some beautifull natural places near me very pristine and in the quiet months of the year when the tourists are not messing it up you can go there and the energy is just amazing, so pure and raw and it is very healing for me to go there and you can have a whole beach to yourself, and no houses or people or noise just the waves breaking and the birds, and I never feel alone there. Then tourist season starts and the place is bombarded with loud anoying people with no respect for the place or the locals and trash it with rubbish. The energy changes then. However it is as if nature gets her own right back because the tourist season the beaches get coated with foul smelling seaweed and blue bottles (manowar jellyfish) and big storms.
It was just after I dedicated to Satan I went there one afternoon and I had quite an energy surround me as I walked through the bush very positive I felt like someone or more than one being was watching me or following me so I sat down for a while and didn't say anything and it felt very good. It was nothing like the energy of the enemy it felt very natural and peacefull. Nothing was said we just seemed to be sharing some emotions and energy and there was noone else around to disturb things. Ive wondered who they are every since.

Hail Satan
I had a lot of the same experiences never went to the hospital though everyone just ignored me or said I was weird. I also learned very young not to tell everything I see or here. Yes I believe there are beings in I disturbed places and they can see right through if we are good or bad. I don't know what they are either. I know that churches "laid hands" on me a lot over the years. My mother would dismiss anything I saw or tell me to pray or rebuke it. I would like to understand more of the spiritual realm and the mind. Maybe help get rid of the open link that the enemy found that causes Gentiles to be deceived.
Hail Satan!

On Oct 23, 2012, at 1:38 PM, "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@... wrote:
  I hope this isn't a stupid question and if it has been discussed before I apologise I like to know who/what I am dealing with.
When I say 'nature spirits' I mean, the little people that are called various names around the world are they a race of ET? More than one race? friends of Ours? From what I have read into they seem to have a history of being friends to witches but also I have heard they don't like everyone... I have felt a positive energy from them.

I am asking this seriously I know they are not Demons and they seem to be attached to natural undisturbed places, old buildings animals etc. I always was aware of their existance and have had a few encounters. I have on occasion felt I had company when out in the bush. I have taken a few photos where coloured orbs showed up and seemed to move between one picture and the next.

I had a little dog I rescued a few years ago who got out on the road and was hit by a car. I took a photo of him not long before he died and there was this strange orb in the picture and he was staring right at it. I always wondered about that I can only hope it was something friendly.
I was one of those kids who used to spend a lot of time in the garden 'looking for fairies' I didn't have any friends growing up and I believed my nans garden had magic in it maybe it was just because I was lonely and different, I used to crawl around deep in the bushes with spiders and lizards and imagine there were little people in there. So I got sent to a psychiatrist, and for tests with electrodes attatched to my head, and a catscan. They found nothing wrong with me the psych creeped me out though. I am mildly autistic but animals were always drawn to me and I knew there was more to the world than others could see.

When I was a teenager I was living in youth homes and one big house they moved me into it was a really old building with this big beautifull tree out the back. A lot of troubled kids had lived there and thats where I actually saw a couple of times very small beings one was almost solid looking under a foot tall and another was like a tiny ball of light buzzing around behind a friend one night. I never felt anything negative like you would from an enemy spirit, I felt comefortable there.

I also realise a lot of crap from the new age movement has stigmatised the subject a lot and I only have my own experiences and stories from other people to go by. I had a friend in high school who's family grew up in a little village in Greece and they had a healthy respect for these beings. Her mother and grandmother used to tell me about their childhood there after school and it was interesting to say the least. As times moved on and the area became more developed and populated they saw less of these beings.

I know now in my own area Ive noticed after living here several years it has become more populated and developed, big areas of bushland are being cut down and animals loosing their homes and I have noticed a lot of these developments have been running into 'unexpected trouble' what some would call 'bad luck' failed housing estates, major problems with a shopping mall development I can feel the energy of the place changing. I can feel something else too something between a sadness and anger.
There are still some beautifull natural places near me very pristine and in the quiet months of the year when the tourists are not messing it up you can go there and the energy is just amazing, so pure and raw and it is very healing for me to go there and you can have a whole beach to yourself, and no houses or people or noise just the waves breaking and the birds, and I never feel alone there. Then tourist season starts and the place is bombarded with loud anoying people with no respect for the place or the locals and trash it with rubbish. The energy changes then. However it is as if nature gets her own right back because the tourist season the beaches get coated with foul smelling seaweed and blue bottles (manowar jellyfish) and big storms.
It was just after I dedicated to Satan I went there one afternoon and I had quite an energy surround me as I walked through the bush very positive I felt like someone or more than one being was watching me or following me so I sat down for a while and didn't say anything and it felt very good. It was nothing like the energy of the enemy it felt very natural and peacefull. Nothing was said we just seemed to be sharing some emotions and energy and there was noone else around to disturb things. Ive wondered who they are every since.

Hail Satan
THey are FAERIES GNOMES,DWARVES, ELVES , PIXXES are another form OF faeries and they have always been apart of EARTH .
On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 11:38 AM PDT Serpentfire666 wrote:

I hope this isn't a stupid question and if it has been discussed before I apologise I like to know who/what I am dealing with.
When I say 'nature spirits' I mean, the little people that are called various names around the world are they a race of ET? More than one race? friends of Ours? From what I have read into they seem to have a history of being friends to witches but also I have heard they don't like everyone... I have felt a positive energy from them.

I am asking this seriously I know they are not Demons and they seem to be attached to natural undisturbed places, old buildings animals etc. I always was aware of their existance and have had a few encounters. I have on occasion felt I had company when out in the bush. I have taken a few photos where coloured orbs showed up and seemed to move between one picture and the next.

I had a little dog I rescued a few years ago who got out on the road and was hit by a car. I took a photo of him not long before he died and there was this strange orb in the picture and he was staring right at it. I always wondered about that I can only hope it was something friendly.
I was one of those kids who used to spend a lot of time in the garden 'looking for fairies' I didn't have any friends growing up and I believed my nans garden had magic in it maybe it was just because I was lonely and different, I used to crawl around deep in the bushes with spiders and lizards and imagine there were little people in there. So I got sent to a psychiatrist, and for tests with electrodes attatched to my head, and a catscan. They found nothing wrong with me the psych creeped me out though. I am mildly autistic but animals were always drawn to me and I knew there was more to the world than others could see.

When I was a teenager I was living in youth homes and one big house they moved me into it was a really old building with this big beautifull tree out the back. A lot of troubled kids had lived there and thats where I actually saw a couple of times very small beings one was almost solid looking under a foot tall and another was like a tiny ball of light buzzing around behind a friend one night. I never felt anything negative like you would from an enemy spirit, I felt comefortable there.

I also realise a lot of crap from the new age movement has stigmatised the subject a lot and I only have my own experiences and stories from other people to go by. I had a friend in high school who's family grew up in a little village in Greece and they had a healthy respect for these beings. Her mother and grandmother used to tell me about their childhood there after school and it was interesting to say the least. As times moved on and the area became more developed and populated they saw less of these beings.

I know now in my own area Ive noticed after living here several years it has become more populated and developed, big areas of bushland are being cut down and animals loosing their homes and I have noticed a lot of these developments have been running into 'unexpected trouble' what some would call 'bad luck' failed housing estates, major problems with a shopping mall development I can feel the energy of the place changing. I can feel something else too something between a sadness and anger.
There are still some beautifull natural places near me very pristine and in the quiet months of the year when the tourists are not messing it up you can go there and the energy is just amazing, so pure and raw and it is very healing for me to go there and you can have a whole beach to yourself, and no houses or people or noise just the waves breaking and the birds, and I never feel alone there. Then tourist season starts and the place is bombarded with loud anoying people with no respect for the place or the locals and trash it with rubbish. The energy changes then. However it is as if nature gets her own right back because the tourist season the beaches get coated with foul smelling seaweed and blue bottles (manowar jellyfish) and big storms.
It was just after I dedicated to Satan I went there one afternoon and I had quite an energy surround me as I walked through the bush very positive I felt like someone or more than one being was watching me or following me so I sat down for a while and didn't say anything and it felt very good. It was nothing like the energy of the enemy it felt very natural and peacefull. Nothing was said we just seemed to be sharing some emotions and energy and there was noone else around to disturb things. Ive wondered who they are every since.

Hail Satan
This is the same feeling I get. I think it is the Gods that are there that allow us to Feel the energy of the Plants and earth.

But for me personally. I don't like the "orb". In my own exp. I've seen the orb and can say (in my own exp) that it is "Dust" that is caught in the flash and/or stuck to the lends. Could also be bugs or tiny insects

But the feeling of the energy in nature is soooooo awesome! Its almost like I was born with a "green thumb" hehe

Hail EaSent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!From: "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@... Sender: [email protected] Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 18:38:53 -0000To: <[email protected]ReplyTo: [email protected] Subject: [HellsArmy666] Who are 'nature spirits'?
  I hope this isn't a stupid question and if it has been discussed before I apologise I like to know who/what I am dealing with.
When I say 'nature spirits' I mean, the little people that are called various names around the world are they a race of ET? More than one race? friends of Ours? From what I have read into they seem to have a history of being friends to witches but also I have heard they don't like everyone... I have felt a positive energy from them.

I am asking this seriously I know they are not Demons and they seem to be attached to natural undisturbed places, old buildings animals etc. I always was aware of their existance and have had a few encounters. I have on occasion felt I had company when out in the bush. I have taken a few photos where coloured orbs showed up and seemed to move between one picture and the next.

I had a little dog I rescued a few years ago who got out on the road and was hit by a car. I took a photo of him not long before he died and there was this strange orb in the picture and he was staring right at it. I always wondered about that I can only hope it was something friendly.
I was one of those kids who used to spend a lot of time in the garden 'looking for fairies' I didn't have any friends growing up and I believed my nans garden had magic in it maybe it was just because I was lonely and different, I used to crawl around deep in the bushes with spiders and lizards and imagine there were little people in there. So I got sent to a psychiatrist, and for tests with electrodes attatched to my head, and a catscan. They found nothing wrong with me the psych creeped me out though. I am mildly autistic but animals were always drawn to me and I knew there was more to the world than others could see.

When I was a teenager I was living in youth homes and one big house they moved me into it was a really old building with this big beautifull tree out the back. A lot of troubled kids had lived there and thats where I actually saw a couple of times very small beings one was almost solid looking under a foot tall and another was like a tiny ball of light buzzing around behind a friend one night. I never felt anything negative like you would from an enemy spirit, I felt comefortable there.

I also realise a lot of crap from the new age movement has stigmatised the subject a lot and I only have my own experiences and stories from other people to go by. I had a friend in high school who's family grew up in a little village in Greece and they had a healthy respect for these beings. Her mother and grandmother used to tell me about their childhood there after school and it was interesting to say the least. As times moved on and the area became more developed and populated they saw less of these beings.

I know now in my own area Ive noticed after living here several years it has become more populated and developed, big areas of bushland are being cut down and animals loosing their homes and I have noticed a lot of these developments have been running into 'unexpected trouble' what some would call 'bad luck' failed housing estates, major problems with a shopping mall development I can feel the energy of the place changing. I can feel something else too something between a sadness and anger.
There are still some beautifull natural places near me very pristine and in the quiet months of the year when the tourists are not messing it up you can go there and the energy is just amazing, so pure and raw and it is very healing for me to go there and you can have a whole beach to yourself, and no houses or people or noise just the waves breaking and the birds, and I never feel alone there. Then tourist season starts and the place is bombarded with loud anoying people with no respect for the place or the locals and trash it with rubbish. The energy changes then. However it is as if nature gets her own right back because the tourist season the beaches get coated with foul smelling seaweed and blue bottles (manowar jellyfish) and big storms.
It was just after I dedicated to Satan I went there one afternoon and I had quite an energy surround me as I walked through the bush very positive I felt like someone or more than one being was watching me or following me so I sat down for a while and didn't say anything and it felt very good. It was nothing like the energy of the enemy it felt very natural and peacefull. Nothing was said we just seemed to be sharing some emotions and energy and there was noone else around to disturb things. Ive wondered who they are every since.

Hail Satan

This is a nice post, thank you for sharing.

I had the same questions. I've always heard about fairies, elves,
goblins and other names. I'm from Greece, like your friend, and there
are many folk tales about this kind of entities. They are always treated
with respect from the older people. The younger ones, not so much.

I've heard a few stories from friends, but the most impressive is from
my grandfather.

My grandfather was on his summer vacation. He went to his village,
located on a mountain. One day he was in his car going for a ride on a
mountain road. When reaching a clearing he stopped the car to enjoy the
nature. After relaxing and enjoying the feeling for a little while he
decided to return. While reaching for the keys to turn the engine on he
realized that in a few feet from the car where fairies. They where
dancing in a circle. This gave him many pleasant feelings and was filled
with awe looking at them. Then he lost consciousness for a few minutes,
he felt like he was dreaming. Pondering on the amazing vision he just
witnessed, reached for the keys. He suddenly realized the keys where not
on the ignition. They had dropped on the floor of the car. He told us he
would never forget this day and the pleasant feeling of seeing the

I've also had the feeling of fairies, but I've never seen any like my
grandfather's experience. I was always curious about the various
entities, and fairies interest me too.

I've read some books that reference fairies, but a few address the
subject objectively. Most write in a poetic way avoiding to explain what
they are and how they function.

I came to the conclusion that fairies are entities that belong to the
etheric and astral planes, maybe higher that this. It's my understanding
that they are some kind of guides for plants and animals, helping with
their advancement. I think that the intelligence of the plants and the
way they advance is guided from fairies. The same i think applies to the
various animals.

I also have the impression that they are the builders of the lower
planes. Meaning that they are the entities that amass the essence needed
by new forms of life, but this is not confirmed in any way. In the same
context i think they are also the entities responsible for the
destruction/assimilation of the essence of the dead parts. Like
mushrooms and fungi work in the physical level. Again this is my
impression and is not confirmed.

I've read that the fairies don't want to be close to humans because they
are appalled from the human feelings. The selfishness of the humans is
disgusting for these entities. They decide to appear only to humans, or
near humans that exude unselfish feelings. I've also read that they like
harmonic music and they become mesmerized from the vibrations of the

Lastly, I don't know but i have the feeling that the fairies are in some
way related with the elementals. Maybe they're one and the same but,
again, I'm not sure.

That's my two cents on the subject, if anyone knows more, please share.

