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What Makes The Satanist

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Due to pressing time, I will just keep it brief.

Satanism is at the Soul. There is slight to non-existent chance that someone seeks Satan at some point in their life, and their Soul is not Satanic somewhere in nature. Many people don't actively seek out Satan. The more intensive the need, the more Satanic is the Soul. Unless of course this is done in the spirit of jokes, which, even in itself, can have some meaning too. Whomever seeks Satan, has something in their Soul drawing them to Him.

Depending on the power of the bond, it can be a very severe longing, but all Satanic people have something in the back of their head always bringing them back to the one whom today humanity largely, calls Satan.

Now, many people set the baseline too high for their expectations out of nowhere. The Dedication is a rite of passage. You are not initiated. You are level one, square one. The Satanist is also made through meditation, spirituality, growth in wisdom and so forth. Actually, if such qualities were present in the first place, the person has probably delved into "Satanic" things in the past.

This is carried with the Soul and one seeks to enter the path again for further development. Where this comes to someone can vary, as the part of the Soul that remembers reincarnations is not always active unless one has reached a very high spiritual peak, circumstances bring that about, or this is activated by wisdom and realistic meditation.

The blueprints however will be everywhere in your early life. This is actually what you are building. These tendencies of the soul are more powerful than visual or audio memories in themselves. It's instinctive. The soul doesn't understand mortal death like the mortal body and mind does. But the essential "WE" of ourselves remains in a form.

Many people hate themselves for being weak, such as falling in pitfalls like drugs, not meditating, and generally, being a victim of their times. You should hate your weaknesses, not yourself. And the only viable hatred towards your weakness is to have a loyalty into growing strong. This can take a lot of time. Also, bad qualities of a person, do not always erase the good qualities.

Beating yourself for falling into a carefully woven conspiracy and a lifestyle that is enforced to you since birth, and being forced into a path by fate or other forces beyond your control, is abnormal. The society is in itself in many places to manipulate 99.9% of people into systematic delusion and failure.

Awakening and becoming a Satanist can take time.

All that matters for one to be able to do the above is the basis of the person. If you have it, you are lucky. That is, a Satanic spirit somewhere in the person.

Satanism is for those who have spiritually elite potential. Actualization of this potential takes time. This process is how one becomes a Spiritual Satanist.

Spiritual Satanism tries to make the Magnum Opus out of the individual person. This process is the complete refinement into the person into an actual Godly and spiritually realized entity. This takes time, effort, but is also an easy path when one is loyal to it and building power through the path.

Perfection takes time.
Hi there HP, since I was a child I remember that I had certain attraction for the word "Hell" and years later my family forced me to go to church and that concept turned into a negative one. I hated christianity in a light way and I thought "if I have a soul, what can I do with this?", then I met the internet and found a video on Youtube of "How to do an psi-ball" and I practiced, it felt nice for my hands and it was a way that I warmed my body when there was a cold temperature(warming and hands and rubbing it over my cold body parts)

One night, I did the psi-ball again and then I felt a very negative presence around me and I saw a kind of head observing me, I did not put attention to it and continued the exercise but when I did it, then the negative force increased it's pressure over me. I left such exercises and that entity left. Years later(I think that 5 or 6) I found the JOS and I was very happy with it.
Thank you for this sermon. Ive gotten a bit wiser through a series of life changing bad decisions I will keep fighting and moving foward. Thank you for confirming exactly what ive had to come to terms with recently I feel so much comfort knowing Im not standing alone. Lesson # too many to count, hate the weakness not the self, patience and discretion.

I've had those pitfalls in the past. I think the right way to look at it is instead of beating yourself up over it and not progressing, turn that into motivation for the future. Because I strayed for a little while, it makes me want to advance all the much more now.

