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What is your origin story?

I discovered Spiritual Satanism when I was searching for a way to heal myself. The first one I found was a prayer of protection to Lord Marduk which is Lord Amon Ra. The next one is the Joy of Satan.

Looking back in the past, when I opened the website, I accepted every detail presented without hesitation even though I was an xtian believer and an acolyte at that time. I didn't hesitate to dedicate my soul to Father. It felt like I was not by myself at the specific moment, in a sense that I accepted everything. It was so normal. I didn't question anything that was stated on the website.

Remembering my past, I felt that it was all connected by fate. The way it happened, and why I look for a way to heal myself.
I was looking for the truth in the world, and a thought suddenly came up in my mind to search for Satan or Satanism in a browser. It took some time, and here I am. I was led here by kind divine forces that wanted the best for me—to see how the world is in a higher level of detail, a subtler, more descriptive detail of a wide painting.

Before coming to this conclusion, I was undivided by anything and had my own views towards the spiritual; no one dictated how it should be for me, and I have always thought that it's something related to the soul, natural, and that there's a higher purpose in life. Never have I ever thought that a Christian thought form or anything like that exists. This luckily contributed.

The type of thinking I was accustomed to prior to arriving at this destination was that there were some ghouls in this world, but I did not have a more illustrative word for describing those creatures. I came upon some articles that exposed them; however, I did not ever think that was Satanism but instead that they worshiped evil itself.

My intuition has always been something gifted to me by existence, and this has helped enormously in this endeavor.
As a side note, are you Astralnaut, the past person who hasn't posted here for a long time and who had a picture of Himmler? Alt account perhaps?
I can't log into that account anymore as that password was saved on my other OS Ubuntu which can't access the internet anymore after I updated it. This is my original account as you can tell by the sign up date.
I always had been what I am, in this reincarnation when I have heard the name " Satan " for the first time it gave me a nostalgic and peaceful feeling then I knew that I will never stop looking for answers as I had this urge to be reconnected with GOD [Satan] I have start doing my research . Feeling how Satan really is I have started to look upon satanist websites where I have seen many wierd and disgusting ones which has nothing to do with true satanism and Satan true self and our God's just mocking them and making them looking as "evil" and I just knew that's bullshit and then I found Jos and everything started to look exactly as I supposed it will look, as the truth is not as the enemy try to make truth look.

I will come back with a topic about my origin and how all started.
I became an SS because I was firstly motivated with revenge and wanting to get back at all those who caused me a lot of bullshit since childhood, but my head got clearer and sharper as I stayed here and kept living and just surviving.

All that bullying, all the outcasting, physical abuse even from a screwed xtian fanatic dad and whatever else, I am here now because I want a brighter future where no one has to suffer like I did. Where no one will ever tread into the same darkness my dad and I did.
In my country, it takes luck to find the site, and talent to understand it. We can't use Google search, and every way you can think of to find this website. Some people, even if they find it, are unable to understand it. So, one must have both luck and talent to become a member.

Many years ago, when I was a middle school student, I was interested in mythology. I encountered a series of coincidences that led me to find this website.

