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What Is An "Ego" ?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Oftentimes there are people who constantly accuse people that do better at anything of being egoistical and so on. This also extends on many people who are actually doing things for other people.

In reality, the striking majority of people in this world, are pure egoists. And by pure egoists, I will explain simply what I mean. Unless an authority came up and forced them to even work, most wouldn't even work.

Ego, as Nietzsche has explained, is a confused situation, that has been completely misinterpreted. As one advances in meditations and walls come down in the mind, this starts to be understood. From the ashes of the dead low "ego", rises an actual self, which is not only many times more powerful than the low tier ego, but is also able to actually partake in creation and in the world.

Many people think that they are original thinkers, have "discovered themselves", or that they have a "personality" just because they disagree with others, or generally act in selfish ways. They believe that this is the core of the so called "individual". The sight of course of other "Egos" is what makes each other recoil, and creates warfare. The above functions of the ego are half the story.

Most people today have not really discovered themselves, they just have a samsaric version of themselves that they follow, a so called husk of what they really are. The more this husk exists and retains itself, the more it creates imbalanced situations in a person that eventually lead to self destruction. People of this century are so sick they can hardly co-exist even with a pet or an animal. If they can, some are so bad that even a cat suffers from their company.

Instead of anyone speaking out about this situation, we constantly tell people that "this is the meaning of life" and that they "must do that". I will tell you only the truth here, these utterly selfish tendencies are lower than those of animals, and in another case, they also don't represent a healthy adult. In a healthy psychological development, that is only one aspect of the personality, not the whole of the personality. Many people exist as if this was all there is to it.

There are reasons on why so much isolation is happening for human beings, and why nobody listens to anyone any-more, or why even the basic family unit is "unbearable" for many. While families might have drama in them, they are at least a manifestation of life. While not perfect, they reflect life's realities and other imperfections. This extends to the society.

Of course, nobody likes to listen to the reality of any of this, and rather, many enjoy stoning people that might alert them to that end. Has anyone here tried to advise any Christian to change anything, or tell them something smart? I am sure you weren't treated well over this.

Frequently, I have also been attacked based on this false perception of what is an ego and what is a self. In regards to this, it leaves me unaffected, as I know that 9 out of 10 my daily thoughts are directed on other people and beings, or the well-being of others. I have lived without an "ego" of this kind for a long time.

Honestly, I will also tell everyone another thing. HPS Maxine and I have all along our lives been disgusted how this treatment of humanity is. While however the turn towards one's self solely might look justified based on this general condition of the world, this is not what helps anyone else, and in the end of the road, it also does not help one's self. It certainly doesn't better the world.

This might not make much sense, but as one meditates, you'll see it clearly. If some sentences above don't make much sense to you now, return on this post after you have done meditation that has brought you in front of these questions.

Past a point in your self development, you'll start wanting to do more with your existence, be this family, animals, friends, community, town, city - whatever have you. Notice: It's self development that leads you to the above conclusion at some point. Not just the idle creation of an "ego", but rather, a true indulging into the "Know Thyself" quote of Apollonian mystery.

Much of this world is just a shit circus that you can serve it and help it for 10 or 100 years, then you die homeless in a room like Tesla did, possibly penniless, for trying to help the shit cattle that calls itself proudly as "humanity" without really having divulged at all into what it REALLY means to be a human.

Tesla was of the best human beings, a most lofty soul, to the limit of that such souls are so divine, that one might as what he was doing here in the first place. Regardless, these souls still come here and try to help humanity, especially at specific intervals, and I am sure Tesla wouldn't see the matter in this way, but that's the objective view of this. Humanity has to build itself up to a deserving level to get people like this to lead it or help it in the future.

Tesla also didn't finish his heavenly work because of the enemy, from which he chose to not defend himself, since he focused more on his mission and less in considering the failures of the low beings, such as even those of the enemy. If things were different, other people should have been protecting Tesla like the pupil of their own eye. Yet, as the situation had it, this didn't really occur.

For this reason, anyone who wants to do good, must also be ready to have protection against these injustices of this world. As it's our duty to become better it's also our duty to turn this outwards and fight the lack of light, and the evil, but also defend what is decent in this world.

In the past, people actually had a sense of hierarchy and proportion, but now we are at the height of the Kali Yuga, or the lowest age according of Hesiod.

So I advise every people of substance and value, to guard yourselves against loss because the tin and shit metal is going to want to destroy the gold. Take any nugget you can find from everywhere, and hoard the spiritual wealth, and advance with it, but be mindful that we are in the lowest age of Hesiod right now, and it's about to get heated.

Thoth, in his works, also explains the very same thing. Humanity doesn't really listen, and that's also the reason why so many people fail. Despite of this, they don't admit it, and they keep repeating the same mistakes again and again, trying to walk into the same labyrinth over and over again. The cycle continues.

The fact that the enemy is literally surfacing telling people in their face that they will put them in a virtual pod with diodes in their brain, and while the heads of this world are planning this, yet some souls have "no time" to care about any of this, is beyond alarming. That height of crimes has never happened before. That's some real Kali Yuga straight in our face, type of situation.

