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We Are Progressing: Judenpresse Exposed On Coronavirus

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The Jew constantly tells people to "Not Panic" in the news, while essentially this means in reality nothing, and in Jewish lingo, that means for the Goyim, "DO NOT PREPARE" for a disaster. Jews on the other hand, are prepared to the teeth.

To give one example, synagogues in the United States have personal guard, are armed to the teeth, and the same goes for Jewish Communities. On the other hand, especially the Jews in the Democratic party, always preach for the goyim to give back it's guns. Of course, the Jews will claim "Persecuted Status" [in their mind it was real goyim, 60 billion victims just in their mind], and keep their own guns.

Jews love it when the Goyim are hit with unprecedented disasters while they are oblivious, as this maximizes the damage people receive, but also how dependent and helpless people are. When one is helpless, they raise their hand to the Jew for help, and the Jew enslaves them or destroys them. Many poor countries that had bad mismanaging done by Jews, or bad policies, or other disasters, the innocent and the citizens have paid the full price. Also, most of this is thrown upon the innocent.

One such example is how the Jew almost got to extinct Europe through the Middle Ages, by the bubonic plague. The only people that effectively were able to survive were the lucky ones, and people who had any semblance of remote knowledge of medicine.

The Christian church and Jews were safe, as they had access and they had depicted medical advice from the Ancient Greek schools, which taught elaborate instructions and medicines to stay safe, such as for example, to not contact a corpse, touch contamination sites etc. This allowed the Jew and his cohorts to survive. The rest of the people [Two Thirds of European population] perished like dogs. Later it was claimed that it was the Jews who threw the infected corpses in rivers and water supply, and therefore, the water became contaminated and the spread became exponential.

For example, China went to it's knees finacially by this virus, but we are told it has a low mortality rate and that it's going to be OK. Sure, if we are to assume that is the case, then China went simply overboard because they are stupid? Clearly this is not the case and the situation is far more complex. When they were given all the signs and knew since late November about the Coronavirus, they "Did not panic" and they "Did not prepare". They didn't care, and wanted to cover it up, as is the usual thing to happen in Communist regimes.

The thing that Communist regimes cannot stand is being questioned, which has already began in China because of it's treatment, business practices, and handling of the Hong Kong situation. Local revolts were also a thing. And all of a sudden, a virus cracks down and all dissent is completely gone from the country. Who knows how many dissenters were killed on the pretext that they had "Coronavirus"? We will probably never get to know. Brave medical officials also opened their mouth to reveal data and they are also gone.

China could have just said the TRUTH, and nobody would have a moral problem. Indeed, if they cared back in November, maybe the world could launch units to have cleaned this mess a long time ago. But of course, they wouldn't. Communism relies on the idea that you have to reach the ideal "Communist State", which is in modern terms a super citizen enslaving megastate, practices which would fill most people with revulsion if they got to know about. Therefore China had to shut up and hope for the best.

If their Communist officials gave as little as one dime over the life of their citizens, they would have panicked and therefore done something to pre-emptively stop the disaster. But Communism implies that the existence of people really has no value other than it's a stepping stone to another end, in the given case, the end of creating a Communist utopia that serves the 0,01% of the Chinese Communist party at the top and all their excessive needs.

Communists always have been lying, like xianity and Islam, that all of this is for good reason and for "Humanity". Under them, the human value has lost all it's value. People are worked to death for one dollar per day, and in regards to the treatment of life under these regimes, we can see. In regards to the quality of life, and health, and provisions taken, we saw that also. The reduction of human beings doesn't get lower than this.

Here is an example that another SS posted in regards to how people are treated in these regimes. They are kept caged in their own homes, some not even having food or living supplies. But who cares, right? On the other hand, the Communist party as intel reveals sent very plenty to people aligned with it so they can get by. But the regular citizens, one can observe here. People who called them out, and their families too, were slaughtered.

