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What does Satan think about suicide?


Nov 4, 2017
What does Father Satan think about suicide? I wonder how he treats the people that couldn't find a way out of sadness and decided to end their lives. Satanists that feel alone and helpless and they couldn't take it. Theres a lot of us that are in horrible situations and have bad lives, and tried to escape it, but couldn't.
Theres a really heavy and sad feelings over me right now. I don't know why, but I feel really bad and I feel like im not getting anywhere in life and anywhere with Satanism. It could be a lot of bad energy floating around that's causing me to think this way.

For some reason I cant escape the mindset of being poor all the time and having an awful life.
Ive tried to talk to Satan today and my guardian demon, but I don't feel like they can hear me, and I don't get a response out of them. I tried to talk with them so many times, but I get no sign that they actually heard me. Please help

I just hope if it ever comes to suicide for me, that I'll be taken to hell and have happy feelings and be free from the constant sad and depressing feelings ive had in life. I have really bad aspects in astrology coming up in the future, so I don't think i'll make it much longer. I do what I can, but it isn't good enough. Im sick of feeling weak and helpless all the time. And I cant have the best in life then id rather not have life at all.

Im going to try to do some kind of small meditation to bring myself out of this state of sadness im in right now, i'll get back to you guys if I feel any better.
Dude it's fucking Passover and jews are killing endless kids these days, and doing all sorts of abominations, sending football field sizes of negative energies to their enemies/gentiles in general.

Do your protection and your RTR to clean up this mess from yourself.

Suicide solves nothing as we reincarnate and we have the same soul. What is the only way out of this rut you describe is meditation and using your determination to get out of it. Suicide is a waste of time. You could start right away to solve these problems right now. With suicide, one only prolongs suffering.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Dude it's fucking Passover and jews are killing endless kids these days, and doing all sorts of abominations, sending football field sizes of negative energies to their enemies/gentiles in general.

Do your protection and your RTR to clean up this mess from yourself.

Suicide solves nothing as we reincarnate and we have the same soul. What is the only way out of this rut you describe is meditation and using your determination to get out of it. Suicide is a waste of time. You could start right away to solve these problems right now. With suicide, one only prolongs suffering.

Yeah I'm sorry. I feel a lot better now. There really is a lot of negative shit floating around right now, and sometimes it causes me depression and worry and it brings up old and bad memories.
Sun said:
What does Father Satan think about suicide? I wonder how he treats the people that couldn't find a way out of sadness and decided to end their lives. Satanists that feel alone and helpless and they couldn't take it. Theres a lot of us that are in horrible situations and have bad lives, and tried to escape it, but couldn't.
Theres a really heavy and sad feelings over me right now. I don't know why, but I feel really bad and I feel like im not getting anywhere in life and anywhere with Satanism. It could be a lot of bad energy floating around that's causing me to think this way.

For some reason I cant escape the mindset of 1 being poor all the time and having an awful life.
Ive tried to 2 talk to Satan today and my guardian demon, but I don't feel like they can hear me, and I don't get a response out of them. I tried to talk with them so many times, but I get no sign that they actually heard me. Please help

I just hope if it ever comes to suicide for me, that I'll be taken to hell and have happy feelings and be free from the constant sad and depressing feelings ive had in life. I have really bad aspects in astrology coming up in the future, so I don't think i'll make it much longer. I do what I can, but it isn't good enough. Im sick of feeling weak and helpless all the time. And I cant have the best in life then id rather not have life at all.

Im going to try to do some kind of small meditation to bring myself out of this state of sadness im in right now, i'll get back to you guys if I feel any better.

1 . Did you ever do a money working ? https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=74295#p74295
2. try the pressure method: pressure on the chest jes , pressure on the belly no. explain it before then ask satan / gd.
3. satan did state : those that suffer for me in one live, will be rewardet in the next live. i think suicide is excluded.

please follow HP. Hoodedcobra666 advice. get well soon.
I heard of people who killed themself being put into very low quality bodies in the next life, like a very sick and weak body. Because the perfect healthy body they had before they just wasted it, they didn't care about it. So they weren't going to be put in another perfect body to waste that one too. And the body you get born with is an extension of your soul, so a soul that is sick with a lot of bad emotions built up creates a body that is similarly sick. The only way to feel better is to fix it now like Cobra said. Because if someone kills themself it would only multiply their problems worse than ever before, then if they wanted to work on fixing it then it woyld be starting over from that much lower of a point and wasting all that time.
If you are still going to school or any educational stage, don't expect to get rid of poverty instantly just because you are SS. Is down to you to make your life as you want, and ask for help where you are not strong enough.

