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What is the anti-christ supposed to so?

antichrist in my opinion is a term in the bible for some ruler coming to earth in my opinion I don't believe in some antichrist its just a concept. you or I could be considered an anti-Christ we are all anti - Christ is were of Satan and dedicated. someone please correct me if I am wrong but I don't think the antichrist actually exists or ever will exists as written about in the Jewish 'good' book. lol and good book that is a joke its nothing but ritualistic murder in the old testament and the new testament focus is on Jesus and just forgiveness of sins and the end times but is nothing more really to erase the mind of the old testament and use the fear of armageddeon / hell to brainwash idiots that's the whole theme of that damn 'good' book.
I don't mean to sound like an asshole, but yes you are totally wrong.The Anti-christ is meant to be our leader. He is chosen by Satan to do this task. He achieved Godhead, and is now waiting.HAIL SATAN!!!

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On Feb 21, 2016, at 22:48, "davidfreeze86@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  antichrist in my opinion is a term in the bible for some ruler coming to earth in my opinion I don't believe in some antichrist its just a concept. you or I could be considered an anti-Christ we are all anti - Christ is were of Satan and dedicated. someone please correct me if I am wrong but I don't think the antichrist actually exists or ever will exists as written about in the Jewish 'good' book. lol and good book that is a joke its nothing but ritualistic murder in the old testament and the new testament focus is on Jesus and just forgiveness of sins and the end times but is nothing more really to erase the mind of the old testament and use the fear of armageddeon / hell to brainwash idiots that's the whole theme of that damn 'good' book.
When does He come then? And didnt Jake carlsson said that Hitler is the anti-christ, because He didnt die in the 2 WW.
Waiting for US to destroy the jews and let Him finish it. Like in football, first midfielders do the difficult task at getting past the opponents to the box, and then letting the striker finish it. ?

People come here with expectations, and what THEY IMAGINE is true.

Yet are they willing to see the facts for themselves, or do they want to remain deluded, that's the question...

Anti-christ is Rammesses II. Important Gods / Entities visit important people - do the RTR, evolve.

@david yes, we can be considered "a" anti-christ, however we have THE antichrist, who is Adolf Hitler, and in a past incarnation was Ramses II
Every one believes something completely different. I believe that it is within the eye of the beholder to choose how they associate with the Anti- Christ or that of which what he is supposed to be symbolic of. 
Ahhh. I see. So, the anti-christ is supposed to do what he or she is lead to do regardless o# what we believe? He could be a great leader or someone behind the scenes? Or he or she could just live their life however they please? What if it is someone who wishes just to have a church of Satan? What if all they are supposed to do is lead more people to Satan? I mean Christ did that, lead people to that fiction.
Eeeehhhh. Facts are, THE Anti-Christ is Hitler! That's a fact. Whether you believe it or not, that is who it is, and he shall help us destroy xianity and the jews
<td val[/IMG]These conversations about the AC are pointless ass they always end up in a nonsensical arguments where people say total garbage and claim it to be true.

This thread is best to be avoided.[/TD]
From: harrilehtosaari@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected];
To: <[email protected];
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: What is the anti-christ supposed to so?
Sent: Tue, Feb 23, 2016 7:14:02 PM

