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Which is the easiest magic to learn, who others npc can see?


New member
Dec 27, 2018
I need this for my self (final evidence) and to proof to someone close that all i talk is not crazy.
You shouldn't tell people who wouldn't understand. You don't know what they could do.
Magic is not about proving anything to anyone. You're not obliged to prove it. If they won't believe it, it's not your fault, nor can you force them to ever believe it. It's unfortunately just their own loss. Your knowledge of magic won't become invalid just because someone won't believe it, and the fact is, even when you reach a very advanced level of skill with it, there will still be tons of people who simply won't believe it. It takes an open mind and observation for someone to acknowledge the effects of magic.

Magic is about using the powers of your mind for your benefit and it takes time and practice to be mastered. You may end up leading yourself the wrong way if you obsess with showing it to someone rather than taking the time to properly get involved with it and practice it.
I would go for Astrology probably as it's not hard to get an accurate description of the person especially if the birth time as in ascendant is known. Plus planets or whatever this is not hard to figure out. http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/FURCAS.html

Then the page I and probably most in astrology these days use is astro.com type in the birth data on the ascendant get to know the symbols.

Once they see it describes themselves very well you can open their mind a little by making them wonder how it works like if the energy of the planets affects us then energy exists and if energy exists but they cant see it then it makes them wonder.

Eventually if you are clever with this reasoning you could get them into all other kinds of magick or meditation as well.

Another thing is if you can move a chakra (Maxine did this once and got someone to believe in spirituality she claimed on a sermon a long time ago I have no idea which one) or heal them of something or do something to temporarily open them up to energy or get them to feel their soul in some way. That will make them think like above then use the same line of reasoning.

It doesnt have to be Telekinesis or anything which is hard and you may not be able to do just use something that deals with energy in some way. Clairvoyance of visualizing something about their past you cant possibly know could do it. Anything you can do I hope this helps.

To the person that replied I am not putting you down and no disrespect intended but I dont know how anyone could have any relationships at all that have any meaning and your not just being completely fake if hanging out with a normie for no real purpose the only reason anyone would ever even think of wanting to hang out with a normie anyways is slowly trying to interest them in real things not necessarily Satanism per say at least at first but spirituality. As having a relationship with such a type means being fake and being fake is boring and conformist. So no reason to go through the oppression of having such a relationship if your not doing it for humanity or to gain something off of them for yourself.

Now with that noted I am not talking about everyone who's without and I am not claiming to be arrogant or elitist I am mainly talking about the xtian types and the Marxist liberal types who believe in nothing outside themselves and those that dont think about anything at all. I THINK this is the type of person the original poster is describing. There are plenty of Good people you can relate to in the world though so dont close yourself off either.

Hail Satan
Never show any of these powers, however minor, to anyone without or to the shitty 'public', as they can abuse you, abduct you, kill you, or worse.

You may think this is the 21st century and that Supernatural is a fun show, but in reality, people will react violently, and might move forward to kill you and many other things.

There was an Asian man who was turning things on fire with his chi. He made numerous videos about the fact in Youtube and run his own alternative healing business. He later stopped making any videos, and from reading on the net, he completely disappeared. He may even be dead now.
Careful mate, i started my journey with my catholic friend. To my dismay, he turned back to a choir boy and began praying for me. I lost my best friend because he didn't understand his prayers were being answered and it was tormenting me.

One night after he prayed, they tried to kill me. His angel or whatever made my car smell of a foul burning, it distracted me and if it wasnt for my gf in the car, I would have ran into a family of deer.

This is serious, do not provoke the enemy, once on their radar there is consequences.

Ive since been acting as if I turned from magic and had to continue in secret. I learned my lesson, I suggest you learn from it as well.

The enemy can and will attack you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Never show any of these powers, however minor, to anyone without or to the shitty 'public', as they can abuse you, abduct you, kill you, or worse.

You may think this is the 21st century and that Supernatural is a fun show, but in reality, people will react violently, and might move forward to kill you and many other things.

There was an Asian man who was turning things on fire with his chi. He made numerous videos about the fact in Youtube and run his own alternative healing business. He later stopped making any videos, and from reading on the net, he completely disappeared. He may even be dead now.

