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What Kind Of Men Need Feminism?

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What Kind Of Men Need Feminism?

Obviously making it impossible for you to get a date.....

This speaks for itself here.....

You mUst hear no all the time from the ladies...

I can tell. I bet you will always be alone in a bedroom...

You probably get told that a lot for a good reason....

True your opinion matters less then everyone I can tell why.....

The "Last Good Man" beta male date attempt. Your trying to escape from the friend zone. Like Snake Plissken wanted to escape from New York and L.A. The difference he succeeded.

Yeah the whole masculine thing anit working out we can all tell.....


And why do woman need it?

Cause they want hairy pits, okay then.
All image links are broken......

On Friday, May 8, 2015 4:13 PM, "mageson6666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  What Kind Of Men Need Feminism?


Obviously making it impossible for you to get a date.....


This speaks for itself here.....


You mUst hear no all the time from the ladies...


I can tell. I bet you will always be alone in a bedroom...


You probably get told that a lot for a good reason....


True your opinion matters less then everyone I can tell why.....


The "Last Good Man" beta male date attempt. Your trying to escape from the friend zone. Like Snake Plissken wanted to escape from New York and L.A. The difference he succeeded.


Yeah the whole masculine thing anit working out we can all tell.....



And why do woman need it?


Cause they want hairy pits, okay then.

Am I the only one who can't see the pictures?All links are broken on my end

On Saturday, May 9, 2015 3:39 PM, "no.state@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Pictorial like this...more PLEASE!


Attachments :
<ol>jews_image21.jpg</ol>And who needs feminism most of all? (see in attachments)  moral of the story? with jews you lose (and that includes jewess!) 

On Saturday, May 9, 2015 12:39 PM, "no.state@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Pictorial like this...more PLEASE!


if these christian assholes keep filling up my emails, i will find all of you jesus fuckers and you will disappear.  no shit!!! fuck jhvh fuck jesus fuck everything- hail Satan!!!
I am not a feminist but I don't entirely disaree with some of the signs those guys were holding. I am a 18 year old guy and I have a strong distaste for conventional masculinity.

I hate the way so many men act and behave today. A lot of men out there are pigs. Simple as that. Even my father (former father now) is a pig, who refers to women as "it", comments on every womans appearance who passes by in the street, remarking on how fat some are and what he'd like to do to the ones he likes, tells me I'm not manly enough, I'm too lazy, clumsy, blah blah blah and he insults everyone and calls gay men disgusting but likes lesbian porn.

Whilst he himself is an overweight 300lbs slob with no neck and missing teeth, who can barely spell simple words.

It's not feminists which make me uncomfortable with being a man, it is men of the pig variety as I have just described above which I don't want to be like. I hate the macho guy, egotistical bullshit. I hate it so much, I wouldn't even want to be a so called "alpha male". The attention and affections of every woman in the world, could not make up for how much I'd hate myself if I was the stereotypical alpha male.

I am a male. I have feelings, emotions, I am sensitive and sometimes I enjoy pretty things like barbie dolls, collecting sea shells, flowers etc and I dress and style my hair in an emo/scene fashion and remove all of my body hair. I am still able to go to the gym and practice martial arts and work hard and do just about anything any other man can do.

In fact there is plenty of very masculine guys, who I know could leave on the floor screaming with dislocated joints in a matter of seconds if I wanted to. But I actually dislike violence other than for training.

Why should I give that up one single thing that I like because some idiot decided it isn't manly enough? The way I see it is, nature knew what it was doing when it gave me the kinds of feelings and instincts and desires that it did. But human beings who manufacture ideas of what a man or woman should be, don't know what they're doing.

The only thing the guys in these pictures got wrong is that they don't actually need feminism to be able do, think and feel whatever they want, because there is nothing to stop them anyway. Let the haters hate away.

