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What The Enemy Has Admitted They Damned Us

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What The Enemy Has Admitted They Damned Us

The enemy between their mumbo jumbo and lies, do reveal certain truths. This is done because the most successful lie has to be mixed with some truth and knowledge has advanced to the level they have make adjustments to their program.

Their useful idiot's who communicate with "The Metatron" which is as the Rabbi's state is the title for nothing more then a cabal of enemy Extra Terrestrials [the "gods" of the Jews]. Have revealed certain things between the lies and mumbo jumbo.

Earth was once very advanced in the "Lemuria" period, humans had very advanced "light bodies" and the Siddhi's of the Yogi's, this planet was a paradise. Then what happened is this planet was put into a lower dimensional state called "Metatron's cube" this is the state we are in now. Metatron's cube is the energy field the enemy program has created in the astral gird of the earth, with the 22 Hebrew letters and how they connect into their programs of the Bible and Koran, and the final materialization of the slave planet its designed to bring about. The enemy admits they shut off most of the human mind, especially the centers that govern higher abilities. This was done by the driving down the kundalini serpent. They have also "fragmented" the human soul. The different bodies that make up the human. The Kosha's are disjointed, the emotional, mental, astral, bodies this relates to the over all soul and physical body. This has created an issue with the etheric body and physical body which along with the lower density of "Metatron's cube" has created the dross within the soul that manifests in time within the body as sickness, old age and death. The effects of the "Metatron's cube." There is also the time factor within this all, the time between the mind's ability to think and image something and manifesting it is to the point of a major lag to almost nothing. And the negativity human's suffer is made to the highest level. The negative effects of the Metatron dimension are old age, death, suffering of all sorts.

This is shown in the enemy book the Bible which created Metatron's cube. The enemy curses humanity to old age, sickness and death in Genesis. The enemy even states in Genesis they have put a curse upon the entire earth for the benefit of the Jews. So we are in a Prison Planet. The cube of Metatron which is also the Kabbalah cube which is the 22 Hebrew letters in Kabbalah, the Torah. Has to be dismantled if we are going to fully spirituality and technologically advance as planet. This can only be done with the Final Reveres Torah Ritual.

The enemy attacked our solar system around ten thousand years ago. Including earth, the evidence of which is still all over our planet. The flood that "god" in the Bible caused to destroy our world occurred with the destruction of Phaeton the planet between Mars and Jupiter. When the fall out hit our planet. This was the enemy attack on our solar system and world. Much of the surface our world was destroyed. Note in the Torah when "god" destroys Sodom and Gomorrah with "fire and brimstone" the region this was stated to happen within, the Dead Sea area has the ancient ruins of several cities in the region that have been found to have been vaporised and the stones petrified and were once turned to a liquid state, people mistook a lot of them for old rock cliff's they were melted down so much. The area has a 5 mile blast crater that is surrounded by the evidence of a nuclear weapon being used. This includes the sand being full of a glass effect from the heat of the weapon. The whole area was vaporized and melted. And is left barren to this day. Its a glass parking lot. We can note how "god" destroyed our earth, we were attacked by enemy Extra Terrestrials, who used their technology.
HP Mageson666 said:
Earth was once very advanced in the "Lemuria" period, humans had very advanced "light bodies" and the Siddhi's of the Yogi's, this planet was a paradise. The enemy admits they shut off most of the human mind, especially the centers that govern higher abilities. This was done by the driving down the kundalini serpent. They have also "fragmented" the human soul. The different bodies that make up the human. The Kosha's are disjointed, the emotional, mental, astral, bodies this relates to the over all soul and physical body.

(*Fragmented*) This is exactly how I feel in fact from some sermons back in Yahoo and ProPhP forums, years ago, you mentioned similar things that while not as black and white as this article I put two and two together and realized such phenomena. For example Astral projection(Dream world) and Etheric Projection(Real-time) are using the astral vehicle of the soul which can be merged and reunited at will with appropriate training. But here is the thing why is it we have separate vehicles or bodies that feel separated and not conjoined more disjointed(such as emotional upheavals or improper emotions when someone is seen) as you put it. Maxine mentioned her experience with Azazel(Ashur) and his consciousness next to her i.e. an Astral or perhaps Conscious projection though she does mention his body so it's probably the Astral.

I'm aware that yes it's okay nothing wrong with it if the Gods where around or at least advanced/advancing societies but is it normal to feel like your soul is not even connected to the body much less in existence.

