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What’s your plan if the vaccine gets mandated in your country?


New member
Mar 29, 2020
Will you accept the vaccine then wait for the people to wake up?

There is a chance this will happen in my country next year. I won’t take the vaccine at any cost. Losing my job, losing my comfort doesn’t matter for me. Please say I am not the only one thinking this way. Yes I do panic, sorry. :(
I'm with you. We've suffered worse than this a couple hundred years ago.
Kokusz said:
Will you accept the vaccine then wait for the people to wake up?

There is a chance this will happen in my country next year. I won’t take the vaccine at any cost. Losing my job, losing my comfort doesn’t matter for me. Please say I am not the only one thinking this way. Yes I do panic, sorry. :(

You are not alone. We can expect new epidemiological restrictions soon, and vaccines will certainly be promoted even more heavily. Unfortunately, this is the situation, there is nothing we can do about it...

By the way, you are not alone in your position on vaccines.
Kokusz said:
Will you accept the vaccine then wait for the people to wake up?

There is a chance this will happen in my country next year. I won’t take the vaccine at any cost. Losing my job, losing my comfort doesn’t matter for me. Please say I am not the only one thinking this way. Yes I do panic, sorry. :(

Rituals can be done to allow one to bypass or evade it. In cases where it is mandated by law in all circumstances (soon Austria), workings can be done to block or mitigate the effects on the body. Don't be scared of it; take action.

If this shot was going to permanently maim you or your soul in some way, we would've prevented this from happening. Instead, it carries serious health concerns, but nothing that SS cannot deal with, and nothing that the general populace cannot tank in the fight against the enemy.
Henu the Great said:
Honestly, I am more concerned about the possible inflation, or rather hyperinflation scenario rather than shots of poison.

In regards to shots, my plan is to dodge ball.

Hyperinflation is very close, perhaps starting in April 2022 we will see things get worse. As soon as that happens I'm going to go and live on a farm.
I am prepared to move away from the city and everything related to this and focus for the rest of my life on learning and advancement somewhere far away from this madness. The only problem here is the compromise of not having children and this is a problem I am trying to resolve right now in my mind. This physical need and duty will be on hold it appears and it is quite sad and stressful to me personally.
Like NakedPluto said ,for me they'll have to drag me out to the street and blow my brains out and i still wouldn't take the jab. I can be unemployed, my girlfriend might leave me, my family and friends might stop talking to me. No matter what happens i will not take the Mark of the Jewish Beast.
Total refusal.

There are serious health problems in my household, which I am trying to address. So in the first place, refusal of the vaccine to preserve our health.

Secondly, NO WAY will I bend to the world order of kikes.

We'll see where that gets us. Flee to another country (but how? with what ? etc). I'm trying not to stress too much, telling myself that we will be guided by the Gods when the time comes. Right now I'm concentrating on my advancement and the spiritual war.
Every day has its worries. We will see
NakedPluto said:
I am prepared to move away from the city and everything related to this and focus for the rest of my life on learning and advancement somewhere far away from this madness. The only problem here is the compromise of not having children and this is a problem I am trying to resolve right now in my mind. This physical need and duty will be on hold it appears and it is quite sad and stressful to me personally.

Can I join you? :)
Let‘s build some nice home, do some farming, raise some chickens and ducks, also maybe some grasshoppers for easy protein, and for the rest, we just work out and meditate for the rest couple years lol.

Or we stay, work and fight hard af.
NinRick said:
NakedPluto said:
I am prepared to move away from the city and everything related to this and focus for the rest of my life on learning and advancement somewhere far away from this madness. The only problem here is the compromise of not having children and this is a problem I am trying to resolve right now in my mind. This physical need and duty will be on hold it appears and it is quite sad and stressful to me personally.

Can I join you? :)
Let‘s build some nice home, do some farming, raise some chickens and ducks, also maybe some grasshoppers for easy protein, and for the rest, we just work out and meditate for the rest couple years lol.

Or we stay, work and fight hard af.
I'll join too! I have chickens!
NakedPluto said:
I am prepared to move away from the city and everything related to this and focus for the rest of my life on learning and advancement somewhere far away from this madness. The only problem here is the compromise of not having children and this is a problem I am trying to resolve right now in my mind. This physical need and duty will be on hold it appears and it is quite sad and stressful to me personally.

This is exactly what I am preparing for too.