I think in Satanism you have to cross a threshold before things start to fall into place and get easy. It can take awhile but it happens if you are really committed. Never give up SS!
This sermon is awesome.Back in My Primary school Years,i remember being drawn to the unknown by some forces i couldn't understand.Things like Horoscopes & astrological movements of Planets just made me tick.Then one day i bumped into my late Dad's(Mark this;He was a FreeMason) book "Morals & Dogma" By Albert Pike & being an avid reader,i went through the book then later discovered works by Alice Bailey & Rudolf Steiner at my father's bookshelves though Momma frowned upon my interest on such books.
Years later,circumstances in life would lead me to A Masonic Lodge where i made friends with some Masonic Men who would invite me to their luncheons,Pancakes breakfasts and their Family Functions.Longstory shrt,some months prior to my initiation into FM, I came across JoS Minstries which really interested me.I ended up cutting communications with the Freemasons since i realized how Masonic Lodges were run mostly by Jews and one year later,i Performed the Dedication ritual & am still going strong.
Hail Father Satan!
LDL2369 said:
Thank you for this sermon. Ive gotten a bit wiser through a series of life changing bad decisions I will keep fighting and moving foward. Thank you for confirming exactly what ive had to come to terms with recently I feel so much comfort knowing Im not standing alone. Lesson # too many to count, hate the weakness not the self, patience and discretion.


Yh I'm having similar issues with what HP Cobra described as well. It is essential that we associate our weaknesses away from ourselves... as hiccups temporarily stepping in front of our Satanic journey. What I hear many people try to do is associate their weakness with Jewish entities and thoughtforms attacking us but I believe that will actually work against you, then you are not placing yourself and the weakness in the same perspective (as in the weakness is of yourself, though attacks are a possibility) but are instead putting it onto the "jebooish thoughtforms".

There still has to be some balance of honesty to yourself, but also dismissal of the hiccups that hold you back(as with any other kind of balance). Reinforce what you want into your subconscious and disassociate from yourself what you want out of your subconscious. First though, that has to be done consciously via action which is where I keep on getting myself stuck and self discipline is key. I may know a fuck ton through wondering and researching information but it don't do jack shit if I don't have the self discipline to actively chase it. That is the problem I feel a lot of people who are held back in Satanism have. Today I actually came up with a quote describing that notion: "Everything you do and thus *are* is conscious before it is subconscious, therefore changing your subconscious requires conscious action". You only dream about things in your subconscious because they have become "of you", "acknowledged" etc.

Another thing is that I desire to do so much for Satan and humanity, but am "held back" by the sheer fact that it is "so much". Instead of receding and taking the "easy way", it is in our collective interests as progressing Satanists to learn how to attack certain routes of progression and betterment of our souls one way at a time instead of looking at the whole picture and tackling it all at once.

A good video that sums up some of my points and a few others: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPn3UOt1lxw

And apologies if my message is a tad sporadic, my energy levels haven't been the best lately. I am dedicating again, more formally this time on Samhain and am spending the day less on reflection (a thing I have always been masterful with) and more with realising and planning my goals, focusing consciously so they can integrate themselves properly this time.

Saytan Abbrasa
I would say contact with the Gods is the first thing that should be mastered.
13th_Wolf said:
..."Everything you do and thus *are* is conscious before it is subconscious, therefore changing your subconscious requires conscious action". You only dream about things in your subconscious because they have become "of you", "acknowledged" etc.
Saytan Abbrasa

This is almost 100% off-topic, but felt the need to reply to this post.
I have a lot to talk about what's in the bold part. I don't want to start a discussion since it is off-topic but I know some people might be desperate about something find the easiest way out.
Nowadays it seems that the new trending topic about the subconscious mind, law of attraction (and etc.) is recording yourself and playing it while you sleep. Well it works in theory but it does not work flawlessly in practice. The reason that everyone who's desperate and does this is because it is being said that it can manifest stuff within days of listening to it, which, in very specific cases is true, but it never mentions the side effects of it.

Beginning 2016 I was once in a desperate situation and decided to go on with that route, which seemed perfect, I mean, it's supossedly fast, efficient and has no side effects. Well I won't tell the whole story here but if someone wants I can write it very detailed in a new thread or something, anyways, I set myself up for a big goal first. It turned out BAD, awfully BAD, it lasted for 10 months till I dropped it, but the effects of listening to it for long time persisted till this year.

