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What is the Satanic view on solipsism?

Sep 2, 2003
They say solipsism has it's roots in the ancient religions, like Buddhism and Hinduism, and that this is what it means to be literally one with the universe, or in other words, to experience 'oneness'. I was wondering what was the JoS view on solipsism? To me, it's a very lonely belief... to believe that you and only you exist, and everything else is just a creation of your mind and isn't real, but you...
I'm really hoping to get some information on this, especially if a HP can leave a comment, that would be extremely awesome. Or if someone can point me in a direction where one of our HPs have touched on this topic, that would be awesome too. Thanks brothers and sisters. Hail the Gods and Goddesses of Duat.
Sounds like a load of existential narcissistic rubbish which is debunked immediately when two minds come to the consensus that some object external to themselves exists.

Or a way to justify simply being a jerk to everyone... after all they don't exist!
Jewish. Solipsism is like xianity, the belief that you've got one shot, and its all between you and Gawd. In this case, god is replaced by yourself. We are all one ends up meaning, I own every one. Its a deranged version of the truth being that there IS an interconnecting force between all things in a dimension called the Astral.
And yes, I do agree, Solipsism is a ruthless belief system, probably one of the worst, right next to Christianity that I've fell into... And please, don't get me wrong... this is something that fell upon me, not something I chose to roll with. I hate this belief, and the thought of being the only one in the universe and everything is a construct of your own mind is beyond terrifying.

Do you have a real objective in mind with this particular idea, it seems like you are trying to oust something from your Soul without any outside help, which is admirable, but is not something that is advisable. These things that the enemy does to us are NOT capable of being undone alone, nor should they be. When the enemy attacks our Soul it is for Satan to dictate how we are to heal, not for you to just do it on your own.

Where would YOU be if you hadn't come to this group asking for help going it alone is NOT something I advise doing, I thought I made it very clear several months ago what happens when you go it alone on this path. It's dangerous. We are your Family, and we are here to help.

On that subject allow me to introduce the True me, this is the person you would formerly recognize as DescipleoftheGods who is now becoming my True self through meditation. You find that meditation brings you to a true state of knowing about things and yourself in Truth. There is a reason His name is Satan and what it means.

We are here to be together like a REAL Family NOT like a christian lie which STOLE the idea of Family and make a terrible excuse for one which falls apart the second you are not bowing to the two foot clowns in space who call themselves Jehova, who I might add happen to the the most dangerous beings in the Universe, please never underestimate them.

I call them clowns not to undestimate them but to scorn them, and it is my passive aggressive hatred towards them until the final showdown.

I may have some advise for you if you would like it. But, in order for that to happen we need to get to the heart of the matter. What exactly is your question, you do know that solipsism is almost entirely responsible for the destruction of the entire Universe right?

With that in mind I would like to know what your point is. Furthermore, I am very proud of you for continuing on this path despite what the rotten enemy is doing to you everyday. I have been concerned about you off and on.
I am very happy to see you.

I have been very concerned about you lately, and the holes in your aura which are the main reasons for the attacks you suffer through, and I am here to tell you that I want to personally put aside time out of my day to help you heal from that with high level White Magick which will heal you. This particular White Magick will go directly to Satan from there when I have collected the energies and He will then begin a Ritual, or high level working to heal your aura, sometimes it is like this to where it takes a High Level Power to do such a thing.

The particular meditation is the element of Akash, where you collected the ball of light energy and then you program it to heal whomever it is going to heal, and send it to Satan. My Brother of whom I am your Sister, I am going to heal you directly under the Guidance of Satan, I want you to know that immediately. I am not at the point yet but I guarantee you IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN.

I need to further unlock my natural powers to do this meditation but I will give you a timeframe of 4 months and then I will begin the working immediately. Unlocking one's natural powers from past lives requires a lot of time.

I have been doing specific meditation for this for over 7 months and still have yet to tap into much of it.

I know in your Soul and can tell from all of your messages that you KNOW  this is going to happen and you have been looking for a White Witch to do this. Say what you will but I am very good at White Magick hence the title.