Now, the Global community would definitely understand some mistakes, but these are not mistakes. This is applied Communism for the masses to see.

If this situation is not serious and it's only just a stupid flu, why has Israel essentially self-quarantined? Why has Israel had "Cohencidentally" a vaccine almost ready? Why has Israel been taking extreme measures over a couple of infections, while Jews in the West tell us it's all a little random flu and nothing to worry about, while essentially, China literally went into a mode of chaos that has costed immensely to their economy and almost brought them to their knees completely?

Why were Wall Street observers crying in the offices from the falls and small meltdowns that have been so striking?

Another thing the Judenpresse living virus did was this: Advertise Coronavirus all day long, tell people to be open on it [sort of like one has to be open to invading hordes that are there to replace you or something which is in (((Fashion))) nowadays], and then of course, "embrace the virus".

Because it's a random flu right? Well, whatever it is, this isn't a normal flu. And were it a normal flu as the Jews claim to hide their shit, they advertised it to where it became a global crisis on it's own.

This throws in the open many things:

1. Jews can start false hype over lying and deception that can literally make the world go bankrupt in a few days.
2. They love to be giving negative, deathly advice to people.
3. Being prepared or caring about your family etc enrages the Jew.

And of course the Jews are always not following the bullshit they say to the Goyim to follow. One of these things the jews follow is that the Jews practice preparation. The Jew isn't going to wait in Europe until it's half Muslim, they will have evacuated before the twillight hits, and even if it doesn't, it's ok, because the risk is enough as it is.

On the contrary, Gentiles are constantly told to never care about things and never care about themselves or their families or even loved ones.

This is no different than the refugee crisis. As it's the case with Israel, they have this huge wall protecting themselves. To all other countries they have Communist NGO's, Judenpresse, and basically Rabbis in politics and academia telling people to drop down all borders and "Embrace" the incoming waves. When it comes to the Goyim Nations, they are all cattle and all the same, and therefore, "Refugees are good" and taking the maximum amount in until someone is replaced is a good and moral thing to do.

The Jew however will not be taking any of course. Israel will not be taking any of course and also carries a genocide plan against whatever was living amongst them that was a non Jew. Palestinians have been almost wiped out from the land that was stolen from them.

Needless to say we are all being lied about the Coronavirus. Yes, I have written about fear and chaos before and how this may worsen the situation and make it worse than it is. People panicked and many more will panic.

Lastly, it doesn't matter how big or small this virus is. The ramifications are already there. Estimates state that this has created anywhere from a 1 trillion to 5 trillion sinkhole in the global and Chinese economy. We have the Jews to thank for that. Jews do shit like this to ward off attention from them. The other method they do, is that when the world becomes too aware, they are attempting to start wars.

Don't forget they almost tried to pull Trump to attack Iran a few weeks ago. Now, all of a sudden, a virus that has Israel "Fully prepared" and didn't really even touch them [we could be lied to, but look at Iran which is starting to be devastated by the virus], broke out.

On the other hand, the backfire on the Jewish MSM, the Jewish agenda, the awareness of Communism and it's methods and how they turn human beings such as in China, and how really countries that are built on fear are only giants with feet of clay, are revealing. One point was reached in America when the Jews literally kvetched on Trump because he did not want an unnecessary pandemic in his home country. We could go on and on.

Yes, The United States and no other country, definitely does NOT need Coronavirus. It's almost as if Trump has to repent for saying that the United States doesn't need to be in risk a pandemic or something.

This is the same irrational shit as they put people to repent and be sorry over their refusal to be replaced in their own homeland forever. And the same shit where they try to guilt trip Satanic Pagans for centuries that our ancestral religion is somehow wrong, while it all proper, healthy, correct and good.

As it's evident, the enemy is getting seriously exposed. Plus, everyone here now has a better idea on how to be prepared and to keep themselves safer in the future.

