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What happened to the artwork thread of the gods and goddesses of Hell?


Active member
Sep 20, 2017
I went searching for the portrait of Abigor/Eligos to answer a post in this forum but it's not there anymore. :(

Could an HP or HPS please answer?

faustus666 said:
maybe thats what happend of her picture sent to the clergy, and a reptile's bs got shoa'd

not everyone is buying sob stories


This is your first post here, under that username, and what proof do you have zolaluckystar is a jewess?

I have noticed that in the past she has written a great number of long posts in this forum, and that only two of them remain when I search for her posts. And they are not long.

What happened? I thought she was close to the gods, and I assume she was an experienced member that had a lot of things to say. Or am I incorrect in this?

Did she ask for her posts and threads to be taken down personally? Or was this the decision of the clergy?
I'm just trying to understand what happened.

Thanks for reading.
ZolaLuckystar is Jew. We have seen pictures of her and her relative online. Azazel also told me she cannot be trusted. Myself, aome other members and the other clergy know this.
HPS Shannon said:
ZolaLuckystar is Jew. We have seen pictures of her and her relative online. Azazel also told me she cannot be trusted. Myself, aome other members and the other clergy know this.

I had been suspecting it for a long time, after I discovered and mentioned in the forum that her drawings were a fraud and were images of videogame and anime characters with tweaks to make them pass by the gods.
Also I myself and other members had problems after seeing her drawings, as enemy entities deceiving me by posing as my GDs, as if their drawings had been linked to jewish magic or similar.
HPS Shannon said:
ZolaLuckystar is Jew. We have seen pictures of her and her relative online. Azazel also told me she cannot be trusted. Myself, aome other members and the other clergy know this.

Really? Now I'm surprised. So that's why she hasn't posted in a long time. People can fool us more easily than I thought.

I wonder, was it a bad idea for me to have included her artwork of Agares in my tribute video?
HPS Shannon said:
ZolaLuckystar is Jew. We have seen pictures of her and her relative online. Azazel also told me she cannot be trusted. Myself, aome other members and the other clergy know this.

How is that possible? She has been a member of JoS for a long time and with all of her artwork of the gods means shes atleast seen them and had friendly conversations with them. What about Andras who she stated to be her guardian? Surely if Andras was her guardian and she was jewish, then she would probably have been killed or worse by the gods.

This kind of stuff makes me worry if im jewish or not. I have had that attack happen to me in the past a lot and Im not sure about my family history or where they came from.
Fuck here comes the anxiety and worry again.

I have done work for Satan and the gods by spreading JoS online and doing spiritual warfare, but I have never seen or met any of our gods and that has made me worry a lot.
I have talked so some old and advanced members and they have told me to not worry and that my GD is watching over and protecting me, which made me feel a lot better. But I cant shake the anxiety of the 'what if im jewish attack', and to see a long time member of JoS who we originally loved to be confirmed jewish only makes my worry a lot worse.

Im going to try and talk with my GD about this, I cant stand it anymore and I want to get this thought out of my head. We all have said that our members aren't led to JoS by coincidence and that the gods have led most of us here.

If I was jewish then I would just kill myself, because I have spent about 5 years now as a member of JoS trying to advance myself and work for Satan. I always feel like the gods ignore me and it only makes me feel horrible and afraid that I might be jewish. Im not dealing with this worry anymore.
I used to be so nervous and afraid of doing rituals and talking with the gods because I always thought that I would seem too disrespectful or be doing something wrong in some way. That all has to end and I need to do a ritual and get signs from them to help me get this worry out of my mind.
HPS Shannon said:
ZolaLuckystar is Jew. We have seen pictures of her and her relative online. Azazel also told me she cannot be trusted. Myself, aome other members and the other clergy know this.
First of all I am really freaked out right now.
Secondly do you know if the portraits this reptile made are accurate?I have used some of them.Are they safe ?
Ps Thanks for confirming this I wasn't informed about it
HPS Shannon said:
ZolaLuckystar is Jew. We have seen pictures of her and her relative online. Azazel also told me she cannot be trusted. Myself, aome other members and the other clergy know this.

I've pretty much been daily visiting and active since before ZLS and during her postings, and popped up and posted her paintings. Uhm...when did this happened?