Just be patient with me my Brother and I will get you what you need. Your aura has a lot of holes in it and needs to be healed with high level White Magick there are far too many with just the aura sealing alone.

I am here to offer my Magickal talents to you my Brother. I am actually a Hymphrodite although I suspect that you knew something was off about me from the start. I am mostly Female and yes, I am notifying everyone in the Group whom was not previously aware this whom I knew to begin with including Fake Name Whom I am not currently aware of it he knows or not.

The enemy cursed me on the Male side of my Hympahroditic state to the point of where I had forgotten that I was even a Woman and I was an ugly amorphous fat blob who played RPG's and liked eating doritos and tacos and fried chicken and very low grade ramen and other rotten things that are bad for your liver or can kill you naturally because of the enemy. I through Satan's Guidance and the help of my Guardian's Lady Agares and another unknown lesser Demoness whom WILL be known one day to help me know and understand who and WHAT I AM.

I think it's also time YOU KNOW who and what you are instead of clinging to this nonsensical drivel the enemy has placed on you, although you are NOT a hymaphrodite. It is true though that a lot of Women and Men on this planet walk around not knowing they are hymaphroditic and suffer in an existence of dust and rot because of it.

I am GOING to make a website for Hymaphroditic peoples to come and read when I get time and it will be posted here and it will if allowed by our High Priestess Maxine Dietrich our Leader to post certain web pages from the JoyOfSatan on this particular website also from the GLBT website from whom owns that one because of the sexual preferences of all hympahroditic peoples. This is off topic yet not, but I took the time without really having it being a very busy Woman whom serves Satan to write this out to let anyone on here who is Hymaphroditic to NOT BE ASHAMED. BE WHO YOU ARE, AND LIVE IT WITH PRIDE AND JOY, it is how your Father Satan made you.

Never listen to the enemy again with their nonsensical drivel. NEVER. DO you not feel suppressed by these rotten space thugs trying desperately to find who and WHAT you are RichardLesterHailSatan?

Allow me to provide you the first step. I will heal you the VERY FIRST DAY I get the power to. This I promise to you.

Which was my main point other than explaining the loss of indentity that almost all of Humanity suffers through and how it's rotten, and diplorable to watch this rotten treatment of my fellows in this fashion.

I will stand has His fashioned leader in politics and I WILL annihilate the evil rotten scumbags who oppress us under His Guidance. For a very long time I have specifically hated evil, and I will stand against them with PURE SATANIC MIGHT and annihilate them out of politics, they will be jobless.

This is the most evil rotten treatment of Humanity I have ever seen in my time, and I WILL do something about it.

People are lead to believe that societies are "free and open" when this is just a Jewish lie boldly and blatantly. Don't you ever believe this because it's a torah Black Magick styled LIE.

Jews are mimicing our societies from the past which Satan Himself established especially in America, Russia, Romania, Morocco, Greece, France, Ireland, and Norway and South America.

When in fact they are systems rigged to establish communism from the inside like a CIA styled job, or should I call it the OSS.

For people to truly be free we need Satan, not a rotten murdering LIAR called Jehova as the fake God of all of Humanity who slaughters us at no cost, or makes us a horrible reason to throw someone in a dumpster and blame shift saying a drunk in a bar caused it.

I am here to tell all of you that I will STOP THIS. This is enough of the insanity on this planet which threatens to kill us all at any second, yes, the situation is just that damn grave.

The Jews have a setup that could kill us all of we DO NOT stand and fight together as a Family now.
But, Satan as always has a plan. If we follow His instructions in His plan then we WILL WIN.

As for that plan that is left to the Clergy and we are to follow it. If you look closely enough they put out information that leads into the main goal, whether they are articles, or attack rituals. Fortunately the war in Syria has been STOPPED. We the noble and brave who endured the enemy attacks and kept fighting anyway who participated won that day, HIS WILL was known. I am proud to say that I personally stood and fought ritual after ritual although not consecutively I did my fair share of rituals and type this out with pride and joy to have participated.