Thank you for your replies guys! No matter what will come I will always remember and be great full for this beautiful Satanic family! :cry:
I am very very concerned that we will not be able to avoid mandatory vaccination. That's something that makes me quite nervous. I don't want that poison inside me nor will i ever allow to show any kind of green pass to do anything and have any activity... i was born free and i will be free, i could easily go to jail for my beliefs but then again what use do i have if i can't meditate and do the RtR's ?
I try to stay positive and assume we are going to win against many things like this. However, I do consider the opposite of course, every now and then. Get your mandates in writing. There may be an opportunity in future where we can use legal class action as retaliation.

This is a great thread because I see so many so sure of themselves but in reality we have no idea what's going to happen, save for a few generous, vague warnings. Is it truly worth dying or going to jail and wasting your life's work because they're making you do this? In a way, (they) will do whatever it takes to survive too and we must consider that. Of course an idea will never die - but there is no point in unnecessarily making yourself a martyr. When it comes to Authorities, pretend (key word) you conform and keep quiet. Of course this sucks, but the way I see it, tough shit, that's how it is right now. Nearly nobody in my life knows I am a Satanist. I do not see this changing in the near future.

Here is the way I see it. In order for revolution, there must be blatant grievances against the people. While obviously we see what is happening as blatant, as many as 95% of the population do not. Something, or information that is flat out, undeniably, irrefutably grievous against the entire population will have to be widely available. It cannot be seen as conspiracy. It is bigger than vaccinated or unvaccinated. If we cannot unite under one cause, we are lost. If we continue as we are, revolution will never happen.

I saved my money. I know money is not enough. But I will continue to resist as long as I can. We must keep our hope within us even when all seems lost. Use anything grievous being pit against you as ammunition in your spiritual work to amplify.

Satan and the Gods willing; We will overcome.
The plan is: not get the vaccine.

I have worked in all sorts of jobs and I will do so again if I have to. Not all jobs ask for all the legal requirements. But not going into details on that. I would rather go through that than get vaccinated, because it will never end and they'll always want more and more booster shots.

If everyone complies the jews get all they want. Some people have to say no. I will be one of those people.
Kokusz said:
Will you accept the vaccine then wait for the people to wake up?

There is a chance this will happen in my country next year. I won’t take the vaccine at any cost. Losing my job, losing my comfort doesn’t matter for me. Please say I am not the only one thinking this way. Yes I do panic, sorry. :(

The world in its current form seems to be going completely mad, not to mention the regular CoVid mutations, which were almost expected to happen. They are also increasing the doses of vaccines, but "why not"? As long as people are buying into it, they'll keep doing it incessantly. And no, we are not at the end of this era, not even close.

The pandemic periods are not over either, soon restrictions will return, confinement will be commonplace again, the trend of social discrimination will also jump significantly, due to systematic vaccines, which are also just to keep people in bondage.

Those who don't see this, their fault, oh poor them, they'll just watch as the vaccine paradigm makes them worse, they'll keep giving/dropping vaccines until their immune systems collapse. For those of you who don't see what's going on, sorry. It couldn't be more obvious.

The recent scandals, the economic collapse is nothing. It's all moving on a cogwheel, with newer and newer levels, with new 'unexpected' twists and turns. These twists are usually based on things unrelated to reality that would make the smart man laugh and the dumb man suffer.

Until these little "smart" goyim see what is happening, the situation will not improve. They are pushing and shoving each other and running for the vaccine that will "save" them from the little CoVid mutations. These little fools are queuing up for the vaccine, and those who don't get vaccinated because they can see through this situation and can think, are facing restrictions, strictly because of the "epidemic".

As if knowledge and discernment is a crime. It seems to be in this situation. Anyone who does not move with the herd in this area will face restrictions because... That's exactly why, silly. These 'smart' people who jump in as they are whistled at don't realise what is going on or what this whole period is all about.

Hang in there!
NakedPluto said:
I am prepared to move away from the city and everything related to this and focus for the rest of my life on learning and advancement somewhere far away from this madness. The only problem here is the compromise of not having children and this is a problem I am trying to resolve right now in my mind. This physical need and duty will be on hold it appears and it is quite sad and stressful to me personally.

