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What is the Behemoth?

Jan 17, 2021
I've only recently discovered the Joy of Satan website and as a person who can see the Jews for being behind almost every (if not all) worldly problem, I find it to be an interesting belief. I wouldn't say I'm a Satanist as of now, as I've only begun looking into it however, I do respect your beliefs.

Now that I've cleared that up, I would like to know your views/beliefs on the Behemoth entity. I can only find information based on Jewish origin online and I can't find it on your website (I'm still at exposing Christianity).

I guess one of the main reasons is because I've seen a picture of the Talmud on 4chan that had the Behemoth on the front cover, which made me curious.

Ofcourse, just to be clear.. I'm not blindly stating that it is related to Satan/Lucifer, I just want to no how you view this entity as it is, by itself.

I find much of your website to have fascinating information and this Behemoth entity has always sparked my curiousity.

I hopefully did not offend anybody by asking this as I'm rather new and still reading your articles.

I guess it's worth mentioning that I'm not a Christian, just some dude who is looking for the truth while believing that there is something more to this life than what we see physically.

Thank you and peace!
I have no idea but when reading about it, it made me think of the atomic bomb.
Leeges said:
I've only recently discovered the Joy of Satan website and as a person who can see the Jews for being behind almost every (if not all) worldly problem, I find it to be an interesting belief. I wouldn't say I'm a Satanist as of now, as I've only begun looking into it however, I do respect your beliefs.

Now that I've cleared that up, I would like to know your views/beliefs on the Behemoth entity. I can only find information based on Jewish origin online and I can't find it on your website (I'm still at exposing Christianity).

I guess one of the main reasons is because I've seen a picture of the Talmud on 4chan that had the Behemoth on the front cover, which made me curious.

Ofcourse, just to be clear.. I'm not blindly stating that it is related to Satan/Lucifer, I just want to no how you view this entity as it is, by itself.

I find much of your website to have fascinating information and this Behemoth entity has always sparked my curiousity.

I hopefully did not offend anybody by asking this as I'm rather new and still reading your articles.

I guess it's worth mentioning that I'm not a Christian, just some dude who is looking for the truth while believing that there is something more to this life than what we see physically.

Thank you and peace!

Behemoth is one of our beloved original Pagan Gods. Hopefully someday more information will be provided on exactly who he was in Pagan pantheons. Please read everything here.
I do believe behemoth is not a human friendly entity nor is it of Satan. Most likely, just as with leviathan, either purely a Jewish spiritual concept, thoughtform, or malignant entity. My suggestions would be to try to not tie into the energies of whatever it is at all.
These are our gods.
Sybellum said:
I do believe behemoth is not a human friendly entity nor is it of Satan. Most likely, just as with leviathan, either purely a Jewish spiritual concept, thoughtform, or malignant entity. My suggestions would be to try to not tie into the energies of whatever it is at all.
These are our gods.
Many of the Gods are presented in a blasphemous way in jewish literature. There's Dagon, Balaam, Adramelech, Baalzebul, and so on. Just because the jews present him as a monster doesn't mean he is. I'm pretty sure HPS Maxine knew what she was talking about when writing about him on the Demon's section.
Thanks for sharing those links, I will check it out when I have time and I will also check out the demons section and try to find him there.

I will be cautious of course, I don't plan to evoke it or anything but it would be nice to see how it relates to Joy of Satan (if it even does).

The behemoth image on the Talmud that I seen on 4chan could easily of been a fake too , so I'll take that with a grain of salt.
Rank: Night Watchman
Behemoth presides over all of the feasts and parties in Hell."
Hehe, my bad, totally missed em, tiny section heading.
Sybellum said:
I do believe behemoth is not a human friendly entity nor is it of Satan. Most likely, just as with leviathan, either purely a Jewish spiritual concept, thoughtform, or malignant entity. My suggestions would be to try to not tie into the energies of whatever it is at all.
These are our gods.
From JoS encylcopedia:

BEHEMOTH Rank: INFERNAL NIGHT WATCHMAN Demon of indulgence, he presides over all of the feasts and parties in Hell.

Surely not a hostile entity.
Christian "nationalists" say: look there was Talmud from Turkey where was pictures of demons, judaism is satanism, and they shitpost it on /pol/. So, there is bibles where is pictures of Satan, does it mean that christianity is satanism?

Kurat said:
Christian "nationalists" say: look there was Talmud from Turkey where was pictures of demons, judaism is satanism, and they shitpost it on /pol/. So, there is bibles where is pictures of Satan, does it mean that christianity is satanism?


No, of course, Xianity is not Satanism. Xians and Jews can claim that they "invented" Satan but as we know, Satan predates all these Jewish programs they call "religion".
Kurat said:
Christian "nationalists" say: look there was Talmud from Turkey where was pictures of demons, judaism is satanism, and they shitpost it on /pol/. So, there is bibles where is pictures of Satan, does it mean that christianity is satanism?

Are they subtly admitting that the jews or Gentiles of that era were so spiritually advanced somehow they had their 3rd eye open and spiritual senses open and they "see" supranatural beings?

Are they admitting that you can't see Satan nor the demons but we have pictures described by jews, ironically enough, and they tell the truth which is a lie.

It's funny talmud a talmud seriously what is so special about posting some kosher non-sense. IF jews hate Satanism and they admit Satanism is the religion of the Gentiles. Then obviously it's a disinformation it's memery against their enemies.

AND yes if you think about it from a perspective these CNs are admitting Christianity = Satanism. These people are so fucking stupid they'll promote the same kosher non-sense. Only Sabatean jews are real jews only 22ish million jews are real jews the rest are poser fagots lumping themselves into our cabal especially the essenic christian-like jew.

These CNs will probably state that xtianity has been distorted by the Devil that there was originally a christianity unlike anything we could imagine it was truly the paradise of mankind we certainly had God on our side.

Believe me when I tell you there are deluded fools believing in it. Like Itachi Uchia said "When your fantasies become delusions".

These people are like Amish people they believe that at some point in time we were perfect and had perfect technology. Funny all that sounds is like kosher disinformation talking about the Golden Age when we had more Spiritual technologies i.e. low/medium tech and we were moving into high tech appropriately through Spiritual evolution.

Seems like the same thing the jews did to malign the Gods. They stole history on extra-terrestrial and outer Space and other planets and civilizations and theorycrafted some hocus pocus on E.T.s and whatnot that their feeble kosher mind couldn't understand. It's like giving retards guns and teaching them how to use it properly it'll never happen they'll shoot each other or shoot others or just fire retardedly around hitting people and objects.

This is the greatest example of kosher supervision. This is how stupid and retarded Gentiles can become listening to kosher non-sense. They wish to be goyshkopf sheeps well you got it. Honestly kinda begs the question what they are gonna do when the Gods are standing in front of them. Like one person said "They'll probably state finally a new slaver so we can be enslaved as slavery = freedom".

This is why people hate religious people they just breed retarded things. How can a human be alive and living if they are so stupid and incompetent that they literally live for their death.

Like one person stated a comedian states "IF you study the bible under Judas's perspective it's about a concerned citizen that successfully infiltrates and dismantles a crazy cult that states your better off when you die".

Live to die, die to live said the xtian cucks. Nationalistic Christians sounds like some Nazbol shit right there. National + Xtian boggles the mind how that works.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