If humanity was completely alone, I would know it's a done deal. Thankfully, we still do have the Gods.

Of course, every shit human I ever met knows better. We know better than the Pyramids, the Ancient Philosophers, the Sun, the Moon, whatever - everyone just knows better. The ever decreasing quality of humanity is testament of the force of gravity and how the closer one is to the epicenter of a black hole, the more they will be suckered into it. For a while, we will see quite a lot of light being absorbed into this rift, yet, it will scream to itself and to you too, that it's doing the right thing.

They know so much better than anyone else but their whole existence, physically and astrally, is just a total disaster. Above all, they know how to block any and all input that might help them with religious levels of adherence, constantly and unceasingly. They defend what they think is themselves, to extents that nothing is no longer received.

Regardless, the point has to be related, that so long this is maintained as the main course of humanity, humanity must forget the Godhead and anything meaningful. Only individuals will be able to advance in this system, hopefully, helping some other people in the process.

The road to the Gods is rather narrow, it's not as open as the enemy claims. A lie can be believed by all, and it's certainly nothing major to just have to "believe in Jesus" and to "be saved". Lies are welcoming to everyone. And because they are easy, have consumed many and as we get to the height of the Kali Yuga, they will consume more.

We are currently only seeing "glimpses" of the next Satya Yuga, but that is great and hopeful. The people who are wise and meditate will already have caught glimpses of this coming beauty.

For the rest, they will be reincarnating constantly, until they either get destroyed or enslaved by the enemy, or if other kinder souls [like we do here] attempt to reverse it and manage to do that, we will borrow them time but they cannot continue down this road forever.

Regardless, we cannot bail out all of humanity and reverse the Kali Yuga on our own, only even the blunt. We must certainly try our earnest. At the same rate, everyone here is also obligated to advance themselves through the practices.

Anyway, to cross past the drivel quickly, the real "Ego" is yourself and our connectedness to other beings, combined. Those who exist only for themselves, I wish you really good luck, since you care only about yourself and nothing else. In the grand design, the Gods have actually put us here in order to learn how to exist with others too, except of finding ourselves. This involves all sorts of states of personal and collective being.

In most people that speak against the "Ego" of the strong, it's the reverse, they are in their head all day. Their lives from the morning to night is nothing but a recurring repetition of their own personal low tier poetry. Nothing is gained, if anything is gained, it's spent back on one's self, and certainly nothing is given.

In that effect, they also think their valuation of a situation has to be the most important there is, denying the realities that take place in front of them. This leaves unaffected all beings in the universe let alone those who know any real knowledge.

The reason the Gods deny the help towards quite a few people, is simply because they don't do nothing at all. Most people inquire the Gods for totally selfish objectives. The Gods do indeed help even with these "selfish" objectives, but these generally don't help people or humanity in anyway.

The same people that will only mail me about their personal life, their personal care, what they believe, the list goes, are also frequently the people that do nothing about others. Even these schedules we do spiritually, quite a few people don't participate, simply because they are that self absorbed or selfish. This category of people does also believe that this approach is the best strategy about existence or life, but it is the exact reverse. When one takes this route of life, they forsake their own destiny.

There are also quite a few delusional people that think that if you "advance" past a point, then you got to a mountain and abandon everyone else. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, if you actually advance and all you do is literally abandon everything, the investment of the time of the Gods would be wasted. The Gods want people to turn back and give help, unless, until people move on.

Generally, look at the objective work of people. While most people for example complain about those at the top of the world, it's generally the case that the people at the top in just about anything are the people who do at least something for other people. The pyramid of life is inverse.

I've seen many people just accuse me for example, but not many people who want to do more or even have done 1%. In the inverse, people who are working here daily do understand the above and therefore would never engage into this, as a Satanist that is for real can understand another in that regard. To the people who want to do nothing or help at nothing, only consuming, I will say that these people are not at liberty to dictate anything to nobody.

In retrospect, in these humans that do nothing and don't even have the moral decency to understand anything, but want more for themselves than they are entitled to, they consider that others are unjustly where they are. Since they don't really want to do anything, the easier solution becomes to attack others that do, and hope that you find others that share with you the same downwards spiral sentiment to join someone in this ever-downwards spiral.

We are all free to choose our spirals. Good luck to people who will choose the lower spiral, but don't expect to be allowed to interfere with those that want to get an elevator to a higher level.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The more one advances and the more humble he will get, he will understand how ego driven arguments and dramma are pointless and will just generally avoid such spiels. That's my experience at least.
The exact first attitude you told about is how I suggest we treat anyone of a lower vibration not listen to them be free show and maintain individuality at all costs etc do not attach etc.

For those who are positive in vibration or at least a little higher I am a really kind person and love helping people being their friend etc

This is the distinction I will make. If someone is low vibration nothing they say or do is great most likely so just shut it out. The opposite for high vibration people.
slyscorpion said:
The exact first attitude you told about is how I suggest we treat anyone of a lower vibration not listen to them be free show and maintain individuality at all costs etc do not attach etc.

