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Water Bearer

[email protected]

New member
Feb 6, 2006
Sup everyone, Chris here for one last question for now.
So I have been thinking on how the rest of Humankind would react to this group for a good while now. I have always asked myself, "Would everyone meditate, even to save themselves?" I thought not, but something just came to me. Being an aquarius myself I wondered why we were "Water Bearers" when our element is; wind? People say its because the kind nature of bringing happiness. But the water element symbolizes psychic properties. So, what if water bearers are the key to lending the people who can't or don't want to meditate, spiritual power? Let me know what you guys think.
Idk how 'angelic' the 144,000 light workers sent down by the pledians are(from orion? Or more propaganda from the enemy) but I remember hearing they were sent down for the age of Aquarius and just them being here helpa raise the frequency of the earth and the general understand of other humans to higher dimensional phenomena.

If its true mby ur one of the 144,000 ( or this could be a twisting of the nadis on the human body? Idk) which would align with ur intuitive sense about the matter.

At the same time tho it feels to me like that kind of purpose is similar to those monks that live like beggars and give away their life force(blessings, spiritual energy) to passerbyers that give them a few coins.

My personal opinion keep all ur energy to urself and do protection workings for loved ones that may need 'unseen' help.
@dylanbartone sounds like disinfo to me. People who are too lazy to empower themselves aren’t going to just get power and enlightenment handed to them.

Sent from my iPhone
Nope. There are plenty of useless aquarius people who are mean and not psychic. It doesn't say that much about who you are. Its all just more complex than that

And that thing about 144,000 is disinfo. Everyone here is from Earth and all our spiritual properties come from previous lifetimes on Earth of meditating.
I don't know why the Water Bearer is an air sign, but Libra doesn't make any sense for what it is either. What do scales have to do with air? Or gemini for that matter?
@jay ur probly right specially since pleiadians seem to be a christian spiritual thing.

Was just looking up more about it on yahoo(not a whole lot) but it seems like a spiritual Christian thing to give a different name to the nephilim. They are described appearance as fathers white arayan race.

And the fact it says 144,000 that mirrors the nadis. Along with the underlying concept having to do with spiritual awakening with out ppl actually having to do anything conforms even more Xian beliefs of "waiting for salvation" with out any work.

Plus will Smith son made a song called pleiadian medicine(dunno wat its about) but I heard will Smith is part Jewish(true? False?) So id assume his son also is.(pointless sentence?)

It Also said something about pleiadians being Nordic. Correct me if im wrong but arnt the nephilim also considered Nordic? Or was tht the seraphim?

Theres also Looots of info about it on the jewtube. Feels like a bad sign to me.

@mcychris2002 my bad if ive changed ur question into something irrelevant. It just completely reminded me of the pleiadian groupie movement on the net.
if you google or yahoo search the extraterrestrial subjects what do you expect, of course you’re going to run into lies with probably little to no truth.
YouTube also has a swamp of lies, people already know that.

This usually comes from new age Christian fools who sometimes try to make claims like “Jesus” was an Aryan or is somehow the messiah for them, people here should already know otherwise. And/or they’ll promote the idea that all of humanity is going to magically spiritually ascend through “loving one another unconditionally” and by not taking them time and effort to really get there. Sometimes they teach watered down and enemy spiritual practices that ties into Jewish “angels” and shit. In reality, they aren’t going to ascend.

Not sure about will smith and his family but I know they were into Scientology which teaches weird and misguiding info in general.

When someone refers to ET’s and spirituality you can’t automatically connect it to Satans side.

There are even people who spread misinformation and try to connect it with the names Enki and Enlil etc, these people are misguided in numerous areas.

“People who are Aquarius” aren’t going to make people into Gods just because they’re too lazy to meditate and empower their souls for themselves.

If you’re not willing to meditate and empower yourself then you’re not going to get any where near ascension and why should your laziness and unwillingness to stick to a daily meditation and yoga session become someone else’s responsibility to just make you into a god out of thin air.

That’s actually kind of close to the Christian theory that eternal life will just be handed to them by some fictitious Jew.

You work on “saving yourself” or you don’t, no entity nor any human is going to save you from your own laziness. Lol
Wait, hold on for a second. Something about raising the world's frequencies you say? Funny, that's what I am currently researching. I have come to realize that the key to attracting your desires is to raise your frequency. Perhaps you may have given me some direction on where I can further it. Thank you brother(or sister).
I never understood how you're supposed to raise your frequency, when matter exists because it's already basically a set frequency...? Natural frequency is the frequency at which matter resonates which is why a wine glass can break if you sing or play a loud note exactly the frequency that the glass resonates at. Theoretically if you chanced the frequency of the glass, the actual object would have to change

Aura makes more sense to me, because it's four dimensional and not basically separate from you. If someone could explain what it means to "raise the frequency" of things spiritually I would appreciate it, but I assume you mean the same thing as "brightening" it? I just like to be extremely specific because as like Maxine made a post on, it's like the genie who grants a wish, you have to be extremely specific to manifest exactly what you desire.
Frequency is only the speed of a waveform, which is quantified by numbers, numbers which only go up and down, so increasing the frequency of the color red in an aura would cause the effects of that color, correct (anger)? Like, the point is that do you not need another value of the subject in question (The Earth, yourself, etc) to actually increase the frequency of?