@kyleshand: There are immature people like that on both sexes, not only men. There are plastic women(fake everything, from face to boobs e.t.c.) who because they are beautiful and have guys chasing them all over think guys are just toys to be used. You can find many of them in bars and clubs. These women are actually extremely insecure on the inside, even though they appear confident, and feel really insecure if some guy doesn't like them because they aren't used to that.
There are also the so-called psycho bitches. I've met a couple of those and they are extremely imbalanced mentally.
This is not to say that women are bad, just giving those examples to show you there are crazy immature people from both sexes, contrary to the feminist bullshit where men are pigs, assholes e.t.c. There are crazy women too.
Talking about crazy women, feminists are quite crazy actually. It's pretty obvious. I've actually never seen a more negative type of people, they even surpass hardcore xians in negativity. If you make an innocent not-so-politically correct joke instead of laughing and having fun they'll just scream and accuse you of being a sexist.
Regarding sexism. I held the door for a woman once and she stopped and just stood there. I asked her if she wanted to pass through but she insisted that I went through the door first, because the other thing would be "sexist". I felt like slamming the door in her face after having waited precious 4-5 seconds just standing there but I kept my cool and decency. Luckily, I've only experienced this once.
true...the so called macho men are the reason I hate most other men since every word out of their damn mouth is either a sex joke or them trying to drag me into a pissing contest.But I hate pansies and cowards just as much.The asshole type of guy who bullies these fags into becoming pansies and the pansies who let themselves go to shit because they feel their manhood stripped away by these jerks is a problem that perpetuates itself from both sides.I myself am always either the bully or the guy getting fucked with when it comes to other men and the jackasses who think they're better than me would DIE if they actually fought me.It pisses me off that the only way to avoid jail time when confronted by those dicks in the past was to let them walk all over me since I knew they would give me no choice but to beat their skulls into the fucking ground if they perceived the SLIGHTEST bit of resistance.......Those are the dicks I had to train with in the army and they even sabotaged my locker before every inspection because of the way I look.Hilariously one of them DID fight me and jumped on my back, hanging off my neck like a chimpanzee and while nothing he did could ever do jack shit to me if I had even used one finger to teach him a lesson he'd be dead just like that.Most people cannot even so much as make me itch when they punch me yet if I hit them back somehow it would turn into a war with an army of cops.There have always been dickbags who took advantage of this my whole life.

On Monday, May 11, 2015 7:34 PM, "kyleshand@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I am not a feminist but I don't entirely disaree with some of the signs those guys were holding. I am a 18 year old guy and I have a strong distaste for conventional masculinity.

I hate the way so many men act and behave today. A lot of men out there are pigs. Simple as that. Even my father (former father now) is a pig, who refers to women as "it", comments on every womans appearance who passes by in the street, remarking on how fat some are and what he'd like to do to the ones he likes, tells me I'm not manly enough, I'm too lazy, clumsy, blah blah blah and he insults everyone and calls gay men disgusting but likes lesbian porn.

Whilst he himself is an overweight 300lbs slob with no neck and missing teeth, who can barely spell simple words.

It's not feminists which make me uncomfortable with being a man, it is men of the pig variety as I have just described above which I don't want to be like. I hate the macho guy, egotistical bullshit. I hate it so much, I wouldn't even want to be a so called "alpha male". The attention and affections of every woman in the world, could not make up for how much I'd hate myself if I was the stereotypical alpha male.

I am a male. I have feelings, emotions, I am sensitive and sometimes I enjoy pretty things like barbie dolls, collecting sea shells, flowers etc and I dress and style my hair in an emo/scene fashion and remove all of my body hair. I am still able to go to the gym and practice martial arts and work hard and do just about anything any other man can do.

In fact there is plenty of very masculine guys, who I know could leave on the floor screaming with dislocated joints in a matter of seconds if I wanted to. But I actually dislike violence other than for training.

Why should I give that up one single thing that I like because some idiot decided it isn't manly enough? The way I see it is, nature knew what it was doing when it gave me the kinds of feelings and instincts and desires that it did. But human beings who manufacture ideas of what a man or woman should be, don't know what they're doing.

