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when Christians die?


New member
Apr 25, 2002
what happens when a Christian, Jew, or Muslim dies? Since they are not of Satan do they just die and nothing happens? Surely not everyone reincarnates...? I'm new to this site and the concept of immortality sounds really cool..........
My understanding is they go to this one big reservoir of soul energy,of the enemy called the one.They going to be surprised,when they find out that their heven is not quit what they exspected.
Hail SatanBrian
From: whitegangster666 <whitegangster666@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 12:47 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] when Christians die?

  what happens when a Christian, Jew, or Muslim dies? Since they are not of Satan do they just die and nothing happens? Surely not everyone reincarnates...? I'm new to this site and the concept of immortality sounds really cool..........
To go on top of what Brian has stated which is correct the souls go into this reservoir and do become "ONE" and the enemy uses this energy to enslave us. Not only this but the enemy mainly greys are known to eat those souls that fit their taste as well.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

My understanding is they go to this one big reservoir of soul energy,of the enemy called the one.They going to be surprised,when they find out that their heven is not quit what they exspected.

Hail Satan

From: whitegangster666 <whitegangster666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 12:47 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] when Christians die?

what happens when a Christian, Jew, or Muslim dies? Since they are not of Satan do they just die and nothing happens? Surely not everyone reincarnates...? I'm new to this site and the concept of immortality sounds really cool..........
Interesting.. So i could not have been a christian in a past life? Good to know and they tried to make me 1 in this life? Those bastards..

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

My understanding is they go to this one big reservoir of soul energy,of the enemy called the one.They going to be surprised,when they find out that their heven is not quit what they exspected.

Hail Satan

From: whitegangster666 <whitegangster666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 12:47 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] when Christians die?

what happens when a Christian, Jew, or Muslim dies? Since they are not of Satan do they just die and nothing happens? Surely not everyone reincarnates...? I'm new to this site and the concept of immortality sounds really cool..........
Some are reincarnted. I don't know how it works with the specifics, but somehow we are "pulled" into a vortex of a sort, and rounded out and eventually reincarnate.

Now, there are some who just fizzle out, who have no progression, who stay in the same useless sort they were before.

I would love to know the specifics of this myself.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "whitegangster666" <whitegangster666@... wrote:

what happens when a Christian, Jew, or Muslim dies? Since they are not of Satan do they just die and nothing happens? Surely not everyone reincarnates...? I'm new to this site and the concept of immortality sounds really cool..........
I don't like to think about this because the next thought is my family members, my dad particularly. He is 73 years old and has been in the same xian denomination for like 50 years. He is devout and you can't even get him to even look at or read something that questions the buybull. I love him so much and it saddens me deeply to know what's been done to him like every other gentile. It also angers me. Well...you get what I'm trying to say here.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

My understanding is they go to this one big reservoir of soul energy,of the enemy called the one.They going to be surprised,when they find out that their heven is not quit what they exspected.

Hail Satan

From: whitegangster666 <whitegangster666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 12:47 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] when Christians die?

what happens when a Christian, Jew, or Muslim dies? Since they are not of Satan do they just die and nothing happens? Surely not everyone reincarnates...? I'm new to this site and the concept of immortality sounds really cool..........
They will be very surprise when they land in the lake of fire and we go to an blissfully place. Hail Satan

On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 9:17 PM, Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:
  My understanding is they go to this one big reservoir of soul energy,of the enemy called the one.They going to be surprised,when they find out that their heven is not quit what they exspected.
Hail SatanBrian
From: whitegangster666 <whitegangster666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 12:47 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] when Christians die?

