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Well YEAH, Statistically, It's Starting To Look Like Global Genocide [The Culling: UPDATED 4 DECEMBER]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Update 4 Nov 2021:

Donovandal said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
You don't need 55 years in the future to know what kind of damnation has been heaped upon humanity and what kind of deception and genocidal attempts the jews are doing.

You're absolutely correct, because guess what happened:


As it appears with this new data, we are headed for a consistent, slow boil, premeditated medical murder will all this. A mini genocide will occur yearly, in a combination of many things, including an un-protective alongside them.

So let us remind ourselves on how this all began. Fauci and Gates were busy playing around with Coronaviruses on the Wuhan lab. They told the world it came from Pangolins, but it actually came from them. Long story short 250 million people got sick of this and 5 million died. Of all these 5 million, closely everyone had underlying serious disorders.

Then they themselves too went into a big giant panic mode through Jewish Media, worldwide, for two years. The economy went on war mode to sustain this Jewish exaggerated, people started dying left and right, no deaths were properly disclosed, and rushed vaccination that doesn't even inoculate was offered as the supreme solution, straight from Israel.

Long story short this went on and they made a "vaccine" that didn't stop anything really, but they held all data private, under-reported anything, and promoted this as the divine solution to this so called problem, without really disclosing anything but saying that it's absolutely safe. Anyone who questioned this was declared insane.

About two years later all the people who said this was bogus and we lose our freedoms for nothing, seem to have in at least half of their arguments have came out to be prophets.

We are two years later, and now Governments are planning to jab you by force as Constitutions have been collapsing worldwide and this data comes out, which explains the death toll of the vaccines and the so called "Co-Vid" being on the loose.

Governments will take exactly ZERO responsibility for any fallout, mistakes or anything - they will just keep going and going. Fallout of vaccines, wrong policies, or let it all go down the sink, is thrown in the trash can.

That, we can add to the death toll of all other sources during this pandemic, and one has to be mentally insane to claim that a worldwide culling has not really taken place...


According to this aired data, out of 42000 thousands people, about 1.5% will die from the vaccine. About 1 in 4 will have side effects that don't heal months after taking it.

Another huge percent close to 1 in 4 will be literally labelled as "unknown", ie, we have no fucking idea WTF we were doing with this.

Strangely, all of this was totally acceptable, and we never really wanted to impose "globally" any other solution but this exact vaccines that follow this methodology. Even more strangely, everything that was in the form of medicine was on the verge of getting outlawed and banished.

If this is mandatory for people globally as the media and Governments try to enforce, and we get 4 shots every 3 months, we are to expect a death toll that might be very high globally in a recurring manner.

Adding the deaths of the virus, the economic difficulties, and many other things, we are looking objectively at a global culling that was supposed to take place. It was a "Conspiracy Theory".

Of course, this is being more than likely covered up. The more this chance keeps stacking unto itself with boosters every 3 months, one might be raising their chances of death exponentially over time. Governments want to keep this going all the time.

The Global amount of deaths "From" Co-Vid, with all the inflated statistics of people that died "with" Co-Vid, still is way higher.

These are simply too many deaths, under normal circumstances, all of this would have been cancelled. Only the 30k recognized "deaths" in Europe should be enough to stop about any medicine or vaccine. These were apparently only the tip of the tip, of the tip of the whole iceberg, and it was impossible to keep the lid on this.

It could be x30 or x50 times that, and nobody would be "told". The rhetoric has went that the vaccine was totally safe and 100% effective. After about 70 or 80% vaccinated people in many Nations, Co-Vid and death supposedly still have a festival of deaths all the time. Yeah.

Clearly, there are strong reasons why data is being withheld and the jews are paying shills and have tied governments legally to be unable to even react to any of this.

What they did was only issue temporary cancelling to quell the wrath of people when certain vaccines gave people deadly side effects or disabling ones, then only continue onwards again and again, knowing in full how this would play out. This is after widely known full under-reporting of deaths.

Now, we are to where they say "FUCK IT" and they are preparing the world for mass FORCED vaccination.

Honestly all one needs to understand is that jews couldn't give a shit less. They just wanted to pretend they "saved the world" with all this [saving in their definition might mean global genocide, "saving" is a warped definition for globalists], while doing a major attack on freedoms and upsetting global economy while they are at it. This data is also based on 2 doses.

What if people get doses every 3 months as the enemy wants to enforce? What is the data on these?

Statistically, even these small chances, will keep stacking. Why should otherwise healthy people take this every 3 months to keep stacking a steady chance to die unto themselves, for something clearly not even inoculating them? Don't think of this goy just have your shots.

1.5% chance of death and 1 in 4 of having side effects, are not good chances. If one had none, they played Russian Roulette and actually won. Yet, if people have a predetermined 8 or even 16 doses as many are rumours go around, how will this play off in the end?

When numbers of vaccine dead, non hospitalized dead [cancer patients etc], dead from poverty, dead from stress or fear, and dead from vaccine are added, we might be well over x5 the dead from any so called "Co-Vid death toll". Could be an easy ten times the dead. Maybe many more? One can only speculate as we are being entirely lied to.

