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What is the best way to kill myself painlessly

Arno Dorian

Mar 24, 2021
Is there any spiritual being that I can get help for this. I want it to be instant .
Nobody will tell you or advise you any of this here.

You need to rethink things very seriously and stop behaving to yourself in this manner. There is beauty in life more than you currently understand. Hold on tight, explain your problems, and everyone is going to help you with sound advice.
Ramier108666 said:
What seems to be the issue. I’ve been coming across this a lot. Like HP HoodedCobra said, explain the situation. We are more than willing to assist.

Arno seems to have come here a few days ago in need of serious help, if you read his previous posts. We can definitely help insofar he explains his situation.
Arno Dorian said:
Is there any spiritual being that I can get help for this. I want it to be instant .

Due to karma, any major problems you are facing now will continue to exist during your next life. Therefore, suicide will only delay you and nothing more. Also, it will never be painless because everyone here, your family, and the Gods, do not want to see you be subject to that.

You are loved, so let us help you, please. Take a deep breath and be strong. You will get through this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ramier108666 said:
What seems to be the issue. I’ve been coming across this a lot. Like HP HoodedCobra said, explain the situation. We are more than willing to assist.

Arno seems to have come here a few days ago in need of serious help, if you read his previous posts. We can definitely help insofar he explains his situation.

I viewed his post so far. Some things are innocent questions, but some other things I’m not so sure. He hasn’t really explained much since her started his first post. They are odd at best.
Ramier108666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ramier108666 said:
What seems to be the issue. I’ve been coming across this a lot. Like HP HoodedCobra said, explain the situation. We are more than willing to assist.

Arno seems to have come here a few days ago in need of serious help, if you read his previous posts. We can definitely help insofar he explains his situation.

I viewed his post so far. Some things are innocent questions, but some other things I’m not so sure. He hasn’t really explained much since her started his first post. They are odd at best.

I think he might be experiencing some financial woes [judging from the post in the 5th], or has a teenager age situation that many people have with suicide, or other unclaimed things.

For all of these there are many solutions so let's wait for Arno to ask for the help he needs since knowledge exists for all.
Arno Dorian said:
Is there any spiritual being that I can get help for this. I want it to be instant .

I hope you aren’t a jew. You seem to be asking a lot of jew related questions, “can jews do this, can jews do that”.

If you aren’t, we can help. I am also in very bad situation, but from every angle that I looked, suicide is bad option, because it won’t absolutely do anything to help me. What’s worse, Gods and Goddesses would be probably very disappointed. And our troubles in next incarnation would start from where they left of. Maybe even get worse.

Suicide is just a fool’s option. That’s the realization I came upon.
HP. cobra's prediction is correct, my biggest problem right now is money.

And i'm am not with my biological family right now. The country where I was born and where I am now is not my own country. The family I am in now is not my biological family. I don't think I'm adopted, probably not, the reason must be something else .
( I'm not advanced enough to get 100% correct answers from demons . So i don't know exactly why .)
I don't know why but for a long time I had a feeling that I was of a different nationality.
And the topic of family became more and more disturbing - doesn't keep me sleep most of the time .
Maybe even if we can meet again one day, there is a chance that all I will find is disappointment. What will I find ? What will I encounter ?
But wait a minute, who said we could meet ?
You know, there are countless possibilities and obstacles.
(money, virus, state of acceptance, maybe shock etc. etc.) I don't want to go into details, but if they are not satanists, I think it find will be very difficult for me. I think i'm being silly i forgot how hard it is to find satanists family

Another problem is that; In the family I am in now, one of them has died and the health of the other is not very good. I'm worried .

Not even counting some congenital diseases . I could seriously cure these damn diseases with more money but right now I can only stop it from progressing, maybe by some miracle I can cure it but . And I have limited time to treat this disease in the most effective way.

My mind is very full and confused, I think it would hardly fit even in an encyclopedia to write everything that goes through me.
Arno Dorian said:
Is there any spiritual being that I can get help for this. I want it to be instant .

Don’t do it, everything will get better. Keep your head up. I know this world is complicated. There’s much suffering. But what makes me happy is helping people. And I mean REALLY helping people.
Arno Dorian said:
Is there any spiritual being that I can get help for this. I want it to be instant .

We won't. Anything can be overcome be strong. If you end it all your just going to end up in the same situation in your next life maybe worse. Possibly the same place same type of situation.

So deal with it now. What is bothering you so much. I felt like ending it all too before but I didn't and I am glad I didn't. There is a lot to live for some things in life are still beautiful. You know what despite all that's going on with the Jews doesn't mean you still can't enjoy life or do fun things. It's getting better. Instead of doing that do some rtrs.
Probably look into some kind of chemical preparation you can take that could be quick and painless. I'm not very well read at the subject but Canada has assisted Euthanasia for mentally Ill. So maybe research about what you can take to make it painless and quick.
Arno Dorian said:
Is there any spiritual being that I can get help for this. I want it to be instant .