  what happens when a Christian, Jew, or Muslim dies? Since they are not of Satan do they just die and nothing happens? Surely not everyone reincarnates...? I'm new to this site and the concept of immortality sounds really cool..........
Most people get reincarnation, in my opinion only the most extreme and prehaps worthless get the stew treatment  the RHP tells that dissolution into the one is the highest goal of existance they are not even jazzing it up. Its the open statement to be dissolved as any form of individual consciousness is what they preach if you read the Buddhist and other RHP texts. They live for thier death.   The other issue is the soul  if you read the ancient texts and understand the physics enough is light and lives on light energy. HPS Maxine has wrote of this subject [and in my own experience and research I agree, as it becomes an unalienable fact the more you advance and deeper you dig into the truth on the subject] This is openly mentioned in the ancient texts in some areas:    A soul not being in the process of  perfected thus empowered is a soul that is becoming stagnate and after a certain time can weaken to the point it ceases to exist. Prehaps the matter is then recycled into something else.   Your soul is the one thing that is yours [its you] and as life in different bodies pass the only thing you take with you is the soul and the work you have done upon yourself or not.   This becomes evident as you see parts of your past lives or even just look back over your life now. A life without spirituality and the perfection practice of it. Is literally a waste and distraction.   Here is a tale that relates a deeply conscious understanding of time and events that enfolds the situation of man:   There was a tale of several sages sitting in meditation they had been there so long they where part buried. A Deva appeared to them and told them then each the amount of life times they would have left as Yogi's before they would fully Perfect themselves and obtain the Great Perfection [Magnum Opus] it was around several for each and they where happy for this.   The underlying understanding is further mentioned in the founders of the Kriya Yoga system. They understood that due to the massive removal of spiritual knowledge for them the reality of obtaining the Great Perfection in a life time was next to impossible baring divine intervention. So they assembled what they had into a system and instead of the traditional 4 to 5 hours a day on the power points most Tantric's practice on. They practiced 10 to 12 hours a day, with the idea of since they had less they had to do more in order to obtain liberation in a smaller number of life times.   Meaning they understood the level of perfection the soul achieves is carried into the next life and so on.   So in a society that still had enough of the original understanding intact people would devote their whole live to metalution and made this the core of their life, its the core of our existance.  Some still practice in the East 5 to 12 or more hours a day.    Due to the jewing of the West this value system has become alien in our society, when it was the norm to our ancestors. Today we are lied to and told absorp ourselves into a petty distraction of hyper materialism and counterfeit ego and this all there is.   The jews stated in their protocols they would create this society to act as distraction and use materialism replace for spirituality and spiritual knowledge. While making Gentile society as self-hating and unsane as possible.   As part of this we live in a society where the original spiritual class system based on metalution and metagenic's is replaced by an economic class system where individual worth to the market place, material properity and money determines the level of status in society for a person.   This means your worth as a human being is your worth to the dollar at the given moment, money becomes God and the jew owns the money.   Then money and economic progress become the center of all thought and judgement of all worth and monetary values become moral values till nothing but the morality of a vulture [jew] is left in society and it implodes in a sickly, insane and devolving  decay upon its juadic paradigm into a real sheol.   Just look at all the people left to die on the streets homeless and how this society treats the eldery and any person who is considered as economically "poor" is looked upon as a lesser human being. Where bloated jew parasties in the banks, hollywood and other worthless sectors are worshipped as saints and Gods.   Of course what the jew never tells you is the society it has created even in America has reduced the Gentile populace to wage slavery with their IRS [founder the same year arm in arm with the Fed] and other tax systems are designed to breakdown any Gentile attempt to rise above the working to middle classes and become wealthy business owners at the same time hand in hand with the jew Fed Reserve system, knocking out the upper and middle Gentile class till nothing is left but wage slaves, slaving for the jew 24/7 in serfdom.  The working Gentiles created and generated 100% of the wealth and due to the parasite jew and the vampire system  the jew sucks the wealth of the Gentiles till they are lucky to have a crumb left to their name.     Even the illusion of materal prosperity "The American Dream" the jew uses as the goal to keep people running in the jewster wheel all day and night. Is a bogus joo lie. The harder you slave the more in debt you sink and taxed you become anyway. And the jew has created a kosher celling you will not be allowed to rise above ecomonically anyway while creating a bogus debt scheme to sink you into perpetual toil and scarcity existance. The average American now lives in boarder line poverty and is one paycheck away from being on the street. And now millions of families are living in tents cities as the jew crashes whats left of the economy in another mathematically created depression. And its only gettting worse. Gentiles starve, the jew laughs.     The National Socialist Party came to power in Germany and dismantled the jew parasite system while creating a National Socialist system. Its no real miracle how Germany under Hitler in 9 months free of the jew slave system and under the NS system, was able to rise out of being the hardest hit nation in the  depression[to the point it cost 2 million dollars for a loaf of bread and a million people died from extreme poverty] to become the most prosperous nation on earth.   The jews would sit in fancy restaurants and hold up the food they where eating to taunt and gloat at the  starving German Gentiles standing outside many who had hardly eaten in days and had no money during the Weimar[Jewmar] period. Hitler put an end to this wickedness, no German would go hungry in their own land again. Their own bread  would be no longer stolen out of their very hand and childrens mouths by the jew again.   During the first winter of the National Socialist Goverment rule a Winter drive was conducted by the New Goverment. Winter was the hardest time for Germans due to the poverty, most died in the winter from lack of heating, proper clothing or food, poor diet and cold is a cruel killer.    The NS government asked all Germans to help out and give whatever they could, Hitler personally donated over half of his personal  fortune [which was large due to his book sales] to help. That year for the first time in a over a decade not one German went without nor died from poverty conditons. It was the great miracle of the time Hitler urged his people to come together in the spirit of love for their fellow people and to remember it was this that made them great. He also lead by example the whole time.   The degradation and self-hatred/ false guilt for being Geman, the jew had heaped upon them in Weimar had been great and had taken a hard toll on them.   There was no mistaking the reasons why when Hitler would appear in public the people would rush to him and burst out in joy and great outpouring of love for him.  He raised them out of the muck the jews had pushed them into and gave them back everything and more ,he showed them how to love one another again and to love themselves for who they where the German People again.   Hitler, Himmler and others where also working to dismantle the false spiritual program of jewanity and return to the German nation the original and true religion, we today call Spiritual Satanism. Where creating a society based upon nobility of character, personal merits and talents to base a new class upon, replacing the false and alien destructive jew class system.  With an ascending, healthy, Gentile one. A persons place in society would now depend on the spirit of the person not how much money and items they can jew out of others.   Since to be a member of the higher levels of this new system a person must be part of the SS, and to be part of the SS one must be a Pagan [Satanist] with the officer class [sworn to a period of 20 years or  more of service] under orders by Himmler to have a daily practice of meditation and study of spiritual knowledge. This ensured the new society would have the spiritual at the heart and head of this new class system and in time would fully transcend as Germany grew under the New Order back into a pure Arya nation.  The original Satanic model society existed under and the people would in time as a whole achieve the Godhead and finish Father Satan's work on humanity.   For elevating his people out of despiar and degradition and showing them how to live in truth. Hitler is vilified by the enemy of all humanity, the jew.   As we can see the National Socialist model is the superior and only one for the restoring of Gentiles to peace, plenty, happiness and truth globally. Many have theories but National Socialism has the proof.   And that is why the jew hates and fears National Socialism and the memory of Adolf Hitler so much. For the same reasons the jews hate and fear Satan and as such slander and blaspheme Him so, just as they do to Hitler, so do they do to Father Satan.       Without an answer to the jewish question there can be no salvation or liberation for humanity.      
From: Celina <lovingbelial@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 10:09:43 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: when Christians die?

