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What is your origin story?

How did you find the JOS?
A JoS member with many JoS links - about cursing torah and so on - on his profile followed me on Gab.
I was surprised because I believed that Satanism was about jews.

To find out more, I read JoS article and agreed with 90% of the content. I talked with my new follower who seemed mentally sane, polite...
It was in November.
I had many notions about occultism, astrology... but had never made the connection with Satan and Ancient Gods.
At this time, I believed Ancient Gods were the Archangels, Satan could be Saturn and other deluded stuff.

Thanks to the JoS work, I got out of the last trap :cool:

Hail JoS !
Hail Satan !
I had made few white nationalist friends from table top gaming and video games and we would often have long discord calls discussing all manner of things.

Xtanity was often a divisive topic (I was Xtan at the time but becoming disillusioned with it) and I had a friend who was a dedicated Satanist make the case for JoS and it was compelling enough for me to join.
How did you find the JOS?

I was looking for the truth in the world, and a thought suddenly came up in my mind to search for Satan or Satanism in a browser. It took some time, and here I am. I was led here by kind divine forces that wanted the best for me—to see how the world is in a higher level of detail, a subtler, more descriptive detail of a wide painting.

Before coming to this conclusion, I was undivided by anything and had my own views towards the spiritual; no one dictated how it should be for me, and I have always thought that it's something related to the soul, natural, and that there's a higher purpose in life. Never have I ever thought that a Christian thought form or anything like that exists. This luckily contributed.

The type of thinking I was accustomed to prior to arriving at this destination was that there were some ghouls in this world, but I did not have a more illustrative word for describing those creatures. I came upon some articles that exposed them; however, I did not ever think that was Satanism but instead that they worshiped evil itself.

My intuition has always been something gifted to me by existence, and this has helped enormously in this endeavor.
As a side note, are you Astralnaut, the past person who hasn't posted here for a long time and who had a picture of Himmler? Alt account perhaps?
My ex best friend show me the path, and as I look back I see him was just a mediator as he never did anything for himself and quickly left. I'm on the contrary I endured a lot of criticism about this path from both him and lot of others from the internet, even if my knowledge was fragment of when it "all comes together".
Quite a few years ago I just typed Satan in the search box and it was among the first results. It was almost highlighted, as if there was an outer glow around the text. Then the monumental work of a truly great woman appeared and amazed me. I was astounded how the truth can exist in such a raw form. It all made perfect sense, for the first time there was a narrative that I could agree with. The rest is history.
I had the simple thought that everything was a lie so Satan must be the good guy, so I searched up a term I had seen on wikipedia 10 years or so ago, spiritual satanism. Back in 2013 if you typed in spiritual satanism the joy of satan would appear in google search engine. I doesnt anymore. Ever since then Ive had incredible experiences and some banned acounts for "racism".
It was around 2016, I was 13 yo and I was researching on witchcraft, then I stumbled upon a blog with magick workings from the JoS, I contacted the administrator and he led me here. This happened only 2 years later in 2018.
I was having an existential crisis in my room, thinking about religions and what was really true. Ever since I was little, I had always hated the Xian and was sure it would never be real, just as I had always been attracted to the Greek and Egyptian gods. I researched many religions, but none seemed right, none seemed true. At a certain point, I gave up. After a few days, wandering around TikTok, I came across a video about spiritual Satanism. The video talked specifically about how Satan was really good and our creator. I had never been afraid of Satan and didn't believe what I was told about him, so I was even more sure. I entered the JoS website as that profile taught, studied it with fascination and joy, felt at home with enormous peace and that I had really found the truth.

