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We have won against corona, now the jew threatens with nuclear war (again)

Sep 20, 2021
Make no mistake, we won.
But regardless, keep your defences up, keep growing, keep fighting back, in any way, shape or form.
Our Crown Chakra proved superior and stronger than jewish "Corona".
Countries are opening, people are opening, the light in the tunnel becomes brighter.
It is all about population/humanity control and they can't keep going with their covid-card.
Now they play the russia/putin card to threaten humanity with atomic annihilation,
even though it failed in the past and it will fail again.
People don't want war, not Europeans, not Russians, nobody. Only a war against Judaism.
Keep barking jews, if you were a breed of dogs, you would be the chihuahuas.
SyrArisMarsMartin said:
Make no mistake, we won.
But regardless, keep your defences up, keep growing, keep fighting back, in any way, shape or form.
Our Crown Chakra proved superior and stronger than jewish "Corona".
Countries are opening, people are opening, the light in the tunnel becomes brighter.
It is all about population/humanity control and they can't keep going with their covid-card.
Now they play the russia/putin card to threaten humanity with atomic annihilation,
even though it failed in the past and it will fail again.
People don't want war, not Europeans, not Russians, nobody. Only a war against Judaism.
Keep barking jews, if you were a breed of dogs, you would be the chihuahuas.

We haven't won, their corona lie continues. You must live in a country that is opening, but some of us aren't so fortunate.

1. They are now saying corona virus's origin is Antarctica and caused by global warming, saying that it was released and will continue to release from there. They are using this narrative to cause global warming lockdowns, and chances are they'll pull it off.

2. There is a coming HIV outbreak in order to trick people into thinking the vaccine caused HIV, but HIV doesn't exist either. When people find out they have HIV, they'll panic and then all hell will break lose.

3. Most people took the vaccine and continue to support their tyrannical governments. Some even suggest violent actions against the unvaccinated. This divide will continue even if covid was to end tomorrow.
I would be strongly against thinking we have "won" on this. Yes, we might have won some territories, some Nations even, some minds, but the hoax can easily be continued.

On the end of the Semitah Jewish year, which is about September, them re-running the Co-Vid meme is not unlikely. Certain countries are on a major grip and they are not really letting go, despite evidence, data or logic. Australia, Canada, Italy, Greece, and so on. These are important Nations.

We must not be fooled that we have "won". It's to the point of where even if people know the TRUTH, if they don't do anything to reverse these, they intend to continue them.

Regardless, these battles have went really well on the information and spiritual plane. Yes, most people know we are being trolled and about the greater agenda. But that doesn't mean the enemy will not attempt it's continuation or do other things.

I totally agree that the War they have been promoting, is another way of distracting and harassing the global current, creating fear, misery or a broken economy. That is a default behavior here.

When we are on this borderline warfare situation is because of financial and economy downfalls procured by all the nonsense hyper-reaction to the Co-Vid flu. Governments know this, and the sensible ones are now opting in quickly to end the hyper hoax before it ruins everything for them.

Others are insistent on the Great Reset as Draghi or Trudaeu and Mitzotakis are all Klaus Schwab's students and they want to enforce the Great Reset at all costs.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Others are insistent on the Great Reset as Draghi or Trudaeu and Mitzotakis are all Klaus Schwab's students and they want to enforce the Great Reset at all costs.

Then that means we do RTRs and internet warfare at all costs too.
The Freedom Convoy just got shut down, definitely not a win. Canada is absolutely fucked.
Yeah, and the JEWISH MEDIA (and I emphasise that deliberately) is way too beyond-obvious by this point [red emphases mine] -

France’s Macron goes nuclear
As part of its drive for carbon neutrality by 2050, France will build at least six new nuclear reactors in the coming decades

Truss goes nuclear as she unveils new law to cripple Russia in explosive warning to Putin
LIZ TRUSS has brought in tougher and more far-reaching sanctions for those linked to Russia, if Moscow invades neighbouring Ukraine.

(Breitbart) – Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson reacted to Friday’s Rittenhouse acquittal with a scathing rebuke of the media for its portrayal of Kyle Rittenhouse, which based on the trial proceedings turned out to be incorrect.