Hail Father Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@...
I hope this isn't a stupid question and if it has been discussed
before I apologise I like to know who/what I am dealing with.
When I say 'nature spirits' I mean, the little people that are called
various names around the world are they a race of ET? More than one
race? friends of Ours? From what I have read into they seem to have a
history of being friends to witches but also I have heard they don't
like everyone... I have felt a positive energy from them.
I am asking this seriously I know they are not Demons and they seem to
be attached to natural undisturbed places, old buildings animals etc. I
always was aware of their existance and have had a few encounters. I
have on occasion felt I had company when out in the bush. I have taken a
few photos where coloured orbs showed up and seemed to move between one
picture and the next.
I had a little dog I rescued a few years ago who got out on the road
and was hit by a car. I took a photo of him not long before he died and
there was this strange orb in the picture and he was staring right at
it. I always wondered about that I can only hope it was something
I was one of those kids who used to spend a lot of time in the garden
'looking for fairies' I didn't have any friends growing up and I
believed my nans garden had magic in it maybe it was just because I was
lonely and different, I used to crawl around deep in the bushes with
spiders and lizards and imagine there were little people in there. So I
got sent to a psychiatrist, and for tests with electrodes attatched to
my head, and a catscan. They found nothing wrong with me the psych
creeped me out though. I am mildly autistic but animals were always
drawn to me and I knew there was more to the world than others could
When I was a teenager I was living in youth homes and one big house
they moved me into it was a really old building with this big beautifull
tree out the back. A lot of troubled kids had lived there and thats
where I actually saw a couple of times very small beings one was almost
solid looking under a foot tall and another was like a tiny ball of
light buzzing around behind a friend one night. I never felt anything
negative like you would from an enemy spirit, I felt comefortable there.
I also realise a lot of crap from the new age movement has stigmatised
the subject a lot and I only have my own experiences and stories from
other people to go by. I had a friend in high school who's family grew
up in a little village in Greece and they had a healthy respect for
these beings. Her mother and grandmother used to tell me about their
childhood there after school and it was interesting to say the least. As
times moved on and the area became more developed and populated they saw
less of these beings.
I know now in my own area Ive noticed after living here several years
it has become more populated and developed, big areas of bushland are
being cut down and animals loosing their homes and I have noticed a lot
of these developments have been running into 'unexpected trouble' what
some would call 'bad luck' failed housing estates, major problems with a
shopping mall development I can feel the energy of the place changing. I
can feel something else too something between a sadness and anger.
There are still some beautifull natural places near me very pristine
and in the quiet months of the year when the tourists are not messing it
up you can go there and the energy is just amazing, so pure and raw and
it is very healing for me to go there and you can have a whole beach to
yourself, and no houses or people or noise just the waves breaking and
the birds, and I never feel alone there. Then tourist season starts and
the place is bombarded with loud anoying people with no respect for the
place or the locals and trash it with rubbish. The energy changes then.
However it is as if nature gets her own right back because the tourist
season the beaches get coated with foul smelling seaweed and blue
bottles (manowar jellyfish) and big storms.
It was just after I dedicated to Satan I went there one afternoon and
I had quite an energy surround me as I walked through the bush very
positive I felt like someone or more than one being was watching me or
following me so I sat down for a while and didn't say anything and it
felt very good. It was nothing like the energy of the enemy it felt very
natural and peacefull. Nothing was said we just seemed to be sharing
some emotions and energy and there was noone else around to disturb
things. Ive wondered who they are every since.
Hail Satan
This enemy is like a virus and one big problem I realised while writing this post the nature of our situation makes if very difficult to know who or what else is out there in this universe, wether friend, neutral or enemy. We have to be carefull and anyone who is not advanced enough to read the energy and intent of those they meet or come in contact with you still have to be very carefull. I do believe there must be many other races out there in the universe some of whom may not even know we exist. One day when this virus is cured and we are free again and able to advance I hope Satan and our Gods can help us learn more about all of this. I read somewhere on the JOS that many races have visited the Earth and I believe this is true, maybe some stayed quietly or were just observers or checking things out I don't really know.
What I feel from these beings I speak of is a primary concern for natural order and balance not so much a concern especially or humans as with Our Gods. But not an enemy of us either. I feel they are cautious also and could be hostile to those they percieve as an enemy, this might include some humans who have no respect for nature such as what I have observed of in my area with the cutting of the bush and ruining the place.

I can also feel very strong changes in energy from one environment to another such as when traveling up the mountain to the highlands it is like moving into a new territory and when I felt that shift I liked to stop and take it in and adjust to it, put out that my intentions here are good and I mean no harm, or I am passing through and sometimes I get a welcoming feeling and sometimes less often I don't. So I feel very deffinate 'shifts' from one place to another, no written sign or boundary just an invisible line there.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Angela <nazjiam@... wrote:

I had a lot of the same experiences never went to the hospital though everyone just ignored me or said I was weird. I also learned very young not to tell everything I see or here. Yes I believe there are beings in I disturbed places and they can see right through if we are good or bad. I don't know what they are either. I know that churches "laid hands" on me a lot over the years. My mother would dismiss anything I saw or tell me to pray or rebuke it. I would like to understand more of the spiritual realm and the mind. Maybe help get rid of the open link that the enemy found that causes Gentiles to be deceived.

Hail Satan!

On Oct 23, 2012, at 1:38 PM, "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@... wrote:

I hope this isn't a stupid question and if it has been discussed before I apologise I like to know who/what I am dealing with.
When I say 'nature spirits' I mean, the little people that are called various names around the world are they a race of ET? More than one race? friends of Ours? From what I have read into they seem to have a history of being friends to witches but also I have heard they don't like everyone... I have felt a positive energy from them.

I am asking this seriously I know they are not Demons and they seem to be attached to natural undisturbed places, old buildings animals etc. I always was aware of their existance and have had a few encounters. I have on occasion felt I had company when out in the bush. I have taken a few photos where coloured orbs showed up and seemed to move between one picture and the next.

I had a little dog I rescued a few years ago who got out on the road and was hit by a car. I took a photo of him not long before he died and there was this strange orb in the picture and he was staring right at it. I always wondered about that I can only hope it was something friendly.
I was one of those kids who used to spend a lot of time in the garden 'looking for fairies' I didn't have any friends growing up and I believed my nans garden had magic in it maybe it was just because I was lonely and different, I used to crawl around deep in the bushes with spiders and lizards and imagine there were little people in there. So I got sent to a psychiatrist, and for tests with electrodes attatched to my head, and a catscan. They found nothing wrong with me the psych creeped me out though. I am mildly autistic but animals were always drawn to me and I knew there was more to the world than others could see.

When I was a teenager I was living in youth homes and one big house they moved me into it was a really old building with this big beautifull tree out the back. A lot of troubled kids had lived there and thats where I actually saw a couple of times very small beings one was almost solid looking under a foot tall and another was like a tiny ball of light buzzing around behind a friend one night. I never felt anything negative like you would from an enemy spirit, I felt comefortable there.

I also realise a lot of crap from the new age movement has stigmatised the subject a lot and I only have my own experiences and stories from other people to go by. I had a friend in high school who's family grew up in a little village in Greece and they had a healthy respect for these beings. Her mother and grandmother used to tell me about their childhood there after school and it was interesting to say the least. As times moved on and the area became more developed and populated they saw less of these beings.

I know now in my own area Ive noticed after living here several years it has become more populated and developed, big areas of bushland are being cut down and animals loosing their homes and I have noticed a lot of these developments have been running into 'unexpected trouble' what some would call 'bad luck' failed housing estates, major problems with a shopping mall development I can feel the energy of the place changing. I can feel something else too something between a sadness and anger.
There are still some beautifull natural places near me very pristine and in the quiet months of the year when the tourists are not messing it up you can go there and the energy is just amazing, so pure and raw and it is very healing for me to go there and you can have a whole beach to yourself, and no houses or people or noise just the waves breaking and the birds, and I never feel alone there. Then tourist season starts and the place is bombarded with loud anoying people with no respect for the place or the locals and trash it with rubbish. The energy changes then. However it is as if nature gets her own right back because the tourist season the beaches get coated with foul smelling seaweed and blue bottles (manowar jellyfish) and big storms.
It was just after I dedicated to Satan I went there one afternoon and I had quite an energy surround me as I walked through the bush very positive I felt like someone or more than one being was watching me or following me so I sat down for a while and didn't say anything and it felt very good. It was nothing like the energy of the enemy it felt very natural and peacefull. Nothing was said we just seemed to be sharing some emotions and energy and there was noone else around to disturb things. Ive wondered who they are every since.

Hail Satan
I understand and have looked into that problem. However some I have seen with my naked eye aswell moreso at night they appear as little coloured lights, in the day I also get sometimes quite solid looking orbs with colours and I will take a series of shots and they will move in a certain way shot to shot it will be only one, quite large and in more than one picture, I also don't get them just anywhere. I don't always use flash and still can get them at night and they seem to be emitting light.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Sasuke" <michaelsshannon986@... wrote:

This is the same feeling I get. I think it is the Gods that are there that allow us to Feel the energy of the Plants and earth.

But for me personally. I don't like the "orb". In my own exp. I've seen the orb and can say (in my own exp) that it is "Dust" that is caught in the flash and/or stuck to the lends. Could also be bugs or tiny insects

But the feeling of the energy in nature is soooooo awesome! Its almost like I was born with a "green thumb" hehe

Hail Ea
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

-----Original Message-----
From: "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@...
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 18:38:53
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Who are 'nature spirits'?

I hope this isn't a stupid question and if it has been discussed before I apologise I like to know who/what I am dealing with.
When I say 'nature spirits' I mean, the little people that are called various names around the world are they a race of ET? More than one race? friends of Ours? From what I have read into they seem to have a history of being friends to witches but also I have heard they don't like everyone... I have felt a positive energy from them.

I am asking this seriously I know they are not Demons and they seem to be attached to natural undisturbed places, old buildings animals etc. I always was aware of their existance and have had a few encounters. I have on occasion felt I had company when out in the bush. I have taken a few photos where coloured orbs showed up and seemed to move between one picture and the next.

I had a little dog I rescued a few years ago who got out on the road and was hit by a car. I took a photo of him not long before he died and there was this strange orb in the picture and he was staring right at it. I always wondered about that I can only hope it was something friendly.
I was one of those kids who used to spend a lot of time in the garden 'looking for fairies' I didn't have any friends growing up and I believed my nans garden had magic in it maybe it was just because I was lonely and different, I used to crawl around deep in the bushes with spiders and lizards and imagine there were little people in there. So I got sent to a psychiatrist, and for tests with electrodes attatched to my head, and a catscan. They found nothing wrong with me the psych creeped me out though. I am mildly autistic but animals were always drawn to me and I knew there was more to the world than others could see.

When I was a teenager I was living in youth homes and one big house they moved me into it was a really old building with this big beautifull tree out the back. A lot of troubled kids had lived there and thats where I actually saw a couple of times very small beings one was almost solid looking under a foot tall and another was like a tiny ball of light buzzing around behind a friend one night. I never felt anything negative like you would from an enemy spirit, I felt comefortable there.

I also realise a lot of crap from the new age movement has stigmatised the subject a lot and I only have my own experiences and stories from other people to go by. I had a friend in high school who's family grew up in a little village in Greece and they had a healthy respect for these beings. Her mother and grandmother used to tell me about their childhood there after school and it was interesting to say the least. As times moved on and the area became more developed and populated they saw less of these beings.

I know now in my own area Ive noticed after living here several years it has become more populated and developed, big areas of bushland are being cut down and animals loosing their homes and I have noticed a lot of these developments have been running into 'unexpected trouble' what some would call 'bad luck' failed housing estates, major problems with a shopping mall development I can feel the energy of the place changing. I can feel something else too something between a sadness and anger.
There are still some beautifull natural places near me very pristine and in the quiet months of the year when the tourists are not messing it up you can go there and the energy is just amazing, so pure and raw and it is very healing for me to go there and you can have a whole beach to yourself, and no houses or people or noise just the waves breaking and the birds, and I never feel alone there. Then tourist season starts and the place is bombarded with loud anoying people with no respect for the place or the locals and trash it with rubbish. The energy changes then. However it is as if nature gets her own right back because the tourist season the beaches get coated with foul smelling seaweed and blue bottles (manowar jellyfish) and big storms.
It was just after I dedicated to Satan I went there one afternoon and I had quite an energy surround me as I walked through the bush very positive I felt like someone or more than one being was watching me or following me so I sat down for a while and didn't say anything and it felt very good. It was nothing like the energy of the enemy it felt very natural and peacefull. Nothing was said we just seemed to be sharing some emotions and energy and there was noone else around to disturb things. Ive wondered who they are every since.

Hail Satan
Thankyou for sharing this, the story you shared is interesting. On one hand it does have some notes of what has been reported in alien abductions on the other hand maybe it was no such thing and was what it was. Having encountered greys on the astral, and on having had them physically in a house I grew up in reported to me by my grandmother I could still feel their ick years later and their energy is nothing remotely like those I have felt from these 'fairies or elves/nature spirits completely different energy.

Personally I think they do know Satan wether related to Him or other Nordics I don't know I don't think so although some do look human but if they are astral they could appear as human to relate to us perhaps?

What I do know is the connection between Pagans and these folk seem to have a long history and there was a respect. In Italy the witches called them I think the name is The Lasa, and they had shrines for them and invited them to their rituals. I have heard they enjoy flute music and there is even a place it could be the Isle of Mann correct me on this if I forget, there is a place there where very nice otherworldly music can be faintly heard on certain nights of the year and noone can ever find where it is comming from.

What you said about the possibilty of helping natural processes there is always this association of fairies and mushrooms, which are a fungus. When I lived in a unit in the city I craved having a garden and brought plants inside in pots and had a tiny balcony with potplants. I was alone there and wanted company and I started sensing these beings around me, especially my gemstones and potplants. And this very strange mushroom started growing out of one of the pots I had never seen before it was really weird. Maybe it was a coincidence?

This story will sound silly probably and a bit too out there, but one of the stories my Greek friends Grandmother told with a very straight and serious face. When they were in the village their little house back then, no sewer you had to walk down a path through the garden at night to the outhouse to take care of buisness. On the walk down there sometimes there were little lights in the trees. And it sounds very nice until you got up close and they were actually tiny little women, or looked like women and they were very very rude. She said they would insult you and want you to leave. Like you were disturbing them and they didn't like you. They were warned as children not to talk to them and keep away don't start trouble.

Of course she could have been making this up to entertain us. Maybe it was some old folk story that got twisted to paint women and spiritual beings in a way to make people afraid.... Lights in the trees and women could be a reference to the female energy of the soul, and a way to make it sound scary and something to stay away from. it might have been a folk story to tell the kids but she was very serious about it and said she saw them herself and they were NOT xians by any means. So I don't know. But I loved to hear these stories all the same. It was in the company of these women I first discovered an interest in witchcraft and the occult. It makes you wonder what the Pagan world of old was really like when people were more in touch with the spiritual world and nature.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Lolo Bardonik" <lolobardonik@... wrote:

This is a nice post, thank you for sharing.

I had the same questions. I've always heard about fairies, elves,
goblins and other names. I'm from Greece, like your friend, and there
are many folk tales about this kind of entities. They are always treated
with respect from the older people. The younger ones, not so much.

I've heard a few stories from friends, but the most impressive is from
my grandfather.