The main think is, you are protected and you have someone to help you when you are down. As you advance and dedicate more to *our* cause, your life will become better. If you commit suicide, sorry to say it but you will prove to everyone that you are a coward because you want to ged rid of *our* fight and *our* struggle because of personal reasons which in time will get fixed as you will advance and work towards a better life.

Obviouly I'm not going to tell you pseudo-motivational crap like "life is awesome", nobody said that life is easy, I guess most people here had and may still have shit lifes but here we are together fighting for the development of this planet and it's freedom from enslavement. This will fix all the problems of humanity. Is our mission to do our best to bring back the Gods kingdom on earth. Imagine if all the SS would kill themselves due to personal problems, this planet will be fucking lost and enslaved because there won't be nobody left to destroy the jewish energy. If you are here, then most probably you have been reincarnated for this reason. Running away from this responsability and not even trying to improve your own life are just acts of weakness and cowardice.

I assume to say that you overestimate your problems. In some people's mind, not having a girlfriend or not winning enough money are "catastrophic" problems which make their lives "awful", when in reality is their fault because they are too lazy to figure out how they can escape this situation and get up and start to act. You have all the means and knowledge to make your life just as you want, you need to get up and seriously start to advance. What are you, a Satanist or a hopeless retarted christian?
It's been stated the sins in Satanism are stupidity, not meditating, race mixing, dabbling, and suicide. Might be others but these are generally for the benefit of the person, community, city, state, nation, country, world.

Suicide just heaps more problems unto you. I mean even if you just live a life of cleaning the soul, freeing the soul, auras of protection, chakra spinning, basic energy work, pranayama, yoga of different kinds, and minfulness(void) and some magical engraving. Even if you never progress and push yourself to becoming open to the Gods and just keep maintaining the same routine. As sad and repressive as it sounds your next life would be MUCH better as you at least DID SOMETHING to work on your soul and try and help yourself.

I'm not stating focus on the next life I'm stating focus on THIS lifetime JUST the next life would be much more swell and beneficial to your soul and it's return. Suicide is a HUGE mistake. It's the nuclear option after all M.A.D.(Mutually Assured Destruction). Only in some incurable damning emergency. Avoid it at all costs. Perhaps a 40/90 day working on a certain position of astrology to heal your mentality.
If you commit suicide you will be reincarnated. And it will be right back into this world, so its better to just keep going in this life and develop yourself spirituality now. Work on yourself now and it will work for you tomorrow.
I second this. Most of your problems in previous lives just get repeated and get worse as you dont evolve the only way out is to evolve. Everything is intensified on the astral and your mind can manifest things. Its not that I think Satan will abandon you to the enemy its just no matter where you are you cant expect to be free from all your problems. The lie of heaven that is subconsciously still in some peoples minds has made people think suicide is an escape. I think if the Gods reincarnate a person they wont give you a healthy body if you wasted this one. Do you really want to go through childhood again a family you most likely wont get along with the brainwashing school. The remote chance youll end up in a communist place. I mean anywhere your race is you could end up. Are you more lucky than many if not most people in the world right now. If you have a home and food and healthcare you are. If worse comes to worse look for like a natural supplement for depression (not Jew meds that makes things way worse) it probably wont mess with your spirituality. Use this for awhile while meditating then get off it. Go to the health group there were some people talking about those things. If your at the point of suicide. Anyways I think you can do this. Love yourself see this as a game for a bit everyone is low level computers (hopefully changing soon) you have the master code. Use your energy to get whatever you want. Dont have hang ups thats for the losers. And do the rtr a lot now its passover.

Try the Kundalini yoga thing. It will make you feel really good really fast. Too you can add other asnas if you like.

Good luck
Money is the most simple thing in life.