Carlson also said it showed the diminished role the media play in America.
All of these sound rather... minished.

Terence Corcoran: Neil Young goes nuclear — again
Rocker likes his freedom, but not the freedom of oil workers, tech executives — and now banks
Crank up the volume on that old Gibson Les Paul Goldtop guitar, cue the band, rasp your voice down into a Neil Young grind, and let her rip with the opening lyrics of “Rockin’ in the Free World.”
Yeah, "free".

It's just a COHEN-cidence that these all are trying to put "nuclear" into the mass mind. That's not a deliberate act at all, by all of these "different" and "separate" nJEWS publishers. Nope.

Nah. That's not it at all. I'm just turning into on-- I have become one of those conspiracy theorist nutjobs.
I wanted to give an update on what they've decided about the covid things in NL.

We've had a hard lockdown again. This lasted for over a full month.

Due to the lockdown a lot of companies have gone down, a lot of people that *had* work lost it. The people that got temporary 0 hour contracts, because the companies cannot take the risk to have to pay up and get even more in debt, leaving the people having to carry all the risk themselves.

The shortage in the horeca is due to this. If you aren't getting paid you can't pay the bills. You go elsewhere.
Cooks are missing, and you still serve the same amount of customers.
The workload is insane.

Also if you thought it was 9-5 in those jobs too. It isn't. It is normal to have days with 10-12 hours of workload in the kitchen. Most people are doing this from 4 to 6 days a week. (the latter mostly due to shortage).

I may say it is a partial win

In canada they are making a law against manifestation that can damage economy because truckers has hit hard profit of big cities

Worst they start even to make a law that if you are a parent and your kids are implied do may go rob them from you since your ideas are against them

Keep rtr is the only thing to do
RED DAWN said:
The Freedom Convoy just got shut down, definitely not a win. Canada is absolutely fucked.

The government does not have the manpower to shut it down. Police and military are joining the Convoy. This is only the beginning.
RED DAWN said:
The Freedom Convoy just got shut down, definitely not a win. Canada is absolutely fucked.

I'm not sure where you got this from but the freedom convoy is still going. No news that it's been stopped and there was a live stream a few hours ago so I'll have to say this statement isn't true at all.

Make no mistake that he's definetly trying to stop it while trying to provoke the people protesting to act out BUT it won't work. This looks like it'll go for a while longer and that's good.
The Librarian said:
Why was this put in "Anoucements"???

Many places that haven't been strangled by jewish influence are opening up. That much is true and we should use that motivation but like it was stated we still have work to do and in my opinion we shouldn't come close to easing up our efforts.

I feel like it's a good post to update people on what's going on.
I'll keep calling out "jew" and "jewry" and death to zionism until every human on earth knows what jews really are. Until everyone knows, a new hidden kike will slither out from under a pile of shit to restart where some dead, washed up, or exposed kike left off.
The entire purpose of the Covid Pandemic was to inject almost everyone with the mRNA jab ,which no one actually knows what it does. Some people have speculated that it is a slow kill weapon. We've certainly seen a lot of people die from the Vax. It also streamlined the mRNA technology which would have taken decades to perfect but the Jews who are already old and basically want to be immortal want the secrets of the DNA now. They're probably cursing out these scientists saying "Bitch wtf do I pay you for. I don't give af if you inject billions of people with a slow acting poison. Just quickly experiment and get me my moneys worth. I don't want to fucking die. "

I don't think this war Hysteria is coincidentally going on at the same time as the Trucker protests around the world.

The New World Order needs to establish regime change in Russia which is still a rogue element inside the Global World Order. They must be having some kind of convoluted plan to do it through this Ukraine crisis. They also want to distract the people from the enraged public who are fed up with these vaccine mandates and these jews.

After seeing the Russians back their troops away from the border it seems they are trying to show that they do not want a war while the CIA mouthpieces are saying that an invasion is imminent and could happen at any moment.

Ned Price came out and claimed that the Russians were making an atrocity false flag hoax video to justify an invasion. I don't understand why he would come out with that info because it certainly seems like he wants Russians to invade while releasing that info would only deter it.