Not everyone is aimed to have children, it's a personal choiche; this may be also be reflected in your astrological natal chart.
I often see xians feel guilty about not having kids, as they are compelled to have despite their will. Some sort of programmed mindset
It is certainly good to have, they would be so lucky to have Satanic parents that will not educate them as stupid xians or worse.

In case not possible, I just think a Satanist engaged in spiritual warfare is some sort of spiritual support, to allow unaware Gentiles to have kids in a world not entirely under jewish influence, so that those kids will grow and reach Satan and the truth as much as possible.
Hitler did not have any offspring, but He allowed millions of people to have a decent family for the future of White Race (and other Races too).

I personally would refuse at all costs to be vaccinated, as a matter of personal unbending.
There should be a way to be officially "exempted" for medical reasons in many countries, to turn around the problem. I am sure, in case, my GD would help me to get by chance exempted. This is at least what I expect to do.
I doubt that even 1 sane doctor in this world is vaccinating themselves or their own family.
They have their own ways. And in case you know one, i heard they like to talk about 🤑 $ 💲💵 💰
I don't plan on it, but if I already had children and everything I would consider it to support them for instance. I would never join the military or fight for my country under the impression that it was for other people or their children. I am worthless to everybody for how I look already so I don't know why I would get a vaccine for them let alone fight for them. I'm the enemy because I am clearly so worthless to this entire world that even most of the women I've loved would clearly rather die or kill the world than allow a white man like me to reproduce. After feeling so hated and so worthless that it's my fault for even being born as myself, I don't think I can forgive this world if I don't at least get to know I had a child I wasn't completely despised. If I don't get what I want in this lifetime then I truly hope everybody remembers me when they suffer to the deaths of their souls in the next. Not everybody is, can be, or should be Hitler.
In my opinion you are focusing on the wrong thing.
The vaccine if possible should be avoided but the real problem, what will really enslave the gentleman is not a small dose of poison (which for an SS should not be a big problem thanks to healing magic).

The real damage will be the eventual and future heavy restrictions and economic collapse.

Comparing the two problems it is obvious that poverty is worse than a dose of poison. Poverty makes slaves.
Going far from the cities to avoid the vaccine does not solve the problem.
Avoid it in countries where it is not required by law, but running away is not the solution.

I had to get the vaccine for certain reasons, I can't afford to lose my job or go to the woods to be a guru.

I have recovered from the dose I am cleaning tutopu thoroughly and meditating 3 times as much to get through the vaccine dose.
I am applying myself in the war like never before to recite that other SS should vaccinate like I had to.

But you have to understand that the real problem is the economic status of the people, the Jews play everything on money, and nowadays whether you like it or not it is money that keeps things going.
Unfortunately money is seen as a real god by many people.
What happens to a country if people don't work anymore? The rich take over by exploiting the poor, and who are the rich today? Do I have to tell you or do you remember that the monopoly is Jewish currently?
That we give it to them so easily?

Cobra did a special poat on what happens and how to do if you ore d eil covid or if you make this damn vaccine. Read it or better re-read it if you have forgotten.
The vaccine remains the minor problem at present.
As is not a real problem nena h e virus, it is all a matter related to the slave economy, in Italy a tampon costs from 15 up to 60 euros.
And millions of swabs are done every day.
All money that goes into the pocket of the Jews, they are losing the war and they need as much money as possible to control the masses.

It has always seemed blatant to me. The enemy ideology in my opinion is just to distract through virus and war between vaccinated and novax, and while distracting the people they are starving and humiliating them between Green pass and restrictions.

Everyone keep doing RTR in bursts even 10 times a day if you have time.

But don't give up your jobs or any of your rights, you have dignity being SS and running away to not bend to their will is tantamount to bending differently.
For my view of things it is not time for a strategic retreat but it is time to grit your teeth and show who the children of satan are.
We must not take refuge in the countryside, we must take control of the cities and bring these insulting beings down from their pedestal.

We must not give up a millimeter at any cost.
Filioautembiaboli said:
In my opinion you are focusing on the wrong thing.
The vaccine if possible should be avoided but the real problem, what will really enslave the gentleman is not a small dose of poison (which for an SS should not be a big problem thanks to healing magic).

The real damage will be the eventual and future heavy restrictions and economic collapse.

Comparing the two problems it is obvious that poverty is worse than a dose of poison. Poverty makes slaves.
Going far from the cities to avoid the vaccine does not solve the problem.
Avoid it in countries where it is not required by law, but running away is not the solution.