I didn´t want to open a youtube acc and throw fire balls around and say hey guys visit the Joy Of Satan that´s the place i learned the stuff ;) . Which would be suicide, maybe a for the case good suicide but no thanks. I understand the warning. but as darkmonkey666 pointed out" [Another thing is if you can move a chakra (Maxine did this once and got someone to believe in spirituality she claimed on a sermon a long time ago I have no idea which one)]" maybe in same rare cases it could be good, to show something to a singel person. I´m not able to show off any so this may be a fare future projekt. My backup plan is ISA first binding then showing off. Thx for the reply HP. Hoodedcobra666

darkmonkey666 said:
I would go for Astrology probably as it's not hard to get an accurate description of the person especially if the birth time as in ascendant is known. Plus planets or whatever this is not hard to figure out. http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/FURCAS.html

Then the page I and probably most in astrology these days use is astro.com type in the birth data on the ascendant get to know the symbols.

Once they see it describes themselves very well you can open their mind a little by making them wonder how it works like if the energy of the planets affects us then energy exists and if energy exists but they cant see it then it makes them wonder.

Eventually if you are clever with this reasoning you could get them into all other kinds of magick or meditation as well.

Another thing is if you can move a chakra (Maxine did this once and got someone to believe in spirituality she claimed on a sermon a long time ago I have no idea which one) or heal them of something or do something to temporarily open them up to energy or get them to feel their soul in some way. That will make them think like above then use the same line of reasoning.

It doesnt have to be Telekinesis or anything which is hard and you may not be able to do just use something that deals with energy in some way. Clairvoyance of visualizing something about their past you cant possibly know could do it. Anything you can do I hope this helps.

To the person that replied I am not putting you down and no disrespect intended but I dont know how anyone could have any relationships at all that have any meaning and your not just being completely fake if hanging out with a normie for no real purpose the only reason anyone would ever even think of wanting to hang out with a normie anyways is slowly trying to interest them in real things not necessarily Satanism per say at least at first but spirituality. As having a relationship with such a type means being fake and being fake is boring and conformist. So no reason to go through the oppression of having such a relationship if your not doing it for humanity or to gain something off of them for yourself.

Now with that noted I am not talking about everyone who's without and I am not claiming to be arrogant or elitist I am mainly talking about the xtian types and the Marxist liberal types who believe in nothing outside themselves and those that dont think about anything at all. I THINK this is the type of person the original poster is describing. There are plenty of Good people you can relate to in the world though so dont close yourself off either.

Hail Satan

it´s just the enemy subjekt, thx for the sugestions darkmonkey666 . i did read about psy balls which you can programm to be able to move stuff if send against or make out a candle with the mind(visualize black or grey energy around the candle flame).

Dypet Rod said:
Magic is not about proving anything to anyone. You're not obliged to prove it. If they won't believe it, it's not your fault, nor can you force them to ever believe it. It's unfortunately just their own loss. Your knowledge of magic won't become invalid just because someone won't believe it, and the fact is, even when you reach a very advanced level of skill with it, there will still be tons of people who simply won't believe it. It takes an open mind and observation for someone to acknowledge the effects of magic. Magic is about using the powers of your mind for your benefit and it takes time and practice to be mastered. You may end up leading yourself the wrong way if you obsess with showing it to someone rather than taking the time to properly get involved with it and practice it.

Thx for the reply Dypet Rod

It´s not to show off it is to prove the enemy stuff. I always get to the point when this person or others i trust say: jeah could be but the church also says stuff which they say is true.if i could i would just ignite a flame over my hand and say: everything i sayed is real and true and look them in the eye :cool: .

Ol argedco luciftias said:
You shouldn't tell people who wouldn't understand. You don't know what they could do.

Thx for the reply Ol argedco luciftias

This person does meditate (aop , ac) daylie. from my feeling had maybe meditate in a previous live. it ´s just the enemy subjekt which this person total rejekts.
I trust this person. Also this person is skilled in varius topics which could aid the community.
Ok ignore the above advice then. Honestly the only thing I ever showed anyone was healing someone a little and clearing their chakras for them as much as I could. I didnt go into Satanism or whatever but they were going to go to a Jew age psychic in my area to do this anyways and she probably would have gone on and on about Angel's and shit and this person was impressionabe so I think in a situation like that. Ok but I see what Hp is saying.

I dont really hang out with normie people much anyways. I am still trying to figure out where and how to meet more open minded people. I need people to talk to and I was kind of thinking about doing this myself I am glad I didnt.

This makes me mad though cause as a mainly fire and water element person I want to be open to others and share a deep connection with someone I hate phoniness but yet people cant be themselves in today's world without risking being killed.

