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who am i?


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2018
Satan's Empire
xnder said:

You are aware that you are in a spiritual forum, and that people here have knowledge and power that has been kept secret from people for thousands of years.

Most people here know how to curse people, and curse them seriously.
Curses are cruel.
You don’t want to suffer.

Take down your picture, or else you could regret it.
Why do you think nobody else has their faces up here?

Take care.
xnder said:

Your chart looks good for the occult....

xnder said:
what is satanism? im new to the real subject... maybe satanism can help me a lot. im in the beginning. i always had deep interest for it but like i said...


here maybe this info can help (i dont know much about astrology):



It's better not to post your personal information or anything that can reveal things about you. We're not alone here, there are many trolls, infiltrators, feds and ADL agents lurking here. Like Ninrick said, somebody can curse you more easily if they have your chart info.

As about Spiritual Satanism (our type of Satanism we practice in this forum) you can read the Joy of Satan website and the first link in my signature.
Henu the Great said:
Discord tag as a signature, check
Obnoxious attitude right after one reply, check
Ignorant on obvious spiritual concepts, check

Who am i?

Do I have to spell it out for you. lmao.

he is almost like me when i came here do you remember me swearing you too? haha
Ninrick has a way of pissing off new comers :lol:
But he always means well i know
Henu the Great said:
Discord tag as a signature, check
Obnoxious attitude right after one reply, check
Ignorant on obvious spiritual concepts, check

Who am i?

Do I have to spell it out for you. lmao.

When he just stumbled up here, there is no way he could know any better.

xnder said:
Don’t worry, I am not mad at you, and I won’t attack you in any way. So relax. There is no need to panick, you listened and took down your picture, also a mod took down your natal chart. All is good now.

Read the JoyOfSatan main page.

Good luck.
xnder said:

Read the JoyOfSatan.
I also saw somethings in your chart which you mentioned in the above.

Joy of Satan -> Satanic witchcraft -> Divination -> Azazel‘s Astrology for Satanists

You can analyse your chart with the information given on this page.

Just read the JoyOfSatan, and feel free to use the search function on the forums to find answers on your questions or start a new topic.

It is no coincidence you came here and found the JoS, you are a very spiritual person. Very good for spiritual advancement.

Good luck on your path!
xnder said:
man... look. dont make me angry. im not here to be angry. im here to get to know satanism. you dont answer the questions. you are mentioning something completely irrelevant. nobody can hex me. just get to my questions or get out my post.

I don't know who you are replying to, but I answered your question, the only one that can be answered:

Rational Satanist said:
As about Spiritual Satanism (our type of Satanism we practice in this forum) you can read the Joy of Satan website and the first link in my signature.

I don't know who you are, only you can find out.

xnder said:
i thought this is a peaceful forum but it seems like only delusional idiots with evil intent are here.

There are delusional infiltrators and trolls who lurk here and people are trying to protect you.

It's true that NinRick wasn't exactly polite about it, but to think saving your ass from curses or attacks is "evil intent"...Does your father have evil intent when he doesn't allow you to smoke or drink??? We re not a simple mainstream forum where people post images of puppies and kittens and motivational quotes which are 100% safe. It's actually one of the most attacked and DDoSed ones because it's a threat, dealing with the 2 most controversial topics: Satanism and National Socialism. Particularly the second one is 100% verboten in some countries and the jews persecute anyone who mentions it.

This is a very relevant topic, as there is a rule about not giving personal info.

9. No personally identifiable information should be used on your account [Real name, pictures etc]. We take your privacy seriously, you should too.
Well, they tried to attack me, because I have different opinions on satanism also it’s not even bad. It was nice, and I even said you don’t have to agree with me. But, then sure enough they started calling me delusional and I said you don’t have to let it affect you. This is my personal opinion, you know.

xnder said:
anyone trying to curse me will regret it - this is just a warning. i had this issue in the past and they didnt understand what power i have. i thought this is a peaceful forum but it seems like only delusional idiots with evil intent are here.
Dval said:
Well, they tried to attack me, because I have different opinions on satanism also it’s not even bad. It was nice, and I even said you don’t have to agree with me. But, then sure enough they started calling me delusional and I said you don’t have to let it affect you. This is my personal opinion, you know.

"Different opinions"=blaspheming Satan by saying he's equal with you. Or disagreeing with the basics of Spiritual Satanism, one of which is that priests are chosen by Satan and have specific duties to do, more than the average person. Or telling HPs that they are wrong and you know better because of your feelings. Or thinking that Spiritual Satanism is just a New Age thing where all it matters is your feelings and everybody is equal because "it's all inside you maaan". Or agreeing with a troll who has been banned a dozen times.

This can't be anything but delusion to advanced Spiritual Satanists and it is totally antithetical to the purpose of these forums.

I don't know if you understand that these forums are for Spiritual Satanists and people who are interested in Spiritual Satanism. It's not a pluralistic place where lots of different opinions about Satanism are heard, it's only about our type and our teachings. If you want a place where they'll accept your different belief about Satanism like that go to Reddit or Occultforums or some other place.