But it's ok goy the vaccine would finish it all, absolutely safe, etc. Also the numbers here show the vaccine death toll and the virus death toll would make it a no brainer to just let the virus "raze" everything instead, and everything would be probably better off, with far fewer casualties under any normal circumstance. In fact, all of humanity would easily survive this without any issues whatsoever, yet the vaccine combined with this appears to be a very good culling plan.

It's no wonder why they want this hidden for 55 years, they want the generations that will remember this crime to either be very old or dead by then. If something like a 1% or more than 1% death rate from every two doses is the case, we are talking about a steady depopulation plan that is globally oriented.

That is also only after 90 days.

The fact perfectly healthy people are rallied to take things by FORCE, on no legal agreement or defence, over something that might end their lives with such a high chance, only leaves us with one phrase left: Purposeful longterm planned global genocide.

That's their biggest criminal move of the century.

With all the under-reporting, lying, shilling, and coverups, maybe the vaccine has been deadlier than the Co-Vid. However, the select few sellout scientists will never let the plebians know, and we have to wait for 55 years until everyone of this generation subjected to this is dead, I guess to even make an objective assessment. Because it's all very honest goy but wait for 55 whole years.

Apparently the data that came out by now points with strong allusions to accepted genocide by Governments which decided a small genocide would occur by the vaccine itself. The recurring boosters, would probably increase on this number. Arguably, these percents of dead people is even higher than the actual Co-Vid deaths.

That is systematic genocide and the fact they want to enforce something with such a high death rate, is pointing to wilful global genocide by Jewish Controlled Governments.

Yes, that isn't Hitler or anything guys, it's the good Jews Hitler went after to try to stop things like this. Let's enjoy a global culling right now, you know, just because we were busy saying Jews were very good people all along. Enjoy 2% dying yearly over based of forced mandatory vaccinations, and about 1 in 4 people having side effects that don't even go away 3 months after having their dose. And by the time these might even go away, jab them again!

These jews are very good people goy, I swear.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Update 29 Nov 2021:

Dahaarkan said:
I'm not sure if someone has mentioned this, I just thought it's worth bringing up, apparently athletes are mysteriously dropping dead in the middle of matches and events, which considering hundreds to thousands of witnesses and recordings makes it difficult to cover up.


This is only the tip of the iceberg. Take special care of your AoP and spiritual health, and now would be a good time to be mindful of your lifestyle, diet and etc, especially if you are vaxxed. Stay safe everyone.

Sudden cardiac arrests and inflammation of the heart or myocarditis, is one of the most major side effects of the vaccine. That's also one of the most widely known.

Honestly the death toll from the vaccine has probably surpassed the death toll from the so called "Co-Vid". Maybe it is already 4 times as high. The culling has been going very well on both sides. We can never really "know". All data is with-held as if we are living in North Korea.

Data disclosure agreements are stepped upon, "Democracy" or basically the lawfulness of it is burned at the stake of this jewish ritual against humanity, and science is likewise literally acting as the lowest dung of Abrahamic religion on this subject.

Any person that dies with this or from this, is never reported as an actual vaccine death. They always find infinite excuses. Meanwhile, whomever died "with" Co-Vid, is instantly reported as a "Co-Vid" death to ramp up the numbers.

Even the reported deaths for these vaccines, are quite high, and under normal circumstances, all of this would have been called off. Going back and forth, pretending to ban these, kikes are literally just making these available again and again, repeating the culling of the populace irrespective of this.

They also have signed agreements of needling people with something that might only to begin with be a total of 8 doses. Most states like Canada have already ordered 4.

Jews don't want to get into medicine production here, as this doesn't help in the mRNA discovery they need for Billy <3 to attain his imaginary immortality that will never even come anyway. Humanity meanwhile gets culled so that we use less CO2 or whatever Billy is claiming to keep the culling going.

The "Most Vaccinated" are also the so called "Developing countries" where these death tolls affect the most, since they also have the lowest birthrate globally.

The media doesn't report it goy, and no side effect is a side effect of the vaccine. Do not listen to this, the moment you get jabbed, you also get all the rights you always had back handed to you [that were stolen from jew]. If anything goes wrong goy it's nobody that's causing it, just your shit body reacting to it.

It's absolutely safe as people like some random dumb fuck uneducated celebs on TV have said, since we all know these idiots are all virologists and doctors of the top tier, while Bhakti, Ioannides, Montagnie, or whomever other top virologist on the planet.

These above have nothing to say goy. Just listen to Fauci. Science is to just listen to Fauci and get your sticker "I got vaccinated" on your hand. Do not listen to any opposing views in science, because that would be unscientific.

Top jewish celebrities clearly know more than to be concerned like these uneducated Nobel prize laurettes or the highest caliber scientists like Bhakti or Ioannides. Clearly Lady Gaga has a lot more to consult you about the vaccine.