Otherwise you would just be increasing the power of whatever your aura already is, whether you are angry or depressed or happy, instead of actually making it positive and giving you energy at the same time. Just to be as specific as possible.
I have met plenty of horrible aquarian people. That being said, my spirit sign is aquarian and I am much like one myself I think, but I'm an aries with sign rising in Taurus. I love astrology, and it is very complex, but there is still more to a person than their signs. If anything I am more like the water signs.

In ancient time, air sign were water signs, water was fire, fire was earth, and earth was air.

Hail Satan
Cautionary note, to any: the pleidians, lyrans, sirians...any of the
above entities are of the enemy! Father Satan/Enki has told me this,
personally. They are angels, in other words. Do NOT trust them, or any
mortal/human who is allied with them! They always lie!

On 2/16/19, 666black13dragon666@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
I have met plenty of horrible aquarian people. That being said, my spirit
sign is aquarian and I am much like one myself I think, but I'm an aries
with sign rising in Taurus. I love astrology, and it is very complex, but
there is still more to a person than their signs. If anything I am more like
the water signs.

In ancient time, air sign were water signs, water was fire, fire was earth,
and earth was air.

Hail Satan
False alias: "What does it mean to raise your vibration?"

As I understand it, it's about electromagnetic radiation, but maybe there are other unknown quantum(?) particles involved. Unfortunately, spiritual science & research is just not a thing for humanity at this time, and the materialistic paradigm it bases its model of reality off of largely precludes it from observing such things, so we have to go by intuition and what we learn from the Gods, for now at least. So it's not easy to say exactly what is happening since we can't measure it yet.

Nevertheless, there are plenty of lines to be drawn between spiritual concepts and the science we do have at our disposal. It's all scientifically explainable, as spirituality is a science. When it comes to frequency, yes, it does represent the wavelength but not the speed(EM radiation travels at the speed of light). But the thing to be noted is that frequency correlates with energy.

As an example, one of the most powerful forms of EM radiation known is the gamma wave, which is extremely high frequency(short wavelength). As opposed to radio or microwaves for example, which are low energy, low frequency & long-wavelength. In other words, all other factors equal and assuming you're measuring these waves(gamma and radio) at equal distances, the gamma will have much more energy because there are more oscillations per unit distance, owing to the high frequency. Both a microwave and a gamma wave could sizzle your ass, given enough power, but all other factors equal, the gamma wave is gonna have more energy, and potentially more dramatic effects. In an everyday sense, it's like 5ghz vs 2.4ghz Wi-Fi. The high frequency of 5ghz allows the exchange of more data per unit distance than the lower frequency of 2.4ghz, much like how a 4 lane road can handle more traffic than a 2 lane road. More energy(capacity to do work) in the same distance.

You can also compare this with the mechanics of heat, which boils down to molecules excitedly rubbing and vibrating against each other, generating thermal energy, while what we know as the cold is a lack of excitement/vibration in the molecules, resulting in a relative lack of thermal energy. Frequency is vibration, vibration is energy. Low frequency is a lack of vibration, which is a lack of energy.

So, you can see why when we empower our souls, we're "raising our vibration". You're raising your frequency, packing more power into a same or smaller volume. Like going from the radio wave to the gamma wave. Like compressing a fluid, if your soul were the canister, and the will is the valve that channels and releases the pent-up energy within. Possibly to work for you, possibly to work against you, which emphasizes the importance of strengthening one's will & concentration and sorting out whatever internal issues & hangups we may have. It's also an interesting parallel that one of the most common sensations reported from raising your energy through meditation is that of heat.

Hope that helps.

---In [email protected], <thisisafalsealias@... wrote :

I never understood how you're supposed to raise your frequency, when matter exists because it's already basically a set frequency...? Natural frequency is the frequency at which matter resonates which is why a wine glass can break if you sing or play a loud note exactly the frequency that the glass resonates at. Theoretically if you chanced the frequency of the glass, the actual object would have to change

Aura makes more sense to me, because it's four dimensional and not basically separate from you. If someone could explain what it means to "raise the frequency" of things spiritually I would appreciate it, but I assume you mean the same thing as "brightening" it? I just like to be extremely specific because as like Maxine made a post on, it's like the genie who grants a wish, you have to be extremely specific to manifest exactly what you desire.
Frequency is only the speed of a waveform, which is quantified by numbers, numbers which only go up and down, so increasing the frequency of the color red in an aura would cause the effects of that color, correct (anger)? Like, the point is that do you not need another value of the subject in question (The Earth, yourself, etc) to actually increase the frequency of?