The only way your different ideas can be "accepted" here is if you are not trying to push them and you just put them aside, and you are more interested about what we are trying to say. For example there have been people here who say "I'm a Christian, but I want to learn more about SS" or "I'm a skeptic atheist who doesn't believe in anything supernatural but I want to know about Satan and learn more about what you guys believe". I guarantee you that nobody of these people get banned or called jews or whatever if they don't try to convince us that we are wrong.

There's also nothing wrong about having different opinions about minor things. For example I have disagreed with a HP Hoodedcobra's post that the word Nazi is a positive one. I haven't been called a jew or infiltrator because of that. But if my idea of Satanism were a different one than JoS's I wouldn't be here at all because I respect people's private online places, like this forum.
Henu the Great said:
Discord tag as a signature, check
Obnoxious attitude right after one reply, check
Ignorant on obvious spiritual concepts, check

Who am i?

Do I have to spell it out for you. lmao.

Dval said:
Well, they tried to attack me, because I have different opinions on satanism also it’s not even bad. It was nice, and I even said you don’t have to agree with me. But, then sure enough they started calling me delusional and I said you don’t have to let it affect you. This is my personal opinion, you know.

xnder said:
anyone trying to curse me will regret it - this is just a warning. i had this issue in the past and they didnt understand what power i have. i thought this is a peaceful forum but it seems like only delusional idiots with evil intent are here.
You are both clowns, you can actually become a good pair.
One is a mind fucked marxist who equates Satan to himself.
Another is one who believes is untouchable and that people giving him advice to be safe are being toxic to him.
You can become best friends for all I know.
Dval said:
Well, they tried to attack me, because I have different opinions on satanism also it’s not even bad. It was nice, and I even said you don’t have to agree with me. But, then sure enough they started calling me delusional and I said you don’t have to let it affect you. This is my personal opinion, you know.

xnder said:
anyone trying to curse me will regret it - this is just a warning. i had this issue in the past and they didnt understand what power i have. i thought this is a peaceful forum but it seems like only delusional idiots with evil intent are here.

You're kike attacker number 9106 and so is this Dval guy.
xnder said:
anyone trying to curse me will regret it - this is just a warning. i had this issue in the past and they didnt understand what power i have. i thought this is a peaceful forum but it seems like only delusional idiots with evil intent are here.

Ninrick was only trying to warn you. For many people, getting cursed (especially in line with natal transits), is a big deal. If this does not apply to you, then you must be exceptionally strong.

Ninrick was not referring to anyone here cursing you. Gentiles stick together. However, the enemy is always trying to bring us down. They will try to attack your weak points. In your case, they could play off your emotions. Just be aware of these things.

Satanists will never curse each other. The Gods don't allow it. Contact Baalzebub if there is any infighting you are aware of and he will handle it.
xnder said:
im constantly confronted with other belief and thoughts. the reason why i had no interest in any religion ever, i always felt wrong about religions. i was never able to look up to a "god" and i am still not able to do it except if its in a love way. but i never liked the idea of being a slave in fact i absolutely hate it. i wanna use satanism to find out more about myself and i will practice it. when i close my eyes in nighttime my forehead begins to tingle really intensive and it goes all over to my face - everything is tingling (vibrating)... and then i slowly start to see a portal kind of thing it has dark colors, then i see blue godly human looking beings. this place feels so free and good, all i feel is love and peace. they kissed me. i dont know what it means. it was back when i was younger - a few years later then i found out about hinduism. maybe my demons... id like to find out more. but this world has poisoned me. today im different and im healed. im not scared of death anymore and my memories and insecurities created by the world are not in the way anymore - i can fully meditate now. i believe that everybody finds truth in themselves so me making this post right now is risky... but im not gonna take words to my heart, im just gonna read them. no more poison and no more pain.

what is satanism? im new to the real subject... maybe satanism can help me a lot. im in the beginning. i always had deep interest for it but like i said... i was poisoned. and i wasted all these years, my anger is so big. im filled with hate. i always didnt know why but i always wanted to save humanity, there was always this deep dream in my heart and a big plan in my head. i cant get more into details about my dream to save humanity but i think its worth saying so i can find out more about myself. just thinking about all humans suffer makes me not only sad but really angry - i dont wanna get into detail what i wanna do because its way too dark and risky. i dont wanna give jews any power thats why im not revealing any details. all i know is there is a big vendetta. im gonna make them suffer and then lose their souls forever. i apologize for my harsh words. but the pain is too deep. i always dreamed about a beautiful harmonic world where people let everybody live and mind their business. but its not possible because this world is rotten.

people are scared of me. i am lonely most of the time. animals are scared of me when im angry and when im happy i see raves or butterflies in the most random situations... when i walk to the nature, i can feel the energy flowing through me. some friend that annoyed me once said that i scare him because he intensively feels my energy and it gave him depression. but everything i do has its reason - if i get disrespected i lose full control and kill. its just how i am. trust me... i tried being different many times but it doesnt work. i will not longer run from myself anymore. if i see an evil soul im gonna attack - it will always be like this. because im very hungry for blood and i feed it off from people that have negative intention. its just something i do, i often do not even think when i do these things.

but do not get fooled by my words. my personality is way too diverse. i can change my mood really fast but naturally not forced - it just happens. i get called bipolar but i ignore it. ive never once went to the psychologist because i do not give my brain to somebody else - nobody can speak about my brain and i believe i can only find truth in myself. but satanism always has interested me and made me feel warm, i also always loved satanic art and music. it sounds so beautiful to me.

