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Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Many ufologists and others, even occultists who are depleted and in bed with the enemy and their dogma, know very well, that the earth is under astral occupation.

And anyone observant enough knows this occupation is not really...Only an astral occupation. Nor solely an intellectual one...And not solely a 'physical' one of the 'rich against the poor' and other flat explanations.

One to understand what is going on they have to have at least a simple and fundamental knowledge on the occult, the spiritual, but also, have an IQ above 90, so they can understand the inversion that took place in history, especially in regards to religious understanding and the awareness the Pagans had about life, in contrast to the later imposed Abrahamic and jewish perception.

The system of the Ancient Greek thought which is just a accumulation of what has survived from the Pagan civilizations is very revealing and fully antithetic in all values to the Abrahamic faiths. Strength was good, sexuality was divine, women were different and equal to men, women could be spiritual beings, male and female goddesses were part of the pantheon, many Gods instead of just 'one' god, recognition and acceptance of the religions of other people (other Pagans) and many other values that only came to be fully be reversed later on with Christianity.

It's also well known these ancient religions were focused on specific stars or places in the sky, such as Orion, Sirius, and praised these as our source from other worlds. Then this tendency was completely 'removed' as 'superstition'. And replaced with what you will see later - full hypocrisy.

Hellenism it's an understatement to say it was only a "Greek" thing, it is actually a accumulation of the understanding of nature, metaphysics, physics, and spiritual knowledge ranging back to the time we set foot (or were put on) the earth. In general, we went from life loving and longing religions, which are naturally observing, and human friendly, to systems that are human hating, criminalizing, and crushing on every value the people had before, and lived quite well on these values for tens of thousands of years. Even our world today is rather based on the sane Pagan understandings, rather than Christian insanity, and when insanity of the christians ruled, we had the Middle ages, or we have placed like the Middle East where simply the Middle Ages is still a reality in the present century.

Now anyone with the most basic senses, they will understand that something went really wrong for all of this to happen. A civilization suddenly hating the wombs that gave birth to it, wishing to bring crippled children in life to 'attain salvation', a glorification of slaves and weakness, and generally, anything else subhuman came to be dignified. Where you had Ares and glorification of the human body, then you had people hating and self-whipping until they bled to death. Where you had civilizations hopefully looking into the future and trying to gain resources (which are fully essential to existence), you have suddenly had poverty virtues. In places where knowledge reigned, all libraries and knowledge amassed for thousands of years was simply set in fire, and then people that once thought about life amongst the stars, were reduced to serfs that died from simple diseases and prayed to 'god' to make them slaves. The only, 'singular' god.

Now if one looks at history this is definitely baffling. And most do not have the balls to look at history straight in the eyes. Simply what is happened is the jews weaved a system of values fully antithetic to life, and link it with something they call 'single god', and impose this as a brain virus into the mind of everyone else in the world. Its to be noted, despite of all the above rules, the destiny of the previous Pagan people was to hate what is good for them, but give the good things to the jews. Give them their living resources, give them their time, attention and praise, and accept a jew as their ultimate prototype of where civilization is destined to go.

This reeks obviously of a brain virus created simply for the profit, and empowerment of a race of slaves, which, according to their own cultural books, was just a race of slaves and living cockroaches, until they were 'contacted' by some 'angels' and decided to strike a 'covenant' with them. One who accepts the metaphysical reality or the invisible, they will understand what happened there. The jews came in contact with what they call their 'personal god' and their 'creator' and weaved out all of this on top of humanity's back, but for what purpose? To enslave everyone. The 'covenant' of the jews is just simple: enslave humanity to this alien 'order' that they were commanded, and gain material gains as a result for progression in such direction.

Now by that time, people who believe that life is MacDonalds, injecting heroin and snort coco, drinking copious alcohol and smoking and dying while paying on top of it, and being worked to death like cattle until they die, with the sole purpose of chasing a piece of paper - they will be the first to call this 'farfetched'. It is all a conspiracy theory, especially, when you are the living materialization of this conspiracy. When you ARE the manifested conspiracy, you cannot see it.

They do not find strange that every celebrity is a jew, in their majority, or that their god is a jew, or that all their life they are put to emulate jews. But the superior people who understand and are open minded, will understand that these conspiracies do expand further than simply the quarrels of competing populations for wealth. It is indeed strange to say the least.