By the time I found this website, Pluto was just beginning to transit my 12th house. Maybe Pluto brought this event to me.
Interesting, I was also having 12th house transits during the time I was getting into the JOS.
I was told about this website. Because I was curious and confused about Satanism. And wanted to know the truth. I have been a member on here for quite some time. Learning for myself. And figuring it out. As a witness and a Spiritual Satanist.
I was born and raised in a Christian family. And just simply wanted to know the truth about Satan. And the more I hear about him the more I learn about myself. And I am glad I'm here.📚🤓
When i was a kid and had my own phone for the first time, searching spiritual things on internet cause ever since i could remember i have interest about these things. firstly i researched about parapsychology, paganism and witchcraft. I was twelve years old so i really believed that i'm a witch...
i tried to do telekinesis, astral projection, chakra meditations etc. but then i get bored, because it felt like idle around. so i searched more about various religions. right before i met with satanism, i saw a dream. me and my family were walking by a gloomy back street. there was a big tall wall beside us. i wondered whats behind it. i stopped and climbed through the garbage dump. there was a whole different hidden world. i saw a giant metallic pyramid, remaining in the air. theres something very shiny under it, like lava or something. i dont know what and how but i was sure that huge pyramid was serving an important purpose, or like the source of everything. at first it was just a catchy dream, now i can clearly see it was about me being SS. because few days later that dream, i read three short pdf books about an ecole of satanism. it was all shitty and fictive but it was my first step to join satanism. it helped me reverse the cards, the devil they taught me is real god and the god they taught me is real devil. i wanted to learn more and searched about satanism. right after, i found a spiritual satanism website and couldn't stop reading and reading and reading because it all makes sense after all this searching and all informations on internet... i was 14 years old when i met with spiritual satanism. finally i felt like every piece is falling into right place. i was captivated by how spiritual satanism expains everything with reasons and documents and history and giving me a purpose to live.
Happy ending :)
As a teen I was an edgy metalhead, attracted to Satanic symbolism and themes in music.

It led me to wanting to "sell my soul" to play music or something.. So I got into occult stuff online. luckily I found JoS relatively early. otherwise I would've gotten into some qlippothic bullshit.

I remember it was HP HC's sermons that made me seriously consider this path. I've listened to many 'truthers' and conspiracy theories online, but HC's words are on a totally different level. For which I am very thankful coming across. And to have been around when HPS Maxine was, is an honour.

Anyways, I dedicated about a week or two later, despite some doubts. The first time I contacted Satan, at a beautiful location in nature over water, is a night i'll never forget... and I never looked back since.

It's been a long hard road, but my life has meaning and fulfillment, couldn't be more proud to be apart of something.

Hail Satan!
I spent the last 30 minutes reading through the answers, it's interesting to see how you all came to find this place.
My story is shameful compared to pretty much every message in here, so it will act as a sort of reality check. Not all stories have a nice start, nor a nice ending.
I found 4chan when I was 15 or 16 and the only redpill I needed was that of the jewish question. This was on /pol. I stayed in that board for far too long, and left when I became beyond blackpilled because I was feeling miserable (I am 21 now, so you can probably figure out what it means to sit in that shithole for almost 5 years). I then switched to /x in an attempt to fix my dread. Found the /LoA (Law of Attraction) generals, but they were preached around a mystic who interpreted the bible as being a book of hypnosis basically. Tried it for a few months, didn't work, moved on. By this point existential dread had become harsh on me. I found the /succ general (The Succubus General) and thought why not. While reading up on it I asked a question in one of the threads. An anon pointed me to the JoS. I'm now into the meditation program. I'm giving this a shot as well, I'll stick around for a few months at least and see if I get anything out of here. I may stick longer on the forums, your hatred for thr jews is one of the few things that bring me some laughs and is really admirable.
Hope I wasn't too downcast about this story, I was hesitant to write it because it reads like a sob story, at least compared to answers here. And yes, I gave up on the succubus thing after reading the JoS.
A JoS member with many JoS links - about cursing torah and so on - on his profile followed me on Gab.
I was surprised because I believed that Satanism was about jews.

To find out more, I read JoS article and agreed with 90% of the content. I talked with my new follower who seemed mentally sane, polite...
It was in November.
I had many notions about occultism, astrology... but had never made the connection with Satan and Ancient Gods.
At this time, I believed Ancient Gods were the Archangels, Satan could be Saturn and other deluded stuff.