Sadly, these kind of recordings to attract things or to change one self don't work the same for everyone if they work at all.
First problem is, the recordings go straight to the sub conscious mind. There's no conscious part involved, thus, how the "goal" is achieved is purely randomness. It can cause disastrous things as it did with me or it can have no problems at all (but this is highly not probable)
Second thing is, you can only achieve something when you believe it...In other words, some people won't see their goal until they firmly believe it consciously, it doesn't matter if they "force" another truth if they doubt consciously nothing will help them.

Since I have been a "victim" of the side effects, I can tell it feels strange. When you consciously change, it is something that comes from within, to the outside, once you finally change, everything falls into place after. The environment you live, the things you do, etc. It feels like you're in control of your life. You might face challenges and all that stuff, but it means nothing to the strong-will. It even motivates you.

But when you use this tool (called naps in some sites) It is the opposite. The change is from outside to inside. The environment you live starts to change first. The behaviour of close people such as your family, friends, the things you attract, the things that happen to you is all affected in a weird way. Such change is unpredictable, because everyone is different and has different preconceptions, ideals, beliefs, the change in the environment is impossible to predict and control, your life starts to behave weirdly and in the most unpredictable way you can imagine. This cant even be fixed by adding "in the most positive and safe way for me" as we have tested many times in a forum dedicated to napping.
In most of cases there seems to be progress towards the goal, but other areas are affected negatively, which is also very random and different to each person, health being the most common.
I can't explain why this happens but my theory is that for something to change it must come from within. It must not be forced feed to the subconscious mind like ducks for foie gras, because this creates a discrepancy that's too big between both minds.

Once you realize that you can be anything you want, without resorting to such tool, you don't feel the need anymore, at least it happened with me. The sadder truth is that most of people do it because they lack discipline or they simply can't visualize themselves with their goals achieved.
V12-POWER said:

Those who dabble with the unconscious and subconscious mind without knowing what they are doing, can open themselves to perils from insanity to destruction. Let alone the new age bullshit which is entirely unnatural and filthy in their bullshit.

The subconscious is not to be toyed with. The point is not to try to bypass your conscious mind like a scared person, but confront the fears, worries, anxieties, and finally, conquer the other mind CONSCIOUSLY.

Glad you made it, but for these retards who try to tame the mind while believing in rabbi christ, pseudo-bs, and jewish bullshit, they have it coming. The same goes for many other occultists and people who go against Satan. Of our enemies, many of them lose their health and their mind. The jewish race isn't on the top ladder in psychosis, schizophrenia and many other things for no reason.
V12-POWER said:
13th_Wolf said:
..."Everything you do and thus *are* is conscious before it is subconscious, therefore changing your subconscious requires conscious action". You only dream about things in your subconscious because they have become "of you", "acknowledged" etc.
Saytan Abbrasa

This is almost 100% off-topic, but felt the need to reply to this post.
I have a lot to talk about what's in the bold part. I don't want to start a discussion since it is off-topic but I know some people might be desperate about something find the easiest way out.
Nowadays it seems that the new trending topic about the subconscious mind, law of attraction (and etc.) is recording yourself and playing it while you sleep. Well it works in theory but it does not work flawlessly in practice. The reason that everyone who's desperate and does this is because it is being said that it can manifest stuff within days of listening to it, which, in very specific cases is true, but it never mentions the side effects of it.

Beginning 2016 I was once in a desperate situation and decided to go on with that route, which seemed perfect, I mean, it's supossedly fast, efficient and has no side effects. Well I won't tell the whole story here but if someone wants I can write it very detailed in a new thread or something, anyways, I set myself up for a big goal first. It turned out BAD, awfully BAD, it lasted for 10 months till I dropped it, but the effects of listening to it for long time persisted till this year.

Sadly, these kind of recordings to attract things or to change one self don't work the same for everyone if they work at all.
First problem is, the recordings go straight to the sub conscious mind. There's no conscious part involved, thus, how the "goal" is achieved is purely randomness. It can cause disastrous things as it did with me or it can have no problems at all (but this is highly not probable)
Second thing is, you can only achieve something when you believe it...In other words, some people won't see their goal until they firmly believe it consciously, it doesn't matter if they "force" another truth if they doubt consciously nothing will help them.