Now for those with less inhibitions and the more arrogant and open minded, one needs to just see what the jews and those who are accepted the authority of the planet have to say as such. These are the types that poke king Henry of England in the chest and get their hand kissed on by these that others consider 'gods' and important individuals. And above these guys we have another order least known of all which are the Rabbis.

The more loudmouthed of these people simply admit it that the planet is under a curfew, and was imposed on spiritual slavery just because some aliens decided we were a threat to them and their existence. This is the story of genesis in short lines. Elohim in hebrew, a plural "We", decides to enslave the humans because they consider them to be a threat since they have knowledge and could possibly attain immortality. As to how this species is enslaved we are also given that this is done by curses and by attacking humans spiritually. This is just a reality manifesting itself in the more 'religious' grounds.

However these are not the only grounds, we have more literal grounds. Many people who have in one way meditated, or even used drugs in an attempt to 'see' what lies beyond, they have seen a species of aliens named as the Greys. The Greys are also the source of promotion of 'love' and 'unity' on earth. But what other writers also reveal is that the Greys are called the Watchers, those that watch humanity as if we were in a glass box. Similarly to how one looks at ants and tries to figure them out. Others who are more vocal on the jewish side like Rael a jewish prophet of Raelianism, just say it outright that the plan of the jews and their purpose is to shape earth in such a way to deliver it to these 'alien masters' and prepare the planet for their 'landing'.

The same story has also leaked from our unconscious mind and jewish movies in cinemas, in movies such as independence day, where the earth is invaded, and we are just liquefied and absorbed into 'their culture'. As to what this culture is, this is just what Star Trek explained in regards to the Borg. A singular hive mind that is essentially absorbing other entities and incorporates them into it's mass mind, erasing all individuality, with the sole purpose of moving into the next planet to do only the same. This is just pure assimilation policy. It is not by some strange metaphysical rule the enemy hates the Ego and Pagan morality, it is because they are a hive that has took a completely different route to evolve. And like Star Trek these beings are a formidable hive.

If one pays attention to all the values of Christianity, and the related systems, they are exactly what would more easily bring us to the above condition of assimilation. Death of ego, hating of the mortal life and individual pleasure, hating of wealth and any form of ownership, loving things one does not even know, praising the 'one [hive] god', and a 'god' that is purely non-human, human hating, and aggressive towards humans, while, like a psychopath, tries to lure in humans where they are most weak, their emotions of 'love'.

As for the recorded word of mouth of these aliens, we have the Torah, which writes in it the following: "Cursed be Meroz! Cursed, cursed be its inhabitants, says the angel of G‑d!". To quote the most famous jewish website on the matter, since Satanists are just superstitious and jews are 'normal' people...

"In the Book of Judges, 7 Deborah the prophetess sings about the victory of Barak over Sisera. In her song, she says, “Cursed be Meroz! Cursed, cursed be its inhabitants, says the angel of G‑d!”

Where is Meroz, and who are its inhabitants? The Talmud8 gives two explanations, one of them being that Meroz is a star or planet. The heavenly bodies had also come to help the Israelites, as Deborah stated just one verse earlier, “From the heavens they fought, the stars from their orbits . . .” This star, however, which was the dominant star of Sisera, apparently did not come to their aid. And so, General Barak penalized Meroz—and its inhabitants."

Note Meroz is just very close to Meru which is the mount from where Shiva descended to give knowledge to humanity. Or the opposing enemy alien factions that the jews rebuke and attack in their religions. They also openly admit that "Demons" are just a title for the Pagan Gods or those that were guiding humanity earlier. And they did this very, very well. To the point that some other aliens had to intervene and stop us from becoming "Gods" and "Immortals".

As for the fact that Shiva is an alien who gave the knowledge of spirituality and meditation to humans, even prominent figures in the common sight have admitted this like Sadguru in India. Who just said it in a leaked tape to his students that Shiva is a real alien entity from another planet. Giving humanity instructions to spiritually advance. Now look at the bible and you will see every striving for such practice is punishable by death and eternal torment. Same as is science and any development of our existence into something better.