I knew she stopped posting but didn't think it was this bad. Only reason I'm replying to this thread is cause HP.Cobra kinda scolded me a bit when I said something about one of the gods painting looking like Final Fantasy 7: Sephiroth; and he state something along the lines of if you've never seen him and this person draws this character how do you assume it's not a representation of him it's not entirely wrong.

Or something to that nature I don't recall the words just recall being scolded for kinda popping ZLS due to one member stating he knew it was familiar and popped ZLS for using Final Fantasy as a representation of the Gods.

Honestly I didn't think they were horrible just found Astarte's painting grotesque face wise. I'm sure if I *COULD* see her, she'd be a lot more attractive. Kinda like the 3D artwork of Astarte on Astralartsofthegods; at least that 3D artwork makes her more reasonable.

Anyways HPS Shannon or some other HP. Mind filling us in? this kinda is like another Vovim Baughie or Salem Burke situation.
HPS Shannon said:
ZolaLuckystar is Jew. We have seen pictures of her and her relative online. Azazel also told me she cannot be trusted. Myself, aome other members and the other clergy know this.

Thank you for the reply, HPS Shannon. And thank you to all the Joy of Satan clergy for keeping the forums clean and well-maintained.
HPS Shannon said:
ZolaLuckystar is Jew. We have seen pictures of her and her relative online. Azazel also told me she cannot be trusted. Myself, aome other members and the other clergy know this.

If that's the case, then how come she hasn't been removed earlier?
Wotanwarrior said:
HPS Shannon said:
ZolaLuckystar is Jew. We have seen pictures of her and her relative online. Azazel also told me she cannot be trusted. Myself, aome other members and the other clergy know this.

I had been suspecting it for a long time, after I discovered and mentioned in the forum that her drawings were a fraud and were images of videogame and anime characters with tweaks to make them pass by the gods.
Also I myself and other members had problems after seeing her drawings, as enemy entities deceiving me by posing as my GDs, as if their drawings had been linked to jewish magic or similar.

Now that I just recalled some people saying that some of their Guardians supposedly revealed themselves to them through those pictures, that it was as though the drawings "popped out" and came alive in front of them, etc, I was exactly wondering if her drawings were infused with that type of thing, linked with thoughtforms, etc.
Sun said:
Im going to try and talk with my GD about this, I cant stand it anymore and I want to get this thought out of my head. We all have said that our members aren't led to JoS by coincidence and that the gods have led most of us here.

If I was jewish then I would just kill myself, because I have spent about 5 years now as a member of JoS trying to advance myself and work for Satan. I always feel like the gods ignore me and it only makes me feel horrible and afraid that I might be jewish. Im not dealing with this worry anymore.
I used to be so nervous and afraid of doing rituals and talking with the gods because I always thought that I would seem too disrespectful or be doing something wrong in some way. That all has to end and I need to do a ritual and get signs from them to help me get this worry out of my mind.
If you did the final RTR and it didn't kill you then you're not a Jew.

And it's obvious that we shouldn't use or associate with the artwork of a Jew. Zola's artwork wasn't originally hers, it was all a rip-off from video games and other art made by Gentiles. Classic Jewry. Zola would say weird stuff like Lord Sorath Himself sang African choir songs with her even though Lord Sorath is a proud NORDIC Aryan.
Gear88 said:
Honestly I didn't think they were horrible just found Astarte's painting grotesque face wise. I'm sure if I *COULD* see her, she'd be a lot more attractive. Kinda like the 3D artwork of Astarte on Astralartsofthegods; at least that 3D artwork makes her more reasonable.
I thought the same when I saw that picture. And got some bad energy from looking at it, kinda feeled wrong. Never would I have thought that ''zls'' is jewish though :x
Dypet Rod said:
Now that I just recalled some people saying that some of their Guardians supposedly revealed themselves to them through those pictures, that it was as though the drawings "popped out" and came alive in front of them, etc, I was exactly wondering if her drawings were infused with that type of thing, linked with thoughtforms, etc.
One single time I tried contacting Satan through the picture she drew. I was met with an enemy entity who tried messing with me.
Sun said:
Dude relax. You're most damn likely a gentile. There are no similarities between Zola and you. You're just panicking right now, likely because of enemy bullshit. Zola did all these things on purpose in order to do harm, as far as I know.
Gear88 said:
Vovim and Burke were Gentiles as far as I am aware. The person we are talking about here is a clear, 100% jew. That is the difference.