Otherwise you would just be increasing the power of whatever your aura already is, whether you are angry or depressed or happy, instead of actually making it positive and giving you energy at the same time. Just to be as specific as possible.
How to make a real life voodoo doll

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Sun, Feb 17, 2019 at 12:02 AM, 666black13dragon666@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   I have met plenty of horrible aquarian people. That being said, my spirit sign is aquarian and I am much like one myself I think, but I'm an aries with sign rising in Taurus. I love astrology, and it is very complex, but there is still more to a person than their signs. If anything I am more like the water signs.

In ancient time, air sign were water signs, water was fire, fire was earth, and earth was air..

Hail Satan
As has been said, keep off the New Age stuff out there. They'll tell you things that don't make sense and infuse it with Christianity. They'll tell you that the frequency of the earth is increasing because we are approaching the age of Aquarius, and we should therefore love each other. Even someone who's been an SS for a month can tell that this is BS!Nonsensical claims that are incorporated with Christianity.Keep off the New Age stuff especially if you know that you're gullible.

On Thu, 14 Feb 2019, 21:36 mcychris2002@... [JoyofSatan666], <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Wait, hold on for a second.. Something about raising the world's frequencies you say? Funny, that's what I am currently researching. I have come to realize that the key to attracting your desires is to raise your frequency. Perhaps you may have given me some direction on where I can further it. Thank you brother(or sister).
They lie...always! The enemy ET's, i mean. i know, believe you me, i
know! But Satan/Enki or any of his Daemons...have never, ever lied to
me in 10 years! The enemy love half-truths. They'll give you a bit of
true info, but then feed you a line of total bs in hopes that you'll
swallow it and throw n your lot with them. Do NOT heed them! Beware
their honeyed snares...they are always false. Use my names! Test!
Discern clearly the nature of who speakest unto thee! If any fear my
names, then they are NOT of me!

On 2/17/19, R B brownron007@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
As has been said, keep off the New Age stuff out there. They'll tell you
things that don't make sense and infuse it with Christianity. They'll tell
you that the frequency of the earth is increasing because we are
approaching the age of Aquarius, and we should therefore love each other.
Even someone who's been an SS for a month can tell that this is BS!
Nonsensical claims that are incorporated with Christianity.
Keep off the New Age stuff especially if you know that you're gullible.

On Thu, 14 Feb 2019, 21:36 mcychris2002@... [JoyofSatan666], <
[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Wait, hold on for a second. Something about raising the world's
frequencies you say? Funny, that's what I am currently researching. I
come to realize that the key to attracting your desires is to raise your
frequency. Perhaps you may have given me some direction on where I can
further it. Thank you brother(or sister).
  To the people who wonder about these "frequencies" allow me to explain. Everyone and everything has their own unique frequency. How is this frequency controlled? Think upon the last time you had succeeded, did you do it while you are happy or sad? You might feel happy from the result, but it is your emotion that affects frequency. What I'm saying is that as long as you are happy and have confidence in your ability, your frequency will be at an all-time high.
  What's bs is paying for the "frequencies of Jupiter" for abundance. Also, I have figured out that I am indeed one of the 144,000 lightworkers. I had no actual clue of any of this until through my intuition. I don't know what or who I just am yet, but I will figure out as I always do. As of right now I still am whom considered to be. I also made sure that I am not a Jew. Repeating numbers keep on appearing: 10:10, 1:11. 2:22. 5:55. Mostly on my clock but even when I was on a game that has fake time it showed 5:55. So I know I am on the right path. I have been having more dreams lately as well, my body changing without any work. My intuition becomes stronger everyday! That and I finally feel at peace, my mind is just "blank and happy" instead of "blank and sad".
Me having a lot of Aquarius traits as it's an important sign in my chart can tell you that probably any Aquarian who does meditate wouldn't want to waste time on someone who doesnt meditate as its beyond frustrating and energy draining to do stuff for other people. Not to mention this isnt really a sign to push anything in fact a lot of them who wouldn't be Satanists probably have a live and let live attitude towards xtianity. Although I give it to you that this sign probably isnt likely to be traditional xtian or stay that way for long. A lot of them probably gave into liberal bullshit I know i did before I fully understood Satanism or came here. Not to mention you get the reverse xtian types probably and those that just want to be wierd with no reason. That's just my take on the energy since Saturn co rules this sign it's probably the opposite for a few of them.