I can only imagine if these CIA guys go stage a bombing of a chemical plant and then Russians are forced to invade then Ned Price comes out and Says "See I told you so ,that they'd bomb their own plants." No one actually knows what is going on.
Not knowing what is happening might also mean these people actually don't know what they're doing and they certainly don't have a concrete plan.

Probably Klaus Schwab called the head of the CIA and was like " People not take vaccine and no eat bugs. Very bad for business. We not kill enough people yet. How we make money with booster and kill people at same time. You give solution. "

And the CIA guy was probably sweating making phone calls to Ukranian Neo Nazis telling them to run cover for a false flag terror attack ,calling the Jewish heads of the News companies and be like
"Hey man. Klaus is pissed off that he can't keep these people locked down anymore. We need to create a war and create supply chain problems man. We need to keep the permanent state of the emergency going. Just start printing articles saying you got an anonymous source telling you the Russians are going to invade. "

Then the CIA guy probably called the NATO head and cursed him out telling him to get troops ready asap for a brutal war.

I don't actually think a war is going to go on. It just seems like a distraction and fakeout basically.
RED DAWN said:
1. They are now saying corona virus's origin is Antarctica and caused by global warming, saying that it was released and will continue to release from there. They are using this narrative to cause global warming lockdowns, and chances are they'll pull it off.
Antarctic soil sample from 2018 adds to the enigma of the COVID-19 pandemic
The origin of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has long been debated among scientists. However, prior research found early genetic material of a unique SARS-CoV-2 variant from the soil on King George Island, Antarctica between 24 December 2018 and 13th January 2019. Following up on these findings, new research by scientists at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Budapest, suggests the new variant is related to genetic material from the mitochondria of Homo sapiens, green monkey, and Chinese hamster and likely came from cell lines Vero E6 in green monkeys and Chinese hamster ovary cells, which is frequently used to study coronaviruses in the lab.

What - so no-one gets the blame?! Dumping shares, dumping blame...
SyrArisMarsMartin said:
Make no mistake, we won.
But regardless, keep your defences up, keep growing, keep fighting back, in any way, shape or form.
Our Crown Chakra proved superior and stronger than jewish "Corona".
Countries are opening, people are opening, the light in the tunnel becomes brighter.
It is all about population/humanity control and they can't keep going with their covid-card.
Now they play the russia/putin card to threaten humanity with atomic annihilation,
even though it failed in the past and it will fail again.
People don't want war, not Europeans, not Russians, nobody. Only a war against Judaism.
Keep barking jews, if you were a breed of dogs, you would be the chihuahuas.

The situation is bad. Although we are benefiting from it. But it's not enough yet for decisive implications. The scenarios are still too harsh, for many people.

And they will be even more so in a couple of years.

Already by this summer I can prepare moves, which will apply in 2023.

The eventuality of war is very likely, especially if they do not succeed, to successfully insert a new "pandemic" that this time will be more problematic, or not to be able to maintain this already present.

We have already worked to prevent a ww3, but I believe that in the not too distant future, there may be a need to mark it even more.

But on this, fortunately, there is already someone who takes care of it. We should not take too many risks.

Next year there will be a lot of energy that we can use in our favor, even with RTRs, we should have a strong impact, more than ever.
We are No where near To winning.
People still Support and Listen to the Tyrannical government. Because Not listening to them is somehow Immoral. People Have emotions so That will be a Strain on winning. Most people don’t care about there Health. So they smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol all in an attempt to develop cancer or liver Damage. Most people don’t exercise which Is more proof that they don’t care if they develop Heart issues from Not working out. They’d rather Sit on the couch all day with a Bag of Chips getting Fat.
The world we live in is Reality and If we don’t workout Then we Die by Getting beat up. Or
Develop Heart condition and other Abnormalities.

The people are Little Puppies that are Submissive
People enjoy pain so they seek out pain through drugs Or abusive relationships or they do self harm then say the self harm makes them feel better about themselves. It is scientifically proven that People can get addicted to experiences pain. Actual feel good chemicals are released when these Retards seek out pain.
These sheep don’t want To be away from pain.
They get A thrill off of it. It’s all a manipulation
They seek out pain then complain about it all for social Support. Not everyone is like that But if someone is going to do drugs it is clear there health means nothing to them.