My grandfather was on his summer vacation. He went to his village,
located on a mountain. One day he was in his car going for a ride on a
mountain road. When reaching a clearing he stopped the car to enjoy the
nature. After relaxing and enjoying the feeling for a little while he
decided to return. While reaching for the keys to turn the engine on he
realized that in a few feet from the car where fairies. They where
dancing in a circle. This gave him many pleasant feelings and was filled
with awe looking at them. Then he lost consciousness for a few minutes,
he felt like he was dreaming. Pondering on the amazing vision he just
witnessed, reached for the keys. He suddenly realized the keys where not
on the ignition. They had dropped on the floor of the car. He told us he
would never forget this day and the pleasant feeling of seeing the

I've also had the feeling of fairies, but I've never seen any like my
grandfather's experience. I was always curious about the various
entities, and fairies interest me too.

I've read some books that reference fairies, but a few address the
subject objectively. Most write in a poetic way avoiding to explain what
they are and how they function.

I came to the conclusion that fairies are entities that belong to the
etheric and astral planes, maybe higher that this. It's my understanding
that they are some kind of guides for plants and animals, helping with
their advancement. I think that the intelligence of the plants and the
way they advance is guided from fairies. The same i think applies to the
various animals.

I also have the impression that they are the builders of the lower
planes. Meaning that they are the entities that amass the essence needed
by new forms of life, but this is not confirmed in any way. In the same
context i think they are also the entities responsible for the
destruction/assimilation of the essence of the dead parts. Like
mushrooms and fungi work in the physical level. Again this is my
impression and is not confirmed.

I've read that the fairies don't want to be close to humans because they
are appalled from the human feelings. The selfishness of the humans is
disgusting for these entities. They decide to appear only to humans, or
near humans that exude unselfish feelings. I've also read that they like
harmonic music and they become mesmerized from the vibrations of the

Lastly, I don't know but i have the feeling that the fairies are in some
way related with the elementals. Maybe they're one and the same but,
again, I'm not sure.

That's my two cents on the subject, if anyone knows more, please share.

Hail Father Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@

I hope this isn't a stupid question and if it has been discussed
before I apologise I like to know who/what I am dealing with.
When I say 'nature spirits' I mean, the little people that are called
various names around the world are they a race of ET? More than one
race? friends of Ours? From what I have read into they seem to have a
history of being friends to witches but also I have heard they don't
like everyone... I have felt a positive energy from them.

I am asking this seriously I know they are not Demons and they seem to
be attached to natural undisturbed places, old buildings animals etc. I
always was aware of their existance and have had a few encounters. I
have on occasion felt I had company when out in the bush. I have taken a
few photos where coloured orbs showed up and seemed to move between one
picture and the next.

I had a little dog I rescued a few years ago who got out on the road
and was hit by a car. I took a photo of him not long before he died and
there was this strange orb in the picture and he was staring right at
it. I always wondered about that I can only hope it was something
I was one of those kids who used to spend a lot of time in the garden
'looking for fairies' I didn't have any friends growing up and I
believed my nans garden had magic in it maybe it was just because I was
lonely and different, I used to crawl around deep in the bushes with
spiders and lizards and imagine there were little people in there. So I
got sent to a psychiatrist, and for tests with electrodes attatched to
my head, and a catscan. They found nothing wrong with me the psych
creeped me out though. I am mildly autistic but animals were always
drawn to me and I knew there was more to the world than others could

When I was a teenager I was living in youth homes and one big house
they moved me into it was a really old building with this big beautifull
tree out the back. A lot of troubled kids had lived there and thats
where I actually saw a couple of times very small beings one was almost
solid looking under a foot tall and another was like a tiny ball of
light buzzing around behind a friend one night. I never felt anything
negative like you would from an enemy spirit, I felt comefortable there.

I also realise a lot of crap from the new age movement has stigmatised
the subject a lot and I only have my own experiences and stories from
other people to go by. I had a friend in high school who's family grew
up in a little village in Greece and they had a healthy respect for
these beings. Her mother and grandmother used to tell me about their
childhood there after school and it was interesting to say the least. As
times moved on and the area became more developed and populated they saw
less of these beings.

I know now in my own area Ive noticed after living here several years
it has become more populated and developed, big areas of bushland are
being cut down and animals loosing their homes and I have noticed a lot
of these developments have been running into 'unexpected trouble' what
some would call 'bad luck' failed housing estates, major problems with a
shopping mall development I can feel the energy of the place changing. I
can feel something else too something between a sadness and anger.
There are still some beautifull natural places near me very pristine
and in the quiet months of the year when the tourists are not messing it
up you can go there and the energy is just amazing, so pure and raw and
it is very healing for me to go there and you can have a whole beach to
yourself, and no houses or people or noise just the waves breaking and
the birds, and I never feel alone there. Then tourist season starts and
the place is bombarded with loud anoying people with no respect for the
place or the locals and trash it with rubbish. The energy changes then.
However it is as if nature gets her own right back because the tourist
season the beaches get coated with foul smelling seaweed and blue
bottles (manowar jellyfish) and big storms.
It was just after I dedicated to Satan I went there one afternoon and
I had quite an energy surround me as I walked through the bush very
positive I felt like someone or more than one being was watching me or
following me so I sat down for a while and didn't say anything and it
felt very good. It was nothing like the energy of the enemy it felt very
natural and peacefull. Nothing was said we just seemed to be sharing
some emotions and energy and there was noone else around to disturb
things. Ive wondered who they are every since.

Hail Satan
From: Angela <nazjiam@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 8:47 PM
Subject: Re: [HellsArmy666] Who are 'nature spirits'?

  I had a lot of the same experiences never went to the hospital though everyone just ignored me or said I was weird. I also learned very young not to tell everything I see or here. Yes I believe there are beings in I disturbed places and they can see right through if we are good or bad. I don't know what they are either. I know that churches "laid hands" on me a lot over the years. My mother would dismiss anything I saw or tell me to pray or rebuke it. I would like to understand more of the spiritual realm and the mind. Maybe help get rid of the open link that the enemy found that causes Gentiles to be deceived.
Hail Satan!

On Oct 23, 2012, at 1:38 PM, "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@... wrote:
  I hope this isn't a stupid question and if it has been discussed before I apologise I like to know who/what I am dealing with.
When I say 'nature spirits' I mean, the little people that are called various names around the world are they a race of ET? More than one race? friends of Ours? From what I have read into they seem to have a history of being friends to witches but also I have heard they don't like everyone... I have felt a positive energy from them.

I am asking this seriously I know they are not Demons and they seem to be attached to natural undisturbed places, old buildings animals etc. I always was aware of their existance and have had a few encounters. I have on occasion felt I had company when out in the bush. I have taken a few photos where coloured orbs showed up and seemed to move between one picture and the next.

I had a little dog I rescued a few years ago who got out on the road and was hit by a car. I took a photo of him not long before he died and there was this strange orb in the picture and he was staring right at it. I always wondered about that I can only hope it was something friendly.
I was one of those kids who used to spend a lot of time in the garden 'looking for fairies' I didn't have any friends growing up and I believed my nans garden had magic in it maybe it was just because I was lonely and different, I used to crawl around deep in the bushes with spiders and lizards and imagine there were little people in there. So I got sent to a psychiatrist, and for tests with electrodes attatched to my head, and a catscan. They found nothing wrong with me the psych creeped me out though. I am mildly autistic but animals were always drawn to me and I knew there was more to the world than others could see.

When I was a teenager I was living in youth homes and one big house they moved me into it was a really old building with this big beautifull tree out the back. A lot of troubled kids had lived there and thats where I actually saw a couple of times very small beings one was almost solid looking under a foot tall and another was like a tiny ball of light buzzing around behind a friend one night. I never felt anything negative like you would from an enemy spirit, I felt comefortable there.

I also realise a lot of crap from the new age movement has stigmatised the subject a lot and I only have my own experiences and stories from other people to go by. I had a friend in high school who's family grew up in a little village in Greece and they had a healthy respect for these beings. Her mother and grandmother used to tell me about their childhood there after school and it was interesting to say the least. As times moved on and the area became more developed and populated they saw less of these beings.

I know now in my own area Ive noticed after living here several years it has become more populated and developed, big areas of bushland are being cut down and animals loosing their homes and I have noticed a lot of these developments have been running into 'unexpected trouble' what some would call 'bad luck' failed housing estates, major problems with a shopping mall development I can feel the energy of the place changing. I can feel something else too something between a sadness and anger.
There are still some beautifull natural places near me very pristine and in the quiet months of the year when the tourists are not messing it up you can go there and the energy is just amazing, so pure and raw and it is very healing for me to go there and you can have a whole beach to yourself, and no houses or people or noise just the waves breaking and the birds, and I never feel alone there. Then tourist season starts and the place is bombarded with loud anoying people with no respect for the place or the locals and trash it with rubbish. The energy changes then. However it is as if nature gets her own right back because the tourist season the beaches get coated with foul smelling seaweed and blue bottles (manowar jellyfish) and big storms.
It was just after I dedicated to Satan I went there one afternoon and I had quite an energy surround me as I walked through the bush very positive I felt like someone or more than one being was watching me or following me so I sat down for a while and didn't say anything and it felt very good. It was nothing like the energy of the enemy it felt very natural and peacefull. Nothing was said we just seemed to be sharing some emotions and energy and there was noone else around to disturb things. Ive wondered who they are every since.

Hail Satan

Ya are welcome I think SATAN CREATED them. Hail SATAN'.
On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 10:38 AM PDT Serpentfire666 wrote:

Thankyou for sharing this, the story you shared is interesting. On one hand it does have some notes of what has been reported in alien abductions on the other hand maybe it was no such thing and was what it was. Having encountered greys on the astral, and on having had them physically in a house I grew up in reported to me by my grandmother I could still feel their ick years later and their energy is nothing remotely like those I have felt from these 'fairies or elves/nature spirits completely different energy.

Personally I think they do know Satan wether related to Him or other Nordics I don't know I don't think so although some do look human but if they are astral they could appear as human to relate to us perhaps?

What I do know is the connection between Pagans and these folk seem to have a long history and there was a respect. In Italy the witches called them I think the name is The Lasa, and they had shrines for them and invited them to their rituals. I have heard they enjoy flute music and there is even a place it could be the Isle of Mann correct me on this if I forget, there is a place there where very nice otherworldly music can be faintly heard on certain nights of the year and noone can ever find where it is comming from.

What you said about the possibilty of helping natural processes there is always this association of fairies and mushrooms, which are a fungus. When I lived in a unit in the city I craved having a garden and brought plants inside in pots and had a tiny balcony with potplants. I was alone there and wanted company and I started sensing these beings around me, especially my gemstones and potplants. And this very strange mushroom started growing out of one of the pots I had never seen before it was really weird. Maybe it was a coincidence?

This story will sound silly probably and a bit too out there, but one of the stories my Greek friends Grandmother told with a very straight and serious face. When they were in the village their little house back then, no sewer you had to walk down a path through the garden at night to the outhouse to take care of buisness. On the walk down there sometimes there were little lights in the trees. And it sounds very nice until you got up close and they were actually tiny little women, or looked like women and they were very very rude. She said they would insult you and want you to leave. Like you were disturbing them and they didn't like you. They were warned as children not to talk to them and keep away don't start trouble.

Of course she could have been making this up to entertain us. Maybe it was some old folk story that got twisted to paint women and spiritual beings in a way to make people afraid.... Lights in the trees and women could be a reference to the female energy of the soul, and a way to make it sound scary and something to stay away from. it might have been a folk story to tell the kids but she was very serious about it and said she saw them herself and they were NOT xians by any means. So I don't know. But I loved to hear these stories all the same. It was in the company of these women I first discovered an interest in witchcraft and the occult. It makes you wonder what the Pagan world of old was really like when people were more in touch with the spiritual world and nature.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Lolo Bardonik" <lolobardonik@... wrote:

This is a nice post, thank you for sharing.

I had the same questions. I've always heard about fairies, elves,
goblins and other names. I'm from Greece, like your friend, and there
are many folk tales about this kind of entities. They are always treated
with respect from the older people. The younger ones, not so much.

I've heard a few stories from friends, but the most impressive is from
my grandfather.

My grandfather was on his summer vacation. He went to his village,
located on a mountain. One day he was in his car going for a ride on a
mountain road. When reaching a clearing he stopped the car to enjoy the
nature. After relaxing and enjoying the feeling for a little while he
decided to return. While reaching for the keys to turn the engine on he
realized that in a few feet from the car where fairies. They where
dancing in a circle. This gave him many pleasant feelings and was filled
with awe looking at them. Then he lost consciousness for a few minutes,
he felt like he was dreaming. Pondering on the amazing vision he just
witnessed, reached for the keys. He suddenly realized the keys where not
on the ignition. They had dropped on the floor of the car. He told us he
would never forget this day and the pleasant feeling of seeing the

I've also had the feeling of fairies, but I've never seen any like my
grandfather's experience. I was always curious about the various
entities, and fairies interest me too.

I've read some books that reference fairies, but a few address the
subject objectively. Most write in a poetic way avoiding to explain what
they are and how they function.

I came to the conclusion that fairies are entities that belong to the
etheric and astral planes, maybe higher that this. It's my understanding
that they are some kind of guides for plants and animals, helping with
their advancement. I think that the intelligence of the plants and the
way they advance is guided from fairies. The same i think applies to the
various animals.

I also have the impression that they are the builders of the lower
planes. Meaning that they are the entities that amass the essence needed
by new forms of life, but this is not confirmed in any way. In the same
context i think they are also the entities responsible for the
destruction/assimilation of the essence of the dead parts. Like
mushrooms and fungi work in the physical level. Again this is my
impression and is not confirmed.

I've read that the fairies don't want to be close to humans because they
are appalled from the human feelings. The selfishness of the humans is
disgusting for these entities. They decide to appear only to humans, or
near humans that exude unselfish feelings. I've also read that they like
harmonic music and they become mesmerized from the vibrations of the

Lastly, I don't know but i have the feeling that the fairies are in some
way related with the elementals. Maybe they're one and the same but,
again, I'm not sure.

That's my two cents on the subject, if anyone knows more, please share.

Hail Father Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@

I hope this isn't a stupid question and if it has been discussed
before I apologise I like to know who/what I am dealing with.
When I say 'nature spirits' I mean, the little people that are called
various names around the world are they a race of ET? More than one
race? friends of Ours? From what I have read into they seem to have a
history of being friends to witches but also I have heard they don't
like everyone... I have felt a positive energy from them.

I am asking this seriously I know they are not Demons and they seem to
be attached to natural undisturbed places, old buildings animals etc. I
always was aware of their existance and have had a few encounters. I
have on occasion felt I had company when out in the bush. I have taken a
few photos where coloured orbs showed up and seemed to move between one
picture and the next.