Remember most people are not here on this site yet. No sign is going to lead anyone into the future I dont think. I kind of got to thinking maybe some people who have Aquarius Rising Pisces intercepted would more likely be those wanting to help the transition cause I have seen that in the charts of a few people I think Anton Levey had that. Cause they would understand the past and the future energies but still a lot of them wouldn't be here just think of how many Aquarians there are like all other signs and look how unfortunately dumb the world still is.

Also new age stuff is bullshit like xtianity even if some of them do have limited psychic powers they still hook up with the enemy and wont advance very far in fact I remember a sermon from Maxine I wish I could link to it but it was on the old forum that some of those psychics know these entities are evil that work with Angel's but are scared of them and held hostage so they just do their bidding anyways cause they dont know Satan is good or exists and could help out and if they left they threaten them with death or going insane etc

Fuck Angel's and the Plecedians they did the same thing to me if any of you saw my YouTube video years ago praising Angel's it's only cause they convinced me Satan left me and that if I tried to go against them they would do the same thing and torment me forever. They suck I hate them and did when I made that video but couldn't say it for fear of being possessed and hurting someone or being forced into insanity.

Hail Satan
I’m failing to understand how someone who has openly stated that they are too lazy to empower themselves is somehow a “spiritually anointed, Aquarius who will help others to advance” when they have little to no power or enlightement themselves.

Prime example here of what spreading misinformation can do to members.

It seems there are some members here who have good intention but they think they can just study any and all articles on the internet about spiritual advancement, new age Christian crap etc and that it’s somehow accurate.

And then there are others who think that just because they got a reply from someone on here that the information is somehow true and “Satanic”. This is not the case.

There is no “144,000 anointed people” who will help “humanity spiritually ascend”, this is biblical crap, as in the “book of revelations” it talks about “144,000 anointed Jews” which is a corruption of spiritual knowledge as is nearly every case with the Jews.

If you are too lazy to empower yourself then maybe you should acknowledge and work on that or just move on bro lol

Just know that there is not any “easier” route to ascend spiritually, especially not through any new age “Jesus frequency” crap.

As HP Cobra said in the past, it is like a dirty house that will stay dirty until you work on it/clean it up etc.
The problem is that everything has a frequency... "raising the frequency" of a rock wouldn't make the rock "happy", it should just change it's shape and mass
Also, I don't believe in any of that 144,000 lightworkers stuff
I had plenty of my own refutes on the subject when I brought it up as I was trying to also clear up the misunderstanding of that info I had learned before came across JoS and was doing my own chakra empowerment with out any guidelines. Then a friend showed me them and the half truths were enough to fool my subconscious.

Others in this topic made it more than clear it was just "Or more propaganda from the enemy)" the members that keep taking out only wat they want to see can only blame them selves for failing to read thoroughly and digest everything everyone is saying

Yes I'm having slight regret for even bringing it up since it seems ppl are just stopping at wat they want to see and not taking in everybodies input, or even the other half of my post Tht shows I was clearly doubtful on said subject to begin with.
Body changing without any work? Thinking you're more advanced or important than you actually are? You're like 14 years old. That's called puberty. On top of the latter actually being one of the many delusions that the enemy tries to inflict on you, so that you'll rest on the laurels that you never had or earned and never bother to improve yourself because you're already one of g-d's cheezen, it's your "destiny" to raise humanity to christ consciousness or some nauseating bullshit like that, which is this new age "144 thousand lightworker" meme you've fallen for.

And one day in 2006 I noticed all the calendars around me read 06/06/06. Everywhere I looked there was this repeating number, 666. Clearly this proves that I'm destined to be the next antichrist or something. And since it's "destiny" I won't have to work to manifest it, I can just coast along and I'll one day wake up and realize I'm the next incarnation of Hitler and I'm going to be the one to establish the 4th Reich, because my "intuition" told me so. And then it'll just be a snap of my fingers and it'll happen, just like that. Right...

Don't believe everything you see or hear. Don't take what you read, especially from online "spiritual resources" or "gurus" at face value because the vast majority of it is inaccurate, corrupted, delusion or just plain disinformation. In fact you shouldn't bother with it at all until you've opened your chakras, studied the JOS & empowered your 3rd eye so you can learn to see through the jew age bullshit. And put down the bong.

Alot of what the others like Jay & RB said is right on the money so I won't repeat it, but seriously consider what's going on here and question what you see. I get that you might be excited that there's a new dimension of reality for you to explore and learn about but remember that there are other beings out there that have an agenda that doesn't have your interests at heart. We're in the middle of a spiritual war and the enemy will do anything to draw people into delusion and steer them from the truth. Be careful not to fall for their tricks.
Perfect response mate. Also, there is no such bullshit as "frequencies". We have auras. Ppl, animals and objects do have a frequency, but it can't be "raised" and has nothing to do with the emotional state of a person or object. That's just not how physics works, however the aura is real.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