  I don't like to think about this because the next thought is my family members, my dad particularly. He is 73 years old and has been in the same xian denomination for like 50 years. He is devout and you can't even get him to even look at or read something that questions the buybull. I love him so much and it saddens me deeply to know what's been done to him like every other gentile. It also angers me. Well...you get what I'm trying to say here.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

My understanding is they go to this one big reservoir of soul energy,of the enemy called the one.They going to be surprised,when they find out that their heven is not quit what they exspected.

Hail Satan

From: whitegangster666 <whitegangster666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 12:47 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] when Christians die?

what happens when a Christian, Jew, or Muslim dies? Since they are not of Satan do they just die and nothing happens? Surely not everyone reincarnates...? I'm new to this site and the concept of immortality sounds really cool..........

Yes  do Celina.I too come from a very devout xtian family.Most are ministers and pastors,of their local mind prisons.But I have come to terms with them not being my family,when I joined my true family of Satan. Satan Himself said,that many will want to come to Him in the end,but it will be to late for them.Kind of hard to think about,when talking about you immediate family,even though they are Gentiles deceived by the filthy kikes.But my comfort is in you,and all my other true brothers and sisters,of the one true God Satan.Hail SatanBrian 

From: Celina <lovingbelial@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 9:09 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: when Christians die?

  I don't like to think about this because the next thought is my family members, my dad particularly. He is 73 years old and has been in the same xian denomination for like 50 years. He is devout and you can't even get him to even look at or read something that questions the buybull. I love him so much and it saddens me deeply to know what's been done to him like every other gentile. It also angers me. Well...you get what I'm trying to say here.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

My understanding is they go to this one big reservoir of soul energy,of the enemy called the one.They going to be surprised,when they find out that their heven is not quit what they exspected.

Hail Satan

From: whitegangster666 <whitegangster666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 12:47 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] when Christians die?

what happens when a Christian, Jew, or Muslim dies? Since they are not of Satan do they just die and nothing happens? Surely not everyone reincarnates...? I'm new to this site and the concept of immortality sounds really cool..........
I, too, do not like to think of this. My biological father (I state "biological" because I refer to Lord Satan as "Father") is a "born again xian" whom I have no contact with so I'm not too concerned about him, but my Mother, whom in 12 days is turning 56, is completely indoctrinated by xian filth, my 25 year old Brother is an Atheist, my 35 year old Sister is either non-religious or dabbles slightly in xian, my Brother-in-law is Irish catholic, and my Niece and Nephew (whom are the children of said Sister and Brother-in-law) have been Baptized as catholic and will grow up with indoctrinated beliefs.

