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Was my working ruined?


New member
Jun 26, 2018
Context: I've grown a fond relationship with a girl I've known for four years now, we're close friends and I've been there for her for every up and down. Then less than a year ago she meets some guy, she's dating him despite the fact that he's clearly faking his love for her, and she even said (an exact quote by her) "I can't rely on him" He's cheated on her, twice now, and I actually like her, and she knows i like her more than friends too.

Issue: I started a 40 day working on a favorable day, to both separate them permanently and have her be mine, I don't think this is selfish, he's clearly bad for her, yet she's hooked on him (she sat there and defended him cheating on her because he bought her some stuffed animal) and because when her and I are together it's nothing but laughs and good times. 2 weeks into the working, they break up, not only that but our relationship felt stronger. Then, my issue arose 25 minutes before ago at the time of me writing this. No warning or anything, she stops texting me, and they're back together. Immediately after realizing the progress made looks to have just reverted instantly some bad stuff popped into my mind, I dismissed most because it's just impulsive thoughts to a bad situation, but one question did stick out.

Questions: what the fuck went wrong? I felt invincible one minute, next minute I'm watching what looks like the beginning of the end of this progress. I feel like shit right now, my throat burns, my heart is beating fast, I'm sweating, and my stomach aches, I feel like I built a ladder of false hope and just fell off. I did have the occasional doubt regarding the working when progress seemed to stagnate, but I would usually void it or swap the thought to something else, and I didn't do anything to offend her, or hurt her in any way. Should I give up? The 40 days aren't up yet, there's still more weeks left in the working, but after this, I feel like I'm beating a dead horse. Should I finish til the 40th day? Did something go wrong and I might as well quit? I don't even know what to do, both with the working, and with her in real life, it's bound to be awkward now I suppose. I really don't wanna fall into a depression over this, and I can feel the part of me (though it feels like a minority right now) that's saying don't give up on it, this all just happened less than an hour ago, anything could happen and it'll all get resolved, but with the working over halfway through to 40 days, and it does a instant 180 on me, I really don't feel like there's time left for it all to be back on decent footing before the 40th day.

Sorry for the long post, but in the midst of a barrage of negative feelings of heartbrokenness, asking the forums wtf just happened was the first productive idea in my head.
cripto556 said:
Context: I've grown a fond relationship with a girl I've known for four years now, we're close friends and I've been there for her for every up and down. Then less than a year ago she meets some guy, she's dating him despite the fact that he's clearly faking his love for her, and she even said (an exact quote by her) "I can't rely on him" He's cheated on her, twice now, and I actually like her, and she knows i like her more than friends too.

Issue: I started a 40 day working on a favorable day, to both separate them permanently and have her be mine, I don't think this is selfish, he's clearly bad for her, yet she's hooked on him (she sat there and defended him cheating on her because he bought her some stuffed animal) and because when her and I are together it's nothing but laughs and good times. 2 weeks into the working, they break up, not only that but our relationship felt stronger. Then, my issue arose 25 minutes before ago at the time of me writing this. No warning or anything, she stops texting me, and they're back together. Immediately after realizing the progress made looks to have just reverted instantly some bad stuff popped into my mind, I dismissed most because it's just impulsive thoughts to a bad situation, but one question did stick out.

Questions: what the fuck went wrong? I felt invincible one minute, next minute I'm watching what looks like the beginning of the end of this progress. I feel like shit right now, my throat burns, my heart is beating fast, I'm sweating, and my stomach aches, I feel like I built a ladder of false hope and just fell off. I did have the occasional doubt regarding the working when progress seemed to stagnate, but I would usually void it or swap the thought to something else, and I didn't do anything to offend her, or hurt her in any way. Should I give up? The 40 days aren't up yet, there's still more weeks left in the working, but after this, I feel like I'm beating a dead horse. Should I finish til the 40th day? Did something go wrong and I might as well quit? I don't even know what to do, both with the working, and with her in real life, it's bound to be awkward now I suppose. I really don't wanna fall into a depression over this, and I can feel the part of me (though it feels like a minority right now) that's saying don't give up on it, this all just happened less than an hour ago, anything could happen and it'll all get resolved, but with the working over halfway through to 40 days, and it does a instant 180 on me, I really don't feel like there's time left for it all to be back on decent footing before the 40th day.