Since I have been a "victim" of the side effects, I can tell it feels strange. When you consciously change, it is something that comes from within, to the outside, once you finally change, everything falls into place after. The environment you live, the things you do, etc. It feels like you're in control of your life. You might face challenges and all that stuff, but it means nothing to the strong-will. It even motivates you.

But when you use this tool (called naps in some sites) It is the opposite. The change is from outside to inside. The environment you live starts to change first. The behaviour of close people such as your family, friends, the things you attract, the things that happen to you is all affected in a weird way. Such change is unpredictable, because everyone is different and has different preconceptions, ideals, beliefs, the change in the environment is impossible to predict and control, your life starts to behave weirdly and in the most unpredictable way you can imagine. This cant even be fixed by adding "in the most positive and safe way for me" as we have tested many times in a forum dedicated to napping.
In most of cases there seems to be progress towards the goal, but other areas are affected negatively, which is also very random and different to each person, health being the most common.
I can't explain why this happens but my theory is that for something to change it must come from within. It must not be forced feed to the subconscious mind like ducks for foie gras, because this creates a discrepancy that's too big between both minds.

Once you realize that you can be anything you want, without resorting to such tool, you don't feel the need anymore, at least it happened with me. The sadder truth is that most of people do it because they lack discipline or they simply can't visualize themselves with their goals achieved.

It sound's like astrology is the answer to this problem, besides obvious lost knowledge recovery which is seemingly out of the question as far as I see right now but that is something that must be worked on by everyone. Astrology can show you career paths and personality traits and with this you will be contented and have a mission and personal goals to build on. You also see weaknesses and with that knowledge it eliminates obstacles and likewise with knowing your strength it only adds to your lifes repertoire or ability.

My idea is to stress more astrology for satanists in general. Knowledge is power.
NaziMan12 said:
I would say contact with the Gods is the first thing that should be mastered.

Granted you've fully opened your astral senses I gather.
This makes a lot of sense to me. I see that all who are on this path have felt led here throughout most of their lives. I remember being 6 and just becoming catholic and knowing. Shit why am i learning this, I'm going to hell anyway. Its strange to me the way in how I keep getting pulled this way, keep getting led back. I cant say its a straight line at all...its been all over the place...is a zig zag path normalish? I suspect its because i grew up pretty hard core roman catholic. I ditched that to the best of my ability, and have since looked into everything from asatru to wicca since. They never felt right as they all tend to be so dogmatic. Been there done that for almost twenty some odd years, so i have a hard time settling down to any belief as I have grown to truly appreciate my freedom of thought and freedom from religion i had to fight so damm hard to get over the last seven years. It doesn't stop the yearning for ritual i have tho. I have dedicated myself before, it was halfheartedly and in a time of depression several years ago and more fear based then freedom based due to where I was in my life path. I'm taking my time this time, discerning, learning. Not pushing myself as drastically. I've been really interested...ok obsessed... with practicing magick now and have tried to find goddesses/gods to "claim me" (screams of somebody please love me...I know) all to no avail. So I've been on the pity pot over that. My dreams seem to be telling me something, not sure what but the research about who the hell has been popping up in my dreams has led me back here. So I'm taking a wild guess I should start looking into that more. Not sure if this post is relevant here, or if its just a bit of a tangent towards the end...yeah...go brain.
Fleur'd_joy88 said:
This makes a lot of sense to me. I see that all who are on this path have felt led here throughout most of their lives. I remember being 6 and just becoming catholic and knowing. Shit why am i learning this, I'm going to hell anyway. Its strange to me the way in how I keep getting pulled this way, keep getting led back. I cant say its a straight line at all...its been all over the place...is a zig zag path normalish? I suspect its because i grew up pretty hard core roman catholic. I ditched that to the best of my ability, and have since looked into everything from asatru to wicca since. They never felt right as they all tend to be so dogmatic. Been there done that for almost twenty some odd years, so i have a hard time settling down to any belief as I have grown to truly appreciate my freedom of thought and freedom from religion i had to fight so damm hard to get over the last seven years. It doesn't stop the yearning for ritual i have tho. I have dedicated myself before, it was halfheartedly and in a time of depression several years ago and more fear based then freedom based due to where I was in my life path. I'm taking my time this time, discerning, learning. Not pushing myself as drastically. I've been really interested...ok obsessed... with practicing magick now and have tried to find goddesses/gods to "claim me" (screams of somebody please love me...I know) all to no avail. So I've been on the pity pot over that. My dreams seem to be telling me something, not sure what but the research about who the hell has been popping up in my dreams has led me back here. So I'm taking a wild guess I should start looking into that more. Not sure if this post is relevant here, or if its just a bit of a tangent towards the end...yeah...go brain.