Other people who were brutally censored to not even look into this whole thing, and burned at the stake as heretics. That's science goy. Oh and posting on Buzzfeed you had the vaccine to pretend you are so many years ahead in the future, while joking you didn't get a 5G connection from the vaccine.

Hah, checkmate, unscientific Fauci deniers. There's never been human errors or cullings in history as we know! That's why based on science we were using cans that almost removed the Ozone layer. But then science came to save us from actually giving us the chemical bonds for the sprays that caused the Ozone layers. Just remember to watch Star Wars and pretend you are a super scientist, and believe in Fauci as your god.

Just listen to your TV Goyim, and remember the data about the holy vaccine are coming in 55 years, because as we all know, it wasn't experimental, and it was absolutely safe.

It's so safe Governments are enforcing you to gamble your chances to take it, while they don't sign any contracts or papers to hospitalize you for free in case anything goes wrong. Any side effect you heard goy, it never happened.

Seriously now: Consult actual doctors on this and take everything with a grain of salt. Even when the doctors tell you and swear that this is all "Absolutely SAFE!".

Honestly, at this rate, people who will line up for the next 2 or 6 or 25 jabs, need to really think of their options. There is no higher price to pay than death.

Either through this Co-Vid business, delayed hospitalizations, or vaccines or bad batches thereof, or poverty related issues, there is a major culling taking place.

Protection is now paramount and life and death.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

End of 29 Nov 2021:

So we are in the middle of a so called claimed "pandemic", for the rest of us in the Judeo-Sphere of reality, in contrast to Sweden that recently has declared it all to be over and every reasonable not paid shill scientist can't fathom why we don't use at least 10 verified forms of medicine to solve any of this, and why the Jewish Governments are in a Jewish Deal with Jewish mRNA companies that troll everyone, you have news like this coming up:

Critics Outraged by FDA Request to Hide Pfizer Vaccine Data for 55 Years


As we try to exit and people try to catch a breath, the jews, exactly on the date of "Hanukkah", pounce again with more and more lies. 6 million mutations are happening now. Wow, shocking. It's not like 1st grade doctors already know all this would happen and often-times it's nothing to worry about.

We can see here, the infinite gross attack of the jews to destroy Western civilization, erode Constitutions, promote ENDLESS fear, financial ruin, misery, and if possible, stop everyone from actually making this virus less relevant than the flu, is all at hand.

Eternal barrages of jabs, less and less verified, complete lack of logic in most National Governments of dealing with any of this as they literally are vaccine dealers and/or want to do genocide of the native people [which many clearly do] while the few that speak of common sense getting attacked and burned at the stake for saying anything is strange about this ever stranger plot.

Anyway, NPC arguments aside, all of this is mass culling and genocide of the Gentile people globally. The fragmentation of Western societies, the confusion of people, the lies, the fiscal ramifications, and the destruction of the trust between people, governments and one another, is increasing exponentially.

Since this will continue as jews are on a fallout mission, the situation is about to get dangerous. This is also the start of it. We have time until we reach the final ends of this, so buckle up seatbelts.

All the lies of the Governments have collapsed. They pretended they didn't know what was up, but had already ordered 8 doses many years prior in advance. All of this "Vaccination" and this "Pandemic" was merely a situation that occurred but was used for entirely other more nefarious plans.

At the same rate, jews milk the cow more than it can be milked, while they all enjoy the strangulation of death and misery that attempts to overtake the West.

The whole idea and where this all is programmed by the enemy to lead, has been explained here. Some idiots say that Israel has done the vaccines and so on, but please, don't be stupid.

It should be clear from the razing "cases" in Israel, that they literally are doing either nothing or that the vaccine is literally a death trap that merely reproduces the virus itself or increases vulnerability of people to the virus. Long story short, it's all a planned sham.

Traditional medicine such as don't be obese, try to eat well, and try to exercise, is still your greatest defence against this virus and the expected thousands of mutations that will occur. Yes, it's basic science.

For the NPC's that want possibly a thousand jabs or consider humanity will get down because of this, go hide beneath your pillow: None of this will happen and scientists know it's all bogus, but they want to scare you anyway because it pays well. Just know it never ends in the terms laid out by the "experts". The "experts" are paid to lie to you eternally if needed.

Coronaviruses mutate at speeds that are too fast to produce "vaccines" for. Every next vaccine will already be obsolete. Even if people are literally hooked on a vaccination machine that jabs them 2000 times per year, we will not surpass the spread of the so called "Coronavirus".

If we lockdown for each and every variant, expect lockdowns until year 3500, or until the slaves revolt after understanding it's all a total sham.

The only solution here would be regular medicine such as ready antibodies to get rid of these quickly. But this would solve this virus and research in this regard would possibly also help humanity immensely, therefore instead wait for lockdowns and perpetual injections until 5500 years from now so long the jews continue with all this.

Australia, Austria, Netherlands, soon Spain - they all are starting to get it. Nations will be set alight because of this giganic power grabbing fraud.

