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where's my post?

The earth isn't flat. Scientifically it makes NO sense. The earth is DEFINITELY spherical.
I've found no science that says the earth is a sphere but a lot that says the earth is flat. Isn't it ironic that Obama recently bad mouthed the flat earth society on national TV? But this post prolly won't get posted either. Why would joy of satan filter out posts of this nature? If they disagree, it makes more sense to clarify rather then silence a wellwith most of what joy of satan says and some things I'm neatral about because I would rather hear it from the gods first hand but this does absolutely nothing for your credibility in my eyes.
Some posts don't go through, not because they're being monitored, but because sometimes they just ACCIDENTALLY get skipped. The HPs are still human, sometimes things just get skipped.
As for "my credibility", I couldn't give two shits what you think about my credibility.
First of all, HPS has already told someone who was dumb enough to believe in a flat earth that was a foolish idea several months ago.
Second of all, this doesn't follow the laws of physics at ALL. If the earth is flat, why doesn't water fall off and we run out of water? What's on the other side of the earth? Why doesn't gravity compress this "flat" earth into a sphere as it orbits the sun, since the gravity would naturally be stronger around the edges which would gradually compress the earth into a sphere, and the earth would already be a sphere by now since its severAl billion years old
Dude no.
Astronomy back in the Renaissance showed the world is heliocentric, and the earth orbits the sun. Think about it.

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On Fri, Apr 8, 2016 at 3:48 PM, shirksr@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   I've found no science that says the earth is a sphere but a lot that says the earth is flat. Isn't it ironic that Obama recently bad mouthed the flat earth society on national TV? But this post prolly won't get posted either. Why would joy of satan filter out posts of this nature? If they disagree, it makes more sense to clarify rather then silence a wellwith most of what joy of satan says and some things I'm neatral about because I would rather hear it from the gods first hand but this does absolutely nothing for your credibility in my eyes.
I meant to say I agree with most... Anyhow another one of my posts on joy of satan didn't get posted either. The one about spiritual warfare on David icke forums. I exposed Christianity and the Jews and told the truth of satanism on that site as politely as humanly possible. My posts were up long enough for some people to see but were quickly removed. David Ike says some things that are true but they are still ran by Jews and Jew sympathetics. On the flat earth... Why can you see a building from miles away when this building should be below the horizon? Plane windows are designed to make the earth appear round from high... This is why on a mountain however high up you get, the earth still looks flat. There are NO photographs of earth or any satellite. They are all photoshops. I want to clarify that I am not trolling or spamming... I'm dead serious in these beliefs. I'm assuming this is not what joy of satan teaches... I honestly can't find any joy of satan stuff about the shape of earth besides calling it a planet. But I do feel that if joy of satan did believe in a flat earth, they might not say so. A lot of people wouldn't when they want to be taken seriously. Again, I don't know either way. :/
Firstly can you even answer my questions??

The earth is EXTREMELY large, and curves at a gradual rate. Just because with your naked eye they don't appear to curve down doesn't mean they don't. It takes more than a few miles for it to be noticeable.
If that were true about the plane Windows, EVERYTHING would look curved, not only the earth. These things you are saying are not based on any facts, only speculations. Please do your research on the SCIENCE and MATH behind the fact that the earth is spherical.