I found and feel making satan the center of my life really does alot to grow every day even if it's incremental and small. Try it out.
HoodedCobra666 said:
V12-POWER said:

Those who dabble with the unconscious and subconscious mind without knowing what they are doing, can open themselves to perils from insanity to destruction. Let alone the new age bullshit which is entirely unnatural and filthy in their bullshit.

The subconscious is not to be toyed with. The point is not to try to bypass your conscious mind like a scared person, but confront the fears, worries, anxieties, and finally, conquer the other mind CONSCIOUSLY.

Glad you made it, but for these retards who try to tame the mind while believing in rabbi christ, pseudo-bs, and jewish bullshit, they have it coming. The same goes for many other occultists and people who go against Satan. Of our enemies, many of them lose their health and their mind. The jewish race isn't on the top ladder in psychosis, schizophrenia and many other things for no reason.

HoodedCobra666 said:
V12-POWER said:

Those who dabble with the unconscious and subconscious mind without knowing what they are doing, can open themselves to perils from insanity to destruction. Let alone the new age bullshit which is entirely unnatural and filthy in their bullshit.

The subconscious is not to be toyed with. The point is not to try to bypass your conscious mind like a scared person, but confront the fears, worries, anxieties, and finally, conquer the other mind CONSCIOUSLY.

Yes it's insane. I remember that we were testing a "new" format of nap rounds. 10 days on and 10 off, so in 20 days you accomplished one round.
I remember it each time, starting a new round was an adventure, you had no way to predict what sort of shit would happen to you. After a lot of "rounds" and "tests" I had already got the pattern of the shit figured out. Things always started going downhill on the second to third day (of the listening days) They peaked at the fourth and it would mantain itself on the same level till the 10th day, so you had almost 8 days of pure crap happening to you. On top of this, at the 5th-7th day you started to feel strange, something to do with vibration, I could feel myself vibrating lower. Then the off days the crazy things would stop happening on the 4th day, and the bad/low vibration would disappear mostly on the 6th-7th day. But it all would cycle again the next round. Worse each time

In my case, one of the many side effects, the naps really altered the behavior of many close people.
One of the things that hurt me the most was the a period I was getting serious with a girl.
Everything going alright, girl was fantastic, never stepped into clubs, barely drank alcohol, zero drugs, good family, etc.
It was pure coincidence that few days after we started going out I started doing the naps for my goal. Every time I started the round again, on the third day, her behavior was altered, her wanting to end our relation, etc. On the third day. It got worse and worse with each new round I did. I tell you, it got to the point that one time some guys forced her to smoke, many more insane things (insane for a person like her I mean) Things like this always happened on the ON days (after the second day), hah sometimes I had the audacity to blame her for all my shit.
We broke up while I kept listening for naps. When the crap kept happening then I realized the problem lied in something else and found it months after, took the time to look back and see how everyting matched perfectly. Holy shit I was devastated.