there is too much more but im trying to keep this post simple. i appreacite you for your reading.

but enough... how do i find out more about myself? how can i use my demons? who am i? ...maybe the last question is only something i can answer. time will tell.

here maybe this info can help (i dont know much about astrology):

You can unleash your anger with the FRTR (which you find in my description), you must know that it is the Jews who have ruined our world by making it rotten.
FRTR will be a key thing to make your dream of a better world come true.
Aquarius said:
Dval said:
Well, they tried to attack me, because I have different opinions on satanism also it’s not even bad. It was nice, and I even said you don’t have to agree with me. But, then sure enough they started calling me delusional and I said you don’t have to let it affect you. This is my personal opinion, you know.

xnder said:
anyone trying to curse me will regret it - this is just a warning. i had this issue in the past and they didnt understand what power i have. i thought this is a peaceful forum but it seems like only delusional idiots with evil intent are here.
You are both clowns, you can actually become a good pair.
One is a mind fucked marxist who equates Satan to himself.
Another is one who believes is untouchable and that people giving him advice to be safe are being toxic to him.
You can become best friends for all I know.

No, xander needs help. The other guy is a clown, yes.
Dval/authenticSelf would push xander in misery.
Literally, do we have to do this again??? People keep questioning me, so I said it again! And it’s not new age bs, so short sighted as usual! No offence…

Rational Satanist said:
Dval said:
Well, they tried to attack me, because I have different opinions on satanism also it’s not even bad. It was nice, and I even said you don’t have to agree with me. But, then sure enough they started calling me delusional and I said you don’t have to let it affect you. This is my personal opinion, you know.

"Different opinions"=blaspheming Satan by saying he's equal with you. Or disagreeing with the basics of Spiritual Satanism, one of which is that priests are chosen by Satan and have specific duties to do, more than the average person. Or telling HPs that they are wrong and you know better because of your feelings. Or thinking that Spiritual Satanism is just a New Age thing where all it matters is your feelings and everybody is equal because "it's all inside you maaan". Or agreeing with a troll who has been banned a dozen times.

This can't be anything but delusion to advanced Spiritual Satanists and it is totally antithetical to the purpose of these forums.

I don't know if you understand that these forums are for Spiritual Satanists and people who are interested in Spiritual Satanism. It's not a pluralistic place where lots of different opinions about Satanism are heard, it's only about our type and our teachings. If you want a place where they'll accept your different belief about Satanism like that go to Reddit or Occultforums or some other place.

The only way your different ideas can be "accepted" here is if you are not trying to push them and you just put them aside, and you are more interested about what we are trying to say. For example there have been people here who say "I'm a Christian, but I want to learn more about SS" or "I'm a skeptic atheist who doesn't believe in anything supernatural but I want to know about Satan and learn more about what you guys believe". I guarantee you that nobody of these people get banned or called jews or whatever if they don't try to convince us that we are wrong.

There's also nothing wrong about having different opinions about minor things. For example I have disagreed with a HP Hoodedcobra's post that the word Nazi is a positive one. I haven't been called a jew or infiltrator because of that. But if my idea of Satanism were a different one than JoS's I wouldn't be here at all because I respect people's private online places, like this forum.
How I am being delusional, this is what I know and of cause you people do… But you people just don’t pay no mind to it! And I’m not trying to gaslight Hoodedcobra… I was just saying anyone can be high priest or high priestess, you know! This has got nothing to do with my “feelings.”

This is what is real as well, and I said you don’t have to agree, but this is what I know. You people questioned me and you wanted to know, but that got us nowhere…

I’m also a spiritual satanist… And weirdly enough, you seem to ignore it… And I have done sigil work and I have done offerings to the spirits, but I went to do my own thing instead, because I want to learn independently. Even before, I went on this path I was alone!!! So I was like “okay… If I was alone before the satanic path… And I was never into anything, I was just focusing on awakening my psychic abilities and my magical side… I still had that fascination with the satanic side of things, though for sure!

So I thought, maybe, I can guide myself!!!” Which I’m one of those people, in spiritual satanism thinking, “which is the best way to do it?” “And what can I find, like what fulfills me the most…” Simple things like that!

Rational Satanist said:
"Different opinions"=blaspheming Satan by saying he's equal with you. Or disagreeing with the basics of Spiritual Satanism, one of which is that priests are chosen by Satan and have specific duties to do, more than the average person. Or telling HPs that they are wrong and you know better because of your feelings. Or thinking that Spiritual Satanism is just a New Age thing where all it matters is your feelings and everybody is equal because "it's all inside you maaan". Or agreeing with a troll who has been banned a dozen times.

This can't be anything but delusion to advanced Spiritual Satanists and it is totally antithetical to the purpose of these forums.

I don't know if you understand that these forums are for Spiritual Satanists and people who are interested in Spiritual Satanism. It's not a pluralistic place where lots of different opinions about Satanism are heard, it's only about our type and our teachings. If you want a place where they'll accept your different belief about Satanism like that go to Reddit or Occultforums or some other place.