I had a little dog I rescued a few years ago who got out on the road
and was hit by a car. I took a photo of him not long before he died and
there was this strange orb in the picture and he was staring right at
it. I always wondered about that I can only hope it was something
I was one of those kids who used to spend a lot of time in the garden
'looking for fairies' I didn't have any friends growing up and I
believed my nans garden had magic in it maybe it was just because I was
lonely and different, I used to crawl around deep in the bushes with
spiders and lizards and imagine there were little people in there. So I
got sent to a psychiatrist, and for tests with electrodes attatched to
my head, and a catscan. They found nothing wrong with me the psych
creeped me out though. I am mildly autistic but animals were always
drawn to me and I knew there was more to the world than others could

When I was a teenager I was living in youth homes and one big house
they moved me into it was a really old building with this big beautifull
tree out the back. A lot of troubled kids had lived there and thats
where I actually saw a couple of times very small beings one was almost
solid looking under a foot tall and another was like a tiny ball of
light buzzing around behind a friend one night. I never felt anything
negative like you would from an enemy spirit, I felt comefortable there.

I also realise a lot of crap from the new age movement has stigmatised
the subject a lot and I only have my own experiences and stories from
other people to go by. I had a friend in high school who's family grew
up in a little village in Greece and they had a healthy respect for
these beings. Her mother and grandmother used to tell me about their
childhood there after school and it was interesting to say the least. As
times moved on and the area became more developed and populated they saw
less of these beings.

I know now in my own area Ive noticed after living here several years
it has become more populated and developed, big areas of bushland are
being cut down and animals loosing their homes and I have noticed a lot
of these developments have been running into 'unexpected trouble' what
some would call 'bad luck' failed housing estates, major problems with a
shopping mall development I can feel the energy of the place changing. I
can feel something else too something between a sadness and anger.
There are still some beautifull natural places near me very pristine
and in the quiet months of the year when the tourists are not messing it
up you can go there and the energy is just amazing, so pure and raw and
it is very healing for me to go there and you can have a whole beach to
yourself, and no houses or people or noise just the waves breaking and
the birds, and I never feel alone there. Then tourist season starts and
the place is bombarded with loud anoying people with no respect for the
place or the locals and trash it with rubbish. The energy changes then.
However it is as if nature gets her own right back because the tourist
season the beaches get coated with foul smelling seaweed and blue
bottles (manowar jellyfish) and big storms.
It was just after I dedicated to Satan I went there one afternoon and
I had quite an energy surround me as I walked through the bush very
positive I felt like someone or more than one being was watching me or
following me so I sat down for a while and didn't say anything and it
felt very good. It was nothing like the energy of the enemy it felt very
natural and peacefull. Nothing was said we just seemed to be sharing
some emotions and energy and there was noone else around to disturb
things. Ive wondered who they are every since.

Hail Satan
I have tried to open my 3rd eye with many failures how do i do this
Hail Satan

From: Serpentfire666 <firebird894@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 10:06 AM
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re: Who are 'nature spirits'?

  This enemy is like a virus and one big problem I realised while writing this post the nature of our situation makes if very difficult to know who or what else is out there in this universe, wether friend, neutral or enemy. We have to be carefull and anyone who is not advanced enough to read the energy and intent of those they meet or come in contact with you still have to be very carefull. I do believe there must be many other races out there in the universe some of whom may not even know we exist. One day when this virus is cured and we are free again and able to advance I hope Satan and our Gods can help us learn more about all of this. I read somewhere on the JOS that many races have visited the Earth and I believe this is true, maybe some stayed quietly or were just observers or checking things out I don't really know.
What I feel from these beings I speak of is a primary concern for natural order and balance not so much a concern especially or humans as with Our Gods. But not an enemy of us either. I feel they are cautious also and could be hostile to those they percieve as an enemy, this might include some humans who have no respect for nature such as what I have observed of in my area with the cutting of the bush and ruining the place.

I can also feel very strong changes in energy from one environment to another such as when traveling up the mountain to the highlands it is like moving into a new territory and when I felt that shift I liked to stop and take it in and adjust to it, put out that my intentions here are good and I mean no harm, or I am passing through and sometimes I get a welcoming feeling and sometimes less often I don't. So I feel very deffinate 'shifts' from one place to another, no written sign or boundary just an invisible line there.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Angela <nazjiam@... wrote:

I had a lot of the same experiences never went to the hospital though everyone just ignored me or said I was weird. I also learned very young not to tell everything I see or here. Yes I believe there are beings in I disturbed places and they can see right through if we are good or bad. I don't know what they are either. I know that churches "laid hands" on me a lot over the years. My mother would dismiss anything I saw or tell me to pray or rebuke it. I would like to understand more of the spiritual realm and the mind. Maybe help get rid of the open link that the enemy found that causes Gentiles to be deceived.

Hail Satan!

On Oct 23, 2012, at 1:38 PM, "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@... wrote:

I hope this isn't a stupid question and if it has been discussed before I apologise I like to know who/what I am dealing with.
When I say 'nature spirits' I mean, the little people that are called various names around the world are they a race of ET? More than one race? friends of Ours? From what I have read into they seem to have a history of being friends to witches but also I have heard they don't like everyone... I have felt a positive energy from them.

I am asking this seriously I know they are not Demons and they seem to be attached to natural undisturbed places, old buildings animals etc. I always was aware of their existance and have had a few encounters. I have on occasion felt I had company when out in the bush. I have taken a few photos where coloured orbs showed up and seemed to move between one picture and the next.

I had a little dog I rescued a few years ago who got out on the road and was hit by a car. I took a photo of him not long before he died and there was this strange orb in the picture and he was staring right at it. I always wondered about that I can only hope it was something friendly.
I was one of those kids who used to spend a lot of time in the garden 'looking for fairies' I didn't have any friends growing up and I believed my nans garden had magic in it maybe it was just because I was lonely and different, I used to crawl around deep in the bushes with spiders and lizards and imagine there were little people in there. So I got sent to a psychiatrist, and for tests with electrodes attatched to my head, and a catscan. They found nothing wrong with me the psych creeped me out though. I am mildly autistic but animals were always drawn to me and I knew there was more to the world than others could see.

When I was a teenager I was living in youth homes and one big house they moved me into it was a really old building with this big beautifull tree out the back. A lot of troubled kids had lived there and thats where I actually saw a couple of times very small beings one was almost solid looking under a foot tall and another was like a tiny ball of light buzzing around behind a friend one night. I never felt anything negative like you would from an enemy spirit, I felt comefortable there.

I also realise a lot of crap from the new age movement has stigmatised the subject a lot and I only have my own experiences and stories from other people to go by. I had a friend in high school who's family grew up in a little village in Greece and they had a healthy respect for these beings. Her mother and grandmother used to tell me about their childhood there after school and it was interesting to say the least. As times moved on and the area became more developed and populated they saw less of these beings.

I know now in my own area Ive noticed after living here several years it has become more populated and developed, big areas of bushland are being cut down and animals loosing their homes and I have noticed a lot of these developments have been running into 'unexpected trouble' what some would call 'bad luck' failed housing estates, major problems with a shopping mall development I can feel the energy of the place changing. I can feel something else too something between a sadness and anger.
There are still some beautifull natural places near me very pristine and in the quiet months of the year when the tourists are not messing it up you can go there and the energy is just amazing, so pure and raw and it is very healing for me to go there and you can have a whole beach to yourself, and no houses or people or noise just the waves breaking and the birds, and I never feel alone there. Then tourist season starts and the place is bombarded with loud anoying people with no respect for the place or the locals and trash it with rubbish. The energy changes then. However it is as if nature gets her own right back because the tourist season the beaches get coated with foul smelling seaweed and blue bottles (manowar jellyfish) and big storms.
It was just after I dedicated to Satan I went there one afternoon and I had quite an energy surround me as I walked through the bush very positive I felt like someone or more than one being was watching me or following me so I sat down for a while and didn't say anything and it felt very good. It was nothing like the energy of the enemy it felt very natural and peacefull. Nothing was said we just seemed to be sharing some emotions and energy and there was noone else around to disturb things. Ive wondered who they are every since.

Hail Satan

Wow, another beautiful story!

What you said sounds familiar to me. I've heard stories from close friends. They're not exciting but they confirm your story.

In a past summer i went to my grandfathers village and stayed there for a few weeks. I made some friends there. One night we were telling weird and scary stories to each other. A girl shared her story.

Her and a friend (girl) decided on a dare to walk at night through a path in the forest located near the village. The path was not very long but was secluded and was used only by local shepherds which are very few. While walking slowly and quietly through the path they a little felt dizzy. One of the two girls noticed strange lights, the other one saw them too.

The way she described them to me seemed like a white-green laser pointer (if you've seen one). And they were a few of them appearing and disappearing in a close distance. Flowing like a wind.

I asked her if by any chance was indeed a laser pointer (because that's how she described it to us) and said no. No laser pointer light hovers in thin air. It wasn't shining on a surface, it was flying on the air!

We were amazed listening. And she continued that she told the story to her grandmother, she was unimpressed. She just told her, "well dear, these were spirits of the forest, everyone here has seen them. Just take care not to disturb them and avoid that path next time".

Just to give another point on my grandfather's story. The fairies had the appearance of women but were smaller in size. Like half a normal man. Always proportional. I remember saying that he first thought they were little girls dancing.

A close friend of mine while swimming at night, saw some weird creatures. My friend has the ability of astral vision, and noticed a creature inside the sea shaped like a jellyfish. It wasn't a real jellyfish (i asked). It was night and whatever she saw was glowing. The jellyfish entity tried to go near her and she panicked and swam away and out of the water. I don't know if this was a sea-fairy or a water elemental. My intuition tells me it was both, but I'd like someone else to confirm it to be sure.

Would love to hear more if you have and want to share! :)

Hail Father Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@... wrote:

Thankyou for sharing this, the story you shared is interesting. On one hand it does have some notes of what has been reported in alien abductions on the other hand maybe it was no such thing and was what it was. Having encountered greys on the astral, and on having had them physically in a house I grew up in reported to me by my grandmother I could still feel their ick years later and their energy is nothing remotely like those I have felt from these 'fairies or elves/nature spirits completely different energy.

Personally I think they do know Satan wether related to Him or other Nordics I don't know I don't think so although some do look human but if they are astral they could appear as human to relate to us perhaps?

What I do know is the connection between Pagans and these folk seem to have a long history and there was a respect. In Italy the witches called them I think the name is The Lasa, and they had shrines for them and invited them to their rituals. I have heard they enjoy flute music and there is even a place it could be the Isle of Mann correct me on this if I forget, there is a place there where very nice otherworldly music can be faintly heard on certain nights of the year and noone can ever find where it is comming from.

What you said about the possibilty of helping natural processes there is always this association of fairies and mushrooms, which are a fungus. When I lived in a unit in the city I craved having a garden and brought plants inside in pots and had a tiny balcony with potplants. I was alone there and wanted company and I started sensing these beings around me, especially my gemstones and potplants. And this very strange mushroom started growing out of one of the pots I had never seen before it was really weird. Maybe it was a coincidence?

This story will sound silly probably and a bit too out there, but one of the stories my Greek friends Grandmother told with a very straight and serious face. When they were in the village their little house back then, no sewer you had to walk down a path through the garden at night to the outhouse to take care of buisness. On the walk down there sometimes there were little lights in the trees. And it sounds very nice until you got up close and they were actually tiny little women, or looked like women and they were very very rude. She said they would insult you and want you to leave. Like you were disturbing them and they didn't like you. They were warned as children not to talk to them and keep away don't start trouble.

Of course she could have been making this up to entertain us. Maybe it was some old folk story that got twisted to paint women and spiritual beings in a way to make people afraid.... Lights in the trees and women could be a reference to the female energy of the soul, and a way to make it sound scary and something to stay away from. it might have been a folk story to tell the kids but she was very serious about it and said she saw them herself and they were NOT xians by any means. So I don't know. But I loved to hear these stories all the same. It was in the company of these women I first discovered an interest in witchcraft and the occult. It makes you wonder what the Pagan world of old was really like when people were more in touch with the spiritual world and nature.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Lolo Bardonik" <lolobardonik@ wrote:

This is a nice post, thank you for sharing.

I had the same questions. I've always heard about fairies, elves,
goblins and other names. I'm from Greece, like your friend, and there
are many folk tales about this kind of entities. They are always treated
with respect from the older people. The younger ones, not so much.

I've heard a few stories from friends, but the most impressive is from
my grandfather.

My grandfather was on his summer vacation. He went to his village,
located on a mountain. One day he was in his car going for a ride on a
mountain road. When reaching a clearing he stopped the car to enjoy the
nature. After relaxing and enjoying the feeling for a little while he
decided to return. While reaching for the keys to turn the engine on he
realized that in a few feet from the car where fairies. They where
dancing in a circle. This gave him many pleasant feelings and was filled
with awe looking at them. Then he lost consciousness for a few minutes,
he felt like he was dreaming. Pondering on the amazing vision he just
witnessed, reached for the keys. He suddenly realized the keys where not
on the ignition. They had dropped on the floor of the car. He told us he
would never forget this day and the pleasant feeling of seeing the

I've also had the feeling of fairies, but I've never seen any like my
grandfather's experience. I was always curious about the various
entities, and fairies interest me too.

I've read some books that reference fairies, but a few address the
subject objectively. Most write in a poetic way avoiding to explain what
they are and how they function.

I came to the conclusion that fairies are entities that belong to the
etheric and astral planes, maybe higher that this. It's my understanding
that they are some kind of guides for plants and animals, helping with
their advancement. I think that the intelligence of the plants and the
way they advance is guided from fairies. The same i think applies to the
various animals.

I also have the impression that they are the builders of the lower
planes. Meaning that they are the entities that amass the essence needed
by new forms of life, but this is not confirmed in any way. In the same
context i think they are also the entities responsible for the
destruction/assimilation of the essence of the dead parts. Like
mushrooms and fungi work in the physical level. Again this is my
impression and is not confirmed.

I've read that the fairies don't want to be close to humans because they
are appalled from the human feelings. The selfishness of the humans is
disgusting for these entities. They decide to appear only to humans, or
near humans that exude unselfish feelings. I've also read that they like
harmonic music and they become mesmerized from the vibrations of the

Lastly, I don't know but i have the feeling that the fairies are in some
way related with the elementals. Maybe they're one and the same but,
again, I'm not sure.

That's my two cents on the subject, if anyone knows more, please share.

Hail Father Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@

I hope this isn't a stupid question and if it has been discussed
before I apologise I like to know who/what I am dealing with.
When I say 'nature spirits' I mean, the little people that are called
various names around the world are they a race of ET? More than one
race? friends of Ours? From what I have read into they seem to have a
history of being friends to witches but also I have heard they don't
like everyone... I have felt a positive energy from them.

I am asking this seriously I know they are not Demons and they seem to
be attached to natural undisturbed places, old buildings animals etc. I
always was aware of their existance and have had a few encounters. I
have on occasion felt I had company when out in the bush. I have taken a
few photos where coloured orbs showed up and seemed to move between one
picture and the next.