I thought we disputed the flat earth theory hundreds of years ago, when the Catholic Church was trying to convince us of such bullshit. Apparently, people would like to go back to the dark ages.
Olympics666... Then why are there sometimes clouds in front of AND BEHIND the sun. This is not possible with the sun being betond our atmosphere.
Talonjackman, all of those things are easily disputable and explainable with a flat earth model. You warship a God that promotes freedom of thought and free exchange of ideas and information and yet you call names when someone disagrees with you. I've been nothing but polite. I'm really not interested in debating anything with anyone who is negative. That's not what this was intended at all. I wasn't aware that another member had brought up the issue of a flat earth as well. I'm appalled that a high priest/ priestess couldn't control themselves and be polite to that person. The way you worded it, gives that impression. As someone who has only been here for a few months, Im under the impression that the posts are supposed to be pre approved due to infiltrators. Posts by regular members not being included at the rate it seems to be happening gives the impression it's not only being used for that purpose. if that's not the case fine. But I would hope any new person would be extreamly critical of any organization before giving their complete and undying loyalty to it. I'm a nazi satanist but until everything checks out my loyalty is only to the gods. It's the job of everyone to question authority at any suspicious sign period. If you feel like I'm being out of line, then you can fall in line with your little communist dream and say goodby to your guns while your at it because at this rate you'll be there. I will question every authority figure and if they are legit, they will understand. In respectful but straightforward.
There are never clouds behind the sun. That is the single dumbest statement I have ever seen. Clouds behind the sun... please. Next it will be vegan week and following that we will be looking out for the fact that the sun and moon are the same thing..
Although the flat earth theory is totally ridiculous, I agree with seekeroftruth123 that it's suspicious how some comments to this e-group are never posted, as if someone is censoring them.  I've made several original posts to this e-group asking questions, and none of them have appeared.  Let's see if I can even reply to a message here.
First and foremost the earth is by no means perfectly spherical as depicted by a globe.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Sun, Apr 10, 2016 at 11:27 PM, ivan.folghera@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   There are never clouds behind the sun. That is the single dumbest statement I have ever seen. Clouds behind the sun... please. Next it will be vegan week and following that we will be looking out for the fact that the sun and moon are the same thing..
This story about the "flat earth" is funny enough.
We have satellites orbiting the earth and mapping it very accurately, GPS tracks everywere, we know elevation of every mountain, road, etc. And also we know for a fact Earth dimensions and shape.
This guy coming here trying to convince us the eath is flat probably made some net like "Oh Vey, 50 cents I can convince JoS the earth is flat" or like this. LOL. It's the only reason I believe this post has been made.

Sent: Monday, April 11, 2016 at 5:38 AM
From: "'olympics666@...' olympics666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: where's my post?


First and foremost the earth is by no means perfectly spherical as depicted by a globe.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android[]https://overview.mail.yahoo.com/mobile/?.src=Android

There are never clouds behind the sun. That is the single dumbest statement I have ever seen. Clouds behind the sun... please. Next it will be vegan week and following that we will be looking out for the fact that the sun and moon are the same thing..


Maybe this will answer your problem - Yahoo! is JEW-run, which means the JEW screwed Y! so that it would allow bullshit posts to appear, and valid ones to disappear.

Olympic I NEVERTHELESS said it was a perfect sphere. But it does have a spherical shape (spherical meaning it is LIKE a sphere), and definitely is not flat
Ode also like to know, did the gods tell the high priest directly and specifically it is round or was it their own conclusion?
Get etch Ror, towers in a grid can do the exact same thing. It seems hardly any of you have looked into the flat earth theory. It would take a lot of typing to explain every single point. Watch a flat earth video first and I will try to dispute remaining questions but the only statement that really disputes common flat earth theories is the one about an irregular shaped earth... Keep in mind it would have to be very mis shaped hardly even a globe shape at this point for my building below horizon thing to have worked. It was more then a few miles. It is possible that I live on the very flat side may be?
I've heard this theory to explain it. The shape of the earth would have to be very irregularly shaped for this theory to explain the horizon test with the buildings I did but it's certainly possible. Very, very flat on one side but round on the other. You may be onto something here. This is the first thing I'm going to see is the earth from space either through a vision or astral travel. I'm also aware that some visions could be from my own subconscious and I'm biased so I'll keep that in mind when the visions come. I know that Satans presence is undeniable from accounts of others so I should know the difference.
I have heard this before, that the earth is more flat on one side and more round on the other. This could explain it, Olympics but I'm still not completely sold on the idea of a sphere earth just yet because of so many inconsitincies. This is one of the first things I want to prove to myself either during astral travel or vision. I'm still working on that to happen. :)
Anyone with a brain knows the earth is round... it was the christian church who told the world it was flat and killed people who disagreed with them.

We have enough pictures of the earth from outer space to see it is round and oh! The moon! We can see the moon!

Would the moon b a sphere but the earth not so? Why would there be this strange contradiction?

Better go pray to jewhova and ask him to give you the answer!
Yeah the illuminati gave Tilla Tequila a brain aneurism for revealing its flat. Where is proof that its round? You still a sheep my 3friend3. The enemy has a grip on humanity (most of humanity)
Central force666... There are no photographs of the earth. NASA admits they are all photoshops (not that their opinion is ever valid). Even so, they say because of the spinning a photo can't be taken.
Really with flat earthism you need to use your brain and do the hard math. 

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 4:52 PM, ivan.folghera@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Anyone with a brain knows the earth is round... it was the christian church who told the world it was flat and killed people who disagreed with them.

We have enough pictures of the earth from outer space to see it is round and oh! The moon! We can see the moon!