The only way your different ideas can be "accepted" here is if you are not trying to push them and you just put them aside, and you are more interested about what we are trying to say. For example there have been people here who say "I'm a Christian, but I want to learn more about SS" or "I'm a skeptic atheist who doesn't believe in anything supernatural but I want to know about Satan and learn more about what you guys believe". I guarantee you that nobody of these people get banned or called jews or whatever if they don't try to convince us that we are wrong.

There's also nothing wrong about having different opinions about minor things. For example I have disagreed with a HP Hoodedcobra's post that the word Nazi is a positive one. I haven't been called a jew or infiltrator because of that. But if my idea of Satanism were a different one than JoS's I wouldn't be here at all because I respect people's private online places, like this forum.
Aynonnn said:
Henu the Great said:
Discord tag as a signature, check
Obnoxious attitude right after one reply, check
Ignorant on obvious spiritual concepts, check

Who am i?

Do I have to spell it out for you. lmao.


These things are more the mark of someone who doesn't know any better. Any actual infiltrator will slip under the radar.

If they are not an infiltrator, and instead just in need of guidance, then the discussion should be focused on building the said person up. I think this applies even more to this case, where the person is also displaying severe emotional upset.
Aquarius said:
You are both clowns, you can actually become a good pair.
One is a mind fucked marxist who equates Satan to himself.
Another is one who believes is untouchable and that people giving him advice to be safe are being toxic to him.
You can become best friends for all I know.

But until you can prove they are of the enemy, is it productive to put them down? Don't get too troubled with what issues they are displaying, instead focus on what exactly the problem is. Are they missing critical info? Are they missing certain elements/zodiac energy? What can they do right now to grow?

Just be careful with some of these harsh insults. Nobody is saying the situation is good, but one must have control here. I would hate to be on the receiving end of a powerful being's insulting thoughts, especially if I was already dealing with many of my own problems.

Advanced members like you have a wealth of information stored inside them. Maybe perhaps this is what generates frustration when you observe others who do not have such because you can see the time and energy it took to accumulate. However, you have the choice to share this and speed up the development of another Satanic soldier.
MrIntrepid said:
Dval said:
Well, they tried to attack me, because I have different opinions on satanism also it’s not even bad. It was nice, and I even said you don’t have to agree with me. But, then sure enough they started calling me delusional and I said you don’t have to let it affect you. This is my personal opinion, you know.

xnder said:
anyone trying to curse me will regret it - this is just a warning. i had this issue in the past and they didnt understand what power i have. i thought this is a peaceful forum but it seems like only delusional idiots with evil intent are here.

You're kike attacker number 9106 and so is this Dval guy.

They are the same person....its just a game.

The one positive thing, with this forum and everything. Is I feel like,everyone can see it clearly now. I know personally its crystal clear for me now.

Yet they jump around like mice. Thinking their games still actually work. Meanwhile they are dancing in a room with blind folds on, and everyone else has theirs off, staring at them.
Blitzkreig said:
Aynonnn said:
Henu the Great said:
Discord tag as a signature, check
Obnoxious attitude right after one reply, check
Ignorant on obvious spiritual concepts, check

Who am i?

Do I have to spell it out for you. lmao.


These things are more the mark of someone who doesn't know any better. Any actual infiltrator will slip under the radar.

If they are not an infiltrator, and instead just in need of guidance, then the discussion should be focused on building the said person up. I think this applies even more to this case, where the person is also displaying severe emotional upset.

Yes i came here almsot like him and all of you helped me a lot, especially Slyscorpion,Henu and You.
Anyone who tries to claim they can’t be cursed reminds me of people who claim they’re immune to being brainwashed by the TV when they fall asleep and don’t turn it off, but then vomit out CNN bullshit the next day like they came up with it.

Anyway, a note for the OP. Getting toxic to the ones who are just trying to give you a warning to keep your identity and astrology safe - is a good way to make people mad at you and even think you’re an infiltrator. If you want your questions answered Mr. I-Am-King, you might want to avoid biting the hand trying to feed you the info.
Blitzkreig said:
Aquarius said:
You are both clowns, you can actually become a good pair.
One is a mind fucked marxist who equates Satan to himself.
Another is one who believes is untouchable and that people giving him advice to be safe are being toxic to him.
You can become best friends for all I know.

But until you can prove they are of the enemy, is it productive to put them down? Don't get too troubled with what issues they are displaying, instead focus on what exactly the problem is. Are they missing critical info? Are they missing certain elements/zodiac energy? What can they do right now to grow?

Just be careful with some of these harsh insults. Nobody is saying the situation is good, but one must have control here. I would hate to be on the receiving end of a powerful being's insulting thoughts, especially if I was already dealing with many of my own problems.

Advanced members like you have a wealth of information stored inside them. Maybe perhaps this is what generates frustration when you observe others who do not have such because you can see the time and energy it took to accumulate. However, you have the choice to share this and speed up the development of another Satanic soldier.

I would only be willing to give the benefit of the doubt to xnder, personally. And I'm still very skeptical of him.
As for Dval AKA Casper, he's kosher to be sure. The High Priest called him out as well. We don't need proof when jews are that obvious. Besides it's not a court of law. All we need is spiritual proof, and if everyone is intuitively feeling the same thing, and even the High Priest calls the bugger out then I'd say case closed.