No matter how worse the situation gets, ending it is never the answer. Of course, its easy for me to say this but only you know how hard is it right now.

The feeling of wanting to end it is a phase caused by the situation, emphasis on the word phase. I have gone through this experience of wanting to end my life because of a situation. My reason over ending it was pathetic and idiotic.

Coming back to point, what I have learned is that its a phase. In this phase, rather than thinking that your circumstances are causing you to want to end your life, there's still an extra unreasonable part of you that wants to end it regardless of circumstances. At some point, circumstances just end up becoming an excuse for wanting to end your life.

Now that we have established the fact that its a phase, what could be the solution ?
Well, we human beings pass over a phase or go through a phase. So, for now, just hold and observe. Void meditation is very important for you now.
Only doing it 5 min in the morning and at night should help you tremendously in passing through this phase.

Just observe what you feel now. Observe your feelings but don't feed on it or into it. Just observe.
I recommend you to put your hands away from your keyboard or smartphone and just sit still to observe what you feel from a third person perspective.

After you have done this, you would end up thinking, wait why am I so focused on just wanting to end my life but not on finding actual solutions to my problems ?
Why am I feeling this way ? What is exactly causing me to feel this way ?
This is where enemies come into the spotlight. They could have a big hand in making you dwell on these unreasonable illogical feelings and emotions that if looked after rationally, ends up becoming pointless for the purposes they could/intended by filthy disgusting reptiles to have served.

Because after you recover and get back on your feet after passing through this 'phase', you would want to hit your head with your palm and think 'Damn! What was I thinking ?'
After you pass through this phase, you would realise the stupidity of ending your most precious life because of circumstances.

With a very strong emphasis, I recommend you to do void meditation with utmost discipline. At least 5 min in the morning and in night will help a lot.

We are separated by thousands of miles but I still consider you to be a family. Each and every other Satanist here is a family to the other regardless of distance. Care and love can never be separated by distance if there is a will. Even if you are confused about your true family and can't meet them, till you actually do, you will always have us caring and looking after you in your hard times like we are doing right now. You are a fellow brother to me, an assassin if you will, figting in the dark(doing rtr's) to serve light.

Arno Dorian said:
But wait a minute, who said we could meet ?
If you say that you can meet your true family then no one needs to say anything more, anymore, be it fate,money problems,virus, astrology or any other person or circumstances.
Till you have sufficient ability or opportunity to meet them, focus on advancing your soul first. You shouldn't dwell on things that are out of your control so having expectations right now is pointless about who your family is or what their origin is. After all its out of your control and dwelling on it will only waste time. You will find it out when the time comes and till then don't worry about it.

If its about healing then scour through the healing section in Satanic Witchcraft page. Read each and every word from start to end with full attention.

Financial situation, here I can't say much. Doing money spells or Satanic squares should help. Of course, you already know this.

In conclusion, the feeling of wanting to end your life is in the end a feeling which fades with time. Till then be consistent with your void meditations. If you sit down and think rationally putting aside unnecessary things, you will find that there will always be a solution to your problems.
Take care.
Do not hesitate to quote me or any other members if you have any other questions or concerns.
No no i'm not jew

Larissa666 said:
Arno Dorian said:
Is there any spiritual being that I can get help for this. I want it to be instant .

I hope you aren’t a jew. You seem to be asking a lot of jew related questions, “can jews do this, can jews do that”.

If you aren’t, we can help. I am also in very bad situation, but from every angle that I looked, suicide is bad option, because it won’t absolutely do anything to help me. What’s worse, Gods and Goddesses would be probably very disappointed. And our troubles in next incarnation would start from where they left of. Maybe even get worse.

Suicide is just a fool’s option. That’s the realization I came upon.
Larissa666 said:

Stay strong, Larissa. We all will pull through this.

I recommend getting closer to the Gods, they're the antidote.
No lo hagas, re cuerda que el suicidio solo es una opción cobarde, y solo habrá infierno para las personas que no quieren y no dejan vivir
Arno Dorian said:
Is there any spiritual being that I can get help for this. I want it to be instant .

Kill your old self and shed it through meditation, you can witness life after death through meditation and find the peace you’re seeking here on earth.
So can I do something so that I can at least see my family in my dreams ? :roll:

Username said:
Arno Dorian said:
Is there any spiritual being that I can get help for this. I want it to be instant .

No matter how worse the situation gets, ending it is never the answer. Of course, its easy for me to say this but only you know how hard is it right now.

The feeling of wanting to end it is a phase caused by the situation, emphasis on the word phase. I have gone through this experience of wanting to end my life because of a situation. My reason over ending it was pathetic and idiotic.