The only thing the guys in these pictures got wrong is that they don't actually need feminism to be able do, think and feel whatever they want, because there is nothing to stop them anyway. Let the haters hate away.


This guy OWNED a feminist and even bet her 50 dollars she would not find anything perverted in a one piece comic! xDCase and point, feminists are crazy as fuck and jump to conclusions over nothing.

Accused In Public Of Being A Pervert... Due To Mangas!  

On Tuesday, May 12, 2015 8:28 AM, "j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Talking about crazy women, feminists are quite crazy actually. It's pretty obvious. I've actually never seen a more negative type of people, they even surpass hardcore xians in negativity. If you make an innocent not-so-politically correct joke instead of laughing and having fun they'll just scream and accuse you of being a sexist.

@Kyleshand what you describe is not "conventional" masculinity. It sounds like the guy is just an illiterate slob and intelligence skipped a generation. It happens.

There's a HUGE difference between feminism and a man being in touch with the feminine aspect of the soul. In fact, in Spiritual Satanism, the sacred Yoni is revered.

Feminism is a Jewish plot to destabilize Gentile families. Ultimately "feminism" has nothing to do with equal treatment under the law, sex, sexuality, men or women. It's about destruction of the Gentile family and nothing more.

It's good you respect women. It's good you have a desire to be something better than what is around you. It's good you have come to Satanism.

Just understand, feminism is not an understanding of the sacred Yoni. It's nothing more than a part of the Big Lie.

Hail Father Satan forever!
Feminism is actually about women behaving like typical macho men and losing their femininity. Literally speaking, it's anti-feminism because it thinks the soft feminine side of women is bad and needs to be surpressed. Then there's a "men's movement" which is pretty much the opposite of feminism, that is about men who hate their male side and gather together to cry e.t.c. much like kyleshand describes. These are pretty much jewish sick nonsense, of course a person needs to get in touch with their opposite sex side, but they also need to develop their sex's side too.
XD wait did you take this from daily stormer and add more pictures? awesome. I saw that! I get alot of good info from that site.It's funny as fuck, I may have a pretty face and long hair like my native american ancestors but I powerlift daily and always speak with a gruff, manly voice and am usually the first one to tell pansies in the room to grow some balls.My voice alone makes the windows rattle when I meditate and is terrifyingly deep. I can't believe all these losers who are so weak and lazy they can't even be bothered to buy a set of dumbbells, get off their pansy ass and actually man the fuck up!There was a line in donnie darko, shitty movie I know but this line was classically funny and the best advice these losers could have ever gotten, "don't listen to this asshole preacher! So you get bullied, it sucks I know. Here's how you fix that: lift some weights and take a karate class or 2! learn to box or take up some other martial art!"
It's that simple and every single one of these pathetic wastes of skin should take that advice. Fucks sakes man even without taking a formal class if you lift some weights and start hitting a wall or a punching bag to practice forms and toughen up your knuckles it can go a long way!I only learned the basics of Tae Kwon Do and it is totally not my style to rely on kicks like that! I beat the shit out of a karate black belt in the army combatives training and did it easily! Even when he did hit me, my aura made it so that I didn't feel a damn thing when he did while my hits knocked him stupid even while being held down by all the heavy gear they made us wear!If we hadn't been using giant foam pugil sticks I'd have killed him!And that's just from lifting weights and practicing mixed martial arts focused on targeting anatomical weak points! My training has mostly just been shadow boxing, shadow fencing and form practice and I STILL kicked the crap out of an army black belt!
It's not that hard to develop some damn manhood and learn to hold your own! All you have to do is get off your ass and apply yourself!

On Sunday, May 10, 2015 7:04 AM, "Don Danko mageson6666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

thread for those who can't get images.

On Saturday, May 9, 2015 9:14 PM, "Richard Wood woodr57@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  if these christian assholes keep filling up my emails, i will find all of you jesus fuckers and you will disappear.  no shit!!! fuck jhvh fuck jesus fuck everything- hail Satan!!!

no. I saw them in the newsletter. jewhoo hates me lol

On Tuesday, May 12, 2015 5:51 PM, "no.state@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @fakename Did you view it in the group?