Well anyways just more reason to do an extra rtr

Hail Satan
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
He later stopped making any videos, and from reading on the net, he completely disappeared. He may even be dead now.

I was part of the forum which practiced the chinese meditations that the guy in the video did his whole life. He (John Chang) is well alive but he doesn't like exposing himself, that famous video is the only one which he accepted being exposed so widely. I believe he is still teaching students in his school, which is not for westerns, mostly to avoid public exposition. The only non chinese guy who was accepted is Jim Mcmillan and theres a video of him I shared below, he is responsible for the only reputable source of information regarding these practices.

Off topic:

These ancient practices are called Mo Pai Nei Kung and although many information regarding it is bullshit, there are gems lying out there in the web which provide real information, even then, people claim its not 100% accurate, IDK. This practice is segmented in many levels, corresponding to one's energy, for example, the first level is about filling the lower dan tien with ying (or yang, I dont remember correctly) energy, an area around the root and sacral chakra. Third level is about fusioning ying and yang energy, which is said to be deadly if not done correctly - See the similarities with the rising serpent. However, the meditations need a specific breathing, half or full lotus position and very deep levels of trance to even begin absorbing energy.

There's a book about this guy which I cant remember...John Chang made stuff like stopping .22 cal bullets, shielding himself from a head on collision and all sorts of mind blowing things. So him being killed would not be something so easy to do actually.

To this day I still believe this is true and nothing related to any fake religion out there and may as well be. Especially because the exclusiveness and discipline it would take.

Be extremely secretive about this life to the outside.
Yeah, um, don't show anyone who isn't with Satan and don't reveal your power level. Like HoodedCobra said, the way that people will react is not what you're expecting. They'll get angry, maybe even in a weird jealous way, or they could lose their minds completely even if they witness something like telekinesis.

One time my friend showed someone telekinesis and said, basically, "I'm not sure if I've figured out a way to trick my mind to perceive motion or if I am actually moving this thing (psiwheel), can you be the judge?"

Apparently the person just said "stop you're freaking me out" and simultaneously denied knowing if it were real or a trick, and went on to tell them they never want to talk about it again. That's really light compared to how some others will respond. We've had reports over the years of family turning into psychos over this stuff, and like Cobra stated again, that man with the incredible pyrokinesis on youtube is now completely M.I.A.

Many/most ppl will immediately treat you as an enemy when they find out about your religion let alone what power you have from it. Don't let that info fall into the wrong hands. It will not make any sense to you when your best friend, sister, mother etc, turn cold on you overnight after showing them (or telling them) about your new magic powers you learned from years of hardcore practice.

Learn this stuff for you and you only. With great power comes great responsibility. We are a little bit like superheros in this world we must protect our identities with our lives as when it deals with these things they are one and the same. If you need to show off, show off how responsible and enlightened you are. Maybe you can learn to paint, play guitar, or (I say this half jokingly) learn some stage magic. There's actually nothing wrong with wanting to show off your skillz or be a performer, just don't bring Satanism into it or you're asking for serious, serious trouble! Beyond anything you can ever imagine sometimes. That is why Satan tells us this directly in the Al-Jilwah.

Mate, look, I can see you still don't understand things.
I was just like you before, had my phases where I wanted to prove to my loved ones the truth, but it always ended up badly.
The main thing with me is that I was into occultism always. I was very close to the Demons in my past lifes , and when I reincarnated again I immediately started getting bad attention and everybody thinked of me wrongly. I had weird gifts to some degree even before I started with meditations, and I found out Satan again soon. I was still a mere child when when I came here. Because I was different people started abusing me and beating me, accusing me of the devil worship, telling me that I'm mentally ill, even possessed...I gained traumas for lifetimes. I remember once when I was in elementary school and they started shouting that I am the devil himself and they were even throwing rocks at me. Even enemy greys and reptilians would openly attack me sometimes. That all happened even before I was seriously into Satanism, nobody knew much about me. I simply decided short after that I have to become Satanist, I just googled Satanism and started my research on it. Found out joyofsatan and dedicated soon, without much thinking. I was mostly silent about it but people were always soo abusing and evil to me. Few people ever found out the real truth about me. The moment they would found out they would go away from me. Even if they decided to stay, the enemy would basically torture them.
I witnessed my loved ones being driven completely insane. The enemy would destroy them before my very eyes. I wanted to show to some of them magic and the truth... that was years ago. I would show them just a little bit of those things and then..they would went insane or everyting in their life went to shit. They would run away soon after.

