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What Is Stupid? Christard Identity

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What Is Stupid? Christard Identity

This is my answer to a question on the subject in the forums.

Christard Identity comes from British Israelism which was created by individuals like John Knox who was a disciple of John Calvin the Protestant leader and Calvin's real last name was Cohen he was a Jew from the Rabbinical class. British Israelism claims the lost ten tribes of Israel are the Peoples of the UK and the Jews are their ethnic and racial brothers. This ideal was put forth in the Puritan ranks and Puritan leaders such as Cromwell who was funded by Jewish banking elites in Holland, and Cromwell actually wanted to make Hebrew the official language of England. Cromwell attempted to lift the ban on Jews from living within Britain but this failed. British Israelism was used to create the ideological climate to welcome the Jews back into Britain as brothers. Its the Jewish propaganda of using sympathetic magic to take over the host society. The insane Protestant Churches in England used British Israelism to remove British culture with a Jewish remake were now all British People are really Jews somehow and the Bible is actually their own cultural text. This keeps the enemy control of the population and the program of Jewish Christianity going.

The taking over of the Free Masonic Lodges by the Jews was also done with putting this doctrine into them in general. Especially within Britain you have Judeo-Free Masons attempting to rewrite British history to conform to the lies of the Jews. This includes the destruction of Pagan sites and such. British Israelism was always about Jewish cultural and psychic warfare against the British.

This nonsense came to America with the Puritans and other evangelic fanatics from Britain. This doctrine then had the goal posts moved around on it and becomes Christard Identity. And who was promoting it? Richard Butler whom his close friend David Lane admitted that Butler was a 33 degree Judeo-Free Mason. Who runs that organization? The Jews. No mistake Christian Identity doctrine is a combination of the same Judeo-Free Masonic doctrine promoted by people like Alice Bailey who was in the women's section of the Judeo-Free Masonic societies as well and the JEWISH TALMUD. That is interesting someone took the Jewish Talmud and Kabbalah and reversed the claim that the serpent the Devil fathered Cain and created the evil Goyim who are Satanic and then all of a sudden its the Jews. Who would have access to the Hebrew Talmud to such a deep level in those days. Only a Rabbinical scholar. This kind of doctrine is a cheap Jewish reverse psychological tactic. The Jews created Christard Identity and it only serves the interests of the Jews. The Jews are the only ones who benefit from Christard Identity.

No matter what Satan is always slandered and attacked now just Jew would benefit from keeping the book of Jewish Witchcraft the Bible going and keeping Whites away from Satan the actual Pagan God of the Aryan Race and thus keeping Whites damned and under the Jewish spell.....Thinking you are against the Jews with this doctrine of Christard Identity by becoming Jewish somehow, that just means your really stupid.

Its also no mistake places like Elohim City the major CI compounds were fronts for the Federal Agencies and other enemy groups to run their programs out of as well. They used Christard Identity to infiltrate the pro-White movement.

The Christard Identity fanatics attack White Pagans more then the Jews they believe they are somehow. The Christard Identity morons did everything possible to keep White Paganism which is the actual racial identity of White People out of the White Nationalist movement. Thus doing the Jews work for them and keeping Whites damned under the control of the Jews by Christianity and the Jewish Bible. Christard Identity people are actually very stupid people by nature with low intelligence who believe they are actually Jews and that the Jews stole their Jewish identity and are pretending to be White People but are really Satanic imposters of White People who are the real Jews. Making the Jews the real Goyim or something.

The level of stupid is notable with Christards of all kinds but with Christard Identity its just Full Retard.
HP Mageson666 said:
Christard Identity people are actually very stupid people by nature with low intelligence who believe they are actually Jews and that the Jews stole their Jewish identity and are pretending to be White People but are really Satanic imposters of White People who are the real Jews. Making the Jews the real Goyim or something.

The level of stupid is notable with Christards of all kinds but with Christard Identity its just Full Retard.

Good grief. Fuel for RTR, thanks.