And here I am!
Around 2014, I began losing faith in the xian religion and I came across the JoS. I didn't think too much of it, but I found it interesting nonetheless. Later in 2014 I had my racial awakening and started to be proud of being white and rejecting all white guilt, which continued well into 2015 when I learned that Jews are actively trying to destroy the white race.
In 2016, I learned the truth about National Socialism and Adolf Hitler and embraced Paganism and I revisited the JoS website. Then in 2017 I dedicated my soul to Satan.
A part of me led me here. Started with the typical Mainstream Satanism so to speak which led in many cases into the typical polarized Christian antithesis "Muh Devil is bad narrative" ---> Trap. The soul knows...
And yes back in the days you could indeed find the JoS if you looked for spirituality and Satanism on Google. You know I mean the Time when the digital Ethernet was a physical rebuild of the Ethernet. Before the enemy corrupted it after they realized its purpose.

It's all luck.

Thats your opinion but there is a saying, luck and coincidence are just words to provide an explanation for something else the current conciousness cannot grasp
I was many years interested in the theory of the Annunaki and the Sumerian tablets , I wanted to know the truth about ancient cultures like Sumer and Egypt and one day I found a forum called Unidos por Satan now disappeared that was a Spanish translation of the JOS.
A former school friend of mine was Satanist and one day he told my group of friends. Over time I became very curious about it, he told me the site where he got his information from and that was it.

Unfortunately afterwards he got into bad company and he also smoked weed.
Long story short: I was spiritually open as a kid and had abilities that even today I cannot replicate, right until someone from my family called an "angel" and I was essentially coerced to pray to "god" or jewsus every night (the fear would subside just enough for me to fall asleep and my gifts became harder and harder to use until I couldn't do them anymore). I also felt a great push to seriously dedicate to xtianity - as in working on becoming a priest. This was thankfully ignored by me out of laziness.

I was 7 or so around this time and I distinctly remember my soul detesting this "god" when that event happened. My brain didn't know any better, but my soul knew it was being forced to kneel by a sword.

Fast forward to my early teenage years and I'm rediscovering my passion for spirituality. I'm looking at YouTube videos about opening the chakras, mantras, meditations, astral projection, lucid dreaming, etc

What interested me the most was the 3rd eye, so I was doing some meditations on it and a bit of trance work. This kept going on for around a month, maybe two. Then one summer morning I woke up with an unnatural hatred towards "god", so I got out of bed and onto my PC to google something that "god" would hate. I literally googled "Satanic meditation", clicked on page 2 on Google, and found JoS. The rest is history.
I was just a dumb 13 year old that thought Satanism sounded badass and started googling and reading stuff. I found Joy of Satan the most interesting and binge read the website every chance I could get. I dedicated, started meditating daily, and then my own thoughts started interfering with my everyday life. Looking back, this may have been a spiritual attack. I then stopped meditating for years. Then meditated a lot. Then burned out and made a bunch of dumb decisions. Then I came back a couple years ago and I want to stay on track this time. I really hope to continue on this path and stop getting distracted in life. I feel that I am in a better position now to do so and I need to push myself to continue making the right decisions and continue with meditation and spiritual warfare. Not a great origin story but that's how it's been for me. I need to do better.
Hail Satan
Thats your opinion but there is a saying, luck and coincidence are just words to provide an explanation for something else the current conciousness cannot grasp
In my country, it takes luck to find the site, and talent to understand it. We can't use Google search, and every way you can think of to find this website. Some people, even if they find it, are unable to understand it. So, one must have both luck and talent to become a member.

Many years ago, when I was a middle school student, I was interested in mythology. I encountered a series of coincidences that led me to find this website.

By the time I found this website, Pluto was just beginning to transit my 12th house. Maybe Pluto brought this event to me.
It's all luck.

The Ancient Greek word for Luck is actually translating to "Causality". Everyone is here because their soul led them here, alongside the Gods. Since we don't always get how that works, we call it luck.

Many nice stories on this thread, may all of you advance forever.
A friend who has been a great influence in my life told me about Joy of Satan. I, who had been an atheist and materialist for many years, suddenly warmed up and felt like I had come home. Something inside me was telling me that this was the right way, and in time I came to realise that I was not wrong.

After meeting JoS, my life changed and I felt like when I first gained consciousness. I see this place as my home and I see all of you as my family.