I had a little dog I rescued a few years ago who got out on the road
and was hit by a car. I took a photo of him not long before he died and
there was this strange orb in the picture and he was staring right at
it. I always wondered about that I can only hope it was something
I was one of those kids who used to spend a lot of time in the garden
'looking for fairies' I didn't have any friends growing up and I
believed my nans garden had magic in it maybe it was just because I was
lonely and different, I used to crawl around deep in the bushes with
spiders and lizards and imagine there were little people in there. So I
got sent to a psychiatrist, and for tests with electrodes attatched to
my head, and a catscan. They found nothing wrong with me the psych
creeped me out though. I am mildly autistic but animals were always
drawn to me and I knew there was more to the world than others could

When I was a teenager I was living in youth homes and one big house
they moved me into it was a really old building with this big beautifull
tree out the back. A lot of troubled kids had lived there and thats
where I actually saw a couple of times very small beings one was almost
solid looking under a foot tall and another was like a tiny ball of
light buzzing around behind a friend one night. I never felt anything
negative like you would from an enemy spirit, I felt comefortable there.

I also realise a lot of crap from the new age movement has stigmatised
the subject a lot and I only have my own experiences and stories from
other people to go by. I had a friend in high school who's family grew
up in a little village in Greece and they had a healthy respect for
these beings. Her mother and grandmother used to tell me about their
childhood there after school and it was interesting to say the least. As
times moved on and the area became more developed and populated they saw
less of these beings.

I know now in my own area Ive noticed after living here several years
it has become more populated and developed, big areas of bushland are
being cut down and animals loosing their homes and I have noticed a lot
of these developments have been running into 'unexpected trouble' what
some would call 'bad luck' failed housing estates, major problems with a
shopping mall development I can feel the energy of the place changing. I
can feel something else too something between a sadness and anger.
There are still some beautifull natural places near me very pristine
and in the quiet months of the year when the tourists are not messing it
up you can go there and the energy is just amazing, so pure and raw and
it is very healing for me to go there and you can have a whole beach to
yourself, and no houses or people or noise just the waves breaking and
the birds, and I never feel alone there. Then tourist season starts and
the place is bombarded with loud anoying people with no respect for the
place or the locals and trash it with rubbish. The energy changes then.
However it is as if nature gets her own right back because the tourist
season the beaches get coated with foul smelling seaweed and blue
bottles (manowar jellyfish) and big storms.
It was just after I dedicated to Satan I went there one afternoon and
I had quite an energy surround me as I walked through the bush very
positive I felt like someone or more than one being was watching me or
following me so I sat down for a while and didn't say anything and it
felt very good. It was nothing like the energy of the enemy it felt very
natural and peacefull. Nothing was said we just seemed to be sharing
some emotions and energy and there was noone else around to disturb
things. Ive wondered who they are every since.

Hail Satan
I started researching about Faeries recently and there are also small, coloured (blue and orange) orbs of light that float around me when I turn off the light to go to bed. I don't see them during the day unless they purposefully sparkle, about the size of the head of a pin. They land on my hair and it gets very itchy in that spot there, so I end up scratching. (They love to do this to me, but in the past few days they haven't.) Their favorite game is to land on my crotch of my pants in public so I get the overwhelming urge to scratch there (I can contain myself, thankfully.)I am being serious.
I read a post by Salem Burke from 2007 about how some light Fey are astral parasites. I don't usually take his stuff seriously, but there were some useful information that I hope was true in there.
I was forwarded this by a brother in Satan, who was concerned for me. Then I took the precautions to take care of this matter, as I don't know if that is the kind of fairy in my home.
I have to do a banishing ritual soon.

Once, a few days ago, I was sitting on my bed, reading, with my foot on the floor. And my heel was a few inches above the floor. And someone tickled me with a tiny feather! I could feel the feather, and its size!I don't know why I am the victim of so much tickling, lol.

Recently in the past few weeks, I had a visit from two Dark Fey (I call them "dark" because their energy is much darker, almost to the point of being uncomfortable if you are not used to it). One would almost mistake the energy at first for hostile, but looking back I now see that the visitors (I am sure They were Fey)were actually friendly. They visited me at the witching hour, 3am. I had gotten up to go to the bathroom and came back. There is only one lamp in the living room that is on, and because my north bedroom wall has wooden blinds for windows facing that lamp, the light seeps through the wooden blinds and illuminates my room a bit, so I don't bump into anything in the dark at all.

But when these dark Fey came, the room was much darker, almost pitch black. The only thing that illuminated my room was the eyes of the Fey. I suspect They were Kelpies, because they had milky white moonlit eyes, that never left my face. I had read about Them and Their eyes being like that. They were at the edge of my bed and seemed to be communicating with each other. I couldn't make out what They were saying, only that They were turning Their head every so often towards the other.

I recognize this energy as Dark Fey, because this was the same kind of energy that filled the house I grew up in. Every night when I had to get up to go to the bathroom, the hallway light would be left on. But downstairs, I could see the living room, encased in darkness, and hear mumbling and talking. There were tens of eyes, also white, and I could make out long limbs... these beings communicated with each other. They glared at me whenever I stared at them as I made my way to the bathroom, which was across the hall from my room.

The energy is dark and uncomfortable, but not necessarily threatening. It just is. The basement of that house was filled with this energy. I once saw an orange Being with a round head like a pumpkin in the basement and once sitting on my bed, crosslegged, watching me. They had almond shaped black eyes with a small white pupil, like a star in it. My personal experience was that the Fey showed Themselves to me, but I really have to strain my vision to see Them sometimes. If They want to be seen, that is.I usually can make out floating lights above the plants in any greenhouse and in my apartment.

Hope this post was informative. Hail Satan and the True Gods of Hell forever!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@... wrote:

I understand and have looked into that problem. However some I have seen with my naked eye aswell moreso at night they appear as little coloured lights, in the day I also get sometimes quite solid looking orbs with colours and I will take a series of shots and they will move in a certain way shot to shot it will be only one, quite large and in more than one picture, I also don't get them just anywhere. I don't always use flash and still can get them at night and they seem to be emitting light.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Sasuke" <michaelsshannon986@ wrote:

This is the same feeling I get. I think it is the Gods that are there that allow us to Feel the energy of the Plants and earth.

But for me personally. I don't like the "orb". In my own exp. I've seen the orb and can say (in my own exp) that it is "Dust" that is caught in the flash and/or stuck to the lends. Could also be bugs or tiny insects

But the feeling of the energy in nature is soooooo awesome! Its almost like I was born with a "green thumb" hehe

Hail Ea
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

-----Original Message-----
From: "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 18:38:53
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Who are 'nature spirits'?

I hope this isn't a stupid question and if it has been discussed before I apologise I like to know who/what I am dealing with.
When I say 'nature spirits' I mean, the little people that are called various names around the world are they a race of ET? More than one race? friends of Ours? From what I have read into they seem to have a history of being friends to witches but also I have heard they don't like everyone... I have felt a positive energy from them.

I am asking this seriously I know they are not Demons and they seem to be attached to natural undisturbed places, old buildings animals etc. I always was aware of their existance and have had a few encounters. I have on occasion felt I had company when out in the bush. I have taken a few photos where coloured orbs showed up and seemed to move between one picture and the next.

I had a little dog I rescued a few years ago who got out on the road and was hit by a car. I took a photo of him not long before he died and there was this strange orb in the picture and he was staring right at it. I always wondered about that I can only hope it was something friendly.
I was one of those kids who used to spend a lot of time in the garden 'looking for fairies' I didn't have any friends growing up and I believed my nans garden had magic in it maybe it was just because I was lonely and different, I used to crawl around deep in the bushes with spiders and lizards and imagine there were little people in there. So I got sent to a psychiatrist, and for tests with electrodes attatched to my head, and a catscan. They found nothing wrong with me the psych creeped me out though. I am mildly autistic but animals were always drawn to me and I knew there was more to the world than others could see.

When I was a teenager I was living in youth homes and one big house they moved me into it was a really old building with this big beautifull tree out the back. A lot of troubled kids had lived there and thats where I actually saw a couple of times very small beings one was almost solid looking under a foot tall and another was like a tiny ball of light buzzing around behind a friend one night. I never felt anything negative like you would from an enemy spirit, I felt comefortable there.

I also realise a lot of crap from the new age movement has stigmatised the subject a lot and I only have my own experiences and stories from other people to go by. I had a friend in high school who's family grew up in a little village in Greece and they had a healthy respect for these beings. Her mother and grandmother used to tell me about their childhood there after school and it was interesting to say the least. As times moved on and the area became more developed and populated they saw less of these beings.

I know now in my own area Ive noticed after living here several years it has become more populated and developed, big areas of bushland are being cut down and animals loosing their homes and I have noticed a lot of these developments have been running into 'unexpected trouble' what some would call 'bad luck' failed housing estates, major problems with a shopping mall development I can feel the energy of the place changing. I can feel something else too something between a sadness and anger.
There are still some beautifull natural places near me very pristine and in the quiet months of the year when the tourists are not messing it up you can go there and the energy is just amazing, so pure and raw and it is very healing for me to go there and you can have a whole beach to yourself, and no houses or people or noise just the waves breaking and the birds, and I never feel alone there. Then tourist season starts and the place is bombarded with loud anoying people with no respect for the place or the locals and trash it with rubbish. The energy changes then. However it is as if nature gets her own right back because the tourist season the beaches get coated with foul smelling seaweed and blue bottles (manowar jellyfish) and big storms.
It was just after I dedicated to Satan I went there one afternoon and I had quite an energy surround me as I walked through the bush very positive I felt like someone or more than one being was watching me or following me so I sat down for a while and didn't say anything and it felt very good. It was nothing like the energy of the enemy it felt very natural and peacefull. Nothing was said we just seemed to be sharing some emotions and energy and there was noone else around to disturb things. Ive wondered who they are every since.

Hail Satan
What happened to Salem Burke? Or is that a touchy subject?
I havn't had any negative experiences with the ones I have encountered but not everything out there is your friend.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "magus.immortalis" <magus.immortalis@... wrote:

I started researching about Faeries recently and there are also small, coloured (blue and orange) orbs of light that float around me when I turn off the light to go to bed. I don't see them during the day unless they purposefully sparkle, about the size of the head of a pin. They land on my hair and it gets very itchy in that spot there, so I end up scratching. (They love to do this to me, but in the past few days they haven't.) Their favorite game is to land on my crotch of my pants in public so I get the overwhelming urge to scratch there (I can contain myself, thankfully.)I am being serious.
I read a post by Salem Burke from 2007 about how some light Fey are astral parasites. I don't usually take his stuff seriously, but there were some useful information that I hope was true in there.
I was forwarded this by a brother in Satan, who was concerned for me. Then I took the precautions to take care of this matter, as I don't know if that is the kind of fairy in my home.
I have to do a banishing ritual soon.

Once, a few days ago, I was sitting on my bed, reading, with my foot on the floor. And my heel was a few inches above the floor. And someone tickled me with a tiny feather! I could feel the feather, and its size!I don't know why I am the victim of so much tickling, lol.

Recently in the past few weeks, I had a visit from two Dark Fey (I call them "dark" because their energy is much darker, almost to the point of being uncomfortable if you are not used to it). One would almost mistake the energy at first for hostile, but looking back I now see that the visitors (I am sure They were Fey)were actually friendly. They visited me at the witching hour, 3am. I had gotten up to go to the bathroom and came back. There is only one lamp in the living room that is on, and because my north bedroom wall has wooden blinds for windows facing that lamp, the light seeps through the wooden blinds and illuminates my room a bit, so I don't bump into anything in the dark at all.

But when these dark Fey came, the room was much darker, almost pitch black. The only thing that illuminated my room was the eyes of the Fey. I suspect They were Kelpies, because they had milky white moonlit eyes, that never left my face. I had read about Them and Their eyes being like that. They were at the edge of my bed and seemed to be communicating with each other. I couldn't make out what They were saying, only that They were turning Their head every so often towards the other.

I recognize this energy as Dark Fey, because this was the same kind of energy that filled the house I grew up in. Every night when I had to get up to go to the bathroom, the hallway light would be left on. But downstairs, I could see the living room, encased in darkness, and hear mumbling and talking. There were tens of eyes, also white, and I could make out long limbs... these beings communicated with each other. They glared at me whenever I stared at them as I made my way to the bathroom, which was across the hall from my room.

The energy is dark and uncomfortable, but not necessarily threatening. It just is. The basement of that house was filled with this energy. I once saw an orange Being with a round head like a pumpkin in the basement and once sitting on my bed, crosslegged, watching me. They had almond shaped black eyes with a small white pupil, like a star in it. My personal experience was that the Fey showed Themselves to me, but I really have to strain my vision to see Them sometimes. If They want to be seen, that is.I usually can make out floating lights above the plants in any greenhouse and in my apartment.

Hope this post was informative. Hail Satan and the True Gods of Hell forever!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

I understand and have looked into that problem. However some I have seen with my naked eye aswell moreso at night they appear as little coloured lights, in the day I also get sometimes quite solid looking orbs with colours and I will take a series of shots and they will move in a certain way shot to shot it will be only one, quite large and in more than one picture, I also don't get them just anywhere. I don't always use flash and still can get them at night and they seem to be emitting light.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Sasuke" <michaelsshannon986@ wrote:

This is the same feeling I get. I think it is the Gods that are there that allow us to Feel the energy of the Plants and earth.

But for me personally. I don't like the "orb". In my own exp. I've seen the orb and can say (in my own exp) that it is "Dust" that is caught in the flash and/or stuck to the lends. Could also be bugs or tiny insects

But the feeling of the energy in nature is soooooo awesome! Its almost like I was born with a "green thumb" hehe

Hail Ea
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

-----Original Message-----
From: "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 18:38:53
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Who are 'nature spirits'?

I hope this isn't a stupid question and if it has been discussed before I apologise I like to know who/what I am dealing with.
When I say 'nature spirits' I mean, the little people that are called various names around the world are they a race of ET? More than one race? friends of Ours? From what I have read into they seem to have a history of being friends to witches but also I have heard they don't like everyone... I have felt a positive energy from them.

I am asking this seriously I know they are not Demons and they seem to be attached to natural undisturbed places, old buildings animals etc. I always was aware of their existance and have had a few encounters. I have on occasion felt I had company when out in the bush. I have taken a few photos where coloured orbs showed up and seemed to move between one picture and the next.

I had a little dog I rescued a few years ago who got out on the road and was hit by a car. I took a photo of him not long before he died and there was this strange orb in the picture and he was staring right at it. I always wondered about that I can only hope it was something friendly.
I was one of those kids who used to spend a lot of time in the garden 'looking for fairies' I didn't have any friends growing up and I believed my nans garden had magic in it maybe it was just because I was lonely and different, I used to crawl around deep in the bushes with spiders and lizards and imagine there were little people in there. So I got sent to a psychiatrist, and for tests with electrodes attatched to my head, and a catscan. They found nothing wrong with me the psych creeped me out though. I am mildly autistic but animals were always drawn to me and I knew there was more to the world than others could see.

When I was a teenager I was living in youth homes and one big house they moved me into it was a really old building with this big beautifull tree out the back. A lot of troubled kids had lived there and thats where I actually saw a couple of times very small beings one was almost solid looking under a foot tall and another was like a tiny ball of light buzzing around behind a friend one night. I never felt anything negative like you would from an enemy spirit, I felt comefortable there.