Xnder spat on the entire community (even those who never said anything to him). Why should someone like that receive support? He made it clear that he wants to act entitled, demand everyones' time, attention, and knowledge, and then slap us all for daring to give it to him. He's on his own.

I know where you're coming from, and I think you're doing a great job. However, we also need to remember when to draw the line and uphold the tenet that Satanists do not tolerate abuse.
Dval said:
I’m also a spiritual satanist… And weirdly enough, you seem to ignore it…

Ignore it? Calling yourself a SS doesn't make you one. I judge based on your actions and beliefs. If you believe New Age BS you're not a Spiritual Satanist. Let me remind you that lots of fake Satanists like Venus Satanas who believe enemy lies about Satan and practice jewish ceremonial magick also call themselves Spiritual Satanists. But they are not.

Dval said:
Literally, do we have to do this again??? People keep questioning me, so I said it again! And it’s not new age bs, so short sighted as usual! No offence…

It is New Age BS. Go to whatever New Age forum or subreddit you want or and look at what they believe. They say literally the same things as you. "God is inside you, maaan". "Everything is in our mind, everybody is one with god and with eachother". "There is no hierarchy as everybody is a god". "Everybody is equal". These are typical New Age beliefs. In contrast, Spiritual Satanists know that we're not Gods yet, God is not some force but a title for people and extraterrestrials who have completed the Magnum Opus, we're not "one" but everybody is an individual, and nobody is equal and there are hierarchies which are necessary. If you choose to believe New Age nonsense instead of that you're not a SS.

Dval said:
I was just saying anyone can be high priest or high priestess, you know! This has got nothing to do with my “feelings.”

Now you are lying about what you wrote, nice.

Authentic self said:
You have to love yourself, before you love anyone else. That’s how I feel about it! The ancient beings, would tell you that for sure. Not to rude.

This was a reply to Hoodedcobra's post where he said that HPs have to love Satan above themselves and you basically told him that he's wrong because that's how you feel, and the Gods would agree with that. Note that the way you wrote it says nothing that it's your opinion. You are stating is a fact and telling him he's wrong.

Dval said:
So I thought, maybe, I can guide myself!!!” Which I’m one of those people, in spiritual satanism thinking, “which is the best way to do it?” “And what can I find, like what fulfills me the most…” Simple things like that!

So you are confirming you're not a SS. Because SS is an objective thing, if you were a SS you would be interested in learning the truth and not finding whatever belief pleases you. There's objective truth here, this is not a New Age thing where you make up whatever you like. If you want to make up your own religion and not learn the truth from Satan and the Gods then call yourself something else, like a Dvalist, because this is not SS.

No matter how much sigil work you do, you're not a SS. Jewish ceremonial magicians also do "sigil work". And by the way, they are not "spirits" but extraterrestrial beings. This is the objective truth.

You are also lying when you said this:

Dval said:
Well, they tried to attack me, because I have different opinions on satanism also it’s not even bad. It was nice, and I even said you don’t have to agree with me.

Because let me remind you of your original controversial post:

Authentic self said:
Hello and there’s no need to be like that! Just want to say Satanism is about freedom and saying that a god outside yourself is your saviour, is basically being a sheep! Satan has said to me, not to call him a god!!!

And if you’re calling an entity a god which is outside of yourself, then that means you’re not contacting the right entity.

The ONLY entities who will want you to say that is the greys/reptilians and other negative beings. So how about you try again! And it’s clearly SHOWS, you’re not that keen on seeing that god within yourself

See how different is it from what you claim it was? No, you were not nice and you didn't say that you don't have to believe it. You said the person who claims that Satan is God is contacting enemy greys and you were trying to push the New Age idea that there's some "god" within yourself. That's why people attacked you, because you were trying to push New Age nonsense and tell people they were wrong.
Blitzkreig said:
Aynonnn said:
Henu the Great said:
Discord tag as a signature, check
Obnoxious attitude right after one reply, check
Ignorant on obvious spiritual concepts, check

Who am i?

Do I have to spell it out for you. lmao.


These things are more the mark of someone who doesn't know any better. Any actual infiltrator will slip under the radar.

If they are not an infiltrator, and instead just in need of guidance, then the discussion should be focused on building the said person up. I think this applies even more to this case, where the person is also displaying severe emotional upset.
I would rather use the term subverser in this case, as has been lately the case with some "members" here, but this OP here is not certainly yet such. I was hasty in my conclusion considering that discord is commonly used by kosher agents to throw off SS in their path.

It can also be that this person is for real, and in that case the danger of discord would lie in the jew connecting to him, not the other way around which is usually the case. In any case, it is dangerous and should be discouraged all the time. Discord can only work for few specific cases where confirmed SS are cordinating together about something, and even then there are better alternatives.

I should make a topic about discord and why SS should avoid it as it has been recurring theme for quite some time now...
tabby said:
Anyone who tries to claim they can’t be cursed reminds me of people who claim they’re immune to being brainwashed by the TV when they fall asleep and don’t turn it off, but then vomit out CNN bullshit the next day like they came up with it.

Anyway, a note for the OP. Getting toxic to the ones who are just trying to give you a warning to keep your identity and astrology safe - is a good way to make people mad at you and even think you’re an infiltrator. If you want your questions answered Mr. I-Am-King, you might want to avoid biting the hand trying to feed you the info.