As for jews creating Judaism and brainwashing beings from other planets, this is nothing strange for their nature. They literally believe that the "Torah" has to be spread to the ends of the universe. Yes the same book that says anything non jewish is cattle, destined to die in "Gehenom" or the jewish "Hell".

This leads us to the uniquely Jewish scenario: If nine Jewish astronauts find themselves on a new planet just as one or more suns set, can they turn to the crowd of awestruck aliens surrounding them to complete the required quorum for the afternoon prayer? Weintraub feels it would not be proper to begin handing out prayer books. Even if the crowd of newly discovered aliens proves to have free will and are devout, worshipping the one true God, they will not be Jewish.

“Elsewhere in the universe, God might choose to guide others along a different path into a worshipful relationship with God, and if that relationship has a different label, mazel tov. So yes, the God of Judaism is universal, but no, Judaism is not. Judaism is for humans on Earth,” he said decisively.

What does one of the top of the top rabbis in Israel does say about this situation with the jews being in earth?

I will post a video where Rabbi Laitman says it openly. However this video was taken down. Not only it was taken down, it was mistranslated purposefully after this, and wiped off of the face of the otherwise "Free Internet". Thanks to the fellow evil goys who re-uploaded. You can use youtube downloader to get this video. Here is also the admittance of the jews of being friends of hostile aliens.


As for the fact that 'angels' and also, the figures of Pagan religions, were actually extraterrestrials, jews even admit it today since the Truth has been too powerful to stop. There are countless books on the subject, but most people will not find these books as they are busy reading The Life Of Dr. Goldberg: How to Be a Goyim And Think Jews Will Make You Rich With This Book, and other similar titles. As for the fact of what the jews follow, the Rabbi Tzadok that appeared in Ancient Aliens series and explained that the Angels are Aliens, just said these aliens are of the Reptilian species of aliens. And that their agenda is very specific as to what they want done with this planet.

Now in the 21st century this agenda has proceeded forward, where the destruction of all religions, of all races, of all nations, of all states, and of individual property, is constantly promoted. Everything has to become 'one' and fast, there has to be 'peace' no matter what, and all forms of rebellion are simply squashed by imprisonments or buzz words like "Racism" and the like. Anything that perceives differences unto nature and it's own self is going to be assimilated. The governments of the planet even against their own interests have completely bent the knee to this perception.

Just pay close attention now, nobody in the planet has any spiritual power, and everyone lives a life of a wasted slave, walking around like a dead NPC. Drugged out, constantly confused, and constantly steered their attention anywhere but in what everyone feels, that something is REALLY wrong with this planet. The more 'adventurous' guys who try to fiddle with spirituality will, for better or for worse, meet with what is beyond.

The world is going through an assimilation policy of ego, cultures, and the biological existence of humans, since, biological existence is history, and history creates differences, and differences create, in the eyes of the aliens, just more problems for them to even out, obstacles in assimilation.

It is also bizarre even if one is dumb as fuck, that everyone is under drugs, governments say to microchip humans, and that wasting and death, or brain damage has become legalized, while labor to the death is a law in most countries. On top of this, the only religious 'saving' out of this is just a cult where we have to praise jews. On the same situation as above, jews are taking a dump and making more wealth than whole countries combined, and somehow, to top all of this, everyone (Closely everyone) believes this is just 'real life'.

As to what this is it's called the "Cube", the "Web", the "Glove", as rabbis call it happily, the "Curfew of the Reptilians", and many other things.



[1]. https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/3012/jewish/Is-There-Life-on-Other-Planets.htm
[2]. https://www.breakingisraelnews.com/59816/jews-space-jewish-aliens-divine-plan-jewish-world/
[3]. Rest of the sources all in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiS-BvZN5z4
Outstanding sermon, as usual from you.

Thank you!

Hail Satan! Forever!!!
This NPC meme is Christianity in the secular age.
Under the Christian Feudal system that still survived in Russia into the late 19th century. Wealth was counted as how many other humans you literally owned as your cattle property as the land owners. That is all build upon the Bible the humans are property of "god" the Jews and "god" is the government and authority of the state. Totally a fucking Jewish idea from the Jewish Bible.

We will never have any freedom on this planet till this Jewish spell is gone.
In coming message from Chabad command....