In regards to public awareness, this has a lot to do with the Crown Chakra, called Korona in Ancient Greek. The "Corona Virus" was such a stupid name to pick for such a virus. It could be called anything else, for example, as it's the case with many viruses whose name is based on symptoms produced.

Instead, this disgusting name was picked for the Virus, and the Crown Chakra deals with the consciousness, which is necessary in humanity waking up. If we want to get even more obscurely into that, it is the Serpent on the Crown, the Sat, that causes the opening of the awareness of the mind. A fear on the Corona - Virus, what kind of word games are jews playing again?

The Crown Chakra, symbolic of the awareness of humanity, is starting to open up, and there is no "Corona-Virus" lingo and strange bullshit spells that can affect that. There is no going back. The Gentiles know that we have been deceived.

Look at yet another manifestation of the RTR - Jews got a crackdown and are revealed for their crimes. This was posted by another SS. The Jews are throwing other Jews under the bus, like they did with Epstein and Wienstein - How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel :


To make the long story short, Jews know that Satan will take his vengeance. They understand this on an unconscious level. Throwing their own under the bus, is a form of trying to amend for the crimes they have committed against humanity and seek better treatment. Meanwhile, this shows how reptilian they are and how little is their hesitation to backstab their own.

Have courage fellow Satanists, we are doing unprecedented damage to the enemy. Beneath all this fog and all this chaos these are fertile times for our victory. Stay strong, stay safe, stay vigilant, we go ever forward.

We Are Progressing! Judenpresse Virus and Coronavirus MSM News

I have been surprised how often I see the jew mentioned in random comments compared to years ago. I join in on them now instead of having to start them myself. A very good time to go hard on the RTRs.
Really well spoken I read this out to my family tonight and it sent shivers down my spine
"When they tell you not to panic,,, that's when you run" ( 2012 movie quote )
"Oy Vey goyims why do you have to blame everything on us we are the most persecuted people in history! Goyims. Besides goyims you were created to serve us even "god" in the bible says so.We are just trying to fulfill what is our divine right... Oy Gevalt!"
Azoun said:
I have been surprised how often I see the jew mentioned in random comments compared to years ago. I join in on them now instead of having to start them myself. A very good time to go hard on the RTRs.

Same here
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Jew constantly tells people to "Not Panic" in the news, while essentially this means in reality nothing, and in Jewish lingo, that means for the Goyim, "DO NOT PREPARE" for a disaster. Jews on the other hand, are prepared to the teeth
I read a news article this morning where they specifically told people NOT to stock up and go on without any provisions, claiming we're in 2020 and they've got this "huge storage" that can supply everyone with food for a long time.

These are the same authorities who advised people just a few weeks back NOT to wear masks, claiming they are more at risk of getting infected WITH masks on their faces (massive-face-palm). Instead they told people to "stay at a safe distance of 1 meter from other people" if they don't want to contact the virus. Now does anyone remember what the feminist Swedish authorities advised women to do amid the rape-fugee crisis? They told them NOT to self-defend but instead to just "stay at an arm's distance from rape-fugees". Same advice, just different crisis. So go figure...
ThomaSsS said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Jew constantly tells people to "Not Panic" in the news, while essentially this means in reality nothing, and in Jewish lingo, that means for the Goyim, "DO NOT PREPARE" for a disaster. Jews on the other hand, are prepared to the teeth
I read a news article this morning where they specifically told people NOT to stock up and go on without any provisions, claiming we're in 2020 and they've got this "huge storage" that can supply everyone with food for a long time.

These are the same authorities who advised people just a few weeks back NOT to wear masks, claiming they are more at risk of getting infected WITH masks on their faces (massive-face-palm). Instead they told people to "stay at a safe distance of 1 meter from other people" if they don't want to contact the virus. Now does anyone remember what the feminist Swedish authorities advised women to do amid the rape-fugee crisis? They told them NOT to self-defend but instead to just "stay at an arm's distance from rape-fugees". Same advice, just different crisis. So go figure...