Paintable RTR (for computers and phones) by Soaring Eagle 666:
"Christard Identity" does nothing but brainwash a perfectly good gentile into thinking that he is a jew himself. For National Socialism to return to the Western World, Christianity must be destroyed once and for all, and the jews receiving the most painful and unbearable * imaginable for creating such an ideology.
Christards think they achieve something in their shity life just by sitting and watching some tv and praying to spooktard so they can be "saved" in reality they are not "saved" they are enslaved. If not this JoS ministry work i would be in the same shit life as they are so big THANKS again for changing my life.
Christian Identity = We Wuz Jewish Kangz N Shiet brainwashing for White People.
Roy we don't need the Satanic Jew meme of the enemy here. This is not the Daily Shitter.
"Satanic Jew" meme might have been invented by one of these brilliant minds which say stuff like: "God of the old testament = jews = evil jew = devil", vs "God of the old testament = good = definitely not jewish rabbi yehoshua son of JHVH, circumcized on the day, son of David and Miriam the jewess etc etc = our definitely White Kang Savior."

I want these brilliant minds to also quote the new testament such as:

1. Turn the other cheek
2. Jesus being a kike from the Davidic line
3. How Rabbi Jesus said it came to fullfill the TORAH
4. How Rabbi Jesus kills and enslaves the nonbelieving Goyim in the apocalypse
5. How Rabbi Jesus in the text was literally called "Rabbi", a title which was back then the title for jewish priesthood.
6. How he came to destroy the family unit, society, and lastly the world
7. How rabbi yeshua's only complaint was that jews did not see the evident: that he is a manifestation of the torah
8. How "he and his father JHVH" are one...
9. How the belief in such jew was only a reactionary belief and an internal beef of roman era jews amongst their own serf jew population.

And so on, so forth.

I could write a thousand more here, but when you have WHITE KANGZ WE WUZ JEWISH KANGS AND SHIT tier level IQ, its as if talking to a robot.
The value of C.I is to shift christards' attention from judeo-christianity as William L Pierce spoke of in the novel "Hunter". However it is of course a dangerous ideology that sucks people in like a kosher vortex and infects their mind. See below for my thoughts if you haven't already.


an investigation into the probably psyop of 'Christian Identity'




Stormblood said:
Is it true that circumcision in the US is popular amongst Gentiles too?
I remember reading a few years ago, that most Gentile boys in US were circumcised, but the practice has drastically decreased in recent years, thankfully.
Lydia said:
Stormblood said:
Is it true that circumcision in the US is popular amongst Gentiles too?
I remember reading a few years ago, that most Gentile boys in US were circumcised, but the practice has drastically decreased in recent years, thankfully.

Thankfully. That's insane. Meaningless self harm at such an age.
No Christianity is the same program and people who connect into the spell are still under the effects of the Jewish thought form they still connect with the enemy and are even more open to being taken down by the enemy as the Bible has numerous curses against anyone who opposes the Jews.

The only thing to do is to remove Christianity by educating people and doing the Final RTR daily. Christianity needs to be cleaned out of the pro-White movement. The Jews are always trying to promote Christianity to pro-White people any Christianity to keep them damned and under the enemies control.

I have also noted for a guy who calls himself Loki, you really are always like "Hey what about this type of New Age Christianity or what about this kind of false pro-White Christianity?" What about no Christianity.

loki88 said:
The value of C.I is to shift christards' attention from judeo-christianity as William L Pierce spoke of in the novel "Hunter". However it is of course a dangerous ideology that sucks people in like a kosher vortex and infects their mind. See below for my thoughts if you haven't already.


an investigation into the probably psyop of 'Christian Identity'




Pierce in the NA members book hated Christianity and wanted to remove it from the race. There was pages exposing Christianity as a Jewish fraud. Then the people who took over later took those pages out and starting pushing Christianity later they cleaned the NA out they were infiltrators who destroyed the NA for the enemy. And they used Christianity.
HP Mageson666 said:
Pierce in the NA members book hated Christianity and wanted to remove it from the race. There was pages exposing Christianity as a Jewish fraud. Then the people who took over later took those pages out and starting pushing Christianity later they cleaned the NA out they were infiltrators who destroyed the NA for the enemy. And they used Christianity.