Besides previous sermons how interconnected is the soul? For example is it 1:1 connection as an example if your not erect does that mean the soul organ of the virile member is not erect?

And finally you mention "Light Body/Bodies" can you please specifically go into detail about it considering most of it out there is just new age hogwash. I posted in another thread about the *IMPORTANCE* of the Light Body. In fact in my studies I found it to be a pre-requieste for the use of the universal siddhis i.e. Gold, Silver, 10th, and 11th chakras above our heads. The so-called transpersonal chakras or chakras above the Tree of Life/World. Things delving into advanced formulas like the Sun disk of Ra system of sciences.

You also mentioned HUGE destruction of Light Body information in India by jesuit rothschild agents during the mid 1800s period as well as murder of Yogis simply for knowing too much. In some cases Yogis doing 16 hour sessions of meditation just to progress an iota of capability.

So what exactly is this *Light Body* and why do we to the best of my knowledge have to "wear" it or more precisely "merge" it with our soul? Is it really THAT disjointed from our souls and bodies?
HP Mageson666 said:
What The Enemy Has Admitted They Damned Us

The enemy between their mumbo jumbo and lies, do reveal certain truths. This is done because the most successful lie has to be mixed with some truth and knowledge has advanced to the level they have make adjustments to their program.

Their useful idiot's who communicate with "The Metatron" which is as the Rabbi's state is the title for nothing more then a cabal of enemy Extra Terrestrials [the "gods" of the Jews]. Have revealed certain things between the lies and mumbo jumbo.

Earth was once very advanced in the "Lemuria" period, humans had very advanced "light bodies" and the Siddhi's of the Yogi's, this planet was a paradise. Then what happened is this planet was put into a lower dimensional state called "Metatron's cube" this is the state we are in now. Metatron's cube is the energy field the enemy program has created in the astral gird of the earth, with the 22 Hebrew letters and how they connect into their programs of the Bible and Koran, and the final materialization of the slave planet its designed to bring about. The enemy admits they shut off most of the human mind, especially the centers that govern higher abilities. This was done by the driving down the kundalini serpent. They have also "fragmented" the human soul. The different bodies that make up the human. The Kosha's are disjointed, the emotional, mental, astral, bodies this relates to the over all soul and physical body. This has created an issue with the etheric body and physical body which along with the lower density of "Metatron's cube" has created the dross within the soul that manifests in time within the body as sickness, old age and death. The effects of the "Metatron's cube." There is also the time factor within this all, the time between the mind's ability to think and image something and manifesting it is to the point of a major lag to almost nothing. And the negativity human's suffer is made to the highest level. The negative effects of the Metatron dimension are old age, death, suffering of all sorts.

This is shown in the enemy book the Bible which created Metatron's cube. The enemy curses humanity to old age, sickness and death in Genesis. The enemy even states in Genesis they have put a curse upon the entire earth for the benefit of the Jews. So we are in a Prison Planet. The cube of Metatron which is also the Kabbalah cube which is the 22 Hebrew letters in Kabbalah, the Torah. Has to be dismantled if we are going to fully spirituality and technologically advance as planet. This can only be done with the Final Reveres Torah Ritual.

The enemy attacked our solar system around ten thousand years ago. Including earth, the evidence of which is still all over our planet. The flood that "god" in the Bible caused to destroy our world occurred with the destruction of Phaeton the planet between Mars and Jupiter. When the fall out hit our planet. This was the enemy attack on our solar system and world. Much of the surface our world was destroyed. Note in the Torah when "god" destroys Sodom and Gomorrah with "fire and brimstone" the region this was stated to happen within, the Dead Sea area has the ancient ruins of several cities in the region that have been found to have been vaporised and the stones petrified and were once turned to a liquid state, people mistook a lot of them for old rock cliff's they were melted down so much. The area has a 5 mile blast crater that is surrounded by the evidence of a nuclear weapon being used. This includes the sand being full of a glass effect from the heat of the weapon. The whole area was vaporized and melted. And is left barren to this day. Its a glass parking lot. We can note how "god" destroyed our earth, we were attacked by enemy Extra Terrestrials, who used their technology.
HP Mageson666 you are simply an excellent satanic soul. My compliments, excellent sermon.
HP Mageson666 said:
There is also the time factor within this all, the time between the mind's ability to think and image something and manifesting it is to the point of a major lag to almost nothing.
Especially when I was just starting out in my early SS days, I always had a feeling like my workings should yield results much more quickly than they actually did in reality. This had often made me frustrated and lead to the cancellation of many workings, back in the day.
I didn't know that (((their))) astral grid also slows down these things as well. Great sermon. :)
Perhaps the earthly equivalent of Metatron(i.e. the world government) could be called Globotron. :)