From what I know, she never had any intention of helping here and was just trying to cause harm. Or perhaps her brain deceived her into trying to "help" for a while in order to better infiltrate the goyim.

Do not use any of her paintings, as they are dangerous.

I will leave any further replies to the HPs as they know much more about this situation than I do.
Dypet Rod said:
HPS Shannon said:
ZolaLuckystar is Jew. We have seen pictures of her and her relative online. Azazel also told me she cannot be trusted. Myself, aome other members and the other clergy know this.

Really? Now I'm surprised. So that's why she hasn't posted in a long time. People can fool us more easily than I thought.
"On the Internet, no-one knows you're a dog" or a jew.

I wonder, was it a bad idea for me to have included her artwork of Agares in my tribute video?
Do you promote rabbi jewsus?
HPS Shannon said:
ZolaLuckystar is Jew. We have seen pictures of her and her relative online. Azazel also told me she cannot be trusted. Myself, aome other members and the other clergy know this.
Wtf, she was gathering donations months ago to bring an SS fellow in US from South Africa which was facing a communist uprising and I sent her money for this, lol.
HPS Shannon said:
ZolaLuckystar is Jew. We have seen pictures of her and her relative online. Azazel also told me she cannot be trusted. Myself, aome other members and the other clergy know this.

Interesting. I've always thought how her drawings where photoshopped from other pictures. The hair seemed too unnatural and a collage, and other traits stood out to me as edits and layering, rather than painting. The skin looked a greyish-white. The overall drawing style was too dark and decadent for my taste.

I kept my mouth shut because I didn't want to offend her and I didn't want many members ganging up on me like I've seen being done against other legitimate users on other topics for no legitimate reasons. Some users know in private about my doubts on her "paintings" and she admitted to me in private that she believed Andras looks like Sephiroth from Final Fantasy, like another user suggest here.
FancyMancy said:
Dypet Rod said:
HPS Shannon said:
ZolaLuckystar is Jew. We have seen pictures of her and her relative online. Azazel also told me she cannot be trusted. Myself, aome other members and the other clergy know this.

Really? Now I'm surprised. So that's why she hasn't posted in a long time. People can fool us more easily than I thought.
"On the Internet, no-one knows you're a dog" or a jew.

I wonder, was it a bad idea for me to have included her artwork of Agares in my tribute video?
Do you promote rabbi jewsus?

No, I made a video for my Guardian in return for a favor I had asked of her which she delivered in due time, and I included some artworks in it. One of these artworks is by Zola, but I wasn't aware she was a jewess.
The video I mention is the one in my signature. Now I wonder if I should edit it and reupload it, or leave it like that. It takes some 3 hours to render the video. Maybe just putting a disclaimer in the description is also an option.
Sabazios said:
Never would I have thought that ''zls'' is jewish though :x
That's the point. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer...

The Alchemist7 said:
HPS Shannon said:
ZolaLuckystar is Jew. We have seen pictures of her and her relative online. Azazel also told me she cannot be trusted. Myself, aome other members and the other clergy know this.
Wtf, she was gathering donations months ago to bring an SS fellow in US from South Africa which was facing a communist uprising and I sent her money for this, lol.
Dude (or are you a dudess?) - I wouldn't send any money to anyone for any reason over the Internet. I hardly like shopping online. Even if any of the HPs/HPSs, for whatever reason, decided to ask me for a donation which fell outside of JoSM, I would tell them, with as much respect and politeness as possible, to fuck off. All of them, every single one.

Having been a member of forums for years I know about the drama. You can just see it on social media, as well. Unfortunately, any Human who gave a stranger online some money for a sob-story-cause without actual proof fell victim of their brain being silenced by their overshadowing heart, which was manipulated by a con-person ("con" here means "confidence"; a trickster, liar, thief...). Even if there was real or fake proof, once you give that money away, you have lost all control over it. How many other personal details, besides your bank details, did you provide to strangers online?

Are you really The Alchemist7, or is s/he being tortured and is his/her account in use by someone else now? I don't donate to (((charity))), either. It doesn't go to help the alleged persons/causes. (((Children in Need))) has raised £1 billion in 40 years, whereas (((fat food franchises))) have much more money than that in much less time than that, and continue to pollute Children and Adults. Must I say, yet again, to use you fucking brain (if you have one)?! jesus Fucking christmas.