There will be a many Thousands of people that rise Up but I’m not convinced that these people that Enjoy pain will Not seek out the pain.
They will seek out the pain because that’s what they Enjoy.
Each Time someone goes through pain what do they do? They blame someone or something else like oh no They didn’t Hurt themselves even tho they did. It’s not like A drug addict or alcoholic is not suicidal after all Cancer can’t Kill anybody because The people that get cancer Just aren’t at fault it’s Someone or something else’s fault so

There just an innocent victim To something they wanted to do then suffered the consequences.

We’ve got a Long way to go before People Start Hating pain because from where I stand. People seek out pain they have abusive relationships then Make every excuse as to why They should stay in the relationships. All for a Hit of feel good chemicals. Jews can Try to influence peoples mind but ultimately If someone lets a Jew influence them then They wanted the government to Be right so they believed the Jewish government.
But we made some Progress The lies are Coming out people are starting to wake up. But The second Guns And physical Violence is Upon the world Many will be Cowards or not participate

Or the Jews will just Shoot every Person that defies there orders and round up dogs And there will be Many many military Trucks and police vehicles and buses to round everyone up to head to a concentration camp.

What are the people gonna do to The government the government Has Guns military power And Dogs and Biden can put Martial law in effect which is in the constitution. but I hope all things work out and Maybe I’m too pessimistic but Yah that’s just my Take on the whole thing.
FancyMancy said:
Yeah, and the JEWISH MEDIA (and I emphasise that deliberately) is way too beyond-obvious by this point [red emphases mine] -

France’s Macron goes nuclear
As part of its drive for carbon neutrality by 2050, France will build at least six new nuclear reactors in the coming decades

Truss goes nuclear as she unveils new law to cripple Russia in explosive warning to Putin
LIZ TRUSS has brought in tougher and more far-reaching sanctions for those linked to Russia, if Moscow invades neighbouring Ukraine.

(Breitbart) – Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson reacted to Friday’s Rittenhouse acquittal with a scathing rebuke of the media for its portrayal of Kyle Rittenhouse, which based on the trial proceedings turned out to be incorrect.

Carlson also said it showed the diminished role the media play in America.
All of these sound rather... minished.

Terence Corcoran: Neil Young goes nuclear — again
Rocker likes his freedom, but not the freedom of oil workers, tech executives — and now banks
Crank up the volume on that old Gibson Les Paul Goldtop guitar, cue the band, rasp your voice down into a Neil Young grind, and let her rip with the opening lyrics of “Rockin’ in the Free World.”
Yeah, "free".

It's just a COHEN-cidence that these all are trying to put "nuclear" into the mass mind. That's not a deliberate act at all, by all of these "different" and "separate" nJEWS publishers. Nope.

Nah. That's not it at all. I'm just turning into on-- I have become one of those conspiracy theorist nutjobs.

Of course, it's parasitic magic, they sow fear and use it as energy in their spellcasting. If you notice many news channels will use circular spinning sigils blasted in your face right before cutting over to the news anchors, to hypnotize the audience briefly to be more receptive of their bullshit.
VampiricStrigoi said:
We are No where near To winning.
People still Support and Listen to the Tyrannical government. Because Not listening to them is somehow Immoral. People Have emotions so That will be a Strain on winning. Most people don’t care about there Health. So they smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol all in an attempt to develop cancer or liver Damage. Most people don’t exercise which Is more proof that they don’t care if they develop Heart issues from Not working out. They’d rather Sit on the couch all day with a Bag of Chips getting Fat.
The world we live in is Reality and If we don’t workout Then we Die by Getting beat up. Or
Develop Heart condition and other Abnormalities.

The people are Little Puppies that are Submissive
People enjoy pain so they seek out pain through drugs Or abusive relationships or they do self harm then say the self harm makes them feel better about themselves. It is scientifically proven that People can get addicted to experiences pain. Actual feel good chemicals are released when these Retards seek out pain.
These sheep don’t want To be away from pain.
They get A thrill off of it. It’s all a manipulation
They seek out pain then complain about it all for social Support. Not everyone is like that But if someone is going to do drugs it is clear there health means nothing to them.