Thanks to the JoS work, I got out of the last trap :cool:

Hail JoS !
Hail Satan !
ah, you probably remember me,the ANUBIS guy, yeah november, it was that time when we talked, you said you already knew franz bardon quite well, if i'm not mistaken https://gab.com/ANPUMESSES777
i did change name slightly in the meantime and the account looks slightly different <

it's really Good to know that my presence has helped you in regards to finding the truth, now i'm trying to do the same with as many strangers as possible , but even more efficiently than before, with an account fully dedicated to the JOS < https://gab.com/JOY_OF_SATAN666 / https://x.com/JOY_OF_SATAN666

i'm Sure you'll stick to this place, and i highly advise you to do so, of course <

the JOS Is unique, and it's the only group that is Truly true... everything else ouside of that is mostly based on half-truths and falsehoods, or lacks the balls necessary to say certain things that needs to be said <
everything else ouside of that is mostly based on half-truths

Yes but it is worth to realize that we don't leave in the absolute truth inside the JoS neither. And this is fine as this is a part of our advancement. A lot of things have been said in the past that we now know to be false, and there is probably a lot of things we commonly believe to be true now, and might be false. Knowing the absolute truth on most things is highly depends on personal advancement.
Yes but it is worth to realize that we don't leave in the absolute truth inside the JoS neither. And this is fine as this is a part of our advancement. A lot of things have been said in the past that we now know to be false, and there is probably a lot of things we commonly believe to be true now, and might be false. Knowing the absolute truth on most things is highly depends on personal advancement.
You're right, but, ,i have to say that out of all the groups i have seen for now, it's the one that surely gets the closest to the truth, on average, and it sets you on the right path overall <

i have read, indeed that there have been jewish infiltrators in the past, leaving false,corrupted informations inside the JOS, and some of that corruption is potentially still here and there on the JOS Sites, but eventually, it'll all be fixed completely <
Of course ! It's thanks to you that I'm here !
You have good memory, I talked about Bardon and thought that Satan was Saturn during our discussion...

The fight is on another level now, I'm dedicated since few days and started french translations
Nice one! it's great to hear you have dedicated yourself, and knowing that my "efforts" helped you getting there,definitely gladdens my heart , indeed <

i'm sure you'll contribute very positively to the community <
Yes but it is worth to realize that we don't leave in the absolute truth inside the JoS neither. And this is fine as this is a part of our advancement. A lot of things have been said in the past that we now know to be false, and there is probably a lot of things we commonly believe to be true now, and might be false. Knowing the absolute truth on most things is highly depends on personal advancement.
The truth is no more than the reverse of the false. Only our own experience lead us to the reality.

Even if it's right that reptiles aliens created the jews to take over the Gentiles, the fact to read that is simply an intellectual form, becoming a thoughform we create and which follow us.
We create this form because of the strong emotion the idea provoke.

But if on our path we constate that jews say something that we know this is the reptile's way of thinking because you confronted them in your experience, that become a part of your reality and you cannot really talking about that in public, only with matured and experienced initiated.
An initiated has no strong emotion and no more create thoughform.

Belief is not knowledge.

No many people has a well developed clairvoyance or clairaudience here, so eat information without discernment lead to delirious because we don't really know this is a fact.
I wanted to read minds and have telekinesis. I knew the powers of the mind were real.
But then I got curious about the reptilian 'conspiracy' theory which lead me to finding this book about this new ager's experience. Then for a few days I became hopeless then angry and I decided to learn witch craft and learning and that I really needed to learn telekenesis even more in order to protect myself from those lizard people.
So I stumbled on this Wicca spell page and I started to explore that, but it didn't interest me just like any other religion that put limits on what to do and what not to do and to believe in things blindly. I couldn't believe those people, one of them who says has studied magic for years says the know the limits in magic for humans and that pyrokenesis and telekenesis is not real. Yea right, as if. I didn't believe that.
So one day I clicked a link on the Wicca spells website that lead me to the Joy of Satan website. At first I was afraid but then I decided to keep an open mind because maybe it had some more things about magic.
I started to read about Satanism on Joy of Satan and how Christianity was crap and finally life was starting to make sense!
I was always interested in the occult and started studying early in life. I have many stories of paranormal experiences, scary and not so scary, that go as far back as i can remember. it's always been a normal thing to me