You're totally not the same kind of guy as these guys in the pictures, you just note certain similarities in preference..

In the first place, most men are "pigs" due to centuries of sexual suppression. Fact is people used to fuck on the side of the street in the all Pagan world and nobody cared. Guys weren't like, oh hoo hoo hoo, let me get in on that and play masochist.

naturally when the jew let's off of xianity somewhat the sexual suppression is loosed, and people get to sex it up somewhat although not entirely freely as most still aren't even aware of their true sexual nature. These buffoons are confused and think men should be subjugated to female torture, and degrading actions which ruin one's manhood, and their sexual whether gay straight, or bi. What you do to your own body is fine. Nobody is dogging on you for you personal choice. You're asserting your interests. Seriously, no one is saying anything about that.

They have no personality except for that of guilt, it's entirely like the concept in white guilt. You know who you are, and are subjugated to none. They kinda... eh.. don't.

If however they chose to like stuff like that on their own instead of being brainwashed clods then more power to them :)

Feminism is entirely a war on women, and for the promotion of yet another war between Gentiles except on a much deadlier scale. This might hit at total meltdown if gone on long enough. Feminism was born out of xianity's original shackles being loosed.
@Fake Name. Those are the kinds of dicks I had to deal with growing up as well. Except, they were always 2-4 times of something stacked against me.

I wasn't stupid. I knew it would be some shit if I fought back. These were the kinds who would gang dog pile you, or would bring a knife to school, possibly a gun if you had fought back whether win or lose. Those are the kinds of thugs I dealt with off and on in school growing up. At the risk of being humiliated against being at least in the hospital I choose to not fight. You don't win against these kinds of fuckers. They're at base level chakra consciousness. They think they've been wronged because they lost a fight they started to attempt and terrorize you with for their own amusement or even if they won but you fought back, so basically a chip offa jewhova's block literally.

It's not that I didn't want to fight back. It's that I also wanted to live as well.. There was only one bully i dealt with who actually realized what he did was wrong and apologized due to my inaction who was also 2.5 times my size, and about that much stronger heh. So you were super strong. Do gotta say though, that my bullies went away though. I didn't have an extremely watered down version of the JewSSR on me, so it wasn't constant. Just the typical oh shit jock, or whatever from in certain grades in school. If it had been constant I might not be alive right now.

I was just thinking to myself that I always seem to find the almost psychotic assholes somehow. I thought to myself I would start programming my aura to repel assholes..  Not sure how that would work out hah.
Accused for being a sexual deviant because of manga... Wow. Now I have seen it all........

 Hm, turns out she accosted him because she was insecure... Well. That's.. uh kinda .. ridiculous. Insecurities only come when one doesn't accept something about themselves. Kinda.. sad. I've heard it mentioned that xianity is responsible for this. Although, I would think the jew is reponsible ofr this instead.

They were the first to point out our differences negatively. Interesting video.

I personally thought it was a xian accosting the guy.
@the_fire_starter666 Yeah I know there are people like that in both sexes. I only mentioned men and masculinity because I am male, so experience the expectations of men first hand. But I don't know so much about how women think/feel/experience life etc. There are very few men in the real world today who I look at and say, that's the kind of man I want to be. Most of my male idols have been fictional characters or the Gods or I've chosen female role models.

What I am saying is, I don't think anyone should feel ashamed or embarrassed for hobbies or personality traits,  however masculine or feminine those traits may be, regardless of gender. Psychological hangups create energy blockages which can be dangerous the more you empower your soul as I am sure you know. It could be that these men who are drawn to things like My Little Pony are doing it because they have some psychological hangups, that maybe so. I don't know. But what I do know is, shame and guilt and humilitation are not the ways to heal the psyche or for people to find inner liberation.