Here we a have Spiritual Satanists being fooled by a jew - being jewed - giving it money for a sob-story false-cause (Africa is so needy, getting all of White's money via (((charity))) :eyeroll:); yet I have read that a fellow SS on this very forum dislikes me because of...whatever reasons they decided, and immaturely they refuse to reply to, or post to, me. Why not send me money so I can bribe them into liking me? /sarcasm At least this is a real - possibly sob - story and has been read by whoever has read it on here. I know you won't send me any money to bribe them with, though. Why not? Don't worry - that's a rhetorical question.

Oh, sorry. It's not my business. I wasn't really saying any of those things here to you. I was just coughing. Oh, yeah. Cough, cough. Oops, I meant cough
There is a thing called lying, it happens.

I never felt positive about her and the things she said. Its not so hard to deceive someone by just an online platform. She could have been a Jew who thought she was gentile, or maybe a Jew putting up this big ruse to build up trust. Who knows. Don't underestimate them.

I found this out months ago, its not like I knew this since the beginning.

Yes, she did take donations from some members which is a shame, just another Jew getting over...

She was even trying to get a fellow dedicated satanist's information so that he can escape South Africa and stay with her "friends" but the gods warned him.

Her artwork always looked weird and off to me. Some of the gods had dull skin and an enemy vibe and the picture of Isis/ Inanna looked completely Jewish. Some of the artwork was "ok" in itself but still off.

I wouldnt associate with her artwork for obvious reasons though.

The other work of the gods drawn by other gentile members exude beauty and gentile vibrance. I forgot the link but it was posted on the yahoo groups years ago.
The Alchemist7 said:
HPS Shannon said:
ZolaLuckystar is Jew. We have seen pictures of her and her relative online. Azazel also told me she cannot be trusted. Myself, aome other members and the other clergy know this.
Wtf, she was gathering donations months ago to bring an SS fellow in US from South Africa which was facing a communist uprising and I sent her money for this, lol.

Yup, just another Jew hungry for shekelz...
Wait...here it is. This is the artwork I was talking about. You can clearly see the difference. The drawings here are cleary by gentiles and bave a totally different vibe

Pardon me in case posting this here is not allowed, cause I'm not sure. But is that she in the pictures on this page?

Poweredbythesun said:
HPS Shannon said:
ZolaLuckystar is Jew. We have seen pictures of her and her relative online. Azazel also told me she cannot be trusted. Myself, aome other members and the other clergy know this.

Wow, never would of thought she was a Jew :/ So is the art work still okay though?
Are you serious?
The Alchemist7 said:
HPS Shannon said:
ZolaLuckystar is Jew. We have seen pictures of her and her relative online. Azazel also told me she cannot be trusted. Myself, aome other members and the other clergy know this.
Wtf, she was gathering donations months ago to bring an SS fellow in US from South Africa which was facing a communist uprising and I sent her money for this, lol.
Since I was sometime in contact with her my mind really hurt when Shannon wrote she’s a jew, and I thought she was legit......
The money went to getting the SA guy a ticket but due to him being an illegal and couldnt stay in europe he was sent back to SA. Wasted fucking money, I gave some money too.
Those artwork looks super weird to me the first time I saw them, like some distorted humans. Most of them looked like teenagers in Emo phase. Pretty disrespectful and creepy :?
magus.immortalis said:
faustus666 said:
maybe thats what happend of her picture sent to the clergy, and a reptile's bs got shoa'd

not everyone is buying sob stories


This is your first post here, under that username, and what proof do you have zolaluckystar is a jewess?

I have noticed that in the past she has written a great number of long posts in this forum, and that only two of them remain when I search for her posts. And they are not long.

What happened? I thought she was close to the gods, and I assume she was an experienced member that had a lot of things to say. Or am I incorrect in this?

Did she ask for her posts and threads to be taken down personally? Or was this the decision of the clergy?
I'm just trying to understand what happened.

Thanks for reading.

I made a deal with Faustus back in April. That he would not reveal this to anyone until the clergy made a consensus. In return she would not post a single time on the forums. Zola agreed to these terms. That is why she disappeared.