Coming back to point, what I have learned is that its a phase. In this phase, rather than thinking that your circumstances are causing you to want to end your life, there's still an extra unreasonable part of you that wants to end it regardless of circumstances. At some point, circumstances just end up becoming an excuse for wanting to end your life.

Now that we have established the fact that its a phase, what could be the solution ?
Well, we human beings pass over a phase or go through a phase. So, for now, just hold and observe. Void meditation is very important for you now.
Only doing it 5 min in the morning and at night should help you tremendously in passing through this phase.

Just observe what you feel now. Observe your feelings but don't feed on it or into it. Just observe.
I recommend you to put your hands away from your keyboard or smartphone and just sit still to observe what you feel from a third person perspective.

After you have done this, you would end up thinking, wait why am I so focused on just wanting to end my life but not on finding actual solutions to my problems ?
Why am I feeling this way ? What is exactly causing me to feel this way ?
This is where enemies come into the spotlight. They could have a big hand in making you dwell on these unreasonable illogical feelings and emotions that if looked after rationally, ends up becoming pointless for the purposes they could/intended by filthy disgusting reptiles to have served.

Because after you recover and get back on your feet after passing through this 'phase', you would want to hit your head with your palm and think 'Damn! What was I thinking ?'
After you pass through this phase, you would realise the stupidity of ending your most precious life because of circumstances.

With a very strong emphasis, I recommend you to do void meditation with utmost discipline. At least 5 min in the morning and in night will help a lot.

We are separated by thousands of miles but I still consider you to be a family. Each and every other Satanist here is a family to the other regardless of distance. Care and love can never be separated by distance if there is a will. Even if you are confused about your true family and can't meet them, till you actually do, you will always have us caring and looking after you in your hard times like we are doing right now. You are a fellow brother to me, an assassin if you will, figting in the dark(doing rtr's) to serve light.

Arno Dorian said:
But wait a minute, who said we could meet ?
If you say that you can meet your true family then no one needs to say anything more, anymore, be it fate,money problems,virus, astrology or any other person or circumstances.
Till you have sufficient ability or opportunity to meet them, focus on advancing your soul first. You shouldn't dwell on things that are out of your control so having expectations right now is pointless about who your family is or what their origin is. After all its out of your control and dwelling on it will only waste time. You will find it out when the time comes and till then don't worry about it.

If its about healing then scour through the healing section in Satanic Witchcraft page. Read each and every word from start to end with full attention.

Financial situation, here I can't say much. Doing money spells or Satanic squares should help. Of course, you already know this.

In conclusion, the feeling of wanting to end your life is in the end a feeling which fades with time. Till then be consistent with your void meditations. If you sit down and think rationally putting aside unnecessary things, you will find that there will always be a solution to your problems.
Take care.
Do not hesitate to quote me or any other members if you have any other questions or concerns.
Arno Dorian said:
HP. cobra's prediction is correct, my biggest problem right now is money.

And i'm am not with my biological family right now. The country where I was born and where I am now is not my own country. The family I am in now is not my biological family. I don't think I'm adopted, probably not, the reason must be something else .
( I'm not advanced enough to get 100% correct answers from demons . So i don't know exactly why .)
I don't know why but for a long time I had a feeling that I was of a different nationality.
And the topic of family became more and more disturbing - doesn't keep me sleep most of the time .
Maybe even if we can meet again one day, there is a chance that all I will find is disappointment. What will I find ? What will I encounter ?
But wait a minute, who said we could meet ?
You know, there are countless possibilities and obstacles.
(money, virus, state of acceptance, maybe shock etc. etc.) I don't want to go into details, but if they are not satanists, I think it find will be very difficult for me. I think i'm being silly i forgot how hard it is to find satanists family

Another problem is that; In the family I am in now, one of them has died and the health of the other is not very good. I'm worried .

Not even counting some congenital diseases . I could seriously cure these damn diseases with more money but right now I can only stop it from progressing, maybe by some miracle I can cure it but . And I have limited time to treat this disease in the most effective way.

My mind is very full and confused, I think it would hardly fit even in an encyclopedia to write everything that goes through me.

I recommend that you give us more details about your problems so that we can help you, but be careful not to provide revealing personal details that may expose you and put you at risk.
No, you will not kill yourself, try to cultivate vril, meditate, try to fight this urge
Falun Dafa, Kundalini Yoga and Hatha yoga are very good for cultivating vril.
Meditate, do void meditation, clean your aura and chakras every day
To give details, I have some congenital bone diseases. I would say there are some curvature issues. And I have several years to cure this disease, after which a real cure is almost impossible. I've already told you about the family thing, I can't give more details. The money , is already necessary for health and family problems.

Until im dies physically (not thinking the diseases it will bring with it, of course) but mentally a few years , or less .