Totally accurate and it simply shows how they really enjoy it when people get ruined.

"Goyim just keep a hands distance from the rapefugee crowds and don't touch them. Dis will save you from rape. Oy vey."
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Instead, this disgusting name was picked for the Virus, and the Crown Chakra deals with the consciousness, which is necessary in humanity waking up. If we want to get even more obscurely into that, it is the Serpent on the Crown, the Sat, that causes the opening of the awareness of the mind. A fear on the Corona - Virus, what kind of word games are jews playing again?

The Crown Chakra, symbolic of the awareness of humanity, is starting to open up, and there is no "Corona-Virus" lingo and strange bullshit spells that can affect that. There is no going back. The Gentiles know that we have been deceived.
I thought they have named it after the corona viruses.
NYC ER The head of the top hospital in US calls out the bull on coronavirus scandal(don't worry goy). He tells people not to believe the false assurance given by the media. That this virus will cause widespread disruption to everyday life in America, and by next week, through lack of testing as CDC supposedly might got something wrong with the testing kits, that there are going to be thousands of cases. WOW!!!!

Scratch that Matt Macarthy the NYC ER head of the best hospital in US says at the end of the video that we are already at thousands of cases in the US and that mortality rate is double from 1-2% to 2-4% That's nearly fifty thousand over on sars, flu death every year. So the amount of deaths that are probable now are in the hundred thousands. He also mentioned school closures, further disruption, is a guarantee like in Japan. They won't officially be able to test people by ten thousand until next two weeks. If we look at South Korea, the doubling is daily. Also he mentioned the boomerang effect in Hubei Province in China. That their slow down is going to surge in cases, as well as everywhere else(cases) are going to surge. So by next week, Hundreds of thousands to millions of people are going to be infected in US by the math.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
ThomaSsS said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Jew constantly tells people to "Not Panic" in the news, while essentially this means in reality nothing, and in Jewish lingo, that means for the Goyim, "DO NOT PREPARE" for a disaster. Jews on the other hand, are prepared to the teeth
I read a news article this morning where they specifically told people NOT to stock up and go on without any provisions, claiming we're in 2020 and they've got this "huge storage" that can supply everyone with food for a long time.

These are the same authorities who advised people just a few weeks back NOT to wear masks, claiming they are more at risk of getting infected WITH masks on their faces (massive-face-palm). Instead they told people to "stay at a safe distance of 1 meter from other people" if they don't want to contact the virus. Now does anyone remember what the feminist Swedish authorities advised women to do amid the rape-fugee crisis? They told them NOT to self-defend but instead to just "stay at an arm's distance from rape-fugees". Same advice, just different crisis. So go figure...

Totally accurate and it simply shows how they really enjoy it when people get ruined.

"Goyim just keep a hands distance from the rapefugee crowds and don't touch them. Dis will save you from rape. Oy vey."


This is what they want you to do to defend against them
Yes goyims put hands up this will defend against some refugee who wants to rape you put hands up an say no an if you get raped it's probably your fault goyim
Do you guys think they will use this virus to put people into the fema camps?



Bigpp said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Instead, this disgusting name was picked for the Virus, and the Crown Chakra deals with the consciousness, which is necessary in humanity waking up. If we want to get even more obscurely into that, it is the Serpent on the Crown, the Sat, that causes the opening of the awareness of the mind. A fear on the Corona - Virus, what kind of word games are jews playing again?

The Crown Chakra, symbolic of the awareness of humanity, is starting to open up, and there is no "Corona-Virus" lingo and strange bullshit spells that can affect that. There is no going back. The Gentiles know that we have been deceived.
I thought they have named it after the corona viruses.