I heard about this actually now that I recall. I was kicked off the white biocentrism forum by Will Williams for attempting to involve myself in philosophical discussion and criticizing baby boomers who are of course the least represented in the WN movement (too high on their own supply of parental inheritance I suppose).
Could you publish this original manuscript/scan it? Revilo P Oliver has lot of good refutations of christ-insanity
Poweredbythesun said:
satanichonor said:
Stormblood said:
Is it true that circumcision in the US is popular amongst Gentiles too?
I am circumsized, yes it's true, but I am growing it back. :p

If I may ask; How exactly? :/

All I've ever been able to find are techniques that stretch the remaining skin back over the glans.
That is what all of them do, they claim they grow new skin from that.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3779yFRCo38&t=143s - he has other videos on foreskin restore.
I remember that in the past this website has also been mentioned, https://www.foregen.org

They are still in testing phase but it should be worth to keep an eye on them. :)
Shael said:
I remember that in the past this website has also been mentioned, https://www.foregen.org

They are still in testing phase but it should be worth to keep an eye on them. :)

satanichonor said:
Poweredbythesun said:
satanichonor said:
I am circumsized, yes it's true, but I am growing it back. :p

If I may ask; How exactly? :/

All I've ever been able to find are techniques that stretch the remaining skin back over the glans.
That is what all of them do, they claim they grow new skin from that.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3779yFRCo38&t=143s - he has other videos on foreskin restore.

Thank you both :) I'll have to look into these.
Shael said:
I remember that in the past this website has also been mentioned, https://www.foregen.org

They are still in testing phase but it should be worth to keep an eye on them. :)

See I ran across foregen and was going to add it but couldn't find it. Thanks
Kingiux said:
Christards think they achieve something in their shity life just by sitting and watching some tv and praying to spooktard so they can be "saved" in reality they are not "saved" they are enslaved. If not this JoS ministry work i would be in the same shit life as they are so big THANKS again for changing my life.

'saved?....or enslaved?" a good meme idea for social media
HP Mageson666 said:
Pierce in the NA members book hated Christianity and wanted to remove it from the race. There was pages exposing Christianity as a Jewish fraud. Then the people who took over later took those pages out and starting pushing Christianity later they cleaned the NA out they were infiltrators who destroyed the NA for the enemy. And they used Christianity.

Is Strom an infiltrator? He was a suspected pedo. Will Williams kicked me off his whitebiocentrism forum multiple times when I started criticising the baby doomer generation. Him an Cambeul of creativityalliance were bashing Hale pretty hard on their forum. Cambeul was pretty eager to have me put my name on a list...a bit suspicious. Would you have the NA handbook original or its source? I'm trying to sort the wheat from the chaff and understand who is and who is not a ZOGBOT. I had my suspicions about Pierce in the past given his alleged enabling of FBI people to obtain the NA membership list from the trash, his affiliation with billy roper (suspected jew) and his apparent luxury life as a 'country squire'. However his doctrine is sound enough as far as it goes.
I don't have any answers for you here. I don't know.
HP Mageson666 said:
I don't have any answers for you here. I don't know.

Always best to suspect everyone I suppose. Still the verdicts out in my opinion
Maybe or maybe not so much. You might end up in a place of paranoia. This is why the Jews always spread rumors about everyone who opposes them. Sooner or later people will be calling you a Jew or agent as well then what. Its best to be balanced and not go Kylee Crazy.

loki88 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
I don't have any answers for you here. I don't know.

Always best to suspect everyone I suppose. Still the verdicts out in my opinion
this channel purports to refute christard identity:
White Philosophy bitchute channel

(IF I'm exaggerating or being over the top feel free to call me on that but from my own personal opinion and kinda vicious hardcore mentality it probably is a breath of fresh air.)