I get that these men in the pictures are being insulted because they are supporting an enemy ideology, I just don't want my fellow brothers and sisters in Satan to get the wrong message. Repressing your inner feelings is never healthy. If you are a guy who likes My Little Pony good luck to you lol.
so..what's the key to all this, exactly? where is the balance?because I do, frequently, wonder what it would be like if I was born female..I don't want to change, I'm just..curious what that difference would be like..and if I was born female, if I would wonder what being a male felt like..I'm not certain where I should stop digging into this, honestly. the more I meditate, the more I see..actually, the less difference I see. Though they're not one in the same, male and female, so that's still good..to me.
@exarkuun1991 Excellent question.

I really don't think there is a one-size-fits-all answer. Individuality is vital.

I feel like I never became a man until I learned to respect women and I never knew strength or courage until I embraced my feminine side.

And, although I've had some bad encounters with some sick, psychopathic women out there, there are still billions of wonderful women I love interacting with.

It's not always about sex, either. I'm fortunate to have a few female friends. It's the jew mentality to see women as sex objects only and chattel.

The jew pogrom of feminism, though, is nothing more than the destruction of the family. It's always a jew instigating. I've ven read their claim that all sex -even between couples in love - is a form of rape on some level.

It must be so tiresome to be constantly offended by everything.
There is nothing wrong with a feminine side, or even wondering about if you were a female, but what these people are doing is not just exploring a feminine side, they are blasphemizing the entire feminine nature. So nerd likes to dress up like a horse and collect girls toys, so what if it makes him happy. But when they promote this as a type of "feminism", this is where it goes too far.
T<b [/IMG]h[/IMG]nothing[/B] wrong with masculinity, in fact its an ideal all SS men should strive for, the 'superman' of Nietzsche. You all need to read and study http://josministries.prophpbb.com/post21537.html and to quote HP Hooded Cobra: Be a man and act like a man. Its the intention of Nature. Unless you have the balls to fight, stand up for yourself, protect your own people, treat your friends well, do your bussiness...then tons of cologne, big muscles, long mustache, big wallet...Are not going to save your ass. As a man you ought teach your woman to understand the inner worth of what it is to be a man. So she can appriciate this and be happy. Thus you owe the same in return. Women are unhappy because the system has enforced them in mental loops and understandings that are unfullfilling to them. Because these are alien. Same with men. If you want a clear archetype of what a man is and how he treats anyone, check on Father Satan, Greatest Father, Greatest friend, most dangerous foe, most beneficial for anyone around Him including nature herself and so forth. A perfect balance. Focus on becoming the man nature has intended you to be.
Then you will see and know internally that you suprassed all who did not see themselves in the eye and the soul, so to say. They will be like dust on your shoes, no matter the status quo around them. And they will know it too.

On Thursday, May 14, 2015 8:07 AM, "no.state@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @exarkuun1991 Excellent question.

I really don't think there is a one-size-fits-all answer. Individuality is vital.

I feel like I never became a man until I learned to respect women and I never knew strength or courage until I embraced my feminine side.

And, although I've had some bad encounters with some sick, psychopathic women out there, there are still billions of wonderful women I love interacting with.

It's not always about sex, either. I'm fortunate to have a few female friends. It's the jew mentality to see women as sex objects only and chattel.

The jew pogrom of feminism, though, is nothing more than the destruction of the family. It's always a jew instigating. I've ven read their claim that all sex -even between couples in love - is a form of rape on some level.

It must be so tiresome to be constantly offended by everything.

And like I said, I never knew strength or courage until I embraced the feminine aspect of my humanity.