It seems that the real World War was fought around 10.000 years ago and WW1 + WW2 were just minor skirmishes compared to that.
Did the nukes back then create all this sand between the Sahara and Gobi regions?
HP Mageson666 said:
No...fucking...way... This word popped into my head several days ago, and as far as I know I've never come across it before. I made a note of it but hadn't taken it any further. There was also a bit more. Of course, the (((knowledge))) tells us that this idea of Lemuria has been discredited, and also occultists and pop culture adopted it after that.

Shael said:
HP Mageson666 said:
There is also the time factor within this all, the time between the mind's ability to think and image something and manifesting it is to the point of a major lag to almost nothing.
Especially when I was just starting out in my early SS days, I always had a feeling like my workings should yield results much more quickly than they actually did in reality. This had often made me frustrated and lead to the cancellation of many workings, back in the day.
I didn't know that (((their))) astral grid also slows down these things as well. Great sermon. :)
I find it so cool that, as a mere coincidence, I said a few times that the jew slows things down so that it can be in control...and then a sermon is done mentioning it with a word popping into my head randomly in-between all of it. Evidently, I didn't mention anything about an Astral grid used against Earth, though. (There comes a point, or points, that one realises that when repeated coincidence after coincidence after coincidence, both trivial and more important, keep happening, that they are no longer merely coincidence - and this is one of those times!)
Its stated to have been a Siddhi, that a person could manifest their thoughts into reality quickly. This is the eastern allegory of the Wishing Tree. Some Siddha's were known to have this ability and where nick named after such.

Shael said:
Especially when I was just starting out in my early SS days, I always had a feeling like my workings should yield results much more quickly than they actually did in reality. This had often made me frustrated and lead to the cancellation of many workings, back in the day.
I didn't know that (((their))) astral grid also slows down these things as well. Great sermon. :)
The Light Body is the "Star Body" in alchemy. I don't really pay any attention to the New Age.
Something I wonder is the real "Flower of Life" the 8 pointed star. I suspect it is.
HP Mageson666 said:
Its stated to have been a Siddhi, that a person could manifest their thoughts into reality quickly. This is the eastern allegory of the Wishing Tree. Some Siddha's were known to have this ability and where nick named after such.
Very interesting.
I cant wait to reattain that ability :lol:
HP Mageson666 said:
What The Enemy Has Admitted They Damned Us

The enemy between their mumbo jumbo and lies, do reveal certain truths. This is done because the most successful lie has to be mixed with some truth and knowledge has advanced to the level they have make adjustments to their program.

Their useful idiot's who communicate with "The Metatron" which is as the Rabbi's state is the title for nothing more then a cabal of enemy Extra Terrestrials [the "gods" of the Jews]. Have revealed certain things between the lies and mumbo jumbo.

Earth was once very advanced in the "Lemuria" period, humans had very advanced "light bodies" and the Siddhi's of the Yogi's, this planet was a paradise. Then what happened is this planet was put into a lower dimensional state called "Metatron's cube" this is the state we are in now. Metatron's cube is the energy field the enemy program has created in the astral gird of the earth, with the 22 Hebrew letters and how they connect into their programs of the Bible and Koran, and the final materialization of the slave planet its designed to bring about. The enemy admits they shut off most of the human mind, especially the centers that govern higher abilities. This was done by the driving down the kundalini serpent. They have also "fragmented" the human soul. The different bodies that make up the human. The Kosha's are disjointed, the emotional, mental, astral, bodies this relates to the over all soul and physical body. This has created an issue with the etheric body and physical body which along with the lower density of "Metatron's cube" has created the dross within the soul that manifests in time within the body as sickness, old age and death. The effects of the "Metatron's cube." There is also the time factor within this all, the time between the mind's ability to think and image something and manifesting it is to the point of a major lag to almost nothing. And the negativity human's suffer is made to the highest level. The negative effects of the Metatron dimension are old age, death, suffering of all sorts.

This is shown in the enemy book the Bible which created Metatron's cube. The enemy curses humanity to old age, sickness and death in Genesis. The enemy even states in Genesis they have put a curse upon the entire earth for the benefit of the Jews. So we are in a Prison Planet. The cube of Metatron which is also the Kabbalah cube which is the 22 Hebrew letters in Kabbalah, the Torah. Has to be dismantled if we are going to fully spirituality and technologically advance as planet. This can only be done with the Final Reveres Torah Ritual.