(P.S.: My perspective is complete and utter destruction and annihilation and basically like Hitler rebuild everything from the ground up. Many would classify Hitler as insane rebuilding everything from the ground up. But like engineering someone has to create the very object from the inside and out. Everything in the end has to be recreated. Even Ancient sites known to mankind like the Pyramids probably at some point in the future have to be recreated from the ground up. My view and question is "How do we construct this World and mankind from the ground up from the very beginning." Not in a literal Year Zero but how do we go about rebuilding mankind after nearly 10 millenia of consistent and persistent annihilation. Year Zero works both way not just the communist doomsday but also the National Socialist miracle. As such I state the words below not to be anarchistic, killer or destructive but rather almost like lets blow your mind mentality. Either your with us or against us. There is no middle ground or grey or rainbow. No shades of differences except with or against. So I hope you take my words as some sort of judicial grandstand some sort of trial of the millennia much akin to what would have happened with Axis victory Axis Powers vs Xtianity who will win the trial of the millennia. Hitler annihilator of xtianity or the xtianity annihilator of Aryandom, Heathendom, Pagandom, etc.etc. all the doms really.)

Like Mageson said "I don't know". And I, personally, honestly don't even know what your talking about.

(If I'm being ignorant or potentially stupid feel free to correct me but I bet I'm right to a degree perhaps not entirely but a lot of truth in my words).

(I will admit re-reading my post before submitting it. Some of the words are pretty and I mean that sarcastically. I understand it helps to help the White-race. But not like this not through some sort of maligned kosher mentality or some sort of retardation brought about by church doctrines. If the church scriptures literally admit "Demons are the Gods of Gentiles". You probably are barking up the wrong tree in (((kosher garden of edin))).

(This excerpt quote from the Catholic Encyclopedia is very revealing:
In the same way the Greeks and Romans may have worshipped their divinities, fondly believing them to be good. But the Christian Scriptures declare that all the gods of the Gentiles are demons.
Catholic Encyclopedia: Devil Worship

(Post re-reading before submitting "If I sound harsh almost like a killer mentality" A psychotic mentality is because these fucking retards need a lesson maybe a few punches to the skull some blows to their bodies some pain will make them wake up from their retardation. They are not representatives of the White-Aryan race they just act like (((useful idiots))) and deserve to be belittled and destroyed. Everyone kisses their ass and praises them all the way wanting a bukkake from the jews, xtianity, and jesus. N.I.M.B.Y.(Not in my backyard). In the words of Duke Nukem voiced by Jon St. Jon "Eat shit and die", "I'm here to kickass or chew bubblegum and I'm all out of bubblegum".(that last quote originally came from "They Live" as well.)

But it seems to me in my humbleness as just a regular person who is in the occult. All these people care about at the end of the day is the in the words of Homer Simpson from The Simpsons "The All ighty ollar" from Mad Magazine improperly bending it. So basically the "All Mighty Dollar" or in jew speak the mammon, the "shekels". And if they did care they wouldn't soft-nose and brown-nose the jews, their leaders, and their wolf pack of fools who don't know anything. They speak, they express, they compile pretty words. But at the end of the day are they doing anything but xtianification talking out their asses. How do you even know they support White people or ARE White people. And other things can be taken like how in the fuck does in this goddamn Universe we sit on Planet Earth with dipsticks that care about paying lip service to God when Shehameforash the forbidden name of God is going to kill them or enslave them in judeo-bolshevistic communism and not just communism but a form of communism far worse, a far away from the child-like communism like that of Russia or China. In other words a "fuckton" worse communism than ever derived.

You(loki88) seemingly seem like a person who is some outsider to them whom probably has a job, works and is probably a nobody but you speak up for certain things mentioning this Will Williams whom ever the fuck this person is. And yet they kick you out as some outside rabble rousing rebellious person. Not once but multiple times.

These people akin to a degree of Idi Amin, when he laughed at the Hitler meme of killing more jews. Said "that is the past why do you bring it up". Sure History teaches a lot and is important but these people seemingly whom are anywhere from 40s-80s year old. Believe in the times of old Christendom a wonderful time when everything was sweet and innocent.

