Perfection is not necessary doing the ritual. Our Gods are understanding, empathic beyond measure. What is expected from you is not some momentarily ritualistic perfection (it is nice to have it, though, but we all know everything can happen), but your outlook and effort put on the path in the long-term. Consistent effort put towards your own advancement and making connection with the Gods, eventually helping the JoS to advance is much more important than a candle extinguished "incorrectly".
Then, I would like to notice the following. Lots of people create topics about how their ritual was somehow "not perfect". Let me tell you what is really not perfect, and even in such scenarios Gods accept people into the family. I know a guy who did the dedication in 2016 out of excruciating emotional pain, hatred, lack of love. He did this dedication while being drunk, asked something out of Gods (as far as I know, he wanted to have a girlfriend, then a family), and the next day he has even forgotten he did this ritual which is a bit strange as I know this person never has forgotten a thing no matter how much he drank.
Later, in 2024 this guy did the dedication again, and only recently he remembered about the failure in 2016, about the fact he had already done the dedication to Lord Satan. But in those 8 years, this guy got everything he wanted, so it appears Gods accepted him and helped him to get everything he wanted in ways that he would become a better person. He worked extremely hard for it, became so powerful of his own that the Gods have decided to influence him again to come here officially. What is the moral here? The moral here is the following. If such a person is accepted by Gods and even gets invisible help for years, then tiny mistakes like grammar mistakes, “incorrectly” extinguished candles are nothing. The only thing I can see as unacceptable is an intentional disrespect, hatred shown towards Gods. Which is basically hating and disrespecting oneself. Ignorance by itself does not seem to be treated as something unacceptable, because Gods perfectly see through us our full potential, and act upon it.