I had to get the vaccine for certain reasons, I can't afford to lose my job or go to the woods to be a guru.

I have recovered from the dose I am cleaning tutopu thoroughly and meditating 3 times as much to get through the vaccine dose.
I am applying myself in the war like never before to recite that other SS should vaccinate like I had to.

But you have to understand that the real problem is the economic status of the people, the Jews play everything on money, and nowadays whether you like it or not it is money that keeps things going.
Unfortunately money is seen as a real god by many people.
What happens to a country if people don't work anymore? The rich take over by exploiting the poor, and who are the rich today? Do I have to tell you or do you remember that the monopoly is Jewish currently?
That we give it to them so easily?

Cobra did a special poat on what happens and how to do if you ore d eil covid or if you make this damn vaccine. Read it or better re-read it if you have forgotten.
The vaccine remains the minor problem at present.
As is not a real problem nena h e virus, it is all a matter related to the slave economy, in Italy a tampon costs from 15 up to 60 euros.
And millions of swabs are done every day.
All money that goes into the pocket of the Jews, they are losing the war and they need as much money as possible to control the masses.

It has always seemed blatant to me. The enemy ideology in my opinion is just to distract through virus and war between vaccinated and novax, and while distracting the people they are starving and humiliating them between Green pass and restrictions.

Everyone keep doing RTR in bursts even 10 times a day if you have time.

But don't give up your jobs or any of your rights, you have dignity being SS and running away to not bend to their will is tantamount to bending differently.
For my view of things it is not time for a strategic retreat but it is time to grit your teeth and show who the children of satan are.
We must not take refuge in the countryside, we must take control of the cities and bring these insulting beings down from their pedestal.

We must not give up a millimeter at any cost.

I won’t take subscription vaccines for the rest of my life just to keep a job.

I won’t spend all my energy on health working just to not get poisoned by subscription poison. I rather focus my energies on my advancement than constant recovery from whatever the enemy demands.

I won’t spend money on expensive tampons, I made reusable pads years ago. These are free of chemicals, healthy, can be made out of unused cotton clothes and will last for a decade.

I’m not running away, I rebel.

“What happens to a country if people don't work anymore?”
Jews would literally die from the fear of people saying no only for 2-3 days. :lol:
Kokusz said:
Filioautembiaboli said:
In my opinion you are focusing on the wrong thing.
The vaccine if possible should be avoided but the real problem, what will really enslave the gentleman is not a small dose of poison (which for an SS should not be a big problem thanks to healing magic).

The real damage will be the eventual and future heavy restrictions and economic collapse.

Comparing the two problems it is obvious that poverty is worse than a dose of poison. Poverty makes slaves.
Going far from the cities to avoid the vaccine does not solve the problem.
Avoid it in countries where it is not required by law, but running away is not the solution.

I had to get the vaccine for certain reasons, I can't afford to lose my job or go to the woods to be a guru.

I have recovered from the dose I am cleaning tutopu thoroughly and meditating 3 times as much to get through the vaccine dose.
I am applying myself in the war like never before to recite that other SS should vaccinate like I had to.

But you have to understand that the real problem is the economic status of the people, the Jews play everything on money, and nowadays whether you like it or not it is money that keeps things going.
Unfortunately money is seen as a real god by many people.
What happens to a country if people don't work anymore? The rich take over by exploiting the poor, and who are the rich today? Do I have to tell you or do you remember that the monopoly is Jewish currently?
That we give it to them so easily?

Cobra did a special poat on what happens and how to do if you ore d eil covid or if you make this damn vaccine. Read it or better re-read it if you have forgotten.
The vaccine remains the minor problem at present.
As is not a real problem nena h e virus, it is all a matter related to the slave economy, in Italy a tampon costs from 15 up to 60 euros.
And millions of swabs are done every day.
All money that goes into the pocket of the Jews, they are losing the war and they need as much money as possible to control the masses.

It has always seemed blatant to me. The enemy ideology in my opinion is just to distract through virus and war between vaccinated and novax, and while distracting the people they are starving and humiliating them between Green pass and restrictions.

Everyone keep doing RTR in bursts even 10 times a day if you have time.

But don't give up your jobs or any of your rights, you have dignity being SS and running away to not bend to their will is tantamount to bending differently.
For my view of things it is not time for a strategic retreat but it is time to grit your teeth and show who the children of satan are.
We must not take refuge in the countryside, we must take control of the cities and bring these insulting beings down from their pedestal.