Showing off never worked to me. Leave them to be, it's not our job to show off to the mob. We are the players, they are basically the pawns in this war. If they don't have Spiritual Satanism in their natal chart simply leave them to be. Usually those who have the predisposition, our Gods chose them and those people found out the way on their own later, not through our showing off. Since enemy will prey on them relentlessly, our showing off will usually just turn the other way around and scare them off or expose them to some nasty enemy attacks. And, the more dirtier they are the easier is for the enemy to control them. I now understand that clearly...
Lately I have another problem in my life. I hardly can hide my so called powers. My pineal gland became very active and I'm trying to raise my sexual energy up. Now everyday is weird ass shit, supernatural things happening always.
When you progress in meditations, it's really hard to hide it all.

So, naturally, I lost everyone. I had some friends for years and I tried to keep few. Some of them were actually into magic and stuff. Even those who knew that I am SS and those who didn't - they all noticed that I have some weird power and talents.

My last best friend noticed that too, and tried to do some magic, failed , and ended up envying me and in the end she even started fearing me. I lost my best friend again. We were friends for years...
She actually knew the truth always about Demons and reptilians and she meditated often, I believed she will even join us, she was serious about meditations and spiritualism and I got careless and told her a thing or two in the very end. She noticed things on her own anyway but for some reasons she suddenly started acting weird and started avoiding me ...
As soon as I meet new normies I can hang out with them just for few weeks usually before they notice some weird shit and the drama starts. I recieved even dead treats from people and kikes.

I'm just trying to live my life now and lately I'm trying to hide those things completely. This is madness. Not fun at all. Enemies at every fucking step. HP.Cobra is right, brag to nobody, life is difficult enough itself..

My main point is -we (SS) are the main target to the enemy. Keep that in mind. They are patiently waiting for our first big mistake to destroy us. Enemy is capable of doing such a terrible things, hardly imaginable to most of the people. Even one simple enemy thougtform is enough to completely destroy a human mind sometimes.

And...Some normal dude can shout out in the middle of the street "I WORSHIP SATAN" and nothing much would happen. If some of us would joke about it even privately shit would happen... I wonder why haha
Sorry for this long post. Don't do anything stupid. Take care mate.
Azorm said:
I'm just trying to live my life now and lately I'm trying to hide those things completely. This is madness. Not fun at all. Enemies at every fucking step. HP.Cobra is right, brag to nobody, life is difficult enough itself..

I found this on the jos site:

"For those of you with exceptional ability (very few in this group- you know who you are) I strongly encourage you to dedicate your abilities to Father Satan in a ritual. He will protect you, work with you, and guide you."


maybe it will help you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 was right, THX you all for the anwers :
Azorm, Godmode, Jack, V12-POWER special thank you for the link.
Fuchs said:
Azorm said:
I'm just trying to live my life now and lately I'm trying to hide those things completely. This is madness. Not fun at all. Enemies at every fucking step. HP.Cobra is right, brag to nobody, life is difficult enough itself..

I found this on the jos site:

"For those of you with exceptional ability (very few in this group- you know who you are) I strongly encourage you to dedicate your abilities to Father Satan in a ritual. He will protect you, work with you, and guide you."


maybe it will help you.

Hey, thanks.I almost forgot about this being written but it's ok, it's logical somehow. Normies are weird as fuck. Hard to even watch them as sane beings, they are way to programmed, simple slaves.
Satan came on His own before few weeks and said something about me being powerful and skilled. I was like - no, this is some kind of a mistake, I'm loser xD. This is nothing, this is easy, everybody can do those things.
He was kind and patient and explained everything to me, and then told me that He will work with me directly. He even told me that He knows how lonely I am and that I hardly can fit in anywhere , that is ok to ask Him for a company sometimes ( if He's not really busy ofc).
How wonderful our Gods are...They really do care..
MayIAsk said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 was right, THX you all for the anwers :
Azorm, Godmode, Jack, V12-POWER special thank you for the link.
U are welcome :)
Godmode said:
One time my friend showed someone telekinesis and said, basically, "I'm not sure if I've figured out a way to trick my mind to perceive motion or if I am actually moving this thing (psiwheel), can you be the judge?"

Apparently the person just said "stop you're freaking me out" and simultaneously denied knowing if it were real or a trick, and went on to tell them they never want to talk about it again.