For those who are positive in vibration or at least a little higher I am a really kind person and love helping people being their friend etc

This is the distinction I will make. If someone is low vibration nothing they say or do is great most likely so just shut it out. The opposite for high vibration people.

Exactly, and this is the concept of what the philosophers refer to as "Justice". We must treat people with justice. If people are toxic, a behaviour common in outsiders, self defence or even attack can be a solution. Many people after they meditate, they get cocky and they think that they are not to do this.

I notice this of all kinds of meditators. People here know the full story of this. The reality is however that those who don't guard themselves in this Kali Yuga type of situation, these people can consume someone like ghouls. We have the rights to defend ourselves. That's also the case energetically.
listening to joy of satan was my best choice.

i had choices. could listen to bullshit.

this is a no lies place. i listen and i grow.

thank you cobra
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

There was an organized party I went to recently but it was super boring. Music only had the same beat and I literally had someone tell me in my face "Now the party is getting started" whilst she sucked on a pot stick.
What the fuck.
Also heard some coworkers talk at work saying "being drunk is super funny" ... they literally think feeling physicially like shit and off is great whilst theyre only poisoning themselves !

And then there was a meeting from some people that wanted to do something culturally themed.. And it had to be "all-inclusive".

I heard about the drugs problem in the netherlands. It is pretty severe.. Especially in the clubbing culture.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

There was an organized party I went to recently but it was super boring. Music only had the same beat and I literally had someone tell me in my face "Now the party is getting started" whilst she sucked on a pot stick.
What the fuck.
Also heard some coworkers talk at work saying "being drunk is super funny" ... they literally think feeling physicially like shit and off is great whilst theyre only poisoning themselves !

And then there was a meeting from some people that wanted to do something culturally themed.. And it had to be "all-inclusive".

I heard about the drugs problem in the netherlands. It is pretty severe.. Especially in the clubbing culture.
And try telling them that it's bad, you'll only get spite!
Lunar Dance 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

There was an organized party I went to recently but it was super boring. Music only had the same beat and I literally had someone tell me in my face "Now the party is getting started" whilst she sucked on a pot stick.
What the fuck.
Also heard some coworkers talk at work saying "being drunk is super funny" ... they literally think feeling physicially like shit and off is great whilst theyre only poisoning themselves !

And then there was a meeting from some people that wanted to do something culturally themed.. And it had to be "all-inclusive".

I heard about the drugs problem in the netherlands. It is pretty severe.. Especially in the clubbing culture.

The question is also did these people even party though? If they do all that stuff and they don't even party, that would be bad.

The key to any good party is to have people that actually wanna party in it. Doesn't sound this was much the case there, most people seem to wanted to do weed, rather than party.

That's why in Ancient Celebrations which were 10 times more than parties, where all sorts of major partying took place, people actually did meditation plus some drinking, lighting fires, eating food and other things like that, opening up to dance to music by banishing inhibition. Followed by all sorts of other things.

They didn't do drug parties, since drugs generally put one in a drowsy state, and can backfire. That's also why most parties now suck and why people party all the time, because they don't have this boost needed from a good party. So Amsterdam is in this situation of constantly trying to party all the time in repeat, I would guess from your descriptions.

How much alcohol one takes on a party, to maximize fun, has also not to be overstepped. But parties without at least some alcohol would be difficult to get going. Alcohol loosens many people up, yet this effect if one is spiritual can be attained just by meditation and easing up.

Ancient Pagan celebrations had super partying taking place. Maybe in the future we also learn collectively again how to party properly.
Aquarius said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

There was an organized party I went to recently but it was super boring. Music only had the same beat and I literally had someone tell me in my face "Now the party is getting started" whilst she sucked on a pot stick.
What the fuck.
Also heard some coworkers talk at work saying "being drunk is super funny" ... they literally think feeling physicially like shit and off is great whilst theyre only poisoning themselves !

And then there was a meeting from some people that wanted to do something culturally themed.. And it had to be "all-inclusive".

I heard about the drugs problem in the netherlands. It is pretty severe.. Especially in the clubbing culture.
And try telling them that it's bad, you'll only get spite!

Everyone knows it's bad to fry your brain, but it's only when someone says it that it's these people react.

It's also not fun to entirely fry your brain as it's beyond the point of having any fun. How can you have fun while for example you vomit all the time and don't remember you had any fun?
Hi, I have a question i want to ask you. My life was ruined because of a problem that I couldn't solve for years. I'm a pretty clean person and I clean my house excessively almost every day. But even though i clean my house, tiny little bugs are crawling in my house. There is no solution method that I have not tried, I have tried all kinds of methods. This is why my obsessions have increased over the years. I feel so bad i feel like these bugs were sent to me on purpose. Maybe it seems like a very mild problem to you but this problem ruined my life i can't even do meditations. What can i do about this issue can you help me. My life energy slipped from my hands, my obsessions took over my life, I can't focus on anything. I feel very strong, but something doesn't want me to take control of my power. I sit on my couch all day and can't do anything. I can't get up from the couch, when I get up, my obsessions start. All my obsessions started with little bugs crawling on the walls of my house.
HP. Hooded Cobra can you help me
Lunar Dance 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

There was an organized party I went to recently but it was super boring. Music only had the same beat and I literally had someone tell me in my face "Now the party is getting started" whilst she sucked on a pot stick.
What the fuck.
Also heard some coworkers talk at work saying "being drunk is super funny" ... they literally think feeling physicially like shit and off is great whilst theyre only poisoning themselves !