The outrageous amount of lies and insanity into all this is unending. We are seeing the jewish press literally on a rampage for 2 years. Bribed assholes destroying the planet for the Jew World Order and nothing else. The war against humanity is organized and will proceed, but so will the resistance to this.

Thankfully if you know of the Joy of Satan and you have been doing your own research, you don't wait for the FDA to tell you in literally 2070 that the Jews have been trolling you.

You don't need 55 years in the future to know what kind of damnation has been heaped upon humanity and what kind of deception and genocidal attempts the jews are doing.

In this board all of their lies have been exposed, everything has been written about, everything has been explained. One thing is for certain, if the enemy persists, humanity will hardly exist 55 years into the future, let alone the United States Government or anything of the so called "Civilization".

If we want to see the next 55 years, the enemy has to give in the most prompt fashion and permanently.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I live in a country where the government is literally the enemy of its own people in all ways. It is extremely blatant to the point where they say if you dont get vaxxed you wont have the right of education. Astrozenka, Cinofarm, Pfeizer.... all the same bullshit. I unfortunately was forced to get the vaccine. I really hate it. But if i didnt then the muslim-dressed jew-in-disgiuse would not let me continue my freaking education. This only adds to the list of reasons why i wouldnt hesitate to behead a jew if i ever saw one. Stay strong people. Hail satan
Excellent post hc! On an unrelated topic I'm seeing these dark blue lights around me! Which is more than exciting! The only thing is sometimes I get doubtful or and need for time to completely get rid of Christianity out of my psyche and soul! Since it's not fully deprogrammed I feel a bit worried sometimes that I will loss my connection with Satan and the gods! I just dont like doubting it! In Satan's book it says who dares deny and that can be a bit stressful to me! Anyway it's awesome what youre doing here high preistist ! Hail Satan!
The Dictionary defines Corona as Crown,, when related to the anatomy. Corona virus = Crown virus.?
In fact, the best thing would be for these slaves to realise what's going on in this shit. The monumental social shit it brings. I actually wondered about this myself, these experts who are just spreading this bullshit are only paid to say it. They probably are. We must be aware of the current pandemic period.
I wish much more people on the world would see this sort of messages and wake up from their seemingly eternal slumber, just to realise the nightmare is real.
jbkbmz said:
The Dictionary defines Corona as Crown,, when related to the anatomy. Corona virus = Crown virus.?

Read my latest post on the Satya Yuga and Coronavirus with the search function, this has been explained there. It's as you think it is with the "choice" of name.
Ironically enough, I didn't need any kind of research to see that the CoVid shit is snake oil business, as I myself went to intensive care and was on oxygen with a flu twice as a kid, and despite having the flu shot on both of these cases. The main reason for it becoming that difficult was the same reason why people are getting heavily sick with the so-called Covid, I had kidney failure and couldn't even walk for 20 minutes back then and thus, my immunity fell and I had become very vulnerable. When people were saying we need lockdowns and vaccinations to protect the old and and the heavily sick, it made no fucking sense to me. Which is another reason why I'll always be here, alongside my fellow SS siblings and the gods. I've been surfing the social media, in every language I can understand, and as it looks the masses are stopping to believe the vaccination hoax as governments are losing trust as well, we shall keep up the RTRs.
Death to Judaism now and forever!
Human Revolution now!
Questa e querra ,restiamo forti in Satana continuiamo con rtr e affondiamo il nemico ,in questi momenti chiediamo forza agli dei loro sono vicini a noi . Non importa quello che sucedera se siamo realmente con Satana e gliDei passeremo incolumi quest fase e vedremo sorgere l era di Satana in tutta la sua belezza .
Grazie Cobra per guidarci in ogni momento e darci la conoscenza degli Dei .Hail Satan per sempre.
Omicron is defined as a Greek letter and the 15 star in a constellation. Omicron Piscium in the Constellation Pisces. Are we in the age of Piscus.?
Omicron is defined as a Greek letter and the 15 star in a constellation. Omicron Piscium in the Constellation Pisces. Are we in the age of Pisces ?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Australia, Austria, Netherlands, soon Spain - they all are starting to get it. Nations will be set alight because of this giganic power grabbing fraud.

I've noticed Australia has started to get it big time. Last year the Australian state of Victoria was heralded as the most locked down city on Earth, and now they've got the biggest protests in the country! Just recently I read that half a million Aussies took to the streets of Melbourne! That's not far off ten percent of the state's total population, which is crazy when you think about it. People are not as docile or as dumbed down as the elites had bargained for, it seems.

As always, thanks for your sermon.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Last friday in the persconference the demissionair premier announced that everything has to close at 5pm, except for the supermarket and other 'essential' stores. They are allowed to remain open to 6pm at least.

A lot of stores have thus decided to open earlier. This also means that people will have to arrive on their workplace earlier.

One of the biggest nonsense things if you ask me. That this is.
Norse 88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Australia, Austria, Netherlands, soon Spain - they all are starting to get it. Nations will be set alight because of this giganic power grabbing fraud.