I also realise a lot of crap from the new age movement has stigmatised the subject a lot and I only have my own experiences and stories from other people to go by. I had a friend in high school who's family grew up in a little village in Greece and they had a healthy respect for these beings. Her mother and grandmother used to tell me about their childhood there after school and it was interesting to say the least. As times moved on and the area became more developed and populated they saw less of these beings.

I know now in my own area Ive noticed after living here several years it has become more populated and developed, big areas of bushland are being cut down and animals loosing their homes and I have noticed a lot of these developments have been running into 'unexpected trouble' what some would call 'bad luck' failed housing estates, major problems with a shopping mall development I can feel the energy of the place changing. I can feel something else too something between a sadness and anger.
There are still some beautifull natural places near me very pristine and in the quiet months of the year when the tourists are not messing it up you can go there and the energy is just amazing, so pure and raw and it is very healing for me to go there and you can have a whole beach to yourself, and no houses or people or noise just the waves breaking and the birds, and I never feel alone there. Then tourist season starts and the place is bombarded with loud anoying people with no respect for the place or the locals and trash it with rubbish. The energy changes then. However it is as if nature gets her own right back because the tourist season the beaches get coated with foul smelling seaweed and blue bottles (manowar jellyfish) and big storms.
It was just after I dedicated to Satan I went there one afternoon and I had quite an energy surround me as I walked through the bush very positive I felt like someone or more than one being was watching me or following me so I sat down for a while and didn't say anything and it felt very good. It was nothing like the energy of the enemy it felt very natural and peacefull. Nothing was said we just seemed to be sharing some emotions and energy and there was noone else around to disturb things. Ive wondered who they are every since.

Hail Satan
I've seen them, gnomes, fairies....various forms. One nite many years ago I saw 7 inch high fairies, naked, dancing in my window sill on a full moon nite, enjoying the energy.

I never really try to interact with them, so I know that some are friendly, some are not.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@... wrote:

I understand and have looked into that problem. However some I have seen with my naked eye aswell moreso at night they appear as little coloured lights, in the day I also get sometimes quite solid looking orbs with colours and I will take a series of shots and they will move in a certain way shot to shot it will be only one, quite large and in more than one picture, I also don't get them just anywhere. I don't always use flash and still can get them at night and they seem to be emitting light.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Sasuke" <michaelsshannon986@ wrote:

This is the same feeling I get. I think it is the Gods that are there that allow us to Feel the energy of the Plants and earth.

But for me personally. I don't like the "orb". In my own exp. I've seen the orb and can say (in my own exp) that it is "Dust" that is caught in the flash and/or stuck to the lends. Could also be bugs or tiny insects

But the feeling of the energy in nature is soooooo awesome! Its almost like I was born with a "green thumb" hehe

Hail Ea
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

-----Original Message-----
From: "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 18:38:53
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Who are 'nature spirits'?

I hope this isn't a stupid question and if it has been discussed before I apologise I like to know who/what I am dealing with.
When I say 'nature spirits' I mean, the little people that are called various names around the world are they a race of ET? More than one race? friends of Ours? From what I have read into they seem to have a history of being friends to witches but also I have heard they don't like everyone... I have felt a positive energy from them.

I am asking this seriously I know they are not Demons and they seem to be attached to natural undisturbed places, old buildings animals etc. I always was aware of their existance and have had a few encounters. I have on occasion felt I had company when out in the bush. I have taken a few photos where coloured orbs showed up and seemed to move between one picture and the next.

I had a little dog I rescued a few years ago who got out on the road and was hit by a car. I took a photo of him not long before he died and there was this strange orb in the picture and he was staring right at it. I always wondered about that I can only hope it was something friendly.
I was one of those kids who used to spend a lot of time in the garden 'looking for fairies' I didn't have any friends growing up and I believed my nans garden had magic in it maybe it was just because I was lonely and different, I used to crawl around deep in the bushes with spiders and lizards and imagine there were little people in there. So I got sent to a psychiatrist, and for tests with electrodes attatched to my head, and a catscan. They found nothing wrong with me the psych creeped me out though. I am mildly autistic but animals were always drawn to me and I knew there was more to the world than others could see.

When I was a teenager I was living in youth homes and one big house they moved me into it was a really old building with this big beautifull tree out the back. A lot of troubled kids had lived there and thats where I actually saw a couple of times very small beings one was almost solid looking under a foot tall and another was like a tiny ball of light buzzing around behind a friend one night. I never felt anything negative like you would from an enemy spirit, I felt comefortable there.

I also realise a lot of crap from the new age movement has stigmatised the subject a lot and I only have my own experiences and stories from other people to go by. I had a friend in high school who's family grew up in a little village in Greece and they had a healthy respect for these beings. Her mother and grandmother used to tell me about their childhood there after school and it was interesting to say the least. As times moved on and the area became more developed and populated they saw less of these beings.

I know now in my own area Ive noticed after living here several years it has become more populated and developed, big areas of bushland are being cut down and animals loosing their homes and I have noticed a lot of these developments have been running into 'unexpected trouble' what some would call 'bad luck' failed housing estates, major problems with a shopping mall development I can feel the energy of the place changing. I can feel something else too something between a sadness and anger.
There are still some beautifull natural places near me very pristine and in the quiet months of the year when the tourists are not messing it up you can go there and the energy is just amazing, so pure and raw and it is very healing for me to go there and you can have a whole beach to yourself, and no houses or people or noise just the waves breaking and the birds, and I never feel alone there. Then tourist season starts and the place is bombarded with loud anoying people with no respect for the place or the locals and trash it with rubbish. The energy changes then. However it is as if nature gets her own right back because the tourist season the beaches get coated with foul smelling seaweed and blue bottles (manowar jellyfish) and big storms.
It was just after I dedicated to Satan I went there one afternoon and I had quite an energy surround me as I walked through the bush very positive I felt like someone or more than one being was watching me or following me so I sat down for a while and didn't say anything and it felt very good. It was nothing like the energy of the enemy it felt very natural and peacefull. Nothing was said we just seemed to be sharing some emotions and energy and there was noone else around to disturb things. Ive wondered who they are every since.

Hail Satan
Wow, so you've seen them?! Did they appear to you on the physical level, or do you use astral vision to see them?!

I've read that the fairies like to disturb people and enjoy the reactions. They are not entities that know fear, anger and sadness. This means that they don't understand this emotion in humans. If they disturb you and you get annoyed or angry, they don't understand it and find it funny.

I've also read that most children attract fairies because of their innocent feelings and energy. They appear on babies and little children. I'm guessing they are the cause of the fears that little children have. They see them and get afraid to sleep at night.

I'm doing meditations daily trying to enable my astral vision and be able to see more.

Hail Father Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "magus.immortalis" <magus.immortalis@... wrote:

I started researching about Faeries recently and there are also small, coloured (blue and orange) orbs of light that float around me when I turn off the light to go to bed. I don't see them during the day unless they purposefully sparkle, about the size of the head of a pin. They land on my hair and it gets very itchy in that spot there, so I end up scratching. (They love to do this to me, but in the past few days they haven't.) Their favorite game is to land on my crotch of my pants in public so I get the overwhelming urge to scratch there (I can contain myself, thankfully.)I am being serious.
I read a post by Salem Burke from 2007 about how some light Fey are astral parasites. I don't usually take his stuff seriously, but there were some useful information that I hope was true in there.
I was forwarded this by a brother in Satan, who was concerned for me. Then I took the precautions to take care of this matter, as I don't know if that is the kind of fairy in my home.
I have to do a banishing ritual soon.

Once, a few days ago, I was sitting on my bed, reading, with my foot on the floor. And my heel was a few inches above the floor. And someone tickled me with a tiny feather! I could feel the feather, and its size!I don't know why I am the victim of so much tickling, lol.

Recently in the past few weeks, I had a visit from two Dark Fey (I call them "dark" because their energy is much darker, almost to the point of being uncomfortable if you are not used to it). One would almost mistake the energy at first for hostile, but looking back I now see that the visitors (I am sure They were Fey)were actually friendly. They visited me at the witching hour, 3am. I had gotten up to go to the bathroom and came back. There is only one lamp in the living room that is on, and because my north bedroom wall has wooden blinds for windows facing that lamp, the light seeps through the wooden blinds and illuminates my room a bit, so I don't bump into anything in the dark at all.

But when these dark Fey came, the room was much darker, almost pitch black. The only thing that illuminated my room was the eyes of the Fey. I suspect They were Kelpies, because they had milky white moonlit eyes, that never left my face. I had read about Them and Their eyes being like that. They were at the edge of my bed and seemed to be communicating with each other. I couldn't make out what They were saying, only that They were turning Their head every so often towards the other.

I recognize this energy as Dark Fey, because this was the same kind of energy that filled the house I grew up in. Every night when I had to get up to go to the bathroom, the hallway light would be left on. But downstairs, I could see the living room, encased in darkness, and hear mumbling and talking. There were tens of eyes, also white, and I could make out long limbs... these beings communicated with each other. They glared at me whenever I stared at them as I made my way to the bathroom, which was across the hall from my room.

The energy is dark and uncomfortable, but not necessarily threatening. It just is. The basement of that house was filled with this energy. I once saw an orange Being with a round head like a pumpkin in the basement and once sitting on my bed, crosslegged, watching me. They had almond shaped black eyes with a small white pupil, like a star in it. My personal experience was that the Fey showed Themselves to me, but I really have to strain my vision to see Them sometimes. If They want to be seen, that is.I usually can make out floating lights above the plants in any greenhouse and in my apartment.

Hope this post was informative. Hail Satan and the True Gods of Hell forever!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

I understand and have looked into that problem. However some I have seen with my naked eye aswell moreso at night they appear as little coloured lights, in the day I also get sometimes quite solid looking orbs with colours and I will take a series of shots and they will move in a certain way shot to shot it will be only one, quite large and in more than one picture, I also don't get them just anywhere. I don't always use flash and still can get them at night and they seem to be emitting light.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Sasuke" <michaelsshannon986@ wrote:

This is the same feeling I get. I think it is the Gods that are there that allow us to Feel the energy of the Plants and earth.

But for me personally. I don't like the "orb". In my own exp. I've seen the orb and can say (in my own exp) that it is "Dust" that is caught in the flash and/or stuck to the lends. Could also be bugs or tiny insects

But the feeling of the energy in nature is soooooo awesome! Its almost like I was born with a "green thumb" hehe

Hail Ea
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

-----Original Message-----
From: "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 18:38:53
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Who are 'nature spirits'?

I hope this isn't a stupid question and if it has been discussed before I apologise I like to know who/what I am dealing with.
When I say 'nature spirits' I mean, the little people that are called various names around the world are they a race of ET? More than one race? friends of Ours? From what I have read into they seem to have a history of being friends to witches but also I have heard they don't like everyone... I have felt a positive energy from them.

I am asking this seriously I know they are not Demons and they seem to be attached to natural undisturbed places, old buildings animals etc. I always was aware of their existance and have had a few encounters. I have on occasion felt I had company when out in the bush. I have taken a few photos where coloured orbs showed up and seemed to move between one picture and the next.

I had a little dog I rescued a few years ago who got out on the road and was hit by a car. I took a photo of him not long before he died and there was this strange orb in the picture and he was staring right at it. I always wondered about that I can only hope it was something friendly.
I was one of those kids who used to spend a lot of time in the garden 'looking for fairies' I didn't have any friends growing up and I believed my nans garden had magic in it maybe it was just because I was lonely and different, I used to crawl around deep in the bushes with spiders and lizards and imagine there were little people in there. So I got sent to a psychiatrist, and for tests with electrodes attatched to my head, and a catscan. They found nothing wrong with me the psych creeped me out though. I am mildly autistic but animals were always drawn to me and I knew there was more to the world than others could see.

When I was a teenager I was living in youth homes and one big house they moved me into it was a really old building with this big beautifull tree out the back. A lot of troubled kids had lived there and thats where I actually saw a couple of times very small beings one was almost solid looking under a foot tall and another was like a tiny ball of light buzzing around behind a friend one night. I never felt anything negative like you would from an enemy spirit, I felt comefortable there.

I also realise a lot of crap from the new age movement has stigmatised the subject a lot and I only have my own experiences and stories from other people to go by. I had a friend in high school who's family grew up in a little village in Greece and they had a healthy respect for these beings. Her mother and grandmother used to tell me about their childhood there after school and it was interesting to say the least. As times moved on and the area became more developed and populated they saw less of these beings.

I know now in my own area Ive noticed after living here several years it has become more populated and developed, big areas of bushland are being cut down and animals loosing their homes and I have noticed a lot of these developments have been running into 'unexpected trouble' what some would call 'bad luck' failed housing estates, major problems with a shopping mall development I can feel the energy of the place changing. I can feel something else too something between a sadness and anger.
There are still some beautifull natural places near me very pristine and in the quiet months of the year when the tourists are not messing it up you can go there and the energy is just amazing, so pure and raw and it is very healing for me to go there and you can have a whole beach to yourself, and no houses or people or noise just the waves breaking and the birds, and I never feel alone there. Then tourist season starts and the place is bombarded with loud anoying people with no respect for the place or the locals and trash it with rubbish. The energy changes then. However it is as if nature gets her own right back because the tourist season the beaches get coated with foul smelling seaweed and blue bottles (manowar jellyfish) and big storms.
It was just after I dedicated to Satan I went there one afternoon and I had quite an energy surround me as I walked through the bush very positive I felt like someone or more than one being was watching me or following me so I sat down for a while and didn't say anything and it felt very good. It was nothing like the energy of the enemy it felt very natural and peacefull. Nothing was said we just seemed to be sharing some emotions and energy and there was noone else around to disturb things. Ive wondered who they are every since.

Hail Satan
Can you describe the gnome you saw? I am very interested. I saw something once that I thought might have been one but never heard from anyone else who has. It would be good if it is similar to my sighting.

Some of these beings are easily offended I have found that out the hard way a few times my fault. It worked out ok in the end though I cut some trees down when I moved here I was thinking of bushfire risks it was very overgrown and I gave no thought to who's territory I was walking into to put it that way... I think we have sorted out our problem now. I did not feel accepted here at first there were a lot of problems and disturbances accidents. But once I started bringing in animals and planting gardens and new trees made some frog ponds things settled down. Well from my standpoint they could have done a lot worse, someone with dirtbikes and weed spraying chemicals could have moved in and trashed the land. I stick to organic as much as possible and I left the bush at the back of the land alone and rarely go up there.
On the other hand some beings here are very nice and I felt them in my garden when I started making it and almost everything I planted grew really well. Even other people felt it, a peacefull feeling it was very fertile.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@... wrote:

I've seen them, gnomes, fairies....various forms. One nite many years ago I saw 7 inch high fairies, naked, dancing in my window sill on a full moon nite, enjoying the energy.