"Oy veh der Hoodedcobra dis anti-Semitic, holocaust post of yers is hateful enough but don't u evar show the image of our Hashem like dat again. Take that down now! Dat is only for our most holy toilet praying Rabbi's to witness the ture form of our G_d!!!!!! This is worse den dat time I hohed to pay some shekels in taxes itz like another Shoah! Don't make me madz I swing chickens!"
"When you ARE the manifested conspiracy, you cannot see it."

Too true, it's pretty saddening to see how many people have become manifestations of this 'conspiracy.'
Here's a link to download the A War From Another Galaxy documentary. https://mega.nz/#!Xtsm3aaa!XIITwwwTIgeQTFkjZlv7ffTzSQQkCn3xcAWligqyPM8
This is great to spread to open-minded people who are close to the truth. Can't argue "they don't really think that!" to recordings of them admitting and bragging about it all.
Thank you very much, HP!
This sermon explains in detail the feelings and thoughts I have been having. It is relieving to know that there are others who see and feel the same things. Being awake (almost) and alone can create unbearable pressure on ones sanity. Thank you!
Awesomely amazing sermon HP HC 666!!!!
It's nicely done! :mrgreen:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
A War From Another Galaxy (...)This is great to spread to open-minded people who are close to the truth.
I will add polish subtitles in near future and upload on my youtube channel.

Have anyone got this video downloaded?
Astaroth The True Goddess (background music: Two Steps From Hell - Victory)
HP Mageson666 said:
In coming message from Chabad command....

"Oy veh der Hoodedcobra dis anti-Semitic, holocaust post of yers is hateful enough but don't u evar show the image of our Hashem like dat again. Take that down now! Dat is only for our most holy toilet praying Rabbi's to witness the ture form of our G_d!!!!!! This is worse den dat time I hohed to pay some shekels in taxes itz like another Shoah! Don't make me madz I swing chickens!"

Note: remember the angry heeb that admitted that our rtrs back then have been killing rabbis to us in the yahoo groups? Allow me to make a funny reminder to that in the form of a continuation to your message.

Chabad command: "And I eat baby foorskin- [rabbi speaks incomprehensibly from here. From there, he is at a point of mental turmoil trying to speak to us]Heed my warningz!! HAAKHH HAAKKHH OOHKA BOOGA- [Continues ranting, the Joo's heeb heritage intensifies in the background]"

Me: [Has a disappointed face that says STOP towards monitor] Oh dear, and he's about to go muh 6 gornrilion bullshit again. [walks over annoyed and proceeds to terminate hail message.]

Chabad loser: MUH 6 GORILLION 600-*bleep*!

Monitor: Message deleted!

Me: There's no need to listen to it. Let's just get back to final rtr'ing them.
HP Mageson666 said:
This NPC meme is Christianity in the secular age.

Hot off 4chan's meme presses. The funny one is where a Christard took the one of NPC Wojak having his Crown and Third Eye opened and turning into Regular Wojak, and edited in Jewsus as the one opening the chakras. Someone should let him know that the Deus Vult crowd would burn him at the stake for depicting Satanism if they ever took over (assuming the DEUS VULT Protestants, DEUS VULT Catholics, DEUS VULT Orthodox, and DEUS VULT [insert infinite new sects] ever finished slaughtering each other first).
Apprentice said:
Thank you very much, HP!
This sermon explains in detail the feelings and thoughts I have been having. It is relieving to know that there are others who see and feel the same things. Being awake (almost) and alone can create unbearable pressure on ones sanity. Thank you!

You are not alone brother, even if it seems in the physical sense in your surroundings, don't let the jewbie get you down :) The true Gods are with us and we each other are here as a family, or that is what I think and feel.

Excellent sermon HP. Hail Satan!
RoyBatty91 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
This NPC meme is Christianity in the secular age.

Hot off 4chan's meme presses. The funny one is where a Christard took the one of NPC Wojak having his Crown and Third Eye opened and turning into Regular Wojak, and edited in Jewsus as the one opening the chakras. Someone should let him know that the Deus Vult crowd would burn him at the stake for depicting Satanism if they ever took over (assuming the DEUS VULT Protestants, DEUS VULT Catholics, DEUS VULT Orthodox, and DEUS VULT [insert infinite new sects] ever finished slaughtering each other first).

That's a nice one, I have also seen the other one You mentioned, but with Pepe instead of jewsus. Here it is:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