Looking back now im able to say "wow, it's some real deep shit, how I couldn't realize this". Then living the moment I never ever thought about the naps being the source of the problem.
If you really want to wish suffering on someone, wish him to start napping.
V12-POWER said:
13th_Wolf said:
..."Everything you do and thus *are* is conscious before it is subconscious, therefore changing your subconscious requires conscious action". You only dream about things in your subconscious because they have become "of you", "acknowledged" etc.
Saytan Abbrasa

This is almost 100% off-topic, but felt the need to reply to this post.
I have a lot to talk about what's in the bold part. I don't want to start a discussion since it is off-topic but I know some people might be desperate about something find the easiest way out.
Nowadays it seems that the new trending topic about the subconscious mind, law of attraction (and etc.) is recording yourself and playing it while you sleep. Well it works in theory but it does not work flawlessly in practice. The reason that everyone who's desperate and does this is because it is being said that it can manifest stuff within days of listening to it, which, in very specific cases is true, but it never mentions the side effects of it.

Beginning 2016 I was once in a desperate situation and decided to go on with that route, which seemed perfect, I mean, it's supossedly fast, efficient and has no side effects. Well I won't tell the whole story here but if someone wants I can write it very detailed in a new thread or something, anyways, I set myself up for a big goal first. It turned out BAD, awfully BAD, it lasted for 10 months till I dropped it, but the effects of listening to it for long time persisted till this year.

Sadly, these kind of recordings to attract things or to change one self don't work the same for everyone if they work at all.
First problem is, the recordings go straight to the sub conscious mind. There's no conscious part involved, thus, how the "goal" is achieved is purely randomness. It can cause disastrous things as it did with me or it can have no problems at all (but this is highly not probable)
Second thing is, you can only achieve something when you believe it...In other words, some people won't see their goal until they firmly believe it consciously, it doesn't matter if they "force" another truth if they doubt consciously nothing will help them.

Since I have been a "victim" of the side effects, I can tell it feels strange. When you consciously change, it is something that comes from within, to the outside, once you finally change, everything falls into place after. The environment you live, the things you do, etc. It feels like you're in control of your life. You might face challenges and all that stuff, but it means nothing to the strong-will. It even motivates you.

But when you use this tool (called naps in some sites) It is the opposite. The change is from outside to inside. The environment you live starts to change first. The behaviour of close people such as your family, friends, the things you attract, the things that happen to you is all affected in a weird way. Such change is unpredictable, because everyone is different and has different preconceptions, ideals, beliefs, the change in the environment is impossible to predict and control, your life starts to behave weirdly and in the most unpredictable way you can imagine. This cant even be fixed by adding "in the most positive and safe way for me" as we have tested many times in a forum dedicated to napping.
In most of cases there seems to be progress towards the goal, but other areas are affected negatively, which is also very random and different to each person, health being the most common.
I can't explain why this happens but my theory is that for something to change it must come from within. It must not be forced feed to the subconscious mind like ducks for foie gras, because this creates a discrepancy that's too big between both minds.

Once you realize that you can be anything you want, without resorting to such tool, you don't feel the need anymore, at least it happened with me. The sadder truth is that most of people do it because they lack discipline or they simply can't visualize themselves with their goals achieved.

I feel guilty because I've made a topic in the past about experimenting with voice recording during sleep ... :(
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This can take a lot of time. Also, bad qualities of a person, do not always erase the good qualities.

Beating yourself for falling into a carefully woven conspiracy and a lifestyle that is enforced to you since birth, and being forced into a path by fate or other forces beyond your control, is abnormal. The society is in itself in many places to manipulate 99.9% of people into systematic delusion and failure.

Awakening and becoming a Satanist can take time.
thank you for this post HP
So when a gentile soul doesnt have the urge to seek Satan or doesnt care much about seeking Satan does it mean that gentile doesn't have a Satanic soul like we do? I remember has kid watching documentaries about hell and Satan being so interested about him and obcourse these documentaries portray Satan as the devil who loves to torment souls in pitfire. I was still interested somehow. I vividly remember once as kid I found a meditation on the internet about how to summon a succubus, i was intrigued about it that I remember downloading the meditation and applying it, trying to summon this succubus. It blows my mind now thinking about it that i indeed do have Satanic soul and my soul belongs to Satan and always will forever and ever.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