And then there was a meeting from some people that wanted to do something culturally themed.. And it had to be "all-inclusive".

I heard about the drugs problem in the netherlands. It is pretty severe.. Especially in the clubbing culture.

Everything is boring just about in these "Modern" (codeword for Jew) times. I think that's the entire point of the party and getting drunk using drugs etc it provides a tiny bit of excitement something different even though it's bad so people don't care.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
While however the turn towards one's self solely might look justified based on this general condition of the world, this is not what helps anyone else, and in the end of the road, it also does not help one's self. It certainly doesn't better the world.

Past a point in your self development, you'll start wanting to do more with your existence, be this family, animals, friends, community, town, city - whatever have you. Notice: It's self development that leads you to the above conclusion at some point. Not just the idle creation of an "ego", but rather, a true indulging into the "Know Thyself" quote of Apollonian mystery.

I might be exposing myself as a bit of a self-serving, low tier ego hermit shit monkey at this point :lol: Since, I am adverse to many types of egos and do not find comfort in spending company around the majority of others.

I am so lucky to have found this path, I have climbed tiers above those I was surrounded by in my teenage years. Yet, I am still living in the same society and up from my metaphorically high castle I see little reason to help others.

This is even further the case since the pandemic, since I am now in a position to work from home permanently - and truly - what a relief it is, to be physically away from others and only have people around me if I want them there.

Some personalities make me feel physically sick, and I'd be metaphorically scouring my aura to rid their residues. In this scenario, surrounded by people who are not open to help or expansion, how can we help others? Where if the result of any development does not result in trivial gain on social media for example, it is worthless.

How can we find people who a friendly relationship can benefit mutually? I have always thought being a Satanist is lonely personally. I can't really connect deeply, spiritually with people outside of my close family, since they're all fucking degenerates.

I guess you could say, I am living in a mountain - and I like it here. I know I should help others (even to advance further myself), but I don't see myself as a messiah, and nobody is asking for my help - what is it that I should do?

Continue to meditate? I do, religiously - but I feel the further I progress, the more distant I drift away from the sea of heads bobbing to auto-tuned music, smoking weed and drinking beer. I have no interest, and the lack of interest increases. The more I meditate, the more I want to withdraw.

Go out into the world - interact more with others? Just being near large groups of people drains me generally. I have to work hard to protect myself before any such engagements.

I see glimpses occasionally of people who might be open, slightly interested, "leaning", but they seem fine, why do they need my help? And perhaps if they knew who I really was they would think I was crazy anyway.
Thank you sir. Thank you so much for writing this. This post has helped me realize where I've been going wrong for so many years. Why no matter what I always end up falling and failing and just.. giving up. I'll take these words to heart and I'll make you proud. First things first, time to finally join the warefare schedule again, it really has been so many years since I've contributed to anything but myself..

Thank you again. My gratitude is enormous.

Hail Satan!


I hope to show you some contributions from this point forward! Just you wait, I have a lot of ideas which I've never put forth, your words have truly enlightened me. I won't forsaken my family anymore. I promise not just to you, but to the Gods, to Satan, to myself, and to all of my brothers and sisters under Satan on these very forums, this is the day I change for the better. Just you wait my friends and family, I'll whip up some real killer contributions.

Balance is key though, one of the main reasons I stopped helping others is because I would always neglect myself, then I tried to focus on neglecting others to help myself, how could I have forgotten that a perfect balance is desirable, not one extreme. How foolish of me. Thank you again HP Commander Cobra. Let's send these fucking parasites back to their filthy creators through death of all the evil in this universe!
That’s been a focus me lately. How to better navigate this. Dealing with some people can require an edge. Some people can put a knife in your back if you give to them. I’ve also given so much without enough consideration for myself that I’ve burnt out in some ways.
These people with a false sense of ego often act with jealousy and contempt towards others that are advancing past them when the truth is they refuse to see their own faults and are not receptive and constantly closed off.

These are often the type of people who are very selfish and only care about own pain and needs. They are literally children inside who will never grow up and yes sadly this is much of humanity. Everyone thinks they are right and are unreceptive to any input anymore.

When one has a true healthy sense of self they will have true self love and will have the capacity and desire to care for others as well and contribute much
I don't know why but after reading this I feel very deep sadness.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

There was an organized party I went to recently but it was super boring. Music only had the same beat and I literally had someone tell me in my face "Now the party is getting started" whilst she sucked on a pot stick.
What the fuck.
Also heard some coworkers talk at work saying "being drunk is super funny" ... they literally think feeling physicially like shit and off is great whilst theyre only poisoning themselves !