Don't confuse the sacred Yoni with "effeminate." :)
@kyleshand you have a misnotion of what masculinity is, that kind of behaviour you describe is called being an animal, not a man.we can see though that the true meaning of femininity and masculinity has been lost through a whole lot of what is shown above, there is a difference in being feminine and what @fake name calls 'being a pansy', since self expression and creativity are definitely completely different from crying at every little thing that comes your way, like i myself am quite feminine as in i enjoy typically 'female' things to do i.e. i like to sing and draw and do dance etc. but i also am masculine in the fact that i can quite happily handle myself in a fight situation and i do a lot of gymnastics and body conditioning, also did martial arts for a year and a half (which is always fun :p)this is why balance of the soul is important, from what ive gathered here lack of either can cause an insecurity in yourself, which will cause a whole lot of problems later on, i also talk from experience as i never used to be able to stand up for myself, now i can shut someone down in a matter of seconds.
@discipleofthegods I had that happen only ONCE where 12-15 black kids jumped me all at once and while they couldn't do jack shit to me if I had fought back and started KILLING these kids I wasn't sure if any of them were armed.They were smart enough to flank me from both sides on their bikes by splitting into 2 groups and meeting between an intersection.Only my left eye had a big ass welt and only after these dozen plus assholes had been punching my head in for 5 whole minutes before running away and jumping 5 other kids.
They all ended up in jail the same day.What pissed me off most was there was this asshole with a lawnmower just standing there watching and when I got back on my bike and rode past this dick, I scoffed at him.I could have definitely killed this man but he wasn't worth the effort, being a total coward and refusing to fight a gang of middle schoolers and high school freshmen, so sneering at this asshole and moving on was far more degrading to his manhood.
2 years or so later my town got so fucked up that school kids have to share the bus with juvenile hall students who are only allowed to ride a bus home, and go to school in JAIL.Well one of THOSE kids spat in my face out the window so the next day, I trip his ass and call him out while he's getting off the bus, he punches me in the head twice and I felt NOTHING, besides that I was 3 times his size!I punch him in the face ONCE and he literally goes FLYING down the stairs (I was waiting for him in the front seat) and when he tries to get back on the bus the juvy security guard puts him in a full nelson and I'm laughing my ass off and everyone avoided me for that whole day. I still take great pride in that day. I have rarely ever felt that good after a fight but this kind of street justice was just too hilarious not to revel in.

On Thursday, May 14, 2015 7:21 AM, "descipleofthegods13@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @Fake Name. Those are the kinds of dicks I had to deal with growing up as well. Except, they were always 2-4 times of something stacked against me.

I wasn't stupid. I knew it would be some shit if I fought back. These were the kinds who would gang dog pile you, or would bring a knife to school, possibly a gun if you had fought back whether win or lose. Those are the kinds of thugs I dealt with off and on in school growing up. At the risk of being humiliated against being at least in the hospital I choose to not fight. You don't win against these kinds of fuckers. They're at base level chakra consciousness. They think they've been wronged because they lost a fight they started to attempt and terrorize you with for their own amusement or even if they won but you fought back, so basically a chip offa jewhova's block literally.

It's not that I didn't want to fight back. It's that I also wanted to live as well.. There was only one bully i dealt with who actually realized what he did was wrong and apologized due to my inaction who was also 2.5 times my size, and about that much stronger heh. So you were super strong. Do gotta say though, that my bullies went away though. I didn't have an extremely watered down version of the JewSSR on me, so it wasn't constant. Just the typical oh shit jock, or whatever from in certain grades in school. If it had been constant I might not be alive right now.

I was just thinking to myself that I always seem to find the almost psychotic assholes somehow. I thought to myself I would start programming my aura to repel assholes..  Not sure how that would work out hah.


Duely noted.

I kinda saw your point halfway through your message. It is possible that some of them like My Little Pony. If that's there thing. It's just sad to see them so demoralized in liberalism/feminism. That was really my point.

This is always the tactic of the jew coupled with xianity to promote communism a lot faster.
well said yog. I can see how my grammar might have led to some confusion. Yes I hate the assholes who all think they're invincible and get into a pissing contest with me over the slightest act of "defiance" but I always prove I am more a man than those retards will ever be.
I hate both the retarded jackasses who think they can bully everyone around as well as these faggy mama's boy bronies who don't have the balls to even so much as get off their ass, lift some weights, maybe take up boxing or a karate class or something and learn to handle themselves!
Man or woman I am a strong advocate that EVERYONE should know how to fight, and fight like a true monster at that!