I have struggled quite a bit with guild over the fact that they will be left behind, both in this life and in the after life when I have achieved the Godhead, but there's nothing I can do. Like the holy words of the Al Jilwah state:

"Do not mention my name nor my attributes, lest ye regret it; for ye do not know what those who are without may do."

If I tried to tell them the truth, they would not believe me, think I was being an idiot/foolish, would condescend me and generally would not leave me be. I like to think that once they ascend to Hell, they will be given another chance at life, and will be reincarnated. Hopefully in that life they will come to learn of the truth before the next Age of Aquarius (though I am uncertain as to when that will be, and could even be as soon as next year - ie "2012").

I believe that Father works in the way that he showers gifts upon those of us that acknowledge and know him, and causes our mortal lives to be very happy, blissful and comfortable. Those who do not know Him (ie those who are without), Father will "afflict" during their mortal lives, making them sad, unhappy and they will struggle. When the ones who are without die and ascend to Hell though, I believe he will be somewhat lenient and reincarnate them to give them another chance. Ignorance is not a sin after all, but stupidity is. The indoctrinated Gentiles are simply ignorant and are unable to see the truth. The JEWS however, are stupid, and when Father is back in power of the Throne, he will severely punish and destroy them all without mercy. Vengeance and justice must be met.

Ave, Melek Ta'us!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

Yes  do Celina.I too come from a very devout xtian family.Most are ministers and pastors,of their local mind prisons.But I have come to terms with them not being my family,when I joined my true family of Satan. Satan Himself said,that many will want to come to Him in the end,but it will be to late for them.Kind of hard to think about,when talking about you immediate family,even though they are Gentiles deceived by the filthy kikes.But my comfort is in you,and all my other true brothers and sisters,of the one true God Satan.
Hail Satan

From: Celina <lovingbelial@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 9:09 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: when Christians die?

I don't like to think about this because the next thought is my family members, my dad particularly. He is 73 years old and has been in the same xian denomination for like 50 years. He is devout and you can't even get him to even look at or read something that questions the buybull. I love him so much and it saddens me deeply to know what's been done to him like every other gentile. It also angers me. Well...you get what I'm trying to say here.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ wrote:

My understanding is they go to this one big reservoir of soul energy,of the enemy called the one.They going to be surprised,when they find out that their heven is not quit what they exspected.

Hail Satan

From: whitegangster666 <whitegangster666@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 12:47 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] when Christians die?

what happens when a Christian, Jew, or Muslim dies? Since they are not of Satan do they just die and nothing happens? Surely not everyone reincarnates...? I'm new to this site and the concept of immortality sounds really cool..........
There's an excellent site I recently found which I've seen High Priestess Maxine also seemingly recommend and/or endorse (she refers to having come across and found it in her background story on the JoS site - besides I also believe she provided and has a link to it too) which elaborates upon this topic a bit more, besides some other's which I've found too which also seem to confirm this understanding of what that the Annunaki along with the Reptilians and their leader Anu-Jehovah-Yaweh really have in mind for the souls that go to their so called "heaven";
It's really a giant cube soul trap which feeds off their worship praise and prayer energies given to it 
The site is the Luciferian Liberation Front:

~ Hail Enki! ~ Hail Satan! ~
On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 8:25 AM, darrklady13 <darkladyschild@... wrote:
  Some are reincarnted. I don't know how it works with the specifics, but somehow we are "pulled" into a vortex of a sort, and rounded out and eventually reincarnate.

Now, there are some who just fizzle out, who have no progression, who stay in the same useless sort they were before.

I would love to know the specifics of this myself.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "whitegangster666" <whitegangster666@... wrote:

what happens when a Christian, Jew, or Muslim dies? Since they are not of Satan do they just die and nothing happens? Surely not everyone reincarnates...? I'm new to this site and the concept of immortality sounds really cool..........
Hi, can you tell me which link is the one that talks of a huge cube where souls are kept?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Lord Kayle <lord.kayle@... wrote:

There's an excellent site I recently found which I've seen High Priestess
Maxine also seemingly recommend and/or endorse (she refers to having come
across and found it in her background story on the JoS site - besides I
also believe she provided and has a link to it too) which elaborates upon
this topic a bit more, besides some other's which I've found too which also
seem to confirm this understanding of what that the Annunaki along with the
Reptilians and their leader Anu-Jehovah-Yaweh really have in mind for the
souls that go to their so called "heaven";

It's really a giant cube soul trap which feeds off their worship praise and
prayer energies given to it

The site is the Luciferian Liberation Front:


~ Hail Enki! ~ Hail Satan! ~

On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 8:25 AM, darrklady13 <[email protected]:


Some are reincarnted. I don't know how it works with the specifics, but
somehow we are "pulled" into a vortex of a sort, and rounded out and
eventually reincarnate.