I know that it's a good thing they only had that reaction of all the ones they could've had, and that I don't know this person and can't reliably assess their character, but goodness gracious, what a spineless pussy. It reminds me of a guy who identified as a "Buddhist Hindu Christian" who would talk to me about spiritual shit, but as soon as I simply demonstrated the mudra for opening the third eye since that came up in conversation, he shut that down and said he didn't wanna learn about it because it's spooky. I can only imagine his heart would burst in his chest out of pure fear if he even saw just the slightest glow of someone's aura.
Azorm said:
Hey, thanks.I almost forgot about this being written but it's ok, it's logical somehow. Normies are weird as fuck. Hard to even watch them as sane beings, they are way to programmed, simple slaves.
Satan came on His own before few weeks and said something about me being powerful and skilled. I was like - no, this is some kind of a mistake, I'm loser xD. This is nothing, this is easy, everybody can do those things.
He was kind and patient and explained everything to me, and then told me that He will work with me directly. He even told me that He knows how lonely I am and that I hardly can fit in anywhere , that is ok to ask Him for a company sometimes ( if He's not really busy ofc).
How wonderful our Gods are...They really do care..

You´re welcome
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
Godmode said:
One time my friend showed someone telekinesis and said, basically, "I'm not sure if I've figured out a way to trick my mind to perceive motion or if I am actually moving this thing (psiwheel), can you be the judge?"

Apparently the person just said "stop you're freaking me out" and simultaneously denied knowing if it were real or a trick, and went on to tell them they never want to talk about it again.

I know that it's a good thing they only had that reaction of all the ones they could've had, and that I don't know this person and can't reliably assess their character, but goodness gracious, what a spineless pussy. It reminds me of a guy who identified as a "Buddhist Hindu Christian" who would talk to me about spiritual shit, but as soon as I simply demonstrated the mudra for opening the third eye since that came up in conversation, he shut that down and said he didn't wanna learn about it because it's spooky. I can only imagine his heart would burst in his chest out of pure fear if he even saw just the slightest glow of someone's aura.

OMG that reminds me of one time I showed someone an actual spiritual practice I did, and I think it was a mudra, and I got the same reaction. Imagine if they heard the chants. That stuff freaks people out. If you ever genuinely want someone to leave you alone, say something in Sanskrit around them. It's true. They are fucking pussies. I went through a phase of trying to convince fake spiritual people and it's either "thats creepy" or "james randi would pay $1,000,000 if what you said was true therefor its not". I feel so upset at the fact that 95% of people would never speak up under even the most extreme abuse and facing the most immense lies on Earth.
if u have the discipline to master any charm. then you may just have the discipline to not bandy it about
Azorm said:
Hey, thanks.I almost forgot about this being written but it's ok, it's logical somehow. Normies are weird as fuck. Hard to even watch them as sane beings, they are way to programmed, simple slaves.
Satan came on His own before few weeks and said something about me being powerful and skilled. I was like - no, this is some kind of a mistake, I'm loser xD. This is nothing, this is easy, everybody can do those things.
He was kind and patient and explained everything to me, and then told me that He will work with me directly. He even told me that He knows how lonely I am and that I hardly can fit in anywhere , that is ok to ask Him for a company sometimes ( if He's not really busy ofc).
How wonderful our Gods are...They really do care..
It's easy to start thinking that you 'cant fit in anywhere' and that you're 'weird', or a 'loser', especially if you are naturally drawn to Satan, as the vast majority of people are just dumb sheep and this can create such illusions. I'd say it's a commendable feat to not fit in- or associate with retarded NPCs. I instantly get pissed off as soon as I come into contact with any 'normie' stuff, such as TV reality shows, jew-news, xians, etc., and that's a normal and healthy thing.
Not sure why I'm even writing this honestly, I just kinda felt like telling you. Aside from the company of our Gods, you'll always have a place here as well. You're not alone :)
Shael said:
Azorm said:
Hey, thanks.I almost forgot about this being written but it's ok, it's logical somehow. Normies are weird as fuck. Hard to even watch them as sane beings, they are way to programmed, simple slaves.
Satan came on His own before few weeks and said something about me being powerful and skilled. I was like - no, this is some kind of a mistake, I'm loser xD. This is nothing, this is easy, everybody can do those things.
He was kind and patient and explained everything to me, and then told me that He will work with me directly. He even told me that He knows how lonely I am and that I hardly can fit in anywhere , that is ok to ask Him for a company sometimes ( if He's not really busy ofc).
How wonderful our Gods are...They really do care..
It's easy to start thinking that you 'cant fit in anywhere' and that you're 'weird', or a 'loser', especially if you are naturally drawn to Satan, as the vast majority of people are just dumb sheep and this can create such illusions. I'd say it's a commendable feat to not fit in- or associate with retarded NPCs. I instantly get pissed off as soon as I come into contact with any 'normie' stuff, such as TV reality shows, jew-news, xians, etc., and that's a normal and healthy thing.
Not sure why I'm even writing this honestly, I just kinda felt like telling you. Aside from the company of our Gods, you'll always have a place here as well. You're not alone :)