Sorry for the long post, but in the midst of a barrage of negative feelings of heartbrokenness, asking the forums wtf just happened was the first productive idea in my head.

First calm down, then I would advise you to finish the 40 day working, maybe also ad a love spell with sexual energy if you didn´t allready on a good date, look the ss calendar:

Good luck, the hps stated once people are through the cursers attractet do people who could ruin them(hot badboy bullshit, you can look/act badboy but in the inside you should be decent ;). (to lazy to search the post, that´s what i remember)
Thank you so much for the response, it means a lot. I'm trying to be calm, but I worry what if while I'm just sitting around waiting for a favorable day to do the sexual energy love spell, and then spend another 40 days doing it, her and this guy start doing stuff and then she gets emotionally attached, and then I'm fucked. I feel like shit having to do things magickally not being able to even see her physically since she wont talk to me anymore.

Also you lost me at this part :lol: :

Fuchs said:
Good luck, the hps stated once people are through the cursers attractet do people who could ruin them(hot badboy bullshit, you can look/act badboy but in the inside you should be decent ;). (to lazy to search the post, that´s what i remember)

can you reexplain for me please?
It's been two weeks my man. You need to be both patient and confident.

That their relationship is becoming bumpy is your working manifesting. You can't give up this easily on her.

Are you a good goy that settles for what's given to you or are you a fucking Satanist that uses his power to take what he wants?

You want her, so take her. And don't you dare give up on something you want else you don't deserve to call yourself a Satanist.
Keep it up for the 40 days. Also, you can do a binding spell on him this full moon in Capricorn (on tuesday). No need for the poppet, just visualize, vibrations, and improvise if needed. (Bind him away from her.)

A lot of people are with the wrong person for stupid reasons. Look into doing detaching, between him and her, starting on the waning side of the full moon. Detaching alone can bring results, as the people no longer feel a connection.

Link to the SS Calendar is in my description, here are the links to the binding and detaching:

cripto556 said:
Context: I've grown a fond relationship with a girl I've known for four years now, we're close friends and I've been there for her for every up and down. Then less than a year ago she meets some guy, she's dating him despite the fact that he's clearly faking his love for her, and she even said (an exact quote by her) "I can't rely on him" He's cheated on her, twice now, and I actually like her, and she knows i like her more than friends too.

Issue: I started a 40 day working on a favorable day, to both separate them permanently and have her be mine, I don't think this is selfish, he's clearly bad for her, yet she's hooked on him (she sat there and defended him cheating on her because he bought her some stuffed animal) and because when her and I are together it's nothing but laughs and good times. 2 weeks into the working, they break up, not only that but our relationship felt stronger. Then, my issue arose 25 minutes before ago at the time of me writing this. No warning or anything, she stops texting me, and they're back together. Immediately after realizing the progress made looks to have just reverted instantly some bad stuff popped into my mind, I dismissed most because it's just impulsive thoughts to a bad situation, but one question did stick out.

Questions: what the fuck went wrong? I felt invincible one minute, next minute I'm watching what looks like the beginning of the end of this progress. I feel like shit right now, my throat burns, my heart is beating fast, I'm sweating, and my stomach aches, I feel like I built a ladder of false hope and just fell off. I did have the occasional doubt regarding the working when progress seemed to stagnate, but I would usually void it or swap the thought to something else, and I didn't do anything to offend her, or hurt her in any way. Should I give up? The 40 days aren't up yet, there's still more weeks left in the working, but after this, I feel like I'm beating a dead horse. Should I finish til the 40th day? Did something go wrong and I might as well quit? I don't even know what to do, both with the working, and with her in real life, it's bound to be awkward now I suppose. I really don't wanna fall into a depression over this, and I can feel the part of me (though it feels like a minority right now) that's saying don't give up on it, this all just happened less than an hour ago, anything could happen and it'll all get resolved, but with the working over halfway through to 40 days, and it does a instant 180 on me, I really don't feel like there's time left for it all to be back on decent footing before the 40th day.

