Legba said:
I am overwhelmed and lost.
How do I know which of my chakras need opening?
Do I only need to open the sacral, throat, and crown chakras since only they have the 3 granthis knots?
If I open a chakra, is it permanently open?
All of them need to be opened.
No, you need to open them
in this order - Third Eye then Sixth, Crown (the Crown can alternatively be done last), Throat, Middle, Solar, Sacral, Base.
Yes, it is permanently open, but sometimes further opening will need to be done.
If you have problems opening, open them during the time of their Astrological peak points (don't start this on any time of void of course Moon regardless of planetary hour).
Monday during hours of Moon - Third Eye/6th.
During hours of Jupiter on Thursday - Crown.
During hours of Venus/Mercury on Friday/Wednesday - Throat/Middle.
During hours of Sun on a Sunday - Solar... and so on. Use Chronos XP (PC) or Astro clock (Android/iOS) set in your area to figure out the planetary hours.