I've noticed Australia has started to get it big time. Last year the Australian state of Victoria was heralded as the most locked down city on Earth, and now they've got the biggest protests in the country! Just recently I read that half a million Aussies took to the streets of Melbourne! That's not far off ten percent of the state's total population, which is crazy when you think about it. People are not as docile or as dumbed down as the elites had bargained for, it seems.

As always, thanks for your sermon.


Aussies are a very civilized people, but I think the Government underestimates how much power they had to attack them so unceasingly. The results are only probably just beginning.

They also surprised me with their resilience, and they have endured so much, but clearly the Government had plans to keep them locked in by 2035 just in case. They surprise again with how many went out in the streets. Congratulations to them.

I am really worried about SS who are in Australia. It used to be this dreamland not that long ago, far away from the bullshit of this world, and that's why the enemy exploits this to bully them like this now.
Those who push themselves through extreme cardio and/or are high fire people (as pro athletes are), are already at risk for yin deficiencies and overheating. They are basically straining their earth and water elements within the physical body. Combine that with the vaccine and this is no surprise. RIP.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aussies are a very civilized people, but I think the Government underestimates how much power they had to attack them so unceasingly. The results are only probably just beginning.

They also surprised me with their resilience, and they have endured so much, but clearly the Government had plans to keep them locked in by 2035 just in case. They surprise again with how many went out in the streets. Congratulations to them.

I am really worried about SS who are in Australia. It used to be this dreamland not that long ago, far away from the bullshit of this world, and that's why the enemy exploits this to bully them like this now.

While I can't speak on behalf of any fellow Australian SS as I have not lived a life that was rather explorative so to speak, but YES Australia was like a dream country it was literally a place that I love and still do love despite all the shit that's going on. I have now started seeing signs regarding needing a vaccination certificate these are in small business owned places but these are just the start. Sooner or later you're going to need your certificate to even catch a bus or to even buy food. Australia is still a great country and something that is dear to me but it is a shell of its former self.

It was a big hit to all Australians looking to work in especially the construction industry, including myself. Needing to be fully vaxxed to even get a job in the construction industry. I have to my shame taken the vaccine cause of a job offer that I've had an interest in for a long time since it is my dream job. I take my next dose on the 17th but I've read a great many posts regarding the vaccine and the dangers surrounding it particularly the Pfizer vax, not sure about the Astra-Zenneca one.

I am a completely confused on what to do, I don't wanna take it but then I wanna work and get out and earn some money. Its getting more and more confusing everyday. I have already started a SATANAMA working to help against the vaccine but overall I am unsure what to do in this situation.
Be careful with the new variant though...
They say it's more contagious, but then again it might not be. Who cares, there's another vaccine for this variant on the way.
Also more lockdowns. My country is going to "state of calamity" meaning one step closer to "State of emergency" in which people do not have their rights anymore for the sake of public health. Which means vaccine can legally be mandatory.

Omicron has been classified as a "variant of concern" by the World Health Organization, meaning it is more contagious, more virulent or more skilled at evading public health measures, vaccines and therapeutics.


The WHO says it's not yet clear if the Omicron variant is spread from person-to-person more easily than other variants

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update 29 Nov 2021:

...Humanity meanwhile gets culled so that we use less CO2 or whatever Billy is claiming to keep the culling going.

''Whatever'', uh, you mean making humans allergic to meat with human engineering and smaller in size so they consume less energy in order to fight climate change? That's what they said at the 2016 World Science Festival.

I really hope this Jewish shit doesn't last long.
I believe and I know that we will win the war.
Diskriminant said:

"He raped...the culture of mankind
He raped...the pride of the ancient ways
He raped...all thought of freewill
I who will watch you fall into obscurity"

Because of this i fucking love heavy metal. And solo is really beatiful.

Dejewize Dejewize Dejewize Dejewize...



"He was born to rape the world
He was born to rape the world"



Awesome song!

Here's another two :lol:


A few footballers also, John Fleck UK collapsed and obv Erriksen of Denmark is still recovering from the Euros.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update 29 Nov 2021:

Dahaarkan said:
I'm not sure if someone has mentioned this, I just thought it's worth bringing up, apparently athletes are mysteriously dropping dead in the middle of matches and events, which considering hundreds to thousands of witnesses and recordings makes it difficult to cover up.


This is only the tip of the iceberg. Take special care of your AoP and spiritual health, and now would be a good time to be mindful of your lifestyle, diet and etc, especially if you are vaxxed. Stay safe everyone.


Thank you HPCC for all that you do, we all greatly appreciate it immensely! I would/will rather go to prison then take this Fucking Jew Poison into my body. However I trust it will never have to come to that.

Take care everyone in these extremely troubled times.

Hail Enki forever!
Blitzkreig said:
Those who push themselves through extreme cardio and/or are high fire people (as pro athletes are), are already at risk for yin deficiencies and overheating. They are basically straining their earth and water elements within the physical body. Combine that with the vaccine and this is no surprise. RIP.