There will be a many Thousands of people that rise Up but I’m not convinced that these people that Enjoy pain will Not seek out the pain.
They will seek out the pain because that’s what they Enjoy.
Each Time someone goes through pain what do they do? They blame someone or something else like oh no They didn’t Hurt themselves even tho they did. It’s not like A drug addict or alcoholic is not suicidal after all Cancer can’t Kill anybody because The people that get cancer Just aren’t at fault it’s Someone or something else’s fault so

There just an innocent victim To something they wanted to do then suffered the consequences.

We’ve got a Long way to go before People Start Hating pain because from where I stand. People seek out pain they have abusive relationships then Make every excuse as to why They should stay in the relationships. All for a Hit of feel good chemicals. Jews can Try to influence peoples mind but ultimately If someone lets a Jew influence them then They wanted the government to Be right so they believed the Jewish government.
But we made some Progress The lies are Coming out people are starting to wake up. But The second Guns And physical Violence is Upon the world Many will be Cowards or not participate

Or the Jews will just Shoot every Person that defies there orders and round up dogs And there will be Many many military Trucks and police vehicles and buses to round everyone up to head to a concentration camp.

What are the people gonna do to The government the government Has Guns military power And Dogs and Biden can put Martial law in effect which is in the constitution. but I hope all things work out and Maybe I’m too pessimistic but Yah that’s just my Take on the whole thing.

I'm with you, it looks pretty dismal. I've noticed that more people than ever are shopping without masks since the convoy hit. With that, we have professional actor Trudeau making crocodile tears that truckers (illegally blocking the roadways) are hurting the economy. (Wretched hypocrite...)
Currently the shelves are fairly well stocked (odd things like spices, frozen foods and flour disappear periodically) but this may not last. When people become hungry/more desperate they will revolt against the government to remove more restrictions. This is something they desperately want to stop. We aren't out of the woods yet and we could see a false flag come up. I heard talk about military intervention but regardless people aren't backing down. There is a large support network, bringing out food and such.

Everything has risen in price a few months back and gas is now higher than it's ever been. People's hours are getting cut, unemployment is at a record high and there are still masked and vaxxed zombies walking around. Most of these idiots want the restrictions removed but frequently end up saying "... I can see the reasoning." They just fall back on popular opinion which is becoming a smaller majority by the day.
The media and corporations are shifting some of the blame on Canada's inflation and lack of products on the BC floods from last year.

People are spending less and less. If this keeps on at some point the middle class will be forced to rent out spaces or move to apartments. This is all part of agenda 2030 and operation lockstep. They want us locked in small units trapped in the metaverse. I expect to see something happen, like a natural disaster or a security breach from Russia.

Things are so unpredictable right now. I can't see Canada turning into Australia. If that happened it would be over for them. The way things are opening up in Europe and Canada shows momentum is building. My guess is the think tanks are working on something big to stop the spread of "misinformation." It will be very interesting to see what happens. At the very least we are closer to freedom than ever before. Freedom always comes at a cost though.

I'd say the most anti-regulation people are blue collar; these people largely work long days and aren't required to wear masks at work. Because of this they see the charade more easily. The white collar and red collar people are more like sheep, following polices and watching fake media. Still, there are sheep everywhere.
SiatrisTeloah said:
FancyMancy said:
Yeah, and the JEWISH MEDIA (and I emphasise that deliberately) is way too beyond-obvious by this point [red emphases mine] -

France’s Macron goes nuclear
As part of its drive for carbon neutrality by 2050, France will build at least six new nuclear reactors in the coming decades

Truss goes nuclear as she unveils new law to cripple Russia in explosive warning to Putin
LIZ TRUSS has brought in tougher and more far-reaching sanctions for those linked to Russia, if Moscow invades neighbouring Ukraine.

(Breitbart) – Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson reacted to Friday’s Rittenhouse acquittal with a scathing rebuke of the media for its portrayal of Kyle Rittenhouse, which based on the trial proceedings turned out to be incorrect.

Carlson also said it showed the diminished role the media play in America.
All of these sound rather... minished.