Sorry for the long post, but in the midst of a barrage of negative feelings of heartbrokenness, asking the forums wtf just happened was the first productive idea in my head.
All of this depends on your level of astral power and how quickly it should manifest,
1)Are you doing physical yoga Daily ?
2) Are you doing void meditation daily ?
3) Are you doing energy work and breathing exercises daily ?
If you are then it should work. It could be that they've been temporarily united so that they would break up in such a way that any going back would be impossible ? Don't lose hope !

Are you doing enough repitations ? 108 is for endings, a very powerful number.
If you can drive a car, then how many bumps in the roads do you feel? If you can only ride a bicycle, then how many bumps do you feel when going over kerbs and potholes? I am thinking that depending on other things in your Astrology and their Astrologies, these factors would influence steps along the way to achieving your desired goal. Likewise - stepping stones are not always guaranteed to be sturdy; some could be loose, causing you to topple and slash in the water. Lay the groundwork, and pave over the stepping stones and make an actual path to cross more comfortably and easier. It not working, or it working oppositely, doesn't mean failure automatically; giving up does.
I sincerely love each and every one of you :D
I will finish this working, and take everyone's advice, adding the binding, detaching and love spell to my routine.
On top of that I think I might have to increase my void meditation work and AoP reps, as since my first post, my thoughts and overall mood has been very negative.
If I ever need that motivation to keep up the fight, I'll come back here and read what you all posted, it means that much to me <3

To Jack, to answer your 3 questions:
1. I don't yet do physical Yoga, I don't know if it's supposed to be something you jump into, or ease into, so I've been waiting til I think I've plateaued my current routine and then slowly integrate yoga.
2. I used to void daily, then I started setting 1-2 minute timers only if I'm in a bad mood, but after that post, I'm pledging myself to doing it daily again, as after that happened, it's been depressing and I see why I need to regain that control.
3. Energy work daily yes, breathing exercises, no.

Will post updates if anything comes up.
Thank you all!
cripto556 said:
Fuchs said:
Good luck, the hps stated once people are through the cursers attractet do people who could ruin them(hot badboy bullshit, you can look/act badboy but in the inside you should be decent ;). (to lazy to search the post, that´s what i remember)

can you reexplain for me please?

With the cursers in the astral it was said this sometimes influence people to fall in love with negative people.

Like if a mise would fall in love with a tick.
cripto556 said:
Will post updates if anything comes up.
Thank you all!

A whole new question has dawned upon me.
As for the girl I've mentioned above, her and I are friends still, shes talking to me again and I've been there for her just as I was before, it appears nothing has changed. But here's where I'm lost as heck about:
While not talking to the girl above, I've decided to take some advice from my friends and find someone new and move on. I find a new girl, lets call her MD (thats not her initials, just two random letters so I can differentiate between the girl above and this new girl), so MD and I met and it went off really well from the start, I finally had a girlfriend. There were some red flags in her talks with me like her obsession with serial killers, wanting kids with me, and wanting to move in together despite only knowing each other for 2 months. Anyway, I've been having weird dreams for about a week and what'd made it more peculiar is how detailed I was able to remember them when i woke up, basically the dreams have us being together happily, then out of no where I never see her again. One dream in particular I remember being on my phone and noticed she blocked me on everything and i felt confused. Well As i write this, I checked my phone when I woke up, and she's blocked me on everything and my last interaction with her was nothing but positive, we laughed and played games together.

I'm not as upset, only knowing her for 2 months, but I'm curious about two things now:
1. Could this be some sort of curse or karma? literally every girl I've liked my whole life until now it would always start and end terribly, this is my first girlfriend (I'm 18). All my life I've accepted it as something in my own character that maybe I've just not pinpointed yet is causing me to be an undesirable romantically. But this doesn't even seem real or logical, she's been the only girl other than my mom or grandmother to tell me she loves me, does it even make sense to just have her disappear? I could be wrong, but I'm just suspicious now that there's something else getting in the way.