And yet the way you type things up these dumb fucking clowns have not woken up from their metaphoric "opiate of the masses". Here they are continuously persuing a cartoon almost Family Guy Rush Limbaugh episode of republican dreams.

When even that is just a wet dream created by the jews for the lulling of the Amalek back to sleep after Hitler scared the bejesus out of the jews.

Well funny enough isn't that in the words described in Mein Kampf by Hitler, Pusillanimity. These people aren't supporters of the White Aryan race. They don't care anything, they probably never did care, and all they care about is somehow being in some maligned almost puritanical almost amish way of living.

These people are probably the same as christards they believe technology is of the Devil or Everything is of Satan bible thumpers out in the mid west. Or my favorite muzzie saying "Civilization is of Satan".

These people don't seem anything but controlled opposition. They suck and swallow the cock of the jews and the cum of retardation in their feeble little World as they slowly die off or shrink away and die off slowly through basically in the words of George Lincoln Rockwell's 12 minute video either you destroy them or they destroy you.

These people these xtianistic, Government worker narcs basically this almost (((sayanim, kehillah, sanhedron, irgun, mossad, commiturn))) spy-terrorist-gangstalking network of people. Are just basically mini-christs, mini-christos, mini-sheepherders who don't want the goyim knowing.

They speak xtianistically, work xtianistically, they somehow think they are jesus christ in carnath and yet don't want to live off the paradigm the jews created.

Humans have a very powerful belief in something so drilled into their core. I bet not even if you pump them with 800 micrograms of ALD-52 would that even work. Kinda like the hippie from Grand Theft Auto San Andreas back in 2004 or 2005 when it came out. You want to go to hell take a shitload of microdot lsd, peyote, shrooms, and some other stuff sends you straight to hell.

Quirky reference to San Andreas but funny enough not even that will make them wake up.

They wish to fondle christs cock and suck on it and they will. Cause they got nothing better to do. They've been defeated and they work in defeated matters to bring defeat.

It's HP.Cobra's sermon video Exit the Jewtrix. Not just rebbe's scheersohn kabalistic story of defeating amalek with occult backing but the rishi story of India defeating the 10 kingdoms.

Both our occult and their occult cannot save them. They've already trashed themselves.


If someone reads these and does not comprehend this, one is a either too stupid, too braindead, or too servile to the enemy as it is, and too loyal to the jewish fraudulent Rabbi.

They deserve no further answer about anything. They are a born retard and slave, homebred fool of the jew, and their mind is lower than an animal, and as such, they require no further convincing as they do not matter at all in this fight against the Jews, in any other form than being enslaved.

They are a criminal to their race, practice high sacrilege to the Ancient and Eternal Gods, and they are not superior material that the Gods seek. As such further dialectic and kosher arguing against us is of no purpose, and no further time will be wasted.

Let those who belong to the Gods come to them, and let the cattle that belongs to jews and cannot escape their mental prison, die in it. We gave the opportunity and from there on these people are on their own, with their favorite jew.

This is for people who can think for themselves. We Satanists do not believe in a flat "equality of opinion" where this slave "christian" species is concerned, as this slave species is the criminal footsoldier of the jew, purposefully oblivious to the deadly jewish virus it carries around and it spreads actively.

We do not want you, we do not need you, and we will kick you from our midst as a down syndromic person has to be kicked out from NASA. We do not want nobody with severe down syndrome. We want people who are mentally free and brave, and can handle the idea of living away from the Jewish paradigm, as our ancestors did once upon a time.

Christians spend your life worshipping a rebel jew, keep the jewish book at the hand, promote a total jewish hoax, scorn their own Pagan Culture, promote jewish cults that glorify jews, and then somehow pretend they are against the jews. This requires a level of extremely profound stupidity, which has no place in Spiritual Satanism.

At this level of stupidity, the jew runs the planet easily and flawlessly.

We want powerful and free spirits who can face this and change this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