This is something that needs to stop. This senseless brutality needs to end.
To all of those others who participated and to the High Priests/Priestesses who gave us the forethought, and knowledge to get this done I am eternally grateful and from here into eternity we will talk of these times and what we did.

If you imagine eternity then this is Godhood. If you have a lover, or a Demon/Demoness companion imagine being with them for a time that is not set because it will never end, a friend, a Family member and our beloved Father Satan.

THIS is what we look to establish. An eternal Family with Satan as our Father, and Lilith as our Mother.

This is how it happens. We all band together and help one another out now. It's okay if one another need to work out issues because of the enemy drek. Never mind that and just do the best you can.

Don't be too hard on yourself, or at all just because you missed a ritual, or a due date with the group, the enemy pulls rotten things on us, which is why people have from the late show up at work, to the failed marriage and a coffin if bad enough. But, this all ends NOW. Banding together is the way to get this done.

Take care of yourselves and I love all of you whether I know you or not. You are my Family, and I yours.

Hail Satan.

Yes, all is one. You can also be one with deadly viruses, sexually tied to people you never like, deadly mushrooms and any other plant, or one with the feces under the sewers. But sorry you just meant one with unicorns and fairies? I thought you wanted to be one with everything? Oh it wasn't the case?

When it comes to love and bubbles and funny things, all is one. You and your unicorn. When it comes to deadly crap and bad stuff, oh please give us individuality so we can move away. Hail Individuality. LOL.

Solipsism is just a perversion over a feeling of consciousness over everything, also known as "Gnosis" or "Atman" which the enemy has perverted into lower level crap, to make he masses go insane and communize the people into non existence. Upon these perverted theories all sorts of other crap like Nihilism, 420 weed idiot and drug culture, race mixing, all come to tie in to soap land of unicorns, filling mental asylums and slums everyday. Who knows what else of a crap. As with anything spiritual, especially all things about oneness, the enemy tries to use so that people get their defences and barriers down, so like a vicious virus they can attack them.

No, everything is NOT one in this case. Also, do you think that once you die, this world disappears? This sounds like psychopathological egotism to the point of mental sickness. Which somehow poses as a funny theory of oneness.

I devoted my life and time until now to show people that spirituality is not this load of crap, so you may excuse my tone. Its just insane what sort of crap circulates all around. Always nonsense to keep everyone blind and ignorant. Drugs, xianity, delusions, a world going more and more falsely digital, all hallucinations and lies onto one's self. Why? Because the enemy made reality so bad.

Satan wants this clearly out. Spirituality and Satanism are grounded concepts based on a higher reality, sane observation, stability and filtering anything with our logic, which gets even more highly elevated with practice.

Peope must develop all parts of their intelligence in an equal and harmonious manner. This is not an asylum for the lazy, the stupid and the wanna be shooting thunders from the fingers to impress your teenage girlfriend for no other reason whatsover. While there are no limitationsn its better for people to be grounded and heavenly at the same time. Remember, this is about Truth, Satan's name means Truth Eternal and this oath is called Sanatana Dharma. Heavens and Earth must meet. If you lose the earth and you win the heavens, you fail. If you win the earth and lose the heavens, you fail. In both you lose the aim. Balance is where the fun begins.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
@Naturesemblem Your psychic senses seem to be straight on. As for healing me sister, I truly appreciate at it... I truly do... from the bottom of my heart. And if this thought-form wasn't attached to me blocking out my ability to express my emotions, I would damn near cry right now... but that's not the case. There's a part of me that welcomes you to do this, and there is also a part of me that doesn't... A part of me that thinks I truly don't deserve it... And I can agree with that.
@HPHoodedCobra And thanks HP for taking your time to send a reply to this thread. I highly appreciate it. It does mean a lot.
now I know why 99 percent of psytrance artists and djs are isrealies and they want to push lsd and other hallucinogenic drugs .drugs make you slave to them forever

On Tuesday, February 9, 2016 4:27 PM, "aldric.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Very well written. Makes ALOT of sense.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