Whatever unique personality traits you have are totally your business as long as you both pull your own weight and are willing and able to fight for both yourself and those close to you with all the fury and might of hell!


On Friday, May 15, 2015 5:46 PM, "Yog Sothoth yogsothoth666999@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  T<b [/IMG]h[/IMG]nothing[/B] wrong with masculinity, in fact its an ideal all SS men should strive for, the 'superman' of Nietzsche. You all need to read and study http://josministries.prophpbb.com/post21537.html and to quote HP Hooded Cobra: Be a man and act like a man. Its the intention of Nature. Unless you have the balls to fight, stand up for yourself, protect your own people, treat your friends well, do your bussiness...then tons of cologne, big muscles, long mustache, big wallet...Are not going to save your ass. As a man you ought teach your woman to understand the inner worth of what it is to be a man. So she can appriciate this and be happy. Thus you owe the same in return. Women are unhappy because the system has enforced them in mental loops and understandings that are unfullfilling to them. Because these are alien. Same with men. If you want a clear archetype of what a man is and how he treats anyone, check on Father Satan, Greatest Father, Greatest friend, most dangerous foe, most beneficial for anyone around Him including nature herself and so forth. A perfect balance. Focus on becoming the man nature has intended you to be.
Then you will see and know internally that you suprassed all who did not see themselves in the eye and the soul, so to say. They will be like dust on your shoes, no matter the status quo around them. And they will know it too.

On Thursday, May 14, 2015 8:07 AM, "no.state@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @exarkuun1991 Excellent question.

I really don't think there is a one-size-fits-all answer. Individuality is vital.

I feel like I never became a man until I learned to respect women and I never knew strength or courage until I embraced my feminine side.

And, although I've had some bad encounters with some sick, psychopathic women out there, there are still billions of wonderful women I love interacting with.

It's not always about sex, either. I'm fortunate to have a few female friends. It's the jew mentality to see women as sex objects only and chattel.

The jew pogrom of feminism, though, is nothing more than the destruction of the family. It's always a jew instigating. I've ven read their claim that all sex -even between couples in love - is a form of rape on some level.

It must be so tiresome to be constantly offended by everything.

I THINK I understand this a bit better. Maybe even fully.Pretty much, we are as we are..but using people's views on the world as a hard stamped pattern for EVERYONE..is a Jooish ploy.Also, I find MLP to be cute and silly. I kinda like it..at least the idea.
And, for the topic you linked..I found this post interesting:
Like queer theory, gender does not exist. Its kosher Marxist flimflam to attack biological sex roles in society which have a psychobiological core, on every level. To deconstruct them as they call destroying such. And inject communistic norms in their place.

(this is blue but cannot format, not part of quote) It's about being one's self, and not something they are told to..we can be as we feel we are, as we develop ourselves. Interesting
I would like to ask something. Is being a effeminate or feminine man a bad thing then? If so why? I mean i think that would fall under individualism. 
Throughout ALL of history it has always been men who protected women, hunted, went to war ect ect...  And although there are a few cases which i am prepared to admit, for the majority it has always been men. This is biological, men have stronger bodies and more stable minds. This is also because a womb is more precious then sperm. We men are heroic solar beings. The strong masculine warrior archetype that is ready at any moment to give his life for the cause, that is the ideal all SS men should strive for.   

On Saturday, May 16, 2015 6:50 AM, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  well said yog. I can see how my grammar might have led to some confusion. Yes I hate the assholes who all think they're invincible and get into a pissing contest with me over the slightest act of "defiance" but I always prove I am more a man than those retards will ever be.
I hate both the retarded jackasses who think they can bully everyone around as well as these faggy mama's boy bronies who don't have the balls to even so much as get off their ass, lift some weights, maybe take up boxing or a karate class or something and learn to handle themselves!
Man or woman I am a strong advocate that EVERYONE should know how to fight, and fight like a true monster at that!