And then there was a meeting from some people that wanted to do something culturally themed.. And it had to be "all-inclusive".

I heard about the drugs problem in the netherlands. It is pretty severe.. Especially in the clubbing culture.

All of this is literally why i have never been attracted to bars clubs or parties. I have had idiots tell me i should get drunk because its fun...whats the fun of trashing your liver and throwing up only to wake up feeling like shit the next day?

npcs who operate on lower levels of existence will often not know better and are just looking for the fast lane and quick fix. I have hope that the majority of this will change and that people will take care of themselves better so they can take care of others as well especially loved ones. So many families fall apart because of drug use
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

There was an organized party I went to recently but it was super boring. Music only had the same beat and I literally had someone tell me in my face "Now the party is getting started" whilst she sucked on a pot stick.
What the fuck.
Also heard some coworkers talk at work saying "being drunk is super funny" ... they literally think feeling physicially like shit and off is great whilst theyre only poisoning themselves !

And then there was a meeting from some people that wanted to do something culturally themed.. And it had to be "all-inclusive".

I heard about the drugs problem in the netherlands. It is pretty severe.. Especially in the clubbing culture.

The question is also did these people even party though? If they do all that stuff and they don't even party, that would be bad.

The key to any good party is to have people that actually wanna party in it. Doesn't sound this was much the case there, most people seem to wanted to do weed, rather than party.

That's why in Ancient Celebrations which were 10 times more than parties, where all sorts of major partying took place, people actually did meditation plus some drinking, lighting fires, eating food and other things like that, opening up to dance to music by banishing inhibition. Followed by all sorts of other things.

They didn't do drug parties, since drugs generally put one in a drowsy state, and can backfire. That's also why most parties now suck and why people party all the time, because they don't have this boost needed from a good party. So Amsterdam is in this situation of constantly trying to party all the time in repeat, I would guess from your descriptions.

How much alcohol one takes on a party, to maximize fun, has also not to be overstepped. But parties without at least some alcohol would be difficult to get going. Alcohol loosens many people up, yet this effect if one is spiritual can be attained just by meditation and easing up.

Ancient Pagan celebrations had super partying taking place. Maybe in the future we also learn collectively again how to party properly.

Well most people just did a simple sidestep thingy and some others were dancing.. pretty much like twerking or something similar ... Ehh...

Such a party actually sounds great. And I think that in fantasy realms or stories similar things are still "painted" like that. Except the meditation part of course.

Probably, Ive only went out to such a place once with a friend. The music was so loud I was pretty much deaf when we left, a headache too, kinda. The beer was the only thing you could drink there, kinda expensive too I think and tasted disgusting (I dont even like beer to begin with.. but this, no. I had a sip or 2 and my friend finished the rest).
The next day my ears were still ringing. Just also the same simple repetitive moves were made by everyone on the dancefloor except for a few exceptions probably like jumpstyle or hardstyle (a different dance style than the first one mentionef) or whatever they called it.

Have you ever been in Amsterdam?

What do you think of folk dance HpHc? I heard that line dance is also more like what you'd call real dancing.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
And try telling them that it's bad, you'll only get spite!

Everyone knows it's bad to fry your brain, but it's only when someone says it that it's these people react.

It's also not fun to entirely fry your brain as it's beyond the point of having any fun. How can you have fun while for example you vomit all the time and don't remember you had any fun?

I also meant.. those illegal parties. Here they used to organize shed fests. Alcohol, even if you're underage, and xtc use.
Dinner now. will say more later.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Everyone knows it's bad to fry your brain, but it's only when someone says it that it's these people react.

It's also not fun to entirely fry your brain as it's beyond the point of having any fun. How can you have fun while for example you vomit all the time and don't remember you had any fun?

Continuation of the other post:
I've overheard some people employed in a local center talking about the issue with drugs in the place which was some place around Amsterdam (not officially Amsterdam).. and they mentioned that x town uses more of a certain drug, and in another place the use of another drug is more prevalent. This wasn't just weed (or alcohol), but they also mentioned some harddrugs, like cocaine.

Basicly it was about just the dealing in drugs.

My friend which I mentioned previously, ended up having the wrong connections with people and she spoke about the use of drugs, under which LSD.
The contact with that friend has some time later been lost. She did quit talking to those kind of people, for so far I am aware. I haven't been in touch with her for years so I can't say more about it.