Wanna know something funny?
When I was new and found the JoS I thought that I am not brain washed anymore, and that I know everything there is to know.

Today I realise that I am still brainwashed, that this is a deep rooted issue, and that I know way too little.
jrvan said:
Blitzkreig said:
Aquarius said:
You are both clowns, you can actually become a good pair.
One is a mind fucked marxist who equates Satan to himself.
Another is one who believes is untouchable and that people giving him advice to be safe are being toxic to him.
You can become best friends for all I know.

But until you can prove they are of the enemy, is it productive to put them down? Don't get too troubled with what issues they are displaying, instead focus on what exactly the problem is. Are they missing critical info? Are they missing certain elements/zodiac energy? What can they do right now to grow?

Just be careful with some of these harsh insults. Nobody is saying the situation is good, but one must have control here. I would hate to be on the receiving end of a powerful being's insulting thoughts, especially if I was already dealing with many of my own problems.

Advanced members like you have a wealth of information stored inside them. Maybe perhaps this is what generates frustration when you observe others who do not have such because you can see the time and energy it took to accumulate. However, you have the choice to share this and speed up the development of another Satanic soldier.

I would only be willing to give the benefit of the doubt to xnder, personally. And I'm still very skeptical of him.
As for Dval AKA Casper, he's kosher to be sure. The High Priest called him out as well. We don't need proof when jews are that obvious. Besides it's not a court of law. All we need is spiritual proof, and if everyone is intuitively feeling the same thing, and even the High Priest calls the bugger out then I'd say case closed.

Xnder spat on the entire community (even those who never said anything to him). Why should someone like that receive support? He made it clear that he wants to act entitled, demand everyones' time, attention, and knowledge, and then slap us all for daring to give it to him. He's on his own.

I know where you're coming from, and I think you're doing a great job. However, we also need to remember when to draw the line and uphold the tenet that Satanists do not tolerate abuse.

He did not abuse anyone, all he did was throwing a tantrum.
Aldrick said:
MrIntrepid said:
Dval said:
Well, they tried to attack me, because I have different opinions on satanism also it’s not even bad. It was nice, and I even said you don’t have to agree with me. But, then sure enough they started calling me delusional and I said you don’t have to let it affect you. This is my personal opinion, you know.

You're kike attacker number 9106 and so is this Dval guy.

They are the same person....its just a game.

The one positive thing, with this forum and everything. Is I feel like,everyone can see it clearly now. I know personally its crystal clear for me now.

Yet they jump around like mice. Thinking their games still actually work. Meanwhile they are dancing in a room with blind folds on, and everyone else has theirs off, staring at them.

I don't like it when people play mind games with me. Frankly very tired of hearing whispers through my clairaudience points then having those very same thoughts be reflected on this forum through morons like whoever is doing this. It just feels very intentional and logic would dictate that if this were just random trolling they'd have already gotten bored and left.

I'm almost entirely certain the harassment occurs on multiple levels, including spiritually. What I'm not sure about is if these people are even in on the joke or not.
NinRick said:
jrvan said:

He did not abuse anyone, all he did was throwing a tantrum.

xnder said:
everybody here will regret treating me like this. here are no good people. fuck the jews and fuck all of you.

He said that me and everyone who didn't even participate in this thread is "no good," and then said fuck you. To everyone uninvolved who never even spoke to him (and those involved were only being friendly and trying to help him in the first place). He threw his insult at the entire forum community. Perhaps we have different ideas of what constitutes abuse?
xnder said:
shut the fuck up you bastard nobody can curse me. you will regret those words. im not scared to show my face to anyone. you fucking rat. i dont hide my face or my eye. you delusional bastard. you will regret talking to me like this.

He was being helpful by telling you not to share your birth chart. Sharing your birth chart gives others access to weaknesses in your astrology and makes it easier for someone to curse you if they have the intention of doing so.
Dval said:
Anyone can be high priest or high priestess.
Anyone has the ABILITY and POTENTIAL to become a High Priest but not everyone CAN be. Do you understand now? Stop making a mess everywhere you go. It’s embarrassing.

jrvan said:
He threw his insult at the entire forum community. Perhaps we have different ideas of what constitutes abuse?
What’s the reason for this? Now you have let them know that they are getting the desired reaction by having members complain and act like snowflakes over an unhinged troll that should just be ignored.
jrvan said:
Xnder spat on the entire community (even those who never said anything to him). Why should someone like that receive support? He made it clear that he wants to act entitled, demand everyones' time, attention, and knowledge, and then slap us all for daring to give it to him. He's on his own.

Let's be fair here. If you follow the replies you'll see he asked a question and NinRick wanted to protect him but he did it in such an impulsive way that came off as rude. So xnder took this as an attack and insulted him back. Henu thought he was some kind of troll because he attacked Ninrick and xnder replied again thinking the entire community is toxic and no good because 2 people attacked him. It's all a big misunderstanding, really.

You have to understand that talking to people in a rude way sometimes comes off as an attack and they react impulsively by attacking you. Even if you mean no harm. And if 2 or more people do that to him that person may leave and think that this place is full of rude toxic people.