I never really try to interact with them, so I know that some are friendly, some are not.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

I understand and have looked into that problem. However some I have seen with my naked eye aswell moreso at night they appear as little coloured lights, in the day I also get sometimes quite solid looking orbs with colours and I will take a series of shots and they will move in a certain way shot to shot it will be only one, quite large and in more than one picture, I also don't get them just anywhere. I don't always use flash and still can get them at night and they seem to be emitting light.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Sasuke" <michaelsshannon986@ wrote:

This is the same feeling I get. I think it is the Gods that are there that allow us to Feel the energy of the Plants and earth.

But for me personally. I don't like the "orb". In my own exp. I've seen the orb and can say (in my own exp) that it is "Dust" that is caught in the flash and/or stuck to the lends. Could also be bugs or tiny insects

But the feeling of the energy in nature is soooooo awesome! Its almost like I was born with a "green thumb" hehe

Hail Ea
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

-----Original Message-----
From: "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 18:38:53
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Who are 'nature spirits'?

I hope this isn't a stupid question and if it has been discussed before I apologise I like to know who/what I am dealing with.
When I say 'nature spirits' I mean, the little people that are called various names around the world are they a race of ET? More than one race? friends of Ours? From what I have read into they seem to have a history of being friends to witches but also I have heard they don't like everyone... I have felt a positive energy from them.

I am asking this seriously I know they are not Demons and they seem to be attached to natural undisturbed places, old buildings animals etc. I always was aware of their existance and have had a few encounters. I have on occasion felt I had company when out in the bush. I have taken a few photos where coloured orbs showed up and seemed to move between one picture and the next.

I had a little dog I rescued a few years ago who got out on the road and was hit by a car. I took a photo of him not long before he died and there was this strange orb in the picture and he was staring right at it. I always wondered about that I can only hope it was something friendly.
I was one of those kids who used to spend a lot of time in the garden 'looking for fairies' I didn't have any friends growing up and I believed my nans garden had magic in it maybe it was just because I was lonely and different, I used to crawl around deep in the bushes with spiders and lizards and imagine there were little people in there. So I got sent to a psychiatrist, and for tests with electrodes attatched to my head, and a catscan. They found nothing wrong with me the psych creeped me out though. I am mildly autistic but animals were always drawn to me and I knew there was more to the world than others could see.

When I was a teenager I was living in youth homes and one big house they moved me into it was a really old building with this big beautifull tree out the back. A lot of troubled kids had lived there and thats where I actually saw a couple of times very small beings one was almost solid looking under a foot tall and another was like a tiny ball of light buzzing around behind a friend one night. I never felt anything negative like you would from an enemy spirit, I felt comefortable there.

I also realise a lot of crap from the new age movement has stigmatised the subject a lot and I only have my own experiences and stories from other people to go by. I had a friend in high school who's family grew up in a little village in Greece and they had a healthy respect for these beings. Her mother and grandmother used to tell me about their childhood there after school and it was interesting to say the least. As times moved on and the area became more developed and populated they saw less of these beings.

I know now in my own area Ive noticed after living here several years it has become more populated and developed, big areas of bushland are being cut down and animals loosing their homes and I have noticed a lot of these developments have been running into 'unexpected trouble' what some would call 'bad luck' failed housing estates, major problems with a shopping mall development I can feel the energy of the place changing. I can feel something else too something between a sadness and anger.
There are still some beautifull natural places near me very pristine and in the quiet months of the year when the tourists are not messing it up you can go there and the energy is just amazing, so pure and raw and it is very healing for me to go there and you can have a whole beach to yourself, and no houses or people or noise just the waves breaking and the birds, and I never feel alone there. Then tourist season starts and the place is bombarded with loud anoying people with no respect for the place or the locals and trash it with rubbish. The energy changes then. However it is as if nature gets her own right back because the tourist season the beaches get coated with foul smelling seaweed and blue bottles (manowar jellyfish) and big storms.
It was just after I dedicated to Satan I went there one afternoon and I had quite an energy surround me as I walked through the bush very positive I felt like someone or more than one being was watching me or following me so I sat down for a while and didn't say anything and it felt very good. It was nothing like the energy of the enemy it felt very natural and peacefull. Nothing was said we just seemed to be sharing some emotions and energy and there was noone else around to disturb things. Ive wondered who they are every since.

Hail Satan
I have seen some on the physical. I know they do get angry a bit too well and sad, the ones around here at least. I felt their sadness when the bush that had been there thousands of years was all cut down for housing estates and a shopping centre with a big carpark. Sadness and anger it was very real.

There is a failed housing estate near me I walk past all the time. On one side is a jehovas witness church then there is this hige estate with a handfull of small demountable houses, I think only a few were ever sold and only 1 old couple lives in the whole place. All the roads and street lights were put in and a huge spiked fence around the whole place must be 50 acres most of it cleared and it is like a ghost town. They will not sell anymore houses or build any there. All that is in there are kangaroos all trapped in there by the fences. walking past at night is very strange seeing all these kangaroos on the roads under the street lights. The energy around this place is not good. All the places that have been cleared around here have problems and bad energy. Somebody is not happy. The energy from the church is also horrible despite the pretty gardens. I have had horses spook going past the entrance.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Lolo Bardonik" <lolobardonik@... wrote:

Wow, so you've seen them?! Did they appear to you on the physical level, or do you use astral vision to see them?!

I've read that the fairies like to disturb people and enjoy the reactions. They are not entities that know fear, anger and sadness. This means that they don't understand this emotion in humans. If they disturb you and you get annoyed or angry, they don't understand it and find it funny.

I've also read that most children attract fairies because of their innocent feelings and energy. They appear on babies and little children. I'm guessing they are the cause of the fears that little children have. They see them and get afraid to sleep at night.

I'm doing meditations daily trying to enable my astral vision and be able to see more.

Hail Father Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "magus.immortalis" <magus.immortalis@ wrote:

I started researching about Faeries recently and there are also small, coloured (blue and orange) orbs of light that float around me when I turn off the light to go to bed. I don't see them during the day unless they purposefully sparkle, about the size of the head of a pin. They land on my hair and it gets very itchy in that spot there, so I end up scratching. (They love to do this to me, but in the past few days they haven't.) Their favorite game is to land on my crotch of my pants in public so I get the overwhelming urge to scratch there (I can contain myself, thankfully.)I am being serious.
I read a post by Salem Burke from 2007 about how some light Fey are astral parasites. I don't usually take his stuff seriously, but there were some useful information that I hope was true in there.
I was forwarded this by a brother in Satan, who was concerned for me. Then I took the precautions to take care of this matter, as I don't know if that is the kind of fairy in my home.
I have to do a banishing ritual soon.

Once, a few days ago, I was sitting on my bed, reading, with my foot on the floor. And my heel was a few inches above the floor. And someone tickled me with a tiny feather! I could feel the feather, and its size!I don't know why I am the victim of so much tickling, lol.

Recently in the past few weeks, I had a visit from two Dark Fey (I call them "dark" because their energy is much darker, almost to the point of being uncomfortable if you are not used to it). One would almost mistake the energy at first for hostile, but looking back I now see that the visitors (I am sure They were Fey)were actually friendly. They visited me at the witching hour, 3am. I had gotten up to go to the bathroom and came back. There is only one lamp in the living room that is on, and because my north bedroom wall has wooden blinds for windows facing that lamp, the light seeps through the wooden blinds and illuminates my room a bit, so I don't bump into anything in the dark at all.

But when these dark Fey came, the room was much darker, almost pitch black. The only thing that illuminated my room was the eyes of the Fey. I suspect They were Kelpies, because they had milky white moonlit eyes, that never left my face. I had read about Them and Their eyes being like that. They were at the edge of my bed and seemed to be communicating with each other. I couldn't make out what They were saying, only that They were turning Their head every so often towards the other.

I recognize this energy as Dark Fey, because this was the same kind of energy that filled the house I grew up in. Every night when I had to get up to go to the bathroom, the hallway light would be left on. But downstairs, I could see the living room, encased in darkness, and hear mumbling and talking. There were tens of eyes, also white, and I could make out long limbs... these beings communicated with each other. They glared at me whenever I stared at them as I made my way to the bathroom, which was across the hall from my room.

The energy is dark and uncomfortable, but not necessarily threatening. It just is. The basement of that house was filled with this energy. I once saw an orange Being with a round head like a pumpkin in the basement and once sitting on my bed, crosslegged, watching me. They had almond shaped black eyes with a small white pupil, like a star in it. My personal experience was that the Fey showed Themselves to me, but I really have to strain my vision to see Them sometimes. If They want to be seen, that is.I usually can make out floating lights above the plants in any greenhouse and in my apartment.

Hope this post was informative. Hail Satan and the True Gods of Hell forever!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

I understand and have looked into that problem. However some I have seen with my naked eye aswell moreso at night they appear as little coloured lights, in the day I also get sometimes quite solid looking orbs with colours and I will take a series of shots and they will move in a certain way shot to shot it will be only one, quite large and in more than one picture, I also don't get them just anywhere. I don't always use flash and still can get them at night and they seem to be emitting light.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Sasuke" <michaelsshannon986@ wrote:

This is the same feeling I get. I think it is the Gods that are there that allow us to Feel the energy of the Plants and earth.

But for me personally. I don't like the "orb". In my own exp. I've seen the orb and can say (in my own exp) that it is "Dust" that is caught in the flash and/or stuck to the lends. Could also be bugs or tiny insects

But the feeling of the energy in nature is soooooo awesome! Its almost like I was born with a "green thumb" hehe

Hail Ea
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

-----Original Message-----
From: "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 18:38:53
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Who are 'nature spirits'?

I hope this isn't a stupid question and if it has been discussed before I apologise I like to know who/what I am dealing with.
When I say 'nature spirits' I mean, the little people that are called various names around the world are they a race of ET? More than one race? friends of Ours? From what I have read into they seem to have a history of being friends to witches but also I have heard they don't like everyone... I have felt a positive energy from them.

I am asking this seriously I know they are not Demons and they seem to be attached to natural undisturbed places, old buildings animals etc. I always was aware of their existance and have had a few encounters. I have on occasion felt I had company when out in the bush. I have taken a few photos where coloured orbs showed up and seemed to move between one picture and the next.

I had a little dog I rescued a few years ago who got out on the road and was hit by a car. I took a photo of him not long before he died and there was this strange orb in the picture and he was staring right at it. I always wondered about that I can only hope it was something friendly.
I was one of those kids who used to spend a lot of time in the garden 'looking for fairies' I didn't have any friends growing up and I believed my nans garden had magic in it maybe it was just because I was lonely and different, I used to crawl around deep in the bushes with spiders and lizards and imagine there were little people in there. So I got sent to a psychiatrist, and for tests with electrodes attatched to my head, and a catscan. They found nothing wrong with me the psych creeped me out though. I am mildly autistic but animals were always drawn to me and I knew there was more to the world than others could see.

When I was a teenager I was living in youth homes and one big house they moved me into it was a really old building with this big beautifull tree out the back. A lot of troubled kids had lived there and thats where I actually saw a couple of times very small beings one was almost solid looking under a foot tall and another was like a tiny ball of light buzzing around behind a friend one night. I never felt anything negative like you would from an enemy spirit, I felt comefortable there.

I also realise a lot of crap from the new age movement has stigmatised the subject a lot and I only have my own experiences and stories from other people to go by. I had a friend in high school who's family grew up in a little village in Greece and they had a healthy respect for these beings. Her mother and grandmother used to tell me about their childhood there after school and it was interesting to say the least. As times moved on and the area became more developed and populated they saw less of these beings.

I know now in my own area Ive noticed after living here several years it has become more populated and developed, big areas of bushland are being cut down and animals loosing their homes and I have noticed a lot of these developments have been running into 'unexpected trouble' what some would call 'bad luck' failed housing estates, major problems with a shopping mall development I can feel the energy of the place changing. I can feel something else too something between a sadness and anger.
There are still some beautifull natural places near me very pristine and in the quiet months of the year when the tourists are not messing it up you can go there and the energy is just amazing, so pure and raw and it is very healing for me to go there and you can have a whole beach to yourself, and no houses or people or noise just the waves breaking and the birds, and I never feel alone there. Then tourist season starts and the place is bombarded with loud anoying people with no respect for the place or the locals and trash it with rubbish. The energy changes then. However it is as if nature gets her own right back because the tourist season the beaches get coated with foul smelling seaweed and blue bottles (manowar jellyfish) and big storms.
It was just after I dedicated to Satan I went there one afternoon and I had quite an energy surround me as I walked through the bush very positive I felt like someone or more than one being was watching me or following me so I sat down for a while and didn't say anything and it felt very good. It was nothing like the energy of the enemy it felt very natural and peacefull. Nothing was said we just seemed to be sharing some emotions and energy and there was noone else around to disturb things. Ive wondered who they are every since.

Hail Satan
First time I saw them, I saw many of them in the astral. Now, I wasn't even asleep. It was at a former residence I used to have. I was lieing on the bed, eyes closed, and BAM! I saw them, about 6 or 7 in a circle around a white tree. They were all WHITE. Smiling, happy guys,....looked all the same. Looked like the guys you might see on a McDonalds commercial.

The tree was happy too. At the time my two boys were little.

There were a few brownies....I could only mainly see their eyes. They liked to hang out in the closets. I saw these with eyes open, fully awake, just hanging in corners of the closets. They liked to protect my kids, especially my young son Devon at the time.

They appeared like a hologram, or, after a picture flash in your eyes, you can still see the "flash" shadow in the air afterwards....thats how they looked.

The fairies I saw dancing, was more like a trance or a dream. It was on a full moon nite. I saw them flitting around in the window sill. I had done a full moon rite that nite. This was after I was sleeping.
They were naked, looked human, all white and sparkly, and only about 7 to 10 inches high.

At that residence I saw many things....I think it was the area of the land that was so charged with them.
I haven't seen them since I moved out.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@... wrote:

Can you describe the gnome you saw? I am very interested. I saw something once that I thought might have been one but never heard from anyone else who has. It would be good if it is similar to my sighting.

Some of these beings are easily offended I have found that out the hard way a few times my fault. It worked out ok in the end though I cut some trees down when I moved here I was thinking of bushfire risks it was very overgrown and I gave no thought to who's territory I was walking into to put it that way... I think we have sorted out our problem now. I did not feel accepted here at first there were a lot of problems and disturbances accidents. But once I started bringing in animals and planting gardens and new trees made some frog ponds things settled down. Well from my standpoint they could have done a lot worse, someone with dirtbikes and weed spraying chemicals could have moved in and trashed the land. I stick to organic as much as possible and I left the bush at the back of the land alone and rarely go up there.
On the other hand some beings here are very nice and I felt them in my garden when I started making it and almost everything I planted grew really well. Even other people felt it, a peacefull feeling it was very fertile.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@ wrote:

I've seen them, gnomes, fairies....various forms. One nite many years ago I saw 7 inch high fairies, naked, dancing in my window sill on a full moon nite, enjoying the energy.

