I don't know if its bad or not.
I use mountain salt when doing neti.
However, I learned later on that its for temporary to no relief. Your nose opens for the time being and closes 2-3 mins after doing neti. And your nose remains dry afterwards.
That said, mucus is drained out.
However, Jos must have a reason for saying that.
In any case, for you I won't say to do neti or not to do neti.
However, I will definitely tell you to do one thing i.e. focus on third eye !!!
First of all, if you scour through the forums on this topic, you will find that some members say that nose block is caused by heat in the stomach i.e eating spicy,hot things which produces mucus in the nose and I agree with them. Its just that I recently realised that I saw my other family members eating the same food as me but why isn't their nose blocked ? It was then I realised that apart from heat there was another problem too.
I remember Blitzkreig advising to do hatha yoga but foolish me after not finding enough relief from yoga, stopped having hope to solve my problem with yoga. Only now I realise my foolishness. Hatha yoga has helped me a lot in healing my disease.
However, that said apart from heat in the stomach, there's one other issue that contributed about
70-80 % towards the blockage of my nasal passageways.
The issue is related to the third eye ! ! !
I discovered that if I focus on the area between my eyebrows on each inhale of breath, I feel like tightness or the feeling of having a knot is reduced in that area. You don't even need to focus, just being conscious around that area on each inhale gives a feeling of lightness and a feeling of free flow in that area.
Its like I slowly but surely removed something around the area that was not letting energy pass. The other thing I did is to visualise bright golden entering through my eyebrows and lighting up the third eye and my brain at the same time.
I have enjoyed breathing freely for two continous days and its nice.
In any case, I would advise the following:
After waking up and before sleeping, allot half an hour time just for this exercise.
Either you can be conscious of the area around the middle of the eyebrows during each inhale or visualise bright golden light entering through your third eye and lighting it and the brain at the same time or do both.
Its like with each inhale, apart from nose or mouth, you are breathing from third eye too. It doesn't matter if your nose is blocked. Juse breathe from your mouth and be conscious of your third eye.
You can do this today to see if it works out for you. Your problem might be different and there might be a different solution. Still its worth checking out to see if it works out for you. If doing this exercise makes you dizzy or faint or any other side effects then stop and try again in 4-5 days. Do not over exert yoursef, I am serious.
I feel like hatha yoga has helped me a lot to help solve my nose block. For you, I seriously warn to do it only after two weeks from surgery. Maybe, three weeks after surgery for safety and health concerns.
Do not do it before that or there might be severe consequences. If you feel like its only safe to do after a month after surgery then follow exactly that but under no circumstances should you push yourself to do yoga. And when you indeed start doing yoga, ignore the inverted postions for a while and only do it after you have adjusted doing normal positions. Do not stop doing yoga no matter what.
During this one month after surgery, I would advise you to not eat spicy or oily or any 'hot' foods. Try to eat as much as raw foods, fruits etc that bring cooling effect to the stomach. Avoid mango or banana.
Damn I just realised. Do you lean on any direction when doing neti ? If so, stop doing neti.
Leaning in either direction might regress or reverse the effort of your surgery. In this recuperative period of time, your nose should be straight as possible, not making any angle because of leans.
Also, don't run and walk slowly but steadily without jerks.