He isn't being "entitled", it's just his conditioned reflexes. Not everybody is has a strong enough character to control his emotions or pause and think that maybe, maybe people just react instinctively and they aren't being rude on purpose. Or maybe this forum is full of trolls and some members here, after having seen lots of heavy trolling can go a bit overboard and be quick to accuse a new person of being a troll, and this isn't something personal but just people reacting instictively to protect the forum.
Meteor said:
jrvan said:
He said that me and everyone who didn't even participate in this thread is "no good," and then said fuck you. To everyone uninvolved who never even spoke to him (and those involved were only being friendly and trying to help him in the first place). He threw his insult at the entire forum community. Perhaps we have different ideas of what constitutes abuse?

Insulting people he doesn't even know seems like throwing a tantrum, though. Tsk tsk. Someday he'll learn.
Words like these from him are meaningless, as he doesn't seem to understand much yet. I keep in mind that we all start somewhere, although I'll admit this extent is a bit silly... even so, beginner meditations could do wonders if he does them seriously and consistently.

Or this person is here just to waste our time. Either way, whether it was a tantrum or a troll, I wouldn't take it so seriously. It's little more than the words of someone who seems like a fool, at least at that time; but that doesn't mean he can't change his ways in time.

If you consider this abuse, then I'm amazed by how sensitive you are. But I won't judge you, as being too detached can also be a flaw.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
What’s the reason for this? Now you have let them know that they are getting the desired reaction by having members complain and act like snowflakes over an unhinged troll that should just be ignored.

All I'm doing is recounting the record for rhetorical purposes. By definition, if you imagine it for a moment, going around in the streets saying "fuck you" to any random stranger is abusive. My point was simply if someone acts like that then they shouldn't be helped, on principle. Continuing to help someone who acts like that towards both the ones helping them and the entire uninvolved community, is accepting and condoning abuse. And in an occult sense, accepting even a soft level of abuse can be energetically damning - that's just energy dynamics. Calling him out on it and pointing that out has nothing to do with my sensitivity level.

The essence of my message and suggestion was that we shouldn't baby the guy and continue offering to help him when he acts like that towards us. He should only be offered help when he changes his attitude. Is this disagreeable? Do I have the wrong idea?
Meteor said:
jrvan said:
He said that me and everyone who didn't even participate in this thread is "no good," and then said fuck you. To everyone uninvolved who never even spoke to him (and those involved were only being friendly and trying to help him in the first place). He threw his insult at the entire forum community. Perhaps we have different ideas of what constitutes abuse?

Insulting people he doesn't even know seems like throwing a tantrum, though. Tsk tsk. Someday he'll learn.
Words like these from him are meaningless, as he doesn't seem to understand much yet. I keep in mind that we all start somewhere, although I'll admit this extent is a bit silly... even so, beginner meditations could do wonders if he does them seriously and consistently.

Or this person is here just to waste our time. Either way, whether it was a tantrum or a troll, I wouldn't take it so seriously. It's little more than the words of someone who seems like a fool, at least at that time; but that doesn't mean he can't change his ways in time.

If you consider this abuse, then I'm amazed by how sensitive you are. But I won't judge you, as being too detached can also be a flaw.

By definition it would be considered verbal abuse, since he is threatening and insulting people without warrant, and putting people down in a degrading manner which has an impact on ones psychology. It may be just through a screen on a forum and we can ignore it and move on like it’s a tantrum, but imagine it in a physical situation with a raised voice and threat posture towards another who didn’t do anything wrong.

Now that you have all the visual cues of a person that you can’t see through a screen, things look quite different in regards to tantrum vs abuse. What you’ve got with this guy is a bully, attacking others for no reason who are just trying to help him, after wiping his entitled mud-covered boots all over our carpets. That’s less of a tantrum and more deliberate behaviour. He’s not a child from the looks of it, so he’s old enough to know better.
NinRick said:
tabby said:
Anyone who tries to claim they can’t be cursed reminds me of people who claim they’re immune to being brainwashed by the TV when they fall asleep and don’t turn it off, but then vomit out CNN bullshit the next day like they came up with it.

Anyway, a note for the OP. Getting toxic to the ones who are just trying to give you a warning to keep your identity and astrology safe - is a good way to make people mad at you and even think you’re an infiltrator. If you want your questions answered Mr. I-Am-King, you might want to avoid biting the hand trying to feed you the info.

Wanna know something funny?
When I was new and found the JoS I thought that I am not brain washed anymore, and that I know everything there is to know.

Today I realise that I am still brainwashed, that this is a deep rooted issue, and that I know way too little.

From what I’ve seen, you know quite a lot more than you’re giving yourself credit for.

I spent a week reading through the main JoS site when jrvan and I first came here. After that I thought I knew as much as I could and acted a little Miss Hermione for a while, but we forget learning is in stages. You gain new knowledge, dig out the old stuff, and apply the new info into daily life where possible to deepen your understanding of it. Rinse and repeat.

It’s good to recognise where we lack knowledge and think along thought patterns that don’t align properly with truth, but we should also give ourselves credit where due for the knowledge we do know and apply.

You may still have old stuff to dig out, but that doesn’t mean you don’t know a lot of good things already, and honestly, pat yourself on the back every once in a while, NinRick, because you do share and contribute some pretty good stuff.