No,no, thank you. You made my day. I'm going through something and I kinda feel nice now....
I'm in final preparations to raise my sexual energy up my spine, it could happen anytime now. My soul is clean as a fucking morning sun and Gods are extremely protective of me. Lately I'm hanging out just with them. It's kinda weird. So much weird things had happened, life will never be the same. Real life matrix starts now *blocking some random panic attacks**. (I had to learn to block them -_- )
They are trying to calm me down for a while now while I'm trying to understand what is happening. Holy shit.
Normies are completely out , now for sure xD
If you want to we can talk sometimes..
Azorm said:
Shael said:
Azorm said:
Hey, thanks.I almost forgot about this being written but it's ok, it's logical somehow. Normies are weird as fuck. Hard to even watch them as sane beings, they are way to programmed, simple slaves.
Satan came on His own before few weeks and said something about me being powerful and skilled. I was like - no, this is some kind of a mistake, I'm loser xD. This is nothing, this is easy, everybody can do those things.
He was kind and patient and explained everything to me, and then told me that He will work with me directly. He even told me that He knows how lonely I am and that I hardly can fit in anywhere , that is ok to ask Him for a company sometimes ( if He's not really busy ofc).
How wonderful our Gods are...They really do care..
It's easy to start thinking that you 'cant fit in anywhere' and that you're 'weird', or a 'loser', especially if you are naturally drawn to Satan, as the vast majority of people are just dumb sheep and this can create such illusions. I'd say it's a commendable feat to not fit in- or associate with retarded NPCs. I instantly get pissed off as soon as I come into contact with any 'normie' stuff, such as TV reality shows, jew-news, xians, etc., and that's a normal and healthy thing.
Not sure why I'm even writing this honestly, I just kinda felt like telling you. Aside from the company of our Gods, you'll always have a place here as well. You're not alone :)

No,no, thank you. You made my day. I'm going through something and I kinda feel nice now....
I'm in final preparations to raise my sexual energy up my spine, it could happen anytime now. My soul is clean as a fucking morning sun and Gods are extremely protective of me. Lately I'm hanging out just with them. It's kinda weird. So much weird things had happened, life will never be the same. Real life matrix starts now *blocking some random panic attacks**. (I had to learn to block them -_- )
They are trying to calm me down for a while now while I'm trying to understand what is happening. Holy shit.
Normies are completely out , now for sure xD
If you want to we can talk sometimes..

This is a life-changing path for sure.
I'm always down for some conversation. Feel free to send me an e-mail (shael at protonmail dot com) if you want to talk in private.
Shael said:
Azorm said:
Shael said:
It's easy to start thinking that you 'cant fit in anywhere' and that you're 'weird', or a 'loser', especially if you are naturally drawn to Satan, as the vast majority of people are just dumb sheep and this can create such illusions. I'd say it's a commendable feat to not fit in- or associate with retarded NPCs. I instantly get pissed off as soon as I come into contact with any 'normie' stuff, such as TV reality shows, jew-news, xians, etc., and that's a normal and healthy thing.
Not sure why I'm even writing this honestly, I just kinda felt like telling you. Aside from the company of our Gods, you'll always have a place here as well. You're not alone :)

No,no, thank you. You made my day. I'm going through something and I kinda feel nice now....
I'm in final preparations to raise my sexual energy up my spine, it could happen anytime now. My soul is clean as a fucking morning sun and Gods are extremely protective of me. Lately I'm hanging out just with them. It's kinda weird. So much weird things had happened, life will never be the same. Real life matrix starts now *blocking some random panic attacks**. (I had to learn to block them -_- )
They are trying to calm me down for a while now while I'm trying to understand what is happening. Holy shit.
Normies are completely out , now for sure xD
If you want to we can talk sometimes..