Whatever unique personality traits you have are totally your business as long as you both pull your own weight and are willing and able to fight for both yourself and those close to you with all the fury and might of hell!


On Friday, May 15, 2015 5:46 PM, "Yog Sothoth yogsothoth666999@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  T<b [/IMG]h[/IMG]nothing[/B] wrong with masculinity, in fact its an ideal all SS men should strive for, the 'superman' of Nietzsche. You all need to read and study http://josministries.prophpbb.com/post21537.html and to quote HP Hooded Cobra: Be a man and act like a man. Its the intention of Nature. Unless you have the balls to fight, stand up for yourself, protect your own people, treat your friends well, do your bussiness...then tons of cologne, big muscles, long mustache, big wallet...Are not going to save your ass. As a man you ought teach your woman to understand the inner worth of what it is to be a man. So she can appriciate this and be happy. Thus you owe the same in return. Women are unhappy because the system has enforced them in mental loops and understandings that are unfullfilling to them. Because these are alien. Same with men. If you want a clear archetype of what a man is and how he treats anyone, check on Father Satan, Greatest Father, Greatest friend, most dangerous foe, most beneficial for anyone around Him including nature herself and so forth. A perfect balance. Focus on becoming the man nature has intended you to be.
Then you will see and know internally that you suprassed all who did not see themselves in the eye and the soul, so to say. They will be like dust on your shoes, no matter the status quo around them. And they will know it too.

On Thursday, May 14, 2015 8:07 AM, "no.state@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @exarkuun1991 Excellent question.

I really don't think there is a one-size-fits-all answer. Individuality is vital.

I feel like I never became a man until I learned to respect women and I never knew strength or courage until I embraced my feminine side.

And, although I've had some bad encounters with some sick, psychopathic women out there, there are still billions of wonderful women I love interacting with.

It's not always about sex, either. I'm fortunate to have a few female friends. It's the jew mentality to see women as sex objects only and chattel.

The jew pogrom of feminism, though, is nothing more than the destruction of the family. It's always a jew instigating. I've ven read their claim that all sex -even between couples in love - is a form of rape on some level.

It must be so tiresome to be constantly offended by everything.

There were women warriors too, HP Don mentioned the Celtic Queen Boudica as well as the Amazons.
It's essentially the sides of the soul we're talking about. Men usually are like that because their male side is stronger. I suppose a perfected being who has both sides balanced will have the positive parts of both sexes, no matter what sex he's. He won't need to depend on the opposite sex to supplement his underdeveloped side, which is what happens with most people today. Most people get obsessed with people of the opposite sex because that part of their soul is underdeveloped and they seek to get it by being with a person of the opposite sex. This can happen with homosexuals who have the opposite sex site dominant. I'm guessing if people have developed both of their sides of their soul they'll have more honest relationships and not ones based on obsession.

That depends on so called "cultural" norms. I grow my hair out long and naturally and I'm a man, and it does look very pretty but I am also a hulking powerlifter with a deep voice that makes most excuses for men these days look like children XD
Just be yourself and ignore "cultural" bullshit

On Sunday, May 17, 2015 12:49 PM, "jamesmarshall237@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I would like to ask something. Is being a effeminate or feminine man a bad thing then? If so why? I mean i think that would fall under individualism. 

By "cultural" bullshit I meant the jewish garbage made to deface true culture and make us all weaklings and pansies.
If you like being a typical macho man with a military buzz cut by all means do what you like.
If you are more the intellectual type then just do what comes naturally.Black, white, native american, asian, Man Woman whatever you are, have some pride in your racial heritage and be the person YOU want to be, not what society tells you to be.

On Sunday, May 17, 2015 12:49 PM, "jamesmarshall237@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I would like to ask something. Is being a effeminate or feminine man a bad thing then? If so why? I mean i think that would fall under individualism. 


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
