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What are the Best Runes to easily get government IDs?


Apr 9, 2021
Earth, duh
Do you guys think that Fefu or Reidh is the best? And what kind of affirmation should I use, "I am attracting the id to me."

I'm still waiting for my driver's license, etc. The Philippines has a shitty government system. I could order stuff from china, and it will arrive in 1 month. It has been 2 years now, and I am still not notified on getting them. :x
Go to the office directly with all your documents and submit them again. If you send them in the mail, they could have gotten lost.
Henu the Great said:
Have you been passively waiting, or have you been contacting proper authorities regularly all along?

It's just slow. In the facebook page of the government id system, there are people complaining. I even read a news article . There are many instances where the printing and delivery of the national id is inconsistent. I know someone who recently got the ID last 4-6 months ago,but he applied last year.

I checked the tracking website. There are 3 states of the id: in transit (in state of being delivered), delivered (if the individual received it), and unknown. My id is in the unknown. It might be that it is still be in the process of being created, etc. I don't know why the government placed unknown state and didn't put other states like whether if the ID is still being printed to further clarify.

Although, I took your tip, and sent an email to the website to ask on the whereabouts of the ID.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Go to the office directly with all your documents and submit them again. If you send them in the mail, they could have gotten lost.

I don't need to reapply since I already got the receipt for the driver's license, and confirmation papers saying that I already applied and confirmed that I can have the ID. The government office will notify me by sending a message or email to receive it myself. The problem is that the government is slow in printing the IDs.

For the delivery, some of the national id will be sent directly to the people, and some must be taken from the specific government offices. In order for one to get the driver's license, I'll have to get to the office myself and get it myself.

I asked my father, and he told that he had a friend inside the government associated with the driver's license, that my physical id will only be available to get after 5 years probably due to the centralized but slow printing. And, I think the government is more focused on printing the IDs of the people who need renewal.
RockSeed13 said:
Although, I took your tip, and sent an email to the website to ask on the whereabouts of the ID.
Well, yeah. It is an excellent practice to pursue what is right, and what is yours actively. Otherwise, maybe it will not happen, or not on time, etc.

Once you apply yourself to that, consider the rune Sowilo. It should help.
Raidho and Sowilo or Fehu. Intend movement and resolve on this on their site and on the ID. With full authority and certainty will this to be solved - NOW! I had similar issues, it sucks a lot, hope you resolve this quickly.
Henu the Great said:
RockSeed13 said:
Although, I took your tip, and sent an email to the website to ask on the whereabouts of the ID.
Well, yeah. It is an excellent practice to pursue what is right, and what is yours actively. Otherwise, maybe it will not happen, or not on time, etc.

Once you apply yourself to that, consider the rune Sowilo. It should help.


A funny thing is that it might take me probably a month or so to get a reply from the email. (clown emoji).

NakedPluto said:
Raidho and Sowilo or Fehu. Intend movement and resolve on this on their site and on the ID. With full authority and certainty will this to be solved - NOW! I had similar issues, it sucks a lot, hope you resolve this quickly.

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll probably start the in January, next year.

I'll start with Fefu and Sol to increase the chances the of my national id being created. Then, I'll ask the government, if the ID is in the state of being created. If not, I'll restart the spell working again after a few days. Then again. Until it it finally printed. Then, I'll use the Raidho to ensure that it will be delivered safely.

Thanks guys.
Brother, 10 minutes in 3 days and you are done, the spell will manifest. Doesn't need to be anything more than a few days spell. Have faith in yourself. The plan is very good.

Send 10 emails per day until they give a reasonable response - type of attitude. The ID is of the nature that you must have it and you can think of the situation as of a critical urgency. Therefore you can justify borderline harassment to receive your right here or clearer response.
RockSeed13 said:
I'll start with Fefu and Sol to increase the chances the of my national id being created. Then, I'll ask the government, if the ID is in the state of being created. If not, I'll restart the spell working again after a few days. Then again. Until it it finally printed. Then, I'll use the Raidho to ensure that it will be delivered safely.

Thanks guys.

Leave your affirmation broader. All of these runes work to manifest the ID directly into your possession, at all steps of the process, although to varying degrees. Specifying Raidho to only act at the delivery stage would be way too limiting. It is like if you had a big engineering project and only specified that you could use your hammer on 1 type of nail, rather than letting the energy act wherever it needed to for the best result.

Similarly, Fehu and Sowilo stimulate direct creations and circulations of wealth and power, therefore they do not just "increase the chance of creation", but rather directly create it in your possession. Sowilo is similar to the wealth of a central power, like a King or Sun in Leo. In this sense, it would have whatever it needs or wants.

Lastly, heed NP's advice on this, as your mindset on this also influences the result. If you have an expectation of shitty service, then this will influence how your spell manifests. If you applying the energies of Fehu and Sowilo, for example, you are giving the universe everything it needs to manifest your result, as far as your own willpower should be concerned here.
NakedPluto said:

I was thinking of starting in January since I am still spiritually weak. I am planning to use this free time in December to empower myself.

You are kind-of right. I should message them more.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=477095 time=1702471043 user_id=21286]

Thanks. I'll let tap into the flow of the universe by using a broader affirmation.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