Recently however the Clergy did come to a Consensus. I had alot of issues with her deck. Such as using her picture for Ashtaroth. From the very beginning I felt nasty jew energy from her, so I had her do a DNA test. It came back that she had 0 jew. However I didnt know they were not accurate at the time.

The Satanist from South Africa was suppose to come to me. But plans were changed last second and he went else where. He later was Deported unfortunately. However the donations to her went to the cause intended. I am pretty sure, unless others were in on it, that the money went where it was suppose to go and not in her pocket. Or at least most of it....

I shut down my skype group and stopped all further communication with others I have been in contact with. Incidentally, I had been bed riden with severe Manic Depression, yet after doing this, I now feel better then I have in years.

I have no mental sufferings I had been going through and feel full of energy. It really fooled me rats coming in the name of Satan. I believe it was maxine that said they do copious amounts of work to gain favor.

Do NOT under any circumstances buy her deck. She has no support from me.
HPS Shannon said:
ZolaLuckystar is Jew. We have seen pictures of her and her relative online. Azazel also told me she cannot be trusted. Myself, aome other members and the other clergy know this.

I'm chocked to read this. I remember in her posts, she always gave a LOT of details when sharing her experiences... I never imagined it was that bad. It's creepy when I think about it. She managed to deceive many people. I remember someone had experience some confusion when thinking about one of her portraits instead of focusing on the sigil.

I don't know a thing about art, so it was kind of hard to "judge" her portraits from that point of view.

But anyway, I hope she won't come back under a different username. :lol:
Dypet Rod said:
FancyMancy said:
Dypet Rod said:
Really? Now I'm surprised. So that's why she hasn't posted in a long time. People can fool us more easily than I thought.
"On the Internet, no-one knows you're a dog" or a jew.

I wonder, was it a bad idea for me to have included her artwork of Agares in my tribute video?
Do you promote rabbi jewsus?

No, I made a video for my Guardian in return for a favor I had asked of her which she delivered in due time, and I included some artworks in it. One of these artworks is by Zola, but I wasn't aware she was a jewess.
The video I mention is the one in my signature. Now I wonder if I should edit it and reupload it, or leave it like that. It takes some 3 hours to render the video. Maybe just putting a disclaimer in the description is also an option.
What I meant was if zola is a jew, then as you wouldn't/shouldn't promote jewsus, so you also would not/should not promote zola, either.

Aquarius said:
The Alchemist7 said:
HPS Shannon said:
ZolaLuckystar is Jew. We have seen pictures of her and her relative online. Azazel also told me she cannot be trusted. Myself, aome other members and the other clergy know this.
Wtf, she was gathering donations months ago to bring an SS fellow in US from South Africa which was facing a communist uprising and I sent her money for this, lol.
Since I was sometime in contact with her my mind really hurt when Shannon wrote she’s a jew, and I thought she was legit......
The money went to getting the SA guy a ticket but due to him being an illegal and couldnt stay in europe he was sent back to SA. Wasted fucking money, I gave some money too.
Then my reply to The Alchemist7 is also to you, and of course anyone else relevant.
zolaluckystar said:
heres my DNA test results.

I don't know what voice you were hearing, Shannon.....but the DNA doesn't lie.



You have to do more than just post a picture of a DNA test. I'm just stating what we saw and your photos and your sister's look very Jewish. We all know DNA tests are bullshit these days.It is no coincidence that the others had off feelings about you and your art and other experiences mentioned here. Not just me, honey.

So please explain the occurences that all the other members mentioned. I guess we all have fucked up and inaccurate intuitions.

As I said, you do what you want and I have said what I know and the other members have said their experiences. Thats it.

Now if you truly aren't a Jew, there's that but I doubt that...

If any of the other clergy members want to chime in they can but this is what was revealed. Even Maxine, who is highly psychic and advanced who saw your photo said the same thing.

Why do you look obviously Jewish then? And your sister looks even worst...
Aldrick Strickland said:
magus.immortalis said:
faustus666 said:
maybe thats what happend of her picture sent to the clergy, and a reptile's bs got shoa'd

not everyone is buying sob stories


This is your first post here, under that username, and what proof do you have zolaluckystar is a jewess?

I have noticed that in the past she has written a great number of long posts in this forum, and that only two of them remain when I search for her posts. And they are not long.

What happened? I thought she was close to the gods, and I assume she was an experienced member that had a lot of things to say. Or am I incorrect in this?