But apparently it's not that hard to even gain different drugs other than just weed/pot/hasj ...
Just A Thought said:
Hi, I have a question i want to ask you. My life was ruined because of a problem that I couldn't solve for years. I'm a pretty clean person and I clean my house excessively almost every day. But even though i clean my house, tiny little bugs are crawling in my house. There is no solution method that I have not tried, I have tried all kinds of methods. This is why my obsessions have increased over the years. I feel so bad i feel like these bugs were sent to me on purpose. Maybe it seems like a very mild problem to you but this problem ruined my life i can't even do meditations. What can i do about this issue can you help me. My life energy slipped from my hands, my obsessions took over my life, I can't focus on anything. I feel very strong, but something doesn't want me to take control of my power. I sit on my couch all day and can't do anything. I can't get up from the couch, when I get up, my obsessions start. All my obsessions started with little bugs crawling on the walls of my house.
HP. Hooded Cobra can you help me

We can all help you just please explain what you mean. You talk about literal bugs here or in a metaphorical fashion such as obsessions etc? What kind of obsession are you trying to manage?
Hey I've been trying to create my own thread so I can talk to you about about the PDF "The Jews Owned and Operated the Slave Trade" Did you save the PDF before the link was removed?
SigTyr said:
I don't know why but after reading this I feel very deep sadness.

It's hard facts that I could simply avoid stating and be way happier. Yet if people understand [or at least a few more] what the above means, these people will start investing in themselves differently, and in turn this will empower us more than just telling people bogus nonsense.

We need builders. If one does not understand the spirit of the message, it's necessitated to look how one can grow better.

It's hard reality that has to be overcome. When I realized the above things that I wrote it was crushing weight to me, but eventually it was overcome and now I am thankful for knowing rather than remaining in an ignorant state.
NeverGiveUp said:
I hope to show you some contributions from this point forward! Just you wait, I have a lot of ideas which I've never put forth, your words have truly enlightened me. I won't forsaken my family anymore. I promise not just to you, but to the Gods, to Satan, to myself, and to all of my brothers and sisters under Satan on these very forums, this is the day I change for the better. Just you wait my friends and family, I'll whip up some real killer contributions.

Balance is key though, one of the main reasons I stopped helping others is because I would always neglect myself, then I tried to focus on neglecting others to help myself, how could I have forgotten that a perfect balance is desirable, not one extreme. How foolish of me. Thank you again HP Commander Cobra. Let's send these fucking parasites back to their filthy creators through death of all the evil in this universe!

I can say I am impressed by this wise response.

Yes, absolutely, a balance is required.

Plus, even if people totally don't return things to you from this community [which people always return with at least a thank you here thankfully, you will find the Gods do indeed reward people who walk into the correct path.
alwayscurious said:
Hey I've been trying to create my own thread so I can talk to you about about the PDF "The Jews Owned and Operated the Slave Trade" Did you save the PDF before the link was removed?

They removed that again? Of course.

Well, we are now in the process of moving many sites because of the enemy taking down things like that. Please be patient. When the library is re-done, everything will be up. Meanwhile many some other SS can send you the PDF.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SigTyr said:
I don't know why but after reading this I feel very deep sadness.

It's hard facts that I could simply avoid stating and be way happier. Yet if people understand [or at least a few more] what the above means, these people will start investing in themselves differently, and in turn this will empower us more than just telling people bogus nonsense.

We need builders. If one does not understand the spirit of the message, it's necessitated to look how one can grow better.

It's hard reality that has to be overcome. When I realized the above things that I wrote it was crushing weight to me, but eventually it was overcome and now I am thankful for knowing rather than remaining in an ignorant state.
I am trying to awake as much people as I can, but 99/100 don't want to be awaken. Mostly have to deal with stupidity and lack of any desire to use critical thinking which is often is combined with aggression. There was a period before dedication when I started to hate them all, but now I only pity them for being weak and stupid. That doesn't stop me trying to reach those who are showing at least some interest. Maybe in a few years they will wake up thanks to our RTRs and whatever I said will make sense to them. It's like a planting a seed of doubt to their believes and reality.
Shadowcat said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

There was an organized party I went to recently but it was super boring. Music only had the same beat and I literally had someone tell me in my face "Now the party is getting started" whilst she sucked on a pot stick.
What the fuck.
Also heard some coworkers talk at work saying "being drunk is super funny" ... they literally think feeling physicially like shit and off is great whilst theyre only poisoning themselves !

And then there was a meeting from some people that wanted to do something culturally themed.. And it had to be "all-inclusive".

I heard about the drugs problem in the netherlands. It is pretty severe.. Especially in the clubbing culture.

All of this is literally why i have never been attracted to bars clubs or parties. I have had idiots tell me i should get drunk because its fun...whats the fun of trashing your liver and throwing up only to wake up feeling like shit the next day?

npcs who operate on lower levels of existence will often not know better and are just looking for the fast lane and quick fix. I have hope that the majority of this will change and that people will take care of themselves better so they can take care of others as well especially loved ones. So many families fall apart because of drug use

speaking from experience here, more often than not going to parties or clubs is more like a vampiric experience, lowlifes there suck your energy

the amience is rather shit, the culture is the lowest of the lows and for the most part people go there to drug themselves up, so know you’re going to a shit place energetically, if you’re going to go there to analyze society, you’ll feel like shit but this is obvious

however these places can be fun if you’re well shielded, protected and in the mood, personally I go when I feel like approaching girls. Meditation made it much much easier for me to get in the zone too, bear in mind I go out completely sober