The name of the so called "Coronavirus" may be coincidental, probably picked on a whim. Now in regards to why this just coincidence happened and they named a virus such as this, that is strange. Given there are workings done from the enemy and so forth, the name is clearly some sort of strange coincidence. Whether it's a coincidence or more of a cohencidence, that is another question.

Next flu are they going to name it EconomyCollapsoVirus-2020 or something? Or If-Goyim-Wakes-Up-Kvetch-O-Virus?

Ever heard of subliminal messaging?
Wotanwarrior said:
They're launching all their "don't wear masks is alarmist and unnecessary" campaigns and saying nosense things like the virus is just another flu.

Meanwhile in Israel:

Meanwhile every jews:
Bigpp said:
What if this virus is the Jew's "Samson option"?

I personally believe the Jews were possibly at least indirectly involved in making this or were informed, as it was the Israeli agents that opened their mouth that this was a bio-weapon and threw all responsibility on China.

I do not think this is some sort of Samson Option, as this virus doesn't appear to have the death toll it requires for that. However, Jewish involvement is pretty clear. Also, how Israel is in full self protection mode while jews abroad rant and rave that it's only a flu as if we are supposed to let is spread, is very deceiving and big time lying.

For one, because the Jewish Press has covered the news about the virus badly, this contributes to chaos, panic, bad preparations, and more and more lies. This causes problems of both panic and financial losses. The whole planet has had a financial slowdown from the virus, places have been going out of business, lines of production have been fucked, all because of bad jewish reporting.

Jewish press recommends "Not giving a fuck", and allowing the spread of a virus that brought China on it's knees. We definitely do NOT need this, and we do NOT need to treat this as a flu. Before this, they were raving it was the end of the world of all mankind, and this made many people panic. This panic created endless problems in itself.

Given Jews understand where this can possible lead, they just closed Israel and GTFO to anyone who might have the virus, even barring travel. Jews abroad since they make shekels, recommended to not bar any travelling etc. Now, the virus is in the United States also. And the jews say it's just a flu or whatever crap.

But if it spreads, and if it is no worse than the flu, this is still bad. If this becomes epidemic in the US, the workforce will have weeks and weeks out of work, and standard procedure requires quarantines etc. This is enough to blow shit up as it is. Adding the panic on top of this, makes it worse.

In the end, Jews appear to be a far bigger problem than the virus itself in that given situation. On one hand they are pushing contradicting and confusing news, on the other hand, they shut down normal people from speaking, on the other hand, the regime built after the Marxist model lies to people, it's all a soup of things.

But no it's not Samson Option or something. Yet even if this is only some sort of flu as they claim, the damage is being done ANYWAY because of how it's covered.

This is why Jews fucking SUCK. They made the world's news shekels and worthless clickbait.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bigpp said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Instead, this disgusting name was picked for the Virus, and the Crown Chakra deals with the consciousness, which is necessary in humanity waking up. If we want to get even more obscurely into that, it is the Serpent on the Crown, the Sat, that causes the opening of the awareness of the mind. A fear on the Corona - Virus, what kind of word games are jews playing again?

The Crown Chakra, symbolic of the awareness of humanity, is starting to open up, and there is no "Corona-Virus" lingo and strange bullshit spells that can affect that. There is no going back. The Gentiles know that we have been deceived.
I thought they have named it after the corona viruses.

The name of the so called "Coronavirus" may be coincidental, probably picked on a whim. Now in regards to why this just coincidence happened and they named a virus such as this, that is strange. Given there are workings done from the enemy and so forth, the name is clearly some sort of strange coincidence. Whether it's a coincidence or more of a cohencidence, that is another question.

Next flu are they going to name it EconomyCollapsoVirus-2020 or something? Or If-Goyim-Wakes-Up-Kvetch-O-Virus?

Ever heard of subliminal messaging?

Might be. Maybe they choosed specially the virus that looks like corona from the family of coronaviruses for this exact reason.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bigpp said:
What if this virus is the Jew's "Samson option"?