Terence Corcoran: Neil Young goes nuclear — again
Rocker likes his freedom, but not the freedom of oil workers, tech executives — and now banks
Crank up the volume on that old Gibson Les Paul Goldtop guitar, cue the band, rasp your voice down into a Neil Young grind, and let her rip with the opening lyrics of “Rockin’ in the Free World.”
Yeah, "free".

It's just a COHEN-cidence that these all are trying to put "nuclear" into the mass mind. That's not a deliberate act at all, by all of these "different" and "separate" nJEWS publishers. Nope.

Nah. That's not it at all. I'm just turning into on-- I have become one of those conspiracy theorist nutjobs.

Of course, it's parasitic magic, they sow fear and use it as energy in their spellcasting. If you notice many news channels will use circular spinning sigils blasted in your face right before cutting over to the news anchors, to hypnotize the audience briefly to be more receptive of their bullshit.
Mostly I don't watch j/news on TV; I get mine from online. I didn't know about that spinning (you call it a) sigil, but that's interesting. Thanks for that information.

As an extra piece of n/jews* -

Putin goes nuclear! Russia ready to re-route ALL gas supplies from Europe - prices to soar
Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said that Moscow is prepared to re-route supplies to other markets after fearing its energy companies would get targeted by Western sanctions. Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly been warned of "massive" sanctions by both the EU and the US as he appears to be eyeing up an invasion of Ukraine. But the West has also been warned by experts that Russia could cut the EU's gas, of which it supplies around 40 percent, as retaliation.

For anyone interested - and even if not, still - have a read through this (my WiP musings/question) -

I won't state this out-right as fact, buuuut... the jew is attempting a Very-High-Frequency attack with this at the moment. The question is - does the jew have enough power to sustain this VHF wave? It might cause damage immediately, some of that damage lasting (i.e. if I chop your arm off, that would be VHF damage, but you can adapt and survive), but in the long-term...?

*j/news and n/jews are the same but different; one is jewish news (generally, which nearly all of it is anyway); the other is JEWISH news (extremely/obviously/directly)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I would be strongly against thinking we have "won" on this. Yes, we might have won some territories, some Nations even, some minds, but the hoax can easily be continued.

On the end of the Semitah Jewish year, which is about September, them re-running the Co-Vid meme is not unlikely. Certain countries are on a major grip and they are not really letting go, despite evidence, data or logic. Australia, Canada, Italy, Greece, and so on. These are important Nations.

We must not be fooled that we have "won". It's to the point of where even if people know the TRUTH, if they don't do anything to reverse these, they intend to continue them.

Regardless, these battles have went really well on the information and spiritual plane. Yes, most people know we are being trolled and about the greater agenda. But that doesn't mean the enemy will not attempt it's continuation or do other things.

I totally agree that the War they have been promoting, is another way of distracting and harassing the global current, creating fear, misery or a broken economy. That is a default behavior here.

When we are on this borderline warfare situation is because of financial and economy downfalls procured by all the nonsense hyper-reaction to the Co-Vid flu. Governments know this, and the sensible ones are now opting in quickly to end the hyper hoax before it ruins everything for them.

Others are insistent on the Great Reset as Draghi or Trudaeu and Mitzotakis are all Klaus Schwab's students and they want to enforce the Great Reset at all costs.

meanwhile in canada the reptiles are using useful idiots to hack sites giving money to the truckers, an the media is going after people who sent money,cause (oy vey if yous likeses freedom yous bes antisemite be good slive like useful idiots an fights for use till we decide to get rid of you like a good tool) but it backfired an people are withdrawing their money before the reptiles can freeze their account the reeeeeeeing from the reptles must be neuclear,
Satnam666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I would be strongly against thinking we have "won" on this. Yes, we might have won some territories, some Nations even, some minds, but the hoax can easily be continued.

On the end of the Semitah Jewish year, which is about September, them re-running the Co-Vid meme is not unlikely. Certain countries are on a major grip and they are not really letting go, despite evidence, data or logic. Australia, Canada, Italy, Greece, and so on. These are important Nations.

We must not be fooled that we have "won". It's to the point of where even if people know the TRUTH, if they don't do anything to reverse these, they intend to continue them.

Regardless, these battles have went really well on the information and spiritual plane. Yes, most people know we are being trolled and about the greater agenda. But that doesn't mean the enemy will not attempt it's continuation or do other things.