Hail Satan!
I was a pretty degenerate kid, but I was always different from my peers, I never dwelt too much on social, music, shopping, etc... I was always looking for something more, something deeper.

One day I got curious about Satanic symbols, I thought they might have hidden power, so I wanted to learn more. That day I found JoS, from a compilation of the internert's 'most disturbing' sites.

Otherwise, I had my own path of evolution, and now I have goals, a vision of my future, and above all a calling towards my progress on so many levels. Essentially it has disrupted my life in a positive way.

For the rest, I thank Gods for letting me find JoS before other sites or congregations, I thank them for their support and guidance.
The Ancient Greek word for Luck is actually translating to "Causality". Everyone is here because their soul led them here, alongside the Gods. Since we don't always get how that works, we call it luck.

Many nice stories on this thread, may all of you advance forever.
I know it is not a coincidence, in the end the gods end up bringing you back to the road, the goddess Gaia for whom I always felt attracted is Astarte, and who I called "the red-haired woman" and that at that time I did not know her name, many years later I discovered that she is the demoness Gremory.
Around 2014, I began losing faith in the xian religion and I came across the JoS. I didn't think too much of it, but I found it interesting nonetheless. Later in 2014 I had my racial awakening and started to be proud of being white and rejecting all white guilt, which continued well into 2015 when I learned that Jews are actively trying to destroy the white race.
In 2016, I learned the truth about National Socialism and Adolf Hitler and embraced Paganism and I revisited the JoS website. Then in 2017 I dedicated my soul to Satan.
Bravo, that is beautiful, brings tears of joy.
I've been fascinated by Greek culture since I was a child.

When I found JoS, I felt at home again. Something led me here.

I was a pagan.

One day everything was very bad. I cried and prayed to Lord Marduk. Marduk is the name of Lord Amon in Sumerian mythology.
A week later I found SS.

Lord Amon has taught me so much. He is a great guide and hero.

Socrates gave the meaning of 'guide' to the inner voice he called 'Daimon'. I don't believe all this is a coincidence.

I believe there is a hero in all of us.
Here's mine: https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/a-decade.44413/

Interestingly, my childhood best friend is a Satanist, but not Spiritual Satanist. I haven't talked much with her since we were 8 years old, but she also got into the occult in our teens. I never told her of the JoS as we don't live in the same town anymore, only talked briefly online, so it's not like I could really feel out the situation and lead her here. And from our conversation, I could tell she's not ready for any of this anyway.
I was brought up in a non religious household in a muslim country before my immigration. Until the middle teenage years, I believed in not pisslam, but certain pisslamic concepts such as the "one god", abrahamic morality and other stuff.

My shift from pseudo abrahamism to outright Satanism could be described as a very gradual transformation over the course of 16 years or so. I was never that much into pisslam anyways, shit creeped me out, EVEN though i had prayed like 2 times to the filth "allah". looking back, it always felt very dirty and vile to me, I just wasnt spiritually open enough to realize it fully back then.

Later on, i became interested in more new age things, such as law of attraction, neville goddard, abraham hicks...

I tried desperately once to manifest my highschool crush to fall in love with me, for 4 entire fucking years. along with things such as getting taller etc.

Eventually I gave up on the " just believe it and its there" type of bullshit i had signed up for earlier, and began my journey into witchcraft. Typically, the type of stuff you see on tiktok , or witchtok, as they call it. More Western type of Paganism.

I had always liked the representation of magickal characters in cartoon shows as a kid, and had been very strongly interested in witchcraft, the dark arts, magic as a child, so much so that many times when i was smaller, although i nominally told others i was muslim, I many times literally went on the internet and looked up shit like "spell to turn into a vampire/ mermaid", "how to summon Shaitan", " how to kill someone with magick", and i never really got scared too bad by any threats in the quran against witchcraft, even though i somewhat believed in god, heaven and hell as a child.

I really thought about communicating with jinn (demons in arabic), as a child whenever i thought of magick.
so basically that resurfaced in my late teens and i followed suit.