Did she ask for her posts and threads to be taken down personally? Or was this the decision of the clergy?
I'm just trying to understand what happened.

Thanks for reading.

I made a deal with Faustus back in April. That he would not reveal this to anyone until the clergy made a consensus. In return she would not post a single time on the forums. Zola agreed to these terms. That is why she disappeared.

Recently however the Clergy did come to a Consensus. I had alot of issues with her deck. Such as using her picture for Ashtaroth. From the very beginning I felt nasty jew energy from her, so I had her do a DNA test. It came back that she had 0 jew. However I didnt know they were not accurate at the time.

The Satanist from South Africa was suppose to come to me. But plans were changed last second and he went else where. He later was Deported unfortunately. However the donations to her went to the cause intended. I am pretty sure, unless others were in on it, that the money went where it was suppose to go and not in her pocket. Or at least most of it....

I shut down my skype group and stopped all further communication with others I have been in contact with. Incidentally, I had been bed riden with severe Manic Depression, yet after doing this, I now feel better then I have in years.

I have no mental sufferings I had been going through and feel full of energy. It really fooled me rats coming in the name of Satan. I believe it was maxine that said they do copious amounts of work to gain favor.

Do NOT under any circumstances buy her deck. She has no support from me.

Aldrick, are you saying that Zola agreed to not post on the forums if you were to keep quiet about her being a Jew?
FancyMancy said:
Sabazios said:
Never would I have thought that ''zls'' is jewish though :x
That's the point. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer...
Damn right brother. That s how the saying goes... but I prefer the enemies to keep their distance
HPS Shannon said:
ZolaLuckystar is Jew. We have seen pictures of her and her relative online. Azazel also told me she cannot be trusted. Myself, aome other members and the other clergy know this.

Ugh ew, now I kinda just wanna delete any post I have interacting with her or edit any post I have made praising her.
Honestly I just brushed off the things that didn't add up about her/her posts since she was an artist but seriously I have to be more careful...As I said in a previous comment once: Trust is out the door for her. If she wasn't a jew she probably wouldn't be so under fire lol
HPS Shannon said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
magus.immortalis said:
This is your first post here, under that username, and what proof do you have zolaluckystar is a jewess?

I have noticed that in the past she has written a great number of long posts in this forum, and that only two of them remain when I search for her posts. And they are not long.

What happened? I thought she was close to the gods, and I assume she was an experienced member that had a lot of things to say. Or am I incorrect in this?

Did she ask for her posts and threads to be taken down personally? Or was this the decision of the clergy?
I'm just trying to understand what happened.

Thanks for reading.

I made a deal with Faustus back in April. That he would not reveal this to anyone until the clergy made a consensus. In return she would not post a single time on the forums. Zola agreed to these terms. That is why she disappeared.

Recently however the Clergy did come to a Consensus. I had alot of issues with her deck. Such as using her picture for Ashtaroth. From the very beginning I felt nasty jew energy from her, so I had her do a DNA test. It came back that she had 0 jew. However I didnt know they were not accurate at the time.

The Satanist from South Africa was suppose to come to me. But plans were changed last second and he went else where. He later was Deported unfortunately. However the donations to her went to the cause intended. I am pretty sure, unless others were in on it, that the money went where it was suppose to go and not in her pocket. Or at least most of it....

I shut down my skype group and stopped all further communication with others I have been in contact with. Incidentally, I had been bed riden with severe Manic Depression, yet after doing this, I now feel better then I have in years.

I have no mental sufferings I had been going through and feel full of energy. It really fooled me rats coming in the name of Satan. I believe it was maxine that said they do copious amounts of work to gain favor.

Do NOT under any circumstances buy her deck. She has no support from me.

Aldrick, are you saying that Zola agreed to not post on the forums if you were to keep quiet about her being a Jew?

The Clergy had the PDF that Faustus made. If she was Gentile I didnt want her personal information being strewn around. Once the Clergy came to a decision, they were free to do whatever they wanted.

Its not my place to accuse people of being jews. Thats a very great offense and I do not take it lightly.
Her "paintings" always seemed off to me, with gray toned skin, making the gods look almost reptilian, just looked "fake" or "plastic". That's probably why when she posted a painting of my guardian I felt absolutely no connection to it at all.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