It may not always come out super polished and structured like a professors essay, but we all have our own styles, right?
NinRick said:
tabby said:
Anyone who tries to claim they can’t be cursed reminds me of people who claim they’re immune to being brainwashed by the TV when they fall asleep and don’t turn it off, but then vomit out CNN bullshit the next day like they came up with it.

Anyway, a note for the OP. Getting toxic to the ones who are just trying to give you a warning to keep your identity and astrology safe - is a good way to make people mad at you and even think you’re an infiltrator. If you want your questions answered Mr. I-Am-King, you might want to avoid biting the hand trying to feed you the info.

Wanna know something funny?
When I was new and found the JoS I thought that I am not brain washed anymore, and that I know everything there is to know.

Today I realise that I am still brainwashed, that this is a deep rooted issue, and that I know way too little.

The difference between you and Xnder is that unlike him, you actually wanted to help yourself and listen to people. He doesn't. He thinks he has it all figured out, and that no one is above him. Someone with an attitude like that is incompatible with the JoS even if their soul manages to guide them to it.

I don't want you or anyone else projecting yourselves onto guys like Xnder and thinking that they are you from years ago, and that you have to save them. Xnder isn't in the current state of mind to want to be helped. It's about who yields with their energy, you know? If a stronger person yields to a lower person then the lower person isn't going to become like the stronger person, the stronger person is going to become the weaker person and float down below the level of the lower person. Don't doubt yourself, and don't yield to people who are lower than you. To help anyone in the first place you have to remain higher than them, or else you will hurt yourself and sink to their level. Maintain your posture of superiority and don't compromise, don't level with them, and don't relate with them because they're not you. A teacher does not allow for their students to feel superior to them because if they did then they would no longer be the teacher, and there would be no point to their job because the students are apparently higher, know more, and should be teachers themselves.

Xnder thinks he knows everything, thinks he's invincible and that nothing can touch him. He's a willing fool who can't be helped until he accepts the superiority of those who can help him. Give up on him for now until he comes back with a fresh mind and a better attitude.
i am the same, intense energy that accidentally hurts others. if you claim to be able to meditate you can probably control this. i cant meditate unfortunately so when thia happens were i am bothered by something i focus the intense emotion on myself, as bright light like the sun so i am not hurting others, feels autistic but its better than instantly making someone rot and suffocate as i used to.
xnder said:
somebody already stated this. i got indireclty insulted. all i came here for was of innocent intention. and i got insulted with fool and that i will get cursed when all i really wanted was to find out more about myself and that made me really angry. thats all. this one guy is talking like he is a teacher but he is not. he has no empathy what so ever. i can insult you guys if i want if you talk about curses. dont bring curses into my life since my childhood was filled with pain. i dont want your negative energy or warnings - i simply do not care. i appreacite the warnings but dont say it in a rude way. and this one guy is so sensitive he wasnt even included in and decided to hop in once i started insulting . you negative fuck never cared about me or the post itself all you cared about is taking advantage of my pain and anger. jrvan, you can go fuck yourself. leave this post, you are unwanted here. if you dont even help and all you care about are my little insults i feel sorry for you man. if you give words that dont really mean anything in the end of the day so much power you are a poor soul. you are not anyones teacher. a true teacher would understand and ignore this like some people already did. they have empathy and understand i dont really mean it like that. goodbye

I will gladly kick ur ass every single time you do stupid shit.
As I said, I don’t have anything against you, but I hate stupidity. Sharing your picture and brith details HERE ffs, is one of the stupidest things one can possibly do.

I won’t insult you for no reason.
xnder said:
somebody already stated this. i got indireclty insulted. all i came here for was of innocent intention. and i got insulted with fool and that i will get cursed when all i really wanted was to find out more about myself and that made me really angry. thats all. this one guy is talking like he is a teacher but he is not. he has no empathy what so ever. i can insult you guys if i want if you talk about curses. dont bring curses into my life since my childhood was filled with pain. i dont want your negative energy or warnings - i simply do not care. i appreacite the warnings but dont say it in a rude way. and this one guy is so sensitive he wasnt even included in and decided to hop in once i started insulting . you negative fuck never cared about me or the post itself all you cared about is taking advantage of my pain and anger. jrvan, you can go fuck yourself. leave this post, you are unwanted here. if you dont even help and all you care about are my little insults i feel sorry for you man. if you give words that dont really mean anything in the end of the day so much power you are a poor soul. you are not anyones teacher. a true teacher would understand and ignore this like some people already did. they have empathy and understand i dont really mean it like that. goodbye

You don't get to play the victim here. All you're doing now is piggybacking off of other peoples' arguments against me and trying to amplify it. You say I'm oversensitive after you cried and made this big fuss over being called a fool and warned that there are people outside this community who read posts and seek to curse people who expose themselves. That's hypocritical. And along with all the other things you felt entitled to, you demand my empathy. You won't get it so easily especially when you act like you did. And yes you did mean it like that. You chose your words, and you knew what those words meant. Watch your mouth next time because there's still people in this world who will hold you accountable for what you say, and I'm one of them.

I don't need an invitation. This isn't your own private space on the forums where you have dominion and can banish people. No one gets a private space because it's a public forum.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