We must not give up a millimeter at any cost.

I won’t take subscription vaccines for the rest of my life just to keep a job.

I won’t spend all my energy on health working just to not get poisoned by subscription poison. I rather focus my energies on my advancement than constant recovery from whatever the enemy demands.

I won’t spend money on expensive tampons, I made reusable pads years ago. These are free of chemicals, healthy, can be made out of unused cotton clothes and will last for a decade.

I’m not running away, I rebel.

“What happens to a country if people don't work anymore?”
Jews would literally die from the fear of people saying no only for 2-3 days. :lol:

I think you missed the gist of my post....

I didn't say vaccinate to keep your job, I said rather, don't give up your rights (to work) because of the vaccine.
Those are very different things.

In most countries nowadays you can still work without the vaccine, because governments are not willing to pay for the side effects of vaccines and consequently they can't impose it mandatory yet.

Giving up work or any expected right is not rebelling it is giving up.

Everyone then is free to do what they prefer and implement their own ideologies regarding this whole situation.

The post was to make you understand that the vaccine is not the worst thing in this situation.
The Jews will not tremble if the people stop working, also because the people (the majority) have families and responsibilities that today can be maintained only through work.
If you have a situation that allows you to give up everything and live in the countryside like a guru, good for you, but for those who have children? For those who have expenses to maintain their families?

Would you take your daughter to eat berries in a grove?

You have to be realistic my friend.

The situation is particular and is not the easiest, the vaccine serves to create disunity in the masses between those who are for and those who are against.

The restrictions serve to keep the people nervous and unstable and the precarious economic situation serves to weaken the masses.

This seems self-evident to me.
Kokusz said:
Will you accept the vaccine then wait for the people to wake up?

There is a chance this will happen in my country next year. I won’t take the vaccine at any cost. Losing my job, losing my comfort doesn’t matter for me. Please say I am not the only one thinking this way. Yes I do panic, sorry. :(

You're not alone, I rather die as a free man then live as a slave with this vax. If they will come for me when i refuse the jab, i'll do all in my power to make them draw their guns and shoot me dead if they ever force me to get the vax.
Why won't we cure our the so called Leaders?

Like Canada's Trudeau..
Like in Quebec Francois Legault and cure them of getting heart attacks ?

That's what i'm planning to work on so anyone willing to join, i'll appreciate the help to boost their chances to send them 10 meters below ground.
Filioautembiaboli said:
Kokusz said:
Filioautembiaboli said:
In my opinion you are focusing on the wrong thing.
The vaccine if possible should be avoided but the real problem, what will really enslave the gentleman is not a small dose of poison (which for an SS should not be a big problem thanks to healing magic).

The real damage will be the eventual and future heavy restrictions and economic collapse.

Comparing the two problems it is obvious that poverty is worse than a dose of poison. Poverty makes slaves.
Going far from the cities to avoid the vaccine does not solve the problem.
Avoid it in countries where it is not required by law, but running away is not the solution.

I had to get the vaccine for certain reasons, I can't afford to lose my job or go to the woods to be a guru.

I have recovered from the dose I am cleaning tutopu thoroughly and meditating 3 times as much to get through the vaccine dose.
I am applying myself in the war like never before to recite that other SS should vaccinate like I had to.

But you have to understand that the real problem is the economic status of the people, the Jews play everything on money, and nowadays whether you like it or not it is money that keeps things going.
Unfortunately money is seen as a real god by many people.
What happens to a country if people don't work anymore? The rich take over by exploiting the poor, and who are the rich today? Do I have to tell you or do you remember that the monopoly is Jewish currently?
That we give it to them so easily?

Cobra did a special poat on what happens and how to do if you ore d eil covid or if you make this damn vaccine. Read it or better re-read it if you have forgotten.
The vaccine remains the minor problem at present.
As is not a real problem nena h e virus, it is all a matter related to the slave economy, in Italy a tampon costs from 15 up to 60 euros.
And millions of swabs are done every day.
All money that goes into the pocket of the Jews, they are losing the war and they need as much money as possible to control the masses.

It has always seemed blatant to me. The enemy ideology in my opinion is just to distract through virus and war between vaccinated and novax, and while distracting the people they are starving and humiliating them between Green pass and restrictions.