This is a life-changing path for sure.
I'm always down for some conversation. Feel free to send me an e-mail (shael at protonmail dot com) if you want to talk in private.
While i agree, just remember than in this world there are some few people's that are close to how we are that it is worth to talk and be friends with. If you can't find any good friends or lovers just use magick! The point of being a SS is to use magick to change our destiny, so even if your 'destiny' say that you won't find any good friends just change that! ;) Maybe you won't find other SS's but you could find people that are open to become one or that are just really smarts!
luis said:
Shael said:
Azorm said:
No,no, thank you. You made my day. I'm going through something and I kinda feel nice now....
I'm in final preparations to raise my sexual energy up my spine, it could happen anytime now. My soul is clean as a fucking morning sun and Gods are extremely protective of me. Lately I'm hanging out just with them. It's kinda weird. So much weird things had happened, life will never be the same. Real life matrix starts now *blocking some random panic attacks**. (I had to learn to block them -_- )
They are trying to calm me down for a while now while I'm trying to understand what is happening. Holy shit.
Normies are completely out , now for sure xD
If you want to we can talk sometimes..

This is a life-changing path for sure.
I'm always down for some conversation. Feel free to send me an e-mail (shael at protonmail dot com) if you want to talk in private.
While i agree, just remember than in this world there are some few people's that are close to how we are that it is worth to talk and be friends with. If you can't find any good friends or lovers just use magick! The point of being a SS is to use magick to change our destiny, so even if your 'destiny' say that you won't find any good friends just change that! ;) Maybe you won't find other SS's but you could find people that are open to become one or that are just really smarts!

Hahahahah sigh..
I remember when I was like you and I was chasing normies around and playing some saint or whatever. Everytime I ended up in a big trouble in the end and they also had a rough time because of the enemy.
Enemy will turn everyone against you or chase them away. As I already said there is no need to prove to anybody anything because enemy will just use that to scare them away and you can get in a big trouble if exposed. We are way too important to this world to behave like that. If they can wake up, they will wake up when it's supposed to happen. We leave some traces for them secretly to pick up and that's it, let them be.
Actually, one of my GD's after some really crazy bad stuff that has happened got very upset and made me promise that I will never be close to the normies again as it became too dangerous.
Now as I recently really opened myself to the astral and to the Gods, I can clearly see what's happening around us. Normies are just a simple puppets to the enemy. They are completely unaware of that and because of the bindings you can't prove it to them.

Even if you clean them and remove all of the bindings, enemy would notice immediately and restore the bindings and heavily attack you both. Your magic is not strong enough to chase away all the enemies from your life or from your loved ones.

I see no reason whatsoever to anybody important as us to do something like that. Enemy will tamper on your every friendship or romantic relationship with those who are without Satan's guidance and protection and, you will probably get into some trouble and in the end you will become a burden to your Guardians (they might protect some of your close normies in rare cases but energy is needed in this war more than anything so it would be best to save their energy for important things).

Your best friends are your Guardians, and probably they love you the most, I can bet on that. You might not know that yet but it's true and never take them for granted. As I'm writing this one of my Guardians is with me and I clearly can see and follow his thoughts ( I started reading minds recently it seems).So often his thoughts and energy are focused on those under his protection and I can clearly see his energy guiding them. He is worried sometimes so much. It's imposible not to notice how much our Guardians care about us. You have no idea how much enemy is trying to attack us and they are defending us from those attacks daily and now you have to chase some normies around who will try to expose you and kill you. I know it's painfull sometimes to walk this lonely road but ffs if you can't endure this, turn around and go back. This road is not for the weak, not at all. People here need to grow up and strengthen soon or they will be crushed. As ones who know the truth and are walking alongside with the Gods we really need to be wise and more responsible.

So instead of doing something stupid as wasting your time and energy on normies I would suggest to everybody here that they open enough themselves to the Gods or just talk to somebody from here. I'm not really attacking anybody, I just don't want my comrades to get into a trouble. Every soul here is precious. It might be confusing to understand it all when you are new and I made some mistakes too, but take care people. You never know what those without might do to you.

This is a life-changing path for sure.
I'm always down for some conversation. Feel free to send me an e-mail (shael at protonmail dot com) if you want to talk in private.
Shael I contacted you, hopefully the message came...
Azorm666 on protonmail. Luis you can talk to me also if you want to. Much safer then talking to normies : )

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