Master said:
Arno Dorian said:
To give details, I have some congenital bone diseases. I would say there are some curvature issues. And I have several years to cure this disease, after which a real cure is almost impossible. I've already told you about the family thing, I can't give more details. The money , is already necessary for health and family problems.

I understand. Don't give up without a fight because that is cowardly. If you advance a little spiritually, you would be able to spell for money or you could spell to get free medical care. How long can you last without treatment?
Arno Dorian said:
Is there any spiritual being that I can get help for this. I want it to be instant .

Do not kill yourself. I was feeling the same way years ago. Spiritual Satanism gave me a reason to keep going. Now i have true meaning in my life. Fight for Satan and you will have reason to continue and grow. You are valuable and beautiful. Be strong.
Hail Satan
Hail Eligos
Jack said:
Probably look into some kind of chemical preparation you can take that could be quick and painless. I'm not very well read at the subject but Canada has assisted Euthanasia for mentally Ill. So maybe research about what you can take to make it painless and quick.

When I meet you I will kick you for that.
Arno Dorian said:
Until im dies physically (not thinking the diseases it will bring with it, of course) but mentally a few years , or less .

Master said:
Arno Dorian said:
To give details, I have some congenital bone diseases. I would say there are some curvature issues. And I have several years to cure this disease, after which a real cure is almost impossible. I've already told you about the family thing, I can't give more details. The money , is already necessary for health and family problems.

I understand. Don't give up without a fight because that is cowardly. If you advance a little spiritually, you would be able to spell for money or you could spell to get free medical care. How long can you last without treatment?

Mentally you can hang in there and keep going. It is understandable that when faced with suffering, you feel very bad and in some hopeless cases you give up. But if you can live long enough, you can make treatment possible.

Of course, you should advance spiritually seriously and you should also take care of your health physically. See what you can do and decide what is best for you.
NinRick said:
Jack said:
Probably look into some kind of chemical preparation you can take that could be quick and painless. I'm not very well read at the subject but Canada has assisted Euthanasia for mentally Ill. So maybe research about what you can take to make it painless and quick.
I was just kidding lol . I wanted him to research it to be discouraged because it isn't legal for normal people.

When I meet you I will kick you for that.
Jack said:
Probably look into some kind of chemical preparation you can take that could be quick and painless. I'm not very well read at the subject but Canada has assisted Euthanasia for mentally Ill. So maybe research about what you can take to make it painless and quick.

What is wrong with you? Stop promoting Self-annihilation
Meteor said:
Jack said:
NinRick said:
When I meet you I will kick you for that.
I was just kidding lol . I wanted him to research it to be discouraged because it isn't legal for normal people.
I'd say you can't be saying that kinda stuff, but it made me laugh because of how horribly inappropriate it was, so you win. :lol:
It sounded funny in my mind. I have a very dark sense of humor.
Jack said:
Probably look into some kind of chemical preparation you can take that could be quick and painless. I'm not very well read at the subject but Canada has assisted Euthanasia for mentally Ill. So maybe research about what you can take to make it painless and quick.

Lmao, based.

Seriously, though... every post I've seen by the OP has had this strange feeling of confusion and despondence, to me.

If someone is that lost, normally, I'd tell them the same as you had told him. In my psychology, one can do upon themselves as they wish, whether it be perseverant advancement, or perhaps self-destruction. Their life, their decisions.

I've talked to a lot of people who wanted to, or have tried to kill themselves, only for all the sympathetic energy I had put into trying to save them, to be entirely wasted. In the end, they did it anyway. Where'd my efforts go? In what ways would one guess these incidents have affected me, too?

Do they realise the kind of toll this takes upon the people that go so far to help them, or is that not of their concern when they so desperately desire that sweet neurochemical surge of validation from being the recipient of people's sympathy?

My bad there. I understand that there's a difference between people who genuinely desire to live, but suffer under factors that make it very difficult for them to enjoy life and advance as much as they would wish... and those who suffer the same, but exploit the energy that others dedicate to helping them. I guess I was referring more to the latter, just now.

In a state of emptiness and confusion, one's own suffering affects their perception, prevents them from possessing the adequate receptive ability to understand and take in the advice one bestows them with, in order to assist them in helping themselves.

It's a whole ass limbo of requiring the energy to take action to help oneself, but not having any to do so to begin with. It's not like they can generate that initial energy out of nowhere.

Or at least, normal people can't...

Here, we're talking about someone who has at least shown some interest in Spiritual Satanism, so he's not entirely beyond salvation.

As long as he utilises the knowledge brought with it, and applies them to meditate and do a lot of cleaning, I truly believe suicidal thoughts and other paths of self-destruction can very much be averted. We have the ability and knowledge to surpass spiritual and psychological hurdles most people out there wouldn't even think of as possible, and would give up at.

If something or someone could just allow OP to give him the drive to begin advancing and helping himself, he'll see a lot of improvement over time on this path.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