Not Reincarnated. High Priest Jake Carlson went over this. Hitler did NOT die, he actually achieved the Magnum Opus and reached Godhead
ok i'm sorry I just cant help myself how is it a fact that the anti-Christ is hitler ? and he's still alive ? theres no proof he's alive unless he's off hiding in some base somewhere.  I suppose it is very well he escaped and maybe hiding somewhere in south America or living even in Germany after possible peace agreement but its not a fact how can you prove to me he is still alive ? History tells us he is dead my point is you wouldn't know he was alive yourself so there's no fact that he's alive still your just telling us your opinion of a conspiracy not a fact. Learn the difference.
ok Sam you may be right this anti Christ may be our leader but from my research online there have been several teachers and many others who have achieved god-head and even performed the magnum opus. I'm right now in my work at raising my serpent myself. ( in the process). and as were on this subject already kundalini awakening as that similar to immortality or is that the prerequisite to the magnum opus ive read on JOS she says its the prerequisite and Ive also read that kundalini is a god thing  and godhead is used commonly please whats the difference between these two the magnum opus and the kundalini serpent rising / awakening ?
All the info I have said has been made public knowledge by High Priest Jake Carlson. 
And you don't have to believe anything buddy. I'm just reiterating what was said by High Priest Jake Carlson about Hitler (aka the anti-christ). 
May you please send me that sermon cause I absolutely love reading what the high priests have to say:) and I want to see his fine print saying Hitler achieved godhood and is still alive
Hail Satan!!!

David the magnum Opus is the 13 step process taught directly by the gods to reach godhead. Yes, raising your serpent is a prerequisite, and you must awaken your serpent before raising it. Literally won't fully rise without being awoken.
@t10001001010010001 (damn your name is long :p lol)I don't remember a specific sermon, but HP Jake Carlson posted on this thread giving info about ithttps://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/666 ... NJZAMyMTI3