Everyone keep doing RTR in bursts even 10 times a day if you have time.

But don't give up your jobs or any of your rights, you have dignity being SS and running away to not bend to their will is tantamount to bending differently.
For my view of things it is not time for a strategic retreat but it is time to grit your teeth and show who the children of satan are.
We must not take refuge in the countryside, we must take control of the cities and bring these insulting beings down from their pedestal.

We must not give up a millimeter at any cost.

I won’t take subscription vaccines for the rest of my life just to keep a job.

I won’t spend all my energy on health working just to not get poisoned by subscription poison. I rather focus my energies on my advancement than constant recovery from whatever the enemy demands.

I won’t spend money on expensive tampons, I made reusable pads years ago. These are free of chemicals, healthy, can be made out of unused cotton clothes and will last for a decade.

I’m not running away, I rebel.

“What happens to a country if people don't work anymore?”
Jews would literally die from the fear of people saying no only for 2-3 days. :lol:

I think you missed the gist of my post....

I didn't say vaccinate to keep your job, I said rather, don't give up your rights (to work) because of the vaccine.
Those are very different things.

In most countries nowadays you can still work without the vaccine, because governments are not willing to pay for the side effects of vaccines and consequently they can't impose it mandatory yet.

Giving up work or any expected right is not rebelling it is giving up.

Everyone then is free to do what they prefer and implement their own ideologies regarding this whole situation.

The post was to make you understand that the vaccine is not the worst thing in this situation.
The Jews will not tremble if the people stop working, also because the people (the majority) have families and responsibilities that today can be maintained only through work.
If you have a situation that allows you to give up everything and live in the countryside like a guru, good for you, but for those who have children? For those who have expenses to maintain their families?

Would you take your daughter to eat berries in a grove?

You have to be realistic my friend.

The situation is particular and is not the easiest, the vaccine serves to create disunity in the masses between those who are for and those who are against.

The restrictions serve to keep the people nervous and unstable and the precarious economic situation serves to weaken the masses.

This seems self-evident to me.

In my country it is nearly impossible to find a job without being vaccinated, but there are many ways to make a living so it’s not really the end of the world. My question was about a legally mandated vaccine for every single citizen. That would come with many sacrifices and I wasn’t sure what would worth sacrificing and what not so I wanted to see other people’s plans. That’s why I asked this question not because I expect people to take their children to berry pick for lunch. I am aware it is a very complicated situation and many left without a choice.

For me lining up in a vaccination centre for my next poison shot is much more humiliating than living in poverty. When I read your post I feel like you trying to make us look like cowards running away a needle just because we have different personal preferences from you.
Kokusz said:
Filioautembiaboli said:
Kokusz said:
I won’t take subscription vaccines for the rest of my life just to keep a job.

I won’t spend all my energy on health working just to not get poisoned by subscription poison. I rather focus my energies on my advancement than constant recovery from whatever the enemy demands.

I won’t spend money on expensive tampons, I made reusable pads years ago. These are free of chemicals, healthy, can be made out of unused cotton clothes and will last for a decade.

I’m not running away, I rebel.

“What happens to a country if people don't work anymore?”
Jews would literally die from the fear of people saying no only for 2-3 days. :lol:

I think you missed the gist of my post....

I didn't say vaccinate to keep your job, I said rather, don't give up your rights (to work) because of the vaccine.
Those are very different things.

In most countries nowadays you can still work without the vaccine, because governments are not willing to pay for the side effects of vaccines and consequently they can't impose it mandatory yet.

Giving up work or any expected right is not rebelling it is giving up.

Everyone then is free to do what they prefer and implement their own ideologies regarding this whole situation.

The post was to make you understand that the vaccine is not the worst thing in this situation.
The Jews will not tremble if the people stop working, also because the people (the majority) have families and responsibilities that today can be maintained only through work.
If you have a situation that allows you to give up everything and live in the countryside like a guru, good for you, but for those who have children? For those who have expenses to maintain their families?

Would you take your daughter to eat berries in a grove?

You have to be realistic my friend.

The situation is particular and is not the easiest, the vaccine serves to create disunity in the masses between those who are for and those who are against.

The restrictions serve to keep the people nervous and unstable and the precarious economic situation serves to weaken the masses.

This seems self-evident to me.