Do you live in a white continent and are over 18? zero excuses!
21 century and living in poverty? this is IMPOSSIBLE
Those times are made up to help the most stupid and incapable of individuals, generally speaking.
Information OF ALL TYPES is everywhere and for free thanks to the internet, WTF?

what kind of poverty are you in? do you have a roof, food and basics? then you are rich! Are you healthy? Are you a whole? Really is there everything in your life so horrible to think about death> The poverty is of the mind. Therefore start studying intensely, the good news is that you can rewire your brain and actually change it. Gaining skills is everything and you can do this by working on it and actively learning. Similar to meditation, your mind might reject it at first and even fight it BECAUSE CHANGE IS PAINFUL, DOING WHAT YOU ACTUALLY NEED TO DO, IS PAINFUL, at first, but you will need to be persistent.

Money is not everything in life if you put your happiness in them you will end up miserable no matter how much you will have at some point. speaking from experience. The money will come as a consequence of your talents, skills, work, service and commitment. Start working on yourself, PATIENTLY while finding joy on the simples things. Don't be the slave of anything,
Become very good at something, anything. the money will follow.

killing yourself for money is insane, I had problems that would make you cut your veins only listening, come on, be strong and smart,

The best things are for free, learn how to enjoy those first.
secondly, don't be desperate. the energy won't work and won't manifest properly, secondly, people would avoid you like plague. Being desperate will fuck up your entire existence and not only with money matters!! I run away from poor people with the speed of light because generally they complain a lot, have puppy eyes, are weak, fuck my mood, drain my soul, even if you help them they will need help again and again if you help them even more, one day they will feel your equals and hit you in the head this why I don't become friends with needy people, i give and I go. Once needy always needy and applies with everything not only money. Be vertical, be proud, be fierce!! what the hell, money is the simples thing. All idiots have money, is not even a question of being smart or something, just be ambitious.

Have gratitude for the people who will be there for you and have loyalty because eventually everything you will gain will be made with people's help and not in solitude. Somebody will have to believe in you to give you a job, teach you something or lend you money. Be kind with those people, not servile, genuinely kind. Gain social skills. Be a good person. GiVE!!! Especially because you need to take so badly, learn how to give to those even less fortunate than you, whatever you have, time, attention, help others, this might teach you some skills and service to others little by little will send you to another level. Just some ideas, there are plenty, as I said, this is 21 century, anything is possible!!!!! life is too precious to cut it for filthy money.

The money will come, don't focus on them, be sure that you are blessed to have Satan and the satanic family around. Be grateful to Satan, make Him proud. In the next 20 years, we will live to see a new era of satanic revolution, maybe you should focus on that and forget about death?

If you ask me i value knowledge more than money, I give people money to teach me things I am interested in, because intelligently applied can bring even more money. so money is never my focus but learning things!!
Imagine tomorrow starting a ww3, the money won't help you to survive, but your abilities of all kinds.
remember I AM SERIOUS WHEN I am saying, there are endless possibilities in this infinite universe. Just find your own way but get rid of this panic in order to have a clear mind.

good luck!!
Work on opening your soul, use the mantras and mudras from JoS and do it how much you can. When you feel pressure it means the chakras are open, when the pressure is strong get to the next chakra.
I remember the day of my 16th birthday I wanted to kill myself and I would have done it if I could, I was trying with all my forces to meditate and astral project to have something to distract me from my problems but I wasn't getting any results and it felt like torture.
also, I need to add something additional to what I said in regards to gaining money:
shitty people won't last in any serious social position.
having honour, keeping your word will help you build a reputation.
we live in a small world, people would want to work with you, help you or whatever based on the quality you have built yourself with

how you react in the most critical situation is speaking about your overall quality.
selling yourself is the worse you can do.

a short story about me when I was in my 20, I won't go into many details only the basics, I went into hardship, had a whole family to support, my bro at uni and all kind of crap all on my shoulders, got in debts, a fucking nightmare,
I had to leave the country this was my last resort at the moment a friend lend me a hand, she offered her house, connections and emotional support. I was fragile and lost.
her boyfriend developed a serious crush on me, heard about what I am getting through (not from me) and came one day in her absence with an excuse in the house and simply hand in an envelope with a lot of money, saying that he heard I have problems and asking how much does my problem cost 50 k, 60k?.
I was flattered somehow but felt humiliated next second, confused and angry at the same time. It didn't take me more than a few seconds to say NO, thank you I can deal with my own shit.