I've also always felt something off about xianity. I remember telling my cousin once how i just pictured a bunch of priests around a cauldron absorbing all the prayers from people and using it for malicious intent. they laughed but i was serious

they gave me a couple books about different practices when i expressed interest. i studied wicca and voodoo in particular but never liked how you needed to collect all these strange ingredients and bury them in jars and stuff. it never felt right so i kept looking

then one day i was watching a paranormal activity style movie about a guy who summoned a demon as a joke and paid the price for it, i can't remember the name. but i was intrigued by the power of the demons and wanted to learn from them, and i thought maybe if i was respectful instead of being like the guy in the movie maybe they'd teach me

so i googled how to summon a demon and the first result was the jos articles on it. i studied the whole website and the more i read the more i liked it. i dedicated soon after and started doing rtr's. ive since fallen off a bit consistency wise but my heart has always been and will always be with the gods
I first found the jos site a decade ago as i was just casually searching up how to get a succubus, at the time i was in an anti-xianity phase and went full "Black metal scary devil man is actually cool" phase, and i was a horny teenager. I then saw the full site with the description and it made more and more sense the more i read.

The sex demons were why i joined but the promise of knowledge, power, saving my species and embracing culture is why i stayed as i grew up and got wiser.
I spent the last 30 minutes reading through the answers, it's interesting to see how you all came to find this place.
My story is shameful compared to pretty much every message in here, so it will act as a sort of reality check. Not all stories have a nice start, nor a nice ending.
I found 4chan when I was 15 or 16 and the only redpill I needed was that of the jewish question. This was on /pol. I stayed in that board for far too long, and left when I became beyond blackpilled because I was feeling miserable (I am 21 now, so you can probably figure out what it means to sit in that shithole for almost 5 years). I then switched to /x in an attempt to fix my dread. Found the /LoA (Law of Attraction) generals, but they were preached around a mystic who interpreted the bible as being a book of hypnosis basically. Tried it for a few months, didn't work, moved on. By this point existential dread had become harsh on me. I found the /succ general (The Succubus General) and thought why not. While reading up on it I asked a question in one of the threads. An anon pointed me to the JoS. I'm now into the meditation program. I'm giving this a shot as well, I'll stick around for a few months at least and see if I get anything out of here. I may stick longer on the forums, your hatred for thr jews is one of the few things that bring me some laughs and is really admirable.
Hope I wasn't too downcast about this story, I was hesitant to write it because it reads like a sob story, at least compared to answers here. And yes, I gave up on the succubus thing after reading the JoS.
Hey, I don't think that your post was downcast.

On the contrary, I think it's pretty exciting because you're just starting up on this path, and you have yet so many beautiful things to experience! 😁
I'm happy for you! Keep it up. 😎
My story may be the most random one. 😆

I found the JoS when I was 13 or so. I had taken a silly photo (back then, the phones with cameras were sooo coooool), in which I was holding a knife in an "attacker" pose.

Someone told me that I looked like a Satanist.

I laughed, but then I got online and researched Satan and Satanism. Just because I got curious.

I was actually doing this research FROM THE SCHOOL'S COMPUTER!! 🤣🤣🤣
God, I was so naive and reckless back then. But the technology was also not as advanced as it is today.

I remember there were a few websites that were blocked by the school's computer (for being "dangerous/not proper for the school") and JoS was one of them. So, I wrote down the web address and then visited them from home. 😂😂

When I started reading the Welcome page on JoS, I was feeling *euphoric*. I remember it was late at night, and I was moving my hands back and forth and screaming in the quietest whisper I could muster: "This is it!! I found it! I found the truth!! I found the truth!!".