Now, there are some who just fizzle out, who have no progression, who stay
in the same useless sort they were before.

I would love to know the specifics of this myself.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "whitegangster666"
<whitegangster666@ wrote:

what happens when a Christian, Jew, or Muslim dies? Since they are not
of Satan do they just die and nothing happens? Surely not everyone
reincarnates...? I'm new to this site and the concept of immortality sounds
really cool..........
I know it doesnt happen to all xtians, atleast immediately. My grandfather visited me minutes after he passed and gave me a warning that proved true. This is months before I became a Satanist but I knew it was him and tuned in. My grandfather also "haunted" his older house when I lived there a year ago.

Sent from AT&T's Wireless network using Mobile Email

------Original Message------
From: darrklady13 <darkladyschild@...
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Monday, November 14, 2011 4:34:48 PM GMT-0000
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: when Christians die?

Hi, can you tell me which link is the one that talks of a huge cube where souls are kept?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Lord Kayle <lord.kayle@... wrote:

There's an excellent site I recently found which I've seen High Priestess
Maxine also seemingly recommend and/or endorse (she refers to having come
across and found it in her background story on the JoS site - besides I
also believe she provided and has a link to it too) which elaborates upon
this topic a bit more, besides some other's which I've found too which also
seem to confirm this understanding of what that the Annunaki along with the
Reptilians and their leader Anu-Jehovah-Yaweh really have in mind for the
souls that go to their so called "heaven";

It's really a giant cube soul trap which feeds off their worship praise and
prayer energies given to it

The site is the Luciferian Liberation Front:


~ Hail Enki! ~ Hail Satan! ~

On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 8:25 AM, darrklady13 <[email protected]:


Some are reincarnted. I don't know how it works with the specifics, but
somehow we are "pulled" into a vortex of a sort, and rounded out and
eventually reincarnate.

Now, there are some who just fizzle out, who have no progression, who stay
in the same useless sort they were before.

I would love to know the specifics of this myself.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "whitegangster666"
<whitegangster666@ wrote:

what happens when a Christian, Jew, or Muslim dies? Since they are not
of Satan do they just die and nothing happens? Surely not everyone
reincarnates...? I'm new to this site and the concept of immortality sounds
really cool..........
From: darrklady13 <darkladyschild@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2011 10:34 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: when Christians die?

  Hi, can you tell me which link is the one that talks of a huge cube where souls are kept?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Lord Kayle <lord.kayle@... wrote:

There's an excellent site I recently found which I've seen High Priestess
Maxine also seemingly recommend and/or endorse (she refers to having come
across and found it in her background story on the JoS site - besides I
also believe she provided and has a link to it too) which elaborates upon
this topic a bit more, besides some other's which I've found too which also
seem to confirm this understanding of what that the Annunaki along with the
Reptilians and their leader Anu-Jehovah-Yaweh really have in mind for the
souls that go to their so called "heaven";

It's really a giant cube soul trap which feeds off their worship praise and
prayer energies given to it

The site is the Luciferian Liberation Front:


~ Hail Enki! ~ Hail Satan! ~

On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 8:25 AM, darrklady13 <[email protected]:


Some are reincarnted. I don't know how it works with the specifics, but
somehow we are "pulled" into a vortex of a sort, and rounded out and
eventually reincarnate.

Now, there are some who just fizzle out, who have no progression, who stay
in the same useless sort they were before.

I would love to know the specifics of this myself.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "whitegangster666"
<whitegangster666@ wrote:

what happens when a Christian, Jew, or Muslim dies? Since they are not
of Satan do they just die and nothing happens? Surely not everyone
reincarnates...? I'm new to this site and the concept of immortality sounds
really cool..........

when i became a satanist i did the ritual at about 2:00 mid day i wrote thespeach out had the fire set up and every thing and went out side with a red candel i read it over and tryed to use a needle to cut my finger it didnt work so i had to restart the ritual 3 times with different things till i got it right then cince i didnt have a silver bowl i lit up the
paper and put [/IMG]</var>
Not true Tyler.Remember its not how you did it,but the attitude in your heart when doing it.If you were sincere about committing yourself to Satan,than it worked.Don't worry about the formalities.Welcome to the family.Hail SatanBrian