I am not honestly sure about this. I doubt any of that is to be referred to as extreme by NATURAL standards. By subhuman standards, sure, but subhuman standards need not apply. Subhuman standards usually call for a deficiency in physical alchemy. Natural standards are closer to what athletes do, which the populace should gradually build back to instead of throwing themselves on the sofa or bed as soon as they get home. We were created as a warrior species, not a sedentary species. All the recommendations of modern medicine and other pseudoscience about activity levels is wrong and based on the poor habits/lifestyles of the last few decades. It should not be used to draw comparisons to TCM.

Athleticism requires all elements, as each element rules a different aspect of it on every level of being.

The 'vaccine' is the sole culprit here, as it undermines human physiology in its entirety.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update 29 Nov 2021:

Dahaarkan said:
I'm not sure if someone has mentioned this, I just thought it's worth bringing up, apparently athletes are mysteriously dropping dead in the middle of matches and events, which considering hundreds to thousands of witnesses and recordings makes it difficult to cover up.


This is only the tip of the iceberg. Take special care of your AoP and spiritual health, and now would be a good time to be mindful of your lifestyle, diet and etc, especially if you are vaxxed. Stay safe everyone.

Sudden cardiac arrests and inflammation of the heart or myocarditis, is one of the most major side effects of the vaccine. That's also one of the most widely known.

On the 24th of November I posted about this in the JoS Battalion forum.

I'll also post these in the main Joy of Satan forum from now on.
VortexOfLife said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aussies are a very civilized people, but I think the Government underestimates how much power they had to attack them so unceasingly. The results are only probably just beginning.

They also surprised me with their resilience, and they have endured so much, but clearly the Government had plans to keep them locked in by 2035 just in case. They surprise again with how many went out in the streets. Congratulations to them.

I am really worried about SS who are in Australia. It used to be this dreamland not that long ago, far away from the bullshit of this world, and that's why the enemy exploits this to bully them like this now.

While I can't speak on behalf of any fellow Australian SS as I have not lived a life that was rather explorative so to speak, but YES Australia was like a dream country it was literally a place that I love and still do love despite all the shit that's going on. I have now started seeing signs regarding needing a vaccination certificate these are in small business owned places but these are just the start. Sooner or later you're going to need your certificate to even catch a bus or to even buy food. Australia is still a great country and something that is dear to me but it is a shell of its former self.

It was a big hit to all Australians looking to work in especially the construction industry, including myself. Needing to be fully vaxxed to even get a job in the construction industry. I have to my shame taken the vaccine cause of a job offer that I've had an interest in for a long time since it is my dream job. I take my next dose on the 17th but I've read a great many posts regarding the vaccine and the dangers surrounding it particularly the Pfizer vax, not sure about the Astra-Zenneca one.

I am a completely confused on what to do, I don't wanna take it but then I wanna work and get out and earn some money. Its getting more and more confusing everyday. I have already started a SATANAMA working to help against the vaccine but overall I am unsure what to do in this situation.

There are people in some situations who took this and nothing at all happened [not even immunity], others who took placebo shots [this was listed in Pfizer's documents so it must be a general methodology they did this with], others who took it by force because it couldn't be done otherwise, others who rushed in etc.

The situation is that if you are fine, then you're probably fine. The concerns are about member health here and consciousness of decision. Where life leads each person is different.

There is no shame over this as everyone will be ruined somehow since this division is costing people many thing. One person I knew had a break up and another had a divorce over vaccine disagreement.

All that stuff happening is stupid especially based on a form of medicine [this is not an inoculation vaccine, but a temporary one] that underperforms so badly.

Taking this "vaccine" is not some sort of sin, it's what the Governments are imposing. Most people cannot do much against this at all.

But we are kind of under a form of war right now against the populace, so not everyone will do perfect at everything. Another person who didn't take it might have had to pay the cost of changing jobs, and/or unemployment.

Nobody can tell you here to take it or not take it since that's not legal. Personally if I had taken the decision to vaccinate I'd go on full way [until the 2nd dose] and then delay any next things as much as possible, while in fact being against this policy left and right with hate all my life [since it was brutally imposed anyway].
Ninja 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update 29 Nov 2021:

Dahaarkan said:
I'm not sure if someone has mentioned this, I just thought it's worth bringing up, apparently athletes are mysteriously dropping dead in the middle of matches and events, which considering hundreds to thousands of witnesses and recordings makes it difficult to cover up.


This is only the tip of the iceberg. Take special care of your AoP and spiritual health, and now would be a good time to be mindful of your lifestyle, diet and etc, especially if you are vaxxed. Stay safe everyone.

Sudden cardiac arrests and inflammation of the heart or myocarditis, is one of the most major side effects of the vaccine. That's also one of the most widely known.

On the 24th of November I posted about this in the JoS Battalion forum.

I'll also post these in the main Joy of Satan forum from now on.