there is no point going to a club to discuss business or life subjects with a bunch of braindead drunk tards, or when I’m busy or have stuff in mind, I’d rather stay at home or go to a chiller place, the night culture can make one lose focus very quickly
Hey Cobra, do you have a saved PDF of “The Jews Owned and Operated the Atlantic Slave Trade”? And also are there any other Exposing chapters besides Christianity, Communism and Kabbalah?
HP. Hooded Cobra, First of all thank you very much for helping me. Yes, I'm talking about real bugs, the kind of bugs that can hardly be seen with the small eye that roam my house. I want to drive these bugs out of my house. These bugs have put me in an obsessive life cycle for years. I did everything I could to get a healthy mind. But the obsession has stuck with me every time I wear clothes, I feel like bugs are crawling on my clothes, i can't read a book because I feel like bugs are crawling inside my book. what can i do to drive insects out of my house, and how can i get rid of the obsession that clings to me
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I have read this a few times now, to try and engrain it in my working mind a bit more, I was also going to open up and rant in a personal way but decided against it while thinking on it. Reading these kinds of sermons a couple of years ago were really odd occasions for me. With this path at first, I grew and broke down many barriers in a fast but unbalanced way due to various various factors; I had known the world to be such a way, and built up a massive barrier for myself when I was a child, suddenly then it turned on its head and I could now be something worthwhile and then some, I already was. It was jarring, coupled with a bad transit, being young and naive in today's world. Many many various things.

But I have to commit to this path now, it's what I am. It's senseless for someone of our kind of nature to neglect meditating and doing actions toward the knowledge given here, and I can imagine there are others reading this sermon with heavy hearts, having the same clash of conscience I did and still have. The old you with the new values you learnt in this forum, which only made sense to begin with if not for being raised by this "society" instead of your own divorced parents or alienated family. The things taught in the JoS are the things we see in the world as a child, and then promptly attacked as we age. The reality is, you have to attack these things which are damaging that conception: Satan's vision of the world/the childhood visions.

Burn the visions and fears of the enemy that you had, reflect that how vastly things have changed and so rapidly from those old feelings. Laugh. Expand those visions of the Gods that you might not have been raised on, but are still clearly within you.

I've understood the above for a while, its just yet to become clear to me in flux, in routine, oncemore.

I wish I could speak in person with you, because you all know the world strangely and as it is. I only know this in some abandoned place inside; before I learnt how to put on a show like the examples in this sermon, I was an outcast among the outcasts because of the "as it is" part. Painfully so.

I want to drop the act and the laziness, because there's no need if I've got this place and meditation. There, it's in writing .

Thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra, for the works you do and I wish blessings in all your affairs.

Hail Hooded Cobra !
Hail Apollo !
Hail Abraxas !
R' GRÁFICA36 said:
R' GRÁFICA36 said:
Essa postagem ("O que é um "ego"?) desperta-me uma dúvida e desejo esclareçer: após muitas desinlusões com os seres humanos, religiões, tornei uma pessoa incrédula. Até na noite de 19/02/2018 acordei de um sonho exatamente 00:00h(Meia Noite). Sonhava que um homem gigante com asas de fogo usando sobretudo preto de capús e os olhos brilhantes feitos tochas de fogo mergulha em um voou e pega me com seus antebraços debaixo dos meus e me leva por ares, e eu vejo do alto passar sobre campos verdes, mares e oceanos, desertos, territórios cobertos por gelos, por fim, montanhas em cadeias e em uma das mais altas entramos em uma caverna que se posicionava acima do meio dessa montanha. Pôs me ao chão e sentou se em um trono preto brilhante feito ouro. Fiquei olhando para ele através de seu rosto somente os olhos brilhantes, sem nada entender. Então ele disse me com uma voz muito forte: __ "Venho resgatar você de entre os mortais, estude meus ensinamentos no site Alegria de Satan"__ e eu nunca antes ouvi falar deste site e não gostava nada de internet.
Foi nesse momento que liguei o computador e fiz uma busca e encontrei no YouTube e foi exatamente o vídeo ensinando sobre o pácto com meu senhor Satã, fiquei até as 08:00 horas da manhã vendo e revendo e sem dúvidas no mesmo dia me preparei e fiz meu compromisso com Deus Satã, não pedi nada, somente agradeci, pois não tive dúvidas que não era só um sonho, pois minha fé se instalou em mim novamente e dessa vez eu estava certo que não seria enganado.
A partir dai eu venho passando por transformações, não me sinto bem com a maioria das pessoas que via como pessoas sábias,vejo tolice nas crenças delas, passei a gostar de estar sozinho e tenho muitos sonhos que me orientam a fazer rituais, orientam a meditar, tornei uma pessoa mais extressada sem muita tolerãncia e minha vida financeira vem melhorando cada dia mais, não sou mais uma pessoa emotiva, e isso vem de dentro de mim, independente da minha vontade, mas não deixo transparecer para as poucas pessoas com quem convivo, mas é como se eu fosse um ser especial, e gosto, eu gosto disso, penso que é os Deuses me presenteando por todas as vezes que outras pessoas me diminuiram e me jogaram para baixo.
Dai que vem minha dúvida ao lêr a postagem, e minha pergunta é: É CORRETO EU DEIXAR ME LEVAR ASSIM?
Desde de já minha gratidão a todos.

