Manik said:
So, why won't gods answer through ppl? By that I mean, if you talk to someone who can communicate to the gods, why not answer through them? Here's how I'm seeing it so far after 15 years.... (Gods) oh I see he needs information that we promised to give, here's a person I can reach him through sence he tries hard to reach me, oh well, fucking figure it out even tho I can clearly help. At this point, no, there not here for all of us. There's alot of claims by jos, but I'm my experience, a back is always those who say: do you meditate or fight? Yes, both, for 15 fucking years!! Jos has many claims, but zero have come to pass. I'm beginning to see this as a cult. Again, iv meditated and fought for 15 years, and I have seen nothing at all.
If you really worked on yourself in the past 15 years, you would have no reason to create this post, but it seems like you didn't, you have only fooled yourself in the past 15 years. A very common human error, where a person lies to themselves and they believe it. The mind simply keeps telling the same lie. Very strange this must sound to many who are reading this, but this is the case many humans. Majority of humans today have an untamed mind, very little control over it.
An untamed mind can be dangerous for itself and the body that it is part of, many people ruin their lives because of this or create extra unnecessary harships, cuz the mind keeps lying to itself to feel safe, or to feel that it has achieved something. It can make one believe in things that don't even exist or the things they haven't done. It can make them fly high in their own little bubble, they can get carried away very far by the life around them just like the bubble does by the wind. But bubbles don't last forever and once their bubble bursts, they hit the ground, with them their reality hits harder and they discover themselves in worry and possible ruin.
The damage depends on how high the bubble went and how far the bubble got carried away.
If you did not understand, here is a good example:
An SS who thinks he is already a God, are living in a bubble, created by a lie by their own mind. That keeps them from advancing
[from meditating]. So they waste their time on useless activities, because for their mind, they have already achieved something
[but in reality they haven't], so they stop or put little effort towards their advancement.
Their can be a hundreds of reasons why your mind is lying, it could be anything, laziness, fear of missing out, procrastination or simply a person that has not achieved anything and etc. It can be anything.
All you need to do is a reality check to stop this. Understand who you really are and how untamed your mind is. Be truthful to yourself.
So today you should question yourself, "Have I
really meditated for the past 15 years? Or am I lying to myself?". But keep a check on your mind, don't let it lie or catch it lying if it does.