Would the moon b a sphere but the earth not so? Why would there be this strange contradiction?

Better go pray to jewhova and ask him to give you the answer!
There is no NASA conspiracy to keep the populace from knowing the earth is flat. We here at the joy of Satan believe that Satan Comes from another planet. I mean what do you think God is looking down on you from the top of a giant fishbowl or something?

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 5:20 PM, shirksr@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   And that's really offensive to say that to me central force666.
This "flat earth" tv series that is being broadcasted on JoS "channel" is really making me laugh so much! With some benefits on my 3rd chakra however, so it's like watching a funny comic movie, thank you for giving us a good time!!
In a universe made of spheres, where all the stars and planets out of the Solar System, and the planets inside the Solar System, are all spherical, and simply jumping on a plane and looking outside your window while the GPS maps your track thanks to a satellite orbiting around the shperical earth, show the earth is a "big ball", it is the dumbest affirmation saying the earth is flat. So please stop mocking us, I really don't know why these posts are being approved, unless it's some "2 minutes funny break" to relax e bit our minds between the RTRs.
So, LOL.

Sent: Monday, April 11, 2016 at 11:01 PM
From: "shirksr@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: where's my post?


Central force666... There are no photographs of the earth. NASA admits they are all photoshops (not that their opinion is ever valid). Even so, they say because of the spinning a photo can't be taken.
who the fuck keeps approving this flat earth bullshit?even as satire this is still a pointless and retarded discussion.

On Wednesday, April 13, 2016 2:19 AM, "'Gerecht Ror' gerechtror@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  This "flat earth" tv series that is being broadcasted on JoS "channel" is really making me laugh so much! With some benefits on my 3rd chakra however, so it's like watching a funny comic movie, thank you for giving us a good time!!
In a universe made of spheres, where all the stars and planets out of the Solar System, and the planets inside the Solar System, are all spherical, and simply jumping on a plane and looking outside your window while the GPS maps your track thanks to a satellite orbiting around the shperical earth, show the earth is a "big ball", it is the dumbest affirmation saying the earth is flat. So please stop mocking us, I really don't know why these posts are being approved, unless it's some "2 minutes funny break" to relax e bit our minds between the RTRs.
So, LOL.

Sent: Monday, April 11, 2016 at 11:01 PM
From: "shirksr@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: where's my post?


Central force666... There are no photographs of the earth. NASA admits they are all photoshops (not that their opinion is ever valid). Even so, they say because of the spinning a photo can't be taken.


Apparently even with a brain it is too hard to comprehend.

As for my comment about praying to jewhovah, maybe you should research the man who reignited this ridiculous theory Samuel Rowbotham - a christian. From wikipedia:

"In the United States, Rowbotham's ideas were taken up by the Christian Catholic Apostolic Church and promoted widely on their radio station."

Funnily enough this tard Samuel observed the hulls of ships disappearing on the horizon before their sails (proof of curvature) to suggest that the earth is flat... he saw 1+1=83:8*9284;.

Hardly flawless logic imo.
Riiiight. The moon is flat too. You can see that during a full moon. Can you see it?? The flat circle?? Thatz raight ya'll. I'm tha neeew scientizt powz!
rofl the sun is also flat by that logic. because jews said so that's whyLOOOOOLZ

Seriously anyone stupid enough to believe the earth is flat in this day and age is RETARDED.

On Thursday, April 14, 2016 2:45 AM, "dark_pagan_666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Riiiight. The moon is flat too. You can see that during a full moon. Can you see it?? The flat circle?? Thatz raight ya'll. I'm tha neeew scientizt powz!

If the earth is flat look out at the sea and watch a boat sail past and disappear when you can't see it.Even if a Christopher Jewlombus made that discovery, it doesn't make it wrong. And if it was flat then there wouldn't be any seasons either. And what about the other side of the earth? Or the part in the middle...

Or why does your toilet flush differently on the southern hemisphere than the northern hemisphere, or why is it so much warmer on the equator than it is in the poles.
Um, the toilet doesn't flush differently in the southern hemisphere than the northern hemisphere.. That's an old wives tale
But the water spins differently on the northern and on the southern hemisphere - that's a fact.

Sorry I can't fly evert flat-earherer around the world just to prove a point, but, seriously, plenty of.people fly all across the globe, all the time. That would be quite a conspiracy to pull off if they're all lying.
Why? Because we disagree with you? Because we fail to recognise that the earth is flat that certainly the serpent of knowledge must reject us? Idiocy!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