From: Tyler Harmon <tylerharmon62@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 11:59 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] did i do it right?


when i became a satanist i did the ritual at about 2:00 mid day i wrote thespeach out had the fire set up and every thing and went out side with a red candel i read it over and tryed to use a needle to cut my finger it didnt work so i had to restart the ritual 3 times with different things till i got it right then cince i didnt have a silver bowl i lit up the
paper and put [/IMG]</var>
yes I can!~ 
One of them which I know is endorsed by High Priestess Maxine is the Luciferian Liberation Front here's the link to the main article on their site which I have found that seems to cover that subject the most thoroughly "Jesus of Borg":

~ Hail Satan! ~

On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 8:34 AM, darrklady13 <darkladyschild@... wrote:
  Hi, can you tell me which link is the one that talks of a huge cube where souls are kept?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Lord Kayle <lord.kayle@... wrote:

There's an excellent site I recently found which I've seen High Priestess
Maxine also seemingly recommend and/or endorse (she refers to having come
across and found it in her background story on the JoS site - besides I
also believe she provided and has a link to it too) which elaborates upon
this topic a bit more, besides some other's which I've found too which also
seem to confirm this understanding of what that the Annunaki along with the
Reptilians and their leader Anu-Jehovah-Yaweh really have in mind for the
souls that go to their so called "heaven";

It's really a giant cube soul trap which feeds off their worship praise and
prayer energies given to it

The site is the Luciferian Liberation Front:


~ Hail Enki! ~ Hail Satan! ~

On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 8:25 AM, darrklady13 <[email protected]:


Some are reincarnted. I don't know how it works with the specifics, but
somehow we are "pulled" into a vortex of a sort, and rounded out and
eventually reincarnate.

Now, there are some who just fizzle out, who have no progression, who stay
in the same useless sort they were before.

I would love to know the specifics of this myself.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "whitegangster666"
<whitegangster666@ wrote:

what happens when a Christian, Jew, or Muslim dies? Since they are not
of Satan do they just die and nothing happens? Surely not everyone
reincarnates...? I'm new to this site and the concept of immortality sounds
really cool..........
honestly who cares what happens to them they are bitchs that think they are always right and that there is no fawls in there belief but there are. if they do fizzle out i hope every christian fizzles out for all the shit they put us through and for all the rejection that we get towards so many things in life fuck them
Awesome Lord Kayle, thanks!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Lord Kayle <lord.kayle@... wrote:

yes I can!~

One of them which I know is endorsed by High Priestess Maxine is the
Luciferian Liberation Front here's the link to the main article on their
site which I have found that seems to cover that subject the most
thoroughly "Jesus of Borg":


~ Hail Satan! ~

On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 8:34 AM, darrklady13 <[email protected]:


Hi, can you tell me which link is the one that talks of a huge cube where
souls are kept?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Lord Kayle <lord.kayle@ wrote:

There's an excellent site I recently found which I've seen High Priestess
Maxine also seemingly recommend and/or endorse (she refers to having come
across and found it in her background story on the JoS site - besides I
also believe she provided and has a link to it too) which elaborates upon
this topic a bit more, besides some other's which I've found too which
seem to confirm this understanding of what that the Annunaki along with
Reptilians and their leader Anu-Jehovah-Yaweh really have in mind for the
souls that go to their so called "heaven";

It's really a giant cube soul trap which feeds off their worship praise
prayer energies given to it

The site is the Luciferian Liberation Front:


~ Hail Enki! ~ Hail Satan! ~

On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 8:25 AM, darrklady13 <darkladyschild@wrote:


Some are reincarnted. I don't know how it works with the specifics, but
somehow we are "pulled" into a vortex of a sort, and rounded out and
eventually reincarnate.

Now, there are some who just fizzle out, who have no progression, who
in the same useless sort they were before.

I would love to know the specifics of this myself.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "whitegangster666"
<whitegangster666@ wrote:

what happens when a Christian, Jew, or Muslim dies? Since they are
of Satan do they just die and nothing happens? Surely not everyone
reincarnates...? I'm new to this site and the concept of immortality
really cool..........
I get that you are upset at the xians for what they have done, but you have to remember they aren't aware of the truth. They are completely indoctrinated and brainwashed from the kikes.

I can assure you that a lot of us have blood-related family members who are xian or atheist, and while we love them we had to separate ourselves from them, for the Al Jilwah states:

"I do not allow friendly association with other people, nor do I deprive them that are my own and that obey me of anything that is good for them."

Meaning that Father does not wish us to associate with those who are without. This, at least for me, has been a great source of concern for me as I don't particularly wish to just abandon my family (and I haven't done so yet because when I am able to, I intend to ask Father about it).