Lesson: Some people would try to take advantage of you when you are in need and vulnerable. You also need to watch out for this as well. It is hard especially as a woman. At least this guy tried to buy me decently, Lol, joking aside, i didn't care to judge his intentions and real character behind this gesture, I ONLY CARE NOT TO BETRAY MY FRIEND AND WORK HER BEHIND HER BACK, so there I was penniless with all that cash on my hand saying no, and it wasn't like he was naked or something I could have been a bit of a sneaky and work a master plan in seconds but I wasn't. This wasn't my territory no matter how hungry and desperate. Having loyalty for my friend was primordial my needs and situation, Yes, I feel proud about how I treated and manage the things back then, extremely proud I won't have a fake modesty, and this is the manner I treated most of the people who helped me.
As I said, I strongly suggest you, build a reputation of a person with integrity and people would trust you and help you always if you are fair.
You will need people to succeed in life, treat them as you would like to be treated, they cross you, fuck them up, but if they are nice, cherish them as they became more rare day by day. trust me I am a misanthrope and still take life realistically.
I hope I helped you somehow and inspired you!
Isn’t Suicide A Deadly Sin? :?:
Larissa666 said:
Isn’t Suicide A Deadly Sin? :?:


please disregard messages from this account.

I never didn’t change my profile picture, set my age as 17, and I didn’t write this.
You've got problems?
Everyone has problems bro.

But tell me,
Are there not a lot of meditations on the JOS on how to improve yourself and your soul?
Are there not runes with their attributes and uses listed out for you?
Are there not astrological knowledge to know and understand yourself so you may better understand your problems?
and are there not the planetary mantras to offset these astrological problems?
Have the daemons not listed their attributes so that they can be contacted for help?

Boi, suicide is just an excuse for being lazy and not facing your problems.
and i hate excuses, there's usually an essence of weakness attached to them.

Satan is the bringer and giver of knowledge, and is there not tons of knowledge on JOS on how to overcome your problems?

Last night, I heard the song "My Sweet Lord" by ex-Beatle George Harrison on the radio. The focus of this song was "Lord Krishna" A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Many extremely wealthy and famous people have searched and searched for answers to the meaning of life. Harrison, in spite of his millions was not given any priority by Krishna Guru A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, thus the song.

This is nothing new, as many people are lost. Satan gives us knowledge and understanding. I know more now than I ever thought possible. This knowledge makes me feel secure, even though there is much more for me to learn. Knowledge itself is infinite.

Knowledge is the key to everything. Understanding life and feeling confident along with a sense of direction, is very important for both personal and spiritual advancement. Many yogis, martial artists and others have power, but they do not have the knowledge concerning how to use it. Without the knowledge, it is useless in many areas except for walking on hot coals like fakirs or breaking boards and bricks.

Satan guides us to grow in power and shows us how we can use this power and be the best we can be. Most people do not have any spiritual answers. Life becomes confusing and meaningless. Depression, drug and alcohol abuse, confusion, insecurity and apathy are the condition of many, regardless of material wealth and fame.

Satan is the giver of knowledge. We learn when we are ready. I have found Demons are the best teachers. What they can teach us is way beyond that of what any human knows. Time and patience are needed. We learn as we go along, are ready, and are open. Satan and his Demons are always there with answers to our questions and to help and guide us.
-High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Now you said you've been trying to talk to Satan and his daemons, for help, but you've already got all the answers you need written on the site.

Sun said:
Im sick of feeling weak and helpless all the time. And I cant have the best in life then id rather not have life at all.
Then move! improve yourself,
or did you just expect to get better on it's own?
you ever heard the saying Rome wasn't build in a day?
it didn't just magically appear either, people actually MOVED and worked to create it.

but tbh mein bro,
It's passover and in times like this the enemy attacks people hard as a desperate attempt to mitigate damage done to them,
just relax, have some fun and devastate them with you RTRs :cool:
It's been stated the sins in Satanism are stupidity, not meditating, race mixing, dabbling, and suicide. Might be others but these are generally for the benefit of the person, community, city, state, nation, country, world.