If I have time to do it and remember this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

It is a sad fact that we have been cursed to degenerate to this state.
Most people can not see what is going on, and do not see through this whole bullshit, disinformation and manipulation of the public view.

While other people do understand it, they are just complaining "why aren't people doing anything against it?", while they also do not do anything significant. Meanwhile many do not even see through the deception. As the jew plays with the emotions of the Gentile.

People who are below 60, are in a very weird position. If they get the vaccine, chances are much higher they will die from acute and short term side effects from the vaccination, than dying from the actual virus. This is paradox, and yet people fail to see through it, even the jewish studies say this. While Isreal probably lies about their results. So the vaccine is even more dangerous than we can see. I wished that at least people don't play along. Nothing has been stated about the long term side effects of the vaccine, altho quite some studies point out that this messes with the DNA of vaccinated people, which will very likely lead to some nasty genetical mutations, like cancer, which will befall millions if not billions in a couple years. Yes, keep getting more and more shots, as this increases the chance of developing genetic mutations, by a lot.

"Once everybody got the chance for the vaccine, all restrictions will be nullified."
"There will no vaccination mandate."
"Vaccineted people are safe and stop transmission."
"Herd immunity at 60%"

And the list goes on and on, and yet, people are failing to see this clearly.
Those who should act in the will of the populance are leading them to their own demise.
this is irritating, you would think people would see this an be like no im not getting vaxed, but noooooo
we have to listen to muh experts,that are bought off by china or politicians who kiss reptilan jews a**
(muhs have to be good goyim an not use brains cause that what reptiles say)

In Germany the will most likely enforce a vaccination mandate and also, after 6 Months post vaccinatioN (2nd vaccination) people will be considered unvaccinated.

If this won’t wake people up, I do not know what will.
Just how much money the jew make, while they strip the Gentile money, power, freedom, and their health is insane. The Gentile basically pays for their own death on many levels.

As I see it, they just want to enforce as many vaccinations as possible, so that most people die. As each vaccination increases the risk of developing severe and deadly long-term side effects.
NinRick said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

It is a sad fact that we have been cursed to degenerate to this state.
Most people can not see what is going on, and do not see through this whole bullshit, disinformation and manipulation of the public view.

While other people do understand it, they are just complaining "why aren't people doing anything against it?", while they also do not do anything significant. Meanwhile many do not even see through the deception. As the jew plays with the emotions of the Gentile.

People who are below 60, are in a very weird position. If they get the vaccine, chances are much higher they will die from acute and short term side effects from the vaccination, than dying from the actual virus. This is paradox, and yet people fail to see through it, even the jewish studies say this. While Isreal probably lies about their results. So the vaccine is even more dangerous than we can see. I wished that at least people don't play along. Nothing has been stated about the long term side effects of the vaccine, altho quite some studies point out that this messes with the DNA of vaccinated people, which will very likely lead to some nasty genetical mutations, like cancer, which will befall millions if not billions in a couple years. Yes, keep getting more and more shots, as this increases the chance of developing genetic mutations, by a lot.

"Once everybody got the chance for the vaccine, all restrictions will be nullified."
"There will no vaccination mandate."
"Vaccineted people are safe and stop transmission."
"Herd immunity at 60%"

And the list goes on and on, and yet, people are failing to see this clearly.
Those who should act in the will of the populance are leading them to their own demise.

It's also annoying that even some governments and mainstream news services tell them it doesn't work, yet many people still think it works.
They (Govt) are now actively chapping house doors now, aslo phoning my daughters phone repeatedly.( for un vaxxed)

I was only one who went the first round for old reasons covered thay have the cheek to say the national socialists where bad, jings what is this...
Stormblood said:

I think we are on the same page. Any inflammation in the body is pathological heat or pathological fire. If it makes you collapse, this suggests the body was unable to resolve it.

These athletes are definitely stronger than normal, but not Satanists, and so they fall victim to imbalances when subjected to high stress (sprinting around during a game plus double kill shots).

Someone with higher vitality can create more of anything, including yin materials, but one has to be aware of how to do this. So while an athlete has higher vitality, they may not be taking proper actions in that regard. The tolerances for this become very small when exposed to the vaccine or other harmful agents.

This is similar to marathon runners who suffer cardiac events, or other people who overdo their exercise without redirecting that energy back into yin creation.
Stormblood said:
It's also annoying that even some governments and mainstream news services tell them it doesn't work, yet many people still think it works.

It really is, this is simply how the human mind works, and the enemy knows our psyche very well.
At the beginning, all those people have been conditioned and brainwashed into believing that this lies are fundamental facts, which they never were.
Due to conscious ease people start believing even the most ridiculous ideas, once they heared them often enough.
Unfortunately, once a core-belief is formed those people hold on to those, and you need to re-condition them, as most people are too lazy to do their own research, really think for themselves and deprogram themselves.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
You don't need 55 years in the future to know what kind of damnation has been heaped upon humanity and what kind of deception and genocidal attempts the jews are doing.