Oi. Nessa parte do fórum , eles falam em língua inglesa. Use um tradutor antes de escrever aqui.

Ou use esse tópico para perguntas( Jos Portugal).



Well said!!! 💖 We need need a reality check now and then. And take a good look at who we are. And pay attention to the signs. If we can only see ourselves, they way other people do. And what we can do for self improvement. 🙏🐍🔥 Hail Satan!!!
Just A Thought said:
HP. Hooded Cobra, First of all thank you very much for helping me. Yes, I'm talking about real bugs, the kind of bugs that can hardly be seen with the small eye that roam my house. I want to drive these bugs out of my house. These bugs have put me in an obsessive life cycle for years. I did everything I could to get a healthy mind. But the obsession has stuck with me every time I wear clothes, I feel like bugs are crawling on my clothes, i can't read a book because I feel like bugs are crawling inside my book. what can i do to drive insects out of my house, and how can i get rid of the obsession that clings to me

Hire a professional for disinfection, this can be costly, but it's definitely worth it. They generally might come more than once a year. They can manage all sorts of bugs and infestations. Disinfection will kill all of them but for a while they might try to get out. But there is nothing really that can't be disinfected, there are abandoned houses and they can be made great.

Then you need to solve places of entry like bathroom, garden, and cracks in walls or being furniture, especially kitchen. You can do this on your own look at videos online. After you seal these, then you can call the professionals disinfection.

Generally, most bugs, ants etc, pose no threat at all to a human.

It also sounds you might have developed a phobia or worry about them, and you can fix this with doing a working to free yourself from this phobia.

This is going to work but you might need a good 40 days working, plus, you will need to disinfect the house and also change linens and sleeping mattresses.
13th_Wolf said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I've understood the above for a while, its just yet to become clear to me in flux, in routine, oncemore.

I wish I could speak in person with you, because you all know the world strangely and as it is. I only know this in some abandoned place inside; before I learnt how to put on a show like the examples in this sermon, I was an outcast among the outcasts because of the "as it is" part. Painfully so.

I want to drop the act and the laziness, because there's no need if I've got this place and meditation. There, it's in writing .

Thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra, for the works you do and I wish blessings in all your affairs.


Thanks for the comment. I have never denied anyone communication or help that is of Satan. I just try to do my best here. The duty to say the thing that is correct is one thing, how we choose to adapt it is another.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

There was an organized party I went to recently but it was super boring. Music only had the same beat and I literally had someone tell me in my face "Now the party is getting started" whilst she sucked on a pot stick.
What the fuck.
Also heard some coworkers talk at work saying "being drunk is super funny" ... they literally think feeling physicially like shit and off is great whilst theyre only poisoning themselves !

And then there was a meeting from some people that wanted to do something culturally themed.. And it had to be "all-inclusive".

I heard about the drugs problem in the netherlands. It is pretty severe.. Especially in the clubbing culture.

Some idiot once in class asked the teacher why is weed not legal in Tiny Britain but is in Amsterdam... :roll:
slyscorpion said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

There was an organized party I went to recently but it was super boring. Music only had the same beat and I literally had someone tell me in my face "Now the party is getting started" whilst she sucked on a pot stick.
What the fuck.
Also heard some coworkers talk at work saying "being drunk is super funny" ... they literally think feeling physicially like shit and off is great whilst theyre only poisoning themselves !

And then there was a meeting from some people that wanted to do something culturally themed.. And it had to be "all-inclusive".

I heard about the drugs problem in the netherlands. It is pretty severe.. Especially in the clubbing culture.

Everything is boring just about in these "Modern" (codeword for Jew) times. I think that's the entire point of the party and getting drunk using drugs etc it provides a tiny bit of excitement something different even though it's bad so people don't care.

The issue, in my opinion, is that people nowadays confuse partying with being intoxicated.
Aquarius said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

There was an organized party I went to recently but it was super boring. Music only had the same beat and I literally had someone tell me in my face "Now the party is getting started" whilst she sucked on a pot stick.
What the fuck.
Also heard some coworkers talk at work saying "being drunk is super funny" ... they literally think feeling physicially like shit and off is great whilst theyre only poisoning themselves !

And then there was a meeting from some people that wanted to do something culturally themed.. And it had to be "all-inclusive".

I heard about the drugs problem in the netherlands. It is pretty severe.. Especially in the clubbing culture.
And try telling them that it's bad, you'll only get spite!

LOL i got that one :lol:
HP. Hooded Cobra, How can I work for 40 days to get rid of my phobias? i want to get rid of my phobias what should i do. I'm doing power meditations right now. I am really grateful to you, thank you very much for taking the time to help me.
I hired a professional for disinfection, but it didn't help, the insects started to appear again. I don't have much financial situation. Is there any magic method to drive the bugs away?

And i became a new spiritual satanist.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