Please keep that in mind before you spout your hate, calling them "bitches" and wishing they would "fizzle out". Do I wish xianity the religion would fade out? Yes. Do I wish that the people close to me who happen to BE xians would fade out? Certainly not.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "s.hildebran" <s.hildebran@... wrote:

honestly who cares what happens to them they are bitchs that think they are always right and that there is no fawls in there belief but there are. if they do fizzle out i hope every christian fizzles out for all the shit they put us through and for all the rejection that we get towards so many things in life fuck them
"markusderakh - [...] but you have to remember they aren't aware of the truth. They are completely indoctrinated and brainwashed from the kikes."

I was like you, thinking give them chances and try to understand them but now FUCK THEM. Being discriminated at school and making me fail exams just because 1 teacher saw my inverted cross. FUCK ALL CHRISTIANS & JEWS I'm no Friendly no more. If you want to be friendly fine, but be aware they going to walk on your feet later!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "markusderakh" <markusderakh@... wrote:

I get that you are upset at the xians for what they have done, but you have to remember they aren't aware of the truth. They are completely indoctrinated and brainwashed from the kikes.

I can assure you that a lot of us have blood-related family members who are xian or atheist, and while we love them we had to separate ourselves from them, for the Al Jilwah states:

"I do not allow friendly association with other people, nor do I deprive them that are my own and that obey me of anything that is good for them."

Meaning that Father does not wish us to associate with those who are without. This, at least for me, has been a great source of concern for me as I don't particularly wish to just abandon my family (and I haven't done so yet because when I am able to, I intend to ask Father about it).

Please keep that in mind before you spout your hate, calling them "bitches" and wishing they would "fizzle out". Do I wish xianity the religion would fade out? Yes. Do I wish that the people close to me who happen to BE xians would fade out? Certainly not.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "s.hildebran" <s.hildebran@ wrote:

honestly who cares what happens to them they are bitchs that think they are always right and that there is no fawls in there belief but there are. if they do fizzle out i hope every christian fizzles out for all the shit they put us through and for all the rejection that we get towards so many things in life fuck them
"Do I wish xianity the religion would fade out? Yes. Do I wish that the people close to me who happen to BE xians would fade out? Certainly not".



--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "markusderakh" <markusderakh@... wrote:

I get that you are upset at the xians for what they have done, but you have to remember they aren't aware of the truth. They are completely indoctrinated and brainwashed from the kikes.

I can assure you that a lot of us have blood-related family members who are xian or atheist, and while we love them we had to separate ourselves from them, for the Al Jilwah states:

"I do not allow friendly association with other people, nor do I deprive them that are my own and that obey me of anything that is good for them."

Meaning that Father does not wish us to associate with those who are without. This, at least for me, has been a great source of concern for me as I don't particularly wish to just abandon my family (and I haven't done so yet because when I am able to, I intend to ask Father about it).

Please keep that in mind before you spout your hate, calling them "bitches" and wishing they would "fizzle out". Do I wish xianity the religion would fade out? Yes. Do I wish that the people close to me who happen to BE xians would fade out? Certainly not.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "s.hildebran" <s.hildebran@ wrote:

honestly who cares what happens to them they are bitchs that think they are always right and that there is no fawls in there belief but there are. if they do fizzle out i hope every christian fizzles out for all the shit they put us through and for all the rejection that we get towards so many things in life fuck them
You're welcome!~

Thanks for thanking me!~

~ Hail Satan!~

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "darrklady13" <darkladyschild@... wrote:

Awesome Lord Kayle, thanks!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Lord Kayle <lord.kayle@ wrote:

yes I can!~

One of them which I know is endorsed by High Priestess Maxine is the
Luciferian Liberation Front here's the link to the main article on their
site which I have found that seems to cover that subject the most
thoroughly "Jesus of Borg":


~ Hail Satan! ~

On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 8:34 AM, darrklady13 <darkladyschild@wrote:


Hi, can you tell me which link is the one that talks of a huge cube where
souls are kept?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Lord Kayle <lord.kayle@ wrote:

There's an excellent site I recently found which I've seen High Priestess
Maxine also seemingly recommend and/or endorse (she refers to having come
across and found it in her background story on the JoS site - besides I
also believe she provided and has a link to it too) which elaborates upon
this topic a bit more, besides some other's which I've found too which
seem to confirm this understanding of what that the Annunaki along with
Reptilians and their leader Anu-Jehovah-Yaweh really have in mind for the
souls that go to their so called "heaven";

It's really a giant cube soul trap which feeds off their worship praise
prayer energies given to it

The site is the Luciferian Liberation Front:


~ Hail Enki! ~ Hail Satan! ~

On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 8:25 AM, darrklady13 <darkladyschild@wrote:


Some are reincarnted. I don't know how it works with the specifics, but
somehow we are "pulled" into a vortex of a sort, and rounded out and
eventually reincarnate.