I totally agree that the War they have been promoting, is another way of distracting and harassing the global current, creating fear, misery or a broken economy. That is a default behavior here.

When we are on this borderline warfare situation is because of financial and economy downfalls procured by all the nonsense hyper-reaction to the Co-Vid flu. Governments know this, and the sensible ones are now opting in quickly to end the hyper hoax before it ruins everything for them.

Others are insistent on the Great Reset as Draghi or Trudaeu and Mitzotakis are all Klaus Schwab's students and they want to enforce the Great Reset at all costs.

meanwhile in canada the reptiles are using useful idiots to hack sites giving money to the truckers, an the media is going after people who sent money,cause (oy vey if yous likeses freedom yous bes antisemite be good slive like useful idiots an fights for use till we decide to get rid of you like a good tool) but it backfired an people are withdrawing their money before the reptiles can freeze their account the reeeeeeeing from the reptles must be neuclear,

That is clearly an inside job no different than this crap they do with supposed "attacks" on the Russian border.

"Oy vey, the Truckers are hackers now, biggest terrorists you ever seen Goy, every Trucker is Osama Bin Laden. Trudeau is your God and you will have his infinite vaccines and have to pledge your allegience to Trudaeu to even have a coffee or go to the mall. That's not an authoritarian goy but we just invoked the Anti Terrorist act over mere demonstrations because we are good liberal politicians and all about Human rights?"

Based on what I see I agree and understand we have not won against Corona-show, but we have weakened it so much.
Did Hitler win the war ?
No, but he managed to do all in His power to knock down the jewish enemy. As far as I can perceive, we are on the same battlefield, on spiritual level rather than physical.
I hope to be right when I say we disallowed a full manifestation of the pandemic crazyness and 100% enslavement of population. This happened for the 70-80%, so no complete victory for the enemy, we invested huge energies to stop this, as much as possible with our resources. I see the enemy is backing down, a bit.
Same as chopping a giant ill tree to knock it down: every chop counts.
(I apologize with the trees and Nature for the example).
The War against the Corona Virus Pandemic Hoax is being FOUGHT in the Court of Public Opinion at the Nuremberg Trials.It is a long hard drawn out battle. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Staff are hard at work for US. It is an open Grand Jury because Governments are corrupt.
I am not an MD ,scientist,or philosopher and barely holding my own in JoS(ss).If, We lose this war in Public Opinion then what comes will be interesting.May Satan have Mercy on our Souls.
Can't say we have won yet, the world still has lunatics with their minions that will gut you for knowing the real story about Adolf Hitler and Satan. Even Xtian pedo cults, people posing as national socialists but are doing kike level terrorist crap(I'm LOOKING AT YOU O9A, I HOPE YOU GET NUCLEAR TRANSPORT TRUCKS RAMMING ALL OF YOU ONE DAY FOR ALL THE CANCER FOR TWISTED KNOWLEDGE YOU CREATED THAT RUINS IT ALL FOR US), the pisslamics, Daesh kidnapping then killing and raping "all infidels" with their annoying kaaba(The Daesh back in this January freed some of their own captured and imprisoned gooks in syria) and the kikes that engineered this mess from a spiritual level are still alive and running this shit show on our planet that needs to end for once.

Oh, let's not forget that their bubble-headed and homicidal barney and gang alien masters are still alive wherever they sit on in space and love to cause so much of a mess to everything they see as not allowed to exist to their binary point of view on the universe.

Leftoids shilling on the net like plugged drones trying to flood it with lies until they manifest their stupid childish communistic wet dream. Yes...the world still burns even if things were still fine.

A lot of details have been said here so I might want to bring something new to the table: creationists and scientology cults still alive, other variations of xtians like vegan xtianity like that vegan teacher that needs her head in a full sink for brainwashing her own kid and killing her own dog with a vegan diet forced onto it.

Facebook meta might be going down but I fear new management coming from Microsoft's Billy(If most of what I said in this post has been mentioned already then screw me :' ) ): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DpJlRbbgGU

The world still cries over the stupid hololololhoax too like a bunch of kindergarteners crying over a story their 'over-the-expected-age-to-be-gravestone'd-bible-thumping-boomer-teacher' reads and indoctrinates into them. We didn't win yet, the enemy still has major bastions on this earth standing that need a lot of "renovation work", metaphysically and intellectually. Hopefully some physical involvement later on that everyone will come to agree upon in this whacky timeline for once because I need myself a live screaming kosher punching bag ;) .