The enemy attacked our solar system around ten thousand years ago. Including earth, the evidence of which is still all over our planet. The flood that "god" in the Bible caused to destroy our world occurred with the destruction of Phaeton the planet between Mars and Jupiter. When the fall out hit our planet. This was the enemy attack on our solar system and world. Much of the surface our world was destroyed. Note in the Torah when "god" destroys Sodom and Gomorrah with "fire and brimstone" the region this was stated to happen within, the Dead Sea area has the ancient ruins of several cities in the region that have been found to have been vaporised and the stones petrified and were once turned to a liquid state, people mistook a lot of them for old rock cliff's they were melted down so much. The area has a 5 mile blast crater that is surrounded by the evidence of a nuclear weapon being used. This includes the sand being full of a glass effect from the heat of the weapon. The whole area was vaporized and melted. And is left barren to this day. Its a glass parking lot. We can note how "god" destroyed our earth, we were attacked by enemy Extra Terrestrials, who used their technology.
That explains why there are so much minrals and in the Dead Sea.
The official scientific version occult this by saying that the cause of this destruction was a meteorite...


A meteor destroyed the settlements of the Dead Sea 3,700 years ago

the heat wave unleashed by an explosion in the sky destroyed cities and agricultural settlements north of the Dead Sea some 3,700 years ago, preliminary results suggest. Radiocarbon dating and unearthed minerals that crystallized instantly at high temperatures indicate that a massive explosion caused by a meteor that exploded in the atmosphere instantly destroyed civilization in a 25-kilometer-wide circular plain called Middle Ghor, said archaeologist Phillip Silvia , cited by Science News .

Their evidence proves that the event also pushed a bubbling brine of Dead Sea salts over previously fertile farmland. People did not return to the region for 600 to 700 years, said Silvia, of Trinity Southwest University in Albuquerque. He reported on these findings at the annual meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research.

Excavations at five major sites in Middle Ghor, in what is now Jordan, indicate that they were all continuously occupied for at least 2,500 years until a sudden collective collapse towards the end of the Bronze Age. Field studies have located 120 smaller settlements in the region that researchers suspect were also exposed to extreme heat and wind that cause collapses. It is estimated that between 40,000 and 65,000 people inhabited Middle Ghor when the cosmic calamity occurred, said Silvia.

This is how one of the largest craters formed in Greenland 12,000 years ago was discovered
The most complete evidence of the destruction caused by a low-altitude meteor explosion comes from the city of Tall el-Hammam, in the Bronze Age, where a team that includes Silvia has been excavating for the past 13 years. The radiocarbon dating indicates that the adobe walls of almost all the structures disappeared suddenly some 3,700 years ago, leaving only stone foundations.

In addition, the outer layers of many ceramic pieces of the same period show signs of having melted into glass. Silvia said that the zircon crystals in those vitreous layers formed in a second at extremely high temperatures, perhaps as much as the surface of the sun.

High force winds created small spherical mineral grains that apparently rained on Tall el-Hammam, he said. The research team has identified these tiny fragments of rock in ceramic fragments at the site.


Also in the Sahara desert there is a mysterious crater where all the earth around it is vitrified as if it has melted when subjected to a temperature of several thousand degrees Celsius.

Shael said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Its stated to have been a Siddhi, that a person could manifest their thoughts into reality quickly. This is the eastern allegory of the Wishing Tree. Some Siddha's were known to have this ability and where nick named after such.
Very interesting.
I cant wait to reattain that ability :lol:

All your dreams will come true ^_^ I know mine will
The ancient Babylon and Sumerian texts talk about a war in which ariel ships where used and fired a lance in the sky that rode on a beam and when it hit the enemy city it caused a blast of heat that rose into the sky and burned up everyone in the city and incinerated the city. It also talks about in the Lamination texts in which radiation sickness wiped out an entire city from such weapon. Weapons being launched from the sky and scorching everything like fire.

But five entire cities were literally melted into petrified rocks which match the describe of those weapons and the area turned into a waste land, but it most have been a rock from the sky. Despite the fact meteorites release their explosive heat high up in the atmosphere not on the ground. That place was hit with some kind of advanced weapon. Where the ancient remains that are still radioactive that where found in India, done by a meteorite.

The situation is what does the enemy gain by lying and trying to remove the knowledge this planet had advanced technology in the ancient world.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