Isn’t Suicide A Deadly Sin? :?:

The only "sin" in Satanism is stupidity/ignorance as it is the root cause of all problems. When one is unknowing and stupid, their actions will have consequences that said person will not be able to predict or even comprehend. In regards to suicide it is a very stupid action to take. Killing oneself does not free you from any problems. It only prolongs the suffering until you eventually put in effort to clean out your soul and issues. You reincarnate as the same person. Your next life, your past life, and your current life, no matter what life it is its yours and problems and issues will stick to your soul until it is cleaned and fixed regardless of how many times you reincarnate. If one purposely decides to kill their physical body which is a necessary part of existing in hopes that Satan would take care of them then there is a grave misunderstanding. If you stab yourself with a knife Satan wont magically make it so the knife doesn't hurt you. You live with the consequences of the actions you take.

Stay strong and stay determined brother. We need to be strong if we want to live our lives. We are warriors not slaves. We wont be slaves to the enemy and we wont be a slave to negativity.
Larissa_666 said:
Larissa666 said:
Isn’t Suicide A Deadly Sin? :?:


please disregard messages from this account.

I never didn’t change my profile picture, set my age as 17, and I didn’t write this.

A few days ago (I think before you got hacked by quite some time) I sent you something on a disapproved message. You saw this and you replied. Now, if you can tell me what it is at my e-mail, I can help you retrieve your account back.

Also, before this, investigate HOW it could have happened, your computer/phone etc.
Sun said:
What does Father Satan think about suicide? I wonder how he treats the people that couldn't find a way out of sadness and decided to end their lives. Satanists that feel alone and helpless and they couldn't take it. Theres a lot of us that are in horrible situations and have bad lives, and tried to escape it, but couldn't.
Theres a really heavy and sad feelings over me right now. I don't know why, but I feel really bad and I feel like im not getting anywhere in life and anywhere with Satanism. It could be a lot of bad energy floating around that's causing me to think this way.

For some reason I cant escape the mindset of being poor all the time and having an awful life.
Ive tried to talk to Satan today and my guardian demon, but I don't feel like they can hear me, and I don't get a response out of them. I tried to talk with them so many times, but I get no sign that they actually heard me. Please help

I just hope if it ever comes to suicide for me, that I'll be taken to hell and have happy feelings and be free from the constant sad and depressing feelings ive had in life. I have really bad aspects in astrology coming up in the future, so I don't think i'll make it much longer. I do what I can, but it isn't good enough. Im sick of feeling weak and helpless all the time. And I cant have the best in life then id rather not have life at all.

Im going to try to do some kind of small meditation to bring myself out of this state of sadness im in right now, i'll get back to you guys if I feel any better.

Hello Brother, does the enemy got you down? Perhaps a Banishing.

Cover yourself and your area with Blue Satanic Fire. Then Chant Vinasa 9x and then say YOU ARE NO MORE.


When temptation comes, I give my covenant to him that trusts in me.
- Al Jilwah
I know from personal experience that Satan does NOT approve of suicide. If you feel that way, go and talk to him, or your Guardian Demon/ess. It sounds simple but it works.

I've had hard times and I almost fell to committing suicide or actually did it and failed. This was before I found Satan and dedicated to him. Even back then, he was there and brought me back from the brink of death. I felt his loving energy and I was unsure of what that was at the time, as no person or entity felt the same way he did.

Don't do it. Talk to Satan and/or your Guardian Demon/ess.

Hail Satan!
Hail Marchosias!
Im sorry for making a scene guys. I just had a bad day the other day. It was the damn jewish Passover and all that shit too. I did feel like there was really bad energy in the air. Ive seen that a few other Satanists had a lot of problems on that day too. Personally, those kind of attacks like that usually just manifest as sadness and depression for me, and it hits hard sometimes, since I have very bad past memories and a bad childhood. It brings all those bad memories and things to the surface and it causes depression.
Im fine now, and I feel a lot better.
Sun said:
Im sorry for making a scene guys. I just had a bad day the other day. It was the damn jewish Passover and all that shit too. I did feel like there was really bad energy in the air. Ive seen that a few other Satanists had a lot of problems on that day too. Personally, those kind of attacks like that usually just manifest as sadness and depression for me, and it hits hard sometimes, since I have very bad past memories and a bad childhood. It brings all those bad memories and things to the surface and it causes depression.
Im fine now, and I feel a lot better.

I made it my goal to do 10 rituals for Both those days. The jew sabbat and Christian Sabbat are over. Now It is Father Satans Day. Time to get your revenge Brother. Light them up with RTRs.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