I downloaded a pdf of the 72 Goetic Demons' sigils in circles, I didn't know much back then, and I did rituals to a few Demons to help me with my life, such as Vapula.
Eventually I found an instagram account by the name of Satanic Truth i think, which i also know has an account here, and we talked quite a few times.

I remember that, on the instant that I started reading the very first paragraph on the JoS Main, it was as if I was remembering things that i always had adhered to without noticing in my entire life, and it took less than 3 days for me to dedicate immediately after reading just a few pdfs of JoS and stuff.

You know that feeling of extreme nostalgia? mix that with the feeling of finally remembering the correct answer of a question in a test which you had studied for, but took a while to remember . Thats what I felt.

And here I am now.
2016. It was on Twitter. I read a tweet from this person who was defending Satan.

I had a furious urge to contact him. As if I had to contact him at all costs. I sent him a private message and wrote precisely this:
"Knock, knock, knock! Is Satan here?!"

I'll always remember it and so will he. That sentence was so weird...
I've always wondered how I dared speak like that to a stranger 😑
(and I never talk about Satan to anyone in my daily life/physical reality, even now).

The beginning of an important story, and one that led me to JoS.

If you read this my Friend from all eternity...I salute you and thank you for bringing me to Father Satan.
As we can see from this thread there are many unsung heroes who brought others in with internet activism and bringing people to see information (hopefully they all did this in a same and anonymous manner).

That highlights the importance of our growth in these aspects. Unfortunately we have been google censored for quite a long time. We will seek to work in all of these areas as we go. We are preparing major things for these areas.

It's very sad that some souls out there seek the Truth and they need it but they cannot very easily find it. We will all work as a community to make sure that others get this easily, while simultaneously protecting ourselves of course from the NPC mind while we are at it.
How did you find the JOS?
i saw a youtube video from “tuv” and it was about him going on “sites from the dark web” and then it eventually showed the death spell page on jos and i wanted to try it on someone😂 but i eventually actually started reading everything on jos and i thought it was really interesting then i started to take it serious and i’m very glad that it brought me here lmao.
I had the simple thought that everything was a lie so Satan must be the good guy, so I searched up a term I had seen on wikipedia 10 years or so ago, spiritual satanism. Back in 2013 if you typed in spiritual satanism the joy of satan would appear in google search engine. I doesnt anymore. Ever since then Ive had incredible experiences and some banned acounts for "racism".
Yeah I quit Google Many years ago, I avoid it like the plague. Total garbage. But JOS comes right up first on Duckduckgo. Another search engine even better than duckduckgo is Yandex.com Jos comes right up on it. Yandex censors the least.
Growing up I was really interested in mythology and folklore, mostly slavic and hungarian one, which was mostly the influence of my aunt. As a kid I was seriously convinced at one point that she's a real life witch 😂 She was interested in both witchcraft and paganism, she also had a hobby of collecting crystals, gemstones and making jewelries out of them, as well as making clothes herself. As a kid my favorite thing was to listen to her stories about mythology and folklore. Looking back on it, she was definitely pagan, altough I doubt she knew about the existence of Spiritual Satanism. According to my family she wasn't the best person, and had her own flaws, but ultimately my love for the ancient religions and mythology was thanks to her.

I forgot about these things for years, but got interested in the occult once again, only because I thought it was something spooky, edgy and badass, as most teens do, so for me it started as a form of rebellion at first. At that time I didn't put two and two together, so I had no idea that the ancient pagan religions and belief systems are all connected to Satanism. Didn't really found out the truth for much longer, so my idea of what Satanism were came from corrupted bullshit mostly. My family isn't really religious so I was lucky enough to stay away from most of the corrupted stuff, but the mainstream media, especially horror movies really made an impact on me, in a negative way. One time I was playing a game, and wanted to name my virtual pet/familiar after a Demon, because for me the names of Demons sounded extremely melodic and nice sounding when said out loud (Also found them badass af, as most teens would lol ). Google randomly showed me a site which contained multiple pdfs, sermons and all kinds of informations translated from JoS into my native language, that's how I went into the rabbithole and binge-read for several hours. The timing was perfect as well, because the site in question actually shut down after a few years of functioning, so I stumbled into it at the right time. Back then I didn't knew any english at all, so without that website and the translation I would never found Spiritual Satanism in the first place. I was hesitant at first, and kept reading and processing the information for weeks until I dedicated. What actually pushed me over to dedicate was a fellow SS whom I talked about my doubts and fears. She told me her own story and experiences, and ultimately she was the one who helped me decide and make my dedication. She didn't pushed me or forced me or anything of the short, she just wanted me to know the truth and shared her personal experiences with me. Sometimes I wonder what happened to her, I hope she's doing fine. May the Gods bless her.