In my country it is nearly impossible to find a job without being vaccinated, but there are many ways to make a living so it’s not really the end of the world. My question was about a legally mandated vaccine for every single citizen. That would come with many sacrifices and I wasn’t sure what would worth sacrificing and what not so I wanted to see other people’s plans. That’s why I asked this question not because I expect people to take their children to berry pick for lunch. I am aware it is a very complicated situation and many left without a choice.

For me lining up in a vaccination centre for my next poison shot is much more humiliating than living in poverty. When I read your post I feel like you trying to make us look like cowards running away a needle just because we have different personal preferences from you.

It was in no way my intention to disrespect or belittle others' ideas.

My posts only served to give an account of the situation, that the vaccine is a poison I agree with you but in my opinion poverty and misery are far worse in the long run.
Then logically depends from country to country according to state and national laws issued by their governments this is who
These rotten people are abandoning Covid storytelling.
England, Germany, Denmark. Apologies on TV. EU agency says "it's not good to repeat vaccines". We could rejoice but in reality, these whores are ready for what's next: the Bourla pill as a supplement to vaccines, energy blackout (really cold winter this year), hyper inflation, "Great Reset".
That's right, after the vaccine threat comes the threat of extreme poverty.
Rotten as they are. Anger anger anger
In my job, the osha mandate will be in full effect by Feb 8, people who are not vaccinated like myself will be forced to get tested weekly and all results must come negative if we wanna keep working!

They just can't keep getting away with it!! I'm sick and tired of having these savages shove a damn needle down my throat!!
This has gone way to far we are losing our rights of even our own bodies!
Not taking it. That’s all.

This is the hill I am willing to die on.
Larissa666 said:
Not taking it. That’s all.

This is the hill I am willing to die on.

You won‘t die from not taking the shot.
If we would, we take many SS go to an empty remote village in Russia and live there lol.
I even know a place already.
NinRick said:
Larissa666 said:
Not taking it. That’s all.

This is the hill I am willing to die on.

You won‘t die from not taking the shot.
If we would, we take many SS go to an empty remote village in Russia and live there lol.
I even know a place already.

We are strong because we are decentralised, a city full of SS would have been nuked.
At least in the US, the Supreme Court just threw out Biden's vaccine mandate for private companies. This is good.
NinRick said:
Larissa666 said:
Not taking it. That’s all.

This is the hill I am willing to die on.

You won‘t die from not taking the shot.
If we would, we take many SS go to an empty remote village in Russia and live there lol.
I even know a place already.

I know, dear Brother, the “hill to die on” is more of an idiom, meaning “this is my stance, and I am not backing off/changing my mind whatever happens”.
Larissa666 said:
Not taking it. That’s all.

This is the hill I am willing to die on.
We're on the same hill Sister!
Larissa666 said:
NinRick said:
Larissa666 said:
Not taking it. That’s all.

This is the hill I am willing to die on.

You won‘t die from not taking the shot.
If we would, we take many SS go to an empty remote village in Russia and live there lol.
I even know a place already.

I know, dear Brother, the “hill to die on” is more of an idiom, meaning “this is my stance, and I am not backing off/changing my mind whatever happens”.

I am still hoping in the back of my mind for the Satanic Village thing tho. :p
NinRick said:
Larissa666 said:
NinRick said:
You won‘t die from not taking the shot.
If we would, we take many SS go to an empty remote village in Russia and live there lol.
I even know a place already.

I know, dear Brother, the “hill to die on” is more of an idiom, meaning “this is my stance, and I am not backing off/changing my mind whatever happens”.

I am still hoping in the back of my mind for the Satanic Village thing tho. :p

Only if that village becomes an empire, like the Rome did. ;)
Larissa666 said:
NinRick said:
Larissa666 said:
I know, dear Brother, the “hill to die on” is more of an idiom, meaning “this is my stance, and I am not backing off/changing my mind whatever happens”.

I am still hoping in the back of my mind for the Satanic Village thing tho. :p

Only if that village becomes an empire, like the Rome did. ;)

I wouldn‘t expect any less from us! ;)
Why won't we cure our the so called Leaders?

Like Canada's Trudeau..
Like in Quebec Francois Legault and cure them of getting heart attacks ?

That's what i'm planning to work on so anyone willing to join, i'll appreciate the help to boost their chances to send them 10 meters below ground.

Damn i made a mistake. Not cure but curse

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