2. Could I have prevented it? If I was able to get very vivid dreams detailing our separation, if i didn't dismiss it as just a nightmare, could there have been something I could have done beforehand to prevent this situation from happening? I'm thinking maybe I should have done a love spell to keep the love alive, but Idk because she already claimed to love me, so what would a love spell do to someone who already loves you?

Hiel Satan!
cripto556 said:
obsession with serial killers
wanting kids with me
wanting to move in together despite only knowing each other for 2 months
I don't know the full story but, keep in mind there's a saying called "Don't stick your dick in crazy". Keep that one in mind.

cripto556 said:
1. Could this be some sort of curse or karma? literally every girl I've liked my whole life until now it would always start and end terribly
Yes it could be. Please do check out http://lydiasastrology.com and order the "Love Reading" from Lydia. It should shed more light on your astrological situation.

cripto556 said:
2. Could I have prevented it?
Definitely. But the question here is rather if you should have prevented it. I think you may have some astrological aspects that attract bad/unstable partners to you, so trying to "bind" someone like this to you would likely just do even more harm than having them leave you.

There is a trope called "Yandere", which is basically just psychotically obsessive love. From what little information you shared about this girl, she might have some of these traits. Especially when combined with some Aries influences in her chart (Like Venus in Aries), there could be short bursts of obsessive love for a person, followed by completely tossing that person away in a second after she gets bored of them.
cripto556 said:
1. Could this be some sort of curse or karma? literally every girl I've liked my whole life until now it would always start and end terribly, this is my first girlfriend (I'm 18).

Just my 2 cents, it might be caused by Chakra links from the Soul of your partner in a previous life, maybe a woman who was your partner for life. If you don't remove past life promises of "living forever and ever together" with your ex-lovers of previous lives, this may ruin your relationships. This may evolve in two ways: you break the links and you free from previous partners and you live your free life, or you find again the same Soul in this life.
Only you and your GD may know this issue, if it's your case.
You might have an insecurity. For my experience, whenever you try to make magic for something that you have an insecurity for, you will fail, and it will hurt.
What I am saying is that if you depend on something to be happy (instead of being happy on your own), there’s a possibility that you have an insecurity about that particular thing.
If that is the case, you might solve this by going in deep trance focusing on the problem and doing void meditation.

Hope that helps
FancyMancy said:
If you can drive a car, then how many bumps in the roads do you feel?

Where I'm from, the entire road is a bump. It's so messed up, India's roads are in better condition.

Joking aside, just keep up the working OP. You can do it. All you have to do is stay consistent and stay determined.
Lydia said:
Look into doing detaching, between him and her, starting on the waning side of the full moon. Detaching alone can bring results, as the people no longer feel a connection.

Sorry if I ask even though I didn't start the topic, but the procedure to detach two people is basically the same as detaching people from yourself, just changing the affirmations and visualisations accordingly?
Taurus666 said:
Lydia said:
Sorry if I ask even though I didn't start the topic, but the procedure to detach two people is basically the same as detaching people from yourself, just changing the affirmations and visualisations accordingly?
Yes :)
Lydia said:
Keep it up for the 40 days. Also, you can do a binding spell on him this full moon in Capricorn (on tuesday). No need for the poppet, just visualize, vibrations, and improvise if needed. (Bind him away from her.)

A lot of people are with the wrong person for stupid reasons. Look into doing detaching, between him and her, starting on the waning side of the full moon. Detaching alone can bring results, as the people no longer feel a connection.

Link to the SS Calendar is in my description, here are the links to the binding and detaching:

is it ok to do binding spell in waning moon?
You seem to be good so far, but keep in mind with these types of workings, only the strong survive. Usually the largest problems manifest around day 30, if you can keep your head high from day 1 to 40, you will be good.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