You're absolutely correct, because guess what happened:

Donovandal said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
You don't need 55 years in the future to know what kind of damnation has been heaped upon humanity and what kind of deception and genocidal attempts the jews are doing.

You're absolutely correct, because guess what happened:


I don't believe the only death toll is from the vaccine or from the virus unfortunately. The larger view is that the major death tolls happen left and right from all this craze. Eventhough both this shit tier bioweapon and this even more deficient vaccine, it makes the situation even worse.

These are simply too many deaths, under normal circumstances, all of this would have been cancelled. Only the 30k recognized "deaths" in Europe should be enough to stop about any medicine or vaccine. What they did was only issue temporary cancelling to quell the wrath of people, then only continue onwards again and again. This is after widely known full under-reporting of deaths.

Honestly all one needs to understand is that jews couldn't give a shit less. They just wanted to pretend they "saved the world" with all this, while doing a major attack on freedoms and upsetting global economy while they are at it. This is also based on 2 doses. What if people get doses every 3 months as the enemy wants to enforce?

Statistically, even these small chances, will keep stacking. Why should otherwise healthy people take this every 3 months to keep stacking a steady chance to die unto themselves, for something clearly not even inoculating them? Don't think of this goy just have your shots.

When numbers of vaccine dead, non hospitalized dead [cancer patients etc], dead from poverty, dead from stress or fear, and dead from vaccine are added, we might be well over x5 the dead from any so called "Co-Vid death toll". Could be an easy ten times the dead.

But it's ok goy the vaccine would finish it all, absolutely safe, etc. Also the numbers here show the vaccine death toll and the virus death toll would make it a no brainer to just let the virus raze everything instead, and everything would be probably better off, with far fewer casualties under any normal circumstance.

It's no wonder why they want this hidden for 55 years, they want the generations that will remember this crime to either be very old or dead by then.

That's their biggest criminal move of the century.

With all the under-reporting, lying, shilling, and coverups, maybe the vaccine has been deadlier than the Co-Vid. However, the select few sellout scientists will never let the plebians know, and we have to wait for 55 years until everyone of this generation subjected to this is dead, I guess to even make an objective assessment. Because it's all very honest goy but wait for 55 whole years.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Donovandal said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
You don't need 55 years in the future to know what kind of damnation has been heaped upon humanity and what kind of deception and genocidal attempts the jews are doing.

You're absolutely correct, because guess what happened:


I don't believe the only death toll is from the vaccine or from the virus unfortunately. The larger view is that the major death tolls happen left and right from all this craze. Eventhough both this shit tier bioweapon and this even more deficient vaccine, it makes the situation even worse.

These are simply too many deaths, under normal circumstances, all of this would have been cancelled. Only the 30k recognized "deaths" in Europe should be enough to stop about any medicine or vaccine. What they did was only issue temporary cancelling to quell the wrath of people, then only continue onwards again and again. This is after widely known full under-reporting of deaths.

Honestly all one needs to understand is that jews couldn't give a shit less. They just wanted to pretend they "saved the world" with all this, while doing a major attack on freedoms and upsetting global economy while they are at it. This is also based on 2 doses. What if people get doses every 3 months as the enemy wants to enforce?

Statistically, even these small chances, will keep stacking. Why should otherwise healthy people take this every 3 months to keep stacking a steady chance to die unto themselves, for something clearly not even inoculating them? Don't think of this goy just have your shots.

When numbers of vaccine dead, non hospitalized dead [cancer patients etc], dead from poverty, dead from stress or fear, and dead from vaccine are added, we might be well over x5 the dead from any so called "Co-Vid death toll". Could be an easy ten times the dead.

But it's ok goy the vaccine would finish it all, absolutely safe, etc. Also the numbers here show the vaccine death toll and the virus death toll would make it a no brainer to just let the virus raze everything instead, and everything would be probably better off, with far fewer casualties under any normal circumstance.

It's no wonder why they want this hidden for 55 years, they want the generations that will remember this crime to either be very old or dead by then.

That's their biggest criminal move of the century.

With all the under-reporting, lying, shilling, and coverups, maybe the vaccine has been deadlier than the Co-Vid. However, the select few sellout scientists will never let the plebians know, and we have to wait for 55 years until everyone of this generation subjected to this is dead, I guess to even make an objective assessment. Because it's all very honest goy but wait for 55 whole years.

I think that, if the courts manage to eliminate this ridiculous 55 years timeline, the enemy might finally pull out the cyber attack, so communications are still disrupted. At which point, we may have to do the Communications RTR and, maybe, also the Ending Confusion RTR to deal with, possibly preemptively.
Study reveals the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines cause strokes.

The numbers are probably lies. I don't know.

In any case, they are admitting the vaccines causes strokes.

Here are some extra sources:

AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines associated with rare but potentially serious side effects in study

Edinburgh University study finds Pfizer stroke link but data "reassuring"
Now they are saying, the FDA, they need another 20 years on top of the 55 years for vaccine data.

So 75 years total for the FDA.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