Hitler is alive The Golden Cord by Miguel Serrano [English W.I.P] : 666 Black Sun  
Regardless, it was suchlike the energies of that being and of his people that they were almost to a point of winning the world in this battle of titans, of stars and galaxies. 
My master saw Stalin too. Stalin said to him: “We can’t no more; we are up to our necks”. It was the aftermath of the war. Another bit and everything will be accomplished. For the attack to Russia two decisive months were lost, owing Hitler help to Mussolini in Greece and Yugoslavia. In only two months he conquered these two countries; but he lost them for the Russian summer. It was fatal. The end was getting near. Came the disembark in Normandy and in Italy. The pincers begun to close. Then, my master heard the Voice. It was an enigmatic sentence that still today I don’t know how to interpret: “Go to that woman, who had the power in every part but didn't know how to redeem herself”. To whom did he refer? To Germany? And later, another day: “In heaven Hitler was permitted to bring about an act of utmost surprise”. Not much afterwards it would unchain the unexpected offense of the Ardennes, with the SS and the ultimate forces chosen by Hitler. Almost, nearly, Destiny took a turning point. Leon Degrelle had told me that everything was lost because of the lack of fuel for the tanks and trucks and that, nevertheless, passed through without noticing, due to the fog and snow, enormous deposits of fuel left by North Americans in their retreat. 
In the Apocalypse, in the Twilight of the Gods, succumbed Berlin and the subterranean refuge of Hitler was inundated with flames and shrapnel. Also wrapped in the music of the spheres, executed by the heroes of the firmament. However, Hitler did not die there. He was transported alive, away from those territories. 
For those days, one of the major disciples, today too missing like my master, he saw Hitler in the astral; he asked him: “Will you accept me amongst you?” 
A long time ago Hitler had direct information about South America, sending Paul Rohrbach to investigate, studious of the German thought and his connections to the world. He also makes him go to Central Asia, Tibet and India. We are citing only one name. The majority of the others are unknown.
When everything was over, my Master heard again the Voice that always talked to him: “Was a victim of its own mental creations”, said to him. And then he saw a feminine spirit, white, that exuded and moved away from a region of the Earth where it was incarnated. It was a beautiful luminous spirit. My Master though that it was the Spirit of Germany, its Collective Soul, that abandoned it. If we observe Germany today, so different, a country of obese ghosts, materialists, a country without a soul, the conclusion was right. It could also have been to this Feminine Spirit which the Voice was referring to when it said: “See where that woman . . .”
The time passed; from the sky fell that rain of enclosed shadows. The tentacles of the winner were covering seas, cities, and continents. The hatred and vengeance, the carefully prepared plan, the insidious lie, centered in the education of the youth, brought to the soul of the child and the adult, with the terror of hunger, persecution, torture, material and moral misery, replacing the heroic climate, the solar magnificence, the transparent values of the light, of the Luciferian beauty, of the Grail, of the Emerald of Hermes, of the Morning Star, of the Black Sun behind the Yellow Sun, of the Green Beam behind the Black Sun. All that dies here in the surface of the Earth. Death of the blood, of the values.
One afternoon, many years ago, the Master cited me in his refuge. And to me he revealed the secret: “Hitler is alive. He did not die in Berlin. I have seen him below Earth. He changed, his mustache is bigger now. We gazed head on. He turned and moved away quickly. I called him by his name, but disappeared below, in a dimness”. 
I have guarded this secret for many years, because it was dangerous to reveal it and even more difficult write it. Once said, the adventures of my life will be explained better, in my special travel to Antarctica, in 1947-1948, in search of the refuge where Hitler would be found, of the Oasis of temperate waters in the middle of the ices and of the “entrance” to the subterranean world. 
This I have related in my books “Neither by land nor by sea” and “Who calls in the Ice”, in a soiree form, for the reason of those times. In the edition of 1950 of ‘Neither by land nor sea”, in page 88, I wrote: “These and another very special reason, that I won’t say here and that maybe I did not disclose in this book, were the ones that took till the end of the year 1947 to decide my travel to Antarctica and to search for all the means between my reach the way for me to realize it”
During the war, at the end of 1943, the Admiral Doenitz made a very strange declaration. That rendered the world press and that called great attention to me: “The German submarine float feels proud to have discovered a subterranean paradise, an impregnable fortitude for the Fuhrer somewhere in the world”. 
Where was this paradise? 
Not much later after the war ends, Stalin declared to the Ministry of Relations of the United States that Hitler did not die in the Bunker of Berlin and was alive. Until today it remains inexplicable political reasons for that declaration, which, in all case, corresponded to the truth, since the Russians never found the corpse of Hitler nor his rest calcined. The body that was unburied and later taken Moscow was not of Hitler. Twenty five years later, Lev Bsymensky published in Russia a book titled “The Death of Hitler”, with pictures and radiographies of the presumed cranium of Hitler, which there no coincide at all with the radiographies of Dr. Erwin Giesing and the dental-mechanic, Fritz Echtmann, who they took radiographies of the head of the Fuhrer in September and October of 1944. The Dr. Werner Maser, author of the book “Last name Hitler, First name Adolf”, that has profoundly investigated this subject, interrogating Echtmann in 1971, declaring emphatically that Hitler’s remains were never found, “he has disappeared without leaving a trace”. The same can be said about Eva Braun. 
Otto Skorzeny, also, reveals in his books that the interrogations that the North Americans subjected, while he was imprisoned, always came around, obsessively, about the same matter “Where did they take Hitler? Where have they hidden him?”
A curious book published in Buenos Aires, in 1947, by an author named Ldislao Szabo, declared that Hitler was secretly transported to Antarctica by a convoy of German submarines, where the expedition of Captain Alfred Ritscher found an, at the end of 1938, oasis of water and temperate land, in the territories of the Queen Maud. Captain Ritscher belonged to the German aviation and his expedition was very secret, even when the publish of two volumes. I could only look through the first one.
In my conference, “The Antarctic and other myths”, read in 1948 in Santiago de Chile and later edited in a small booklet, I reproduce the conclusions of Szabo. 
Thereby, the Hyperborean myth of the hero’s resurrection, in the Kingdom of Laurin, in the mountain of Red Beard, of the Phoenix, it transfers the inverted Tule of the South Polar Now it would come to us, the hyperborean of the Great South. Almost all of the visions were met. First: “Will you accept me amongst you?” Afterwards, the Master signaled a Subterranean Kingdom, an Agarthi, a Shamballah, in an interior Earth.

---In [email protected], <t10001001010010001@... wrote :

May you please send me that sermon cause I absolutely love reading what the high priests have to say:) and I want to see his fine print saying Hitler achieved godhood and is still alive
Hail Satan!!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