It was definitely a bumpy road at first, and I jumped in and out of meditating for long periods of time. I also fell into some delusional shit, and arrogantly thought that I'm so much better than everyone else, and that I'm already an advanced/powerful/special person (Spoiler alert, nahh 🙃). What I failed to realize at that time that everyone wants to feel special and unique, which is a more pronunced desire if someone is an SS, because most people seek the attention and the closeness of the Gods. What people don't realize that they are ALREADY special, the fact that they found Satan and the Gods is a proof of that, and a big one. One thing is for certain, which is I found my place, so to speak. Despite me being a lazy little shit I always end up back here, after wandering off a little bit. I also know that the Gods are with me, and looking over me from the start, despite me not being that much open. I was always guided by them, even if I realized this fact later in time. In the past, I occasionally had a few experiences, which made me certain about the existence of the Gods and of the truth, and at this point I'm not doubting anything, both my decision and mindset is as solid as concrete.
I'm also extremely grateful for the forums, I didn't even knew that it existed until years after my dedication, but ohh boy, I did miss on a whole lot. I'm a lurker, I only read the things that other members share without participating myself. I'd like to participate in the future, but because of my lack of experience and advancament I doubt I could provide useful help or knowledge in my current state. I can remember that when I first read the translated JoS website, and the Forums later it felt like as if a whole new world opened up to me, one I was never able to see before. It's really a wonderful experience. It's also great to be able to read the experiences of other members, it's always gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside when I see a thread about their success, positive experiences, etc. It's always uplifts my mood, and I've also cried a few times over reading some positive and encouraging Sermons and Comments, don't judge me tho 😂
The void brought me here. Even weeks before I had come across the JOS through the forums on Temple of Screaming Electrons website I was already being contacted by the gods although I wasn't aware of what it was at the time.

I was in a room that had absolutely no light in it. I was my garage that had been turned into a room so that no natural light could come in so if I had my eyes opened of closed the darkness would be the same. One day I was awakened and I could not move. I saw a black, deeper than the darkest shade of black I had ever seen, wrap around me like smoke, but not penetrating past my aura which was still dark, just not a pure shade of black. The best way I could describe it is similar to when you turn your TV on and there is the black screen which is dark but not pitch black, or how when you close your eyes in a room with light it all goes dark, but then if you have your eyes closed and you put your hands over your eyes it gets even darker.

Some time after I experienced this I was in class and my teacher always gave us a quick writing assignment to start off as soon as we entered. There is a question on the board and that day it had something to do with the supernatural asking if we had ever witnessed anything of the sort. When we were done writing she asked if anyone would like to share and I spoke about my aforementioned experience. The class was kind of puzzled looking at me dubiously like ones who didn't know whether or not to believe me, but then the teacher says "mine was white". She also stated that like me she was in a room with no light in it. After an awkward silence we got on with our class.

I had also already astral projected before this as my father had a book on ESP where the author speaks of a method of astral projection by tensing up the whole body and the releasing and focusing on a falling effect. I had succeeded a few times as a teen very briefly. I would always snap back into my body very quickly as the excitement would cause me to want to move physically. I would also play with my third eye as a child and move my finger close to and then away. The magnetic sensation was noticeable to me. Many of us are meant to be here and have this imprinted in our souls.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