Now, there are some who just fizzle out, who have no progression, who
in the same useless sort they were before.

I would love to know the specifics of this myself.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "whitegangster666"
<whitegangster666@ wrote:

what happens when a Christian, Jew, or Muslim dies? Since they are
of Satan do they just die and nothing happens? Surely not everyone
reincarnates...? I'm new to this site and the concept of immortality
really cool..........
Do past life regressions. the soul remembers all....google pictures of different times the 70s 60s 20s whatever and if certain things appeal to you or feel familiar that's a sign that you might've lived in that time, do the same with music.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Tyler Harmon <tylerharmon62@... wrote:

when we die and get rencarnated do we remember our past selfs?
Working the crown chakra will open memories of ur past lives. The Jupiter square also will do this too. I experience these in dreams happening more and more as i empower this chakra.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "krazymuthauka" <krazymuthauka@... wrote:

Do past life regressions. the soul remembers all....google pictures of different times the 70s 60s 20s whatever and if certain things appeal to you or feel familiar that's a sign that you might've lived in that time, do the same with music.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Tyler Harmon <tylerharmon62@ wrote:

when we die and get rencarnated do we remember our past selfs?
This is interesting. I haven't done a past life regression yet but your reply sparked some thoughts. I have had a love of all things 40s and 50s from the age of 7. One day I was flipping through radio stations and landed on the oldies station playing 50s music. It was an instant love affair. The clothes, the shoes, the cars, the music, the hairstyles, everything. For the longest time my dream car was a 1957 Chevy...lol, lol...I guess it still is.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "krazymuthauka" <krazymuthauka@... wrote:

Do past life regressions. the soul remembers all....google pictures of different times the 70s 60s 20s whatever and if certain things appeal to you or feel familiar that's a sign that you might've lived in that time, do the same with music.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Tyler Harmon <tylerharmon62@ wrote:

when we die and get rencarnated do we remember our past selfs?
Yep same thing w/ me with the 80s 70s 1900s-20s and the Victorian age

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Celina" <lovingbelial@... wrote:

This is interesting. I haven't done a past life regression yet but your reply sparked some thoughts. I have had a love of all things 40s and 50s from the age of 7. One day I was flipping through radio stations and landed on the oldies station playing 50s music. It was an instant love affair. The clothes, the shoes, the cars, the music, the hairstyles, everything. For the longest time my dream car was a 1957 Chevy...lol, lol...I guess it still is.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "krazymuthauka" <krazymuthauka@ wrote:

Do past life regressions. the soul remembers all....google pictures of different times the 70s 60s 20s whatever and if certain things appeal to you or feel familiar that's a sign that you might've lived in that time, do the same with music.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Tyler Harmon <tylerharmon62@ wrote:

when we die and get rencarnated do we remember our past selfs?
I was always obsessed with Ancient Egypt, from the time I can remember. I could even read hieroglyphs, not fluently but I was learning. The first past life regression I did, I went to my life in ancient Egypt. I was in the temple of my GD, who is still my GD to this day!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "krazymuthauka" <krazymuthauka@... wrote:

Yep same thing w/ me with the 80s 70s 1900s-20s and the Victorian age

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Celina" <lovingbelial@ wrote:

This is interesting. I haven't done a past life regression yet but your reply sparked some thoughts. I have had a love of all things 40s and 50s from the age of 7. One day I was flipping through radio stations and landed on the oldies station playing 50s music. It was an instant love affair. The clothes, the shoes, the cars, the music, the hairstyles, everything. For the longest time my dream car was a 1957 Chevy...lol, lol...I guess it still is.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "krazymuthauka" <krazymuthauka@ wrote:

Do past life regressions. the soul remembers all....google pictures of different times the 70s 60s 20s whatever and if certain things appeal to you or feel familiar that's a sign that you might've lived in that time, do the same with music.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Tyler Harmon <tylerharmon62@ wrote:

when we die and get rencarnated do we remember our past selfs?
Of course! Go to JoS, click on the "Meditations" link, and in the left-hand column there's a link for past life regressions. It's easy enough, you just have to be able to tell the difference from your soul's memories and your imagination.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], kenessa dunn <kenessa@... wrote:

Is there anyway to find out about ur past lives

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