It's quite funny because I had never before considered these things (I loved Greek mythology but was never interested in worshiping the Gods, or in the xtian god for that matter). I had never questioned our purpose of existence, aliens or "the jewish problem". I hadn't even considered spirituality or magic.

And then, the information from the JoS appeared on my computer screen, and I felt like I found the answer to a lifetime of questions. 🤣🤣

My meditating was done in a very wrong way (I was young, filled with inferiority complex, and I was quite deluded), so I eventually stopped meditating until some years later.

Regardless of the on and off sessions I had for many years, I am proud that I eventually settled down and took this path seriously. I am very proud of myself, of all the great changes and self-awareness that has occurred within me, and I am also very, very happy to be a member of this place, of Satan's House on Earth. :)

At some point in my spiritual path, I created these animated meditations videos, and to this day, I remember the positive energy I was feeling all day long when I uploaded the first video: https://m.youtube.com/@SpiritualSnism

Since then, I have written more than 10 notebooks with my daily spiritual practices and the vast experiences I've lived through the Gods and my own development.

I am truly so, so thankful for this path. I'm so thankful for our website and for Maxine, for all these articles she wrote and her posts in the groups. I am thankful for HP HoodedCobra continuing on her footsteps and bringing such incredible information for all our advancement.

I am thankful to be here, and I am proud to see our members keep on rising and new people having found the love and warmth of our Gods and Goddesses.

Here's to many more to come! 🥂

Hail Satan!!!
Hail Astarte!!!
I always resented christianity, even as far as 2 years old. By the time I was 4 years old, I had forcibly gone to church with my parents hundreds of times. I hated every minute of it and I was so bored that I brought toy cars with me to play on the armrests. Eventually, I came to terms with christianity and I was among the most introverted, submissive and fearful children in class. The xian thoughtforms had conquered my mind and I was having suicidal thoughts for years. Couple that with living in a xian household and I can now say that I hated my life for many years.

Despite that, the idea of nationalism always attracted me. In the years 2017-2021 I kept switching between xianity and atheism, between two sides of the same jewish coin. My nationalist sentiment led me to research communism and I started to hate it. One day in August of 2021, a Sunday from what I remember,
I always resented christianity, even as far as 2 years old. By the time I was 4 years old, I had forcibly gone to church with my parents hundreds of times. I hated every minute of it and I was so bored that I brought toy cars with me to play on the armrests. Eventually, I came to terms with christianity and I was among the most introverted, submissive and fearful children in class. The xian thoughtforms had conquered my mind and I was having suicidal thoughts for years. Couple that with living in a xian household and I can now say that I hated my life for many years.

Despite that, the idea of nationalism always attracted me. In the years 2017-2021 I kept switching between xianity and atheism, between two sides of the same jewish coin. My nationalist sentiment led me to research communism and I started to hate it. One day in August of 2021, a Sunday from what I remember,
I searched something along the lines of "Communism has died" or "Communism must die". I eventually stumbled upon deathofcommunism.com. From there, I went on to the main JoS website and the rest is history. I can not thank the authord of Death of Communism enough. Satan and the Gods have helped me manifest my highest self, and I have broken free from the shackles of jewish slavery. My mind, body, and soul are now all freed, and the xian nonsense in my family no longer works on me.
I don't know, it was about 10 years ago I started hearing voices and experiencing paranormal and supernatural stuff. like any Xian I immediately looked for help through jewsus and stuff and started praying and going to church to get it to stop, one day I was online on YouTube searching for something, and a video with this guy saying satan and god are backward popped up. I knew somehow that he was right but I was dependent on Christianity at that time. For a few months, I just put the video of that guy to the side but I eventually succumbed and did some investigating and learned about Enki and Enlil and eventually landed on the JOS website. I dedicated and the rest is history, i honestly believe being a SS though its not easy is more fulfilling.