I personally believe the Jews were possibly at least indirectly involved in making this or were informed, as it was the Israeli agents that opened their mouth that this was a bio-weapon and threw all responsibility on China.

I do not think this is some sort of Samson Option, as this virus doesn't appear to have the death toll it requires for that. However, Jewish involvement is pretty clear. Also, how Israel is in full self protection mode while jews abroad rant and rave that it's only a flu as if we are supposed to let is spread, is very deceiving and big time lying.

For one, because the Jewish Press has covered the news about the virus badly, this contributes to chaos, panic, bad preparations, and more and more lies. This causes problems of both panic and financial losses. The whole planet has had a financial slowdown from the virus, places have been going out of business, lines of production have been fucked, all because of bad jewish reporting.

Jewish press recommends "Not giving a fuck", and allowing the spread of a virus that brought China on it's knees. We definitely do NOT need this, and we do NOT need to treat this as a flu. Before this, they were raving it was the end of the world of all mankind, and this made many people panic. This panic created endless problems in itself.

Given Jews understand where this can possible lead, they just closed Israel and GTFO to anyone who might have the virus, even barring travel. Jews abroad since they make shekels, recommended to not bar any travelling etc. Now, the virus is in the United States also. And the jews say it's just a flu or whatever crap.

But if it spreads, and if it is no worse than the flu, this is still bad. If this becomes epidemic in the US, the workforce will have weeks and weeks out of work, and standard procedure requires quarantines etc. This is enough to blow shit up as it is. Adding the panic on top of this, makes it worse.

In the end, Jews appear to be a far bigger problem than the virus itself in that given situation. On one hand they are pushing contradicting and confusing news, on the other hand, they shut down normal people from speaking, on the other hand, the regime built after the Marxist model lies to people, it's all a soup of things.

But no it's not Samson Option or something. Yet even if this is only some sort of flu as they claim, the damage is being done ANYWAY because of how it's covered.

This is why Jews fucking SUCK. They made the world's news shekels and worthless clickbait.

I mean, who else would create such virus if not the Jews? It's obvious that they want to do the most damage that they possibly can with this virus. I'm pretty sure that they have more aces up their sleeves in the coming years. I guess ,they can't just nuke the whole planet so they just take these half-measures in order to kill us. They will try to kill us slowly like a snake choking his prey like they always did, but it they will try to do it much faster now.

Yes, the Jews suck. They will try to stir up shit much faster now which will create more and more chaos. All of this while still having a possiblity to come back and jew us again and again...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Jew constantly tells people to "Not Panic" in the news...

Do you(or anyone else) belive the theory that the coronavirus is in fact 5G in disguise?
I have made a topic about it here:
danewpath said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Jew constantly tells people to "Not Panic" in the news...

Do you(or anyone else) belive the theory that the coronavirus is in fact 5G in disguise?
I have made a topic about it here:
I saw this on the news feed on my phone this morning WTF https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2020/03/04/heres-how-to-tell-if-you-have-the-coronavirus-and-when-to-see-a-doctor/amp/

So do nothing goyim stay home it’s as mild as a cold or mild flu. Don’t worry about it or take precautions.

Anyways I don’t trust the media on this this whole coronavirus thing actually makes even dumb low IQ Xtian boomer people question the media and government and stuff.

This is good.

But I am a little worried I don’t want anyone I care about to get this cause I don’t know for sure what it is or how bad of a thing this is.

I am also a little worried if this causes a collapse I am still not sure it fully will but i will tell you two to three weeks before I even heard about this virus I started getting intuition that something might happen in the USA around later March and April I thought it might have to do with Iran but I think I may have been right and it has to do with this.

Either this is a huge over reaction or it’s something really bad I am not even sure. I won’t waste my time not living life and freaking out but I am a little worried.
https://www.newscientist.com/article/2236544-coronavirus-are-there-two-strains-and-is-one-more-deadly/ ..

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