I never really try to interact with them, so I know that some are friendly, some are not.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

I understand and have looked into that problem. However some I have seen with my naked eye aswell moreso at night they appear as little coloured lights, in the day I also get sometimes quite solid looking orbs with colours and I will take a series of shots and they will move in a certain way shot to shot it will be only one, quite large and in more than one picture, I also don't get them just anywhere. I don't always use flash and still can get them at night and they seem to be emitting light.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Sasuke" <michaelsshannon986@ wrote:

This is the same feeling I get. I think it is the Gods that are there that allow us to Feel the energy of the Plants and earth.

But for me personally. I don't like the "orb". In my own exp. I've seen the orb and can say (in my own exp) that it is "Dust" that is caught in the flash and/or stuck to the lends. Could also be bugs or tiny insects

But the feeling of the energy in nature is soooooo awesome! Its almost like I was born with a "green thumb" hehe

Hail Ea
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

-----Original Message-----
From: "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 18:38:53
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Who are 'nature spirits'?

I hope this isn't a stupid question and if it has been discussed before I apologise I like to know who/what I am dealing with.
When I say 'nature spirits' I mean, the little people that are called various names around the world are they a race of ET? More than one race? friends of Ours? From what I have read into they seem to have a history of being friends to witches but also I have heard they don't like everyone... I have felt a positive energy from them.

I am asking this seriously I know they are not Demons and they seem to be attached to natural undisturbed places, old buildings animals etc. I always was aware of their existance and have had a few encounters. I have on occasion felt I had company when out in the bush. I have taken a few photos where coloured orbs showed up and seemed to move between one picture and the next.

I had a little dog I rescued a few years ago who got out on the road and was hit by a car. I took a photo of him not long before he died and there was this strange orb in the picture and he was staring right at it. I always wondered about that I can only hope it was something friendly.
I was one of those kids who used to spend a lot of time in the garden 'looking for fairies' I didn't have any friends growing up and I believed my nans garden had magic in it maybe it was just because I was lonely and different, I used to crawl around deep in the bushes with spiders and lizards and imagine there were little people in there. So I got sent to a psychiatrist, and for tests with electrodes attatched to my head, and a catscan. They found nothing wrong with me the psych creeped me out though. I am mildly autistic but animals were always drawn to me and I knew there was more to the world than others could see.

When I was a teenager I was living in youth homes and one big house they moved me into it was a really old building with this big beautifull tree out the back. A lot of troubled kids had lived there and thats where I actually saw a couple of times very small beings one was almost solid looking under a foot tall and another was like a tiny ball of light buzzing around behind a friend one night. I never felt anything negative like you would from an enemy spirit, I felt comefortable there.

I also realise a lot of crap from the new age movement has stigmatised the subject a lot and I only have my own experiences and stories from other people to go by. I had a friend in high school who's family grew up in a little village in Greece and they had a healthy respect for these beings. Her mother and grandmother used to tell me about their childhood there after school and it was interesting to say the least. As times moved on and the area became more developed and populated they saw less of these beings.

I know now in my own area Ive noticed after living here several years it has become more populated and developed, big areas of bushland are being cut down and animals loosing their homes and I have noticed a lot of these developments have been running into 'unexpected trouble' what some would call 'bad luck' failed housing estates, major problems with a shopping mall development I can feel the energy of the place changing. I can feel something else too something between a sadness and anger.
There are still some beautifull natural places near me very pristine and in the quiet months of the year when the tourists are not messing it up you can go there and the energy is just amazing, so pure and raw and it is very healing for me to go there and you can have a whole beach to yourself, and no houses or people or noise just the waves breaking and the birds, and I never feel alone there. Then tourist season starts and the place is bombarded with loud anoying people with no respect for the place or the locals and trash it with rubbish. The energy changes then. However it is as if nature gets her own right back because the tourist season the beaches get coated with foul smelling seaweed and blue bottles (manowar jellyfish) and big storms.
It was just after I dedicated to Satan I went there one afternoon and I had quite an energy surround me as I walked through the bush very positive I felt like someone or more than one being was watching me or following me so I sat down for a while and didn't say anything and it felt very good. It was nothing like the energy of the enemy it felt very natural and peacefull. Nothing was said we just seemed to be sharing some emotions and energy and there was noone else around to disturb things. Ive wondered who they are every since.

Hail Satan
I am unsure what happened with Salem Burke. I haven't had any negative experiences yet either but I also read and heard that not all of the Fey are friendly to humans.

From: Serpentfire666 <firebird894@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 9:04:07 AM
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re: Who are 'nature spirits'?

  What happened to Salem Burke? Or is that a touchy subject?
I havn't had any negative experiences with the ones I have encountered but not everything out there is your friend.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "magus.immortalis" <magus.immortalis@... wrote:

I started researching about Faeries recently and there are also small, coloured (blue and orange) orbs of light that float around me when I turn off the light to go to bed. I don't see them during the day unless they purposefully sparkle, about the size of the head of a pin. They land on my hair and it gets very itchy in that spot there, so I end up scratching. (They love to do this to me, but in the past few days they haven't.) Their favorite game is to land on my crotch of my pants in public so I get the overwhelming urge to scratch there (I can contain myself, thankfully.)I am being serious.
I read a post by Salem Burke from 2007 about how some light Fey are astral parasites. I don't usually take his stuff seriously, but there were some useful information that I hope was true in there.
I was forwarded this by a brother in Satan, who was concerned for me. Then I took the precautions to take care of this matter, as I don't know if that is the kind of fairy in my home.
I have to do a banishing ritual soon.

Once, a few days ago, I was sitting on my bed, reading, with my foot on the floor. And my heel was a few inches above the floor. And someone tickled me with a tiny feather! I could feel the feather, and its size!I don't know why I am the victim of so much tickling, lol.

Recently in the past few weeks, I had a visit from two Dark Fey (I call them "dark" because their energy is much darker, almost to the point of being uncomfortable if you are not used to it). One would almost mistake the energy at first for hostile, but looking back I now see that the visitors (I am sure They were Fey)were actually friendly. They visited me at the witching hour, 3am. I had gotten up to go to the bathroom and came back. There is only one lamp in the living room that is on, and because my north bedroom wall has wooden blinds for windows facing that lamp, the light seeps through the wooden blinds and illuminates my room a bit, so I don't bump into anything in the dark at all.

But when these dark Fey came, the room was much darker, almost pitch black. The only thing that illuminated my room was the eyes of the Fey. I suspect They were Kelpies, because they had milky white moonlit eyes, that never left my face. I had read about Them and Their eyes being like that. They were at the edge of my bed and seemed to be communicating with each other. I couldn't make out what They were saying, only that They were turning Their head every so often towards the other.

I recognize this energy as Dark Fey, because this was the same kind of energy that filled the house I grew up in. Every night when I had to get up to go to the bathroom, the hallway light would be left on. But downstairs, I could see the living room, encased in darkness, and hear mumbling and talking. There were tens of eyes, also white, and I could make out long limbs... these beings communicated with each other. They glared at me whenever I stared at them as I made my way to the bathroom, which was across the hall from my room.

The energy is dark and uncomfortable, but not necessarily threatening. It just is. The basement of that house was filled with this energy. I once saw an orange Being with a round head like a pumpkin in the basement and once sitting on my bed, crosslegged, watching me. They had almond shaped black eyes with a small white pupil, like a star in it. My personal experience was that the Fey showed Themselves to me, but I really have to strain my vision to see Them sometimes. If They want to be seen, that is.I usually can make out floating lights above the plants in any greenhouse and in my apartment.

Hope this post was informative. Hail Satan and the True Gods of Hell forever!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

I understand and have looked into that problem. However some I have seen with my naked eye aswell moreso at night they appear as little coloured lights, in the day I also get sometimes quite solid looking orbs with colours and I will take a series of shots and they will move in a certain way shot to shot it will be only one, quite large and in more than one picture, I also don't get them just anywhere. I don't always use flash and still can get them at night and they seem to be emitting light.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Sasuke" <michaelsshannon986@ wrote:

This is the same feeling I get. I think it is the Gods that are there that allow us to Feel the energy of the Plants and earth.

But for me personally. I don't like the "orb". In my own exp. I've seen the orb and can say (in my own exp) that it is "Dust" that is caught in the flash and/or stuck to the lends. Could also be bugs or tiny insects

But the feeling of the energy in nature is soooooo awesome! Its almost like I was born with a "green thumb" hehe

Hail Ea
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

-----Original Message-----
From: "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 18:38:53
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Who are 'nature spirits'?

I hope this isn't a stupid question and if it has been discussed before I apologise I like to know who/what I am dealing with.
When I say 'nature spirits' I mean, the little people that are called various names around the world are they a race of ET? More than one race? friends of Ours? From what I have read into they seem to have a history of being friends to witches but also I have heard they don't like everyone... I have felt a positive energy from them.

I am asking this seriously I know they are not Demons and they seem to be attached to natural undisturbed places, old buildings animals etc. I always was aware of their existance and have had a few encounters. I have on occasion felt I had company when out in the bush. I have taken a few photos where coloured orbs showed up and seemed to move between one picture and the next.

I had a little dog I rescued a few years ago who got out on the road and was hit by a car. I took a photo of him not long before he died and there was this strange orb in the picture and he was staring right at it. I always wondered about that I can only hope it was something friendly.
I was one of those kids who used to spend a lot of time in the garden 'looking for fairies' I didn't have any friends growing up and I believed my nans garden had magic in it maybe it was just because I was lonely and different, I used to crawl around deep in the bushes with spiders and lizards and imagine there were little people in there. So I got sent to a psychiatrist, and for tests with electrodes attatched to my head, and a catscan. They found nothing wrong with me the psych creeped me out though. I am mildly autistic but animals were always drawn to me and I knew there was more to the world than others could see.

When I was a teenager I was living in youth homes and one big house they moved me into it was a really old building with this big beautifull tree out the back. A lot of troubled kids had lived there and thats where I actually saw a couple of times very small beings one was almost solid looking under a foot tall and another was like a tiny ball of light buzzing around behind a friend one night. I never felt anything negative like you would from an enemy spirit, I felt comefortable there.

I also realise a lot of crap from the new age movement has stigmatised the subject a lot and I only have my own experiences and stories from other people to go by. I had a friend in high school who's family grew up in a little village in Greece and they had a healthy respect for these beings. Her mother and grandmother used to tell me about their childhood there after school and it was interesting to say the least. As times moved on and the area became more developed and populated they saw less of these beings.

I know now in my own area Ive noticed after living here several years it has become more populated and developed, big areas of bushland are being cut down and animals loosing their homes and I have noticed a lot of these developments have been running into 'unexpected trouble' what some would call 'bad luck' failed housing estates, major problems with a shopping mall development I can feel the energy of the place changing. I can feel something else too something between a sadness and anger.
There are still some beautifull natural places near me very pristine and in the quiet months of the year when the tourists are not messing it up you can go there and the energy is just amazing, so pure and raw and it is very healing for me to go there and you can have a whole beach to yourself, and no houses or people or noise just the waves breaking and the birds, and I never feel alone there. Then tourist season starts and the place is bombarded with loud anoying people with no respect for the place or the locals and trash it with rubbish. The energy changes then. However it is as if nature gets her own right back because the tourist season the beaches get coated with foul smelling seaweed and blue bottles (manowar jellyfish) and big storms.
It was just after I dedicated to Satan I went there one afternoon and I had quite an energy surround me as I walked through the bush very positive I felt like someone or more than one being was watching me or following me so I sat down for a while and didn't say anything and it felt very good. It was nothing like the energy of the enemy it felt very natural and peacefull. Nothing was said we just seemed to be sharing some emotions and energy and there was noone else around to disturb things. Ive wondered who they are every since.

Hail Satan

I personally have never seen them.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@... wrote:

I hope this isn't a stupid question and if it has been discussed before I apologise I like to know who/what I am dealing with.
When I say 'nature spirits' I mean, the little people that are called various names around the world are they a race of ET? More than one race? friends of Ours? From what I have read into they seem to have a history of being friends to witches but also I have heard they don't like everyone... I have felt a positive energy from them.

I am asking this seriously I know they are not Demons and they seem to be attached to natural undisturbed places, old buildings animals etc. I always was aware of their existance and have had a few encounters. I have on occasion felt I had company when out in the bush. I have taken a few photos where coloured orbs showed up and seemed to move between one picture and the next.

I had a little dog I rescued a few years ago who got out on the road and was hit by a car. I took a photo of him not long before he died and there was this strange orb in the picture and he was staring right at it. I always wondered about that I can only hope it was something friendly.
I was one of those kids who used to spend a lot of time in the garden 'looking for fairies' I didn't have any friends growing up and I believed my nans garden had magic in it maybe it was just because I was lonely and different, I used to crawl around deep in the bushes with spiders and lizards and imagine there were little people in there. So I got sent to a psychiatrist, and for tests with electrodes attatched to my head, and a catscan. They found nothing wrong with me the psych creeped me out though. I am mildly autistic but animals were always drawn to me and I knew there was more to the world than others could see.

When I was a teenager I was living in youth homes and one big house they moved me into it was a really old building with this big beautifull tree out the back. A lot of troubled kids had lived there and thats where I actually saw a couple of times very small beings one was almost solid looking under a foot tall and another was like a tiny ball of light buzzing around behind a friend one night. I never felt anything negative like you would from an enemy spirit, I felt comefortable there.

I also realise a lot of crap from the new age movement has stigmatised the subject a lot and I only have my own experiences and stories from other people to go by. I had a friend in high school who's family grew up in a little village in Greece and they had a healthy respect for these beings. Her mother and grandmother used to tell me about their childhood there after school and it was interesting to say the least. As times moved on and the area became more developed and populated they saw less of these beings.

I know now in my own area Ive noticed after living here several years it has become more populated and developed, big areas of bushland are being cut down and animals loosing their homes and I have noticed a lot of these developments have been running into 'unexpected trouble' what some would call 'bad luck' failed housing estates, major problems with a shopping mall development I can feel the energy of the place changing. I can feel something else too something between a sadness and anger.
There are still some beautifull natural places near me very pristine and in the quiet months of the year when the tourists are not messing it up you can go there and the energy is just amazing, so pure and raw and it is very healing for me to go there and you can have a whole beach to yourself, and no houses or people or noise just the waves breaking and the birds, and I never feel alone there. Then tourist season starts and the place is bombarded with loud anoying people with no respect for the place or the locals and trash it with rubbish. The energy changes then. However it is as if nature gets her own right back because the tourist season the beaches get coated with foul smelling seaweed and blue bottles (manowar jellyfish) and big storms.
It was just after I dedicated to Satan I went there one afternoon and I had quite an energy surround me as I walked through the bush very positive I felt like someone or more than one being was watching me or following me so I sat down for a while and didn't say anything and it felt very good. It was nothing like the energy of the enemy it felt very natural and peacefull. Nothing was said we just seemed to be sharing some emotions and energy and there was noone else around to disturb things. Ive wondered who they are every since.

Hail Satan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