i was originally an xtian, but quickly became disillusioned with it. i moved on to wicca, quickly moved from that to norse paganism, and then not long ago i found the JoS site and it resonated with my soul like no faith i had encountered before. i made the decision to dedicate myself to Satan and ever since ive been reading the JoS on pretty much daily basis.
read most of the posts in this thread very interesting to see how everyone came to JoS
My story, I was on Facebook many years ago and was in some groups about the Illuminati and other groups of people against the Zionists and Jews, so I started learning about all these things that other wise I wouldn’t have known, at the same time I was in search of God, wanted to know the truth about our creator who he truly was, I went first into the mainstream religions, Abrahamic religions, Christianity, Islam, went to all their churches and gatherings, searched and searched never stopped searching, and every time I saw something that didn’t feel right I always got suspicious and left, so I was in and out of the Christian denominations, mosques, frustrated because they all didn’t add up to purity and truth and goodness, I could see they were mainly money grabbing organisations, slave drivers, users for their own gain, as I was on Facebook there were a few people talking about Enki, Enlil these Annunaki extraterrestrial beings, this was very new to me, got interesting in learning more, then someone in one of the pages on facebook actually put the JoS link in the comments and I clicked because I have a curious mind and I dabble into everything I went and saw the JoS site went to reading it, was fascinated with the teachings dedicated myself to Father Satan, but because I didn’t continue reading a lot when I should have, and because of life issues and family I stopped reading and some how got side tracked and forgot about SSatanism, was busy with everything else, and I was lead right back to the false religions again, still searching and never satisfied with the Abrahamic religions I then said, I’m done with these religions I’m just going to be a believer in creator God and that’s it,
But me who is always on the internet I did at one stage came across these famous people who were exposing the religions and although he wasn’t a Spiritual Satanist but he knew that the Abrahamic religions were all made up from ancient religions like Egypt and he knew about the Annunaki from reading Zachariah stitchen’s book the Lost Book of Enki, so I would watch his videos and he actually validated what I was thinking about the Abrahamic religions, there was also another site about Enki she was a French woman and I read some her writings, she mainly got her teachings from the Lost book of Enki, she hardly used Satan, she also would mention Shiva and she did have some rituals of contact with the God’s I’m not sure who she was actually contacting, and she had meditations too, but for some reason I didn’t feel right with her too,
so I had a broad knowledge of things.
So on New Year’s Eve this new year I abandoned all the mainstream religions, and had a party to celebrate new year and the freedom from false religions and beliefs!
and after new years I went back to watching a few of Jordan’s videos who was exposing false religions.
Then I remembered JoS so I went back to the JoS site started reading again and this time I’m here to stay! Found the e-group and here I am
All Praises and Honour and Glory to Father Satan
Hail Satan ❤️
I remember when I first found the website in 2005 and started reading;
how it all made total sense and fell into place with the current state of this fucked up world.

Religion is at the core of all fucked up things, which is the opposite of how many sheep see it; religion being the only "pure" and "truthful" thing.
Nothing could be further from the truth.

I did not even know back then what yoga or meditation was, and had a view on it being only something non spiritual and not that special.
Finding out how spiritual it acutally is, and how the ancient people had symbology for it's purpose of advancing the soul gave me a strong insight of how little I knew of it.
And how little people in general know of it.

I also got a strong insight and realization (even without it really being said on the website) of how life itself is the true goal and meaning of life.
By awakening and thus activating our own inner infinte potential, life can thus really become what life is supposed to be; a Joy,
instead of the misery of christard "born in sin" life, limited to a book, and limited in general.

Both christads and mudslimes have been called "the people of the book", since they base their whole worldview and life purpose on a single book.

Joy of Satan is not based on a book of lies. It's based on Truth and True knowledge, which is infinite and the opposite of limited.

How christshitianity and pisslam is degrading women is very clear, and also it's purpose.
It's about degrading the infinte potential and soulpower in all of us.

HPS Maxine is the woman who fought back.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