So no, we did not totally win yet when you look at the entire screwed and grim picture of the world and battleground situation of this globe, we didn't launch the kikes in a locked up time bomb rigged rocket ship to space yet or are even seeing Satanic and Swastika banners being flown all over the world declaring that we were right and heroes all along with the whole world smiling and crying after all this bullshit is finally all gone.

We did well steering the world from the worst scenarios but this isn't the end of the war yet. May the RTRs, Satan and the powers of hell or even nature snap all those soulless fuckers into oblivion. May someone or something bring them the havoc they deserve in a manner that all who stand against alien-made tyranny will come to agree with.
The Librarian said:
Why was this put in "Anoucements"???

What is the problem with that? Can't let a new member's topic shine in the Announcement tab for 5 minutes?
It is kind of funny and sad at the same time, that my topic went from the Joy of Satan 666 Forum to the Announcement tab and now back to the Joy of Satan 666 Forum.
Is there something wrong with my topic?
What can i say.
I have read that you had a clergy member who turned out to be a jew, magestein or something, and that he wrote whatever he wanted whenever he wanted for years and nobody had a problem, good job. 👏👎
The Librarian said:
Why was this put in "Anoucements"???

Don't ever write in any of my topics again or respond to me "The Librarian" aka "Woden" aka "Wiking".
Nice game you played asshole.
And stick your bastardized pdfs and writings up your ass.
I am glad my throat and heart chakra is open so i can write this to you no problem,
even after your fake conversations with me.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Satnam666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I would be strongly against thinking we have "won" on this. Yes, we might have won some territories, some Nations even, some minds, but the hoax can easily be continued.

On the end of the Semitah Jewish year, which is about September, them re-running the Co-Vid meme is not unlikely. Certain countries are on a major grip and they are not really letting go, despite evidence, data or logic. Australia, Canada, Italy, Greece, and so on. These are important Nations.

We must not be fooled that we have "won". It's to the point of where even if people know the TRUTH, if they don't do anything to reverse these, they intend to continue them.

Regardless, these battles have went really well on the information and spiritual plane. Yes, most people know we are being trolled and about the greater agenda. But that doesn't mean the enemy will not attempt it's continuation or do other things.

I totally agree that the War they have been promoting, is another way of distracting and harassing the global current, creating fear, misery or a broken economy. That is a default behavior here.

When we are on this borderline warfare situation is because of financial and economy downfalls procured by all the nonsense hyper-reaction to the Co-Vid flu. Governments know this, and the sensible ones are now opting in quickly to end the hyper hoax before it ruins everything for them.

Others are insistent on the Great Reset as Draghi or Trudaeu and Mitzotakis are all Klaus Schwab's students and they want to enforce the Great Reset at all costs.

meanwhile in canada the reptiles are using useful idiots to hack sites giving money to the truckers, an the media is going after people who sent money,cause (oy vey if yous likeses freedom yous bes antisemite be good slive like useful idiots an fights for use till we decide to get rid of you like a good tool) but it backfired an people are withdrawing their money before the reptiles can freeze their account the reeeeeeeing from the reptles must be neuclear,

That is clearly an inside job no different than this crap they do with supposed "attacks" on the Russian border.

"Oy vey, the Truckers are hackers now, biggest terrorists you ever seen Goy, every Trucker is Osama Bin Laden. Trudeau is your God and you will have his infinite vaccines and have to pledge your allegience to Trudaeu to even have a coffee or go to the mall. That's not an authoritarian goy but we just invoked the Anti Terrorist act over mere demonstrations because we are good liberal politicians and all about Human rights?"


the reptiles are reeeeeing up a storm,national guard will be deployed to dc cause(truckers bes bad goyims slavery to jews bes good)im still waiting to see what happens, maybe they will try to freeze american accounts,maybe they will use the protests to go full commie like canada, well i know they were going full commie for a while but still more. RTR fule

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
